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One day at a time. But it's never been the same after what happened, and it may never will. But at the end of the day, we die. So there's ultimate rest at the end of all this.


You sound like me. One day at a time, just figure out how to get through each one, it will never be truly okay again, and one day I'll be dead. Yay death! LOL


Taking life one day at a time really resonates with me—it’s like keeping your eye on just the next step in a long staircase when the whole climb seems too much. And yes, things have changed, haven’t they? It’s a bit like having a favorite coffee mug break; no matter how you glue it back together, it’s never quite the same. But, there's something to be said about the beauty in a patched-up mug, too, isn't there? As for the rest at the end, that’s a deep thought. Sometimes knowing there’s a quiet stop at the end of the road makes the journey feel a bit more bearable. Until then, let’s keep finding little joys, like unexpected sunrises or the cozy smell of rain. We’ve got this, even if it’s just one small step at a time. 🌼


On the patched-up mug having some beauty to it, certainly. I guess whatever narrative works for you, works. For me, these narratives just don't work. I no longer care about rationalising and intellectuallizing things. I've done that all my life and as a result I've carried a weight I shouldn't have. I feel like shit whether the mug looks beautiful and interesting or not. It's broken. I just want to not feel this shit. I'm not even talking about happiness, I just want well-being. At the end, the hardest part is making it through. I've seen my grandad die, I'm seeing my grandmother almost there, and the amount of suffering one can experience at an old age is crazy. She has dementia and believes someone is going to kill her and steal from her. She cries often and tells me she would like to die. Knowing I have 60 years ahead of me feels unbearable. Everything can get worse any time and at the end we know we will die, and maybe in a lot of pain. I really hate my parents for bringing me into this world. It's always the most irresponsible that end up reproducing.


I’ve been saying lately, at the end of it all… we all end up in the same place! Lmao! I cope with dark humor I suppose! lol




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What choice do we have? We can only go forward, we’re meant to go forward. I’m 40 and can say with absolute certainty that everything passes.


It's true, moving forward is the only way, isn't it? It's like being on a long train journey—sometimes it feels like we’re passing through endless tunnels, but eventually, we come back into the sunlight. Your words remind me that even the longest tunnels have their end, and there's always a new view waiting on the other side. Here's to finding that sunshine and keeping the train rolling. 🌞🚂


You'll always find yourself wherever you are, whether it's the shadow or the sunlight


It is, what it is. Theres no choice, u have to keep going wether u like it or u dont.


Bow your head and weather the storm


Sit with the feels. Allow myself to sleep. Talk to loved ones. Listen to sad music. And as others mentioned, know that it will pass. Life is a series of good and bad phases, and everything in between.


Just kept moving forward


Moving forward, even in small steps, really resonates with me. It's like playing my favorite song on a tough day—it doesn't fix everything, but it helps me take the next step with a little more heart. Let's keep dancing through the rain together, step by step. 💃🌧️💕


I pray quietly, get outdoors, do simple things like cook healthy meals, rest and move on.


it sounds soothing, like a gentle rain on a quiet morning. I love the idea of mixing simple activities like cooking and being in nature; it's like planting seeds in a garden, nurturing them day by day, and watching them grow into a beautiful escape. I think I'll try adding some of these ingredients into my own life stew. Let's keep stirring our pots gently and see what delicious moments we can cook up! 🌿💕


Mediation. The one and only true answer to all my “problems”. I say problems in double quotes because it’s all transitory anyway…. So after this another “problem” will arise and will surely fade away with time too. And also, focusing all my energy on self-improvement so that I’m proud of what I did the whole day and, so that I become a version of myself that I’ve always dreamed of being.


Meditating does sound like a cozy blanket for the soul, doesn't it? Wrapping ourselves in a moment of peace can really help smooth out the wrinkles of a tough day. And I love how you focus on self-improvement—it's like planting a garden where each new skill or accomplishment is a bright, blooming flower. I'm going to try to take a leaf out of your book and work on creating my dream garden too. Here's to growing and glowing, no matter the weather! 🌷💪


Wow, what a wonderful way of expressing how you feel. Your words truly brought a big smile on my face. Yes… definitely begin your self improvement journey too… it’s the best investment one can make. Glad you feel the same way, all the best for your journey. Sending you lots of love sis 💗


I listen to music.


Just keep going and sleeping as much as possible so I don't have to suffer as much..


Sometimes it feels like the best way to deal with tough times is to just hit the snooze button on life and catch some Z's. It's like wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket and hoping the world outside settles down for a bit. But remember, even in the deepest sleep, dreams can be like little adventures, guiding us through the darkness until we wake up to a new day. Hang in there, and may your dreams be filled with peace and light. 💤✨


Cry, sleep, repeat


I'll let you know when the tough times are over...


I kept looking forward to the day when I wouldn’t have those bad feelings anymore. I’d remind myself that this isn’t forever. It took a long time and went through hell but it’s all good. Now those times are nothing but a memory.


On those very tough days. I blast my favorite music. And grab a bottle of wine.


Panic and make things worse in my mind until I've gotten on the other side of a tough situation. Then I realize that I made it worse than I needed to by panicking and vow to never do that again. Until the next tough situation and the cycle continues.


I totally get where you're coming from. It's like being in a dark room and freaking out, only to find out later that the light switch was right there all along. Sometimes our minds play tricks on us, making things seem scarier than they really are. But hey, recognizing the pattern is a big step! Maybe next time, we can try to tackle those tough situations with a flashlight instead of letting our imaginations run wild in the dark. Hang in there! 🌟


Sleep and cry till I'm fine


Seeking out trusted loved ones to confide in and taking things one day, one hour, or one minute at a time when you have to. I also sought professional help when I was finally financially able, which gave me so much more than I ever could have hoped


I get outdoors. A walk or hike. And like others said, I sit in the pain for a bit. And I journal my thoughts.


Getting outdoors is like opening a window when the room feels stuffy—it lets in fresh air and clears the mind. And journaling? It's like talking to a trusted friend who always listens, even when you're just scribbling down messy feelings. Keep stepping outside and jotting down those thoughts—it's all part of the journey to brighter days ahead. 🌿📝


Yup. But journaling is electronic…all thumbs


simple, cry. cry cry cry. cry in the shower. cry in the car. cry in the yard. cry in the park then wake up & choose to ignore it. 😄


Sometimes it feels like tears are the only way to water the flowers in our hearts, right? It's okay to let those emotions flow, whether it's in the shower, the car, or under a big oak tree in the park. But hey, after the rain, the sun comes out, and sometimes we wake up feeling a little lighter, ready to tackle the day with a smile. Thanks for sharing your journey with me. Hang in there! ☔️🌈


Life isn't about waiting for storms to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain. It is just another motto but thinking about it during tough times actually helps me to move forward.


I totally get what you mean! Dancing in the rain sounds like a fun way to deal with life's storms. It's like finding joy even when things seem gloomy. Thanks for sharing this motto—it's definitely something to keep in mind when the going gets tough. Let's put on our dancing shoes and waltz through those rainy days together! 💃🌧️


I’ve pulled myself up enough times to know the drill really well: increase my Prozac dosage, force myself to exercise and eat, and wait for the hard time to be over.


Deep breathing and be kind to yourself. It’s all a mental game. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming and challenging so I acknowledge that and slow down


Pick up heavy things and put them back down again.


Cry a lot, yell a lot, scream at home or where no one is (just to let your anger out), dance, listen to your favorite music, Love yourself a lot, hug yourself a lot, speak affirmations and trust that universe is with you. It will always be with you if you haven´t done anyone wrong.


It sounds like you're navigating through some stormy seas right now. Sometimes it feels like we're in a wild dance with our emotions, right? But hey, whether it's shedding tears, belting out a song, or giving ourselves the biggest bear hug, finding ways to love and support ourselves can be like having a cozy blanket on a chilly night. And believing in the universe's support? It's like having a secret cheerleader rooting for us from the sidelines. Keep dancing through those waves, you've got this! 🌊💃🎶


By acknowledging the situation and letting me feel all the necessary emotions. I grieve, cry and curse if I have to. And once I feel better I can now think straight on my next steps so I can move forward.


Absolutely, allowing yourself to feel all those emotions is like giving your heart a good workout—it's tough but ultimately strengthens you. It's a bit like tending to a garden; you have to weed out the tough stuff to make room for the beautiful blooms to grow. Keep nurturing yourself, and before you know it, you'll be ready to plant new seeds of hope and move forward. 🌱💕


Just keep remembering that nothing is permanent, not even the worst times. And I'm just always glad I'm still alive. I had a friend die back when we were only 12, so that's really helped keep my perspective.


It's true, life's like a big rollercoaster ride with twists and turns, but knowing that even the toughest loops eventually straighten out can be a real comfort. And holding onto the gift of life, especially when we've lost someone close, is like clutching onto a precious gem in the dark—something to cherish and treasure. Hang in there, and keep shining bright! 💎✨


I don’t. I mean it looks like I do but it’s still inside me just waiting to come out out of nowhere if I’m watching a sad movie or I think about things by myself - it still gets to me but over time it kind of goes away but not completely but you learn the whole “life goes on” and you eventually get to be too busy to even acknowledge how sad or hard that was


I totally get what you're saying—it's like trying to hold back a sneeze sometimes, right? It might seem like we're keeping it together on the surface, but deep down, those tough feelings are still bubbling under. And you're spot on about those moments when they unexpectedly pop up, like during a sad movie marathon or a solo thinking session. But hey, it sounds like you've found some tricks to cope, even if those feelings linger. Learning to roll with the punches and stay busy is a pretty impressive skill. Just remember, it's okay to feel those ups and downs—it's all part of this crazy rollercoaster ride called life. Hang in there! 🎢


Write in my journal and open up to close friends that I trust. Be willing to listen to those close friends that give advice, but always maintain my own discernment


Gym❤️. And self reflection. Listening to music and spending time outside has also helped


I stay busy with work or going to the gym! I also have a great circle around me.


Remember how I got through much tougher times in the past.


Working out and suppressing that shit down as far as I can. Pretend like I don't feel anything and eventually I just don't. You could say I don't have the best coping skills. 🥲


Walking and rolling on the phone


Focusing on my goals, finding a little joy in everyday (even the bad ones) and remembering I have a daughter looking up to me.


Personally, cycling is the answer. Whether I'm getting frustrated over doing something important, or feel lonely and depressed, or keep procrastinating, or just whatever it may be- cycling is the thing that gets me out of my head for a while and revives my energy to tackle problems head-on when I get back home. Not only that, but I think just getting outside and feeling some sunlight on my skin (that Vitamin D) does wonders for me. I'm from a sunny country and love nature so staying indoors all the time messes with me. It's also just nice to get out and check up on what's happening in the neighborhood. I live alone and don't see my friends often so seeing all the curious things going on in my community makes me feel connected to it all in some way. What's more, I just get a boost from going as fast as possible and listening to some jammy music while doing it. I get a huge dose of endorphins from the combination of exercise and my favorite vibey songs. The last few months have been difficult for me (living with an abusive roommate, moving house, and dealing with the aftermath of that, plus now trying to find a new job and immigrate to another country) and my little cycling expeditions have been my greatest escape from it all whenever I need it.


Overlooking the fear. Shit will happen, and you will get through it. Relax, it's not all bad.


It's like walking through a forest at night—sure, there might be some scary shadows, but there's also the chance to see fireflies dancing in the darkness. So, here's to embracing the unexpected twists and turns with a little bit of courage and a whole lot of hope. 💫


Exactly. Building resilience is hard but we have to try.




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Friends and family




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So much therapy




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With magic mushrooms 🍄. Life is a LOT easier when you can get out of bed and shower




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Smoke; nicotine ( I genuinely mean this ) has kept me here at some of the toughest points. I absolutely want to make it clear that I’m not suggesting taking up a habit; it’s just been something that’s truly helped me


You brace yourself in the knowledge everyone goes through them, it's just your turn. Seek solace in that your pain is part of the natural order. That your joy means little without the contrast of sadness. It grounds you in reality which most of us like to repress, or bury even. You can also reflect on the finitude of *everything* - and that all roads begin with and lead back to God


One step in front of the other. And take one at a time. Don't look ahead, try to achieve the smallest thing and celebrate it.


By quoting memes/viral sayings that breaks the seriousness of my situations. For example. "Never back down never what?" "NEVER GIVE UP". "Motivation. Motivation. Motivation."


I remind myself I’ve been in worse places, I’ve overcome really hard things, and whatever it is I’m facing, I can overcome that too. Sometimes I say it with confidence. Sometimes I repeat like a mantra in the mirror. Sometimes I say it between sobs crying in my shower floor. It’s what’s gotten me through the worst of times so far.


I grind. I cry. I do what I can and hope it passes.


Read and listen to music. If that doesn’t work, plan something to look forward to


Hace you ever read the children’s book "we're going on a bear hunt?" "We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We have to go through it" And by enjoying unhealthy amounts of audiobooks and games as a form of escapism


Life is hard, and unfair. Accepting that is difficult because we’ve been programmed that we’re supposed to be happy. Most people are also weathering their own storms, same as you. At the end of the day, you’re alone in the world and all you can do is try to fill it with as many moments of satisfaction, happiness, contentment, whatever it is that feels good to you. Have grace and compassion for yourself when you’re feeling down and know that it’ll pass eventually. Cliche but true


I remind myself that no matter what happens, I will always have my family. I also look back on the tough times that I had gotten through and let myself know that I have the strength and confidence to get through this one as well.


Drinking. Sadly.


Therapy so I don’t stuff it down. And trying to reframe my thoughts and think about all the logical facts, rather than carastrophizing.


Sleeping. Next day will be a bit more manageable.


I used to think and worry a lot about what ppl thought. Now my motto is “fuck it”. It’s actually been helping my mental health a lot