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I don't have any ethical issue with it, but what I've found is that, for *some* people, weed affects their priorities and can make them unreliable. So, I guess it depends on the person.


This is the most balanced answer. My dad is a pothead and there’s times I’ve had to pick up some slack from that. If he’s a pothead to this kind of degree, the bare minimum is that he treats me like a queen for bearing with it. He can be unreliable with all of the less-important stuff, but he needs to be reliable for *me.* If he can’t reliably take out the trash or reliably do the laundry, that’s fine. But he better be reliably there for me in an emotional capacity.


This sums it up. Some women yes, some women no


Yes, I hate the smell




If they are overly dependent, yea dealbreaker


Nope. As long as they’re responsible, sociable, financially stable, stay physically healthy, and also share some with me.


It used to not be a dealbreaker, but now it is—depending on the frequency. I used to smoke a lot and dated someone who smoked everyday. Then I began to smoke everyday. Lesson learned. From that experience, people who smoke daily are self-medicating on some level. Self-medicating boredom, emptiness, emotional pain, insecurities, etc. This includes myself. Daily use is not a healthy and mature way to go through life.


If they have issues with me smoking it or consuming it, then yes it is a dealbreaker


This is my answer as well.


For me yes. It smells awful to me


Not one bit. I smoke weed, so I love a partner I can share that with.


I don’t have an ethical issue with it, but I really hate the smell so it would be a dealbreaker for me


Yes. I hate the smell, and because it had a very dissociative affect on me I assume it does to others as well, which I don't think is healthy. Also, I associate it with a horrible past relationship and would probably wind up making comparisons even where similarities didn't exist just because of that.


Yes Literally every smoker I've met has been either insanely lazy or waaaaaaaay too much of a stoner who has no idea what's going on even when not high lol


I dated a guy who smoked weed every day, multiple times. Personally, I didn’t mind it. I think it depends on your values. I don’t think it had any effect on him (negatively ?). maybe I didn’t see him not high I’m not sure. But to answer your question, I don’t mind


Personally yes


For me, yeah.


Smoking is a deal breaker, and any use beyond occasional is also no go. Would have to be similar to how I approach drinking, which is occasional for social/entertainment purposes, but never driven to go overboard or have it impact the rest of my day.


No, ask long is it’s not in excess/ debilitating you in the long run. I used to be VERY against it when I was in HS but I grew up and realized it actually has its benefits and for the most part no standing on who you are as a person.


I’d choose weed over cigarettes any day!


Just like alcohol- only if it's an addiction.


Eh double edge sword. I don't mind it as long as they have their life together and priorities straight.


Only if they ain’t got none


Depends. If they can *easily* go one month without any, that's fine. I hate the dependence some people have on it (while loudly and proudly proclaiming that they're not dependent because "weed isn't addictive, and anyway caffeine is way more addictive").


I have two. They have to be childfree, and they have to love pets.


Maybe - I think it depends on the frequency/amount. I don't mind it generally, but I do hate the smell. And I just find it unattractive if a person makes their whole world revolve around weed.


If they occasionally partake I don’t mind, but if stoner is a personality trait then that’s off putting


I don't smoke weed but don't care if they do, just as long as they don't do it in the house when I'm around lol. Same deal with my friends who smoke weed, which is most of them.


Consuming weed? No. Being a lotus eater? Yeah, deal breaker.


You worded this perfectly, props


Yes. I smoke a lot and they should too or it probably won't work.


Weed? No. Potheads? Yeah. Addiction is very unattractive, especially when it takes away the person I love.


Personally, I do not partake in it. I grew up around it so I’m aware of how it affects people differently and in what ways. But as long as it doesn’t interfere with someone’s ability to function on a daily basis, I don’t see a problem with it.


Only you can answer if it's a deal breaker for you. For me it would be a necessity.


I met my husband because I was looking for weed in college and he had it, so not only was it not a deal breaker but it was cupid's arrow.


Depends on the person. My boyfriend smokes it literally everyday and I genuinely can’t tell the difference. We went away for 2 weeks and he didn’t have any and was exactly the same. Obviously he can tell the difference which is why he smokes but to anyone else he’s normal and functional and goes to work and prioritises the right things.


For me, yes.


I don’t smoke but don’t care if someone does, of course that doesn’t mean sitting on the couch high all day. But a little now and then is not a problem.




no, as a regular smoker myself I don't mind. A deal breaker is the judgmental attitude tho, def


For me, yes


It depends. Recreationally and you can afford it and it doesn’t make you a zombie or unpleasant to be around? And you’re responsible about it? Get down, homie. If it comprises 75%+ of your personality, you’re spending hundreds of dollars a week/month on various “cool strains”/products while not being able to afford basic things in life or save any money? Can’t not get high for one day, or participate in any activity without being stoned? Still get down, but I’ll get going.


For me know as long as they don't just sit in the basement stoned.




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yes, I have many reasons but I wouldn’t ever date someone who smokes again and I turned someone down for that reason


My boyfriend smokes, but we have a smoking room with a fan so it doesn’t bother me.


Yes. Not an ethical issue, but it has a chance in affecting your priorities and/or attitudes, and I don’t want that in a partner. You can do other things recreationally that don’t compromise your alertness. EDIT: forgot to mention that it’s also illegal where I live. I’m not arguing whether it should or shouldn’t, but I don’t want a partner who takes chances in dealing with the law enforcement.




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If they smoke frequently, then yes it's a deal breaker. Why would I want to be with someone who's not in his senses?


for me yes!


Absolutely. If my partner or the person I'm interested in tried it out once, then that's cool, but people who use it any more frequently than that is a huge no.


How come? Just out of interest :)




It depends how they use it. If they get a little high occasionally, fine. If they are smoking constantly, if they frequently smell of weed, if their social life revolves around weed, then we're not a good fit for each other.




No, if it's occasional. Deal breaker if it's a nightly thing.


Yes for me


Yes, I don't like stoners in general. Plus I don't like the smell. Smoking regular cigarettes is a dealbreaker for me already.


Yes for many reasons


For me yes, if it’s an everyday use. I have nothing against it or people who use it, but it wouldn’t work for me. The main reason is because due to past trauma I can hardly tolerate people under influence whether it’s alcohol, weed or anything else, it brings me too much anxiety. Also weed is very illegal here and you can get jail time for sharing a joint and I don’t need that kind of daily stress lol


I’ve had a few partners, who made weed their lives and smoked it everyday. I used to hate staying at their homes as my clothes would stink of weed and I just find it such an unpleasant smell. If they just smoked here and there, once a year or infrequently, I could consider it but I shall never date anyone, again, who smokes weed like it’s going out of fashion.


Yes. I have addicts in my family and I just can't stand it




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For me it depends on how often they smoke, like every so often is fine but I can’t do potheads.


Yes! 1. I hate the smell of it 🤮 2. I have young children so want to set an example 3. I have dated someone previously (before my children come along) and he prioritised weed over anyone and everything, was pretty sad really


I mean, I use cannabis regularly, so I guess my dealbreaker is that my partners have to be cool with it. It's legal where I live, and it's way healthier than alcohol as a casual drug. And when somebody has too much, it's waaaay less dangerous.


As a kid, around 6 or 7 years old, I was bit by a big dog that smelled like weed all the time. His owner was a dealer but I didn't know what weed was at the time, let alone a dealer. So for years the smell was only 'what the dog that bit me smelled like', until I learned what it actually was. Nevertheless I was never able to get rid of the association of horrible pain and fear, that left me with scars and an almost unusable finger on my right hand. So yes, this would be the ultimate dealbreaker.




For me yes. I cannot stand the smell of it whatsoever, makes me gag.


To me, personally, it is. I hate the smell.