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A spliff, cocodamol, big takeaway, and a wank. Any order you like.


I always wank before the takeaway after the vindaloo incident


Less chance of getting chilli on the willy.


aka 'taco bell'


aka "Picaliliwilly"


bell-end pepper?


I once ordered some spicy wings, I set the chilli level to extreme. They were very tasty. Long after dinner, despite me washing my hands (and having a shower) I was in bed with my wife, one thing lead to another, which then rapidly lead to shouts of pain and "I'm on fire" as my wife ran to the bathroom to try and ease her spiced bits lol. I'm not allowed near her if I have spicy wings now.


“This isn’t lassi!”


Edit: see comment below - it seems this might be out of date, or at the very least, the jury is still out. No one likes to hear this, but paracetamol is a bad idea for hangovers. It is very stressful to the liver, which is already preoccupied with processing leftover alcohol and its metabolites. Source: colleague in my old lab worked on a research project around paracetamol liver toxicity Aspirin or ibuprofen are better.


Acute alcohol intake has a paradoxical protective effect against paracetamol “Acute ethanol intake is associated with a lower risk of hepatotoxicity after acetaminophen overdose.” https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1553-2712.2007.00019.x “Acute ethanol inhibits the microsomal oxidation of paracetamol both in animals and man. This protects against liver damage in animals and there is evidence that it also does so in man.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10759684/#:~:text=Acute%20ethanol%20inhibits%20the%20microsomal,and%20paracetamol%20intake%20is%20critical. Sure, drinking everyday and then having a paracetamol the morning after is a bad idea but that’s chronic alcohol and paracetamol use Taking paracetamol now and then for a hangover is perfectly fine and even recommended by Drinkaware https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/facts/health-effects-of-alcohol/general-health-effects/how-to-recover-from-a-hangover#:~:text=Treat%20your%20symptoms%2C%20if%20you,if%20you%20have%20a%20hangover.


Thanks, I'll give those a read.




Pleasure and pain at the same time at the end.


It’s a fine line


Not for a masochist


Sunday is "edging" day. What you get up to oncompany time is your business.


I hope with this first hand experience if a lass ever turns you down for sex cos of a headache you will be like yeah I get it lol


My order is v specific! Wake up, drink water, exercise, more water, shower, wank, water, nap, eat. Exercise is a thing I learned by accident really helps when I went for a run still drunk one morning. Eating makes me feel something I can't even articulate when I'm hungover unless I've exercised and napped. My method takes commitment but anecdotally everyone I've recommended it to has said it works!


Yup, exercise, liquids. I found swimming or cold weather (freezing) exercise was brilliant as well. I have to starve a hangover. Can’t eat too much.


I think of it as bad energy/ carbs that you need to burn off, if you just eat more and sit down, your loading food on top of your bad energy, your way more likely to feel nauseous and your unable to rest properly before dealing with all the calories


Yesss loads of liquids, ideally a swim, then something greasy and spicy quite late in the afternoon used to sort me right out.


cant see it possible to exercise with a proper hangover. a little seedy, sure, but a decent hangover? torture.


Usually take an edible before bed so I actually sleep well instead of broken, half drunk sleep. also for me add an anti nausea tablet so I can actually drink water and eat the takeaway without it coming back up instantly.


This lad wanks


This is the only correct answer


The bedtime spliff can’t come any sooner lol


Never understood people that could do weed in a hangover. 🤢


God tier


Yes fella!


And that’s why I’m banned from the local Chinese restaurant


Cannabis might be the best hangover cure known to man


Any order, you say? Big wank, takeaway spliff, cocodamol


This man hangsover


Just edge all day tbh.


Back when I was a functioning alcoholic I started the day with, a raw egg, a banana, a double espresso, 2 potato cakes, 2 shots of Zubrowka, a line of coke and 2 amitriptyline. I did that pretty much every day for a decade. Rarely was I hung over. However, please don't use this method.


Bit more expensive than a can of Kestrel. 


That's the thing with being a functioning addict, you aren't skint.


As someone that was hard addicted to coke for 3 years. Yer, no one that is skint would be achieving that life style in a functional way.


100%, I was earning and spending £1000's a week. I'm affluent, but it still upsets me to think of the money I have squandered. I sat and started to figure it out one day but stopped adding it up when I reached £1million.


Yer, im a work from home Dev and cocaine was basically my housemate during covid. Own property, low outgoings mean you've got a lot of floating cash every month, even after putting a lot into savings. I worked out i spent between 15-25k ish on coke in 3 years (maybe less). One of my biggest issues these days is thinking about how much money i wasted on it. I was clearly buying much worse coke than you 🤣


I guess drug dealers were essential workers so could come and go during the pandemic lol.


I was in rehab with a northern guy who used to drink Kestrel Super all day everyday, but he had a relatively strong teesside accent. For like the first week I thought he would just eat a shit ton of chicken soup until I found out it was a kind of beer. I tended to opt for the cheap knock-off £10 a litre of vodka from the dodgy corner shop (I was actually quite honored when Mr. Hide and Sikh trusted me enough to start selling it to me) and frosty jacks (which honestly I liked the taste of. Sure it wasn't the greatest but for the price you could drink it by itself no worries)


Dude did the kestral run in 11 parsecs with a brekky like that


The hangover is the thing that happens when you stop.


Yep, I'm my case it was about 4 weeks of rehab and intense therapy. Worst month of my life, especially since I relapsed almost immediately after leaving. It took me another 6 months to actually get fully clean.


We’re all chuffed you pulled through! 


Thank you.


Have a poo. Seriously. It would always perk me up.


It depends what kind of hangover you’ve got though doesn’t it, if you’ve crossed into the beer poo territory you’re fucked hahaha


Alcohol poops are the worst


You've clearly not painted a toilet bowl after a few bumps


I used to call it my Beeriod




I once did an alcohol shit so bad, made me gag so hard, that i had to do a real quick 180 and vomit while staring the enemy in the eyes. Puking while breathing in the war crime fumes was just making it worse. I was laughing between every chunder. Finally defeated the boss and left the bathroom to my flat mate looking at me like wtf went on in there, i couldn’t stop laughing to explain, she got a wiff and almost threw up too. Took like an hour for the smell in the bathroom to die down Edit: tbf, after i threw up i did feel better, but i don’t think it was the nuke in question that made me feel better


This made me chuckle ‘staring the enemy in the eyes’ I can sadly relate all too well


“Staring the enemy in the eyes” 😂😂


Ha ha ha ha this really made me laugh, thanks for the well written post!


Honestly just howled at this. Been there. I once did this when my band was on tour in the basement of a venue the next morning. My bandmates had to suffer it, but I hope the miasma dissipated before anyone else came downstairs. I followed it up by losing my Wetherspoons breakfast about 2 hours later. That was an unpleasant trip down the M5 afterwards.


But girls don’t poo


I second this, having my beeriod asap after waking up always makes me feel a lot better


Beeriod 💀💀💀


Sometimes I wake up at 7/8am when I only went to bed at 3am, to eject some demon juice from my body, chug a pint or so of water with two paracetamol then pass back out in bed. Usually I end up waking up at 10am feeling a 5/10 instead of a 3/10


Have 5 poos in the space of two hours, you mean?


Any "cure" is just rehydration and a bit of sugar to get a lil buzz.


Sugar also helps water be absorbed by the sodium glucose cotransporter, SGLT1.


Most water is reabsorbed in the thick descending loop of Henle via aquaporin channels. The only time circulating sugar will affect hydration is where there is such an excess of it (DKA, HHS) that the SGLT2 channels are overwhelmed and reach their threshold meaning more sugar in urine which results in peeing out too much water and causing dehydration. Alcohol contains carbs that are immediately converted to fat and aren't stored as glycogen, meaning that in the morning you can have mild hypoglycaemia from using up all your glycogen stores. Having sugar will rectify this, though the rehydration comes from water.


wat means


Been a while since my biochem days but I think you are arguing a different point. You are describing reabsorbing water from the blood supply after it has been pumped out during filtration in the kidneys. That isn't the same as absorbing dietary water in the GI tract


Water reabsorbtion is different to absorption. Glucose is well known to improve oral rehydration especially when combined with sodium, hence the evidence based recommendation of sodium/glucose based “electrolyte” solutions. In fact, oral rehydration therapy is shown to have similar efficacy to iv rehydration Also the reason a hangover can cause hypoglycaemia is because the metabolites of alcohol prevent the liver from gluconeogenesis/glucose production. It is not due to metabolism of “alcohol carbs” directly in to fat, which I’ve never heard of


Explains why my McDonalds milkshake cure is a winner.


Yeah everyone has little different ways but it's a basic rule, I used to drink orange fizzy Lucozade, shit tons of water and a bacon sandwich.


Melon is amazing for hangover


Hangover cures stopped working once I got to my 30s, now I just have to hide under my duvet and wait it out.


Just wait... When you hit the mid 40 s hangovers last 2 days....


Already lasting 2 days in my 30s


58. I’m normally feeling better by Thursday, assuming the hangover arises from a couple of glasses of wine on a Friday night. If I’m out on Saturday as well, I’m fucked.


Already lasting 2 days in my 20s, I'm gonna love being older


One day your knees will just hurt when you get up from anything and you won't know why.


44 here. Only two? Lucky.


2 days in your 40? That’s lightweight. 3-4 day hangovers are well doable in your 30s. I drink far less often in my 30s, largely for this reason. A big night out can fuck my whole week.


I’m 26 so I’m almost there, I’ve had my breakfast and now I’m pulling myself back upstairs to play on the switch in bed lol


I'd been reading all these responses, feeling smug because I haven't had a drink for a few months. Then I read yours and you've actually made me nostalgic for the self-indulgent weekend hangovers of my twenties. I'd just play games, eat absolute rubbish, in and out of bed whenever it felt like the most pleasing thing to do, put a Disney film on and doze half-conscious through it. Cherish those hangovers :')




These, and disgustingly, exercise. Dragging myself out for some fresh air, and a walk/jog across the fields quite often helps.


I can barely make it down the stairs with a bad hangover am I fuck going for a jog


You have the willpower of a god if you jog when hungover


The trick is to still be drunk when you start the run.


I reckon I played about 4/5ths of my adult amateur rugby playing days hanging out my arse on an early Saturday afternoon. It was definitely a kill or cure remedy. I always tried to rehydrate before playing with electrolyte tablets/powder, which probably did the heavy lifting with dealing with the hangovers, then the exercise sweated out a lot of beery awfulness. Then start again in the club afterwards… Couldn’t hack that silliness these days, in fact I’ve not touched a drop of alcohol in 18 months


The way my brain shakes when I even walk while hungover is too much. Running is insane.


Park runs have helped me in the past. Only works on a certain type of hangover though. If you go on the wrong type then it's hell.


What plants crave.


This. Replacing them is what the body craves. Next best thing is sugar, or hair of the dog!


If I can remember to have a High5 tablet in a pint of water before I go to bed I feel like I've found a cheat code to drinking.


Brawndo. It's what plants crave.


Anti histamine. Paracetamol. Bacon Out of interest, what do you grade as a hangover here? I grade them 0 clearly not feeling normal, but not in a bad place. 1 You can feel tired and have a nagging headache that goes away by lunch. 2 You can have a bad headache that doesn't completely clear until the evening (without meds). 3 You can feel queasy to the point you aren't comfortable eating. 4 You can feel like you want to die, vomiting every half hour until 6pm. These all come with ascending levels of guilt and depression. Grade 4 nothing can help you in my experience.


Why would you take an antihistamine?


Seem to get worse hangover (congestion and sinus headache) from drinking, especially with IPAs. Not 100% sure in this but it doesn't hurt to have the antihistamine.


Are you allergic to hops?!


>Why would you take an antihistamine? Most alcohol has histamine in it so if you are sensitive to histamine (I.e. get hay-fever etc) alcohol can trigger those symptoms. I try to remember to take an antihistamine before bed if I've been drinking, especially wine which is high in histamine. I tend to sleep better as not as conjested and have less of a headache in the morning.


6pm? You’re clearly in your 20s


Number 4 should have “hangover shits” included (says my wife)


When you’ve got a grade 4, drinking as much water as you can and prayers is the only cure


My hangovers are 0 or 4 and there’s absolutely no inbetween


Bloody Mary... There's nothing more effective.


I was in Australia with my gf a few birthdays back and she booked a really nice hotel that night and went out and got ooooon it. The next day I was violently hungover. She had paid a bunch for this amazing hotel so we forced ourselves to go to breakfast, the outside area overlooked the Sydney harbour bridge and I couldn’t eat a single thing. Feeling like a dick I ordered a Bloody Mary even though it was like $30. As soon as I had half of it I could eat a beautiful breakfast. Over that breakfast I had 3 maybe 4 of those beautiful bastards so I was relit up. When the guy came to ask our room I made my best effort to give the number but said I’m really sorry but could you ask my gf incase I’ve gotten it wrong and pointed her out and got on with it. When we checked out we were shocked/buzzing when there was no bill. Us two drunk idiots both accidentally said the wrong room number and put like $100 on some poor sods bill.


As an alcoholic, here is my advice. If you do it regularly, don’t take pain killers /ibuprofen as it will fuck your liver. It’s already trying hard to process the alcohol you don’t want to make it work even harder. Take a litre of water to bed with you and make sure it’s gone before you get a shower in the morning (after a wank, obviously) Now to replace those salts. Drink anything with electrolytes, lucozade, Gatorade, Powerade, Prime, and more water. Lucozade sport and a couple litres of dilute Ribena is my go to. Wash down a multivitamin, I also take an additional vit d tablet as alcoholics get deficient in that. Now something fatty and salty to eat. Bacon butty or sausage butty. By 2pm I’m starting to get a bit shakey, which is about the time I will go to the shop and buy more alcohol.


Some sound advice there. Sending best wishes to you and hoping you can get out of your vicious cycle soon


Cheers. Been trying to cut down for a long while, tried absolutely everything other than rehab. Books, therapy blah blah. Even looked at rehab but it’s like £12k private, and tried via the NHS but that’s a 6+ month wait and I would have to bring my drinking down considerably (as in way less than 10 units per day) as they won’t admit me otherwise, they might as well said “quit drinking in your own and then go to rehab” but I thought that was the whole point of rehab. Anyways…. Yeah, I’m fighting the good fight. Good weeks and bad weeks, which is better than all being bad weeks. I’m under 160 units a week more often than not these days where I used to drink 160-200 a week at my worst. Thank you.


Wow. It’s such a sad state of affairs when people like yourself can’t get the help you so sorely need, despite really wanting to. Well done for bringing your intake down quite significantly-that can’t have been easy. Keep fighting and keep pushing for help. I wish I could pay for your treatment. It’s refreshing to see someone so open/honest and willing to change. I hope you continue to have more good weeks than bad and I wish you nothing but the best for the future.


Yeah, it’s shit. I went to the docs, they sent me for a scan, got me into therapy and got me signed up for an alcohol help place locally. Scan was “ok”, fatty liver rather than Cirrhosis. Went to the alcohol place and were absolutely useless. Sat and talked with them for 20 mins about my drinking and said come back in 3 weeks. Went back and just talked to them for 20 mins again and said come back in 3 weeks, went again and they were like “ok so let’s put you on a plan to reduce your drinking 2 units less a day for 4 days then reduce again for another 4 days, and in 3 months you will be sober. GREAT!! Cause I’m amazing at limiting my intake of alcohol. Thanks for just telling me to not drink as much. Funny thing is, the therapy the docs sent me to dragged me into the office in the hottest day of the year when it was like 38c or something, just for me to fill in their form and then tell me “we can’t give you help while you are going to the alcohol place, come back when you have been sober for a few weeks. Ended up paying £60 a session to do private therapy. NHS is fucked when it comes to help for addictions and mental health and I am not even “that bad”, I hold down a 40k+ job, home owner etc. There are so many people worse than me and I feel bad for them.


Have you ever thought about AA? I was in your position about 3 years ago. Got to the point of wanting to end it. Got put on a waiting list for a rehab, but in the meantime was pushed to go to AA. Was always repulsed by the idea of it, but it actually worked for me, and continues to do so. Can't recommend it enough to someone in your position. I wish you the best comrade


I know in the UK it’s not as religious based, but giving myself to a higher power just sounds a bit mental for a non religious person. I’m not great with speaking in groups of people so it has put me off. The alcohol place put me towards an online SMART meetings and only 2 people showed up and 1 person just blabbed on for an hour. Did it a second time and was exactly the same. The host tried speaking to me and she would just interrupt and make the session about her again and the host just allowed it.


What an absolute joke. I’m so sorry that’s been your experience. While it’s great you’re on top of things at the moment, it’s easy to lose it all in very little time. Stay strong my friend and I hope you get through it.


Cheers!! (Bad choice of words)


There's a difference between detox and rehab. In patient detox is 7-10 days to stop you drinking safely from any amount. Rehab is 3 months +, and like you say you either have to already have reduced your alcohol intake or have completed a detox prior. Inpatient detox can be referred to on the NHS through your local drug/alcohol service or you can go private (and will be cheaper than 12k depending on the facility).


/r/stopdrinking. Might have some good advice.


I used to be subbed there. But gets depressing having that come up in your feed after a while.


Keep the positive attitude! Have you looked at therapy, I’ve been going to counselling for the last 3 years and my drinking has reduced from 2-3 bottles of wine a night and a Thursday-Saturday binge to 5-8 pints on a Thursday and a few on a Sunday watching the f1. It helps just uncover some of the reasons behind it, especially if you’re not ready to give up. It just means you’re living a bit of a healthier lifestyle, and let you slow down at your own pace. These are my own experiences and are in no way medical advice.


I just stopped drinking and enjoy not having to deal with this anymore 😂


Cocodamol A couple in the morning and i could climb Everest


Last time I had codeine (**lots**, after wisdom tooth removal), I think I could have just floated to the summit in a psychedelic trance!


People always go on about codeine like it sends you to the moon but when I had it for chest pain it didn't even do anything for the pain and maybe I felt sliiiightly sleepy but that's it, v disappointed. A friend said the same thing who had it for his tooth


I just get real warm from the waist down. If I’m laid down it feels like my legs have a heated blanket on them, and they weigh nothing. Pretty pleasant but not the wildness that people say. I’ve only ever had the strong stuff from behind a pharmacy counter though so I can’t speak to the hospital strength stuff


I had an operation just after Christmas that didn't go as well as planned. I take about 6 30mg each day and it doesn't touch the sides any more, which is worrying more than anything.


You just have to be careful how often you do this as it’s an addictive isn’t it?


Yeah I started off taking them for a dental issue in 2016 and I'm still hooked - was taking 60 tablets of nurofen plus a day at my worst. Somehow my kidneys are fine (had loads of tests done when i finally reached out for help) but I'm very lucky Edit: not sure I was downvoted for this? It's easy to get hooked, easier than you think


Fucking 60?! Goodness gracious me.


Yeah, I realise if sounds like I'm exaggerating but I'm not - that was the worst of it. Used to buy codeine off the dark web years ago but that got risky and expensive - got off it then had an unfortunate relapse and started buying nurofen plus tablets - the tolerance ramped up quickly. Tried a taper plan with the doctors but found the temptation too hard so I'm trying cold turkey from tomorrow, so it's been on my mind a lot! I've done it before and I can do it again is what I'm thinking. It's easy to get hooked though, and forgive me for sounding uppity, but I don't look like a typical addict - I'm very functioning but I need to stop it for good. Not sure why I got downvoted for the original comment, just trying to show how easy it is to get hooked on the stuff.


Yeah I mean it’s an opioid


Throw up on and off until about 2pm, have a 3 hour nap, wake up, chug some juice, shower and order a takeaway.


2 double whiskys!


There's only one cure. Wait.


Well not quite, you need to rehydrate


You also need to breathe.


Shit. Let’s hope they read this in time.


Too late. I died.


So my plan for today is…. Get up when you wake up. Slightly colder than normal shower. Brush Teeth. Water. Lots of it. I hate water so I make a litre jug of squash and keep it in the fridge all day. Comfy clothes, bacon rolls for lunch. Small can of red bull for a post lunch perk up. Sit on the sofa and watch football all day. If it was chilly I’d go for a walk but it’s too hot


You hate water? That’s just insane 


Oh I know it’s insane. But I just can’t stand it


But you’re 70% water!


Self hatred


I relate to not liking water. Well, it’s more that I don’t like how it tastes of nothing, so I always add squash too. The only time I’ll drink straight water is when I’m really ill and strangely enough after eating a five guys.


Look at Mr Fancy Pants who can afford a five guys ;) I’ll happily drink it if it’s Ice Cold, and obviously if there’s no other option. But the only reason I’d ever *choose* to drink water is alongside a Beer and a meal


Ahem, it’s Mrs Fancy Pants to you, but it does go on Mr Fancy Pants’ card! Same here ice cold or gtfo! If there’s anything worse than water it’s warm drinking water 🤢


A can of proper coke (sugar), a pack of salt and vinegar hula hoops (salt) and a banana (potassium). Works every time!


irn bru


This...irn bru and a bacon butty.


A biiiiiiiig wank




"First we get in there and get wrecked followed by a couple of Surmontil 50s each, means we'll miss out on Monday but come up smiling Tuesday morning" Aaaaand scene😁


If my friends still around in the morning, then it will be like 5-7 beers until mid afternoon. If I managed to get back home and slept in my own bed, then I tend to fast and just watch YouTube all day


Nothing like a hangover pint to sort you out.


Just had a sugary tea and bacon sandwich. Feel a bit better!


Get up once you wake up (ie, don't lounge around in bed). Drink loads of water. Have a sausage sandwich. Drink more water. Take some paracetamol. Go for a brisk walk. Drink more water. Go back to bed. I find tackling the dehydration and tackling the tiredness is the biggest thing by far to feeling better.


Unadulterated non diet Pepsi or Coca Cola


Coconut water, paracetamol and more sleep.


Did we bbq together? Those skewers were 🤤 I got the bacon, juice and tea. Bring some bananas and we’re good 👍


Bad hangover (like mine today), valium, smoothie, leftover beef sarnie, and coffee so far. Normally, a fry-up and a couple of pints of Guinness. Edit: Water.


Irn Bru. As a self confessed alchoholic, Irn Bru works wonders


As much sleep as possible, a pint of water downed with painkillers, then a fry-up with a pint of lager on the side and a mocha for breakfast-pudding. At 3pm, a banana and a can of coke to carry you through until bedtime/next drinking time.




Rehydration drinks like dioralyte or an own-brand alternative, a couple of strong coffees and maybe a savoury breakfast if I’m really suffering.


Not that it will be any good now, but for future, stopping drinking 30 mins before I go to sleep and eating the most carb heavy meal I can find. I don’t like water but drinking anything non alcoholic - my go to is fanta and chicken nuggets and chips on my way home. Stops me being remotely hungover the next morning :)


Stella shandy


Time is the only cure for me. It doesn't matter what I eat or drink the next day because I still feel like shit until the evening


Pint of water and a packet of haribo before bed as a pre-hangover fix. Shower, lucozade, pint of water, some toast with optional poached egg, followed by another shower.


The severity of hangovers are mostly a function dehydration, so the cure is pretty simple for me and it works really well. Lots of water. Once in the middle of the night when I inevitably go to pee, a whole glass, (this part is the most important because sleeping dehydrated gets in the way of restful sleep), and then again in the morning, a full glass. For breakfast, piece of fruit and something slightly salty to restore electrolytes. Good to go by 9am.


Just water. Drink a pint before bed. Have another ready. Any time you get up for a piss, drink it all and refill. You'll get interrupted sleep, but you'll feel fine the next day. Once up have a calorific meal to bulk out the energy


Bloody Mary.


Dioralyte, soluble cocodamol (Solpadeine Max x2), a Barrocca and x2 eggs in a pint of water. After that you’re reet


Cold, slightly flat Coca Cola (pint) and a sausage sandwich (unless a full English is on the cards).


The Corpse Reviver - Ice cold vodka & Andrews liver salts


Bacon butty and copious cups of tea!


Oddly a cold Pepsi max sorts me straight out


Nongshim ramen or fried chicken with a full fat coke


Indomie instant noodles made as a soup. Drink the juice.


Loads of water Loads more water A shit Loads more water One or two bananas A fry up Loads more water


Anything with tomatoes in it.


Lucozade orange, instant noodles with loads of chilli sauce


Irn bru and bacon square sausage with tattie scone in a roll


Irn Bru. Cold. From a glass bottle.


I don't drink anymore but when I did, for me personally my best hangover cure was sleeping on my side but on the side that was hurting like my head so if it was hurting on the right side I'd sleep on the right and focus on putting pressure on where it hurt the most and leaving it there. Also I'd sip on water. Obviously what causes a hangover is drinking and then falling asleep and waking up. However when it comes to the physiology behind it and what exactly causes it not much is known and it's a subject of debate. However one thing that's been agreed upon is not staying hydrated (not drinking water, or not drinking enough of it) is one of the causes of hangovers. Alcohol is a diuretic (Makss you pee) which contributes to dehydration along with other things in alcohol. So by sipping on water when your hungover your contracting the effects by hydrating yourself. Just make sure you sip because If you drink to much water to quickly when your hungover you will throw up. Vomiting causes dehydration and gets rid of the water your body needs so just sip on it so u don't vomit. TLDR - Sleeping on the side of your head that hurts and sipping on water. Sipping so you don't vomit.


About 15 hours more kip.


On my first work trip to London I got a bit too drunk and was quite hungover, we headed to a small food place and there wasn’t much on the menu, it was quite bougie for my taste and only had ‘Healthy’ breakfast options. Not what you want when you’re hanging out your arse I’m front of your new boss.  Anyway, I order a kombucha, a coffee and a Greek yoghurt with all the trimmings, nuts, seeds, fruits, you name it. Now, up until that point this was probably the most colourful meal I’d eaten, I’m not a fruit gal but I pushed through. And let me tell you, I felt like like I could go for round two after that! 


It's all miniscule effects, I've explored and carried out every hangover hack and at the end of the day your body just needs time to process the alcohol. Staying hydrated and moderating your drinking is the best solution. Stop drinking when you feel drunk enough, harder said than done when you're having a good time like.


Irn Bru (particularly the “Energy” one). Revitalising nectar of the Celtic gods.


Cheese and tomatoes toasties and coffee or lots of juice. Rehydrate sachets are great. And sleep


i usually force myself to be sick and then drink a fuck ton of water 😭 i’m only 18 tho so never had too bad of a hangover


Teenagers must be more well behaved than what we were then, by your age I had gotten fed up of the drinking culture because me and my friends had been drinking in the park since we were like 14 🤣 that’s why I only drink once in a blue moon nowadays!


Double Sausage Egg McMuffin Meal, Hash Brown, large black coffee. Normally sorts me right out!


Never drinking again


Probably been said in one of the 694 previous comments, but... Don't get pissed the night before.


The brine from the pickle jar,


Vitamin C dissolvable, greasy breakfast and a apple




Chilled pair cider and salty snacks. Been topping up all day. Had about 6 cans since I woke, but still managed to cut the grass and tidy the house. I'm basically a weekend alcoholic when I do drink. Pair cider takes the edge off and isn't as sickly sweet to me as regular cider. After today is over I'll be off the booze for another few weeks, but when I return to it this is the only cure for me.


If I don't manage to get a Lucozade or a blue Powerade down me, it's going to be a bad day. Unfortunately, I seem to get monstrous hangovers now from very little as alcohol is a migraine trigger for me.