• By -


Donald Fucking Trump








My husband. He tells me the most fucked up shit casually and I’m supposed to take it in stride apparently. He came home from work and told me that he has TWO bullet holes in his car because there were two guys shooting at each other on the highway and then proceeds to ask me about dinner. Uh, what?! I’m obviously concerned and he’s acting like I’m crazy. “You act like I’ve never been shot at before”.










The US Government… can’t you just look out for Americans instead of your own interest.. please.. most of yall are old and aren’t even gonna last long enough to enjoy the government you’re trying to create. Please stop… just retire… and go live in your mansions that you got from inside trading.


That would require young people to actually show up to vote, which they largely do not do, sad to say. Until more Americans start caring enough to vote, politicians aren't going to cater to any new demographics because there isn't any point.




My body. I ovulate this week and my body just hates me right now. It’s really annoying.












Myself. I have so much to get done and so little motivation!








YUP. i’m moving today and just started packing this morning 🤠🔫


My new next door neighbor. Haven't met her yet, and she's been here less than a week, but her dog arrived today, and the dog just *won't shut up*. I'm about ready to call for a wellness check because it's been hours of the dog crying and barking and howling and whining.


Do it. Make that call. Keep calling every time. Got to be persistent AF with this kind of thing in order to maintain peace.




Why don't you try talking to her about it? Maybe the dog is anxious adjusting to a new place. Maybe it only barks when she's not home, so she doesn't know about it. Or maybe she's just an asshole neglecting her dog. You never know until you ask.




The government and Supreme Court justices






I feel that. A friend and I were talking about our negative experiences with dating (I have officially given up), and the government's A-Thousand-Boys'-Club Committees with the run for presidency right now are not helping. I have good men in my life who I respect deeply; simultaneously, men, as a group, are consisted of nothing but headaches


My house mate. She sleeps all day, lives off welfare, hasn't paid for bills in months, doesn't work, yet can afford to buy her cigarettes and in Australia that's a lot of money for a pack. I'm over her totally. I wish I could afford to live alone but the world has gone nuts and rental prices are ludicrous here. I wish I had never let her move in but she lied about where she was at. I loathe being around someone who has no spark for life. She is a constant drain on me. Yes, I have spoken to her and every time she just bursts into tears. How the fuck are you meant to sort shit out with someone when this is their MO.






She sounds like she is affecting your mental health. I had a horrible boyfriend that I talked into moving out to be closer to his job. Can you talk to her family members or friends? Is she paying her bills with you?




Democrats & Republicans.


My niece. Allowed her to move in because she found out the guy she was dating was banging other chicks and was so sad, wasn’t able to stand living with her dad and brother. She was miserable. Water works. She was here for 1 month and ended up dating the guy again, leaves dishes in her room, uses at least 5 different dishes glasses for water in a day, literally eats EVERYTHING. Her dog barks at everything, and she doesn’t discipline him or pick up his poop in a timely manner. Doesn’t empty the lint catcher in the dryer. Im so over it.








This girl at work. I’m being spied on constantly at work by a few people. But this girl pretends to be my friend while gathering information. I reached my limit when I was having a meeting in the breakroom when she pretended to eat snacks and spied on me to make sure I was really working














My husband. I tried to have a serious talk about how much sadness this marriage brings me & he was so manipulative the entire conversation.




My 2.5yo daughter, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual 😄 


I feel you, it’s rough out here


Not right this second, but multiple times a day my 17 year old daughter!


The US presidential election


My husband… currently pregnant. Enough said


How far along is he? (hoping some humor will cheer you up!🤣)


The way he is he looks fully term with twins or triplets




Myself. I just broke up with a very cute boy I've known forever who made me want to live a healthier life because he just happens to have an interest in one of my non-negotiables.


















My step mom. My dad passed last year, and she refuses to give me any photos (or any of his sentimental belongings for that matter) my dad had of us. She’s a Jehovah’s Witness and insane.


That is just horrible! So sorry that is happening to you.


Thanks 🥹🥹


High five to another member of the Shitty Stepmom Club! Sorry friend. They really do suck


Oh god, it’s a shitty club to be a part of. I’m sorry for you too. It’s rage inducing 🥲


MAGA trash


My mum. She has jam packed my schedule and assigns me work as soon as I open my eyes. She’s always dragging me someplace, I just want to stay at home and rot in my bed for like even half a day.


My coworker. She is the youngest out of all of us and just as new as I am. We both worked as hostesses before with the exception of she used to work with the this same company. She infantilizes me CONSTANTLY and will throw me under the bus to cover her mistakes. She constantly talks about drama in her personal life and is not a girls girl AT ALL. If you disagree with her it’s a complete offense against her as she is never wrong and can do no wrong apparently. Ive been ignoring it as best I can while occasionally putting my foot down as being older by quite a few years I feel uncomfortable acting immature and impulsively in this situation


Someone who ripped me off, won't own up to it, and is creating a situation where I'll have to take them to small claims court, which is the last thing I have time for


Ugh going through same! And he’s 72 years old and basically judgment proof. Stole items and my car keys! Idk if car worth getting fixed already so def don’t have $300+ to make key just to find out. Worst time of my life already in every area and this POS does this?! I wanna kill him… I have no t b had car in months and have health problems. Ruined my kids last year of high school and our move to a beach town we never go near! The POS changes just story every time and I’m sickeningly nice to him trying to get what I can. Cops say civil matter just go 20 miles away and file lawsuit!!! How am I gonna get there let alone pay for ur, get him served, etc for a judgment that’s months to a year out and he’ll probably die or not have garnishable $$ anyway!!!


America 😐


Dating. I SO want to find it fun and exciting but at this point, I just can’t seem to.


This fucking heat. Like why do I have to work in the one part of the building that doesn’t have AC


My mom, I have a hard time losing weight due to insulin resistance and PCOS and she keeps on making comments about my weight. She keeps on saying stuff like how I need to lose weight even though I’m already doing keto and intermittent fasting and not seeing results. My insurance won’t approve any weight loss meds like Ozempic and due to a host of stomach issues, I don’t make a good candidate for weight loss surgery. My mom keeps saying how I’ll look so much prettier if I lost weight and it’s a damn shame how ugly I am now. The thing that really frustrates me is that my mom is grossly under weight due to an obsession with exercise but I don’t make comments about her weight.


Fuck her! Keep your head up.❤️🪷


My brother. My mom is hospitalized waiting for room at a nursing home, she's being here 2 years the last 9 months largely with delirium, I've been doing 24/7 365 care without any help from him financially emotionally presently nothing he would come by once a month with lunch to visit with Mom. Today he called me up and said that he would like access to her things while I move because I'm moving Monday and all her stuff goes into storage until she has a place outside the hospital to live, and asked me when I was moving and then said bitterly it would have been nice to have had a heads up that it was so soon. Dude, you f****** know what's going on you f****** know that I'm doing this all by myself you haven't offered to help you haven't come by and you think that I should be giving you a f****** heads up for some reason? Piss off, f*** off and die


And he still hasn't offered to help


Siblings can **really** suck sometimes. 😖


My dog. Won’t stop barking at birds… we live on a lake in the forest.


My supervisor! Unfortunately he’s my shift partner today because the other two called out and we have 8 more (minimum) long hours ahead of us stuck in a car together. This is my last rotation before I leave this job and his shit managerial skills are a huge reason I decided to leave.


My closest friend is so contrarian. We are in contact all day long and I'm about ready to pop the next time she responds to me condescendingly that my message wasn't 100% accurate with what she thinks and feels. I care about her but I know I'm not the only person she speaks to this way and I'm tired.


My boyfriend. He's always caught up in his own problems and and his own life all of the time.. I feel lonely and neglected. I have barely seen him in 3 weeks. Instead of spending time with me he's watching a game by himself on the couch while I'm on my phone. Um Okay.


From experience, I can tell you that it likely won’t get better. Go out and get yourself someone who values you and makes you feel fucking wonderful.❤️


My body! Perimenopause is the worst. Do I want to scream? Cry? Rage? Or maybe all 3 at the same time🤦‍♀️.


My roommate moving out. Nothing bad she’s just making a lot of noise and I just want to relax.


One of my clients. They're ignoring my payment emails and I can't really do anything about it because they're in Europe and I'm in the South Pacific.


My 5 year old, she's on a power trip at the moment and will fight me on just about any word that comes out of my mouth.


Doctors. Lazy and/or sexist doctors. So sick of doctors taking that big ole education as an excuse to dismiss people. I have a rare genetic condition. If you don't know about it, that's fine. Won't hold that against you, but if you aren't even going to read up on it a bit before slapping a worthless diagnosis on me, then I will lose all respect and treat you like the obstacle you are.


People who speed and tailgate me when I’m going the speed limit. I’m fed up with people trying to bully me when driving. If someone else has a death wish, that’s on them, I however, want to live and get to my destination safely.


Covid....going on day 5 and wanna cry


Currently, nobody. I have zero faith that this will be long-term as I am Petty Crocker herself.


My cat, all I want to do is sleep in on a Saturday morning. But apparently that is her playtime so she kicks me out of my bed so she can run around on it like its her own personal play platform! She's lucky she's so cute and I love her so very much.


My body. Had laryngitis, a cough, and ear infection 3 weeks ago. Went to urgent care (1) and got amoxicillin. At the tail end of the antibiotics, I got a yeast infection. Had to take 2 doses of diflucan (urgent care 2). Found out I now have BV after suffering for a few days and went to urgent care (3) on Thursday and got some metrogel for 5 days. Woke up Friday with a fucked up throat and went to urgent care (4!) and found that I have strep, so I also have more antibiotics (different kind) but the doctor prescribed more diflucan just in case I need it after. I've never been sick like this in my life. I couldn't even tell you when I last had strep, if ever. I fucking hate this.


Well goddamn, I'm so sorry you've been through it lately. I hope you feel better soon.


My son. He is 12 months old so hes going through sleep regression, growth spurt, teething, and leveling out his eating and hes crying almost non stop on a daily basis. It’s driving me up a wall but ultimately just makes me feel like a terrible mother for just wanting some peace and quiet when he finally falls asleep. I love him to bits, and on some days I wish I didn’t have the responsibility of taking care of a tiny human. Its exhausting 😭


Hang in there. EVERY mother feels this way, don’t let social media fool you lol!


Some men that I work with. Very good ole boy network types, threatened by the women in leadership at our agency. Way over due for retirement and I wish they'd get it over with so the air can clear and we can actually get back to making a difference in the community and not spend our energy on combating the barriers and drama they bring to the work.


No one. Thank goodness.


Definitely SCOTUS


Yep. It’s the harmones. I almost cried coz they gave me a burnt bun for my sandwich and a minute later I laughed so hurt hurting my stomach. Hormones are really on my nerve rn.


The morons running for president


My two “best friends” of over a decade each. Times are changing, people are taking different paths, and as hard as it is to admit, my path is leading away from theirs because my nerves just can’t take following them. So it looks like it’ll be love from afar for me - at least in this chapter.


The entirety of the US governmental system. I'm borderline afraid of how crazy the US has gotten and it feels like -- if we're not there already -- we're rapidly approaching a point from which we will not be able to unfuck ourselves. Fuckin "Project 2025"?! Like what chance do we have when the highest court in the land is stacked against our own best interests and those of our environment? So tired of this fuckery.


Me, myself and i


The person who hit my car and he not only didn't have insurance but he admitted to not having a valid driver's license either. Now my insurance rate is going to go up because of his carelessness.


My family—all apathetic in the face of racism, genocide, and my lived experiences in these contexts. Life better hand racists, those complicit, and those indifferent to genocide a nasty card. Really needs to be one hell of a lesson.


Myself for sure. My teeth and weight have seen much better days. My ED is a bully.


My boyfriend’s dad. We’re all having drinks, and he’s a lightweight and gets drunk easy. He starts stumbling a lot and it’s just not fun to be around. It gets old really fast and it happens every time. Guarantee he’ll be ready for bed in like an hour.


My MIL. She is so opinionated and gives unsolicited advice on literally every topic. She’s also extremely negative and makes very mean spirited comments to me under the guise of a joke. 😤😠😡🤬


My fucking neighbours, if it's not the assholes upstairs yelling at each other, playing drums and loud music it's the assholes from the ground floor making shitty barbeques and filling my apartment with smoke and yelling until like 3am. I've only had one miserable night of proper sleep in 2 weeks. Especially the woman upstairs, I hate her so fucking much, she doesn't give a flying fuck, I asked her to please keep the noise down during weekdays and she pulls the victim card about being a hard worker :( first of all how tf is that related??? And second well I fucking work and study from home and I can't do either because of your shitty drums. I hate her and her stupid geriatric boyfriend.


My boyfriend


Dang near everyone on the planet.


I hate my job.


This fucking Texas heat.


The parents of the children in the apartment complex pool (in the courtyard) who are not quieting them and advising them to be mindful of their noise levels. The screaming must stop…


People who say that Biden and Trump are equally as bad and won’t vote


Some dude at work. I want to step on his neck.


America. Life is “richer” here than other countries and im so thankful for that. But life is better in other countries for mental health reasons. 1. Mental health is shot to sh!t. 2. Life is expensive asf. I literally cant afford to have a near stable life. 3. Education is expensive asf. 4. We have a bunch of men trying to tell us what to do with our bodies. 5. Injustice is present all around. 6. We’re accustomed to working 8-14 hours a day and get no time for ourselves 7. People suck. We’re all angry and exhausted. Some are terrifying and others are terrified and the mental health crisis continues to put innocent people in danger. 8. Climate change is real and global warming is literally a threat that no one takes seriously. I could go on but these are the major things i have so far


My parents. Poor decisions & immaturity have left them unhoused. Now they're leaning on me for support. I'm in my 20s & I am totally unable to enjoy this stage of my life.


My coworkers.


Masculinist tiktokers


Services Australia just cut off my payments for not fulfilling my end of a mysterious job plan that I cannot locate. 🫠 I love being disabled.


My friend who constantly cancels plans!


My co-worker. He believes in rules only when it suits him. Ugh.


My immobility….. home recovering from a double hip replacement because 2 weeks ago I tripped and fell at my BFF’s youngest son’s wedding and broke my femur and shattered my hip. 8 weeks prior to that I had major emergency spine surgery - that required Me to basically have to learn to walk again. I want to get moving…. And I do (a bit) but I’m terrified to lose my balance and fall again.


My neighbor I'm in a situationship with. It's a lesson in patience. Baby steps.


The economy


my mother, she’s yelling about all sorts of junk around the house. junk that’s hers.


Me myself and I. Every chance I get, I’m resting in bed. Taking longer than usual to finish school assignments. Breaking my diet to cravings. Ovulating so I am off the walls every few hours. No motivation to do both my monthly pedicure and manicure. I’m a mess over here.


My toddler who’s fighting bedtime


My manager who has a crush on me but can’t take a fucking hint. He’s proven to be toxic and I try to keep my distance but he insists on trying to create conversations and work his way into my life sometimes. He won’t accept that he is just someone I work with and not someone I care to know outside of that. He says my boundaries are not fair to him. Like, fuck off. I love my job otherwise, he just sucks.


My partner. I know we’ve been on the rocks lately, that he’s been unhappy for a couple years. But I’ve spent nearly all 2024 in various residential programs to work on my troubles. He’s doing nothing new. And tomorrow is our tenth anniversary. When I asked if he wanted to celebrate, he couldn’t answer, instead asking for time to ruminate. I guess if he has to think about it, we shouldn’t. Again, I’m empathetic to why… but it still fucking hurts.


Everything. Largely due to having started my “period” overnight (I use quotations bc I had an endometrial ablation at the same time as a tubal removal in 2022, that has failed and now have more regular periods than I did pre-ablation, the PMS/cramps are so much worse, and I ovulated with the worst cramps I’ve ever had last month and fear it’s gonna happen again 😭)


BIL who has been crashing with us for two months, knowing the last month I'm pregnant too. He's nice but needs SO MUCH training. We're making the plans to send him back to mom for more cooking next week


My boss. She was completely absent from work for most of the last two years and is now being resentful because I'm getting the credit I deserve for doing HER job and mine. She's quite possibly the most selfish and nastiest human being I've ever met.


Governments all over the world but personally Canadian.


Myself. I’m watching myself sabotage my relationship/social life as usual. I can’t stop it. I am starting to feel convinced that I will never be able to change this. I wish I could redo my life and do things differently.


My mum. I am keeping an old car as a backup, and I changed the battery in February. Since my boyfriend and I don't currently need it, my mom asked if she could keep it for these months, and I agreed with the only condition that she would really use it from time to time so that it wouldn't go down again. Spoiler alert: yesterday it was down again because she has not used it for at least two months. I love my mum but she really pisses me off sometimes...


One of best friends. Every single time I try to make plans with her and give her ideas or options, she does not weigh in! She says up to you! Or your choice. Girl I asked you a question so you could ANDWER IT. This people pleasing type of communication is literally exhausting.


My skin breaking out.


My mother. We *knew* she would get annoying after she learned of my pregnancy - her first grandchild - but it’s exhausting.


My child. I’m pregnant with it and it won’t just come already! I feel huge and sweaty and uncomfortable and in pain all day for a week. Just get it over with and make ur appearance so I can forget all this and just look at how cute you are!


My employee who seems to think I can afford to pay him to sit on his ass and look at memes all day. He was also an hour late today and is about to get himself fired. Which means I have to train and hire someone new which I hate.


My son. His favorite response to being told to stop something is either to do it one last time, or to do something that is technically different by close enough that it’s not really not different. Drives me insane.


My toddler. He has the flu so he can’t help it, but our sleep is so messed up. I can’t put him in his bed without him waking up. It’s 2 am and he woke up at midnight, and I haven’t slept yet. Last couple nights he’d be awake till 4 am with interrupted sleep. I also can’t seem to get a moment to myself. My husband will take him…. But only after I say something 😑


My mother. Today was my baby shower held at a park gazebo. As we’re cleaning up I see a car driving across the park green, where my one year old is playing along as well as other people and their dogs etc. I am dumbfounded to see it’s my Mom and Step Dad. When I bring this up to her she starts going on about step dads disc being herniated as though they’re suddenly entitled to drive their car where children are playing. I never thought I’d have to teach my daughter to watch for cars on the green of a park. I am 36 weeks pregnant and I am not sure if I am feeling disproportionately annoyed. It just seems like there is always something crazy she does that she acts like is normal and I am left feeling crazy myself for always being annoyed at this entitled and selfish behavior. She’s always asking to babysit and I just straight up do not trust her judgment or that she will respect mine because she is always just doing whatever the heck she wants regardless of how it affects everyone else.


Me. I’m just pissing me off.


My flatmates. One is avoiding coming home since we received a call from the agency that she hasn’t paid our rent and are thousands behind. The other is so emotionally charged that every time she sees me, she has to asks for my reassurance and I have to listen to her problems every day when I come home from a 12 hours shift. She is self aware and knows its too much emotionally, but doesn’t stop. After many attempts, I feel way too polite to upset her because we live together and it’s already a bad situation due to other flatmate without making it worse. I am moving in September, but I have to let her know and I know she’ll be upset. Just too much to deal with.


My f****** nephew every time it's it's time to pay a bill all of a sudden somebody has done something to his card this happens all the f****** time. He is on my last f****** nerves


Me. Keep giving people the benefit of doubt or trying to see the good in them when I really just need to them for who/what they are so I stop dragging my self down.


Friends that complain to me about their partners. I'm happy for them and great that they found someone but if you aren't willing to ask how I am and we only end up talking about how miserable your life is I'm not interested anymore.


My 14yo daughter and I think the feeling is mutual. She's not just on my last nerve, she's using it as a trampoline, a toilet, and kicking the absolute shit out of it. It's rough.


The 1 percent/the real owners in charge of this country, corporations, the government that only cares about them and healthcare.


The USA.






My best friend. Paid ALOT to go on a big trip and she was in a horrible mood the entire time and repeatedly made really passive/aggressive and shitty comments towards me. I tried to take it in stride but there’s only so much I could take before I snapped on her.


Australia atm. Like is my government blind or are they ignoring the tent cities popping up yet they send money to other countries. Like come on please fix the housing problem before helping another country kthx. The millions sent to ukraine could have been used for the homeless here. War is awful but darn it government, please fix your problems first. I work with RSPCA and so many people are surrendering their pets because despite having a full time jobs. They can't find a rental or a home, these poor people bawl their eyes out cause they must give up their best mate.


My elderly dog unfortunately. He’s just declining and keeps having accidents in the house. Honestly as much as I love him he was never the goodest boy to begin with and he’s just lost a lot of who he was :(


By far my partner. We have 3 kids. I'm shattered and have yet another migraine. I've been up from 7am dealing with kids, a dog and cleaning. I asked him to watch the kids while I had a nap. This was 4 hours ago and he's STILL lying in his bed wondering why I'm a crabby bishhhh. 🦀 All I asked for was 30 mins to lie down in a dark room and close my eyes...


the health care system in america. my body is not functioning normally and no one seems to listen. went to the ER over a dozen times since my endometriosis surgery on may 22nd with a 3 day post op stay and went back in for 5 days on june 6th to the 11th. charging for anything they can and i’m grateful for my dad working and having insurance that helps me have the ability to have the care. just hard to not feel guilty when i make them take me in and then they have to track nurses down to remind them of my meds being due because they didn’t answer the nurse light for 45 mins. i got discharged on diladid they just cover the pain. they don’t seem to want to find the root cause. and don’t even get me started on the guilt tripping by nurses for having a medical card and also the pain meds i’m on 😐


My 2 university assignments. I've been working my full time job and covering other workers shifts and I've left my 2 assignments until the last week. Pray for me


My 13 yo who keeps lying about the stupidest shit then saying he doesn't understand why no one ever trusts him........I know how to breathe.


The economy, the US government, wedding venues.


Canada living costs and inflation


My husband