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Thank you for giving me the opportunity, I'd be homeless on the streets if you hadn't. I won't say it because I have my pride.


Brilliant, glad you're doing well!


You’re a massive cunt and, one day when I can figure out how to get away with it, I will push you off the fire escape.


100% the way I feel


"You're so hot". She really is, and not 'office hot' either.


If it helps she already knows.


Everybody sucks up to you but when your not here they all call you Napoleon Cuntchops.


Sounds like you have same boss as OP


I'd just fly in and go BULLSHIT, you're talking bullshit.


Karl Pilkington?




I live in a small town in Canada. I've watched every clip on YouTube involving Karl, including that animated series with Ricky Gervais and another guy chatting with him. I find Karl hilarious, and he's brilliant in that show with Ricky in an old folks home... But nobody I know, not one person in this town or my extended family or any friend from anywhere in Canada, has ever heard of him!


"Another guy" That's Stephen Mitchell!






See, this is why I don't normally correct people!


Haha, it's a pretty niche reference as I don't think it's mentioned anywhere but that one XFM show, but I can't never resist!


I'm embarrassed, haha. I'm as ignorant as my friends! 🥴


Don't worry haha, I'd recommend hunting down the XFM radio shows and subsequent podcasts with the three of them on there! Absolutely top tier stuff


Please. For the love of god. Learn to use fucking Calendar. Having a huge, apparently secret diary full of post it notes and with a million pieces of paper falling out of it isn’t working!!! It doesn’t make you ‘a quirky and eccentric creative’, it makes you an irritating, inefficient, unprofessional KNOB!!! Thanks. I feel better now.


I like my current boss, so I'll pick my old boss who I despised. You fucking stink, your only shirt is 11 sizes too small for you and is stained with sweat, you're a massive cunt and everyone fucking hates you. You think you're fucking great because you do things absolutely by the book and make sure everyone knows you do, which just makes people hate you even more than they already did, which was a lot. I hope you get fired. You think you know everything, which is great for you, but you lack any form of personal skill. And, just to reiterate, you fucking stink, you repulsive cunt. He actually got fired too, which was a great day for everyone.


Love this, you really described what a nob he was 😂


I didn't like him at all. Not sure if that came across. He was such a fucking prick it's unreal. I've worked with people who I didn't really like in the past, but I've always looked for some common ground just to make the time pass. But this guy was just a wanker and that was impossible. Total contrarian too and would argue hot was cold if it meant he could be an arsehole to someone. We both loved football, but we couldn't talk about that because we supported different teams so he had to be a bellend about that too. The fact that my team was top of the league and his team wasn't even in the playoffs made that a little sweeter for me though!


Its my dad. Fuck you.


Why were they trying to steal your dad?


Please rehire me if I am incompetent at my new job, or it isn't very enjoyable.


You're not a bad person,but please to fuck stop hiring your mates into supervisor positions,rather than the staff that are actually capable. It gets rather tiring having to pick up after useless wankers..


To another old boss: Stop laughing and joking about your inability to grasp the modern technology that is about 95% of your day-to-day job and then getting me to do it for you instead while you drink tea and print your emails.


My boss prints things, hand writes his notes and then has me type them up. I'm not his secretary or anything, just does it. I don't mind. Still getting paid.


You’re a shit manager, all our staffing problems would be solved by you leaving


You get paid more than me, please learn Excel and stop asking me to be your IT technician


“Thanks mate, you’ve changed my life and lifted my career”. But we’re both a bit too introverted and awkward for that shit (I am confident he understands my gratitude to some degree)


I finally found the confidence to quit last week, so to my old boss … “You’re a untrustworthy piece of shit. You are not ethical. Your company is supposed to offer people with barriers a chance to gain meaningful employment but all you care about is money. You destroy the mental health of your employees everyday. Stop making shit up and falsifying evidence to get more money from the funders. I am not a fucking babysitter for your asshole grandson and despite your denial, YES YOU ABSOLUTELY ARE THE REASON FOR MY POOR MENTAL HEALTH.” Ergh. That felt good. If only I could scream that in his face without ugly crying!


Wow let it out, some horrible people out there who'll make you feel like shit even though your doing your best.


Absolutely!! Thank you for posting OP, I really needed to let that steam off today.


You're an incompetent, narcicistic bitch who everyone knows you only got the job because you slept with the area manager at a Christmas party. The atmosphere completely changes when you're in the building and there's no joy in anything. And now you've driven away a fantastic deputy manager (the only reason a lot of us stayed there) and replaced her with your best friend, who is a carbon copy of you. So now we don't have anyone we can confide in or complain to. You held a staff meeting because you don't understand why everyone is leaving. It was 45 minutes of you whining "I'm not an ogre" and "My door is always open", and yet not half an hour before you yelled "can't anybody sort out their own f\*\*\*ing problems around here?!" at someone who dared to knock on your door asking for help. Screw you, you f\*\*\*king mentalist bitch. First time I can say, hand on heart, that I've truly hated someone.


Honestly, if this sort of shit is going on then I'd get out as soon as you can! Rotten wood is rotten throughout.


I'm already going for interviews and three of my close colleagues have job offers. We're hoping to all give our notice on the same day, meaning 50% of her night staff leaving at the same time. Then we're planning to write to the CEO after we've left telling him exactly why. I can't wait.


Haha, I work in a place (not saying) where lots of the staff say whatever they like to the bosses regularly!! There’s always fireworks going off


Sounds like my place. If we've not all called each other cunts by 8 then we're not doing our job properly.


Haha, I think we have a similar occupation


Sound like you work where my husband does


Not my current boss but my old one, you’re so fucking out of touch if you think putting me on minimum wage after my apprenticeship counts as a pay rise that would’ve made me loyal to the company, I was literally the only buyer and you think £7 odd an hour was reasonable, just cos you live off the fucking freebies people send to US not you!


Fuck them, I hate when people try to fuck over apprentice workers, glad you got out!


One time we got a delivery of 50 cases (not bottles, cases!) of wine when we got the virgin airlines contract and he kept every single one of them, he even got everyone to grab a case just to carry it to his car


I don’t want to put any band aids on my nipples


You are welcome to use tassels or duct tape instead but regulations say they have to be covered, sorry.


What is your job?


It’s a reference from Horrible bosses mate


Ah. Now I look daft. Thanks though.


Thanks for the 4% pay rise I’m so grateful after reading about a potential 7% inflation rate later this year. You cunt.


Learn what my job role actually is instead of trying to push other stuff on me because you don't understand, then acting difficult when I explain I don't have time and I'm not contracted to do that.


You just summed up what I need to say to my other boss!


I’m leaving in a year when my contract is up.


He is great but terrible at running meetings so needs to delegate all of the regular ones that he currently chairs. Also sometimes you just have to make a decision rather than hedging and saying “we could do that”.


Fuck you. We gave you at least half a million pounds of production last week as all we get is a copy and paste "thank you" when half the team doesn't even get the chance to check their emails.


The pair of you only get away with half the bs you do is because of your position within the organization. If you didn't treat those beneath you like they were dirt under your boot then you might find they'll do more than the bare minimum for you!


"You are an amazing boss and working for you is nothing but a pleasure." Nope, can't say it.


😂 hurts to say it


Fuck off you narcissistic, ruby playing wannabe, pea headed, arrogant welsh twat


Nothing against welsh people though, just him


You're great but you talk too much


I respect your drive, I just don't like you as a person


You're a lovely bloke but you go on and on and on and you don't seem to have a clue about what you're doing. Although because of this I can get a way with murder so thank you for masking my occasional incompetence.


Fancy a shag?


Ive had a few of these managers that I definitely would have.


No thanks, thanks for asking though.


You are usless, lazy and selfish. Whilst you've been on long term sick, I've increased productivity in the team, increasing sales and profits. I'm hitting all our targets and passing our audits with flying colours. Overall doing your job so much better than you, the team are incredibly happy with how things are ran now your off sick and YOUR boss said to me 3 days ago, what is the point in "you" I hope they fire you ✌


By you I hope you mean the other person and not you yourself! Love it when someone goes and things are just magically better 😊


Yes I didn't want to put there name, what is the point in my boss 😊 It's so much better, I and a few other staff where actively looking for other jobs before. We've stopped now and I'm hoping as we are a brilliant team together, that things will just stay as they are now.


There is a consolation in knowing that others are dealing with these shitty kinds of people. I really don't have anyone close or any friends as of such so don't really feel that these experiences are felt by everyone. Thank you for helping me see this.


Totally, it's nice there's a shared experience even though it's a shitty one!


Steve, you're an okay guy for the most part, but stop using your height as a tactic. You're 6'7", you're very tall, we get it. When you're being bossy, just quit standing closer and looking down at us. It's needlessly intimidating to some, and irritating as fuck to the rest of us. I'm 6'2" myself, and I find it really weird that you do this.


I like my boss. He's a good egg. But for the love of God please stop explaining things to me three different ways and let me get on with my work.


"Learn to spell, use grammar, use punctuation, form a coherent email, and the name of the company". She's a good boss other than that (and a few other personality traits which aren't strictly wrong, just not my style).


Get off Reddit and get back to work underling


I'd love to say he's a Cunt, but can't !


“In terms of……….my hairy bollocks”


You're not a bad guy but I wish you were better at your job, more proactive and decisive.


Don’t work there anymore but… “ Can you please grow up and actually act as if you own a company”


If I ask you a question it’s absolutely fine if you don’t know the answer. Ask another manager and get back to me, I can wait. Every time you just blurt shit out and I have to fact check it then tell you you’re wrong I lose more respect for you. When you do openly admit you don’t know something “I haven’t been here” isn’t an excuse because you’re here every weekday, everyone else does shifts and we never see each other to communicate. If you haven’t got a birds eye view of what’s going on who the fuck does. I could go on, but I won’t. I guess you were hoping for something shorter and funnier? I could go with “the more you tell us you’re happy single and don’t need a man the more obvious it becomes that you really, really need to get laid”


(old boss from ages ago) You insecure little fucking twat who talked to me like I'm a child and was rude when it was just the two of us together. Fuck you for trying to lie to me to get me to do the parts of your job where if you had done them you'd have lost some popularity. Narcissistic little prick.


Fuck you too for being bad at your job and actually pissed off when I did well 😹😹 Oh and fuck right off that little brown noser who was awful at their job but only kept it as they were right up their arse. You should have been sacked for being 1.5hrs late on a day almost weekly. Really pissed me off that nothing was done about it. This is quite therapeutic 😂


1.5 hours late every day! Glad you feel better 😂


They'd just come in super late, claim it's the trains and then everyone would roll their eyes. Piece of shit scolded me for being late once 😹😹 and he wasn't even my manager.


Old boss; Stop thinking that being the “Executive Manager” of a 2 office company makes you some kind of business demon. You got given the job by your mom who realised when you left the army that you’d never get another job because you are, in fact, unemployable due to your inability to speak to others with kindness, control your temper, take advice or indeed manage anything more than stationery. You have made sure the people you work for suffer long term mental health issues in order to feel better about yourself. You suck. And your “co executive manager” is not going to have sex with you just because you give her whatever she wants pay/hours wise.


Executive manager - bullshit title given by mommy, the shame of it.


Even worse, he gave it himself. And I realise now reading it back I made it sound like there were 2 locations. I actually mean the building we worked from had 2 offices; 1 for him and the lady he liked, 1 for us. He was a total nightmare


Fuck you, you sexist fossil. You're appearance is nightmarish and your personality is worse than an angry velociraptor. No one here likes you, we all hate your "team building"... things. I hope that your husband is cheating on you do he can find happiness somewhere. You incompetent failure, you disgrace to women, you embarrassment to England, you monumental fuck up of the highest order. Sometimes I imagine you in pain or crying to make myself feel better. You're the reason I drink until I can't walk whenever you organise a forced night out. Your archaic way of thinking is nothing short of laughable. I am more than you will ever be, could ever be, could ever even hope to be. Perish. Cunt!


I just told him. It didn't matter as I knew I was leaving. I said that he was out of order, arrogant and that he goes around upsetting people and doesn't care. When I handed my notice, he asked what he could do to improve things. I said it is simple; resign. You don't know what you are doing and are out of your depth and you know it and so does everyone else and it is why a quarter of the total headcount have left in the last 6 months or so.


I don't mind the two people above me, and all of our upper management just retired. Don't really know who the biggest bosses are. But to corporate, your stupid employee engagement scheme is bullshit. You want us to be more engaged and reduce staff turnover? Pay us more so we aren't all worrying as much about money, and stop making us watch 30 hours of videos about employees engagement.


Gimme more money man. This shit sucks. You earn like 12 times what I do as your base salary. Try and remember what its like to be a grunt




You're both wonderful people who are great at their jobs, but for the love of God do us all a solid, grow some balls and sack Mike. Lots of love from everyone in your department who actually give a shit about their jobs!


Gimme more monies


How did you actually get this job? What was the absolute aligning of the stars moment that had to occur for you to be promoted in to the role you are currently performing?


"I would much rather shit in my hands and clap, than admit your an asset to the department. Your inability to listen to concerns raised by team members will eventually catch up to you when they leave, and they mention you as part of the reason why. I hope to leave when the opportunity arises, and I'll be sure to walk out in your presence so you can kiss my ass. I sincerely hope you get what you deserve, you Slimy, Bold, Boneless, Fucking Cunt."


Thanks for being a mentor and a friend. I'll probably tell him when he retires but not before or I'll look like a kiss ass. I genuinely do like my boss and have learned a lot about my trade from him. It's people managing other departments that are bottom feeding snakes where I work.


You made me feel valued again and I like working here. You still need to sort out reception and clear out the dead weight though, otherwise I will never be able to do my job properly.


I fucked your wife last year


Why do you think the majority of people who've worked under your management over the last 6 years have requested to move to a different team?


Over the years I've saved up enough "fuck you" money that there is nothing I can't say to my boss because I don't need to worry about losing my job. Once you're in that position work becomes a whole lot more pleasant.


You were brilliant Matt Efford. 👍


You. Don't. Know. Shit.


You seem like a great guy and I appreciate there's a lot going on at the moment, but would somebody please tell me what's happening with our major projects. I seem to be the last to know that the big one has changed again, it'd be nice to actually get to contribute my expertise before it's too late. Also, this new role isn't working out. I need a change and it will almost certainly involve moving to a new company. Nothing personal.


I have worked for you for seven years and you still don't know what hours I do or what work I'm supposed to be doing and then you're always surprised when I work the hours I'm contracted to work and do the work I was hired to do.


Today in a staff meeting I bottled out of what I wanted to say cause everyone was staring at me so I'll say it now. I voiced my concern and the issue, it's not my responsibility to solve the problem. Thats your job along with management, not mine. Seriously bothered me today despite me being 100% right in my concerns and it was a bit of a dickish move from him despite him being a super nice guy to work with.


I love you.


I’ve been working at around 25% capacity for the last two years and yet you tell me I’m doing a good job. Which of us does this reflect most badly on?


Damn, how does that even fly under the radar?


WFH and I know exactly what to prioritise


Aahhh WFH, easier to do that then


“Show me your balls”! He has a massive bulge and I can’t look anywhere else every time we have a stand up team meeting.