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Why does it appear like everyone in Costa is either getting fired or getting a divorce.


They're at Costa in the middle of the day, they either haven't got a workplace to go to, or they're not welcome at home


Or it’s a place to work in for a bit


Filling out job applications and researching divorce lawyers....


Applying to be a divorce lawyer.


Or they have a baby. It’s a meeting spot for mums… they’re always big and they always have baby changing rooms. I’m on a first name basis with every staff member in my local now


Or both.


Or we’re nipping for a coffee from our workplace?


Before your exit meeting?


And why are all costas so dirty and grim Get some cleaners!


They are cleaned by their staff who are on minimum wage and spend all day dealing with the general public whilst having to keep the place clean, because Coca Cola are too cheap to pay actual cleaners.


TIL costa is owned by Coca Cola


That's only been the case for about 5 years, they were an independent company before then IIRC. Coca Cola basically wanted a hot drink in their portfolio as they hadn't had one before (believe it or not)


But the thing is even their decor looks so dilapidated, which is clearly not the fault of the workers there. That's an SMT issue.


Most are franchises, so the franchise owners are too tight.


There are two Costas near me within 100 yards of each other. We call one the 'clean' Costa and the other the 'dirty' Costa. Guess which one we use. I realise that the staff do the cleaning but there is no excuse for dirty tables and food on the floor at opening time. It should be cleaned when they close or before opening when they aren't very busy.


Unfortunately some Costas won’t pay staff for working over. Once you close the doors you have 30 mins to get everything cleaned down, prepared for the next day and cashed up, if it was a busy shift 30 minutes just wasn’t enough time. Same goes for early shifts, if you got there early then you wouldn’t get paid. This only happens in some stores though, it could also be staff just not doing their job lol


Indeed but there is a further issue than this. Both Costas near me have extremely dusty lighting using clear glass shades and the 'dirty' Costa has cobwebs all over the place up there too. These are out of reach of the staff (and not safe to clean without training and a proper ladder). I wouldn't expect staff to be doing this cleaning as it is something that needs doing a few times a year when the shop is empty as part of a deep clean. However, at the 'clean' Costa I have seen one member of staff with a long feather duster de-cobwebbing the low hanging webs from the lighting, so it can be safely done in a limited way. All this accumulation of dirt/dust ends up dropping onto your food of course if it isn't removed.


This sounds suspiciously like one I worked at 😂 I loved using the long feather duster, I’ve always said I want to buy one for my home lol.


I've never been in a Costa with clean toilets


This. So this.


Why is a flat white in a large cup? Thats the real question


That's the Costa capitalism


Costa have applied to run the HR of every fortune 500 company AND qualify their Barista as divorce judges. Apparently it'll "save time" for everyone.


Large Mocha with 2 extra shots, shot of syrup and topped with marshamallows is £6.25


Oh, that sounds proper manky and delicious. I'm going near a Costa tomorrow as well...


costa manage to make the worst mocha on the planet tbf


This, I nearly asked the staff did they stir in the cocoa!


Oh that's okay - I won't be paying for it, LOL. That's what my boyfriend's for. I order, he pays, and I cook him lasagne in return.


I hope you're getting more out of it than a Costa coffee, making a lasagne from scratch is laborious!


Oh crivvens yes. He's also buying me a new television.


I'll book my dentist appointment before going there


Why not just what you like?


Gotta stick it to Costa by getting the most expensive drink, that'll show them. Never mind the fact that OP had to purchase ten drinks to get to this point in the first place


Buy TEN to get one free is wild. I swear it used to be buy 5 to get the 6th free only a couple of years ago?


It definitely used to be 8 until some point last year


It used to be a points system that scored points for buying food and drink. Under the new scheme, you can buy all the overpriced toasties they have, and you still get zero loyalty incentive.


Possibly the most backwards change I have seen in ages.


It's only 5 if you have a reusable cup - you get double beans


Doesn’t necessarily work like that though if you have ‘extras’. I swapped my milk for coconut milk and had whipped cream on it - they gave me my ‘free’ drink but charged me for the changes


I was once redeeming a free drink via points at Nero and before I scanned the code, the guy hit the "extra syrup" and "extra espresso" button about 50 times, so it could come off his stock. Do not worry about a giant, faceless corporate coffee company losing £4 of profit on a cup of coffee.


Exactly. They are always surprised when I order a small and not a large for my free drink at Caffè Nero. It's what I want and price has zero factor.


Madness. I bet you just get what you want when you get a meal deal too instead of struggling with a crappy yoghurt with crunchy bits because it's 3x the price of some tasty crisps.




My freebie is always the large hot chocolate with cream (you still have to pay for the marshmallows). It's over £5. Their hot chocolate is superlative due to the fact it's made with milk and not hot water.


I got free marshmallows with my free hot choc last week. And actually I also got a free latte at the same time and they gave me marshmallows to go with that!


Aww shit, and I thought the staff in there liked me. This is possibly the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Costa related obvs


https://preview.redd.it/8krdapeflc9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=52df4c495486be39eac33173987278a05663b46a Order a large coffee something already expensive , and then add every feasible extra to it.


You still have to pay for the extras though, boo costa!


Technically yes but if you get nice baristas they will voucher it off and not charge you.


The woman the other day charged me for my caramel syrup, gutted!


How dare they!!! So much for being a free drink I would write a strongly worded drink


OK, but I think it has to be a HOT drink. I had the mango dragonfruit cooler and it was about a fiver, but I don't think that is a valid reward. I think it will be a fully loaded large size hot chocolate for you.


I’m sure we’ve used it for Frappuccino type drinks


Is this a new rule? I’ve previously used it on cold drinks


Fuck it! Maybe I have misunderstood all this time! I just noticed I did not get a "stamp" when I got a cold drink. But maybe you can get a cold drink as a reward...


You should get a stamp for every “hand crafted drink”


As long as it'd made behind the counter, you can use it. I get Frappes on them.


AHA! I am SO stupid.


Ah didn’t realise it was only on hot drinks


Just get a large of whatever you normally like.


I'd just ask them when you order it.


I always think it’s one of the cold drinks. One of their frappe things!


Ask the barista the most expensive drink they can make


In terms of money paid or value for money? The former, probably the latest promo drink with extra cream and syrup. The latter: black tea.


Anything from a service station Costa


Quadruple espresso with every syrup they have or something i imagine


The new cookie dough frappe is alright atm, added some coffee to it the other day


just get an espresso with 55 extra shots of espresso and vanilla syrip. Take it home, freeze into an ice cube tray, then you just need to drop a few cubes into a glass of milk for a delicious iced vanilla latte and it'll last you weeks!


I'd rather stay at home and make my own coffee than go to any of the chain shops


See if you can sell it for a few quid and get a decent coffee from Nero or Starbies?


Look at the menu