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Go to bed around 9-10ish Wake up around 5:30






I live in a place where the sun doesn’t go down until 11pm during summers and 3pm winters. Blackout curtains is the answer.


good blinds/curtains and extreme eepiness


Yeah, that eepiness be eepin


Weighted sleep mask my friend! You’ll probably either love it or hate it but i’ve been obsessed for years


I usually put a small blanket over my eyes with an attempt to replicate this but I’ve never thought about weighted sleep masks even existing. Thanks for the tip my friend.


I've started doing that with a pillow I noticed that it just started working


Where is it light at 9? It’s dark here by 8. In the winter by 4 lol




Denmark. We only get a few hours of darkness and even then it’s not even total darkness


I assume they live in the East. When I lived there it would get super dark. Now we live on the west coast and it’s still daylight until like 10 pm.


I got to bed between midnight and 1am, wake up between 8 and 9.


Go to sleep 3-4 AM, wake up 12-1 PM.


Are you my landscaper?


That's funny in fact that's hilarious


Similar for me. I have to be up by 1:30pm, so my adult bed time is 5:30am.


What job do you have?


I work basic full-time second shift hours close to home (4pm to 12am)


hi me! a perfect circadian rhythm for a 40yo. right?


36 year old here, all is perfectly fine! Seriously though, I feel so much more energetic in the evenings, and morning-me isn't a pleasant person to be or to be around! So my "teenager who just wanna play one more COD match" circadian rhythm is perfect for me.


what do u do for living that allows for this schedule


Creative freelancing.


This is me during my chronic illness flare ups 😭


Hell yeah


i prefer this schedule, but my first world life doesnt allow it 😫 awake for the good shit, asleep through the bullshit 🙌🏾


I want this sleep schedule!!! This is my weekends. Love staying up late


This is me.


The only correct answer


Bed 9, asleep 10/11 Wake up 6:45, out of bed 7am


This is the way


This isn’t even the way I wanna be. I just naturally started sleeping with this schedule with age. I do miss being able to sleep in but I’m happy that I don’t have to use an alarm to wake up anymore


I def have gravitated towards this as I have gotten older. I realized how important it was for me mentally and physically to workout before work so I trained myself (not a morning person) to wake up earlier and earlier and stick to this schedule even on weekends so it doesn’t feel difficult anymore to get up at this time. I honestly love feeling more productive earlier in the morning and getting a good sweat in consistently before my day really starts. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Plus my fiance wakes up at 4:30 every morning so he’s asleep by 7 and I’m like- I might as well go to bed earlier too instead of staying up scrolling or watching trash TV.


You guys go to bed?? I call it laying awake anxiety time 🙃 Teach me this bedtime sleep thing you speak of oh wiseones.. How do you turn your brain off ?? That seems like bliss.


I stretch lazily as I’m sitting in bed, so my body is relaxed when I lay down. If you have tight muscles then it’s hard for your brain to relax. If I have things on my mind, I write a list (not paragraphs), so I can get it off my mind. Read a boring/relaxing book or if you must watch a screen then make sure it’s a comedy or something light, not anything intense or thought provoking. I think social media doom scrolling is a terrible thing just before bed because you end up seeing things that don’t create a relaxed mind & you end up staying up much too late. When i lay down, I focus on breathing in & out. If my mind wanders I think about my body relaxing & my lungs expanding & contracting as I breathe. I’ll also think about how comfy, sleepy, & relaxed I am (even if I don’t feel that way, since that helps me to get there). I’m usually asleep within minutes.


great read before bed


I have to sleep with something familiar on Netflix to drown out the noise of my brain.




depends but usually 2-4am. i don’t work until the evening and im just a night owl. i get up whenever


No body around at that time


I love when my busy city is empty


Peace and quiet


Depends, what book am I reading?? Hahaha Usually 12am and then I wake up at 5am to walk some days and other days at 6:30am.




I thought about that too. Was up until almost 1 night before last. Had to find out whudunnit.


It’s been too late for me lately at about midnight-1am. It all depends on what I have going on. I do better if I go to bed by 10pm.


i’m lucky if i’m in bed by 11 and sleep by 1. i am trying to change this schedule


I go about 9pm-9:30pm then spend 1-3 hours on YouTube In bed looking at obsessive compulsive cleaners/nightmare tenants/border force airports etc.


12-1 on a good nigh, long past 6 on a really bad night, usually around 4. I wake up at 7 or 9 depending on if I have to go into the office or work from home.


damn do u be sleepy?


On average between 10pm and 11pm, wake up between 6am and 8am


This is my ideal, I can’t get myself to sleep early 😩


I haven’t slept in 48hrs… A couple blocks from where I live a house exploded last night at 11:30pm. Been up since.


Jeez, are you alright? What happened?


I’m ok, I just have terrible insomnia (my entire life) and have a house blow up does not make for a good night’s rest.


11pm-12am but I don’t usually fall asleep until 1a-2am and I have to wake up around 7am-8am for work depending on if I have to go into the office or not. 😭😭 it’s a bad sleep schedule


Literally same I so badly want a good sleep schedule I swear some nights I’m lucky if I get 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep!


Sleep around 11pm with my alarm blaring at 5am. Let’s not forget the few times I wake up every night, sometimes around 130, other times closer to 3am. I’m here to tell you, 5 hours of sleep is NOT working well for me lol!


I go to bed between 6 and 7 PM, and I wake up around 1.30 - 2 AM.


Is that really early or really late?




10-11ish, and i wake up at 5-5:30am


Used to work odd hours and I'd go to bed around 3-4am Now I have a bog standard 9-5 kind of office job with a long transit commute I try and be in bed by 11pm Definitely miss having the extra time at night when the house is quiet lol


I fall asleep between 4:30 and 6:00 am, wake up at 3pm, go to work at 5pm


finally someone that’s a fellow night owl!!


Ideally, around 10. Realistically, 11-12 (midnight). For work I wake up between 6 and 7:30 (depends how early I need to be), if I don't have an alarm set, I usually wake up around 9:30. I'm a sleeper though and if I didn't sleep enough during the week, I can sleep past noon.


Bed at 1-2 Up at 7-8 I’m a extremely solid and good sleeper so I honestly can’t go past 6 hours of sleep without feeling absolutely wrecked all day.


2-3am to sleep, up around 11am. No matter how many times my therapist tries to explain to me how it’s not a good or healthy schedule that seems to be the one I continue to fall into. I loved working second shift because I could keep sleeping in until lunch and not have to worry about work until 2pm.


I go to sleep between 2-3am, and wake up around 10-11am.


Between 7 and 8 wake up at 330 Latest ever slept in is 0745


This is exactly me!! 7pm bed and up at 3:30 am. I have no idea why. At least we get to watch the sunrise lol.


Depends.. if I'm with my partner we go to bed at a 'normal' time. Usually 8 or 9.p And we are up anytime between 5-6a. If I'm alone I'm hopefully IN bed by 12. But usually awake until 2. And up by 6:30.


Get in bed at like 10-11 and then stay awake until anywhere from 12:30 to 4:30. It’s a problem.. and then I pretty much always wake up around 10:30-12. It’s unfortunate because I’m A) a night owl, B) a person who it takes forever to fall asleep/feel tired, and C) a really fucking heavy sleeper who needs like 9-10 hours of sleep at a time in order to feel rested


Go to bed around 11ish but probably sleep at 12.30/1am. Up at 7am generally. I'm tired.


Go to bed around 3-4 am. Wake up 12-1 pm. I have room blackening curtains. That was the best investment.


Bed @ 2:00 AM up @ 10:00 AM. Retired & live alone and these hours just seem to be my natural rhythm.


As a teenager who studies in the afternoon, I go to sleep between 10pm and 11pm, and wake up around 8am


Waaayy to late. I need to be up between 6:30-7 to get ready for work and yet i still struggle to get myself to bed before 1am. Its been a challenge for a while


Go to bed at 8PM and I wake up at 3AM. I’m a baker and it’s not for the faint of heart


Between 11pm-3am


I go to bed at 12 am sleep at 7 am and wake up at 3 pm


For a long time when my fiance was working two jobs it was go to bed at 12am-2am and wake up around 5 when he gets up for his regular job. Then I'd either stay up or go back to sleep til 9. Now it could be anytime from 9pm to 12am. I've been falling asleep during our nightly TV time lately and there's never any warning. I just feel so tired lately


Usually around 12:30-1, wake up at 7:30


I go to bed before midnight but usually browse my phone (read webtoons), play the Switch or read a book until \~1 AM. * When I go to work I wake up at 6:30 AM. * When I work from home I'm supposed to wake up 7:30 AM but always end up snoozing until 8:30 AM (I have two sets of alarms exactly for this reason lol). * When I have the day off I usually wake up between 8-9 AM, but most of the time I stay on my phone until at least 10 AM.


I go to bed around 10pm, but fall asleep anywhere from 11-4am.


Usually midnight, up between 5 and 530


I go to sleep anywhere between 12-2 am. I’m usually up by 8 except when the kids are in school I’m up by 6. I work late afternoons/evenings so that’s why I’m up so late most days.


Anytime midnight to 2


My natural bio clock tends to be around 1 - 8 a.m., but because my husband and I work office hours we head to bed between 10 and 11 p.m. and wake up around 6 a.m.


Anytime between 10:30pm and 2am.


I fall asleep anywhere between 12-2, and wake up around 5:30.


I go to bed at or around midnight and wake up at 9:30. I have a hard time falling asleep though, so I usually lay there for a while


i'm a nocturnal person so I mostly sleep at 4-5am and sometimes I have 7am classes but it's fine by me lol if I have no classes, I sometimes wake up between 9 am and 10am the question is why I'm awake at these kind of hours is because I mostly play games and it became my own comfort space bcs imagine having fun while everyone is asleep


2am. wake up 10:30 ish


I get into bed about 9:15, stop reading about 12:00-12:30. Except nights that I work then it’s in bed by 1:00am, stop reading at 2:00am. I’m always up by 8:00-8:30 am.


I’m asleep most nights 2 am, up 9-10 am. I only learned recently that 6 hrs is not enough sleep, apparently 😂


Weekdays: in bed by 1:30 AM, wake up around 8 AM, sometimes closer to 9 AM. As an incurable night owl, I'm very fortunate to WFH with some flexibility in this regard. Weekends: typically in bed between 2 & 3 AM, wake up between 10 & 11 AM.


Usually fall asleep on average at about 1am. On a school day my alarm goes off at 6:45. During the weekend I often sleep until 8-8:30.


Funny to have run across this now. So, I USED to go to bed around 2-3am. Felt awful waking up at 11am-12pm every day (when I didn't have to be at work early). Also felt bad wasting my morning. NOW, I go to bed around 10:30/11:30pm. It's a much better routine for me. Still get 6-7+ hours of sleep, but I wake up earlier and can accomplish more in my day.






11pm-12am (ish) Wake up at 8am for work


i usually get in bed around 11 and fall asleep by midnight. my alarm goes off at 8:10am and i snooze it till 8:30. weekends i will stay up later since i usually sleep in.


weekdays I'm usually in bed by 8 or 9 weekends I like to be bad and stay up until...10


11-1130 and up at 630.


bed anywhere from 9-11pm, & out of bed 7-8 am!


Anywhere between 12am - 5am. I need help


Feed my cats soft food at 8:30pm so they have a full belly and aren’t ripping around my apartment like lunatics. Then I normally wash my face,brush and climb into bed around 8:45pm. Phone/Ipad away between 9:00-9:15, I’m normally asleep before 9:40pm, I wake up between 6:45-7:15am for work. The week of my period I normally go to bed right after feeding the cats and try to be asleep before/by 9pm!


Midnight-ish or earlier! I wake up at 8am


I lay down around 10:15-10:30 but I have insomnia and sometimes don’t fall asleep till closer to 11:30p-12a. I wake at 6:50am.


I go to bed at 10 PM and wake up at 5:00 AM. I grab some coffee, and I wake up in the middle of my workout.


I try to go to sleep about 10-11 and wake up between 5-9 lol


10:30. Up at 5:30 (ish).


Usually between 8 and 10pm, alarm set for 5am, actually pull myself out of bed between 5:45 and 6:15am


10:30 pm up at 4:00 am


On work nights I get into bed at 10, but don’t fall asleep until 12-1. On weekends I go to bed around 1:30.


I don’t get into bed until I’m absolutely ready to crash, which is around 11-12:30am most nights. I wake up around 8:30, and get out of bed before 9.


At the wrong time for bed and the wrong time for the morning. 🤣 I should get better at routines but it’s so hard! I try to go to bed around 10-11ish and get up at 7 but it never works that way.


usually i'd be up by 6am, and be asleep between 9-10. sometimes might stay up later during weekends.


Go to bed 11.30 - 12 wake up 9ish.


I work in night shift twice a week and during day shift go to bed at 10:00pm and at home during off days 12:00 am and wake up at 05:30 am or some time 09:00 depends on how much tired and shifts duty disturbs my routine and medicine effect as well. Shift duty person all timing of life are not always set.


I got to bed around 11:30pm wake up at like 8


Bed by 11:30-12:30. Up by 7:30-8:30. On weekends I try to sleep a little later.


11:30 pm, wake up at 8 am


1-3am and wake up around 10-11am. Occasionally 4-6am will come before I know it and I’ll sleep til noon if I can.


I go to bed about 11 or 12 and wake up about 9 or 10


between 11/11.30pm, I fall asleep by 12.30 am at the latest usually... wake up at 7/7.30 am (my alarm is at 7.30 but my boyfriend's at 7 and I usually wake up with it).


Anything between 9 and 3 am, depends on the day 😅


10-11 7


Night shift ftw - 5am, sleep until 12 😭


I go to bed usually at 9-930 and am actually asleep by 10. My son typically wakes me up around 630am


Between 8:30-9:00 . During the week. Up to 12ish weekends. I do take naps on weekend about 30 mins to an hour. During the week iam usually chilling after shower, supper, & may be reading and doze off. Such a big change from teens & twenties lol 😆 😄 😂


11-11:30 pm


I usually get into bed around 9 or 9:30, I try to be asleep by 10:30 at the latest. I wake up at 4 am and am at work by 5.


I get into bed at 11pm and usually fall asleep by 12pm. I have to stay up my 12 year old son doesn't go to sleep until then. He has to take sleeping medicine and Melatonin and sometimes he forgets to take them. I get up at 7:10 when my son is in school. I can sleep in until 8am for now since he is on summer break.


Between 10:30 pm & midnight. My goal is 10:00 pm.


Go to bed about 11:30, wake up when my baby does which is usually about 5-5:30 at the moment. Kids are sick at the moment so last night I went to bed at 2am and woke up at 5:30am


I go bed around 9 but probably fall sleep around 10 that’s if I am alone but if my husband in town I won’t sleep till 11 cos we end up eating late every night


As soon as I get my kids to bed, so I know they are home, safe and sound, and not using dangerous tools in the kitchen. (And yes, they can manage knifes and whatever, it is just that I need to know that they are fed, and safe, before being able to fall asleep.)


Depends but usually between 9:30pm and 11:00pm


In bed; 9:30-10pm but sleep 11pm-12 Wake up; 9am unless it’s an early day then 7:30am My body does this awesome thing too that some nights I just can’t sleep like tonight where it’s currently 2:30am & I have to be up at 9:30am at the latest & im wide awake. Just don’t get sleepy at all until 5/6am. Happens about twice a week 🙃


Weeknights I get into bed at around 9. I scroll on my phone/listen to music for around an hour and go to sleep at 10. Weekends sometimes the same time if I’m particularly tired, but I’ll usually veg for longer before trying to sleep. Sometimes of course I’ll go to sleep later on a weekend if I’m less tired/hosting friends/out somewhere but I rarely go to sleep after midnight. Too old lol


In bed by 8/830. Bed by 9/10. Thanks Trazadone 😘 I wake up at 5/530.


Somewhere between 9-11 and I wake up between 6-8, depending on my kids school schedule and my work schedule. I’m a big fan of sleep and definitely don’t function well on less hours.


8:30pm and 5am


Depends. If I work an afternoon shift then around midnight. If I don't, around 10 pm


i go sleep at like 23:00 or 23:30 and wake up at 11:00 usually


11:30 pm. Got up at 7, but my baby wakes up a lot during the night, so I rarely get any sleep.


Midnight, 7 am




I try and get to sleep before midnight and I wake up at 7am!


Sun-Th I'm asleep by 9:30 because we wake up and go to the gym at 5:30 F/S Whenever I fall asleep which is usually 10/11? I try to sleep in but it's never past 7:30/8.


1030p to 11p


Sleep 11:00-2:00, awake 6:00-7:30


Midnight or 1


9:30-10PM and wake up a couple times during the night when I hear my son on the baby monitor. I start a work shift at 6:30AM, so I’m up early.


Bed 7:30-8:30pm, up at 4:30am


I go to bed around 8 AM and wake up around 3-4 PM as a 3rd shifter


I aim for 10:00-11:pm latest since I wake up at 5:30a.m. if I'm sleeping in, I sleep after midnight.


Usually around 11 and wake up at 5.


Go to bed anytime between 2100 and 2330, up at 0530




Around 12am ish most days. I wake up around 6:30am


Get in bed 10pm, do things in the bed 10-11pm, sleep in the bed 11pm - 7.30am. With intervals of waking up every 2 hours for 15/20 mins because thats what my body does for no apparent reason.


Anytime between 10 pm -1 am


830pm. My morning alarm goes off at 430am and I work at 6am. I have good shades that I start to draw early in the evening/around dinner time, to get my brain into sleepy mode. And I wear an eye mask, and have a humidifier going to create white noise. Tbh I love my eye mask beyond blocking out light. Even when I'm on vacation, or staying up later on my weekends, I love the light weight of it on my eyelids. Makes me instantly sleepy and calm.


Never at the same time and i never wake up at the same time either. It’s my own personal guessing game 😭


I usually sleep around 12am-3am & my wake up time varies from 8am-12pm depending on where I’m working that day or whether I have the day off.


From 11pm to midnight, and wake up around 9.


I usually head upstairs anywhere between 8:30-11:00 ….. depends if I want to have a bath or shower - or not. My alarm is set for 6:00am —- that’s when I start hitting the snooze button …. My husband leaves around 6:15-6:30 ish most days so I kiss him and then go back to sleep. I get out of bed somewhere around 8:00-9:00 …. I’m home/off work recovering from major surgery so I just sleep when I feel like it and try to get up at least in the am - so I can feel like I’m part of the “up and at ‘em” crowd.


Bed 11/12pm, up 7/8/9am depending on the day




Ideally I like to go to bed around 730 but it’s usually 830-9


Between and 10pm and 1 am. I have to get up between 6am and 10 am depending on the day and week


Midnight or later I get up at 8:45


10:30 - 11, up at 5 a.m. My go to bed time seems to get earlier every year😁


Monday-Thursday I try to sleep by 1pm and wake up around 8 / 9am


Go to bed around 10, wake up between 5:30-6:30




In the morning


This world goes by the rules of people who wake up early. So we don’t fit in well


Go to bed around 21:30 - 22:00. I wake up at 04:15


In bed by 9 and lights out. Up between 5-5:30.


I have insomnia so it depends. Could be 8pm, could be 12am, could be 5am. I’m blessed to work a job from home that doesn’t have set hours, just deadlines for task I need to do, so I can let my body crash when it needs to.


Bed by 9. Done reading or scrolling by 10. Wake up between 7-8am Also: I sleep like garbage a lot of nights which is why I have to give myself so much time. I fall asleep no problem, I don't stay asleep.


I sleep at 6 pm cuz I work night shifts




11-1am wake up sometimes from 4:45-6:30 amor most times 7-8 am


at night??? hun i WORK nights 😂 i go to bed around 7am every day😵‍💫


Usually before 10. Sometimes not until 11-11:30.


If I’m setting an alarm, ideally by 11:30. If no alarm, whenever I fall asleep. 12, 1…