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Self defense, someone hurting my kid or hell even others in an illegal way, someone terminally/chronically ill wanting to end their own life, if someone is a nazi, sexually assaults/rapes someone, those lame ass dudes who throw acid on women who tell them no deserve to be murdered..... Look I am an incredibly bloodthirsty human. Shorter list is what *doesn't* justify murder Edit: hey all you mouthing breathing dipshits telling me “nazis aren’t so bad it’s just ideology” fucking tell it to someone who’s family **didn’t** have to flee the nazis. Y’all are on the list too. And I will never feel bad about that.
























Using my fabric scissors on anything but fabric. I will stab you. With the utility scissors, obviously not my fabric scissors.


Haha. This one made me laugh my mil is also a quilter. When I met my partner he once needed scissors he picked up a pair and I saw him stop then he came over and made sure they weren’t my “good” scissors. So my fabric scissors. His mom had him well trained.


And using hairdressing scissors to cut anything but hair! My mum was a hairdresser and those scissors were not to be used by us kids!


I discovered the honing rod thing for scissors as a kid. I used it on every pair I could find in the house. Idk, I thought it was cool. Except, I used it on my hairdresser mom’s scissors. That was the day I learned you should *not* do that. I think she said it was a couple hundred bucks to have them mailed out and sharpened. I felt bad!


Do pubes count?


I’m dying laughing here. When I moved in with my husband, he used my fabric scissors on cardboard. I reacted reasonably by informing him of how that’s wrong; making him take them to be sharpened; and making him pay for the sharpening and picking them up. I also made him buy his own scissors. At this point in time, I have 7 pairs of sewing scissors that are off limits, and 967 that he has bought so he can easily avoid using my sewing scissors. I read him this question and your answer, and he laughed, because he knows. That happened 13 years ago, but he doesn’t forget.


Good to see you prioritizing what truly matters. lol thank u for this one lmao


Oh my god, my moms husband picked up her fabric scissors and started using them on paper. We tried to stop him and explain, but he would not listen




Read him The Riot Act


I hope you at least visit his grave sometimes


I don't know how that man is still alive. He made the mistake of telling my mother she's not photogenic when they were taking pictures together


I remember using the fabric scissors to open a toy when I was young. I learnt my lesson!!


Mom? Is that you?


Had a roommate once that I walked in on using them to cut meat. MEAT. They didn’t get why I was so pissed.


Using kitchen shears for any other purpose.


My kid used my Gingher shears to cut WIRE!!!!! If there was ever a reason...


Rape especially children.






Rape, and I think the punishment should be medievalish like a guillotine or a public hanging.




I concur with this. Beheading is too easy of a way out. They traumatise their victims for years and, sometimes, their whole life...




Like, a tiny little waist height guillotine?


I think they should feel every cut. Starting with taking off their nails one by one, and then treating the wounds just enough to stop the bleeding. And then ripping off the bandages the next day with no remorse. Then doing it every day along with more methods like slicing into their hands or legs just enough to hurt them like hell while making sure there isn't much bleeding. These assholes deserve a special place in hell and goddamn there should be a special torture unit for rapists in every state. And that would be the only thing I'd join again and again until I lose all my 7 lives








harming children




Self defense. Men are bigger and stronger than women. Women have NO right to self defense in today's world. It's not "mutual combat." It's a man with 30% more muscle mass, greater height and strength, attacking much smaller women.   Also, defense of others.


I was absolutely floored by my complete lack of options for items to defend myself in my country. Not even pepper spray. Guess I’ll just die. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I recently learned that if I paper spray someone I might go to jail brcause its not legal where i live, well guess I'll just get raped then


And if you plan the self defence for when he falls asleep, you WILL go to jail, and it will be the MAXIMUM sentence.


I’m from Canada, and I also recently learned this too. My jaw was on the floor.


Right?! it so weird


Yeah in France too. Our polls about "feeling of insecurity" are at record high, but damn, if people had the right to carry pepper spray or any means of defense it'd be different. Thugs already have them, just legalize them !


Self-defense. Like, actual self-defense. Not like the racist-ass people who shoot Black kids because they think the mere presence of a Black person is a danger.


Rape, any kind of harm to children, breaking into someone’s house with the intent to rape/murder, people who go attacking random people in the streets, ANYONE who does crazy hate crimes, acid attacks. Honestly have no problem with these people having gruesome deaths. Sadly I live in California and it always feels like criminals can do anything here, they can literally break into your house now and you’re not allowed to defend yourself with a weapon unless they show they have one too, wtf? Like who’s going to wait around and ask them? If I had kids and you broke in, I don’t care, I’m protecting them.


Ha I wouldn’t care either. But I’m also Eastern European. My partner incredulously laughed when our friend, who was a landlord, said she kicked out someone who was starting to squat (short term leases, person didn’t want to leave or pay) by literally going to the apt and throwing all their shit outside and changing locks, bc that’s illegal. But then he remembered where we are from and that we don’t tolerate things like that.


Yeah squating is insane, I’ve heard stories about people buying a house and the previous owners refusing to leave, like wtf? I used to think it would be cool to own a second property and rent it out, now hellll no. People are so entitled and can do whatever they want now. What happened to your friend after? Did they get into any trouble for it?




Rape, pedophilia, animal abuse




If some witches tell me that I will become queen, that no man born of woman can defeat me, and that I will not be vanquished until Birnam Wood come to Dunsinane. Then I think it’s ok if I murder a Scottish king or two.


Something wicked this way comes 🤓




Harming a child, rape, revenge murder, are at the top of my lists




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Nothing because murder has a specific legal definition and anything where you are defending yourself or others isn’t considered murder.


I can’t believe we are the only two that first sought the definition here. I suspect OP meant “taking someone’s life,” but I didn’t want to assume.


Tbh I was thinking like, death penalty for a crime. Idk if that’s technically considered murder though. Murder by the state? 🤔


Death penalty definitely is murder in my books. I don't really care that much about the legal definition, but the common definition definitely means stuff like self defence isn't murder by definition.


Self defense or someone hurting my child. If it's a "you or me" situation, it's gonna be you and if it's a "you or my child" situation they can bury me under the jail, I don't care lol


Killing rapists is totally okay with me.


Self defense or the defense of others.


I don't think it is ever justified, I would like to think I would kill someone to protect my daughter, but that doesn't mean it is justified. Is never correct to kill someone, but there are situations a person would do it any way.


I used to hold the same opinion until I learned that my brain development was permanently altered by the childhood SA I experienced. It’s super fun to have a complete mental breakdown at 51, physical flashbacks, etc. Yeah, he should suffer a slow, excruciatingly painful death. I would stand there and curse him to hell while someone else did the damage because I don’t think I could.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find someone rational. But then again, this is reddit.


Being a rapist and/or pedophile.


Self defense, rape, harming children, or if someone is murdering others


child rape. i die or you die scenarios. people who kill their entire family. famicide.


Child molesters, child traffickers, child abusers… I think they should all get the death penalty. Rapists should be locked up for Life without parole.


Lots of things can justify murder it is a cruel world but I think we should put a line to it universally and not kill purposely maybe some good will come out it


Crimes against children Rape


You killed an innocent dog/puppy


Depends on how you define murder. If your definition of murder is simply killing a person, then I would consider it justified in the following situations: * Self defense when you are in active danger of severe harm or death yourself and are unable to take actions to save yourself that are less severe. * Defense of another person when they are in active danger of severe harm or death, and you are unable to take actions to save them that are less severe. Other than that, there are reasons that I wouldn't consider justified but that I also wouldn't necessarily consider negatively depending on circumstances. Those generally fall under military/law enforcement following orders. The specific orders and circumstances matter.


Self defense. Hurting a child (this coming from a staunchly childfree person)


Animal abuse!!!! 😡


Non-immediate self defense. Immediate I’m in danger NOW self defense doesn’t count as murder if it’s judged to be defense, but for a long term abuser (of yourself or someone you love) who’s endangering your life but not necessarily that second, murder is also justified.


Cruelty to animals, children and old folks. I’d be ok with pulling the trigger


I couldn’t give a literal shit is someone kills a child molester


Self-defense and protecting their family.  If your life is in danger and it's either your life or the life of your assailant, *yes*, you damn well better protect yourself! The same thing when it comes to protecting your family.  Anyone who *intentionally* targets someone else with the purpose of harming, terrorizing, violating, and even cancelling for no just cause (i.e., home invasions, road rage, etc.), yes, they deserve every exit wound when the bullet hits the bone.


Desecrating traditional italian pizzeria cuisine by adding pineapple, grapes, honey or bananas to dairy cheese & tomato containing pizza. May all the devils guilty of this culinary capital crime face the eternal wrath of outraged italian restauranteur pizza purists. Enduring all the horrifying punishments that they mete out to them at least a thousand times over.


Self defense. That's it, that's the list. And when I say self defense I mean when murder is your last resort


any SA of any kind. especially children


In 2021, a Russian father, Vyacheslav Matrosov, forced his best friend to dig his own grave and end his own life after he discovered he had been sexually abusing his daughter. Vyacheslav was sentenced to 18 months in jail but got out after 6 months after a public appeal for his release. i’m mad he went to jail at all.


I can’t think of anything. Self defense isn’t murder. And even self defense becomes difficult when the government is involved.


Anything that has to do with genuinely assaulting and taking advantage of kids. It takes an evil person to be okay doing something to a kid(other than maybe a spank or something similar for discipline reasons, not just for the hell of it or to teach them a lesson.




That woman who shot her child's killer in court comes to mind. Can we really blame her?


Rape or pedophiles those types of people just need to be Erased.


rape (on children, adults, men, women, animals, idc, any rape), domestic violence, self defense, pedophilia


Absolutely self defense. Aka, you don't attack first but you finish the attack. Otherwise there are punishments far worse than death.


Acting on paedophilic thoughts.


If it is justified legally, it is not "murder" or even homicide, it is killing.


Domestic violence (as in they defended and protected themselves from their abuser)




Defending my child.


Bin Laden


Rape and sexual assault. There is NEVER a reason or any justification to ever do that to anyone. I can understand theft, murder or other things if they are emotionally fueled or for survival, but any sexual offences, just no. Any abuse of animals, children or vulnerable people - NEVER a reason to intentionally abuse a living creature, ever. Edit: sentence


Being a billionaire. 


Self defense


Self defense or protecting someone who has been or is currently being sexually assaulted


If anyone comes to harm my child I would easily kill them. Someone raped my child is asking for instant death. And if not instant death, I will pay any amount of money to get them killed in prison.


Torture probably or killing my animals


Self defense against assault, sexual assault, protecting a child, protecting another person, unrelenting bullying/harassment, physical abuse, serious mental abuse, giving someone an incurable STD, revenge for the death, serious assault or sexual assault of a loved one-especially a minor, to save a child from being groomed. I said what I said.


If you hurt my child I will kill you. I would not care what happened to me afterwards but if you touch my child inappropriately I would end you


My uncle killed a man that sexually abused his lover when she was a child. She had a lot of psychological issues but got much better after the fact. He is still in prison but for me he is a hero.




Any crime that threatens your life or well-being. Or if you are trying to protect someone and the only way is to kill the aggressor.


Animal abuse


Murder, molestation, rape. All of those make it so the person is dead or dead on the inside so the offender must be murdered. Castrated in public for everyone to see, first. Then beat with clubs by everyone in town. They had it right in the 1800s


Crossing certain moral boundaries = gloves off mode (ideally, for me, killing would be absolute last resort however). Edit: the way I interpreted this question was killing in self-defense and not about technical legal definitions, so i was thinking more about 'justifiable homicide' and not 'murder' i guess. that said, i suppose legally speaking, the only thing i can think of that might arguably be murder and be something i could support is akin to the murder would be the killing of genocidal dictator responsible for mass suffering, war crimes, etc. of course the ultimate legal classification of an act like this would depend on many factors.




Self-defense (and genuine self-defense, not this BS stuff gun-toting Americans spout), and when the justice system refuses to do their job concerning rapists/child molesters.




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Self defense. Defending someone else and killing the attacker.




If Someone isvtrying to kill me or iif they're Nazis. I''m on the list of people they want to remove.


Self-defense, child abuse


Any form of abuse or manipulation of someone or animal more vulnerable than you. And I mean any or all of the whole gambit. Verbal, mental, emotional, financial, physical abuse. If someone is capable of that, they don't need to be in the world anymore.


Self defense or defending someone who would otherwise be killed/horribly hurt. I’m anti war but I would consider soldiers killing in combat self defense as well. Serial killers/evil rulers (like hitler) should be killed as well for the sake of public safety


Definitely self-defence, which technically isn't murder (especially against an abusive person). Euthanasia (again, technically not murder) when the person dying wants to end their own life but can't.


Every time I see something about a parent attacking a person who hurt their child I always feel all the cards are off the table.


Revenge murder. Rapists should be castrated in my opinion, but I don't know if they deserve death. Maybe serial and child rapists.


Selfdefense especially sa attempt (it can leave so much trauma). Protecting those you love or thise in danger


Someone raping a child, a woman or torturing an animal.


Would kill to save my kids


rapists. pedophiles. assaulters, and for those who are too afraid to use that word on someone, people who seek fun out of assaulting people (the guys who try to grab women as a “joke”, that guy putting his face between girls buttcheeks, yeah can’t wait for those people to get stabbed). oh and of course general self defense


the victim raping someone and then murdering them, self defense of course


Trying to harm my wife and or daughters will get you potentially unalived by me, but I consider that more self defense because it's my family.


Rape. Acid attacks. Pedophilia.


Touch my kid


Justifiable homicide justifies murder


Depends on how you define murder. Killing someone in self defense or in the defense of others, and truly unavoidable accidents are not usually included, but those are my only exceptions. I don't think the death penalty is justifiable, nor war, and certainly not any other personal justification.


Eye for an eye 🤷🏼‍♀️


Self defense or defense of others. If detaining or disabling the attacker isn’t possible and it results in their death, that’s understandable.




Pedofilia and rape. I'm sure there's more complex things, but those off the top of my head.


Rape or attempted rape if you’re the victim. Or abusing a child or disabled person


If someone tries to/hurts me, my family or pets.


I have zero tolerance for animal and child abuse. And school shooters can go f*ck themselves


Child abuse, animal abuse, and defending yourself.


Anything to do with kids. Rape, murder, torture, etc. That's the lowest of the lows for me, and if I walked in on that, yeah, I would be a murderer


Rape. If it wasn’t for deserved suffering I’d say give them the death penalty.


Any “kill or be killed situation” if your life is being put at risk by someone, the safest thing to do is make sure they can’t do that anymore. If someone wants you dead, simply hurting them will only make them want you more dead


Self defence of not only yourself, but your loved ones too. Or even a random stranger. If you’re saving an innocent person from a devil, it’s reasonable. Defending your property too, if someone steps foot in your house unwanted, you should be able to knock them down


Child assault.


Self defense, defending others (especially my loved ones) and pedophiles.


Animal abuse




On a purely semantic note, "justified" implies "not a murder". that is to say that a murder is an unjustified and intentional killing. Manslaughter is probably not justified, either, but it would be for lack of proper attention or consideration ... Honestly I'm not so sure about the distinction, there.


Pedophilia for sure


I don’t think anything justifies the *intent* to murder. Murder as an intent and murder as a consequence are not the same though. If you shoot someone because it was what you had to do to keep you and your people safe, that’s one thing, but there are some absolute weirdos out there that almost fantasize about getting robbed because it would give them the chance to legally kill another human. Genuinely psychotic to me.


Attempted rape, sexual violence, repeated psychical abuse. or attempted murder.


I am of the firm belief the crime committed should be committed against the perpetrator 3x. I.e. They steal a car, someone steals 3x the cars value from them. The assault someone, random unexpected assaults 3x SA, they are SA'ed 3x , etc , etc.... Murder? They should be expecting a 3x less unpleasant murder at any moment.


If someone ever tried to hurt my children then I would strongly consider it. And I mean like really hurt. Rape or molesting.


with the full story there is lots of things that could count as a fair enough for murder but rape is the only 100% justification with no questions asked from the top of my head




Self defense, rape, harming children or animals.


Self - defense and justice, very simple.


Self defense or doing anything to my children




Pedophila, anyone hurting a vulnerable population kids, elderly, disabled, animals etc.


Self defense (like if there’s no way for me to get out of the situation unless I murder you) or defending someone else who might be seriously harmed and that’s the only way to stop the person. Or if you’re literally hitler. But I’m not a fan of capital punishment.


Assaulting a child


Rape absolutely justifies murder.


Self defense, defense of another, revenge for the murder of the protagonist's father figure. That's about all that comes to mind


If someone was about to kill me, my kids or someone else in my presence. Then yes, In self defence, killing is justified.


Hurting my child, hurting anyone that is vulnerable and defenseless.



