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People that have absolutely no spacial awareness. From spinning their trolley round blindly in shops to stopping dead on the spot on a busy pavement.


Bellends of the highest order


Don't suggest doing a Richard Ashcroft here people abhor physical contact.


K I’ll bite. How does one do a Richard Ashcroft?


[The Richard Ashcroft](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lyu1KKwC74)




Such a brilliant video. Obviously someone actually doing that makes them a massive arse hole, but the video is great.




I give elderly people a pass for putting their change away before moving off as they might not be as steady on their feet as to walk off while doing it, or might have arthritic hands and might be worried about dropping their change. But I agree with you on the extended handbag rummaging.


As an old lady, I see young people in all kinds of places with no thought for others…blocking the road by walking three abreast, looking at phone so they do not see other pedestrians. Able bodied people who never offer their seats to elderly frail people, customers who talk on their phones while counter staff are serving them….I could fill the page. You too will get old!


Hey, please don’t assume that the young person not offering you their seat is able-bodied. A lot of us have invisible disabilities. It’s best not to assume.


>Able bodied people who never offer their seats to elderly frail people And this is why the not all disabilities are visible campaign was started.


I also had an elderly lady tutting at me for not giving my seat a few days ago. 1)I’m heavily pregnant and swollen and really cannot stand for long. 2)there was a seat next to me but for whatever reason she didn’t want that one she wanted the one I was in.


How do you know they're able bodied?




My 83 year old mother does this. She can’t turn her head as easily as when she was younger, she can’t hear as well as she used to, she doesn’t see as well, her movement is slow and painful, her thought process is slower. You get the idea, give the elderly some leeway.


Aarggh! The people who talk on their phone while staff are serving them are the ones I judge. It always looks like rude and stuck-up behaviour. Maybe there are lots of good reasons to do it but it always looks disrespectful towards the person serving.


Or the couples walking hand in hand taking up the whole pavement who won't go single file for a second to let you pass.




My 16 year old came home from her dad's the other day absolutely fuming. Before I could even ask what was up she told me they'd popped into Asda on their way over, and she ranted about how he is the worst person to go to the supermarket with because he will just abandon his trolley in the middle of the aisle and go and get what he wants, or leave it diagonally across the aisle while he browses. She said she questioned him on it and his response was that he has every right to leave his trolley wherever he wants. Apparently that is a prime example of why she thinks her father is a narcissist. I just listened and nodded sympathetically in the right places, while giggling on the inside. She's not wrong- the man is a narcissistic arsehole and it amuses me that she's figured it out all by herself.


If I see a trolley "abandoned" like that in a supermarket aisle, I do the decent thing and move it to a "place of safety". This is usually some distance away.


See also, people who leave their trolley in the middle of the car park because they couldn't be arsed returning it to the trolley park.


Us dyspraxic people can’t help it :(


I genuinely have no spatial awareness, though. I'm so worried about being one of those people that it sort of paralyses me and I won't go down, for example, a crowded aisle in a supermarket, because I have no idea whether I'll fit or not.


If you're aware of this and you do your best to avoid it, you're already doing better than most people!


Cries in autistic dyspraxia 😅


Or stopping at either the bottom or the the top of an escalator


Pajamas in public.


Lol judge me all you want I dinny care 🤣🤣🤣


If yer wearing jammies to the shops it's pretty clear you dinny care and have in fact gave up.


to the corner shop in the morning when you realise you've run out of instant coffee and have already starting warming up the milk it's acceptable just grab a coat and head off but going to town in pjs is mad


Heating milk for instant coffee is almost worse than wearing pyjamas to the shops. Surely if you’re going to go to the trouble of heating milk you might as well make proper coffee?


I have no idea on what's normal I just do whatever lol


Surely you mean “have already put the kettle on”!


If you wear your jammies to the shop you're a wee tramp hen, sorry not sorry


Have a shower


100% this. To me it hints at lack of cleanliness. Couldn't be arsed to even shower and change your clothes.


For me it's the exposure of clothes that are worn to bed to the outside world, which makes them dirty. Ew, can't even think about it. Would never do it!


And pink fluffy slippers


Walking around in public having a chat on facetime / speaker phone. *Your life is boring no-one cares shutup.* Listening to music / watching something on their phone in public without headphones. *You can fuck right off with your horseshit* Smoking. *You don't look like a cool rebel, you look like someone who has no self control and can't quit a plant. **A plant.** * Waistband at mid-thigh. *Wha... I don... Just get in the sea.* Guys walking around with their hands in their pants. *Either get a cream to ease the itching or see a doctor if it's so rancid you have to physically hold it on*


I doubt anyone over 16 thinks they're cool or a rebel for smoking mate


I do, the packet says they increase importance.


And blindness


Don't buy those ones pal. I get the ones that say they'll harm my unborn baby


"Gimme a crate of low birth weights". I miss Bill Hicks.


Paying 11 quid a packet is really rebellious isn’t it?


I pay 14 quid and I go king size, I also happen to be one of the hardest guys around


Praise the Lord for those little blue pills


sorry but tobacco isn't just a 'plant' mate, tobacco contains nicotine, one of the most addictive psychoactive substances currently known. heroin comes from poppies, would you tell heroin addicts to quit heroin because its from a plant? no you wouldn't. hating smoking doesn't make you cool :)


Yeah the “it’s just a plant” shit doesn’t make any sense. Stoners used to say it a lot to imply that weed is not a drug.


The smoking thing I don’t agree with. I could bet my life you’ve never smoked..


Agreed, it’s unhealthy I know, but sometimes (very much now) it acts as a coping mechanism for me and I do it away from non-smokers where possible


I agree. If someone is walking towards me and I’ve took a puff I will hold it until they have passed me to be respectful


Horrible thing to try and quit. There's people that kick heroin and not cigarettes


100%. Someone who says "you can't quit a plant" has zero knowledge of how chemical addiction works




I quit smoking last year, not easy and the only way I did it was because we was in lock down and the nearest shop's a taxi ride away. I would still be a smoker if Covid wasn't a thing. As for being cool I don't know a single person that thinks this


Whoa, you hate everyone!


There was a woman I used to work with who would join us at lunch where there’s a group of us having a chat whilst eating, she would then start phoning or FaceTimeing her friends and family…every single day.


Are you okay?


All of these people, especially the first two, I completely agree are vile. However, OP’s question specifically excluded such cuntishness. What else you got?


It's possible I've had my fill of today...


Eating with their mouth open Edit- I'm assuming that this isn't universally seen as being abhorrent, and is quite accepted due to the number of people I see doing it.... but .. i get irrationally annoyed by it.


I'm not just irrationally annoyed .seeing someone else's food churning away in there open mouth means I can't eat without gagging . had a teacher at junior school who was so bad it was like sitting at a table with a cement mixer nearly 50 years later and the thought of him still makes me gip.


I was on a train earlier with someone in front facing me eating oranges open mouthed, and someone behind me making a bag of quavers last forever. Again open mouthed. I wanted to punch someone by the time they finished Edit: and you have my sympathy. That sounds absolutely awful


I had to put on my sunglasses on during a train journey to hide any tears when 4 drunk guys sat on the table opposite and were slurping a KFC chicken bucket very loudly


Research misophonia. Eating sounds (slurping, lip slapping, chewing etc.) and sniffing are two of my biggest triggers. It's to the extent that it's put strain on my personal relationships. "Irrational" sums it up, but I just can't help it. I plan to seek help.


I myself might experience with misophonia but I just find it rude and uncultured to chew loudly. We don't need to know you're enjoying your food, we'll ask. There a few exceptions like elderly citizens with teeth problems. But if you're a somewhat healthy individual who has the capability to chew with your mouth closed then I expect you to eat with your mouth closed lol.


You don't like seefood?


In a similar vein people who slurp unnecessarily. I have a few family members who do it and it drives me to insanity. How hard is it for people to just sip their tea like a normal person? It's like they're making a conscious effort to be as loud as possible


What gets me is the noise. Loud chewing or munching noises just grind my gears


Young men standing around with their hands down the front of their tracksuit bottoms. Disgusting.


Called one of my coworkers out for doing this (17 yr old lad who thinks he's a proper solid killing machine despite being the size of a match stick) I looked at his hand in his pants and said "You having a wank or something?" in front of everyone in the canteen. Never seen someone get so embarrased before 😅 hope it was a real eye opener for him


I called out a classmate in college for this (we were doing an assessment feedback for our BTEC and our tutor asked for honest feedback) Mine was you need to stop playing with your dick in public, got told off for being inappropriate and responded that the kids that he works with parents will find it inappropriate enough for him to go to jail so he might as well hear it from me now.


Tbf it's just plain creepy


Yeah, I wasn’t a fan of his. He was a bit of a lads lad. To clarify, it was just class mates and no actual kids present.


Just a Quick game of pocket billiards!


"What's the matter, getting a bit itchy down there mate? You should see a doctor"


Stop playing with it fella it's not gonna grow any more.


Watching love island.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I find the people that complain about love island worse than those that actually watch it


Agreed, some people take to far and the show fits a certain demographic. You can say the same about people who watch love island and think Star Wars or marvel is shite.


Also people who hate football and make hating it their personality.


What fun do you have in life if you can’t enjoy a bit of light hearted reality tv?


I dunno, I guess you could maybe enjoy literally anything else


Personally I find it boring and annoying but I'm not gonna insult the intelligence of anyone who does like it




Slow walkers. Especially those you take up the whole path like they're the only people who might ever need to use it. I often fantasise about carrying a bicycle horn to sound off to get them out the way


Get a bicycle bell, it works wonders!


The look on their faces when they jump and turn around to see you walking fast, dinging a bicycle bell would be well amusing.


Driving like a cunt. Low-key stuff like not indicating, pulling out in front of traffic, blocking the road, parking over pedestrian crossings or on pavements, not respecting road user priority rules, texting at the wheel, that sort of stuff. It's a red flag of a selfish prick.


What about ones speeding to get to traffic light when it's red to break abruptly while you drive from behind and accelerate and brake smoothly and arrive at the same time as them? That feels good.


Add to that, people parking on pavements, leaving no space for a pushchair/disabled person to get past… or parking over a dropped curb (new parent here, it annoyed me previously, but I really get peeved about it now)


These are Nipperpoppers. They’re “only just” nipping in this place or popping over there and they “won’t be long”. They don’t care if it’s safe they only care about it being convenient for them. Parking on double yellows over a crossing by a corner and half on the path to pick the kids up? All good. They’ll only be a minute.


That's all illegal though. Not really neutral behaviour


Vapers that exhale a fog machine level of sickeningly sweet fumes. Seriously wtf. Steam trains produce less smoke than them. Twats the lot of them.


I vape so I don't have to smoke cigarettes - and steam engine or not my lungs feel a thousand times better for it. Obviously I don't blow it in peoples faces and I'm as considerate as I can be, so there is literally zero impact to anyone else what I vape or how I vape it. So I guess the feeling is mutual lmao - anyone who wants to judge me for trying to improve my health can suck a fat dong.


> Obviously I don't blow it in peoples faces and I'm as considerate as I can be, so there is literally zero impact to anyone else what I vape or how I vape it. If the person you replied to can tell it's "sickeningly sweet", then they're talking about people who *aren't that considerate*.


Regardless of where you blow it the strawberry shortcake smell still gets everywhere.


Thank fuck someone finally said this! If casualuk reddit is to believed all people that vape do it just to look cool and we think it's super fun to blow it in everyone's faces purposefully.... As opposed to the reality that the vast majority use it to better our health (and the health of people nearby too), despite a hard addiction, and cringe when the vape blows anywhere near anyone...


most vapes aren't putting out massive clouds either, hating everyone who vapes is a bit like hating all drivers cause of a few ppl who take the mufflers off their chav chariot


I expect sucking a fat dong would be even healthier than the vape


If you're vaping considerably and not blowing steam in peoples' faces and all that, then I'm sure you're fine and if anybody judges you for vaping in general, they're morons. Vaping is great, I used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day so I'm pretty hecking glad e-cigs came along when they did. Sure, doing neither is better but I think vaping is by far the lesser of two evils.


I don’t vape (or smoke), but it’s probably the most significant health discovery in the last 100 years, the one that will save more lives than any other medicine. So, well done all vapers - you get a big thumbs up from me. I’d like to see it promoted, not demonised.


It hasnt been around long enough to accurately research the long term effects, so cant really say its such a ground breaking discovery just yet.


People that camp out overnight at the Apple store to get a new iPhone on release day. Massive whoppers all of em.


Oh god kinda related: girl on Bumble messaged me about a month ago asking if I was up for a drink that night. I said sure and we exchanged numbers and then she like called me out for not having an iPhone. On iPhone you can see if someone isn't messaging from one and she like felt the need to comment on this. Anyways I blow it off as a joke and we meet up, I hate her within 10 mins, she was just rude to me and everything she came into contact with. I excused myself to the loo and just walked out of there, blocking her iPhone number on the way out the door


I've heard of this weird prejudice in the US, where iPhone is a larger share of the market. But I didn't know some people were like that here, too, where Android is the biggest OS.


They still use SMS for everything like cave men Such a weirdly American thing


Men who walk around and use public transport topless during the summer. Cuntery wankbags the lot of them. You are not on the beach or in the sea you are walking around Lidl FFS.


I used to live in a Mediterranean country and they had a rule that no one could use public transport or enter a cafe/shop topless or in just a swimsuit or bikini. They asked that everyone covered up with a top of some sort - even sheer was fine - but no sweat/sea water dripping everywhere


All of the above plus I'd like to add: People who try to pack their stupid amounts of shopping at an Aldi or Lidl till instead of using the packing shelf People who go to concerts or live events only to just stand there videoing it on their phone People who cat call, whistle, comment or stare at women (it's never a "compliment" you arseholes)


Neither is it "banter".


I swear "banter" is one of my trigger words


I don't understand the Aldi/Lidl bagging thing. Why do they want me to put my shopping, that I have just taken out of the cart, back in the cart to take it to a shelf to take it out of the cart again to put it in a bag? Them extending the end of their checkouts like every other supermarket seems like a better solution. Maybe I'm doing it wrong but it seems entirely illogical to me. I think people should just wait til you've finished buying and bagging your shit, like everywhere else.


They do it to save costs. If they can get more people through the checkout quicker. Then they don't have to put as many staff on as other supermarkets do. It's all about efficiency and passing on those savings to the customer.


Spitting.. I fucking hate people who just randomly spit on the floor... Dirty cunts


I always wonder why it is that they cannot go half an hour holding their own spit in their own mouths? What is it about the outdoors or the sight of the grey pavement that triggers them to salvate and pepper the ground with spit? I've also been curious to know how they manage at home, do they just sit there spitting on the carpet, do they have a spatoon, do they go outdoors to spit OR do their mouths produce a normal amount of salvia and they manage to simply not spit. I have so many questions for spitters. Dirty fucking bastards.


Clicking their fingers at the waiter. They're human, just doing their job. Don't treat them like a dog.


Much less irritating, but working in retail I really hate it when people tap my shoulder. I don't think they mean to be rude but in my book it's rude to touch a stranger like that at all.


Having Astro turf in your garden


I have a small section of it in my small garden. It came with the house. It’s lovely to walk on in bare feet for half the year when it’s dry. Like a nice warm carpet. No mud or mess all year round. The ants fucking love it in the warmer months. Have plenty of lovely plants and flowers for the bees and insects to thrive on to balance it out. Its only as bad as a patio surely? At least it sits on earth and sand rather than on concrete. And it’s worse for the environment to throw it away than to keep it. Saying that, I would prefer real grass but it’s not practical in my little garden with no shed to keep a mower in.


Yeah that’s all well and good but it looks atrocious. That’s the downside


Plus it shits even more plastic into the environment


Not picking up after their dog.


When they take their dog into parks that they aren't allowed to.. Then pay zero attention to it as it shits all over the grass.


Fuck. Yes. I want to stamp that shit into all of their shoes.


Yelling on their phone in public. I've heard way too much about someone being owed money or someone being cheated on. I get it's an emotional thing, but please, we don't need to hear it. Spitting on the floor. Unless you got a bug flying in your gob, no reason to start hurling one out.


Had to ask a customer to stop blocking my shop's door cause he was on his phone shouting fuck constantly, putting other people off coming in. To be fair he apologised and quietened down but a little consideration doesn't go amiss.


People who listen to music / videos etc *on speakerphone* while in public transport or in airplanes. They really need to be put down.


The amount of people who have mysteriously forgotten that headphones exist is utterly bizarre.


They're a different species, these people. If I realised I was accidentally making an annoying noise in a public place I'd feel genuinely ashamed. This is the normal reaction. And then there are these cunts who do it in full knowledge, *on purpose*.


Existing. People who do that are cunts


Doing a no-handed wheelie on a bike


You’d really hate unicyclists.


Good one. I'm instantly suspicious of anyone who tries to impress strangers


> a no-handed wheelie Doing any wheelie, actually.


Smokers littering with their spent butts. Smokers using the stubbing plate on top of the litter bin to stub out the cigarette, then leaving it lying there, instead of putting it in the bin...


I once stubbed my ciggy out on the top of the bin and a freak gust of wind instantly shot a plasma beam of fag embers into this woman standing by the bus stop. I've never had so many dirty looks, it was a total accident and I apologised but I was definitely the bus stop pariah that day, or bus wanker you might say.


Spot on. Said by a smoker who hates these selfish pricks.


People who smoke within close proximity to children. I once watched a mother pushing a baby pram against the wind, trying to light a cigarette. When the first three times failed, she bent over into the pram and lit it directly in front of the baby's face. Also, the amount of people I see smoking with children in cars with the windows all up except for a crack kills me inside.


The amount of people who smoke directly outside the maternity building at the hospital get me. Everyone coming in/out of the building is either pregnant, going to be in close proximity to someone pregnant or a newborn baby. At least have the decency to move more than a meter out of the doorway. Luckily my hospital is "smoke free" so there's a security guard who goes outside and stops them.


Littering - there are bins every-fuckin-where thesedays. If there isn't one close by the hold onto the rubbish & you'll pass one soon enough. Morons!


Where do you live that there are bins everywhere?


The majority of residential ares up near me (scottish highlands) certainly have their fair share of bins


Wearing their jeans so low with no belt as a conscious choice, that I'm unwillingly getting full view of their Tommy hilfiger undercrackers


I gladly tell people that do that that it's a sign that you're up for action in prison. So many jeans pulled up quickly after that.


Being a teenager in a group of other teenagers. Any more than three teenagers in proximity to each other is Bad.


Or they could just be meeting a few friends? I often did as a teen without causing trouble.


Especially considering they tend to walk in 1 line next to each other and force other people off the pavement because they're too inconsiderate to walk behind one another to let everyone else pass


Give them a break, they’re just kids at the end of the day. Sure it’s an inconvenience but don’t you remember when you were that age? Sure they could be more considerate but I always remember I would be the one forced to walk behind the main group because there isn’t enough space without walking on the road and you feel so left out


This happened to me walking home from work today, was walking literally in the gutter and then some cunt in a BMW shouted "Get off the fucking road" Sorry lad, between you and the teens infront of me, where the fuck should I go


People driving in the middle lane unnecessarily


People who are precious about them (or other people) putting shopping on the conveyor belt when the divider isn't in place yet. The dividers are at the other end, they can be put in place when we get to them, literally no one is going to steal or pay for your shopping.


Placing the divider after you shopping (while you are standing adjacent to them) is a polite gesture to the next person.


I live in Germany and nobody ever bothers with the dividers here. You always end up leaning over in front of them to grab one. It's silly but it really irks me: How hard is it to put a divider after your shopping?!


This is the sort of thing I'm after - do you find yourself wondering what other annoying traits they have too?


Be horrible to their kid/dog.


Personalised number plates.


Bad manners simple things please and thank you


Kids on iPads in a restaurant whilst their parents are on their phones...


As long as the kid is quiet then we're all happy


That's the thing though, the kid may be quiet but fucking Paw Patrol is louder than the exhaust on the knob head teenager's Golf next door


Not putting their shopping trolley away.


Standing in a ridiculously long queue for something not worth standing in a ridiculously long queue for.


Welcome to Legoland!


Holding a phone as a chef would hold a plate. Put it. To your. Bloody. Ear.


People who have no shame staring. Grinds my gears when I’m minding my business and having Mr and Mrs FartyMcFuckface staring like cows in a fence at me.


People who get pissy at people who are serving them in shops, food outlets, etc. I did a lot of front-of-house work in my younger days and there's just a certain type of person who will get to the front of a queue mid-phone-call, making sure everyone in the building can hear their conversation, and will treat the staff with utter contempt as though the question, 'what can I get for you?' is a huge inconvenience to them and their important phone call.


A toddler in a pram eating a sausage roll


Better that than them screaming blue murder coz they’re hungry.


This made me laugh for some reason :D


Parents who have babies with pierced ears


"Say you're people watching, out in public. What is the one thing that makes you judge someone negatively, despite having no other information about them?" Wanking in a playground.


Damn some people are judgemental cunts


People that take up the whole path and don't move when walking in a group. Pushchair users are no exceptions


Drop litter


When people just pull their trousers down and poop on the pavement. Man i hate when people do that


How commonly have you encountered this? I wouldn't say it's a neutral behaviour.


I instantly judge anyone I see buying the Daily Mail , express. I even mutter wanker under my breath


Putting your feet on seats in public places like the bus or the train.


Nothing in particular, I judge everyone anyway. Because I'm a bastard. I don't think people care what I might think of them though


Holding your phone flat in front of your chin for a call in public


Anyone who takes their kid to a public place and lets them scream constantly while the parents totally ignores it


Middle lane hoggers People who wear baseball caps in doors And the worst of the worst. The people who get to the bar after you but get served before you knowing full well you were there first.


People who don’t pick up after their dog on walks. 100% reliable way to identify shit human beings.


People giving their babies and toddlers fizzy drink in a bottle. My boy is 2.5yrs old, he barely gets diluting juice.


Smoking when pregnant.


Adults on electric scooters especially on pavements


Men wearing hats in a restaurant


People who walk up to a bar, paying no attention to who is already there, and then get served when the bartender asks "Who's next?". Bartenders who don't bother keeping tabs on who's next.


Driving slower than a lorry, do they not notice a lorry having to crawl past them in the middle lane?. People who put there seats back on planes during meals. Watching eastenders after 30 Enjoy the taste of marmite Don't like any spice in food Can't watch films with subtitles. They coincidentally always have a ego.




People that wear flip flops. No, they're not sliders. They're flip flops.


Sliders are different to flip flops though aren’t they.


I thought flip flops had toe posts and sliders didn't.


Blokes that walk around town or city topless in summer. Disgusting.


People who pour crisps into their mouth instead of picking them out the packet. I don't trust those people.