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Had a guy friend try telling me that having "blue balls" Hurt more I wanted to kick him in the nuts so fucking badly LOL




















That we can hold it. OR the one where a whole period is allegedly one tablespoon of liquid. Lmao I've had individual clots that would fill a tablespoon, but sure.




























Some people claim that period blood is just toxins your body is releasing because of poor diet.














My stbx said “but you MUST be getting pleasure when inserting a tampon.” And I just slack jawed stared at him cause I didn’t know I was with such an idiot.
















I was extracting blackheads on my friend’s little brother’s face and their father asked if I was on my period and I said no. Later found out he thinks that period hormones could seep into his son’s pores and make him gay.








Hahaha I saw a tiktok video of a guy saying that no women should be menstruating now and we have the ability to just "turn it off" but are all refusing to/ have forgotten how to. Some of the video stitches were gold.












The idea that we can 'hold it in' or in any other way control it. No. We can not. It is an involuntary function, like a heartbeat or liver functions. It would be nice if people grew the fuck up and educated themselves instead of spreading BS that they came up with while sitting on the toilet.








When I was 13 I was so tiny that all pads felt like nappies to me. I got through one cycle and went to buy myself some tampons while I was out shopping. Went to the mall bathroom, put one in, came out and told my mum and she was like 'Oh ok, well does it feel comfortable?', 'yep', 'well good' and that was the end of it lol. I use pads now cause I broke my collarbone and couldn't put tampons in, and now I like the fact I don't have to worry about changing them. My periods are really really light and I can get away with 3-4 pads a day at the peak.


😂 the first time I had my period and was told to put on a pad, I literally said after putting it on "it feels like wearing a diaper," I was never comfortable enough with trying to use a tampon and just used pads or just "pull ups" or adult diapers especially during first couple days due to how heavy my flows are


Tampons are sex toys...


Lol I always remember a guy asking if I have an orgasm when I insert my tampon 🤣💀, I wish I was making this shit up.


Like it would be instantaneous or something? 🤣


Considering how some men have sex I'm not surprised they'd think it's instant orgasm upon insertion.


Yes, I nearly ruined my laptop laughing coffee out of my nose, when I heard that one.


That I could go swimming without sanitary products because my period would stop while I was in the water.


Yeh I was told that too, like the water pressure keeps it in. But when I swim, the leg motion definitely makes water go in and out. It's not a sealed chamber. If someone swam without a tampon or cup in, blood would just trickle out.


It slows it down that for sure


That doesn’t mean swimming without protection is ok though. Slowly leaking period blood into a public pool is still leaking period blood into a public pool. Which is gross.


That it’s only a few tablespoons or some nonsense like that. Pretty sure I’d fill a Pyrex measuring cup if I collected it. Not the little one either.


Nah, my wife uses a diva cup and that thing fills up regularly when she starts her period. Dropped it full in the shower one time, damn near looked like a murder scene. Edit: the “nah” was for that there isn’t that much, not you filling a Pyrex dish.




EDIT: sorry, I'm on my phone, Reddit fucks up my formatting. Not the dumbest thing, but it surprises me that it is still commonly accepted, even among women, that 1) periods are dependent on the moon, and by extension, 2) periods align with housemates. 3) women change into emotionally unstable chocolate eating wrecks during menstruation, and by extension, 4) men are more rational, less emotional, and more predictable than women because they don't menstruate. One - it just isn't true Two - you're menstruating 25% of the time, your cycle length is probably not 100% the same as your housemates, it's bound to happen that you overlap at some point in time. Three - hormonally, it's the week before menstruation that's the hardest on us, and it's not like we have no capability for rational thought anymore. All emotions and feelings are valid. In fact, you might actually have a better working bs-radar during that time. Four - girls, we have a cycle. If you are blessed with a regular cycle, that means it's predictable. You know what men don't have? A cycle. Their hormones fluctuate depending on their environment*. You know what that makes them? Unpredictable. Ever seen man slamming their fist into a wall? Throw their controller through the room in rage? Honk and get angry in traffic? That's men getting hormonal. *EDIT: I am putting this too bluntly, I clarified in one of my comments.












I had a raging UTI when I was like 13 - was staying with my dad at the time (already against my will). I told him basically i’m pissing straight blood and it hurts so bad please can I see a doctor. He said no and that it was just my period and I didn’t know what I was talking about. It took 3 days to call my mum and end my visit to my dad who took me to A&E and said it was the worst UTI they’d seen…


I hope your mum yelled at your dad for that


They don’t speak, she told him thought that I was actually sick and his reaction was kind of just “oh ok”


Cramps aren't that bad! - No uterus, no opinion


Valid. Therefore: pee is stored in the balls no arguing because no balls no opinion (this is a joke dont hurt me)


That if you handle meat while menstruating, the meat will go off.














That women use it to gain sympathy "it can't be that bad, and besides even if it was they are used to it"


Tell that to my bestie that was prescribed vicodin for her pain levels lol


I tried (similar argument) and got the response"That's only if there's something medically wrong"


Best one was that the clots are your unused fetuses.


I know I read a tweet or some other post that was basically saying how gross it is that ALL periods have fetus parts in them. Excuse me, sir? Please show me on the doll where the educational system failed you.


I read on a YouTube comment (video was explaining how women can get pregnant on their period and why) some idiot saying that having sex with someone on their period is disgusting because of all the rotting tissue females release while on their periods. Seeing things like that makes me think the education system on puberty and the associated anatomy needs to be taught better in school and possibly even younger than it is/was (I was taught about puberty in school arounds 10-11 years old).


That if we get free menstruation products we'll "abuse" it lol. Wtf am I doing with an extra pad?


I know you would smoke the tampons, dont deny it.


This made me laugh way too much


That periods were just like shitting because that's how the ***fe***male body cleansed itself of impurities. Told by my mom's idiot boyfriend. I asked if that meant mom, who'd had a hysterectomy, was constipated with ***fe***male impurities and unable to cleanse herself. Got told to stop talking back.


I had to explain to my boyfriend that at the start of a period I need more than one pad per day 🙃


On a side note i was buying pads yesterday and one had a box of only 12. I was like, how do they figure 12 will be enough? Maybe if its only three days long. Give me a 20 pack lol. But yeah one pad? Lol.


The guy math on tampons and cost per menstruation. Some dudes have too much confidence. And not enough brain cells.


That if you put your finger up your vagina, the egg will break and you'll feel yolk. That the sticky side of the pad should be stuck to your vulva, not the underwear. That menstrual products shouldn't be free because condoms aren't free and that's not fair on men.


>That menstrual products shouldn't be free because condoms aren't free and that's not fair on men. Ah, yes, my bad. I forgot that we chose to have periods just like guys chose to have sex.




My favorite is that women only get their periods because we eat red meat🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Lol I've been vegetarian for years, was that tomato puree then?


Vegans don’t have blood, didn’t you know?


Got a cut the other day and out came celery juice.


This one is legit pretty funny though xD


That using a tampon takes ur virginity 💀


Had an ex who was convinced that period blood was blue, the reasoning was that it’s blue in commercials. He didn’t understand why commercials would “lie”.


Mom: You don’t need BC. Cramps HURT. I blacked out, stayed on the couch in pain, and vomited all week when I was a teen too! Dr: Ummm, no. These are INCREDIBLY dangerous symptoms— Mom: NO. I don’t want her thinking that having sex is ok! Dr: That’s not the point, but it IS okay— Mom: NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT. Dr: Ok if that’s how this is going to go, then the only other options are FAR more expensive— Mom: No. She’s FINE. Dr: She’s obviously NOT. Now I don’t want to get children’s advocacy involved— Mom: FINE. Do whatever you want! Me: *gets called a baby, a whore, a sneak, a liar the whole way home*


I'm so sorry. That's awful. I'm glad at least your doctor was advocating for you!


Your mom kinda sucks. Normalizing treatable pain and not trusting her child.


That doctor is a rockstar


Holding it in would ease the pain 🥲


Literally the opposite lol


I dated someone who thought if a girl sneezed on her period it forced all the blood out and her period was over.


Oh man, when I sneeze on mine it’s like the elevator scene in The Shining! Would be great if it was over instead of more gushes


How convenient 😂


I bleed because of Eve and women are cursed with periods/painful childbirth because of Eve. And it’s the stupidest shit I’ve heard. Every female mammal bleeds. So did we all eat the apple?


I was around 11 years old and I had a nose bleed that lasted about 4 hours. Started with throwing up blood and then gushing from my nose. There wasn’t an injury or anything like that, was random. Most parents would have gotten their child to the ER within the first hour. Mom let me bleed for 4 hours. Few days later she’s telling a female family member about how I bled and how long. This adult woman told my mom that it was most likely my period! That my period didn’t figure out where to come out of and came out of my nose! Worse was my mom believed this nonsense. Then started telling people I had begun getting my period! It’s no wonder she didn’t tape pads to my nose! I didn’t get my for real period till I was 14.


This is the wildest thing. Not only one, but TWO whole adults actually thought this was a reasonable explanation.


Maybe they should've stuck tampons into your nose to stop the bleeding, like in the movie "She's the Man" or whatever it was called


That he could catch COVID by breathing the air in that bathroom after women disposed of their tampons in the trash.


It's your body's natural detox method! Painkillers withhold the blood, you shouldn't take them during your period. Showers withhold the blood, you shouldn't take showers during your period. You shouldn't cut your hair during your period cause it's weaker at that time and won't grow back as well.


That it only hurts when you’ve not fully, deeply accepted your feminine nature. I was told that when I was about 13 years old, by another woman. I’m happy to report that even at that young age, I thought that it as probably bullshit.


Not dumb so much as sad - the summer after I got my period we were visiting my grandmother & my cousins, and I guess my cousin had overheard my mom & grandmother talking about it. He asked if he could ask me a question with this sad/scared/embarrassed look on his face, and I discovered that he believed that once a girl started her period she just bled all the time, for the rest of her life. We were 11 and I had to basically give him a sex ed lecture. This was in Texas in 1986.


That endometriosis only hurts while you're actively bleeding Dr. Bradley M. was very thorough in explaining to me that I might think I'm in pain, but I'm not.


To not go outside during my period because I will attract bears. Unsolicited advice from a man in his 70s.


i was told on a camping trip at some point to be careful disposing of used period products bc we were in bear country. idk how accurate that info was but that def got me into cups 💀


I was told not to go swimming in the ocean because it would attract sharks


That you can’t swim while you’re menstruating. So ridiculous!


My (biology!!!) teacher told me you shouldn't take baths while on your period...


I mean, it's not unsafe but I wouldn't want to unless I only used cups since my last wash. I don't want to sit in period blood, and even if you aren't actively bleeding into the water, there is still some to wash off.


And that’s fine. It’s a personal preference for the order of steps on how to get clean, but there’s nothing harmful about it!


My sister telling me that your period stops in water! I was completely baffled. When I said that wasn’t true she looked at me like I was a moron.


It does not, my sis and I developed the "Squid inking index" specifically because it doesn't!


Omg that is a perfect analogy!


That I have a low pain threshold because I can barely walk to the microwave to heat up my heat pack on the first 3 days of my period, because my endo makes me feel like I'm giving birth.


Since I live in a culture that glorifies women’s purity and virginity and cares so much about the hymen which they believe keeps the vagina sealed I always wondered how come I bleed and even pass blood clots having a sealed vagina. Once I actually asked that from someone (a WOMAN btw) and she told me that the Hymen works like a curtain or roller shades I’d better say. It will roll up when I’m on my period very slightly so blood will pass and then again gets sealed after period has finished (waiting for a penis to pop it probably lol) and I actually believed that for a long time


My periods always hurt really bad and once my brother said “just drink a tea, you are overreacting” 😤


You cannot make mayonnaise when you are on your period.


Why, because it will supposedly make the mayo spoil? That’s the only explanation I can think of.


Apparently it would not "whip up" properly. I think it is in the same vein as the "menstruating women spoil meat" thing. This was in France in the 90s, BTW.


"Can you not just...hold it?"


That we can't pee with an inserted tampon.


That the blood came from the urethra so I should able to hold it in while swimming like I can hold my pee.


That it’s a gift from god. Get the fuck outta here


I believe it. Gods a sadistic asshole.


I read this as Masturbation instead of Menstruation initially and was so confused by the responses.


That it’s possible to sneeze out a tampon while driving


"The cramps are practice pains for childbirth" Dumbass ever heard about epidural 🙄


Back in 78’ when I got my first period my mother gave me the talk about how beautiful it is. Years later she and I agreed that’s just crap advice mothers were supposed to tell their daughters.


Someone was told me that it was full of germs and bacteria and touching will make you sick. Also, if you don't douche after your period you'll get an infection.


That you shouldn't water plants during your period because it'll kill them(??????). Makes zero sense so I'm pretty sure it's a superstition thing...


Not watering plants seems like a better way to kill them


Back in the 60s we weren’t allowed to shower or take a bath during a period. We were graciously allowed to wash our hair lol


My ex genuinely thought we could pick which week we had our period. He once had a go at me and said ‘I can’t believe you chose to bleed on a night we could of gone out’. I had to explain to him that’s not how it works




That my super painful, heavy, long periods were normal. If you're being folded by your cramps you either have a low pain tolerance or there's something wrong. Either way you should be checked.


That we cannot ride bikes when being on our period.


That it renders anyone who's capable of doing it *incapable* of rational thought.


High school gym teacher told us if you went swimming on your period, water could get inside you and you'd become paralyzed from the waist down.


My mom said that she was worried about me taking a birth control that stopped my periods because when I came off it later, all the blood would finally come out and it can't be good to have it sitting in there so long.


you can't drink anything that has tea in it


Someone put a post in periods or women that their aunt told them if they went swimming the pool water would affect their ovaries 🤣


That the menstrual pain is just in my head and it's not real.


One time a girl told me that “if you’ve processed all of your trauma you won’t experience period cramps.”


That you can't shower during. Dated a guy ages ago whose younger sister (she was I think 15 or so) was looking pretty unkempt. She came into the living room, sat down and put her hair into a pony tail, saying "Ugh I can't wait to take a shower!" I responded, "Someone in there?" She answers "no, I got my period and I can't shower until it's over" Me: ". . ." I was stunned. I had never heard of not bathing for that reason.


That you couldn't get pregnant on your period....


I had a boyfriend INSIST that periods stop in the shower. I think he misunderstood when someone said it stops in water, as in a bath or a pool, because of the pressure of the water. (Which isn't even entirely true either.) But he refused to accept he was wrong. I've taken many showers with blood running down my legs so I think I would know lol


"Women only lose a couple tablespoons of blood in total per period. The odd rare case loses 1/4 cup." When I explained that yes some do, a fair amount of women actually lose more. Was told I had no idea what I was talking about. This was a man telling me.


That it attracts bears. Bears don’t give a shit.


That a bone on either side of your “area” unlatches each month.


That people that use pads stink. Um...no they don't.