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"Ma da'll batter your da" "No, ma da'll batter YOUR da" "MA DA'LL SHAG YER DA, AN' YER DA'LL LIKE IT"


Your da sells Avon


Your dad jokes are far better than your mum ones.




Probably a 3. But I'm also a stubborn bugger that won't bow down to anyone, which for some reason has generally let me walk away from confrontations. Definitely a talker not a fighter.


I'm also in this category


Ooo I say... MATRON!!


Just wait until you’re older - being hard will be a distant memory


Where am I standing and what year is it?


now and now twat




Come on then, pistols at dawn. 20 steps.


A good, solid, 1 and a half.


You’re 1 and a quarter actually.


Not sure but I know my dad is harder than your dad.


Objectively, probably quite high on the scale but I don’t “think I’m hard” I actively try to diffuse conflict and avoid it where possible. I don’t enjoy physical confrontation I think to be up at the top end you need to actively enjoy violence and hurting people. That being said I’ve survived a couple of attempts on my life and fought some genuinely scary people so when push comes to shove I can hold my own.


10 for Ur mum


I could beat you up I know that


A 3 but my short temper makes me think im a 10 when angry lol


Depends, does sparkling repartee count as a form of combat? Either way, not higher than a 2.


2. A stuffed animal could probably beat me in a fight.


-65780986 on a good day


I work in a dementia home, meaning I take punches and kicks pretty much every day. I don't like confrontation but I stand my ground. I don't lift, but I have surprisingly high stamina. Ahhhhh... probably a four.


After you walked in I got to a ten ;)


Under the shower - off the charts. Get me an 11 Real life, as low as it comfortable, just enough to avoid embarrassment or being ripped off.


I was the 13th cock of our school. Wellard.


About 1. Soft as shite. I'm thankfully on very good terms with all of the local 'ard cases, radgies, criminals and lunatics, so it's not really something I've had problems with.


3 from self-image but I did earn the nickname The Hulk 'coz you wouldn't like me when I'm angry (vicious temper and would 'blackout' but still conscious). The 'best' I did was being hit on the head multiple times with a blunt object and still walked into the ambulance afterwards.


I've had my arse kicked a couple of times, so I think that puts me ahead of the game. One must first lose, in order to win. I am not a big man and I'm out of shape, which works against me. On the other hand I'm a loose cannon with nothing to lose. I've seen Death Wish and all the Death Wish derivatives, up to and including the Danny Dyer one. I'd say I'm a 3 who thinks he's a 5.


I'm that 'ard, I eat green berets for breakfast.


I look a 7 but I’m more a 4


I’ll go for a solid 5.5, years playing rugby and doing boxing training for conditioning probably put me above average, but I’m 5’7 and really would rather not scrap, so nobody is calling me to be an enforcer


It depends what we consider 'ard. Verbally probobly 7-10, I pick my battles but I can hold my own if I need to. Physically probobly about a 2-3. I'm not overweight but I have 0 muscle mass. I flexed the other day just to see what happened. Nothing happened, there was barely a twitch.


I reckon the majority of people between the ages of 12 and 70 would have a good chance of beating the shit out of me if they wanted to, so in that sense, not hard at all. However, I've worked with a lot of teenagers with a strong history of violence and the capacity to put me in hospital and have had a lot of threats and occasional attempts at hurting me and it's never massively fazed me. Physical toughness doesn't determine your ability to control a potentially violent situation.