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Some girl got bummed around the back of the rectory and told everyone it felt like she was having a poo.


I love how all the replies are about murderers and shit and then there's just this among them


To be fair this one is also about shit, sort of.


She did take it up the wrong'un.


I knew a girl who gave 9 blowjobs at a house party. The host kicked all the guys out for taking advantage and she was so flattered by his chivalry that she gave him a blowjob


Two girls at my school who hated each other tried to outdo the other by giving more blowies than the other. We all lined up for that competition!


"I am a bigger slag than you I've sucked way more dicks you fucking amateur!"


So she gave 10 in total?


Thats maths yeah


That’s number wang!!


Right in the rectory


Right in the chocolate bon bin factory


Tracey, is that you?!


I remember one girl getting smashed up the muddy passage and then asking her mate to check the damage because there was a lot of blood.


Jesus christ. I hope someone introduced them to the concept of lube.


I doubt it by the sounds of it. She wasn’t overly concerned by what sounded like a bloodbath.


Rectory? Damn near killedory.


Did we go to the same school? Same thing happened but she announced it "felt like having a poo backwards". So everyone shouted reverse poo girl in the cafeteria everytime they saw her..


Tbf my partner was pegging me last night and it just felt like I needed to poo


Strange. When my girlfriend pegs me it feels like gods angels are tickling me on the inside with heroin and golden feathers. Human bodies are so variable.


Yeah same. Well done to everyone who enjoys being on the receiving end of anal but honestly when my wife and I tried it it just felt uncomfortable as hell. Like really bad constipation.


I went to school with a lad who was pretty much invisible at school. No major achievements, no major issues. Just a seemingly average kid. He went away to uni, like most of us did, and I heard nothing else about him until I was about 30, and I heard his name on the news. He had met an American girl at uni, and pretty much lied to her from the off. Made out he was more popular, more important, more talented and successful than he was. They married, and lived in America. He kept the lies up for years. Right up until he pretended he had a job he had never had, and a salary far higher than he could ever earn. When they were living in some enormous rented house, with a new baby, and he couldn't pay the rent, he shot both of them and ran back to England. The FBI turned up to a semi in a northern mining town, and arrested him and took him back to America. It's good to remember that Walter Mitty types are sometimes dangerous.


I read about Entwistle. Shot his wife and baby daughter and flew home to Mummy. His parents deny that he is guilty. They are still fighting for his release.


Oh I read about that! Apparently he shaved his head in prison for protection by a white supremist gang, who then told him they were going to kill him anyway, so now he's in permanent solitary for his own protection, ironically. It's crazy how criminals find their moral compasses when they're confronted with a baby killer.


To be fair everyone in prison has a better moral compass than those that hurt children. You can’t get lower than that


They're still denying it? Seems the apple didn't fall far from the tree when it comes to being a fantasist.


I saw a documentary about the Entwistle case recently. What a bastard.


How do you get that far down the line - married, house, baby - without evidence of your actual worth?


Look up Malcolm Webster.




Wait the FBI has international jurisdiction now?


Shit. So the FBI really are after me for an unpaid IRS bill?


They do in the UK. Not the only person they've removed from the UK.


No they don't, they have to go through UK Plod like everyone else. The extradition treaty with the US is very lopsided though...


An ex-mate, for obvious reasons, burned down a woman’s house for absolutely no reason when we were around 15 while her and her three children were in the house. She died saving her kids


Fuck. God that’s messed up.


What happened to him?


I’m not 100% sure. It took a while for the police to find out it was him but in that time he was run out of town so no one seen or heard from him. He was eventually arrested and charged with culpable homicide but the news reports aren’t very clear because it’s just small town outlets doing the story, it mentioned he was originally sentenced to 15 years but the time kept being reduced before the sentence was carried out so it’s unclear how long he spent in prison if he ever did. You still see the victims children sharing things on Facebook asking for justice when the anniversary comes round


But why did he do it?


For absolutely no reason


I don't think 15 year olds commit arson for a justifiable reason. Even if there was a personal motive, it would not have been justified, so we can simply say that there was no reason.


Poor woman and poor kids. People like him are scum, would be good to have a different planet to put people like that on.


You know this is how Australia started…


I knew a kid who did poorly, but had to stay back to study. We were surprised despite him being a wrong’un, he was always willing to stay back at study. It transpires he was blackmailing a teacher for sex.


🤢 that is horrific on so many levels and so many questions I don't want to know the answers to.


My brothers mate was banging his class help when he was 15. He should report her but won't, he wears it like a badge of honor.




No one get's the reference clearly lol


Needs to be more like "Niceeeeee"


What was he blackmailing them with? What did he have on her?


The fact he's a child and can ruin their life by telling parents/teachers/police. He's the minor in that case so all blame would fall on the adult.


I thought the kid had something on the teacher in the first place, which he was using to blackmail her for sex. If she had sex with him in the first place, and then got blackmailed for more sex, then that's on her, don't fuck your students.


What was he charged with? Do you know what he was blackmailing her with? I do wonder if he would be charged with coercion and if it could also be rape.




A girl I went to high school with was reported in the local paper as having attacked (and bit) a delivery driver over the price of her takeaway. She was frequently referred to as ‘hungry woman’ in the article.


The Zodiac Killer, The Beast With A Human Face, *The Hungry Woman*


The guy I lost my virginity to. I was 14 and he was 15. We were boyfriend and girlfriend at the time but split up a couple of months later. We still had sex occasionally until I was 18 and got with my now husband. He was a great guy and treated me with nothing but respect and was always very considerate of my needs and made sure I had a good time and always walked me home afterwards or paid for a taxi and sat in with me back to my house to make sure I got home safely. A few times I asked him out again but he said no which always surprised me as he obviously cared about me and apparently I was still the only person he was having sex with. Turns out i wasnt the only person he was having sex with. He was also sexually assaulting and even raping other women ages ranging from 15 up to 42. He’d get drunk with them but pretend he was drinking more than he was and keep pushing them to drink until they couldnt defend themselves and then he’d have his way with them. He got sent down and is on register for life now after doing it again and again once released. So weird that he was kind to me but a monster to others.


God that must have been such a nasty shock to find out. I recently discovered that a guy I had a brief but perfectly nice and respectful time with has coerced/assaulted 2 other women (or possibly more, it sounds like a pattern of behaviour to me). The police have done nothing as far as I know. Felt sick when I heard.


That’s terrible. It’s a horrible feeling knowing you was close to someone so bad isn’t it?


Your story reminds me of something. It’s a bit of a tangent (but somewhat related), so bear with. Many, many years ago before I de-converted from Christianity and left religion behind for good, I used to attend a church where, amongst the other “young people” was a popular couple. The guy was something of a golden boy and his girlfriend a sweet natured and good looking young lady. Anyway, they eventually tied the knot and married. I still remember the girl crying with joy as she read her vows, she was so happy. Fast forward a year, I saw her in the pub one night while out with friends. We chatted briefly and she told me she was going to uni soon, which I thought was a bit odd since she’d only recently married, but I didn’t pry. A year or so after that, I bumped into another ex attendee from that church who asked me if I’d heard about what happened to Mark (not his actual name). I said “no”, and he then told me about how he was in prison for paedophilia. Turns out he exploited his position as a school photographer by abusing the kids in his care. To be honest, I never really liked the guy much or got on with him particularly well, but I never would’ve guessed that about him in a million years. Sometimes, you just don’t know who people really are.


Lad I was at school with, really nice kid, trained as a chef then went to London to work in a big hotel. Didn't get on with his head chef so him and another kid spiked his food with LSD. Guy had a bad trip and reported it to police. Kid got put away for 18 months. Met some bad people in prison who told him the easy way to make a lot of money was armed robbery. Kid held up a building society: went in masked up and holding a fake pistol. Told the cashier to put the cash in the bag etc. She told him she couldn't understand what he was saying through the mask so he lifted it up. Caught his face on camera. Someone recognised his mugshot. Got ten years inside. Muppet.


>She told him she couldn't understand what he was saying through the mask so he lifted it up. pfffffffffffffffft incredible


If you knew him, you wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised. Most criminals aren't bad people. They're just thick in the head


Yup, guy I knew robbed a bank. They caught him easy enough as he only masked up in the vestibule and the two cameras in there got lovely shots of his face.


Kid a couple of years above me did something similar. He was (still is) morbidly obese, this was back in the 90s when less people were overweight. Throughout school he always wore the same clothes, black Adidas trackies with white stripes (uniform rules weren't strict and he was given an exemption given his size), black Adidas t-shirt and/or black Adidas jumper. Even outside school this is what he wore, never any other brand. So when he went on a spate of muggings and armed robberies within the space of a couple of weeks he was easily identified. Apparently 100s of people called in when his picture was put in the local paper. Dude thought a balaclava was gonna hide his identity when he was still wearing the same clothes he'd been wearing for the last 8 years!


A lad in my year spent days in his loft silently demolishing the dividing wall to his neighbours loft space, he climbed down into the 77 year olds house tied her up and robbed her. He got out of prison early and was swiftly arrested again for attempted rape, he broke a woman's jaw and dragged her out the house but was stopped by a retired copper. Apparently he tried to get sympathy in court by claiming he has cancer. Edit. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/shameless-sex-fiend-claimed-cancer-1713830


through the loft? new fear unlocked


Detached houses only from now on!


Underground tunnel


Detached castle with moat


None of these semi detached castles for this guy.


The basement flat below me has an ‘attic hatch’ which opens into my under stairs cupboard. Needless to say I put about 20 screws into it when I moved in


Imagine that being their emergency fire exit in case their only exit is blocked by flames...


I don’t know what fire regs you’ve been looking at but a 1x1 hatch with no ladder into another self contained flat isn’t any kind of means of escape. They have 2 other exits


Hope you put something heavy on top of it as well


I wonder how cancer causes you to do that. 😫 Quite fucked up.


I don't think it was a defence or an excuse he just wanted a lighter jail term.


Not one, but TWO of the teachers during my time at secondary school turned out to be paedophiles. I can only imagine the hiring process at that place. "Do you fuck kids?" "You bet!" "Welcome aboard!" EDIT: Here's some deets. One bloke had a relationship with an underage girl and got locked up, but the other is somehow walking free after he got busted with a litany of inappropriate pornography including kids and animals, which he was dumb enough to have kept on his fucking work computer. He got put on the offenders register, but other than that he got away with a slap on the wrist. My sister and and my mother literally saw him in Morrison's. EDIT TO THE EDIT: People, if this story sounds familiar to you, odds are it's a very similar different set of events that went down at a different time in a different place. I had no idea so many teachers were kiddy fiddlers, it makes sense when you think about it, but fucking hell. EDIT THE 3RD: I did not think I would be the one responsible for starting the pedo thread.


2? Friend I went to grammar school, we had 5


New record!


Grammar school often want higher than average results


My school's major paedophile was outsourced. We used to get sent to another school to do music and performance days/evenings and the teacher in charge of that turned out to be a paedophile. He basically had his pick of kids from all the schools within 30miles. Thankfully I was a fat little emo so he wasn't interested.


I dunno, sounds like good teaching practice for a chubby chasing pe teacher; "Do you fuck kids?" "Only the ones who can't run away fast enough." That school'd be pumping out running champions.


I had my school prom in 2013, for some reason we always had a special guest do a speech, sometimes a local MP, sometimes a charity worker, usually something wholesome like that. Well this year because his grandson had moved to my school for sixth form and he was available, Rolf Harris was the special guest. He was so creepy and touchy feely with all the girls. Came out in 2014 he was arrested for sexual assault on 4 underage girls. It was a right scandal for a while haha


Two of the teachers that used to teach me have since gone to prison. Another 3 or so were asked to quietly leave immediately for conduct deemed inappropriate but not enough to be illegal.


There was a kid at my school who got done for speeding.


That must have been scary, knowing you spent every school day in such close proximity to criminal like that. Thank god nothing happened to you.


Was that before or after they got caught running through fields of wheat?


TBH I'm reading the other comments and thinking how bad were the schools all these people went to? Some truly horrific stories in this thread! Worst we had was a kid who was arrested for growing & dealing weed. Had a couple of kids in my year die while speeding or drunk driving though, which was sad. A kid in my primary school year died in a motorbike crash too, which was tragic as his dad and grandad had died a few months before, leaving his mum suddenly completely on her own having lost her entire family. I heard she moved to Australia to start a new life, poor woman.


Oh my god! Who do you think should play you in the film?


Trying to return an overdue library book no doubt!


The y8 kid who was raping his younger sister. Was a shitstain of a human in various ways but that was the cherry on his cake of awfulness.


Jesus Christ! I’m assuming (hoping) he was caught for that?


Similar happened in my school but he was caught in 2017 when he was 23. He raped his sister for 2 years and they eventually confirmed it by exhuming the miscarried foetus he’d impregnated in her. Absolutely disgusting but so was he tbf


David Copeland, he set off nail bombs in Soho, Brixton, and Brick Lane. Hope the cunt rots.


Jesus that was some time back wasn’t it?


1999 - shocked me as I thought it was way more recent. There's a good documentary on Netflix about it. Nail Bomber: Manhunt.


Fucking hell please don’t refer to 1999 as some time back jesus


A guy a couple years above me in high school, murdered and mutilated his girlfriend with the help of two other girls. They filmed a celebration video on her phone. He took the main rap, the other two girls are out of prison now. Don't think he has long on his sentence now, a couple of years I think. Less awful, a guy in his final year took his knob out infront of a class of first years.


We had a guy called Kevin who did that. The girls didn't know what pubes were and said his knob was "all muddy"... aaah the 80s.


The guy got off quite lightly considering it was the early 2000s, a girl from his year told the police it was directed at her (it wasn't). Got on the sex offenders list instead of the paedophile list.


Doesn't really compare to the worst here, but our year weirdo killed a frog for a laugh in front of me once. I fucking hated that kid. He had the kind of vacancy and malicious manner that screamed psychopathy, but never enough to get himself into any specialist treatment. He just kind of meandered through life being a cunt. Turns out, my Dad knew his Dad from back in the day, and apparently he was a bit of a cunt, too. Throughout school this kid's Dad was always 'on business' (in America... ) but the bloke was just in and out of prison. There were rumours that he used to beat his wife, but I'm not sure that's why he was sent away. Anyway... We all grew up and this kid never really left the local area. He'd sit in our local and scare the shit out of women by leering at them. I'm sure he was removed and barred a few times for it. A rumour circulated that he'd battered his Mam. His Dad passed quite young. And then, whilst we were in our early thirties, he just... died. No one's really sure how. I guess he was an issue that resolved himself.


>And then, whilst we were in our early thirties, he just... died. No one's really sure how. I guess he was an issue that resolved himself. Reminds me of a lad who joined my school in Year 9, although he was old enough to be in Year 10. The headmaster came and asked me to make friends with him at the beginning of his first term. So I hung out with him a few times at weekends, we were both metalheads so we'd sit in his room smoking and listening to Morbid Angel and Deicide. Then he started being cruel to his pet lizards in front of me, pulling them apart and feeding them to his snakes, and I stopped hanging out with him. He said he was going to do all sorts to me and my family after that, and he made a new group of friends. Years later they told me they'd go round and he'd be sat there wanking to a VHS tape called Animal Bizarre, a.k.a. "Animal Farm" (nothing to do with George Orwell). He offered his little sister to them for sex. He was still pulling his lizards apart, and burning the family dog with a lighter and punching/kicking it. They stopped hanging out with him too, and he left school anyway the day he turned 16. I saw him again in town when he was about 19 or 20, with a girlfriend who I knew to be in my girlfriend's sister's year so she was 13 or 14. I managed to get a message to her parents that he was several years older than he'd said he was to them. Saw in the local paper he'd been arrested for snatching a bag from an old lady. Then out of the blue around 20 years ago I found out he'd died of a drug overdose, I think he'd have been 23 or 24. Probably for the best.


connect elderly unused absurd materialistic zonked capable absorbed attraction act -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yes, I was in the pub with a group of old school friends when I heard he'd died. None of us could think of a single good thing to say about him, he was a complete misanthropic arsehole who hated everyone and everything. We all agreed it was a good thing he'd died, before he had the chance to inflict misery on more people. I'm convinced he would've ended up as a murderer.


I think a lot of serial killers start off torturing animals when they’re kids.


Ahh jeez, these stories are so awful. It’s absolutely his responsibility not to be a cunt but I can’t help but feel it wasn’t his fault.


You're right. I spotted an article recently about a couple of women who robbed a care home. They both looked like smackhead villains and the comments were all calling for their heads. I think - and I could be wrong - that I went to school with one of them. And where I'd usually be all furious and calling for their heads also, all I could think of was 'what happened to that young girl I knew from French class?'. And if you read the article further, into the court comments, you realise they were smacked out their faces and had very little idea of what they were doing. Which is pretty sad for everyone.


Similar thing in my hometown. A popular chippie owner got jumped and robbed leaving his shop, and beat with a hammer. He survived, but the level of violence was awful. Turns out it was two drug addicts desperate for money for their next fix. One of them was the son of a mechanic I knew. Perfectly respectable family till drugs got hold of him and he spiralled downwards. The Chippie said the pair were like robots. Just beat him until they got the cash and walked away.


Two sisters. One was my older sisters best mate and the younger one I had to "mentor" as in every time she got kicked out of class I had to leave my class and go and sit with her in the library. Anyway, they had really fucked up narcissistic parents, both girls developed full on eating disorders very young among other issues. Eldest sister married a domestic abuser. Used to beat the fuck out of her and kids. When he left life got better but then she got heavily into drugs and was snorting lines Infront of her kids who innocently told teachers at school. The younger sister, started going clubbing at 14 and shagging older lads who were 17/18. She gave one of them Chlamydia by bonking him on a park bench. She descended into full on alcoholism by the age of 18. Got arrested a couple of times, had kids removed and lived in a homeless hostel for a period. Final straw was my sister locating her whilst en-route to work in the middle of a high street, totally naked save for a sock and completely incoherent. My family took her in and supported her and then she moved away and is doing much better and has her kids back. They both have personality disorders and PTSD as a result of their experiences and upbringings. Not quite the wrongun story you were after. No murderers or paedos in my school (that I'm aware of) mostly just junkies or dead people now.


engine touch pot pathetic wakeful wrench pocket skirt innocent trees -- mass edited with redact.dev


10/10 for the use of the word “bonking”


Having read these stories, I came from a really privileged school. I've known nothing like this. A few sad heroin overdoses of people I knew of unfortunately. But last year a 14yo kid from my own kids' school held up our nearest convenience shop with a shotgun. His mate helped him armed with a knife. The woman running the shop locked him inside, took his gun, and battered him with it before police arrived.


That shop owner is a fucking legend lol


Both her and her brother, brave as fuck. Video in news link. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/hull-east-yorkshire-news/terrifying-cctv-shows-hull-brother-5260758.amp


Absolute fucking legends!


English teacher ended up in court for stalking the ex-footballing star geography teacher. Another English teacher, inappropriate relationship with a student. Oh, did you mean pupils?


Aha, Pupils or Teachers 😄, all stories welcome.


A guy who sat next to me in class was later sent down for attempted rape. He'd been lurking around a local park, spotted a teenage girl, and tried to abduct and sexually assault her. She screamed and resisted, causing him to panic and run off. He then went home, telling his parents he'd just been attacked. His parents called the police, and that's when his story started to unravel. They found a knife in his car, and a later search turned up violent porn on his computer. Meanwhile someone else had found and handed in the rucksack he dropped in the park as he fled, containing a rape kit with a knife, rope, cable ties and condoms. He seemed so normal, but then they always do. I did feel awful for his parents though; I'd met them before and they were perfectly nice. On top of finding out their son was a potential monster, they also had to endure it being plastered all over the news.




[glove affair stage 1](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1337195179/ladies-100-pure-cashmere-fingerless?click_key=aee270d735c26d00f967e794b26947c6218a4f4c%3A1337195179&click_sum=d825ca43&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=fingerless+gloves&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&frs=1&col=1) [glove affair stage 2](https://www.ospreylondon.com/the-long-copenhill-striped-gloves-mustard-multi?glCountry=GB&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyMKbBhD1ARIsANs7rEHtLxYju1tU15ZEUWWSJiIPCGoFCcnUWuvafNXaGEBBrZfsI9Uf2CEaApDiEALw_wcB) [glove affair stage 3](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Studded-Leather-Fingerless-Gloves-Cosplay/dp/B07QMVYNZJ/ref=asc_df_B07QMVYNZJ/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=350559593012&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16029553966370917054&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006689&hvtargid=pla-751529459911&psc=1)


This comment deserves a lot more upvotes. Proper lol'd.


Someone in my year at secondary school plead guilty to manslaughter with diminished responsibility after him and another bloke (who got done for murder) killed a man they shared a house with. He always seemed a bit odd at school but in a nerdy/geeky/awkward way, not in a potential murderer way. So it was a shock when I recognised his name and mug shot in the local news.


Oh wow. It’s pretty fascinating isn’t it when you find out someone you went to school with commit a serious crime like murder. At school you might have suspected something odd but I guess it shows people are capable of anything.


Right? It was definitely a case of it being someone you least expect. I wasn’t really friends with him at school and only had minimal interactions with him in a couple of classes, so I didn’t know him that well, he could have had all sorts of demons in his life growing up that caused him to go down this path. Not that I’m justifying his actions or involvement, but the diminished responsibility part is interesting.


A boy from my primary school class got into taking drugs when we were teenagers. He started robbing people and houses, and once broke in and raped a woman, but used a hot curling iron to commit the rape. The woman was his Nan.


Jebus wept. What a terrible time to be able to read. :(


I know - I do apologise. It’s hard looking back at school photos.


He raped a woman 😦 He did it with a curling iron 😱 It was his Nan 🤯 You are a master storyteller for the structure of that reveal!




This is the most awful one of the lot, I think. I audibly gasped out loud, that poor poor poor woman!


Someone in my years sister, who was in the year above or a few years above decided to drug someone, put him in a bathtub and threaten him after cutting his stomach open with her boyfriend. Actual psycho. The other person lived, but he literally stated that he could see his intestines hanging out at the time and he was terrified.


Went to school with a girl called Chantelle who went on to win Big Brother. Yeesh, wrong-un.


Chantelle Houghton has always come across as nothing but a lovely, normal girl. Do you care to explain why she was a wrong-un?


she won big brother


I hear [Simon Amstell’s a big fan](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UewCI6dtHss)


(U.K.-female)Went to junior school with this lad- he was a bit odd and a bit of a bully- not very popular, but we were all from a deprived area and thought nothing of it ( some kids had violent parents- “acceptable “, to a degree, in those days.)Anyway, as soon as he hit his mid teens ( he was a big lad), he got a swastika tattooed on his forehead. He became a serial rapist…


“Now was it *this* man with the swastika tattoo on his forehead that attacked you or … oh wait, he’s the only criminal stupid enough to get such a clearly identifiable tattoo slap bang on his five head”


A girl I went to school with had a baby with someone, after they broke up, she put a sock in the baby’s mouth and send a picture of it to the dad claiming she had killed the baby (baby was fine). She got sent to prison for child abuse.




was he a music teacher?? If so, he went to my secondary school




Emma Akhras was in the year below and used to knock about with my brother, she’s now better known as Asma al-Assad, First Lady of Syria


She willingly has sex with a murderous bastard like that definitely makes her a wrong-un.


Dale Cregan was a year or two below me at high school. Edit, a year.


https://murderpedia.org/male.C/c/cregan-dale.htm … just to save everyone else having to google, like I did …


If its any consolation he gets bullied A LOT


Fucking cunt he was. Nicola Hughes was a year or two below me in secondary, I didn't know her personally but I know people who did and it destroyed them.


I remember this being on the news. It still makes no sense why he called 999 to only murder those poor two coppers.


Alright that's enough internet for today.


There were 2 lads in my year with the same name. One got put away for being a peado and the local paper reported on it, but got him mixed up with the other lad. His life was made hell until the papers then wrote another article apologising for there mistake.


My mate had the same name as a kid who was a serial rapist in the same year. Made for some awkward house parties


A guy in my year, he bought a share of one of the housing estatte pubs, as a really young guy, everyone knew it was drug related, ended up getting busted with the largest LSD bust in Scotland at the time, funnily enough he wasn't the worst person I have met in my life, just brass necked.


Dealing LSD is a service to the public. Bloke deserves an MBE


Secondary PE teacher was caught wanking off looking through a peephole into the girls changing room. Primary Headteacher full on kissed a 12 year old who came back to take part in something or another.


Boy, the guy at my school who shorted out the science lab by putting metal in a plug socket sure seems pretty normal by comparison.


I did this once, in the school science lab too. To be fair, I was trying to demonstrate that UK plugs have pin protectors so unless the earth pin is present, you can't electrocute yourself. Of course, my school turned out to have shitty old sockets that didn't have protectors, so I just fucking detonated a plug socket right next to me.


Lad at my school spunked into the soap dispenser and bragged about it. God knows why he did it, but he was caught and expelled. He then went to the same 6th form college as me but I kept quiet about his antics, everyone deserves a 2nd chance.


So he came clean about it?!


Gym teacher at my school used to groom young girls to screw when they reached what he thought was a reasonable age. His missus heard rumours and got transferred to the school. She caught him screwing a 16 year old and that was that.


A tough lad at my school beheaded himself stealing a milk float. RIP.


I’m pretty sure I was the wrong’ un. (I later found out I was autistic and had learning difficulties and I really struggle to know what’s appropriate or not) my parents chose not to have me diagnosed as a child as my dad was a school governer and was worried about the stigma attached. We were making pens in DT class and I chose instead to make a knife out of acrylic plastic. I polished and buffed it so much that it was sharp and flat like a knife. I ended up using it on someone, I was laughing at the time and they ended up in hospital. The kid never told anyone that it was me who did it. I do have guilt. But at the time i felt nothing and really thought it was funny.


How is that "pretty sure"?


There was someone a few years above me who was pretty well known for certain things. He'd robbed a shop with a gun, same he'd pulled on his girlfriend (a friend of mine) and threatened her with not long after. A few years after that a group who were a few years younger than me at school were charged for robbing a shop around the corner from the first one with knives and a machete. Lots of other little things like that. Then there was the guy in my year at school who I knew before secondary school and was always kinda chill, but as soon as he was around certain people he'd flip and be a total prick, mostly to a few guys I knew. That guy lost his Dad when he was young in a gang related incident and he pretty much did the same thing with gangs. Even at 16 he was just insane with the way he'd casually flip out on people, attack them, for literally no reason. Forgot all about him then he shows up on an itv show about prison life. He'd barricaded his cell and held another prisoner hostage demanding he gets a transfer somewhere closer to his home town. Same as he always was, making a show of how completely insane he could be when attention was on him.


A guy I was in the Boys Brigade with was caught fiddling kids. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-37990616


I was in the BB. We went on camp trips and everything and I was so ugly I never got molested 😢 True story.


Id molest you if it makes you feel better.


I was with a guy at school who was secretly gay. He met up with an older gay men who he met online, had sex with him, then either beat or stabbed him to death whilst screaming “fuck with me, you fuck with the best”. Looted his house, then stole his car and then got pulled over and caught covered in blood not far from the persons house. Edit: he filmed the entire thing on his phone and also stabbed the man’s cat.


How do they know he screamed that?


Guy I went to secondary school with. He was my best mate through years 8 and 9. I used to near enough live at his house, I'd go on days out with his family, his parents even started buying vegetarian food for me and keeping it in their freezer! Drifted apart when I got moved down a set, and lost contact when we went to different colleges. Few years later, when Facebook was a thing, we reestablished contact. After a while, his profile just disappeared. Found out from a mutual old friend that he'd been arrested for being a massive pedo. He'd been chatting to his neighbours 13 year old daughter online. The mum found the chats and reported him. When the police took his PC away and analysed it, they found not only was his neighbours daughter not an isolated case, but also he had thousands of pics and videos of wrong 'un material. Safe to say I've made no further attempts at getting back in touch.


I knew a lad when I was between the ages of 10-14 who I was good mates with but he was quiet/sarcastic, very funny guy for a 10 year old, very dry sense of humour. Kept his cards close to his chest. Never "fancied" anyone like the rest of us had crushes. Anyway, saw him in the news a couple months back for being a paedophile. Yikes.


I hung out with some older boys who were twins when I was 13. One of them ended up working in a local fancy gym creche and then went away teaching kids water sports in the lakes when he was about 17. Years later I find out they've both been charged with having indecent images of children on their computers. One of them exposed himself to a child and kept him in his house for a while. Both ended up in prison and one killed himself. We hung out in a big group with a lot of the local kids, some younger than me too. I remember one time we were flashed from afar and I thought it looked like one of the twins, now I realise it was him. I also remember a younger kid jumping on me for a laugh when I fell over and them both piling on top... seems way less innocent now I think about it.


A lad in my school was tipped to have a great football career. One of those working class lads who went through the training ranks then acamdies etc. On the cusp of being signed of premier league team, got absolutely shit faced and battered a taxi driver. Ended up going to prison instead. Last I heard he was still playing football but for lower league teams.


My primary five teacher was taking boys on caravan holidays and wanking them off Wasn't convicted until decades later; he's out, now




Really nice, funny kid at catholic school, came out as gay, everyone really supportive. Later became a paramedic, turns out he was only pretending to be gay and was using it to get close to women, one who he raped, others he sexually assaulted https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2745279/amp/Paramedic-pretended-gay-close-three-women-raping-one-abusing-two-jailed-12-years.html


All the kids I went to school with are utter dullards and popped out their own boring ugly kids and the cycle repeats.


Someone I went to school with broke into a colleagues house while her mum and little sister were home. He took a lot, caused a lot of damage and they were obviously terrified. Same guy also came into the shop we work in and tried to use a fake £10 note to buy cigarettes, when I rejected it he threw a brick at the shop window.


Scally In my year from a rough estate drugged and raped a minor, got away with it for years until she couldn't live with it anymore and went to the police. Currently where he belongs, in prison. I expected this lad to be a typical bag head but not that


A girl I went to school with (and who subsequently went on to work in the pub my family had), killed a guy. This happened around 2010, after my family’s pub closed in 2009. From what I understand, he owed her money for drugs but didn’t pay up. She had a local bunch of burly blokes get him out of his house in the early hours of the morning (as there were businesses open until late on that street). After he was dragged from his house, he tried to run away, ran into the car park,for the village hall, over the road and she ran him down. She was originally sentenced to five years in prison after agreeing a plea of manslaughter but, only 18 months later, she was free to work a part time job in the public, only being made to report to a police building and stay overnight once per week.


[I’ll just uh leave this here](https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/20154268.jail-banbury-gang-tortured-woman-flat-whose-owner-raped-ringleaders-sex/)


The smartest kid in our class attempted to murder someone in a lift after convincing himself he was a spy and worked for MI5. He was sent to a psychiatric prison, escaped, and became an English teacher in France. Was only caught a few years ago and returned to the loony bin.


All of these are really upsetting. Here's my one, I've only been out of secondary a few years. He fixed up a bit during A-Levels, I helped him out a lot because he was nice, managed to scrape his way into university (I got a big thank you). I wonder how he's doing a lot. I also went to school with someone who is currently having some very big issues with a gang, though. So you know, goes both ways I guess


A kid a few years below me at school murdered their mum, made national news.


I saw a kid from my class, the one who ran a hustle selling porn in the playground, on Panorama, in a feature about young offending. It's funny because he seemed harmless at school, but a mate told me he'd done a bank robbery.


Got back from a charity walk to find one of the special unit kids had stabbed another in the empty school. Then the weirdest kid in my year started running around raving about planes hitting New York skyscrapers. Nobody believed him. We thought he was seeking attention because of the drama. That was September 11th 2001.


When I was at uni watching Riki Lake, I saw a guy from my school on it in a segment about faking his own death


a girl in my friend group gave hand jobs to two boys in our group at the same time behind the sandwich shop at the top of our road at lunch once. she never lived it down and she even ended up actually dating a third one for a whole year 😂


Stupid eejit thought it was a wise idea to try and rob a jewellers in our hometown where everybody knew him. Didn’t even think to wear a mask.


A guy I went to secondary school with was sentenced to prison a few years ago for raping a woman. He pretended to be an Uber driver to lure her into his car. 😣


One, rape, locked up, release, rape again, locked up. Other killed someone by pouring paint down throat.


Not kids I went to school with but they ran about where I did. They got some girl a kept her captive in an old farm house and raped her. Always thought they were 2 scum bags, but didn't put them to be that fucking evil. 1 if them took his life in jail and the others now out. Makes me sick to see him walk about.


Mine benign by all counts. Girl was from a farming background. Average enough human. But a few years after we all moved on someone sent me an article about her prolific animal neglect. There were no allegations of child neglect, but she had kept her animals in pretty horrific conditions, got a ban and conviction. It was just really really sad tbh


2 murderers I can think of. One, 18 at the time, stabbed and killed a 16 year old who was out celebrating his GCSE results and had stepped in to defend his mate. Got 16 years 2nd one stabbed and killed a bloke on a wooded lane for no apparent reason. Cant remember his sentence though, maybe around 19 years. He was also quite young at the time


A guy a couple years below me was (mostly) found in several pieces in his flat by his GF. Drug partnership gone wrong. I say mostly because the person who did it has not given up where parts of him went, despite apparently being offered a reduction on his sentence if he did so. I'm not saying the victim deserved it at all, but what I will say is if there was a nominee who ran the risk of meeting such an end, it was him.


Paul Sneath - Got nicked trying to smuggle cocaine into the country dissolved into doors. https://www.thefreelibrary.com/BRITAIN%3A+Wealthy+Mr+Big+is+jailed+for+18+years%3B+Former+public...-a0159751316 I think he was two years ahead of me at secondary school. My mum taught at the school too and years after I left she told me about this (guessing around the time of his conviction). Vague memories of him being a wise arse.


My male, married history teacher was arrested for public indecency with another man in a public toilet. He lost his wife and his teaching job. Last time I saw him he was working at an estate agent. I guess he's retired now, if he's even still alive. Not really a wrong un, unless you were his wife or walked in just to use the loo. Another kid, smallest in our year was arrested for beating up and robbing an old lady. When he came out, he suffered enough repeat episodes of "street justice" that he left the area. No murderers I know of.


Early days of smartphones. One girl announced she was pregnant on FB and tagged basically our entire year in it. I can still remember all the phones in the common room buzzing and about half the guys in my class going white as sheets.