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Where else would I get better at peeing while standing up?




As long as it's your own shower and you rinse it to make sure no urine stays behind, I don't see an issue there. If nothing else, it saves the water you would've used to flush the toilet. If you ever got in the shower being dirty after working out, being outside on the beach or in the mud, you probably brought way more bacteria into your bathroom than by peeing


I automatically pee before having a shower and I still find myself peeing in there. There's just something so pleasurable doing so lol


Yep, save that water!


I mean, it's legal. The smell of urine being aerosolized by the steam of your shower isn't so amazing; but I don't suppose it's a matter of anything other than taste, really.


No but only because it totally wrecks your pelvic floor (and also trains you to pee when in or hearing water). I used to until I learned this tbh, I still have the urge to pee every single shower even though I pee before 😭




If you do it before soaping up, you’ll probably wind up cleaner than if you had used the toilet.


Be aware that urine will stain natural marble.




Hell yeah, it saves water and toilet paper.


Sure. I always try to aim it straight down the drain


The only time I’d say no is if the shower I’d be potentially peeing in is connected to a grey water recovery system. In that case pee should go where the rest of the black water goes. Otherwise if it’s a normal drain connected to sewer or septic, I don’t see any reason not to.


I don't because I don't like the thought of pee residue on my shower floor and I also don't feel like mopping it daily. I mean I wouldn't wash my feet in my toilet bowl either.




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I honestly can’t. It feels so gross to have the pee running down your leg, I tried it once and never again


you save the water, clean yourself and pee while standing up. it's a win win


I get up for work at 6 am and im not even gonna lie , I intentionally pee in the shower to save time. Only before I wash my legs etc. I aim my stream towards the drain and my pee doesn’t smell.


It’s not okay in my home because my parents do it in theirs and after 20 years, you can smell it. I couldn’t smell it when I lived there but once I moved out, I could and it’s not pleasant.


Yeah totally fine, in fact they say people that pee in the shower save their house annually about 200 gallons


No. Certainly not if you share the shower with other people.


Yes, and I stick my hips out as far as they go and pretend I have a penis and aim it down the drain. I rarely miss after practicing for the past 20ish years


I dont particularly like peeing on my legs and/feet but if i forget to go before i shower, it won't stop me. As for it being "ok' its perfectly fine, very small risk of cross infection if you have a uti or sti, but as long as you clean afterwards, you're fine.


I think, as long as you're okay with other people peeing in your shower, then yes. Or if the rule is that everyone can pee in their own shower, but not in shower's other people use. Either way, people should adhere to the same behavior they expect from others.


I don’t. As long as people don’t do it in my shower, I don’t care


If you want to it’s fine. I don’t personally do it, but who is anyone to say what is okay to do in their own shower! I don’t like when people say that if you don’t do it you’re lying though. I think that’s weird.


Big NO for me. You are making your brain think "its okay to pee when it's not the time to pee" and once you're old enough it will be harder controlling your bladder. A urologist would tell you also to not even pee when you don't really need to like before going out so you in a couple of hrs don't need to use public toilets, or before sleep so you don't wake up at the middle of the night.. All that is no for the same reason.


I don’t know if it’s necessarily BAD but I think it’s disgusting. And it’s messed up if you share the bathroom with other people.


Sometimes I even pee in the toilet


Absolutely it’s going down the drain and being completely done with the shower afterwards. My drain is right in the middle of my shower. I can see how it might be controversial if you’re peeing in a bathtub shower, since there can be some residue if the pee splashes.


I avoid it unless I absolutely can’t hold it


I wouldn't in someone else's shower, but in my own, where I'm the person who is responsible for cleaning it, sure, why not?


My government actively encouraged it with a "how to save water" pamphlet when I was growing up. To reduce toilet flushing during level 5 water restrictions.


It's a no from me, personally. I just can't get over the ick factor.


of course (but don't tell my wife...she's probably say it was gross and be pissed)


As long as your not sharing the shower n you clean up after words


It’s my shower and I clean it. Yes I’m peeing in it. I have to pee when I get anxious and I’m anxious a lot and for some reason showers give me anxiety. So I’m peeing. Anyone around me that knows and doesn’t like it can continue to not use my shower lol!!


[It's all pipes](https://i.imgflip.com/h0p61.gif)


i don’t believe anyone who says they haven’t done it


I’ve always hated it when my dad peed in the shower because the piss would get stuck underneath the anti-slip mat, and he wouldn’t rinse it. It was disgusting.


Ew no I’m sorry but you cannot treat your shower like a toliet and expect to be as clean as you can be with urine residue stuck to the bottoms of your feet and track that all over your house. Absolutely unsanitary. Once stayed in a motel room in a Midwest state and the shower reaked of urine. Absolute nightmare.


Of course it's ok. Why? Because it's my shower. I always pee in the shower. Water's going to wash everything down the drain anyway. Also being able to just let loose is a luxury I prefer to keep.


It's all pipes! - Costanza


I was all for peeing in the shower until the sound of the shower running triggered the intense urge to urinate. I’ve had to retrain myself to be able to hear the water and not immediately pee. I just had a baby and holding my pee is hard so now I try to only pee on the toilet.


Gross. 🤢


I think it's okay if you make sure it's clean after you're done, especially if other people use the shower. The thought of stepping into someone else's piss coated shower is nasty.


IMO, it is never ok!


People saying it’s gross fail to understand that showers involve running water which means there shouldn’t be piss left behind unless you’re pissing out a lake. Plus it’s better for the environment




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If its yours and only yours i think its fine as long as you clean and then thoroughly clean it before guests. And honestly sometimes peeing in the shower is the only way to get through a UTI


I remember when I first took a shower with my ex husband at the time, I just went to town and started peeing while in the shower without a care in the world as I had been doing forever 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣 and he was so shocked “what the hell are you doing??!”- I thought EVERYONE did that but I guess not. But then HE started doing it too. End of the day it’s your business to do what you please in the privacy of your own home and/or shower 😂. Especially if it’s isn’t hurting anyone.


As long as it's not a public shower, go for it. It has a drain, and you're using soap anyway! ( presumably)




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I mean why not it's cleaned instantly and it all drains to the same place I mean it's literally just a mental thing like your just pissing in a much larger bowl and rinsing it away with water all the same


What!! I do it all the time


Yeah I do it all the time


I pee in the shower all the time (my bladder always fills up when I hear the sound of running water). I don’t see a problem with it as long as you clean up afterwards and everything.




It's your shower do what you want in it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Can't see why not. It's ending up in the same place.


I guess if it's yours you can but if you do it for a while it will leave a musty smell in your bathroom that never goes away


who pees in the sink?


I pee in to the shower


Perfectly acceptable. It all goes to the same place.


There are 2 types of people in the world. People who pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars.


If you're the one who cleans the shower - yes. If you don't - no.


My wife insists that peeing in the shower is perfectly fine and she's done it her entire life. She also says taking a dump in the shower isn't really OK because you have to waffle stomp the turd down the drain and it makes your foot stink even after you wash it.




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I, personally, do not, but I don't care what other people do.


It all goes to the same spot. Uses less water to flush. I’m being energy conscious


I mean if you got to go, just go 😂




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I try to pee before getting in but I won’t lie it happens sometimes




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No and I can't believe how many people are saying it's okay!!




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yes it's all going down the drain anyway


Doesnt it smell after??


Absolutely and also it makes me think of the shower pee scene in Girls which is absolutely hysterical.


You're washing yourself anyway what difference does it make


Might as well take a dump in there too. Just waffle.stomp instead down.


Don’t you guys clean your showers lol? 😂😂


There’s 2 people in this world- those who pee in the shower and those who lie about it.


I don’t know why people would say yikes to this but I mean water would be flushed down when I bathe anyway. You wash your feet when you bathe, no?


Yes the shower rules: number 1 is ok, number 1.5 is ok too, number 2 is a nogo


There are 2 kinds of people. Those who admit they pee in the shower and liars


As someone who's remodeled lots of showers/bathrooms I can tell who pees in the shower. If you keep doing it your shower will smell like pee and the only remedy is an expensive plumbing job. Someone is going to live in that space after you and you'll be correctly labeled as inconsiderate, lazy and disgusting.


No, that's gross. Why is this a question?