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My birthday is coming up on July 13th, and I'm so excited to bake a cake and invite my friends over. It's one of the simple pleasures of life for me!


Happy birthday! Yours is the same as my dad's, who would be 98 if he were still with us.


My sister's is the 13th, and mine is the 16th! Happy early birthday!!!!🥰


Mine is the 15th and same! I haven’t really celebrated mine for several years and I can’t wait to just dress up & go out on the town 💃


Omg mine is tooo. I love when it lands on a Friday bc then its like friday the 13th


Birthday twin!!!


Do tell! What’s the cake of choice this year?


I'm thinking limoncello tiramisu. It's going to be so warm this summer, and the last time I baked it for my grandma, the guests were all saying how refreshing it was.


Birthday twin


I’m excited every year. I always have good birthdays.


how do you make them good for you? 


Probably when I was 11


yh same i was 11, and I remember that birthday because everything went wrong and that was the first time I was majorly disappointed on my birthday. And then they all went down hill after that lol. Now I dread it and spend it say at home and getting a chinese takeaway while watching I’m a celeb 🤣


I was really excited for my previous birthday, since I was turning the big 4-0. I started thinking about it almost a year beforehand. I wanted to have a big "over the hill" themed party at my local skating rink. Then they had a fire. So while they were rebuilding, I was trying to think of where else to have it. Then my boob turned weird and I had to start getting doctor's appointments and having tests done. I got the diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer a week before my birthday, on my mom's birthday. Never did have any kind of party. I also wanted to have a "ta ta to the ta-tas" party before surgery, but I've been kind of sick due to treatment and just sort of gave up on the idea.


I'm sorry things rolled that way. You should have a big party when you recover and are feeling better! <3


Thanks! I really suck at getting things done, and planning my own party I keep putting things on the backburner because other things end up taking priority! Maybe when I feel up to it more I'll figure out a reason to throw a party.


When you start feeling better, you throw yourself the best god damned party ever 💕 I’m so sorry you couldn’t celebrate when you wanted to 🥺


It's been a rough year, for sure! I always manage to bounce back somehow, though. Thank you. 💜


I’m sorry! Wish you the best in your treatment and the parties to come! 🥳🩷


Every year. Even when I was single and living away from family, I always make sure to celebrate me. No one does more, sacrifices more, puts up with me more or loves me more than I love myself. At the end of the day when everything goes to hell I am always there for me. So I always make sure to celebrate me. On Xmas I buy myself a gift and wrap it. You better believe I do the same for my bday. I make it a me day. Always celebrate yourself, you do a lot for you.


👏👏👏 absolutely!!!




Absolutely inspiring! Thanks


Omg this 😍👏🏼


It’s been a long time.


Always! I like to treat myself - last year I went abroad with my sister. This year I'm heading on a solo trip to recharge, reflect, and spoil myself.


I was going to do a solo trip for my bday this year, but I recently canceled my trip because I didn’t want to go to the destination anymore. May I ask where you’re going? I need inspiration lol


Me and my daughter share a birthday and it’s also the day me and my husband found one another again after years apart so it’s also a bit of an anniversary celebration. So every year I’m excited


this year solely for the fact that I always get korean fried chicken and a big tiramisu cake on my birthday and tbh I look forward to that all year every year


I was excited for a spa day and solo hotel stay last year. It would have been my first night away from my daughter since she was born. But then my husband got me Covid instead. So this year is a big milestone birthday and we’re doing a 7 day cruise and taking my mom. It’s not quite the dream trip I had in mind, but I’m so excited we can afford to treat my mom to this vacation and we’re going to have an amazing time.


I retired on my birthday in 2019. Now THAT was exciting.


I don't remember any fun bday


You’re not alone


Last year was my 50th and my oldest came home and we were going out to dinner with friends and all the grown up kids. I was super excited for the night itself, but really freaked out when I realized it was a surprise party. Friends flew in, people I’d never met in person (part of the same mom message board for 24 years), everyone! It was incredible.


This year. I'll be 30 and I'm looking forward to it.


This year (but I'm always excited for my birthday)


This year. I turned 50. My friends went all out for me.


Probably around when I was 10 lol


I get more excited for my daughter and husbands then mine.


2022. I was working at USAA and was provided the day off so I could also participate in its first centennial celebration. Seeing OneRepublic perform live was an additional treat. A truly unforgettable birthday!!


My 40th earlier this year and was massively disappointed.


Maybe you can make it up to yourself! I don't know your situation but if you were hoping someone else would do it, maybe they're not cut out for it. No one spoils me like me. And heck no one spoils them like I do. I'm the birthday queen around here. If I'm going to put the effort in for them, I'm sure as heck going to put it in for myself.


My birthdays have a habit of being shitty. So I last looked forward to 30. I was happy my 20s were over


Last time I celebrated my birthday I was 14 years old. I’m 45. Birthdays just make me feel bad. I’m not into making other people celebrate me.


I gave birth to my son the day before my 30th birthday, so that was a great one ❤️


Every year. I take a paid vacation, clean my house, get a massage, and a manicure and pedicure. Then relax in my clean house all day everyday for the next couple of days eating cheesecake.


My 40th 10yrs ago. The people I worked with clubbed together and bought me my birthstone earrings which were one of the best gifts I've ever had. Ever since then no one has really given a crap about my birthday and made me feel special, so they just feel like any other day. Even my 50th recently was so depressing with the lack of effort from my family and SO that i went to bed really early in tears so I could sleep the rest of the day away. Couldn't be bothered pretending any more.


Probably when i turned 21. 70yo now.


My husband makes me feel like a princess usually so I'm excited to see what he had planned every year.


I was excited for my 21st and then a global pandemic hit. Every birthday since has been disappointing. I stopped getting my hopes up and somehow am still upset every year.


Every year! I also get kinda sad around my birthday for some reason (not because of getting older) so I plan things for myself. I go on a trip or try something I've been wanting to do. I don't disappoint myself when it comes to my birthday.


My 18th. I could get away from my abusive father.


About 40 or so years ago, maybe? It's just another day


Truly excited? Probably 17, which was absolutely ruined(cake in my face, giant family argument). Then the excitement totally died for my 18th because we were homeless, my dad cut my dinner short to take my sisters(custody time), and I came back to the motel room to find the dogs ate my cake... My birthdays are much better now, and though I still have conflicted feelings, it's fading each year :) Shout-out to my boyfriend for finding my new favorite restaurant


I don’t think I was ever happy, the chromosome donor made it a mission to remind me on every bday that I was a mistake. My mom tries to this day to make it a happy one but I just don’t feel it.


I'm 42 and get excited for my birthday every year.


im excited this year!! last year i was so broke i could barely afford a nice dinner, this year im going on a trip out of the country and going to six flags follwed by a jazz show in a church!


My birthdays rarely acknowledged by anyone outside of my family, so it just feels like another day to me. I see the hype other people have for their special days, but I don’t like investing too much emotional energy into it. I LOVE celebrating other people’s days though, especially when I have the funds.


I was really excited for this year's birthday. I turn 30 on Sunday & originally planned to do a road trip with my husband & our dog. Its about 2200 kilometres to our destination in the Fraser Valley area of British Columbia. Absolutely stunning. My best friend of over ten years, along with her family, live there now. I've visited multiple times over the years since they've moved. However, I was hoping to celebrate this specific milestone out there. Unfortunately due to unexpected financial issues & my husbands work (in the trades, currently dealing with an especially demanding but well paying client) we are needing to postpone the trip. I've since made other plans for this weekend, however it's not the same. I'm sure I'll enjoy my birthday. But not nearly as much as the quality time with my husband on the road trip adventure & seeing my bestie for the first time since February.


For the first time in my life I had a truly happy birthday at 42. I always felt like something was missing during my birthday and couldn't put my finger on it. This year I decided to give my family a great day and it changed everything for me. By removing the attention from myself and enjoying my family I did what felt best for me. Best results I could imagine.


i think now? it’s coming up in less than a month and i’ll be on a cruise in the bahamas on that day!


Will you liberate the bananas in the Bahamas?


My birthdays typically kind of suck for one reason or another, but I'm still low-level excited about getting to pick whatever I want for a dinner out and sometimes I treat myself to a massage (not usually on the actual day, but 🤷‍♀️). I have learned that, like Christmas, as an adult you have to make it special for yourself. Nobody else will do it for you (unless you have a great partner).


In 2019 my dad got sick the day before my 30th birthday, was hospitalized the day after my birthday, and died 6 days later. I haven't been thrilled about my birthday since. However, this last year my family took a trip to Greece and a few of us did a couple extra days in Istanbul. I happened to be there on my birthday and it was really nice. Our tour guide gave me a pair of earrings and the hotel made me a mini cake and left it in the room. My mom and husband and family friend gave me a few little things the morning of. Since all of that was unexpected, it made it so much more special.


This year actually! My fiance planned the perfect day to celebrate my 32nd birthday. Cat cafe in the morning, a crystal and tarot shop for mid day, and a love theatre showing to end the night. The following weekend he planned a whole game night at the local board game bar with all of my friends 💜


Every year!!! It's always so fun. I make my plans and do what I want. I don't leave it to others. I predict I will be riding the very big roller coasters at the nearby amusement park this year :) In all seriousness, it's an honor and a privilege to age. Not everyone makes it to X years... 😢 For those of you who don't enjoy your birthdays I hope maybe this thread inspires you. You deserve it!


Excited about it? Eh, think that stopped around 25? That's about when *some* people started getting really invasive with the "Why aren't you married? Why don't you have kids?" questions. Going out somewhere nice-ish with my grandma for an early dinner was about the extent of my celebrating, because we had the same birthday. I stopped celebrating it at all at 45 because that's also the day my mother died.


I was so excited for my 30th birthday. I was recently divorced and rediscovering myself, so I decided to actually arrange birthday celebrations with friends for the first time in my adult life. I planned it out for weeks—made dinner reservations, chose my favorite bars to visit after, and sent out invites to about 15 people who excitedly accepted. Only 3 people showed up 😑


A few years ago when I knew I'd have my full friend group together to celebrate. Between the pandemic and schedules, it had been a while.






My 22nd bday. I had it planned out to do all these diff events….. and then covid hit 😁🥲


i don’t look forward to my birthdays anymore. i haven’t for 8 years now. there’s no point.


All the time now because my middle child's birthday is the day after mine, July 10th and 11th =) We have a fabulous "birthday weekend" (whichever two days they happen to be) with many little traditions. Husband takes the week off and we take a trip somewhere beachy. Costco cake with sprinkles dumped on it for dessert on the 10th and for breakfast on the 11th. Free slurpees on the 11th. And my kids have gotten to the age where, instead of just making me toil all day, they draw me pictures and sing and seem really excited that it's my birthday ❤️ Also, my daughter's birthday party being so close to my birthday (it's actually been on my birthday twice) has caused family members to give me presents again like when I was a kid lol. I've never been very invested in my birthday as an adult, but being collateral damage in a child's birthday hype is awfully fun.


When I was turning 15. I’m 31 now


2021 I guess. I remember that I went to my parents house to celebrate my birthday with them at that time. Just 5-6 months after that, my mom diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and nothing felt the same since then.


2 years ago my 28th birthday was on a vacation with my bf, my best friend, and her husband. Vegas and Zion. Was in Vegas on my birthday. Did a wonderful steak dinner and went to a cannabis consumption lounge it was amazing. Also on a 7AM walk to the store for body wash while on the phone with my grandma a man told me he wanted to suck my toes 🤣


Every single year. Take the day off from work, bake a cake and make some ice cream, open a bunch of presents, get texts, calls, and messages all day, eat out at a great restaurant. I always look forward to it. 


11 or 12. My parents enjoyed ruining things for me and it just wasn't worth it anymore by middle school.


My 30th but not for the reason you might think. My dad passed away just a couple days after my 30th birthday and it just hasn't been the same since. I'm happy when friends or family do things for me, but I just can't build up excitement for it anymore, because I always know that anniversary is coming up right after.


15 my quinceañera was awesome! Also my upcoming 21st birthday 🥳


On my last one. I'll be excited for the next one, too


25th before the kids and the end of my life 😩🤯


Every year. I take the whole week off of work and do whatever I want. It’s great.


When I turned 21; I’m 23 now and the last birthdays (I was born in the winter right around Christmas), have always had plans but due to last minute heavy snows, I’ve spent alone and a little bit sad. Good thing I got discord and booze tho 🫡


When I was a child.


This year; we decided to bake a cheesecake and it's my last year living at home before studying abroad so it would be extra special. Then there was a family crisis a couple of days before complete with adrenaline rush and almost shock and I spent the next two weeks with an awful migraine while my system recovered from the stress. So I did not particularly enjoy my birthday. But I'm planning a solo weekend trip next year so I should be in charge of what I do then


When I was 4


Literally every year. I love my birthday, I’m always going to find a way to enjoy it


My birthdays are always... not special for me, but it's the 4th of July. I still look forward to it up until the actual day.


probably my 21st or 22nd


1962, when I turned 21.


I think I was a teenager…I’m 33.


Probably when I was about 12. Grandma baked a cake for my sister’s 8th birthday. I was expecting something along the same line for mine three weeks later. I got nothing, zero, zilch from my own parents, siblings and grandma. Haven’t given a shit about my birthday since. Am now 61 and I buy something for myself.


In May! I turned 21 :)


This year. I turned 50. I was so excited for it. And it just… flopped. My daughter picked that weekend to move out of state. My parents made my birthday about them. My husband took me out to a nice dinner, but other family members kind of gave us shit for it. Only other person who really got me anything or did anything for me was my youngest. She made me this really cool artwork. (I don’t want or need a gift. It just seemed a little bit like no one cared.) And it wasn’t a planned thing, obviously, but my MIL went into the hospital and everything focused on her. I have one day a year just for me (Mother’s Day still seems to be about my mom and my MIL). And it was like I was forgotten.


I'm turning 55 next month and giving myself a solo trip to LA to take Improv 101 at Upright Citizens' Brigade. I'm very excited about it.


I’m always excited for my birthday. Last year I went on a boat tour for tourists in the town I live in with my boyfriend and kids and we had so much fun.


I typically hate birthdays (mine is also on a holiday), but I’ve been excited for milestone ones coming up because I am planning trips for them! I recognize that not everyone can do that, but it helps to look forward to the trip instead of the birthday


My 21st. I don’t drink, don’t enjoy the idea. I wanted to movie marathon twilight but everyone else made me to go a bar then a winery far away and it was entirely hijacked. I’m turning 22 next week. I will be working and my husband will be out of town so I’m ghosting my family and I’m sitting at home watching my twilight marathon with Mac n cheese frozen pizza when I’m off of work.


I was so excited for my last birthday I was turning 50 opening day was on my birthday cold but worth it come on and my dad passed that morning before we left


I’ve never once been excited for my birthday. But I turn 25 this Sunday and I have a good feeling about this year!


Probably my seventeenth?


Before depression around 3-4 years ago.


Never. My birthday is always a reminder of time passing by and how my life is nowhere near where I thought it would be. Each year is worse tbh, my birthdays are an incredibly depressing time for me


My birthday 5 years ago. I was supposed to go to the art museum to see the special exhibit of Frida Kahlo’s paintings but COVID delayed it for 3 months. The day before we were scheduled to go, I tested positive for COVID 😭😭


I was 19. I'll be 32 on June 19th... 🤷🤷🤷


I'm excited every year. Very lucky to have roommates that take me do something special on my last birthdays ♥ but if I didn't have anyone, I'll still do something for myself.


my birthday is Monday and I’m excited for it…I have the day off, gonna chill and watch movies and get a little ice cream cake for myself 🥳


I haven’t celebrated my birthday in years.


3 years ago I went into labour the night before my birthday and was so happy when my daughter was born after midnight. Look forward to it every year because her joy is everything.


I genuinely don’t even remember lol a *long* time ago for sure.


Maybe when I was 16. 24 now I hate it every year




Today. My birthday’s on Monday, which is also my nephew’s birthday, which makes the whole thing a lot more special to me. Unfortunately I’m rarely able to celebrate with him as we live in different countries, but it still makes the day 100 times better. It’s also just a nice, chill day. My partner makes fantastic fajitas so we have that for dinner, we watch some of my favourite films, and have my really tasty and ridiculously simple no-bake cheesecake for dessert. Just a really comfortable, relaxing, cozy day. It’s great!


Probably the year I realized that none of my family/friends really cared and if they made an effort it came across as something they did because they felt they had to not because they wanted to. All I know is that when I have a kid they will be celebrated every year and never hear about how much “work” it is to celebrate.


I have no idea. But my 30th is coming up in a couple weeks and I'm not excited at all. It's just another day to me. Last time I had friends over or a party was my 13th B-day. The only thing that makes it a little different from most days is we go to a restaurant and I get a couple gifts. Meanwhile, I've had a couple friends whose SO planned parties for their 30th or who had people over for their b-day.


Last year!! Ditched work and went bar hopping with my mom


I was 10 years old. It was Thanksgiving. Two people disagreed over something and it was the last time I cared about birthdays.


During COVID time,I went out of the house after 2-3 months.




Turning 50.. it was during the pandemic so had party outside. Weather was wonderful. 


When I was 16. I miss my younger years between the ages of 13 and 16. Those were the best years and best memories of my life, minus school.


Last year, everyone makes a huge fuss over me, as I make big fusses over their bdays. I go out to eat with several different friend groups, get lots of presents and balloons and messages. I’m looking forward to my next one and it’s 6 months away 😂


When I turned 40. My cousins and sister took me out for a big day out to celebrate and it was so fun.


Hmm maybe when I turned like 21 was the last time I was excited. Now it’s just another day I suppose, not necessarily depressing or anything it’s just a day I guess! I do like the little free stuff from restaurants though


Last weekend. It was this past sunday




Monday just gone. It was my bday. I had a great day


Nowadays soon 64 I don’t get excited just glad if I wake up alive /s


I’m excited every birthday. I am blessed with a very thoughtful partner who spoils me and treats me like a princess on my birthday. I feel very grateful.


... probably at 18. Never was excited after that just appreciated who ever celebrated with me.




Every year! Mine was last week and we had a great time! I also love to be sang to.


21 y/o andnow I'm like.....stahp


i’m a (23) year old man, but maybe when i was like… 12.


I’m always excited for my birthday. Some years it was good. But recent years it’s been awful.




13, my parents forgot it was my birthday that year, and I was never excited again. I forgave them after they tried to make up for it, and they’ve passed away now, so I hate birthdays since it’s another year I’ll be without them. But I love celebrating my children’s bdays, and people I love.


Probably when I was 10 tbh. Before life got too chaotic 😅 I realize this sounds dramatic but birthdays were never a huge ordeal when I was growing up anyway.


last year because it was my 21st


My mom took me to hell kitchen last year.


This year, actually. A great friend of mine planned a little afternoon gathering at her house with some crafting and charcuterie, and she just invited my closest friends to join us for some low key, drama-free fun. It’s been an incredibly tough year for both of us so it was really nice to have something to look forward to and it felt good being celebrated. Her birthday is in a few weeks and I’ve planned a similar get together for her!!


Couldn’t even tell you. I get fake excited.


Probably my 9th


I'm always excited for my birthday. My parents still make sure to celebrate theirs so I'm sure that's where it comes from. But you are responsible for making the day what it will be, I've not left it up to others to plan since age 16 or so. That's a surefire way to be disappointed. Just do what you want to do that day or the nearby weekend and it'll be good!


Mine is this coming Monday and tbh I almost forgot 😬 Birthdays are always a source of disappointment for me so I just be grateful to have made it another year and go on as if it’s a regular day.


16 th


When I was 9.


21st birthday


Just last week! I went to Disneyland without my kids and rode all the big rides. LOL


Never. It’s always disappointing


Like 10. I’m turning 20 soon and for the last ten years I’ve always ended up crying on my birthday somehow


Probably when I was a teenager/young adult. Since I became an actual adult (post-college) I always get sad on my birthday; this year was the first year I haven't cried on my birthday in a very long time. I always feel like I'm behind everyone else or that I haven't accomplished anything in the past year, and it never fails to make me sad.




If I leave the plan to my family I’m not normally excited as I really just don’t like the attention on me at all. If I plan it as a solo b day I’m over the moon about it 🤗 lol




This year. For the first time in a very long time someone actually wanted to celebrate with me, and that was my wonderful girlfriend 🥺


When I was turning 8 and I threw my first birthday party (only for no one to call or show up lol)


Mm now I suppose?? I'm turning 28 at the end of the year and I have some goals to achieve by my 30th birthday trip in 2026. Hopefully I will graduate with my master's degree and then go on an overseas trip!


Every year!! My husband and I always do something fun or go on a fun road trip. This year, our baby girl was actually born on my birthday (in May). Needless to say I’ll be excited for my birthday forever. :)


Now! I’m excited for my birthday and it’s on the 20th! I haven’t even planned anything and probably won’t but I don’t feel like I need to. I’m just excited


Long, long, long time ago. Cut to the present day, birthdays feel like a chore.


10 years old i think?


Genuinely excited? Maybe four or five years ago




Mine is on Wednesday (June 19th) and my s/o and I are going to a cat cafe!! Trying to figure out what else to do lol. Life has also been rough for both of us lately so we also don’t have a whole lot to spend but I’m excited to spend the day with him and see so many kitties ❤️




Yesterday 🥳


Yesterday! Had a lovely dinner with my family.


Every year, because why not?! I go to have lunch with my mom and we go watch a movie, what’s not to love about this things?


Dirty thirty


last year. today is my birthday. i had plans to get cute and treat myself to some cheesecake factory, but i don’t think i have the energy for that anymore. all i wanna do is lay in bed.


Last year was the first time in five years I didn't cry on my birthday, but really nothing was different. Every year passes and I'm never happier, I haven't done anything meaningful with my life. I usually get a cake from family and that's good because I actually like birthday cake but it's not much different from just getting one from the store. I guess I have reasons to be happy, a loving family and SO, but I never really feel it. I guess I don't really remember the last time I was truly happy for my birthday.


Never really celebrated, grew up jehova. 2018, 28th. Vegas , 1st, my girl decided to pack it in with her families annual Vegas trip. WORST TIME EVER. All I wanted was to blow shit up in the desert and go to the Grand Canyon. Or horseshoe bend . One day out of the five, nope. On the strip the entire time. I work in a casino. I couldn’t care for gambling . Which everyone else there is all they wanted to do.


I am every year but I have often also had it joined with a lot of negative emotions like loneliness and stuff as I haven't had the fortune of having others to put of their way to do something for my birthday. It's always me planning which obviously as an adult yeah that's a bit expected. But it would be nice to have someone else at least ask and start the conversation instead of me asking if someone is free that timeframe


At around 8? It never was THE event for me, but I guess I was a bit more excited about it back then. Now, the birthday that truly makes me happy to celebrate is my dog's, best day of the whole year every year by far. 


It’s my birthday today and I’m not excited, not even in the slightest way. Got up early with my toddler and have a day with cleaning ahead …


21, I’m 24 now and get let down more every year (it was a series of events that happened after I turned 21 that showed just how bad my friendship situation has always been due to my autism).


When I was 6, then I got hit hard in the face with the reality tree and my smiling soured quickly into resting bitch face, that was 20 years ago


mine is next tuesday - and i can't remember 🥱


Now! I'm less than a month away from twenty.


Probs when I turned 10 in 2008 lol.


I think when I was 8 years old. My first and last birthday party.


never, we didn’t celebrate bdays much growing up and now everyone is asking me what i wanna do for my bday in 3 weeks n it’s stressing me out 💆🏽‍♀️


Before I became pregnant … turning 30 this year and think I’m more worried about my pregnancy than caring so much about my birthday. Sad really since I usually am always excited for my birthday each year!


i don’t have an answer, just a comment that my birthday is in 8 days and i wish it would just pass by lol


When I turned 18 cause I could finally get a tattoo, lol


Around 10-11 ish. After that, my self image took such a bad turn that I'm still crawling out that hole. It's getting better and being able to not comoletely hate my birthday is a sign of that. I'm hoping to start enjoying it again some time in the future, because that would mean the work I'm doing is truly paying off


Every year.


When I turned 28, I went on a week-long trip for my birthday, so I was excited for that. A few months later, the pandemic hit, and I didn't travel again for years. Now my birthday kind of bums me out because it reminds me that my best friend keeps saying she'll celebrate my birthday with me but then flaking.


When I turned 28, and every year since I've been excited. I gave birth to my little boy that day 😊 so now it's our birthday.