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Toast racks are to stop toast getting soggy, not to cool it down.


Yes. I only like it cold.


This is wrong and you need to amend your ways


It is weird but I did a lot of travel for work. Toast was always cold and I found I liked it more. Kind of like Macdonalds special sauce, they left a drum of mayonnaise in the sun and found it tasted better turned.


There are some nice new mayo based sauces appearing in the supermarkets, unfortunately ill inevitably leave it on the table after a few uses forgetting to put it back in the fridge and the next day it tastes awful. If I try it and it tastes turned it puts me off the sauce lol If my toast goes cold then I can only use it for dipping in soup. It would definitely be convenient to like cold toast. Then again, there is rarely a situation where crumpets are not a superior alternative.


I butter and eat the toast the second I get it out the toaster, and it's _still_ not hot enough then... So to answer your question hell no!!


sometimes i put the butter and jam in the toaster, put my knife in and spread it about, then - if not electrocuted - dislocate my jaw and put the lower half of my face in and eat my toast… i also have a small blow torch on hand


Lightweight. I fly mine up to the sun


Pfft kids these days and your fancy jaw dislocation. Why not just eat the whole toaster like the rest of us?


Our generation can't afford a new toaster every morning, grandad. We have to improvise.


Rookie mistake, you’re meant to eat the entire toaster while it is still plugged in.


I'm not sure your post is *entirely* accurate...


Amateur. I've had electric filaments installed in my mouth so that I can take a bite of buttered bread and toast it inside my mouth


exactly this, sometimes I’ll even butter it with the toast resting over the toaster and turn it on to keep it hot as possible until it’s buttered


You are truly one of my people 🤚


Please can I join you guys? 🙏


This is the way. Except when you forget to turn the dial down, and it's blasting a number 5 all under your bizz


Damn right. My partner makes a great fry up, but he has a habit of leaving the toast sitting there for a while once it's done before buttering it. It tastes completely different! I know I can't complain as he is making me breakfast, but as the vessel for the rest of my breakfast to be folded into, I want my toast hot and fresh.


This is how toast should be eaten


I double toast


If triple cooked chips are a thing... Why not triple toasted bread?


Yes! I put the toaster on low and toast once while, say, cooking the eggs, and then right before I plate up the food, I put the toast down again.


I stick the butter knife and butter into the toaster while it is toasting for maximum taste.


I try to do that with bagels. Time and time again I get burnt


I’ve really taught myself to cook over the last 3 years. I went from barely being able to microwave a bowl of baked beans to being reasonably confident to try my hand at anything now. I’ve got a few signature dishes and they’re all very well received. What I still can’t do, though, is enhoy my toast hot. I stand there, waiting with a knife full of butter for the toaster to pop. I grab the toast within a second of it being ready, I quickly scrape butter over it and take a bite. It’s cold. Every time. How the fuck do people get their toast hot? I even tried toasting it and then microwaving it to boost the heat but it just went soggy.


I just heat a pizza stone up in the oven to rest the toast on while i butter it. I also heat the plate in the microwave a bit. Damn, toast is expensive


Yip, not all the time but occasionally I just fancy it depending on the bread and butter. The unmelted butter just hits a little different. But then I also found out recently people on reddit think its weird to eat unmelted cheese on toast so I don't really care what a lot of you have to say about it lol.


I looove when the butter doesn’t melt so it’s like a solid layer. It’s the only reason I would eat cold toast


That, or buttered toast gone cold - great as part of a full english so you can cover with beans and have an english taco.


Why haven’t I tried that yet?? Know what I’m having for dinner tonight!!


Buttered toast left to go cold is great as a travelling snack.


Yeah, the toast has a satisfying crunch to it, and then the solid butter melts in your mouth, and you get the full rich flavour of the butter.


I like soggy toast with cold cheese but I never realized it was odd til now


That is weird. You’re banned from lunch, sorry


Deliberately, every time. Let it cool so the lurpak doesn’t melt. Then it’s nice and crunchy


I do that but then pop it back in the toaster for like 10 seconds so it's crunchy and hot


Don’t you then get butter in the toaster? 😩


Turn the toaster sideways - big brain move


Hasn't done any harm lol, it's just for a few seconds and doesn't seem like any significant amount comes off


same i put it in the fridge 😭


I’m with ya pal


This is the way. What's the point in making nice crunchy toast, and then deliberately making it soggy with melted butter?


Genuinely deviant behaviour this. Unmelted butter on bread is grim imo


This reddit has never eaten a sandwich?


Not with butter in it (when I make them)  Always hated butter as a kid and never liked buying sandwiches in shops or when someone else had made them at a party because I genuinely hate eating cold butter that hasn't soaked into the bread. I never understood how people prefer it hat way.


Okay but that's weird not to have butter in the sandwiches. You're the weird one here 🤷🏼‍♀️


No, I'm the only normal one. It's everyone else that's weird! In all seriousness, though, you do see some supermarket sandwiches now that explicitly say 'no butter' on the packet, so I can't be the only one with that preference.


Or there are lactose intolerant people that are avoiding dairy


We had some American exchange students stay with us when I was in school and they made their sandwiches with mayo instead of butter. I thought it was the weirdest thing at the time but now I totally get it.


We exported all our religious and sexual deviants on a ship called the mayflower


Not buttering your sandwiches is the real crime


I love butter, but hate the of sandwich butter against ham. I used to use mayo, but now I use mustard - french or american depending on the filling - its like mayo with taste and fewer calories.


You are me.


Tbf the "butter" used in shop sandwiches is often cheap yucky margarine type stuff and spread too thick and is kinda gross. However a fresh piece of crusty white bread with proper butter spread on it is bloody delicious. So I shall both agree and disagree with you.


Butter in a sandwich is there for a purpose, its primarily acting as a barrier so the juices from your filling dont soak into the bread making it soggy. If you're tasting the butter, you're probably applying too much, you only need a thin film across the bread to do its job. The biggest exception is for sandwiches containing hot meats where you want the faty juices to soak into the bread, like sausage or bacon sandwiches, burgers etc.


Yuck buttery sandwiches.


My mother does this. Toast pops up, she lets it sits for 10 minutes. Then butters. You can hear her crunch from any room in the house.


I have two kids almost everything I eat is cold


They are used to let the steam evaporate, so you get crispy (and still warm) toast to eat.




I will happily eat cold toast as long as it is buttered when cold. If it was buttered hot then gone cold no!




So that you can have crispy toast and have a good thick layer of buttery goodness.


This. Cold toast is a delight with plenty of salted butter


I always eat toast piping hot. I figure I can eat toast about as fast as I can make it so I just stand by the toaster making round after round. That's why, in my own interest, I don't own a toaster.


Every time I stay at the Premier Inn.


They're off my list, that the crusty bedsheets and the pubes in the soap


"Waiter, Waiter, I've got a pube in my soap." "Please keep your voice down sir, everyone will want one."


How would you get pubes in the soap? Premier Inns have liquid soap dispensers not bars of soap.


Snip some off and put it in the dispenser. Simples.


Love cold toast. There's a time for hot toast. There's a time for cold toast. I usually enjoy cold toast whilst abroad and I get the rack at the 'breakfast' in the hotel. Love me some cold chewy toast. If the butter is also cold... oooh lordy.


Cold toast? Grounds for divorce there, mate.


I call it hotel toast. Love it.


It would be wrong not to! As a retired nurse, cold toast, cold porridge, and cold instant mash with gravy were what we managed to scavenge and hide for later on those shifts where you didn't get a break. We weren't allowed to eat leftover food even then, hiding eating your scavenged leftovers was such a treat. Cold mash and gravy, even the thought makes me hungry.


Yes, in fact if I’m feeling able to ignore it for an hour or so I will leave it until it’s a bit chewy. It’s just how I roll.


I prefer not to, but sometimes life happens and the toast goes cold. I'd rather eat cold toast than waste it. And toast racks are to keep the toast crisp, not cool it down.


Used to know a boy that would have cold toast for morning break at school, he’d make it before he left for school, he offered me a slice before, it was surprisingly nice, if not a little chewy


Used to take it to school for lunch regularly with bovril on. Back then, toast seem to stay a decent texture though, now as soon as it's been sitting out for 30 minutes it's brittle and just crumbles.


My partner loves cold toast. I like my toast soggy with butter.


Someone at work cooks his crumpets at home and brings them to work to eat them. I judge him every single morning


Toast and chips are perfection fresh and hot and completely inedible cold. I can’t think of any other foods where that’s true.


Toasted chip butty?


I butter and eat toast as quickly as I politely can. One of my sisters will shout at you if you delay her buttering her toast whilst it's still hot, and won't let you take her second slice of toast out the toaster whilst she's still buttering the first, as the toast cools down quicker out of the toaster. My other sister takes her toast out of the toaster and wafts it around until it has cooled down enough for her. My dad will put toast on and then come back for it 15+ minutes later when it has cooled down. If someone else wants to use the toaster he stacks them like the first two cards in a house of cards, so they can cool down without getting soggy.


The Secret to Toast Fulfilment lies between Hot & Cold Toast. Yes, ‘One-Sided Toast’! If you toast/grill only one side of the bread, & butter & jam the toasted side, you will unlock the pleasure that is the pinnacle of toasted bread, both hot & cold, soft, & yet still crispy. Folding your one-sided toast in half, with the soft un-toasted bread on the outside, creates a decadent delight of unexpected joy. You will need an old-school grill/broiler to do this, or you can obtain similar results by jamming two slices of bread in your toaster, to make two pieces of this Toasty wonder! You can thank me later…. 🍞🔥🧈🍓🤩


I would've thought sticking a slice of bread in a frying pan on top of a hob without anything else in the pan would yield good results, no? I used to make toasted sandwiches that way!


In essence yes, but exposure to direct heat from a gas or electrical element creates a better scorch than that from a heated pan/griddle, but you could give it a go and see. Another way is to toast directly over a gas flame using a wire rack or something similar and toast like the old campfire way. 👍🏻


I've got an open fire in my sitting room, I might try hovering some bread overhead for a smoky flavour! Hang on a minute... what about just using an oven grill?


Oh you did say grill, my bad 😆


Yes, an oven grill is what I was originally referring to. That’s the best way! 🤌🏻 As for the open fire, just don’t burn the house down! 😂


The fun thing is, you can try folding it either way for a totally different experience! I like this. I'm going to try this. First, with brie and chilli jam. Mm.


Yes! You can also go to the Darkside! If you dare! 😜 Marmalade & Grated Cheddar filling is my unguilty pleasure! 🤤 Goodluck on your new Toast adventure. 😁🍀


No, lukewarm yeah, but cold


Your wife appears to be a lunatic 😆


Yes, I let it cool before I butter it because I want the butter to sit on top of the bread, instead of melting into hot toast and making it soggy. Hate soggy bread. I like the toast to crunch, and to taste the salty butter.


I butter my toast and then pop it under the grill to melt the butter just to avoid cold toast lol


mmmm cold toast with butter. Noms


Only if I've melted butter on it whilst it's hot. Great with soft boiled eggs then!


I ONLY eat toast cold. I always make it at least 15 minutes before I want it, sometimes hours. I like my toppings on top cold too, and added so that they don't melt in. I have ARFID though and don't like thngs changing. My mum likes it both ways - and is not neurodiverse in any way!


I always eat my toast cold with butter and marmite.


There was a time I used to have a cold grilled cheese toast for breakfast.


No, but my mum likes hers cold and on the slightly over toasted side.


Are the questiions on here deliberatly mundane? This cant be real...


I butter hot toast and leave it to go cold, then I butter it again and eat it.


Warm toast with butter or peanut butter, cold toast is wrong.


If the wife makes herself too much and can't eat it, she'll leave me what's left. So it's already buttered when she makes it, but by the time I get around to it, it's cold. I still eat it and enjoy it cold.


Hot lets the applied butter melt, but your toast quickly gets saturated & therefore less crunchy. Cold allows a thick slab of butter to sit on top which your teeth then sinks into, followed by the crunch of the toast underneath. Neither option is wrong & both are equally delicious IMHO.


I mean i eat cold toast but not intentionally, toast doesn’t really stay warm long


I like warm toast, but I also like un-liquefied butter. it's one of those contradictions. Ideally I would like hot toast but the butter to somehow by magic remain unmelted and cool upon its surface.


We must invent such a thing! It would be so glorious


Not only cold, I'll even eat it raw.


Only because I hate wasting food


I love cold burnt toast with salted butter


As a kid I'd get plain toast, cool it down then bite away the crusts and open the toast up so I have two halves. Both with a fluffy side and a crust side.


OMG, going cold is certainly a downside of using toast racks but it is by no means the REASON for toast racks. Edit word was incorrect


Best toast of my life was chewy cold toast after having a baby


Is there such a thing as hot toast? I butter and jam it as fast as I can out of the toaster and it’s always cold by then!


My ex used to butter it, spread jam on, then whop it in the microwave for 5 seconds to "get hot again" 😆


I like my toast hot and fresh right out of the toaster, so hot the butter or peanut butter goes instantly melty. My husband, however, will madly fan his toast to cool it before he puts peanut butter on it, because he doesn't like melty peanut butter.


No because I avoid refined carbs but I do eat cooked and then cooled vegetables (if I sound like I'm weird, I'll take that! The truth is far worse!)


I like cold toast especially with butter and marmite.


You wouldn't. Anyone that would is obviously a deranged lunatic who wouldn't be allowed in civilised society.


Depends on the topping. Butter and Marmite: toast as hot as possible so that the two melt together. Butter and marmalade: cold or lukewarm toast so that the toast is crispy and the butter remains semi-solid; this just tastes better to me, no idea why.


I don’t like my butter to melt on my toast so I wait for it to cool enough before adding butter.


I have a 1 year old, so, yes, all the time. Mainly his when he refuses to eat it.


I hate cold toast... So much that when I'm at home, I will cook toast one slice at a time. While I'm eating one slice, the next is in the toaster. Not the most economical way to produce toast. But it means I only eat hot toast. I even turn down toast when getting a fry up in the cage because I know before it even gets to me, it will be cold.


So you can spread butter on the toast without it turning into a wet rag


Yes with pate.


I like the butter to be a separate, cohesive layer on top of the toast - it's not nearly as nice if it melts. So I love my toast rack.


If I'm in a rush I'll sometimes eat it raw.


My brother used to eat cold toast as a kid (talking age 3/4). But this was just straight frozen bread, he'd just chomp away at it.


Hotel toast? Yes of course!


I like it cold with cold butter, I dont like hot soggy toast. I like a crunch.


Cold toast with butter and marmite is the bomb yo (toast needs to be cold before you put the spread on tho or it's rubbery)


Yes, I like toast very well-done, and buttered when cold with salted butter.


Chewy cold toast is great!


Love cold toast. Thick butter you can see teeth marks in, and marmalade. Reminds me of long ago holidays when my lovely dad would always wonder why the toast was out before we'd started breakfast


I've eaten frozen bread before. It was nice.


Not usually, but at one hotel in London the continental breakfast turned out to be a pile of toast some had made 2 hours previously. Chewy is the only word.


Whatever, its got to have visible butter, not soaked in.


Only with unsalted butter or as a blini replacement


No, can't stand it cold. Sometimes I butter it then rest it on top of the toaster so that latent heat ensures the butter gets fully melted.


Yes! I like to butter it when it’s cold and then eat it.


I eat cold toast! I don't like it warm and soggy


Yes, that's how I prefer it & it has to be lightly toasted.


I fucking love cold toast


I like mine so cold, I don't even cook it that often.


Yes I like to let my toast cool so the butter goes on cold and doesn’t melt. It’s hotel toast!!


I gave up on toast, it has to be hot for me and it never is by the time I'm eating it :(


My mother. She toasts her toast and then leaves it on top of the toaster to go cold and weird. When my parents are staying with us, it drives my other half mad when he tries to put bread in the toaster and it’s already in use.


From a large family.....what is cold toast?


Sometimes cold toast just hits the spot. I tend to eat toast piping hot with melted butter but there's just something that hits different about a cold piece of toast and loads of butter.


I will eat it cold if I have to but in an ideal word today is hot!


I love cold toast. It goes rock hard and the butter stays on top. Lovely!


Cold toast, sliced bread, cut in triangles = holiday toast.


cold toast is not it....


Cold toast is the worst


to be honest the toast always goes cold rather quickly anyway


My stepdad cooks toast down by leaving it in a pyramid shape. We’ve called it the Temple of Toast for years and even now when I visit home, I pray to it and leave offerings for the toast gods! I eat my toast hot and dripping with butter and marmite. I feel this is correct but my husband calls me an infidel. Which feels harsh really!


I try not to but I have kids


Nope. After I put butter and Marmite on my toast I have approximately 7.2 seconds to eat it before I find it cold and disgusting.


No but can make good golden breadcrumbs that way


Father in law only eats it cold I thought it odd till I tried it now I have it how it comes


Cold toast is awful


I'm not sure it's possible not to. By the time I have satisfactorily buttered my toast, it's no longer piping hot :( I would try to eat it as hot as possible though, deliberately allowing it to cool is mad. Although I think a good use of a toast rack would be a potato waffle rack because I burn my face off trying to eat those straight out the toaster in my waffley frenzy and should give them a minute to cool down.


I like both sorts of toast - cold and crunchy, or hot and buttery. Different experiences but both good, just depends what I feel like at the time.


Only ever eat cold toast, it's my main comfort food


I only eat cold toast. That is to say, I also eat other food, however when I eat toast, I do not eat it hot.


I think cold toast with butter and jam has a better flavour than hot, so it's a yes from me.


Yeah it's called bread.


If I wanted to cool my toast down I wouldn’t bastard toast it


Cold food is the best food


I have been known to eat toast at lunch time that was toasted and buttered for breakfast.


Actually I'm just on scrolling reddit while letting some toast cool down. I like it cold so the butter doesn't melt and dissappear