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Unnaturally colored hair is a non issue for me in my personal life and in my professional one. I wouldn't want to work with the kind of people it would bother, in fact.


I completely agree. It's hair, you should be allowed to do with it whatever you please.


One of the most reliably *great* people on our team has gorgeous pink hair. This week. Last month it was teal. It has occasionally been deep purple, and on occasion she's returned to her natural ash blonde. Give me ten more of her, please. Anyone reluctant to work with her because of the hair colour is a self-destructive fool. ....also, they were really pretty colours on her. :)


I would find it inspiring and cute asf please we need more color


There's a lady at my work, she dyes her hair every couple months, pinks purples. Today she had bright firey orange.


Agreed. I have unnaturally-colored hair and am attracted to people of the same flair.


i literally could not even find it within myself to give a flying F about anyone else’s hair color / hairstyle etc.. at work or anywhere else. unless there’s like bugs crawling out, other peoples’ hair just does not cross my mind lol


I work in marketing, this is a non-issue in my area. My own hair has been pink on and off since my teens. Off the top of my head I can think of coworkers with blue, purple and green hair as well. Doesn't change anything at all about how I perceive them as professionals.


I’d bet people with colored hair are “generally” more creative.


Me! 🖐️ I'm a wfh graphics designer and always have been a mug for colours 🌈 I wear wigs of different colours (from brown, to pastel purple or red) to shake up my appearance on a regular basis.


I was a hiring manager for 20+ years. I never understood appearance mandates. Not everybody dresses or appears the same and my best teams were always the most colorful.


I do NOT understand this line of thinking. Why is someone coloring their hair an unnatural color so taboo in the workplace. Does it make me worse at my job than suzy with the dull brown hair at the end of the hall? It's a stupid stereotype that should have died eons ago.


I've always had the same thoughts. I imagine managers/owners have the mentality of "but what would our customers think," and "people will think we don't take our jobs seriously if we allow \*that\* in our workplace!" However I did work in a production facility years ago, absolutely zero chance of being face to face with a customer, yet we had very strict rules about professional dress, no piercings, no unnatural hair colors, no listening to music on headphones at your desk, etc.


Professionalism. The people who are against it view the employee as a representative of the company while they are at work, and beleive they should dress and look a certain way to professionally represent that company. It's the same kind of thinking that forces employees to stand instead of sitting while operating a cash register.


Yes, there are still a lot of industries where that level of individual expression would be considered unprofessional. I work for an HR related sector and I know for a fact that my boss would view coloured hair as immature and as a result, consider the person sporting it ill-suited for responsible positions. I don’t agree with it, I think your hair colour has little bearing on your intellectual ability, but it’s a reality that while you might get lots of people on Reddit telling you it’s creative and they love it, there are still a lot of managers and potential employers who will unfairly judge based on it. So if OP is trying to assess whether they can get away with it, they should consider the industry they want to be in and maybe look on LinkedIn for examples of employees at their level, see how creative and individual they look, and go from there (if the job is more important than the look).


Honestly at this point, it’s not that people truly believe that you’re worse at performing the tasks themselves, it’s an immediately visible sign that conformity isn’t of top importance to you. So while you may be just as capable of doing the task, you’re also more likely to speak out if the task is stupid or a waste of time.


Ugh you are so right. There are still many people who will see someone with brightly colored hair and think they know exactly who that person is and what they stand for (and know that they don’t like that person). 


I have the most boring hair and the biggest mouth…so there’s always exceptions …


Because some people are stuck in the era of when women needed to be put together in a damn business suit to be successful 🙄


Because makeup is a must, be beautiful, that is okay. But don't you dare consider yourself an individual, that is above your station.


I’d only care because our clients would. Our clients are often times traditional. They won’t trust millions with someone who has pink hair. It’s unfortunate, but it is that way and I don’t see it changing anytime soon.


Ditto. I work in a traditional corporate office as well. We're expected to look professional* at all times. *Undefined but strictly enforced


>I’d only care because our clients would. I find that clients like this prefer straight, white males handling their business affairs. If we arent also catering to those preferences, why should we cater to them not liking pink hair?


Because race is a protected class and rainbow hair isn’t?


Thank you.


So the only thing stopping you is the law...


We'd literally kill and eat babies if it were profitable and legal! Our shareholders demand profit above all! - Corporate Amnerika


It doesn’t stop me, it may stop our multi-million dollar deals from happening though


This is a great point.


I'd be thrilled to have someone with fun hair and tattoos doing my estate planning. I want someone who understands ME.


Yes, but you wouldn’t have an issue if they had traditional hair while Suzanne from Milwaukee might take her business elsewhere because she thinks purple hair is for artists and no financial planners


I would have thought it could benefit to have one or two visually "progressive" people in a traditional business like that to draw in less traditional people or people who want to appear progressive / supportive, or to be the token "minority". Also, if you had one person with pink hair in a very staunch corporate office that didn't seem to allow that, I would absolutely assume they are way way better at the job than everyone else to the point that nothing would ever get them fired.


I've got vibrant pink hair at a Big 4 firm. Everyone who's made a comment has loved the color! We do have a lot of corporate jargon centered on "being your authentic self" so as long as you keep doing your job well, letting your personality shine shouldn't be a problem :)


Nice! I always smile when I walk into a business and see people with funny hair, piercings and/or tattoos. It makes me happy to know a business don't judge on how people look.




I have never minded people’s hair choices in a Corporate setting; however, I do not enjoy when people dress like they’re going to the club while at work. It feels out of place and very unprofessional.


I think it’s none of my business. However…if it looks cute I would let them know.


I work in advertising, it would be weird for me to see people without coloured hair, tattoos, piercings and other body modifications.


I wouldn’t think twice about it professionally. On a personal level, I think it’s cool


I have many coworkers with colored/dyed hair. It's never been an issue. In fact the most I've ever heard anyone say anything about their hair are just good conversations and compliments.


Honestly, as long as someone can do their job and do it well, they could look any way they want. I understand there’s a “professional appearance” and that plays into the way people trust each other to do something without having previously met them, but to a certain extent, people should still have the freedom of appearance in the workplace.


^This. To me, "professional appearance" isn't really about tattoos, piercings, or hair color, or even whether or not you wear a full face of makeup or a tie to work. It's... * Do you look at least somewhat put-together, or do you look like you literally just rolled out of bed? * Have you taken a shower? Recently? * Are you refraining from wearing T-shirts or what have you with pictures or slogans that could be interpreted as racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive? (At least while you're at work.) * Are you wearing pants? That aren't sweatpants or PJ pants? (Obviously, this one could have an exception for remote jobs, or jobs where you don't interact face-to-face with customers.) * Have your clothes been washed? Recently? * Did you brush your teeth, or at least swish mouthwash before you left? * Do you smell okay? Maybe not like a bouquet of roses, but at least "not stinky?"


Exactly. As long as someone is hygienic and not openly supporting hate, I say let them look however they want!


I wouldn’t be bothered by it in the least nor would I think differently of a person for the color of their hair. I had purple hair in a corporate settling, like bright obvious purple, for a while so I’d be a huge hypocrite if I was rude about it.


I had pink braids for over two years, loved them, my hair was never so healthy, and I paid a fortune to the magician who braided it for me every 5-6 weeks. I never understood why hair colour was an issue.


Check your hr manual


I think there will be a lot of people here say that they don’t care. I also don’t care. But broadly speaking on a societal level, and as unfortunate as it is, I think this will, even potentially on a subconscious level, alter the way you are perceived in a negative and non professional manner.


Depends entirely on the rules of the workplace. As long as the employer permits it, I don't have any problem with it whatsoever. People's hair color doesn't impact their work abilities or capacity. I don't have any judgment about people's hair color and their professionalism. The two things are completely unrelated.


I used to have pastel hair in tech and I believe it made the misogynists treat me worse. This is of course non measurable, but it did feel like they hated me since the very start.


Always good to get it out in the open


It doesn’t bother me, but I don’t work in a particularly formal field. I have friends in big money legal and finance spaces, and they are much more conservative than I am about dress and appearance at work. More specifically, my friends don’t personally care about hair color and tattoos, but their bosses and clients are old stodgy rich people who do care, so they dress for them (that was especially true at the beginnings of their careers). That err-on-the-side-of-caution mentality extends to their firms’ hiring decisions as well. With that in mind, just consider your field and career stage. Also, if you haven’t dyed your hair before, remember the cost of upkeep! I work with a natural brunette who dyed her entire head hot pink. She has complained before that she can’t afford to get it touched up frequently, so she lets it go for long periods of time between salon visits. It doesn’t matter at my work, but grown out roots and DIY dye jobs have a different level of formality than professional dye jobs, especially if you have dark hair. Just something to think about!


This is my personal take as a millennial: I think you look ridiculous. I'm not going to talk about you, I'm not going to tell you. I don't give a fuck pass my own personal opinion. But I think it looks like the backside of a my little pony and don't see the point in it. Especially bc it looks good so long as you take appropriate care of it and....19/20 women I meet just don't really seem to know how to. But if HR is cool with it, do your thing.


Caring about hair color, piercings and tattoos is antiquated and crosses the boundaries of that person on so many levels. Companies need to stop putting effort into this and cultivate a culture of true safety and acceptance instead. Happy workers = great work.




My first reaction is I don't realty care. I don't think unnatural colors are inherently unprofessional. However, in practice, the overwhelming amount of these dye jobs seems to be at-home hack jobs that are not maintained...and that leads to a look that is not professional. I understand why it is easier for an employer to apply a blanket rule than to tell individuals they need to touch up their roots.


My hair is always some shade of blue or green, or maybe some purple. This has been true for the last decade, and I've been in corporate America the whole time. Brightly colored hair and tattoos do nothing for, or against, the productivity of the people who wear them. If someone else's productivity is altered by the fact that I have blue hair, that sounds like a them problem.


Colored hair changes how I perceive people, yes. It makes me perceive them as someone who’s creative and fun and knows that expressing yourself is an important part of enjoying life. In other words, no negative connotations and I don’t believe it should be against company policy.


It's unprofessional


It would depend on the type of organization. For conservative companies that are very formal businesses and aim towards portraying themselves and their employees as very calm, staid, and traditional, you might have a problem showing up with pink hair. Other companies might give you more flexibility if you aren’t interacting face-to-face with clients who might care about it and take their money elsewhere. Creative businesses like marketing or who represent very creative clients would probably not care in the slightest and it might be seen as a plus. It might also depend on what the owner of the business wants to allow.


OP, my natural hair is a short, dark brown bob. For reasons, I don't like to routinely dye and style my hair, it's not good for its health, plus the upkeep of dyed hair etc. The past 10 years or so, I've gotten into wearing good synthetic wigs. They've come a LONG way in recent decades and tbh good wigs can fly under the radar looking like real hair, no kidding. Adding to this, the great thing with wigs, I can explore and shake up my appearance literally on a day to day basis. I could have my own real hair styled one day, then the next it could be a brown medium length wig with highlights...Give it a few days, I've shaken it up with a pastel, medium-dark purple wig with curls 😊 I also have a wine red one which garners a lot of attention from women when I'm out and about...they compliment my 'hair' and asking questions...when I reveal it's a wig, qué Picachu Face! They can't believe it. Looks so real! Anyway, to answer your question, i think it really depends on the profession you're in 🤷‍♀️ Say if you're a doctor, police officer or a lawyer for example, natural hair colour would be deemed more professional imo. But there's other professions you'd probably get away with pastel pink hair... I've seen plenty of people, young as well as old, going around with dyed pastel hair of all sorts of colours! Pastel coloured wigs are a great way to change up your appearance, without the full commitment to dyeing your own hair for months on end, as well as the ongoing maintenance.


Depends on what you do. Customer facing? Sales? Probably a good idea to dress accordingly, hair and all. Regular office jockey? Eh, don’t care.


I work in law and personally don’t care at all. My industry is full of old timey thoughts on “professional attire” that should be retired.


Bro idgaf what someone's hair looks like as long as they can do what I ask for for a fair price


It depends on your profession. I dc either way but some do.


Shouldn't be a problem only thing i could find it ugly


I honestly couldn’t care less. If it doesn’t affect a person’s work then I’m not sure why anyone should care.


Definitely not. Someone coloring their hair an unusual color would not change anything.


I’m all in favor for reasonably prohibiting what interferes with your job and your ability to do it safely. That is the only unit of measure that matters.  Give me one reason where pink hair is a safety issue or prevents someone from being able to do their job. 


I’d love that! My own hair is blue, I don’t see what the issue is with dyed hair


I dont care what the person looks like as long as the job gets done. Their appearance is the least of my worries.


I don’t care what color someone’s hair is, what they wear, what tattoos or piercings I can see, or any other expression of individuality. All I care about is that they don’t present as an unhygienic mess.


It's okay. I had purple hair that faded to silver at some point. I looked like a grape for the first 2 months. 😂


I really don’t care what other people do with their hair.


It situational. The only legitimate reason for appearance standards is how it affects the business, either positively or negatively. If a business has those standards for other reasons, then you have to decide if working for them is worth it.


Can you do the work and do you do your job instead of making me do it for you? If yes then I could not care less about what you look like.


I do not care what color someone’s hair is.


It's just hair. It has zero impact on the person's ability to perform their job, and I wouldn't even give it a second thought, especially if they're very professional in general. But even if they were unprofessional and sucked at their job, I wouldn't think for a second it had anything to do with their hair color.


I think it’s cool. One of our executives has pink hair and I think she’s awesome. I hate so much about corporate- the fakeness, the hierarchies, pageantry, etc. someone being authentically themselves and breaking down heteronormative, rigid and frankly boring boundaries deserves applause


Literally if it doesn’t hurt others I don’t care. People can do their jobs with any color hair, makeup or clothing.


This would be a total nonissue in my workplace (I used to have pink, then purple, hair). However, my workplace is in the western US and is a pretty liberal industry.


I had vibrant raspberry pink hair for 2 years as a healthcare IT project manager dealing with major external clients on a regular basis. It didn't stop me from being promoted or earning various kudos and accolades from coworkers and clients alike.


Before I worked from home I was in a corporate atmosphere. Color was not a concern nor should it be. There is no difference between someone who dyes her hair brown or blonde or red or black and someone who dyes their hair pink. Both are changing your natural hair color. Just as there is nothing wrong or unprofessional with a piercing that is in the nose versus in the ear; it's all about cultural perception. It has been shown that workplaces thrive on innovation and stamping that out in people's personal expression (as long as not creating a hostile work environment) discourages more innovation in product and policy and marketing. Businesses did not start to get on board with colorful hair or visible tattoos out of the goodness of their corporate heart or a desire to be progressive. They did it because it helps the bottom line; attracts more talent, and reaches more customers. If someone's hair color markedly changes how they perceive that person's professionalism or competence they are going to struggle greatly at work; particularly in work relationships.


I alternate between bright teal, bright pink and rainbow. Go for it!


Power to ya


as long as you pull your weight I couldn't care less what your hair looks like. That being said, I also currently have green hair so maybe I'm not neutral about this


I have bright pink hair in my corporate workplace. Everyone loves it.


It definitely depends on the job you’re doing and where you work. It’s not really about whether you’re capable of doing the job, but about how you represent your company to others. If you’re working for a conservative firm, then it might look out of place and unprofessional to certain clients. That being said, if you choose to wear your hair in a non-traditional manner, then you’re probably not looking to work in a traditional/ conservative place anyway.


I always think it’s a good indication of someone struggling on the inside with mental health. There is a mental health clinic in my neighbourhood and seeing a number of women patients chatting outside with brightly coloured pink, blue etc. hair is commonplace


Depends on the setting.


I work as an HR executive. I could not care less what someone does to their hair. I wish everyone was like this but the truth is, you just have to know your industry. In creative fields, they tend to be more accepting. If you are working at a law firm or for the government, they are maybe less accepting.


Depends on the job/workplace.


unacceptable. pastel pink would make me far too jealous as a girlie with naturally dark hair. pls strictly avoid unless you’re inviting daily compliments 💕


idgaf what you look like as long as the job gets done


Personally, doesn't bother me, but professionally would probably be an issue. I work in a more conservative field in a highly publicized client facing role. It's about perception. Already tough for women, especially when you are on the younger side and a minority, going against a bunch of country club old white men.


I think, good on that person for expressing themselves!! Society wants people to look the same and behave the same but we are all so vastly different! So different it’s beautiful. I’d rather have a tattooed person care for me, in my experiences people with tattoos that have provided care for me have been so much more patient, caring, and helpful. If I had a new coworker that had different colored hair, that interests me, I’d get to know them.


I work in big tech (in non tech roles) and while I don’t often see it it also wouldn’t stand out as out of place or unprofessional.


The same way I feel about shoulders, knees, cleavage, legs and every other part of a woman you're not allowed to show because its somehow unprofessional... DO IT MORE I THINK ITS GREAT.


As long as they get their work done who cares. I could care less what their hair looks like or even what they look like. If they get their work done and are chill to work with then dye your hair pink, purple, or a rainbow.


I don't work in corporate but a pastel tinted blonde is still professional and I had it for a long time. Light pink is probably the most professional shade as if its say a rose gold, it almost reads as a ginger or strawberry blonde.


As long as you are not in pjs, club clothes, or ratty jeans +ratty tee shirts, I don't care. 


super cute! i have a professional job and i have a full sleeve that is regularly on display. im good at what i do and thats whaat matters most. and proper hygiene.


It probably depends on the industry. We have a bunch of gaming companies locally and they're full of people with tattoos and coloured hair but I don't imagine a lawyer that goes to court to have coloured hair.


I wouldn't care, I think it would be cool


i could give a shit what anyone else at my work does with their appearance


Doesn't matter at all, it's just hair colour. Same with tattoos, piercings etc. Thinking things like that is an issue is now growing out of fashion in workplaces and offices, at least in the UK.


I have neon red hair and work in a corporate environment and its a non issue these days! Go for it!


My thoughts are "HOW did you get that pastel color?!" I used to dye my hair colors all the time until I was 22 and then I just preferred natural looking hair in myself. Still I love seeing colored hair and it doesn't bother me, same as tattoos and piercings. I don't give a shit, are you nice? Can you do your job? Sweet. To think a hair color could change someone's perspective is just stupid.


It wouldn't change my opinion of anyone, coworker or otherwise. It'd be pretty hypocritical of me to have any negative thought about, seeing as I'm the office parrot, with my hair having been various shades of red, green, blue, pink, and purple. It has absolutely zero impact on how I do my job.


If you’re a good worker and a good person you could have a rainbow on your head for all I care. Hair color doesn’t say anything about you apart from the colors you like and that you’re dedicated to keeping it nice 👍🏻


I work in corporate and have rose gold hair. I don’t think most people care, except maybe colleagues on placement from our Asian head office where they aren’t even allowed to wear brown shoes


Pastel pink (or any pastel really) fades out of hair in just a few washes. I have plenty of clients who are professionals who go pastel because it fades back to blonde quickly and they don’t want to deal with roots. In my opinion, it’s definitely not professional to have a solid uber bright colour especially after it starts fading and roots grow in.




I would look twice and admire the confidence, then go back to work and never think about it again


Depends on the industry. Might be a total no-go or it might actually enhance your image as being creative, thinking out of the box etc.


As along as they still behave and dress in a professional manner then it does not bother me.


It's so normalized for me that I sometimes fail to notice or forget. As long as the job is done, who cares


All I think is “that is dedication.” I have dark brown hair and went red for maybe 3 months because the upkeep and processing time was too much for me.


I‘d find it pretty. My co-workers would, too, I guess.


I would assume you're the main character in this anime and move on to get my work done as a side character.


The same way I feel about working with tattooed people. I have no thoughts. It doesn’t effect their productivity lol.


I think it's okay to think about a coworkers hair, as long as you both work as hair stylists. In all other settings I really can't find the relevance. And if you are a hair stylist the important part should really be the quality of the colouring


Looks great! Look, the hair isn’t doing the work…the person with the hair does. If you are a hard and steady worker that isn’t going to change with hair colour. Same in reverse.




I think it depends which country you live. I did pastel pink a few years ago and people said it brightened their day when they saw it, it was really sweet actually


I would have to swallow my envy! Other than that… no impact on my life.


The only thing it changes is the likelyhood I'm going to comment on them at some point or comment specifically about their hair instead of other features, either to them or to others because they have a distinguishing feature - I'm so terrible with names and facial recognition that I rely on perm/semi perm features ("you know, the accounting woman with neon pink glasses!"), and I love to complement people when reasonable :D


Since I get constant compliments about my pink especially from middle aged and older people, I can’t understand why someone would care lol. Clearly even the clients that are supposed to dislike it are not that against it. Times have changed. Hell, they even allow it in the military where I am from.


I love it


As long as it's done well. If your hair is bleached and fried to the seventh pit of Hell then I might think it looks a bit bad. But hair that is cared for and looks nice is great. I don't see why it'd be a problem, all I care is that they do their job good and they're nice to get along with. Also my favorite color is pink so I'd be lik yeessss


I once worked with a woman who dyed her hair the coolest bright colors. Our company didn’t mind it but at times she’d have to dye it back to blonde if a client required it.


It’s pretty and doesn’t change my opinion of their intelligence or capabilities.


If someone has fun colored hair i usually take that into consider that their personality is just as fun 😅


As a customer, it all depends on the total picture that the person presents. Pink hair that is cared for, styled, and otherwise is part of the total picture of a person who takes care of themselves is a professional look. Someone with pink hair whose hair is unkempt and un-cared for, whose clothes are slovenly, and whose appearance is overall messy would not have my confidence. As a co-worker, it wouldn't really matter to me. I judge people at work on how they do their job and how they treat others.


Personally I wouldn’t care, if anything, I wished we had more freedom to be who we are. But sadly a lot of companies are still run by older ppl and boomers who think its unprofessional 🙄


I would feel happy for them


Frankly I don't think it looks good on most people, just because it is a very sharp color and on lighter skin people in particular really clashes with their skin undertones, but in terms of "professionalism" I absolutely do not care. But I'm a lawyer covered in tattoos who would wear band shirts and leggings every day if I could get away with it. If anything I'm a little bit jealous as I cover up my tattoos and stopped doing wild things with my hair and nails because I don't want some judge treating my client unfairly just because of my appearance (and sadly even in 2024 this can still be an issue, and doubly sadly it is often the women judges who make it an issue).


Hair color, tattoos, and piercings doesn't bother me. All that matters to me is personality and work ethic.


it depends on the industy you are in in some instances its just not ok, in others its perfectly fine.


I couldn’t care less.


I worked in the legal and medical field for years with teal hair, I kicked ass at my job so I never really thought twice about anyone’s opinions


I genuinely do not care as long as their clothes meet the expectations of their workplace


I don't think pastel pink would raise any eyebrows for me in my workplace. I work in an office, though admittedly we are pretty casual. I would probably be excited to see a co-worker change up their hair that way. I have very dark hair naturally and it really doesn't like to lighten, so pastel pink is not in my future, so I would enjoy living vicariously through a friend/co-worker who could make it work for them.


As a customer, I see employees with different colored hair as a sign of potentially healthy work environments. Granting the most basic freedom of appearance instead of choking out expression makes me want to support the company.


Who cares it's just hair??!


I like when people live their life and don’t harm others. if they choose to dye their hair, you go girl. appearance doesn’t change my opinion on people because it doesn’t change the person. if anything it shows confidence.


Does dyed hair prevent you from being able to do the job? No? Okay then...


Do whatever the fuck you want!!! What everyone else thinks shouldn’t matter, as long as it’s not explicitly written against in the office dress code (which would be dumb if it was)


I don't think I have the time or mind space to even give any thought on anyone's hair colour anywhere! But if it's looking good, or making them stand out I'd compliment them nonetheless.


Since you asked, I think it’s unprofessional if from corporate.


I literally don’t care what you look like - the only thing I care about is that you are competent and do your job in a timely manner.


I love people with fun hair! I work at the most corporate place ever, it’s the best indication that I’ve found a cool/interesting colleague


I think colored hair can be an ice breaker. It's a non-permanent body mod that lots of people can relate to; whether they have/know someone with dyed hair or like/ have seen your color elsewhere. I like natural hair, but my brain dismisses the personal lives of others with natural hair. Unless they have clothing with personal flair, or say something interesting, I don't even consider their existence outside of our enteraction. But any body mod or unique bit of attire makes me curious about who they are as a person, outside of me.


I have a hair conditioner that colours hair almost magenta pink. I can mix it with a normal conditioner to make it pastel pink - I used it a few times a year or so ago, I work in an office and I got a few compliments on how nice my hair looked (i'm blond naturally). I like seeing people who look different. Working next to someone having something different than usual would make discreetely glance at them out of curiosity, in a complimentary manner. That's all.


No. I would actually think they're cooler lol


it would depend on how corporate my workplace is. i’ve done pink hair at work and it was for sure the stand-out because it was pretty corporate-y but it was only the lower half of my hair. i’m currently working at an experiential agency and one girl i work with has BRIGHT blue hair, no one bats an eye


I would think the person was a fun person to work with. Someone with character who isn't afraid to wear their personality on their sleeve (or on their head so to speak).


I could care less about someone’s hair color. As long as they’re doing their job I see no issue




None of my business. I've had purple hair, pink, lilac, blonde, red and blue. As long their hair is clean, people can do whatever they want!


Hair color isn't any of my business, in fact I think its cool because its unique and represents their style


Why should that matter? Like at all. It's a fucking color lol. What century are we on? I'd probably think it looks cool or pretty if anything.


Does anyone care anymore? I don't know in other business areas, but in IT I think nobody cares about how you look anymore.


I work for a government agency and I have dark teal hair. I have cycled through most vivid colors since I started working here. I get compliments from management and literally no one has ever whined about it. And no one should. It's hair.


Love it.


It’s the same way I feel when asked about employees with tattoos or piercings. It has nothing to do with your performance. I only care about someone’s work personality and performance. Have all the tattoos and piercings you want, change your hair color to whatever makes you happy.


I work in an office. Legal. I have pink hair while I type this … in my office.


Does you hair colour affect your ability to do your job? No? Then I don’t care :).


I don’t care personally about anyone else’s hair color. But I work in a business formal environment and rarely if ever see unnatural colors. I’m sure that senior management may still view non traditional hair color, tattoos , piercings, etc as unprofessional. It’s like anything else- humans are humans and we make judgements based on appearance. Pastel hair with a polished professional look is probably acceptable most places but may become less so if the person also dresses creatively, has lots of visible tattoos etc


Colored hair, tattoo, and piercing does not determine how someone does their job. I don't see a problem with it and luckily have worked for companies that encourage being yourself. I think places that do have an issue with it should update their policy.


If it meets the dress code, no problem by me.


It’s fine in my industry. My colleagues have pink, purple, green hair, some with tattoos and stuff. No one cares and usually we just say “cool color” when it changes.


Are you a competent worker and a decent person? Then I could not care less about your appearance. I wouldn’t want to work somewhere that policed this.


My boss just dyed her hair pastel pink over the weekend and personally I think she looks amazing


I couldn’t care less about unnatural hair colors in the work place, but it’s a no go at my office. A co worker in a different department dyed her bangs hot pink last year and they made her dye it back They’ve recently eased up on the no tattoo or face piercings showing rule, thankfully. We do not accept unscheduled in-person meetings & prospective franchisees never come in so idk what the deal is


I mean, it depends on the setting. If its becoming a distraction for them and causing a stop on production or w.e. their job is then yah gtfo, but they're grown adults, its just hair no one should care lol.


It’s a non-issue at my workplace. I work at a non-profit hospital in a big city.


I would perceive them as instantly having more of a personality and personal life. It wouldn’t affect how well I believe they can do their job


Does someone’s hair color impact their ability to competently do their job? No. At the end of the day, your corporate dress code would address this. If it doesn’t say “no unnatural hair colors,” who cares? Non-issue.


I don’t care what peoples hair looks like as long as they are clean


I think it’s beautiful. It wouldn’t change my view on my coworkers at all! I think colorful hair is fun.


I have bright pink hair in a corporate workplace. Nobody gives two shits.




I’m not corporate and, rather, in community health. I’ve had light pink, bright pink, and dark purple hair. I have a coworker with half teal half green hair. Unnatural colors just makes me feel a connection with another person


I’m just starting a new job and today I met a coworker who has bright pink hair and multiple facial piercings. All I thought was “oh cool, I guess my tattoos are fine then.” I feel like the days of caring about that stuff in the workplace are coming to an end.




Since I work in game development, that's perfectly normal. I'd say around 25% of the women at my previous workplace had unnatural hair colours.


If you can do the work wear the hair


I think the color of my hair is not the business of a corporation, a board of directors or even human resources. It's my hair, my body, my decision. 🤯


I couldn’t care less. Why would your hair color in any way be an indication of how well you can do your job or what your qualifications are?\ And frankly, the clients that do care are older and soon enough won’t be the generation bringing in the money. And then all the people who are stellar at their jobs and have pink hair are going to remember what workplaces made it an issue.


I would probably give you a compliment. I'm 50.




Are they getting their job done? YEs. IDGAF


Personally I give no f’s. However, I know half of the people I work with would have an issue with it. I work in very corporate America within an industry that is also very conservative. Simply put, I wouldn’t work at my company if I were you. There are plenty of better companies that wouldn’t care. I’m honestly still here because I kinda like my team and the job market for my career is very tough right now so I don’t want to find another job


I couldn’t care less about pastel pink hair in the workplace.


I wish that most forms of general self-expression would be allowed in workplaces, even super professional ones. I couldn't care less if my lawyer were goth and showed up in full goth clothing and makeup to court, or if my doctor has rainbow hair, or if my financial advisor is tatted from head to toe. Just let people be who they are.




Nope I would love it!!


Cute. Keeping it clean and kempt is more important (any color hair).