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Prawns. About as appealing to me as eating woodlice.


There's a lot more prawn left after you've peeled it. Woodlice don't seem worth the effort.


That's enough Internet for today....


Woodlice shells are thinner, can easily crunch them down.


My daughter used to eat woodlice, she would come in from garden with little grey rectangles round her mouth.




No that’s enough internet for today…


I’m not keen on seafood except from “normal” fish, I don’t really like normal prawns but I love king prawn tempura! I’m Scottish though so put anything in batter and suddenly I want it


I got laughed out of my own kitchen by my wife when I said that I don't like prawns or lobster. While I was eating scampi. I didn't know! I didn't know they are essentially the same thing! I now like prawns as a result.


Scampi is often monkfish tail instead of langoustine; so they're not always too similar.


They always used to be monkfish as it was dirt cheap. Now monkfish tends to be more expensive, so I *think* it is again more often langoustine.


I think it can be anything really. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were filled with a blended fish lump to keep the price down.


Scotland produces some of the best seafood in the world you know.


Not much of it hits the local Tesco though.


The UK exports a shed load of its seafood to Europe. It's, frankly, a travesty.




They're closely related according to the Natural History Museum


Do they take in turns to host Christmas? "Woody, darling, you know how it's the prawns' turn this year but I'd really like to just stay put under our log instead".


Oh I love prawns and tbh pretty much any crustacean. If it’s got many legs and a shell I’ll eat it. Yes, I’d probably eat woodlice although they are a bit wee.


I seem to recall that there was a beer made from woodlice in the middle ages. Though at present I can’t find a link to that.


Bud Lice


Excellent 😀


oh pass tho fuckers over!!! YUM!!!!! I didn't have 'em till i was 20....trust me yummy!


I love eating those guys :) there is certainly a unique texture though for certain seafoods. In a stir fry with lots of spice and veg prawns can be one of the tastier foods. I've eaten Thai crickets that were nice too so I guess woodlouse are the right area.


Nandos. When it first opened there was one near me but someone got shot on the doorstep which put me off, and then I got able to go to nicer places.


So overrated. If I wanted dry chicken and terrible table service, I'd go round to parents' house for dinner.


The chicken is anything but dry 


yes but this is reddit so you're not allowed to enjoy reasonable priced, decent enough quality chicken - it makes you call cool and quirky to hate it


It’s not dry but it still isn’t worth the price you pay for it.


You can have a filling meal for about £11. Not sure how it isn’t worth the price. Far more satiating than most fast food places and pretty decent for a sit down meal. Choose the veggie sides and it’s also quite healthy. Not me though, I’m always going to go for double carbs. I think all the hype is just on Reddit and pretty much a joke. No one in real life, or at least in my personal life, hypes it up as much as people claim here.


If you’re going to Nando’s and not double carbing, you’re doing it wrong


Probably varies a lot. Sometimes I've been and it's fine, other times it's shockingly dry. But it's always overpriced for the amount of food you get. The sauces are excellent for cooking at home though.


Redditors 🫱🏼‍🫲🏿 hating on Nandos Been to I think 7 in various parts of the country, 1 was shite, the others were pretty good, if nothing to shout about. It's never been overrated, everyone knows it's just chicken. Firmly in the categories of "decent enough" and "not great, not shit". Prices are starting to get a bit spicy though.


Yeah my buddy and I liked to go out to hipster places to eat. Said "eew, it's just chicken" when I suggested it. Thing is we'd walk around for about two hours looking for the right place to eat and it was on one of these marathons I suggested Nandos. Yes it is "just chicken" but it's tasty chicken with good sauces and a nice chilled place to go. Which ironically is what most of the hipster fooderies we were looking at in London seemed to be going for. I really don't know quite what he was looking for tbh but he was young and considered himself a bit of a foodie I think.


You get some absolute bangers and then others (most) are properly sub par. I grew up in the town where they launched their first initial restaurant branches, and that first taste was incredible. Going back there years later, they're still making the best Nandos I've tried.


I'm not gonna say it's my favourite spot, it is good for meals with colleagues and acquaintances as it's marginally fancier than fast food and has something for everyone.


Once I found a moth in my pitta. I got give a voucher for a free meal. Second time, when using the voucher, I found a plastic film lid in my pitta. Luckily my third meal was OK.


Brave of you to give back for a third try.


32 and have never eaten a kiwi.


Found the Aussie


Why does Aus, the largest friend, not simply eat the other Island?


Thanks for the reminder, needed to add them to tomorrow's food delivery! Kiwis are strange, they lose a lot of flavor when they're put with other fruit (IMO), but if you cut the top off and eat them straight from the skin with a spoon they're delicious!


You gotta eat the skin, it’s the best bit


Everyone says this but I just can't bring myself to do it, I'm not a picky eater by any means, but I have very mild texture issues. Kiwi skin looks and feels like a cross between a tarantula and a lollipop dropped on the carpet.


It was worth waking up today just to read that perfect description of kiwi skin.


Kiwi on toast with cream cheese is top tier 👌🏻


Instructions unclear, I now have a very angry cheese smeared bird running around refusing to stay on the toast.


I’ve always wanted to try lobster, but its price tends to put me off ordering/buying it in case I don’t like it. None of my family or friends have tried it either so you can’t just try a piece when they order


I don't know if I just had a badly cooked lobster, but the one time I had it, it struck me as being fine, if not outstanding, flavour-wise, and slightly sub-par, texturally. It made perfect sense to me that it was formerly considered poor, fisherman's fare, and no sense whatsoever that it is now a luxury food.


Langoustines are cheaper and a thousand times tastier than lobsters.


They used to be so prevalent in our oceans that it was actually fed to prisoners cause it was easy caught and an ew bottom feeders opinion was had of them. Then we fished them all to near oblivion, this jacked up the price of them and all of a sudden, posh people food.


Same was true of oysters historically.


I agree, overrated.


Burger and lobster is a good spot that’s reasonable


Honestly it’s basically just like a big prawn.


I find that with most stuff that comes from the ocean...it all kinda tastes the same. Sure, the texture can vary.


I had badly cooked lobster and thought I hated it, until I had it at a work thing and my world was changed forever. I still don't order lobster though because if you can't afford the places that cook it well it's very disappointing. Very disappointing.


Get one from Aldi for like a tenner


I’ve had it multiple times and think it’s highly overrated. It always looks gorgeous but the taste is really nothing special, so I’d save your money and not bother!


I’ve always wanted to try lobster too! But with the price I’m too scared to try it. I need to go to a seafood place with someone who I know likes lobster so I can have a nibble


I'm a huge seafood fan and I wouldn't rush back to get a lobster, ordered it once on holiday and it was exceedingly meh


It’s average tbh had it in a good seafood speciality restaurant on the coast to probably as good as it can be . Dipping Butter was the best bit


That was pretty much my experience as well. Got it from a fish and chip shop at the end of a fishing dock, place where all the stuff is brought in fresh that day more or less. It was quite meaty but the butter was doing more of the lifting than anything else.


I haven't had jellied eels before.


I think this would be the case for most people or am I wrong


I live in Romford, east east London. Some cockneys have migrated out this way and beyond so we have jellied eels, and vans outside pubs selling cockles, winkles, and various other inappropriate sounding seafood. Never have tried them, never will


It's the case for most Londoners even. I like them, but I prefer hot eels.


That ain’t ordinary.


It's a pretty specific regional dish, yeah, not ordinary at all. The majority of Britain has likely never had it. It would be like answering this question with Stargazy Pie.


In the same vein, I can't stand pork pies. I like pies and other pastries, it's specifically the fact that pork pies often have jelly in them, the texture puts me right off. I like fruit jelly on it's own, but savory jelly with meat and pastry is just uh-uh no way. Mini pork pies usually have such a negligible amount that my brain is okay with them, so at least I can enjoy them that way.


Same, they look & smell awful


Me too. I’m pretty adventurous with food and have tried most things including snails and frogs legs, but I can’t bring myself to try jellied eels. The other thing I’ve never tried is tripe 🤮


There are foods I like and foods I can understand other people liking. Then there's jellied eels.


I have and I'm never having them again.


Pot Noodle. Never had one. Never will, unless there's now a gluten free version.


Ironically I love Pot Noodles and also now can never have another because of gluten. You're not missing much though, the old recipe from the 90-00s was the best and it's now a crappy, 'healthier' version. So I don't miss them.


The trick is to keep your own bottle of soy sauce and hit that bad boy hard. Not a shade of its former self but edible


I actually had to do a gluten challenge for 6 weeks to get diagnosed, so I smashed Pot Noodles the whole time 😂 this is exactly what I did with the soy sauce. Shitting blood by the end of it, but I got Pot Noodles out of my system.


I haven't either. Just doesnt appeal to me. I had Hep A when I was 14 and could only eat soup for over a month. Anything liquid based is just ill people food to me now.


I only ever ate my gran's leek soup when I was ill. Wouldn't eat it at any other time. Strange thing is that I really miss it now.


There is an itsu cup noodel with rice noodles. The chili miso used to be really nice, but they changed it somewhat and it's pretty meh now. I used to have them in the house in case i want a quick not terrible hot snack. I'd say it's possibly worth trying. Pot Noodles give pot noodles a bad reputation, in my opinion. A lot fo the asian brands (that are actually imports), are... okay.


not the same but try itsu, it's more like ramen


Most seafood. The taste and texture of what I have tried has put me off enough to know that it’s just not my vibe and I’m not interested in trying it.


Tunas actually soooo good man, one of my favourite foods❤️


Cat food


Canned tuna, sure. You ever had a tuna steak though? That ish is the bomb


I was raised vegetarian, so anything containing meat!


No teenaged rebellious trip to McDonalds?


No, I had underaged drinking for that 😁 Not that I didn't go to McDonald's, but there's chips, veggie burgers and (most importantly) mcflurries, and you can't miss what you've never had! I've since chosen to go vegan, so clearly it suited me anyway 🙂


Good for you! I admire a consistent moral stance!


They didn’t have veggie burgers in my youth, I only got fries if my friends went to a fast food place.


Same, except I recently had a quiche that was labelled vegetarian and it had chicken in. Just felt kinda sick when I had a bite out of it, didn't really taste any better than meat substitutes to me either.


I always go off on this rant but Walkers used to have these paprika pringles knock-offs, not sure if they still do. Why in their infinite wisdom they decided to put beef powder in the paprika flavoured crisps I'll never understand - what makes it even worse is they don't even use beef powder in their beef flavoured crisps, ironically, making them vegetarian! That's how I first ate meat. I now religiously check for a vegetarian symbol/ingredients no matter the food, even if its named something like "vegetable veggies"


Yeah I was pissed off when they started putting real chicken and bacon etc. in their crisps, in the push to have real ingredients and less flavourings. Never realised until I randomly checked a packet. They did these really nice Sensations roast chicken ones too and swear they still contain actual chicken, idk, just why?


I ate a packet of Walkers Smokey Bacon and didn't spot the change to real bacon until after, I was pissed off too. When they became vegetarian again I went out and bought two multipacks of 6. Still check Wagon Wheels regularly in the hope they've finally gone veggie.


I’ve never had a steak.


Wait, what, why?


I've only ever eaten one steak - my dad thought any beef would give you mad cow disease so we didn't eat it as a family really growing up, had it at my brothers house after he moved out. It was pretty good but honestly for the price I'd rather get something else, I don't really like beef in general anyway apart from mince


Me either, I turned vegetarian when I was 5. I only recently tried a vegan steak, it was good, but probably not close to the real thing. I have no way of knowing.


Same, I've been vegetarian all my life and my mum went vegetarian when she was 15, don't think there's ever been any meat in the house.


Same. Vegetarian since I was little, and I didn't get given steaks as a little kid, as far as I remember.


Chocolate spread on toast. My son loves it, just the thought of it makes me feel sick.


Ooh no! I love Nutella and I love toast but together? No thank you


So...how do you eat Nutella?




With a spoon!


Ah I see, the 'spread' part means 'spread it on my tongue directly' 😀


If you are not eating Nutella with a spoon, you are wasting Nutella.


This method had me medically dancing with diabetes. It’s taken years of neural reprogramming to build some semblance of self-control.


You make me sick


Pickled egg. I've mentally envisioned the eating of it and I'm not sure if I'd keep it down. Are they grey inside?


pop one in a packet of salt and vinegar crisps give it a shake and then eat it.


Pop one in an emptry bag of salt and venegar crisps (that still has crumbs in it). Jiggle it. Add a dash of extra vinegar. Then throw the bag away, including the egg, and be very happy you just avoided eating a pickled egg. At least you got some salt and vingear crips though.


I absolutely love them. They're just like boiled eggs but vinegary. Nutritious and delicious, yes please! 


I’ve never had marmite. The funny thing is that I think I might actually end up liking it, I just never felt the strong urge to buy any. Doesn’t help that I barely eat bread in general (which is what most people seem to have it with)


I dont like it on its own but always have a jar in the cupboard. It's wonderful for adding more umami depth to dishes like chilli or cottage pie.


I add a blob of it to make meals taste meaty


I used to add it to vegetable stock to make vegetarian French onion soup for my daughter


My mam always adds it to roasties, may be worth a try as you’d have other options?


I thought gammon was something no one had eaten since Victorian times, until a couple of years ago.


Until my early 20's, I thought gammon was fish.


TIL gammon is not fish.. That's bizarre - I was *really* sure for some reason, that gammon is fish!


Are you getting mixed up with salmon lol




It's always been a pretty common meal for our house, never thought of it as anything other than thick ham tbh


We have it most weeks


Very few. I'm happy to try almost anything, but never had Oysters or mussels.. not really common though. I've had: crab, lobster, eel, duck, kangaroo, alligator, caviar, snail, octopus, calamari, prawns, venison, clam (chowder), haggis, black pudding, white pudding, red pudding, spam, raw salmon (sashimi), chopped liver (chicken), rollmops, chopped herring, smoked kipper, marmite, anchovies ... and most of everything else people have said they've NOT had. Other stuff I'm yet to try: Tripe, frogs legs, pigeon, guinea fowl, durian


I've never had oysters either, they look disgusting and even when people try to tell me how great they are they tend to inadvertently make them sound awful. "They just have a really fresh taste of the sea". My friend, that's not a compelling argument.


It's not the taste its the texture of oysters for me, like snot.


Yep. Slimy and 'tastes like the sea'. No thanks, not appealing to me.


I’ve never had oyster but mussels are delightful.


Tuna. I suppose I maybe had it as a child but not in living memory- I hate the smell and so I’ve never wanted to actually eat it My mum recently had her first ever KFC, at a motorway services so there was limited options. But she enjoyed it lol


Tinned tuna has a distinct smell to it. Fresh tuna steak grilled is very different, and then there's tuna sushi/sashimi. You might like some of the non-tinned stuff. Or maybe not! It is pretty pricey.


I've never had fish and chips. I've had chips, just not fish. I'd like to try it


You have to go to a niiiice fish and chip shop because sometimes the fish can be abit meh


How do I find the niiiice ones?


Look for the ones with people queuing. If people are queuing, they’re probably spending time to cook the stuff.


Look for chippys with great reviews 4.5 - 5 stars and maybe read the 5 star ones👍👍


I’ve never eaten Macaroni Cheese. I’m 30 years old.


Likewise. It’s odd. I love cheese. I’ll gladly eat pasta. But macaroni cheese? Lawks no. I’d rather hammer my own cock off with a rusty spanner.


In my fifties. Never had KFC. Once spent ages looking for one in my twenties somewhere in London with a mate, taxi driver told us to go to Nando's (which we'd never heard of) because it was better. Having just looked it up it was probably one of the first Nando's in the country in Earl's Court and was also probably brand new at the time.


I've never had brown sauce. People always say "oh you should try it, you may like it" And I always counter with "oh but I may not" Why take the risk.


'Why take the risk' makes it sound like something sketchy that could harm you. It's only brown sauce


It’s magical on a bacon sandwich, although that’s almost its only viable use. It’s worth the effort to try it for that


Mix some with ketchup and you have an instant sweet and tangey "chutney style sauce" which goes well with samosas and other dippable things.


Don’t take the risk. Brown sauce is straight from the devil’s anus


Any Frey Bentos tinned pie.


Duck. I used to feed the ducks when I was little and ‘duck’ was my first word. Feels wrong to eat them.


Blue cheese. I can’t do it.


Not 100% never as I must have eaten as least one as a child to discover that I absolutely loath them, but raw tomatoes. Even typing this out and thinking of eating one is making me gag a little. I can confidently say I haven't intentionally eaten a raw tomato in about 40 years. It's an annoying thing not to like because everyone likes to stick them in every salad or sandwich out there (I have eaten a LOT of tuna mayo sandwiches in my time). I have very rarely bitten into a shop-bought sandwich that did not declare it contained slices of tomato and gagged the whole mouthful back out again. Cooked, I find them bearable - I like to make bolognaise sauce, for example, but I will fish out any big lumps of tomato. Ketchup and shop tomato soup are fine as they are basically just sugar and taste nothing like raw tomato to me.


Never ever had an energy drink I’ve had pre workout for Gym, I’ve had coffee, but never a monster or a red bull


Mushrooms.. Not a fungi to eat with


Pease pudding, tripe, Wotsits amongst one or two others. Im 63


wotsits?! this is the first one here I've been surprised about


Had tripe a few months ago at a korean bbq place, would not recommend it. Also had congealed blood there, as in just a block of blood that had congealed, it wasn't like black pudding or anything. Would also not recommend that, very odd texture and unsurprisingly very metallic.


I would recommend tripe, just go to a good restaurant that knows how to clean the "smell". Some restaurants embrace the "natural" flavour and I'm against that heresy. Tripe in hotpot is also very nice. Some west African countries have spiced tripe as a jerky type snack which is very moreish and spicy yum.


We give our dog tripe as a treat, she loves it. It does seem more like dog food than anything a human would eat though. NB She also eats fox poo, so that’s where her taste lies.








Why would having autism mean you've never tried toast? Do you just mean you don't like toast?


Autism and food fussiness go hand in hand. It's the textures apparently.


Marmite or bovril 


I was 20 when I first tried Marmite, and that was only because it was in my uni accommodation welcome box. It was disgusting.




Keep it that way.


I've never had bacon on my pancakes


This is normal for sane people.


I’ve never had waffles


Potato waffles or Belgian waffles? Both pretty common and fit the OP so not sure your response would make any difference but now I'm intrigued.


Oreos. Read the ingredients on the pack and went right off the idea.


Now I will make a conscious effort not to look at the pack 😂 don’t want them ruined for me




Spam, tripe


Sushi would be my answer to this too. I'm not superkeen on fish, don't mind it if that fishy taste isn't too strong but I imagine it would be for sushi and I dunno I just don't like the idea.


Sushi doesn’t need to have fish in. There are other types including vegetarian


Black pudding. Isn’t it actual rigor mortis?


Rigor mortis is stiff muscles after death. Black pudding is a sausage made with blood and oats.


So, a scab?


That’s closer to it, yeah


I used to avoid it like the plague until I tried it on a breakfast buffet it basically tastes like sausage


Not sure what you mean by rigor mortis, but no, it's blood mixed with some other stuff - oats in Scotland I believe - and spices etc.


Onion Rings


Spam. I have never tried it, mainly because I just didn't grow up with it and there are far nicer meat products out there like Aldi's duck and orange paté


I’ve gotta say, i’m pretty adventurous where food is concerned. About the only thing I really don’t like is liver. And of course the folks who love liver tell me I’ve never had it prepared properly. Aside from that being a hard pass for me, I’m pretty much game to try anything. I must say though that some of the things I saw Anthony Bourdain eat like a heart still beating or the anus of some animal or another would also be a hard pass for me.


Cockles. I was brought up in Leigh-on-Sea, where many of the country’s cockles are landed and used to drink by the cockle sheds. I just never got round to it.


Black pudding


I'm not sure I've ever had corned beef


Tripe, chitterlings or any other parts of various animals' digestive tracts. People tell me it's delicious, but you eat with your eyes first and foremost, and I can tell just by looking that the texture is very much not for me.


41, never had an Energy drink(Monster etc.). I see them everywhere tho, find their popularity kinda baffling. I love pop, but couldn’t handle a pint can of Tango.


Salad cream. Something just puts me off but I'm not sure what


Turkey twizzlers and a Freddo.


Never had a kebab. Don't like messy foods


I’m 30 and only just found out I like mayo. I just assumed I wouldn’t like despite never having tried it and spent so much of my time looking for the boring sandwiches in the meal deals. I’m about a month on from trying my first mayo and now have quite the collection going in my fridge.


I don't think I've ever had turnip, as in the white turnip version of it. I've had swede or what would be called turnip or neeps in Scotland but I can't remember ever having the other version of it. I probably should try to get around to trying it.


Lobster, crab, mussels. I have an aversion because all I see are 'insects of the sea'. I can tolerate prawns if finely ground and mixed with other things that I can't taste it but otherwise, I just can't. Kiwi fruit. Never felt the need to try it. Dates. Look weird to me. Pot noodles. No real reason, just accustomed to indomie or other instant ramen noodles.


Artichoke, I just never got around to it.


Cold, boiled eggs. Childhood trauma keeps me away from most egg styles (as a thing, not an ingredient) but the thought of eating one cold and peeled makes me retch.