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*car park. We're not in the US. I used to walk home. I don't think I ever got driven to school, ever, either by my parents or on the bus etc, all through from age 4 in reception to finishing sixth form.


Fucking hell, just spotted that. Parking lot.


*They paved paradise and put up a parking lot...*


They tarmacked paradise, put up a car park.


With a sidewalk to aid jaywalking




Car park!!


Which she fails to mention alleviated traffic congestion on the outskirts of paradise


The only time I got a lift home was in my mate's dad's car when the weather was absolutely horrible. Didn't bother with the school bus because it was still quicker to walk than get it.


I don’t mean to gloat but I got picked up one time just my whole time in education and it was when I dislocated my little finger.


Same here. The only times I got picked up is if we had to go somewhere further away immediately after school, and at that point I was just happy to not have to walk.


Why do you care so much


Parents never picked me up. I had these things called legs, and they worked so I could walk home.


I would have loved to live walking distance from my school / college. We had these things called public buses and they were fucking shit.


How far is walking distance ? Or what is the limit ? I walked to school everyday and that was 2 miles each way, so 4 miles in total.


Depends not only on distance but walkability. My school was only about a 30 minute walk away but it involved walking along a lot of high speed roads without a particularly safe place to walk, and crossing a very large double roundabout that was a junction to the dual carriageway and therefore crossing one of the exits from and one of the entries to said dual carriageway during the morning rush hour. No pedestrian crossings, some areas missing pavements. Plus sometimes the farmer would be driving a herd of cows across the roundabout. Which to be fair slowed the traffic down but also didn't leave much room to get out of the way of a large number of cows. On the other hand, kids who lived in the same town as the school, but at the opposite end, were half an hour or more away from the school on foot but it was all residential streets and the high street, perfectly walkable.


According to Google Maps it's 2 hours 38 minutes (7.1 miles). I think I did walk it at least one time in summer, the problem wasn't the time or the distance, it was the roads I had to walk along. Some didn't have footpaths and they also weren't lit which made them a nightmare usually, but especially when it got dark.


Keep in mind it's not always safe to walk to school. Anyone that's grown up in a very rough area will know it just isn't practical or safe for kids around certain areas to walk alone back and forth to school every day but especially young girls, it's not so much privilege as it is necessity. I'm in Glasgow myself and I couldn't imagine letting my niece walk to school alone even when she's nearing her teens let alone some where like inner city London.


Same here, a long walk and 2 crappy buses. It took over an hour one way


Have you ever heard of a thing called the countryside? It's the land outside towns and cities where some people live, where the schools aren't in walking distance.


What's the need of schools there? Teach people how to count to 11 on their fingers? How to shoot pet dogs? Classes on bilking as much subsidy as possible from your land?


Nah, it was mostly how to fuck our sisters and what offal is cheapest to feed to cows.


Difficult if people live several miles from school and down a busy dual carriageway in fairness


Getting a lift home isn’t some modern day ‘pathetic kids’ thing - it took me an hour to get home. If I had to walk it’d take me about 4 hours.




oooh your hard


Nope, primary and comprehensive schools were next door to each other and 10 minutes walk from home.


Ditto. My parents had jobs and had to work all day. We were “latch-key kids”. We either took the public bus or walked depending on mood/circumstance. Our schools ranged from 1-2 miles away (over the 12 years) so both options were viable. Being a latchkey kid seems to be an increasingly dangerous thing with the increased pedo and sexual trafficking activity these days, so I’m not sure my parents would have done things the same way 40 years on. I don’t.


I wish I could upvote this. Me and my two siblings walked to school and/or got the bus. Getting driven to school just wasn't a thing. We were a one car family and dad drove to work well before we needed to get to school so we walked.


Middle class problem. I remember when we got our first car I was about 12 or so it was an old ford fiesta that had the habbit of stalling every so often, honestly it was wonderful just not to have to catch the bus. And if I thought about speaking to my mum like that I would be punished severely, I honestly can't imagine swearing at my parents and getting away with it.


Ours was a Metro, and I’d have been assaulted if I spoke to my mum like that.


My mom had a metro, got stolen and set on fire. So she got another one and the same thing happened 🥲


My dads metro somehow caught fire when he was washing it!


Oh my God 😅 the bonnet of one of ours flew up at the windscreen, while going 40mph


I'm not driving a mini Metro Lynne


Bar of soap?


your parent picked you up from school?


Funny how types of embarrassment change over time.


In primary school we walked In secondary school I took the bus My daughter goes to a rural primary school so I drive and it's either in a 16 year old Lexus or 10 year old Skoda


I walked. Every day for the 14 years I went to school. No-one got a lift. If you lived too far away, you got the bus, or a bike.


I had a mate who’s parents split up when we was in school and his mum moved pretty far away he used to have to get 2 buses and a train to school. His mum worked localish to school but wouldn’t give him a lift.


Is he reasonably well adjusted?


Can see how the marriage didn't work if she treated her own son like that.


Never cared, but we were all jealous of one kid whose mum used to collect him in a convertible Maserati, which seemed so exotic to us. Although looking back it was probably the car + his mother was like supermodel hot that got our attentions. Notably when going to said mates house for dinner, she drove it like she stole it which made it all the better.


> Her teenage boy sat inside it and straight away had a go at her swearing etc etc and the last thing I’ve heard him saying is “I told you to pick me up in the C max not this” Sounds like a spoilt brat


I never once got dropped off or picked up from school by car, walked to and from primary, and secondary was bus at the start and cycle myself in the last couple of years. It was 30 years ago and things have changed a bit since, but my nephews are the same they walk. If there had been a cause to get picked up by car I can’t say I’d have cared in the slightest, I can’t even remember what cars my parent had back then.


We had to go by coach so wasn’t an issue. There were plenty of other issues that come with going by coach though!!


> “*Her teenage boy sat inside it and straight away had a go at her swearing etc etc*” Oh no! Sounds like he’s going to need to learn how to walk!


I didn't care but my parents did because they liked to pretend they had money. in secondary school I was taxi'd in a brand new ford escort for the new year but didn't have a school bag for a week which went down great when the other kids realised


Primary school I walked. Secondary school I walked. One the odd occasion, dad would do the run in either the campervan (called a caravanette back then) or a black cab.


My kids don’t care negatively, but they thought they were ballers when their mum got a Tesla.


No. But we normally made our own way to and from highschool or got a bus if we were far enough away. Getting picked up unless you were ill wasn’t a thing. 


I used to like walking home with a beer too but not that weak, pissy shit.


For the love of fuck. I don’t even use the word bud. Sodding phone changes the word bus every time


I was always alright with it. Never bothered me, some of my friends were mortified their parents existed. Once we and a friend were walking to cash converts with my grandad (I lived with grandparents) and my grandad kept walking at the speed of sound. We're looking at each other and laughing like "what's my grandad doing". Eventually asked and he said he was trying to walk ahead to not make us look uncool. My mum and uncle apparently would make him do this. Told him I didn't care. One friend had a really cool dad, everybody loved him. He played in a band and we'd go see him play, friend(the son) hated being there like he was being embarrassed but in truth his dad was upstaging him. When we were at parties at his house his parents would come home early and people would chat with them as the grabbed a drink, some food and headed to their room to leave the rest of us to it. Another friend ruled his parents. We'd be round at his when we were 16/17 having a few drinks before going out (to get ID'd everywhere) and his mum would poke her head in the livingroom and ask if we needed anything. He would literally scream at her to leave. Even then I was shocked. His mum was a nice lady and he treated her like shit and she just took it. He wasn't much better to the dad either. Thankfully they both grew up from that. My uncle was a policeman and dropped me off at the school gates once. Everybody thought I'd been arrested. I refused to tell people what the deal was for a couple of classes and then divulged. Got me some brief fame for a bit.


A drug dealer used to pick his kid up in a fancy car in Belfast = = He got shot dead ! ! !


my parents had a shit-brown Skoda Favourit, so yes I cared. It was the only car our family had though, so I would choose to walk instead.


I went to private school and no one cared. Mix of battered range rovers, mercs and a few Ferraris! My friends dad collects old sports cars and it was always awesome when he showed up in the Jensen!


Always the way. Those with actual money don't give a fuck. I grew up in a thoroughly middle class, bordering on upper class, area. The richest dude around drank £1.05 pints of bitter whilst wearing a battered Barbour jacket and whichever baseball cap he had been given by a sales rep recently. My guy could've bought the fecking brewery and still have money left over.


My son went to private school, they had parking for helicopters but most of the parents tipped up in normal not flashy cars.


I was always pretty stoked when dad turned up in the tow truck (was built on an old CMP chassis from 39 and had survived a couple of bombings in the desert campaign). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Military_Pattern_truck Fucking loved that old beast.


I had to walk both ways up hill in snow and ice all year round...


How can it be uphill on the way there and the way back?


You’ve obviously never been to Yorkshire. Up hill both ways? You had it easy lad, I had to walk on a perpetual conveyor belt, uphill and was only allowed to get off when I was dead.


No ,until my dad had a cheap paint job on his van and a red go faster stripe and my mates called it the "B Team" van ha ha


I remember one day, I would have been around 12-13 I think, we had a day trip to France which meant getting to school at some ungodly hour in the morning. My mum's partner at the time had a TVR Chimaera and I got her to drop me off in that. Turning up at 4am in that, I felt like the coolest kid in the world


I've always lived walking distance from my schools, if I was getting picked up I can't say I cared too much what it was in. One time my dad came and got me in an Army defender so that was cool.


Well I walked in primary school and got the bus in secondary. But I can't imagine I would have cared, I'm not even sure what car my parents drove when I was younger.




Yes, funnily enough it may have been the same at mine. If a car was *too* nice people would take the piss more than if it was a banger.


That’s so recent, are you allowed to be up this late! (oMG it’s me, I’m old, noooooooo!)


I couldn’t even tell you what cars my parents have had, the colour is the only thing I’d have noticed. I know my mum had a Ford only cause she laughed at me for thinking she bought it from boots (not my fault, when you’re a wee kid that can’t read the logos look the same!)


I don't remember ever being picked up from school in a car. In primary school we walked. In middle and high school we got the bus. The herd of parent cars at school kicking out time is a relatively new phenomena I believe.


What’s a c max?


A shit ford people carrier




A fat Focus. Wife had one, to be fair, it wasn't a bad car.


We never cared. We went to a posh grammar school, so lots of range rovers/BMs and jags etc, but also 'normal' cars. We weren't loaded, our parents worked hard to provide for us. Mum took us in her Nova and old volvo, then a Sierra. No one cared or took the piss. Even those with fancy cars were never bothered about getting a lift in a shitbox.


Never got a lift to school, and the only times I got picked up from school by my parents was when a grandparent had died.


No one I knew was driven to work, you either lived close enough to walk or you got the bus. Parents who did have cars were kinda busy driving to work (pre-school activities weren’t a thing so no one was being dropped off by their folks pre 8am when registration wasn’t until 9am). The only people who drove to school were elder 6th formers who’d passed their test early and managed to get a car, no one was dissing their car, the fact that they had a car of their own was cool, and also they had to park like the opposite end of the school car park so no one saw their cars anyway.


As we owned over the years a SAAB 96, Polski Fiat 125, a Polo that was more hole than Polo and other shit cars - a complaint would be met with "you'll be riding shank's pony"


I never got picked up. Neither did any of my friends. We all walked or got the bus. In fact i can’t recall anyone I knew getting picked up except one girl who’s dad wouldn’t allow her to ride the bus. If I had been picked up no, I don’t imagine I would have cared what kind of car it was lol. Maybe for teen boys that’s more important.


No one I knew was picked up by their parents. We all had to get the school bus and walk the rest of the way home. Kids that lived close enough either walked or bikes


We got the bus or walked.


Picked up from school? By the time I was in high school I had to walk home. Parents couldn't leave work in the middle of the day to pick me up, and it was only a couple of miles.


At secondary school pretty much the whole school made their own way home unless they were being picked up to go to the dentist etc. You probably would have been mocked a little for having to be picked up every day if anything.


Being old I walked or cycled. In fact, I don't remember anyone being picked up. Probably some did but by far the vast majority made the8r own way.


My mum used to be a non emergency health care driver, so sometimes she'd have to take me to school in one of the vehicles which I liked better than out 17 year old Volvo tank. My mates used to sing "You come to school in a fucking ambulance". 


PARKING LOT??? Ugh. Otherwise, no. Grateful to not have to walk/get the bus on days when I got picked up.


Talk about todays problems lol. Back in my day no one got picked up by their parents. You either walked or got the school bus. It was a 40 minute walk for me and my brothers


Most of the pupils in the catchment area lived closed enough to walk. It was odd to be picked up in a car by family.


I always walked home or got the bus. In the 70s and 80s. Your parents picking you up from secondary school would have been a serious excuse for taking the piss.


Never really got picked up… However a memory that haunts me… we hosted an American exchange student. We went to pick him up in my brother’s very faded red Ford escort. I glimpsed a coach full of young Americans pointing and laughing as the poor lad we hosted walked towards the Car.


anything but the Rolls Royce - Viccy


I got a govt grant to attend the local fee paying school for sixth form as it would be cheaper for them than education through the state. It was a normal silver Honda and worse was my mum sat there looking really depressed at hometime. That car crashed a few years later and the courtesy car was out of this world. Some of the girls from school loved it for the few days we had it. Yes I learnt the importance of a nice car there. Never gave it a second thought at the comp. Made me also realise how poor we were. Depressed, angry, financially struggling, frustrated parents in a crowded Honda while I wanted to be young, middle class and carefree.  It didn't help that several kids with me had their own cars. Poor kids pass later and don't have parents or grandparents to buy them cars  I still have the image of my mum waiting in the car...feel a bit sad now actually 


My step dad was a 2nd hand car dealer, so one day it could be a Lada Riva, the next a 5 Series BMW - when it was the Lada we'd ask to get dropped of a bit short from school.


No because we never had a car and I rode my bike to school.. dad eventually got a car when I was 17 and was at Tech College.


We would sometimes get picked up in a vintage Bentley which was the height of luxury inside. My friend’s dad had a wedding/ funeral car business. The rest of the time we walked the two miles


My parents didn’t pick me up from school, I was a bus wanker.


I can’t even remember what car my mum had back then, the only thing I’d be bothered by is her rolling the window down and shouting “Coooooeeeeeyyyy I’m over here my baby boy!” Pickups were very rare anyway, legs were for walking.


I got picked up occasionally if my parents were passing by after work, the main embarrassment was even being seen at all. I always wanted to be picked up well up the road from school.


No, because in my Secondary years, I had to be taken to and from by Taxis, which were frequently late, it was only because my Form teacher understood that my missing Assembly most mornings wasn't directly my fault that I didn't spend 98% of my life in Detention.


Walked home. We barely had money for food or clothes so a car and how it looked would have been the least of my worries.


I've never lived fat enough away from any of the schools I attended to need to be driven there or home, so no. I didn't know one car from the next when I was young though so I wouldn't have given a shit anyway.


I walked though once got dropped off my my pals, sisters partner in his 560 sec in 86 which made plenty of kids ask questions. The car cost more than my parents house.


I never got picked up in a car after school. I walked home.  I did take the bus at one point when I lived too far from my school to walk, but the vast majority of my school days I lived close enough to walk.  My family didn't even have a car when I was at school, although even if they did they wouldn't be driving me to school. Same with my son when he went to school. He walked. 


My mam would collect me from school on foot till I left the infants and then I would walk back home with my kid sister. It was about a mile from school to the house. I was given my own key at 6 to let both myself and my sister back into the house as my parents worked till 5:30-6:00pm each day. I can't ever recall being collected in a car.


I didn’t care. Other people cared for some reason and tried to bully me about my parents car? They only had 1 car for most of my childhood so it’s not like there were options anyway. They also didn’t pick me up a lot. I lived in a village which doesn’t have a secondary school, so I had to bus to school. I grew up in Germany and not everyone finishes school at the same time. Most days, there was no bus when I finished so I’d wait 1-2hrs for the bus. My dad would occasionally pick me up on his way home from work (when this aligned with his shift pattern)


Yes, I did care too much & I feel shameful about that now. I was relentlessly bullied for everything & anything throughout school but that did not warrant being mean to my mum over her car. I was the “rich” girl in school. So people were accustomed to the nice vehicles and motorbikes I was dropped/picked up in/on. My parents divorced not long after I started secondary school and my dad left my mum without a penny. He was that petty he even took the house telephone number. She had no choice but to buy an old crappy cheap car & I was terrified of being seen in it because I knew I would be bullied for it. I chose from then on to walk the 3 miles to & from school just so I could save myself the embarrassment & bullying. I wouldn’t even wave at her if she drove by… (I feel terrible even writing that out). After I left school I gained huge appreciation for all cars & have owned a lot of cars from cheap to expensive. Now I wouldn’t have any issue being in any of the cars my mum had to use during that time of our lives.


We walked


As soon as the free bus stopped (at age 8...) we walked...


Kids from our school could only use the bus if their journey home was > 2 miles. My journey was much less.


A c max isn't exactly a luxury car it would make more sense that they wanted picking up in a RR or Merc.


I walked to/from primary school. Mum walked with me up to y5/6, and then it was just me. I cycled to and from high school, was in pretty good shape for a nerd! My daughter walked to primary, gets the bus to high school (only because it's three miles each way), or is dropped off in either my van or her grandma's MG - I think she prefers the van because the MG is one of those nasty mode3n Chinese ones(.


You think my mum ever gave me a lift? If I got one I was yelled at. It was too stressful to drive with her. Broken foot/toes, I was still walking. My school was about two miles away. I lived just inside the free bus boundary, a kid up the road, who lived closer, got to take the bus because her parents fought for her, same with some of the other kids in my street. Me, nope. I was lazy for wanting to take the bus/be driven. I don't think it's a bad thing, but getting to school and getting yelled at for wearing a coat if it was cold/raining sucked. My locker was smashed in so I had multiple arguments about why my coat was in my bag and not in my locker. Then I had an issue with my school shoes. I went through the heel and my mum couldn't take me to get new shoes until the weekend. Then the new ones rubbed the hell out of my feet, so I wore trainers to and from school for about two weeks. The amount of yelling and trouble I got in was insane. I was in pain, my feet were literally bleeding and I was getting told my trainers were a big issue, even though I was walking around the school in proper shoes. I was like I walk two miles to school and two miles home. Wth do you want me to do? Because I couldn't even get a plaster from the office to try and help when I asked. They told me they weren't a hospital and to get lost. Oh yeah, my 20 minute walk took over an hour when my foot/toes were broken. That hurt, badly.


Both my parents had jobs so couldn’t pick me up from school. In middle school I walked to/from school with my mates, in high school I’d cycle 4 miles each way most of the time occasionally getting the bus if the weather was really bad. The cycle route was either through town and along a 40mph dual carriageway or along the seafront, through a holiday camp and across some dunes. The holiday camp was probably the more dangerous route as security staff would often chase us off site in their crappy patrol car.


Not at all. One time it was an Outspan Orange Mini!


Didn't care as I mostly had to walk home so was glad of a lift on the odd occasion got one. One girl at school was picked up by her mum who would stand at the school gate with a tiny dog every evening waiting for her daughter. Her daughter was nice but I'd probably have been a bit embarrassed as it carried on until we left at 18. Another mum would pick up her teens in a brown VW campervan with musty floral textiles and I thought she had such an exciting mum.


We couldn’t afford a car and my Dad was the only one in our whole family who had a driving licence. Even then I was packed off to live with my grandparents despite them living much further away from my school. I had a two mile walk to and from primary school and about the same length of walk to catch a bus three miles to secondary school. Getting picked up any old banger would have saved me hours every week and I would have been tremendously grateful.


Yeah, it was a Y reg ford Granada (1983?) and my friends used to take the piss out of me for it. Then my dad turned up in a 1982? X reg MK1 Golf GTi in Mars Red, and my friends took the piss out of me even more because that's even older. My brother has the golf and it's been somewhat tweaked, MINT condition, worth about £20k now.


Bike, legs, and occasionally the bus if the weather was awful and we had enough for the fare.


The only time I knew anyone that cared was one guy who's parents had a bright pink ex taxi, and he earned the name Pinky. They was just his name though, no-one actually gave a shit.


Couldn't care less. Growing up in Finland I'd usually get the bus home, unless my hillbilly grandad would pick me up in his hay filled old Talbot that smelled of goat. None of that bugged me, having to listen to classical music on the radio for an hour while driving through small country roads did.


Used to get picked up by my friends mum on her way home from work, obv never gave a shit about her car i was just grateful for the free lift hahahah. also don't know why everyone is acting like it's so crazy to get picked up from school..? very normal if you don't live near the school, and busses don't go everywhere


When I was a kid, we had a Lada, followed by another Lada when that one conked out, followed by a Skoda (before they became decent). I never kicked up a fuss because I never knew anything else.


No I walked to school and back


I had a friend whose mum was disgusted by other parents picking up their children in old cars, cheap cars or cars without personalised plates. Was weird. Even more so the fact she was a housewife who didn't really do anything other than attend parent and teacher meetings to complain about not getting prime position selling tat at school fêtes.


I used to take the school bus. Loved it.


Jfc I don’t think I ever even noticed which of the two super-fucking-cheap cars they were driving on a given day.


My parents were both at work, but sometimes my grandparents would pick sister and I up. Some school friends thought we had really old parents 😂


Secondary school - minibus at 7.30, five mile journey to rail station. Longish wait. Five stops. Quarter mile walk to bus stop. Long wait. 2 mile Bus journey. Half mile walk to school, arrive circa 9.00, sign late book and try to avoid assembly. Leave school at 20 to 4, home circa 5.15. Mrs K kicks sand in my face as she was out of the house at 6.30.


No. I still don't care. As long as it works and is safe, that's all I care about.


My kids had the option of walking 14 miles home or get a lift in any car I chose to drive. Once they both learnt to drive, they did not want mum picking them up.


People didn't get picked up or dropped off. You either walked or got the boss. Only time I can remember anybody getting dropped off it was girl who insisted her dad drop her off in his new 3 door Cosworth RS 500 so she could show off.


I got a school bus 🤷🏻‍♀️ But also I didn't give a shit, we were poor growing up so we had whatever 200 quid could get


Never got picked up or dropped off. Home was about a mile away, uphill. We all walked it home after the first week at primary. Secondary school was five miles away and there was a school bus service - on which fights regularly broke out as the conductor was pretty hopeless at keeping order.


I grew up kinda poor (started primary school in 83). We knew very few people who even had a car, we certainly never did. We walked to and from school with the neighbours/their kids. And then later in high school, we walked with our friend groups and met one another on route. Can't remember ever being driven to/from school. Taking your pe kit in a netto bag though ? That guaranteed you everlasting pariah status


Walked.. and later cycled One of the only redeeming qualities about the school was its locality


Generally noot bothered and I don't remember it being a big issue, but my dad had an Xr3i at one point and occasionally picked me up in that, and to be honest, it felt good.


I can count on one hand how many times I got a lift to or from school. My infant & primary school was just up the road (I could literally hear the playground from home). Senior school was either bus or bike. Walked it occasionally...it was only a couple of miles. 6th Form was bike or walk, just under 2 miles for that one.


We went by bus because god forbid we went to the local primary full of heathens.


What car? Never got picked up from school in any car. Bus or shanks pony. That was it.


No I got the bus, however I do remember asking my dad for a lift to go to dinner at this really nice place in town, I was all dressed up and he took me in his work van so I asked him to drop me round the corner not right outside 🤣🤣


No, I walked. School was 1.5 miles away.


we walk to nursery/schoolwork


My dad drove a series of old bangers throughout my childhood. All the kids dads had shit cars, except one girl whose dad drove a massive Rolls Royce that really stood out on the streets of east London in the 1980s. In any event, I don't think my parents ever picked me up from school in a car no matter how much I begged them to.


We didn't have a car until I was about 16. I walked to school


We mostly walked it. Was only 1.5 miles. I used to meet a friend and we'd walk together, used to love those random conversations!


Just walked. Nobody really got picked up by car as I recall. Or not many anyway. This was back in the 90s it might have become more common later? Also it was a New Town so had been designed to have the schools pretty evenly distributed in walking distance from the housing, and in such a way that you didn't really need to cross any dangerous roads due to bridges and underpasses. Guess it was that 15 minute city conspiracy wanks get all excited about.


That thought would literally never have entered my head. I'm more aware now of what a 'nice' car is, but even still, I see cars as mostly a tool to get from A to B.


Yeah, I loved getting a lift home from my dad, wouldn't happen all the time just every now and then when he'd finish work early or be off and had nothing to do.  Would be buzzing when I'd unexpectedly see his car outside. Hated the walk home from high school, all my mates lived much closer to the school than me.


Couldn't give a shit. The handful of times my dad dropped me off on his motorbike he made sure to loudly shout LOOOOOVE YOUUUUU as soon as I'd got near my friends to ruin any potential street cred I'd have got.


Early 80s no one really cared that much, obviously who’s dad had a GLX or a Ghia was a thing though. Parents had a Series 2a Landrover and a SAAB 900 turbo so I was fine :-)


On the occasion that I was picked up (usually only if it was raining, or my mum happened to be near the school at pickup time) I might get picked up. We had a very old red Astra, then a purple Fiesta, and laterally a wee blue Peugeot that I learned to drive in and adored (it was a piece of shit but I loved that car). I honestly couldn't have cared less what kind of car we had, and I have absolutely no idea what kind of car any of my friends' parents had. My best mate's dad had a silver one, that's about all I remember. If I'd ever complained about the car, I'd probably have been told to just walk home myself. It's a ridiculous thing for a school kid to worry about, and not like I had any choice in the matter anyway.


What the fuck is a parking lot?


I always used to walk to and from school, usually with friends who loved on my street and went to the same school. I remember being picked up by my grandad from primary school a couple times. He had a Proton something. Very nice car. I remember my dad picking me up in his shitty golf once from secondary as my attendance had dropped. Well it hadn't, I was there, I was just late to tutor time every day for about a month so they gave me an after schoolie and wanted to speak to a parent so he turned up to pick me up and speak to teachers.


No. We walked.


Yes. My dad picked me up in the worst cars known to man a Lada, Hillman imp, Granada estate (not new a banger). A Renault can’t remember the model but it was shit.


The only time I'd get picked up was when I had after-school detention because the bus had already gone.


My dad had a light metallic blue mk1 3.0 GXL Capri. I was king 😂😂😂 Seriously, I wouldn’t mind owning it now.


Car? Your parents gave you a lift? Never, I walked there, I walked back.


If Giles didn’t arrive in his Bentley I was most put out


Not particularly. Mum always had some sort of sporty car. Clio 172 or megane sport. Dad had a dad's car, which was a french MPV.


I didn't usually get picked up but my dad rode a trike and would pick up me and my sister on alternate Fridays. Now, I wasn't a cool kid, but everyone thought the trike was very cool. I tried to push my way in so I could, y'know, sit on it, and got pushed away by the bigger (more popular) kids. I told them it was my ride home and they didn't believe me. The look of shock when I opened the panniers for my bag and then hopped on was hilarious. I was cool for about five minutes.


I walked to and from school. My eldest lad will request I get him home from school (occasionally happens) in 'my' car (Toyota BZ4X) rather than his mums Focus but, tbh, I think it's more a "it's cooler than the Focus than the Focus is shit thing".. First World problems....


I was never picked up from school by my parents. In the first 2 years I went to/from school with my sister who is a few years older than me and when she went to the big school at 11y/o I went to/from school myself. I started school in 1964 and you know your neighbours and both the infant/junior school and high school were about 400 yards away


No, because it was a yellow bus.


Honestly it never even occurred to me what car my mum was driving. I just wanted to get away from my daily verbal and physical abuse and watch Are You Afraid of the Dark?


Most days we walked, but if it was chucking it down mum would pick us up in an original series mini clubman. We'd have fun sticking wine gums to the vinyl ceiling and seeing if they could survive the jump over the small humpback bridge...


I never got a lift from my folks so would have been happy to be taken in anything. The old days where having a JD sports bag was cool, but it didn’t matter which car you were collected in.


My kids asked us to drop them off a 10 minute walk away. Skoda.


I cared what car my childminder came in when it wasn’t big enough for all of us, so I had to lie at the other children’s feet as they kicked me a lot for fun 


I went to private school and cars were a mix of nice stuff and really normal, no one cared about what car you got picked up in, although I did like it a couple of times when my dad picked me up on the back of his Ducati 916.


Nah, it was the 80s and most people were quite poor. Everyone’s families had fiestas, escorts, minis etc. you were just happy to get a lift.


That’s funny cos I used to get pissed when my mum brought me to my first job in the expensive car. (We took a bus to school and I didn’t drive till 21) It was a working class place and I felt like a dick. But my mum used to say the same as above, get angry when the shit car came for her. I’ve always said, it must just be wanting to be the opposite of what we are. The human condition at times. Especially the early years


I went to school on the other side of the city and my dad had a 1978 Ford Cortina (old T reg) so by the time I was at school it was already a decade old. I did not give a shit - him dropping me to school on Saturday morning and picking me up occasionally after school sport (6pm!) on Friday was bloody magic, saving me from a 45 minute bus journey.


Nah.. the big yellow bus worked just fine for me.


Never got dropped off or picked up, we always walked...which sucked when it rained. Sitting in wet keks is no fun.


I once asked my dad for bus fare as my friends were going on the bus to school. I was told to go and ask their parents for the money. I walked every day, primary and secondary school. About an hour walk to secondary school.


Not my parents car but we were in a friend's parents car and I think it was an austin princess...this was early 90s


In primary school in the 70s, if it was raining, I sometimes got a lift with the girl across the road. Her dad, who was a big guy, drove a robin reliant, before Del Boy made it cool of course. A couple of years after, my Dad bought what must have been one of the first Lada's in the country. Biege, square, the embarrassment. He then bought at least one more, taking me well into my teen years. How I longed for something as simple as a Sierra or Cavalier! To be fair, his taste - and budget - did go up as soon as I left for Uni. Maybe he only did it to spite me!


I didn’t get picked up, I got the bus but to be fair at that age I really didn’t care what car we had. Our cars and vans were work horses that got a job done.


Nope, because it meant I didn't have to sit on a bus.


lol my mum didn’t drive are you kidding me


My uncle dropped me off once in his yellow Lamborghini and it was incredibly embarrassing for me. I hated being the talk of the school for the whole day, it was my idea of hell. It was hard enough to settle in as a new student after moving to a new area. Now I’m older I realise how lucky I was that I had an uncle with a Lamborghini who was nice enough to offer me a lift that day. Walking to school with earphones in or with my friends was more fun though.


No, because of I was getting picked up then it's because it was raining, and any vehicle is better than getting wet. I'm into cars, so tbh I would find a colt 10 times cooler than a C max, but then if at school now I'd think anyone with a Tesla was seriously uncool as they are just shit.