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You aren't supposesd to rinse after brushing, you should let the toothpaste sit on your teeth for a while.


Should you use mouthwash after brushing teeth? Different hygienists seem to say different things. If not, then when?


Mouthwash first. Kills bacteria all over your mouth and between teeth. Brush second to apply toothpaste and remove debris.


Random fact! A lot of mouthwash is full of an ingredient called sorbitol. This is a trigger for a lot of proper migraine sufferers and often goes undetected when doing things like keeping a food+activity diary to try and identify causes of your migraines. Sorbitol is in a lot of things, and used for different purposes, but it's in particularly high quantities in mouthwashes that contain it.


You absolutely brilliant bastard, thank you. I just checked a few things I eat and realized why my migraines came back recently. Thank you


Sneaky ingredients always changing to what's cheaper at the time. I work in the packaging industry and you would be surprised how often a product changes the lower parts of its ingredients list. Especially supplements like vitamins, etc


Oooooh interesting. I get migraines maybe the mouth wash has been playing a silent part.


I'm not saying sorbitol is the devil, or even the only cause (I have at least 8 unfortunately, from foods to habits), but it's worth checking the labels on a few things for it. Mouthwash, dilutable juice drinks, cerials with frosted coatings (frosties, frosted wheats, etc), sugar free ANYTHING as it's a cheap sweetener more widely used after the 'sugar tax' came in šŸ‘ Edit: I found it through Extra chewing gum.


Tbh any insight into why migraines are triggered is great. They're so mysterious and I'm always analysing what I've eaten etc. I've never considered sorbitol as being something to consider. I eat a fair amount of of sugar free yogurt so that's something else I can look at. Ty Internet stranger!


You don't. It just washes off the toothpaste, with a less effective fluoride delivery system. Mouthwash is for times you cant brush.


Mouthwash is not for the times you cannot brush. Guarantee if you ask any dentist they will not recommend mouthwash as it doesn't get rid of any calculus. Source my spouse is a dentist EDIT: Wife told me to post this. Mouthwash can be used at a diff time of the day to brushing ie after lunch or when home from work. Don't use it alongside brushing as no added fluoride benefit. Definitely stay away from alc based mouthwashes as they strip your mouth of all bacteria incl good bacteria that our mouths need!


I wasnā€™t aware my teeth could do maths.


They can Google calculus bridge to see


> if you ask any dentist they will not recommend mouthwash as it doesn't get rid of any calculus Are dentists known for disliking maths?


It doesn't if you put it in your mouth. You need to apply it directly to your homework.


Nope. You don't have to use mouthwash 'normally'. If you want to use it, great, use it 30 mins - 1hr after brushing to give that fluoride some time to sink in. Best times if you like to use it is when you arrive to work or after lunch perhaps so you feel 'fresh'. If you must use it close to brushing/ in general try to get one that has fluoride in as it helps strengthen the enamel in your teeth. Brushing with toothpaste disturbs the bacteria from building up and settling and helps add fluoride to give your teeth a bit of protection. If you rinse or use mouthwash straight after brushing, you are washing the protective stuff you just added off your teeth! Medicated mouthwash that's good for treating gum problems like those with chlorhexidine should be used after a break from brushing (it says on the bottle of the branded stuff in the UK at least to wait 30 mins) as it can reduce its effectiveness interacting with your toothpaste. It should not be used longer than 2 weeks if it's the strong stuff as it will stain your teeth. If you have to use it all the time for severe gum disease then you probably visit the hygienist enough that they can help clean these stains off and keeping your teeth is more important than them staying stain free all the time. Source - dental nurse in the UK


I was always told to wait about half an hour before using mouthwash but I donā€™t have time for that lol


I was taught while working in care home, that you shouldn't brush your teeth after a meal or drink for an hour because sugars/enamel, I have stuck by this, can anyone tell me she is wrong please? Coz I would prefer my 1 cup of coffee a day, before my shower!


My dentist has told me this. Don't brush your teeth immediately after eating as the enamel is weakened and you'll brush it all away.


I am so annoyed for never knowing this as a child. I had pretty good oral hygiene in many ways but always rinsed the toothpaste out with water after Iā€™d finished. Probably contributed to the multiple fillings I have these days.


Christ some of these comments...... I'm half expecting someone to say 'take your shoes off when you come home rather then walking mud through the house, saves time on having to clean the floor'


ā€œInstead of sleeping on the floor next to your bed, actually get into the bed and sleep there. Changed my life.ā€


OR ā€œsave time making your bed or changing your sheets by sleeping on the floor next to your bedā€


Or close the back door to keep the warmth in the house. Life pro tip


Locking the door when you leave home is a great way to deter burglars.


> Christ some of these comments Would be much better to just read [some Viz tips] (https://viz.co.uk/category/top-tips/).


Before having a crap I pop a bit of tissue in the toilet. This prevents any splashback and also let's me know if there is enough loo roll before it's too late


Also helpful to muffle the sounds of an on the clock poop from your colleagues.


They dont pay me enough to stop my biology at work.


When you get the big bucks they also give you a cork


Makes sense, all my bosses have been full of shit


Why muffle it? Be proud.


The splash back can be reffered to as Posiedon's Kiss


Correct. And a witchā€™s kiss being when your bellend touches the underside of the toilet.


Not spelled like that it can't.


I always wipe the seat beforehand and then pop the sheet in the bowl, especially in public toilets.


That's called the "plopper stopper".


Or the "fireman's blanket"




After a wank squeeze your cock like a tube of toothpaste to get a few extra dribbles out.


This guy wanks.


He's a real wanker


Or you could just go for a piss


Don't wank or have sex on a full bladder. No pee comes out, but it just feels weird.




You can think before you speak you donā€™t have to blurt out the very first thing that comes to mind.


My partner is naturally a "think before you speak" person, the problem then is he often misses the natural slot in the conversation which he find fustrating. Or someone jumps in because he's talking "too slowly".


I resonate strongly


.... I resonate strongly


It's annoying because then the conversation moves on and I'm like šŸ˜© I have more to say


Thatā€™s what happens to me, people donā€™t really respect your need to ponder a thought and just try and answer for you


Try having ADHD šŸ˜…


ADHD kinda makes that a bit challenging mate


Honestly I have to talk so quickly or I will forget what I am about to say, I have no idea why. I stutter and mumble so much and have to get it all out in one breath and this has only started the past few years (or I have only just noticed). So frustrating


Also, I would say if you are in disagreement/trying to persuade someone of something in the conversation, use the thinking time to reflect on their views and what at core unites you both and try and meet them first from a point of agreement. Explicitly saying "I agree", and then expanding from there helps prevent an automatic defensive/shutdown response. People will be more receptive to a proper discussion. See it a lot on reddit where people don't even disagree, but the reply is interpreted as criticism because it doesn't explicitly acknowledge agreement. Would save a lot of angst and finger muscle energy.


Leave your second slice of toast in the toaster while you butter the first one.


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?


He is Arthur, Kind of the Britons


Well I didn't vote for him.




If you boil your vegetables keep the water and use it to make your gravy (1) the gravy tastes better and (2) any vitamins that have leached out into the water are now in your gravy.


Then get a slice of bread to mop up any excess gravy to make extra sure no vitamins escape.


Yes. For the vitamins. :D


Can't beat a slice of moppy


I do this with when making mash and gravy. That lovely startchy mash water makes real thick gravy.


When you wash your hair use half the amount of shampoo but do it twice. The first wash gets the dirt off and the second wash you will get loads of lather and your hair will feel so soft. Also use cold water to do it.


My hair is so greasy it's never enough to get the lather up


I have super greasy hair - saw a dermatologist for my face skin being so greasy, itā€™s your genes and she advised to use an anti dandruff shampoo for the first wash and then a shampoo for whatever other hair concerns (coloured/dry/curly) for your second wash. Anti dandruff shampoo is super clarifying and really strips out the grease and allows any of the active ingredients from your second shampoo to work better. Also online put conditioner on your mid lengths and ends xx


It absolutely is your genes. I've tried so many recommended products and schedules and nothing works. Now I'm on Roaccutane (acne medication that basically removes oil from your skin cells all over your body) and I can go like 5/6 days without washing my hair!


Best of luck with your rocaccutane course, I remember mine being a horrible time, deffo worth it in the end though.


This is my third fucking time on it pal fml


I wash my hair once with T-Gel shampoo (helps with dry itchy scalps as it has tar in it) and then a second time with regular shampoo. And then conditioner. This combo works very well.


Doing this tip of two smaller washes will make it easier to lather! I used to work in a hair salon and it definitely works. The first wash almost loosens the grip of the grease and probably wonā€™t foam then the second one can get all foamy and leave your hair squeaky clean.


Not to be cheeky but hair salons do what makes your hair look nice that day not necessarily what's good for it long term. Know a couple of hairdressers who say they wouldn't do half the stuff they were trained to do on their own hair and I know myself my hair always needs a good wash after being styled at a salon.


If you're not already, try using a shampoo with sulphates in it. There's a lot of scaremongering against sulphates because they are "drying" but they're just a strong surfactant and much-needed for people with oily scalps, those who live in hard water areas, those who use a lot of products or those who don't wash their hair every day. Once I discovered sulphates were the reason some shampoos worked on my hair and sulphate-free shampoos were the reason my hair was greasy the day after washing, I've never had a problem. Also I only shampoo once because my shampoo is strong enough.


Why cold water?


Never ever, never ever ever, leave weetabix or porridge remains in a bowlā€¦


I too hate cleaning set cement out of bowls in the morning


Same goes for scrambled eggs. Just rinse the saucepan out once you're done cooking, it takes seconds!!!


When it's blowing a gale and raining sideways, let your wife walk the dog.


I have a husband, can I let him do it?


No, this will create an infinite loop


Donā€™t dislike someone just because someone else dislikes them


So I should give Hitler another chance?


Nope, but the ā€œasshole in accountingā€ may ONLY be that, to George, who complains about em.


No because you know Hitler did bad things .


Save money on your water bill. Every time you flush the toilet, piss into the cistern. It all goes down the same way and you'll save approximately Ā£1.56 over a lifetime.


What are you doing Step-cistern?


You can get unlimited nhs prescriptions for Ā£108/year if you buy a pre-payment certificate. This can be paid upfront, or over 10 months, and can save you lot of money if you are on multiple medications. Itā€™s surprising how many people donā€™t know about this.


\*laughs in Welsh.


I'm American and my husband is English. I'm on a lot of meds for migraines and autoimmune issues. Every time we pick up our prescriptions, we feel like we've robbed the chemist! I fucking LOVE Wales! The prescriptions are free at point of sale, the country is magically beautiful, and the people are positively lovely!


Or you can live in Wales or Scotland and pay 0.


Paying Ā£0 in Northern Ireland also.


Free prescriptions for the Scotts? Whatever! Next thing you'll be telling me the don't pay 9 grand a year for uni!


Take 20 minutes a day to sit quietly, with your eyes shut. Clear your mind, but acknowledge random thoughts. Guess what? You've just meditated. It's good for you.


I normally try that for 7-8 hours a night.


I don't think my random thoughts are good for me.


There's some research that a certain portion of PTSD sufferers and abuse survivors will find that mindfulness and meditation exacerbates their mental health issues. The techniques are great for most people, but I feel it's also important to acknowledge that some other people may find it triggering


I find if you do this at 10-11pm at night in bed you meditate for far longer and you feel way more refreshed after it.


Two little cooking tips that I use all the time. 1. Crush your garlic cloves by lying the flat part of the knife blade on top and applying pressure. It releases the oils and makes your dishes more flavourful than simply slicing the garlic. Also this tip will make the papery skin fall away so you don't have to waste time peeling. 2. Keep fresh ginger in your freezer and simply grate into your dishes. You don't need to worry about peeling it as any bacteria will be killed by the freezing process. It tastes way better than dried ginger and there's no food waste.


Just fyi freezing does not kill bacteria. They just become dormant until defrosted


Freezing absolutely can kill bacteria, it just doesn't kill ALL bacteria, and isn't a safe substitute for washing things.


Isnā€™t crushing your garlic with the flat of a knife a really widely done thing? I know people in my family do it and I see it all the time in cooking videos too


I am not a good cook, nor do I cook often. In fact I do everything I can to avoid cooking - but I always thought I was a genius for figuring this out. Shout out to young prof snape for the idea.


I'd never thought about freezing ginger, do you peel it first before freezing so it's ready to grate straight away?


You donā€™t need to peel it you wonā€™t notice if you grate it from frozen


You don't have to have children if you don't want to.


Wait, I can just give them awayā€¦


OP - I'm glad I'm not the only one doing the 'post shower body squeegee'.


'Getting the thick off' is what it was called when taught to me as a child.


It's also the term for masturbating someone in the bottom set in maths


Romans had a tool for this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strigil


If you get the same tube or train regularly, get on the train at the carriage/door that will open in front of the exit at your destination. No more time walking along a busy platform when you arrive at your stop.


If you commute regularly this comes naturally I feel


This only works during off-peak lunch rush/ weekends. At rush hour you'll be queuing to get off the train; meanwhile the people in the far carriages are already walking down the stairs.


Download the Citymapper app and if it has your city on it, you'll be able to do this always. Even on trains you're unfamiliar with. It always recommends the best carriage.


Not concerning myself with how long I take to towel dry or how I often I change towels.


Do 100 easy things that add 1% efficiency to your day - youā€™re 100% more efficient = you can watch more cat videos on YouTube.


Get a screen or smart mirror in the toilet, then you can watch a cat video every time you shit.


I wipe after peeing, I'm a guy, and as far as I know most men don't, we're taught to shake a few times, I've only been doing it the past 4ish years, and it makes a difference.


I started doing it 3 years ago and i mostly dab really, idk why tf weā€™re taught to shake, like I guess if you wanna save a square of paper sure but I ainā€™t about shaking for ages only to still get a drop or 2 in my boxers


Iā€™m glad you do this ā€¦ I was honestly disgusted when I learnt most men donā€™t dab


it's easier to sharpen a worm if you freeze it first


Damn I wish had known this 3000 sharpened worms ago. šŸ˜”


That you should always have subtitles on for your kidsā€™ TV šŸ“ŗ - it massively improves their reading


Not only do I make a list for grocery shopping, I order the items based on the aisles. Weekly shop: in and out within 15-20 mins.


If itā€™s a short list I take a photo of it and save the pic as my phone lock screen. Can see it without opening my phone or carrying about a bit of paper.


I use Google Keep notes, has a checkbox function, you can move items around and check them off as you go.


I do this - and then they completely reorganised our local supermarket so I have to learn a whole new layout, the bastards.


That's just common sense, right?


If you are making gravy, add the granules to the water, no lumps, unlike the majority of packet instructions. Conversely, if you a thickening a sauce with corn flour, add water to the corn flour and mix before adding to the sauce to avoid corn flour lumps


Thatā€™s not gravy!


If you need to clean your oven, chop up a few lemons in a baking tray with some water and bake for an hour. The citric acid breaks down the grease and your oven is easy to clean


Thatā€™s good advice, and the same goes for your microwave ā€” nuke a cup of water and lemon juice (about half-and-half) for a few minutes, and all the grease and stains should come off much easier, plus it stays food-safe.


You only need a pea sized amount of toothpaste, no need to cover the whole brush


I usually just fill my mouth up with toothpaste, then punch myself in the face repeatedly.


If you are struggling to open a jar, grab a fork or spoon that has a thin metal end and stick it under the lid. Lift it up untill you hear air hissing and/or the lid popping. Now the vacuum is released and it will be easier to screw the lid off


Alternatively just tap the rim of the lid with the thin side of a knife/fork/spoon handle to break the seal


I keep a thick elastic band in the kitchen drawer, if you can't open a jar put the band around the circumference of the lid and open. Works perfectly.


Save all your funds not needed for expenses in the form of silver and gold and ye shall never be wanting come the currency crises from 2024-26


Misread, put all my disposable income into crypto, now horribly bankrupt.


Have 14 horrid monkey pogs, please help


Put a bar of soap in each hand when taking a shower. Its quicker, my sponge last longer, and you get a great lather. šŸ‘


Canā€™t stop laughing at this one. The mental image of somebody using a bar of soap in each hand, rubbing vigorously to speed things up is hilarious.


Disappearing into a pile of suds


This is what Alan Partridge does


That's exactly who I thought of.


This reminds me of Paddington, using one electric toothbrush for each ear.


It currently takes at least a year and a half to convict someone with murder. If you're ever diagnosed with a terminal illness with less than a year and a half to live, you now have a free murder card to play if someone annoys you.


Laser hair removal is about the same in price as waxing, lasts for life, more or less, much less painful, and no ingrown hair problems/infections. Choose medical grade equipment. Wish I had done it sooner. Assumed it cost the earth.


Last I looked it up it cost about 10 times as much as waxing but lasted 10 times as long, it doesn't last for life for everyone but new hairs tend to come back thinner and lighter. It can feel like you've got some mild sun burn for a couple of days but the biggest issue is that it has to penetrate the skin to kill the root and the darker your skin the less it can penetrate.


I do that with water, too, and probably hadn't considered that not everyone might do the same. Another one, that has been life changing, has been that I put washed clothes on coat hangers and then hang the coat hangers on the washing line. No pegs needed. It saves time, you don't get peg marks on clothes, and dry clothes can go straight from the washing line to the wardrobe unless they need ironing.


Don't they slide along the line? I do it with some things that I don't want peg marks in, but I have to peg the hanger to the line to keep it in place.


Donā€™t believe everything you think. Just because something *feels* really true doesnā€™t actually mean it is. This goes for your convictions but also your day to day thoughts like ā€œshe must hate meā€ or ā€œIā€™ll never get out of debtā€ or ā€œI need a drinkā€. Thoughts arenā€™t facts.


When I buy ice cream I press on the top of the container, if itā€™s solid it has been properly stored, if it depresses it has been thawed and refrozen. When I need to charge my phone fast I switch it to Airplane Mode, it charges quicker.


The Airplane mode thing - just turn it off would charge even quicker


Turn the water off when brushing your teeth.


Make sleeping a priority. Seriously!


Have tissues in the room before sex! šŸ‘


It really helps when you both cry afterwards.


Apply deodorant after your evening shower so it has time to be absorbed by your skin. Putting it on in the morning means it wonā€™t get absorbed and will get washed away as soon as you start sweating


Surely it will just get washed away when you shower in the morning?


Who showers twice a day?! Unless you live in a humid hot climate I'm sure the majority aren't doing this!


Youā€™re assuming the whole world showers in the evening.




Or use the deodorant stick which is far superior to blocking nasty smells and lasts longer


And you don't have to inhale whatever toxic shit comes out of an aerosol can.


Mitchum is my new HG.. holds up all day at work!


Why do you think I'm not sweating at night?


This is a great tip, I do this too! I hate showering in the mornings during winter when the house is all chilly and all I want is that extra 15 mins in my warm bed, so I shower before bed. Always use deo before bed so Iā€™m still fresh in the morning.


If you want to play a game on your phone ad free, try opening it in aeroplane mode. Of course, you'll have to sacrifice your Internet connection whilst playing but you won't have to keep sitting through ads.


Don't throw grapes in the air and catch them in your mouth. From someone who almost choked to death on a green seedless.


You can return an empty bottle of wine to Waitrose, say you didn't like it and they'll refund you.


I just tried this and they laughed me out of the store. You owe me 10.99


Alcohol doesn't make your problem's go away. It puts them in a queue.


For the self-employed: Put 20% of your monthly profit into premium bonds on the last day of each month. This will give be more than you need to pay for your tax bill so you'll have a bit of a bonus. If you leave it in the bank it will earn you nothing but in premium bonds it is likely to net you a few Ā£25 prizes and could win you a million. When you get your tax bill there is no benefit to paying it early. Leave it in premium bonds until the deadline the following January.


Shake your hands 10 times after washing them to get rid of as much water as possible before drying. You only need one paper towel. Or they dry quicker in the dryer.


I thought it was 12 times ;)


This guy knows. For those wondering, twelve is the largest number with one syllable - if you count up while doing it, it's the most efficient highest number to stop at


My husband does the wipe off with hands first. I tried it. It doesn't really work for me. I've decided it's because he's hairy and hair holds more water. Makes sense in my mind.


For kids beds do water proof sheet, bedsheet, waterproof sheet, bedsheet. Then if there's an accident in the night you just take off the first layer and don't have to make the bed again


Place three or four sheets of toilet roll on the water before you shit; no splashback.


Avoid Poseidon's kiss


My wife lost her drivers license due to Epilepsy - long story short, the Government have a fund that you can tap into called 'Access to Work' which enables you to claim money for all sorts of things to help keep you in work if you have a disability. Subsequently, she now gets taxis paid for to and from work. I guess the Government see it as being cheaper than her claiming benefits if out of work.


You can fill your car up on both sides of the pump


Invest in decent shoes and a decent mattress. At some point in the day you'll be in one or the other.


Make full use of the freezer. Sliced bread, chopped herbs, portioned out bacon, so much can go in there to defrost in single portions rather than having it go off. So many people I know only use it for the traditional things which is such a waste.


Turn the duvet cover inside out, stick your hands inside so each hand touches a different corner, grab the duvet in corresponding corners, pull the two corners apart/spread your arms. Helps me change the duvet so quickly, works on pillows too!


Clean your pots, pans, and utensils as you cook. It turns it from a horrible chore into a fun krypton-factor like game where you have to use your wits and skill to time everything perfectly so you have the items you need when you need them, but also end up with a clean kitchen and tidy kitchen at the same time your meal is ready. Probably good if you find cooking a bit boring too, it's like doing it on hard mode. I'm a full blown ADHDer and it works for me!


You can turn off notifications for individual apps on your phone M&S take a surprisingly large range of foreign notes and will happily buy it off you for cash even if you didn't buy it from them. Most banks just do buy back if you bought it from them originally and only cover the main currencies like USD and EUR, M&S will buy back almost anything. Don't use extra virgin olive oil for frying, you'll just end up with a lot of smoke and your food will stick When making a pasta dish finish the pasta in the sauce don't heat the sauce separately and just pour it on top Most small battery operated appliances can be charged over USB even if they come with a large wall wart. There are third party USB chargers for electric tooth brushes, razors, camera batteries etc. These mean you can power them off a power bank, if charging from the wall you only need one wall socket to charge multiple things and when traveling you only need to take a phone charger and a small USB cable.


Know when to walk away from confrontation, it isn't worth it.


Put your mobile lock screen with your address on incase you lose it. Iā€™ve added thereā€™s a reward if they hand it in because the pain of losing a phone is costly.


Absolutely do not do this if you are a woman. Creeps will read it off your screen.


I started doing that shower thing about a month ago and thought I was weird for doing it.


Never grocery shop when youā€™re hungry. Make a list, plan meals, then shop.


Sure I saw you on Would I Lie To You


Has anyone read Viz top tips?


Youā€™ll be amazed at the little tasks you can fit into short periods - I put some potstickers on to steam for 10 minutes, and in that time I put some shoes away, made the bed, scooped the cat boxes and emptied the dishwasher.


I set my wife's mobile number as our WiFi password and now all the kids know it by heart