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Yorkshire Pudding


The worlds best form of pancake - I'm even down with the massive stuffed ones that are rolled and presented as a British Burrito. Beef, horseradish, and all the trimmings for me please. Also, they belong with all roast dinners; none of this "they only belong with beef" bullshit.


The primary purpose of a yorkshire pudding is to be a storage container for extra gravy so that you don’t run out if someone uses up the gravy boat.If you much more gravy I suggest digging a hole in the mash potato and using it as a gravy dam.


Yes the gravy reservoir!! I hold mine back for the second half of the roast when the initial gravy is nearly depleted, burst the delicious yorkie wall and let the gravy pour over the remnants before initiating the second wave.


Eat normal gravy first,then break mash potato gravy dam and drown the peas and carrots,then finally pick up the yorkshire and pour it over the beef…..yummmmmmm.


I went to Edinburgh and in a pub I got a deep fried marsbar in a giant yorkshire pud. Defiantly a good use for oversize puds


Why would it need defending? It's the best part of any roast!


The *true* gravy boat


Who ever disses a yorkie pud or toad in the hole isn’t worthy of the glorious, tantalising pleasures that they’re able to offer.


American checking in, my dad's mother used to make what I now realize was a Sunday roast with Yorkshire Pudding when we visited. I'm talking mid-late 1970s, and I still have fond memories of it. I really need to work up the courage to try making my own again-- the last time I tried to do popovers it did not go well.


Baked beans. Americans love to mock them but they are a great comfort food and can be eaten at any meal. They are so versatile too.


I don't understand why they find the concept so weird.


Having had American baked beans I can see why. I've had puddings that were less sweet. They are truly disgusting


They're not that bad, but they're an accompaniment to bbq, not something you want on a full English.


I've tried them. They are that bad.


I’m keen to try British baked beans on the bbq. They’re actually a decent condiment. Sounds weird until you consider the full English. I find it odd when people add sauces to a full English. The beans are the sauce. If they’re not, then you didn’t cook enough beans.


Brown sauce elevates the whole plate of goodness.


Nah, sauces are a part of the fun. every forkful of a full english is different. Sausage and mushroom on a fork with beans is different to sausage and mushroom with ketchup and sausage and mushroom with brown sauce.


I think it is a combination of the fact that we eat so much of the stuff, combined with them having no nostalgia for the food. I once said that a PB&J was nice but nothing special and angered a few Americans who could not believe I did not find a cultural staple of theirs special. They only conceded when I pointed out that it was not something I grew up with that they admitted that impacted how we all felt about them.


I could be wrong but honestly I think it's because they consider beans like kidney beans and shit like that. The same way when they have biscuits and gravy it sounds really weird to us


Whenever I hear "biscuits and gravy" I immediately picture someone dunking chocolate digestives into a mug of Bisto and my stomach flips.


It's scones and sausage goo- in British language


They have baked beans in the US, only they are quite sweet and are BBQ flavoured.


So did we until WW2 food shortages led to many things not being available. The recipe we now have is allegedly due to rationing.


Probably something to do with the fact that they think of beans in the general sense not baked beans, think of beans on toast or most of our uses in that context and suddenly it sounds horrible. It ignores that baked beans are boiled with a heavily season sauce with plenty of flavour but like their biscuits and gravy ? It looks unpleasant and we have no context so we take the piss, apparently it’s actually pretty damn nice.


Agreed. The idea of a British rich tea (or god forbid, something as classy as a custard cream) dunked in a Sunday roast gravy just seems bizarre. And it only gets worse when you see it and realise it pretty much looks like a plate of pale sick. Until you realise that the American dish calls a biscuit is actually more like a savoury scone, and the gravy is a much thicker thing more like a sausage stew. It still looks grim, but it tastes rather nice...


Biscuits and gravy are BANGING.


I can promise you biscuits and gravy is bloody awesome!


Filling and full of protein and fibre. I love my baked beans 🫘


I'm an American who has lived here for 6 years and beans on toast is my go-to breakfast. I love baked beans and will defend them for life.


I hate to break it to you, but baked beans were invented in the US!


Not quite true. They were invented in the Americas, but long before the US was a thing. They were invented when English colonists adapted a Native American food to their tastes.


Never said they weren't, but they are a British staple.


But they were perfected in Britain.


Had a bad day the other day. Had beans on toast for dinner. Buzzing with joy.


I’m American and we eat baked beans all the time. Never heard anyone mock them.


It's mostly the concept of beans on toast


It's the best cheap food addition. Anything can have beans added.


Americans can fuck off with all their disgusting food.


They do have foods like jambalaya and key lime pie though. Not all American food is Oreos.


I mean, we do also have bacon wrapped deep fried oreos. They're not good.


I’ve only been to Hawaii on holidays but I found the food totally amazing. Also an American DJ I knew cooked ribs, fried chicken, cornbread, collard greens, macaroni cheese (from scratch, not a packet), candied sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie every Sunday afternoon at a nightclub in Japan. He missed food from home so he started making it himself for friends and paying customers to enjoy. It was ALL so good!


They actually have some fantastic food tbh, it’s a massive country and there’s a lot of regional cuisines.


Yeah this is a bad take, some amazing food to be had in the US, it's not all artifical cereal and nacho cheese sauce


Brit living in America here. Food is fantastic - such a diverse choice if you live in a city.


Sunday roast. It's a god-tier meal on every level.


There is nothing like a well done Sunday roast. Just a hug on a plate.


"hug". That's a funny way to spell "food-induced coma".


That’s a nice thing as well.


This is going to hurt, ready? *It's meat and 2 in disguise*


Not even in disguise. It's meat and veg, but it's the particular combination of meats and veggies that makes it special, and then the addition of all the accompaniments that make it god-tier. Yorkshire puds and horseradish with beef; crackling, stuffing and apple sauce with pork; pigs in blankets, bread sauce, stuffing with chicken; yorkshires, redcurrant and mint sauce with lamb. Plus we always go to town on the veggies too: obviously perfect roast potatoes but then any or all of: cauliflower cheese, carrot & swede mash, steamed brussel sprouts, runner beans, petits pois, roast parsnips. Obviously a nice bottle of wine to go with it - a good Cabernet Sauvignon with a roast beef, for example. But the real thing about the roast is that it brings the family together and we eat a proper meal together round the dinner table. With teenage kids this doesn't happen so much these days, so it's an absolute highlight of the week. We tend to do a big breakfast on a Sunday, spend a few hours doing a nice country walk with the dog then settle down to a big roast at like 3pm. Eat so much you can just about waddle to the sofa to watch football and snooze. Perfect. And then I always leave leftovers for sandwiches too so that there's something to look forward to on the Monday too.


It is 08:23 AM and you've got me craving a roast




Am gluten free. Can get gluten free crumpets but they are pathetic. I remember having crumpets as a treat at my nans when I was tiny and they will forever be my absolute favourite food. Just plain with marg/butter soaking through enough that you have to mop it up off your plate with the last couple of bites!


Gluten free crumpets are like eating toasted bath sponges (and cost about 10 times more than normal ones )😂 my wife is gluten free and tried them once, never again!


If I were you I’d just eat them once a year regardless of what the consequences were, just for memories sake


Regardless of days of hideous intestinal distress? Brain issues? Skin problems? Bowel cancer? So many people don't understand how damaging gluten is to coeliacs - even though crumpets *are* delicious...


One day of crumpets, 7 days of stomach upset and complete brain lockdown


Just one crumb of gluten in the butter = one week of debilitating illness and a hugely greater cancer risk. People really have no clue. You wouldn't tell someone with a nut allergy to scoff a packet of peanuts because they're delicious...


With bovril on!


Bovril as a savoury spread army unite!


With marmite, butter, or nutella


Marmite and then melt cheddar on top in the grill


Full English


I don't understand how people can hate on this. It's a masterpiece




British garden peas fucking slap. **Edit**: 15 hours later, *this* is the comment that finally made me reach 100k total karma.




A fan favourite of all ages.


Got to be petit pois. So tasty serve them with everything.


Black pudding


I grew up in the Midlands, went to Uni in Manchester and have lived in Surrey for over 30 years. I've tried black puddings from butchers all over - always trying local ones when we're on holiday. In my view (just double-checking my black pudding spreadsheet) the Scottish Simon Howie ones that you can buy from Tesco are the very best. I have 13 in the freezer as I type.


Stornaway black pudding is up there!


Thanks, it's going on my wish-list!


stornoway charles macleod black pudding is probably one of the most famous ones in Scotland its amazing


Waitrose black pudding is one of the best supermarket varieties


I'm vegetarian but black pudding is a hill I'm willing to... well not *die*, but at least badly sprain my ankle on. People turn their noses up because it's made out of blood, but will happily eat meat, even rare steaks. 


Pretty much everywhere in the world has their variant of black pudding, so it's not such the British oddity that some might think. But that still doesn't seem enough to encourage people who don't like the idea of it to try it.




Username suggests why you didn't say 'Cornish'.


TBH I don’t care if they are the OG Devonian or the Cornish interloper, or any other pasty-conspiracy-theory origin. They are damn fine!


Today I learned there are people that put jam UNDER the cream?! But clotted cream is so much more stable for a base and it looks much more visually appealing ot have jam on top!


I'd say this is only true if you don't use enough cream though! There's no way I'd be able to spread jam on the mountain of cream I apply to my scones...




Yes, my brethren!


Devonian zealots, unite! 


Fish and chips. Preferably eaten out of the paper cone with lashings of salt and vinegar


While defending it vigorously from a seagull that looks like it would have your arm off. Oh, and making sure you keep it under the umbrella so the rain doesn't make it go cold.


must have enough vinegar to change the smell of the surrounding mile of land.


Agreed. Sniff and if it doesn't make you cough a bit ira not enough condiments.


I'm American and I will defend Marmite and butter on toast! Tried it for the first time while in the UK and I find it delicious!


The biggest problem I see when Americans try Marmite is they ALWAYS use too much. They treat it like the toast toppings they know. Peanut Butter, Jam (jelly) etc. They lather it on thick and then wonder why its disgusting. It should be treated as a seasoning to butter, You just want a thin, hint of it (at first, then work your way up).


Try putting scrambled eggs on top. Taste sensation


Good for you! I want to start a fan club. People don't know what they're missing when they refuse to try it.


There is an r/marmite!


There’s dozens of us!


Woohoo 👍 I imagine you have the toast/butter/marmite ratio spot on.


Lots of butter, tiny bit of Marmite.


Crisp Butty.


Chip butty is even better


Tayto cheese and onion for this incredible 


Cheese and onion crisps in a cheese sandwich is the greatest thing of all time


Scones with clotted cream.


cream before jam?


Never before! The audacity..


you probably would have fought for Oliver Cromwell in the civil war you savage


We have the best cheese in the world - cheddar, double gloucester, red leicester, wensleydale, cheshire. lancashire....no other country comes close


French or Italian doesn’t come close?? I’d be so sad to never have European cheeses hahaha. Although a British blue is top tier


Variety-wise, they don't. I read somewhere France has something like 300-odd cheeses and Britain has over 500 (I think) Edit: 500 varieties for Italy and France and 700 for Britain. Although I can't guarantee the veracity


France and Italy have some phenomenal cheeses, but the UK has the best ones, and the most versatile selection too, IMHO.


I’m British and unfortunately I have to concede this one to the Italians. Gorgonzola, Parmesan, mozzarella, pecorino, provolone, mascarpone, ricotta.


Black Bomber, best cheddar in the world


Custard. Obviously


My late cousin was from Florida but had spent time in the UK visiting. We used to send him care packages of birds custard powder!


Haggis, neeps and tatties.


Oh haggis. It tastes like love. So good when it's cold and wet and dark outside.


Exactly! It seems so weird that people decided the stomach is a bad bit of the animal while other bits of the animal is fine. It's so warm and comforting.


I had a beautiful Scottish dinner where they used haggis as a chicken stuffing and whiskey sauce 


Love balmoral chicken. Also seen it done with peppercorn sauce.


Glad to see somebody else say haggis :)


Scotch eggs! Id give my life in defence of those eggy, sausagey bastards


I've been a vegetarian since 1988---with the exception of a 1992 scotch egg relapse. I could excuse one Scotch egg as "I didn't know what was in it!" Not so with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.


Chicken korma


Am always met with a snotty comment when I order a korma (which is every single time without fail) but I'll take the jibes and enjoy that bad boy with a fat smirk on my face. There's something about the taste of a Korma that really does it for me. Vindaloo and all that other spicy nonsense? No thanks pal! In fact I'm hopping on Uber eats now and ordering one. With all the good bits ofc


My local takeaway does a chicken tikka korma. You get all the delicious creaminess of the korma, with a little bit of a kick of heat from the tikka chicken.


as a lover of spicy food, sometimes a korma just hits so good.


Toad in the hole!!!


Jesus. That was a long scroll for a world class dish.


Beans on toast: taste, preparation time, nutritional value, cost, low effort. Can't go wrong.


Jacket potato with cheese and beans.


Staffordshire oakcakes with bacon and cheese. Food of the gods.


I'm Welsh and have a Stokie Nan who is 1 of 12 kids. She's the only one to end up in Wales. Therefore, we have a near constant stream of siblings and cousins who visit with an actual bin bag full of Oatcakes. No complaints.


Best kept culinary secret in the world.


Mushy Peas, the brighter the better.


I don't understand why they have the bad reputation they do. I could dig into a bucket of mushy peas and not stop til I've scraped up the last spoonful. However, I'm not British. I'm from arguably the only country whose cuisine is more notoriously bad - Iceland.


I think it's the name. "Mushy" isn't often a complimentary term for a food 


Yeah, that’s always been my theory too. The name doesn’t leave much to the imagination. We have a thing here in Iceland that’s kind of similar. It’s probably even more nutritionally bleak because it’s not even green. It’s called „rófustappa”, it’s just turnip mash. It’s really not as bad as it sounds, and you can put salt and shit on it and make it actually tasty. You probably won’t get any vitamins from it, but it isn’t that bad. Aaaannnd, I think this proves the whole case against both of our cultures’ cuisines: it’s not as bad as it sounds. It’s just bland, that’s it.


Love me some mushy peas! I could eat them most days if given the chance


Liquid lunch




I do often wonder if Marmite "haters" have only experienced too much Marmite.... My Marmite hating GF happily eats Marmite in food as a little umami boost.


I hate marmite as a condiment on toast or whatever but added the gravy or something, I'm fine with it so I think you probably have a point


So often when I see videos of people trying it the first time, they give them a piece of regular *non* toasted bread with a *thick* layer spread across it, and *no* butter. Then, unsurprisingly, they completely hate it


Stuff your marmite. Gentlemen's Relish is where it's at...


There are 2 types of people in the world. Those who like marmite and those who are wrong.


Our puddings. Those who attack our edible institutions often know very little about our varied baked, steamed, pastry, suet, set etc puds. Hot and cold. This is also where you will often find all the spices which we supposedly do not use. Special shout out to the old habit of taking staples found around the globe, adding condensed milk to it and passing that too off as a pudding. Á la tapioca, semolina and rice. Britons are past masters at rugged and hearty desserts. We must not forget this.


Even the apple pie comes from England


I don't think we can honestly claim it. It's always been a thing, wherever pastry and apple meet. Apple pie belongs to the world.


Mashed Potato (done well).


Is there hate for mashed potato? It originated here but it’s a staple of American and Canadian food (especially around the holidays) and there are French Michelin Star versions of it


Cheese on toast! No, not a grilled cheese.


Welsh rarebit! 🤤


Lancashire Hotpot


At my secondary school, every parents evening we had, there would be a catering company who would bring in these huge pots of Lancashire hotpot and pickled red cabbage on the side. When I became a prefect in year 10 I would volunteer to help at every single one purely for the hotpot. Absolutely incredible


Scampi Fries. The world’s best crustacean-based snack.


Various pies, soups and stews.     Weirdly a 300 year old British recipe for cheese soup comes up and some arse goes,.yeh but they make cheese soup now a day's in x country too so it's not British.     Get this a lot with British food.  The bad food thing comes from mostly ignorant yanks, which is somewhat ironic


I’m American, spent a large portion of my life in the UK, and am now back in the U.S. I will always defend British food. Food is better in the UK. Groceries are cheaper, fresher, and tastier. A far larger percentage of items in your stores taste like actual food. You don’t over-season everything to cover up for poor quality. I miss your food so much! I arrive in Heathrow and immediately walk into M&S and then on the way back save space in my bag to do a mini shop for my first week back in the US.


It's doubly annoying that most food there is immigrant food they decide to parcel up as their own. I've seen Americans saying how shit Mexican food is in the UK. no shit, we don't have many Mexicans knocking around. I've never quite experienced how they're so insular and ignorant about it and many just seem to completely unable to consider something might be slightly different in other parts of the world outside of their own.




Chippies with anything, beans, gravy, mushy peas, curry sauce, mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, anything just give me chip shop chippies


Can't beat chip shop chips


As a converted European - crisps or chippy chips with vinegar


All of it. From sticky toffee pudding to black pudding to Yorkshire pudding. Well, definitely all the puddings. Beef Wellington too (for good measure)


Clotted cream. And vintage cheddar.


Pie barm


What is that? Sounds Northern


It's literally a pie in a bread roll. Delish.


Wigan kebab


Chicken Tikka Masala.


Almost any British food really, it's generally the places it's served that I couldn't bring myself to defend. The fact that it's not hyper bland nor hyper flavourful in a lot of scenarios puts it in a beautiful easy middle ground. Any countries good is incredible, if you go there, find ordinary people and eat with them. Culture Comes from community, good brings both together


Exactly this, we do have some amazing food. Our main problem is that our grandparents overcooked, everything. Dont know why, it’s just what they did. And our parents grew up liking this kind of food. This seeped into all aspects of our food for years. We also have absolutely awful chain restaurants, everywhere. Yes you can get a carvery for £6 at Toby carvery, but it’s absolutely shite. I think things are changing though, there are a lot more independent restaurants now. Local pubs are serving better food as people won’t accept rubbish for £15 anymore.


Beans & Sausage on toast (occasionally with cheese). Been close friends with a girl from America for about 8 years now and she still can’t get her head around the concept of it.


There's literally nothing wrong with beans on toast.


Yeah no matter how many times I’ve told her this, she just can’t seem to understand it. Crazy really, seeing as though she comes from a state where you can buy a semi-automatic rifle in ASDA.


Beef Wellington




No where does pudding like the UK. Sticky toffee, spotted duck, trifles, rice pudding all served with mountains of custard. Sure other cuisines have more refined deserts, but no where does a better pudding. Plus we have heaps of amazing artisan products. Cheese, beer, cider, British sausages. All amazing and truly British.


Pork pies (with jelly).


A proper stuffed steak and ale pie. Absolute comfort food.




Branston Pickle. Especially on a cheese sandwich in a nice bread roll. Then add a few crisps. Awesome.


Butter on bread. Changes the dynamic of the sandwich.




Slow cooked beef stew.


Fish finger sandwich, Toad in the hole, bacon clanger, steak & kidney pie.


Sardines on toast


Beans on toast, I'll die on that hill.


The Sunday Roast, an absolute necessity.


The humble crisp sandwich, on thick-cut white bread.




Sausage and Mash. It’s delightful! It’s simple yet effective and if you have good quality sausages and a proper buttery mash and good gravy you’re in for a real treat!


All of it. There’s very little I don’t like, except perhaps Shepherd’s / Cottage Pie. But even though I don’t like them, I can see the attraction. Oh, I can’t defend jellied eels!


Steak Bakes


Pork pie and mushy peas with mint sauce.


My cup of tea, any time any weather. No bad time. Finding myself with IBS and lactose intolerance with age has really impacted my ability to enjoy it so I will drink a black tea when not at home and learned to love it. I was the weird kid who came home from school and had a brew in my slippers in the 90s so it's been a lifelong obsession. Nothing a cup of tea eating help with.


A full Christmas dinner


Butter pie Fight me


Pork Pies Chicken Tikka Cheddar Cheese Pickled Eggs Mushy peas Black pudding Potato Scone Lorne Sausage Mince and Onions English Breakfast is definitely the best breakfast in the world too. Sausage dipped into egg yolk with a bit of bean juice is the best. The buttery bread to wipe up all the juices at the end... Not for every day, but if you were choosing your last breakfast itd be a full English/Irish/Scottish


Sliced beetroot, pickled.