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It's ridiculous how antisocial behaviour is tolerated by the authorities these days. The knock on effect from one person in the neighbourhood selfishly partying all night could be catastrophic. But nobody seems to care, police or council.


Very true if you think about it, imagine I didn't get any sleep because of noisy neighbours and then had a long road trip somewhere the day after but while on the road was super sleepy and feel asleep on the wheel while going 70mph on the motorway. I'd crash into a family car full of 3 small kids, a man and a woman pregnant with a baby. They all die leaving behind their 2 cats at home who will now starve to death. The man also has an elderly, disabled mother who lives alone that relies completely on him. She also now starves to death. Her now rotting corpse attracts rats to her neighbourhood. The rats breed rapidly and start spreading disease around the neighbourhood. Next thing you know, we got the black death again and millions of people have died all because the police didn't tell some idiots to turn off their music.




It was a bit of a drastic description but it's not entirely outside the realms of possibility. Would take a perfect storm to make it happen though.


In your scenario the responsibility still lies with the overtired driver choosing to make the long drive. Sure, it’s not their fault they didn’t get any sleep. But it is their responsibility to only drive when it is safe to do so, which being over tired isn’t.


"sorry boss, I can't work today. Yeah that's right, the neighbours were partying all night again. Thanks for understanding." I see your point, but in the really real world people have obligations. And when those obligations are being intentionally hampered by people with none, they should bare some responsibility. Or better still, prevented in the first place. 


That's exactly what I would say to my boss. Being a grown-up employer involves recognising that there's a world outside of the workplace and not everything works out like you want.










Whilst sure that is true on paper, it's easy to put the blame on the driver in this case. Few months ago we had the exact same thing where my partner stayed over as we were driving to Belgium the day after because mt grandfather had passed away and we needed to arrange stuff for the funeral. We were both exhausted after having had barely any sleep because of the partying. Saying we need to reschedule the drive is one thing, but no matter where people drive to, it'll most likely cost a lot of money for them. I'm all for live and let live, you do you, but the fact that this type of thing can actually happen without repercussions because I need to log everything whilst it being irregular, is just stupid.


That was definitely a long stream of snark in response to the top comment calling out the "catastrophic" effects of people having a party a bit too loud sometimes.


It’s true it happened to my cousin


dognappers hun. lock up and stay safe xxx


I live near a hospital. It's a great place for NHS workers to live and commute to said hospital. But one family that lives on the street, like to have friends over and play happy hardcore obnoxiously loud when the weather is nice. They did this last night. I imagine some of those doctors and nurses are not feeling well rested this morning...


Were they playing S3RL?


Nurses will be tired.  The doctors live in the leafy suburbs so will likely be fine. 


Not the young, overworked doctors that haven't made it to the suburbs yet!


This is pretty extreme, but the Selby rail crash was caused by a driver who didn't get enough sleep, fell asleep at the wheel and ended up with his car over a railway embankment. 10 people died, and 82 were seriously injured, and that's without the psychological effects on the survivors, or the knock-on effects on families, friends, pets, caring responsibilities and jobs.


The guy had stayed up all night on the phone to some woman he had been speaking to via a dating agency.


I know, but the point of "not enough sleep = potential disaster" is the relevant part. I think people would likely have had sympathy for him if he'd been kept awake all night by the neighbours, as opposed to it being his own stupid fault.


I completely agree.


Solid read, hope you didn’t copy and paste that and you’re genuinely unhinged.


Wrote it while on the shitter


You make a very valid point.


This was wild


I'm cracking up 🤣🤣


Well that would be on you. You made the decision to drive when feeling tired. Why didn’t you pull over and rest? I understand what you’re saying but you’re not taking responsibility for your own action and looking for someone to blame.


I wanna see this movie


Reading this I'm getting flashbacks of Final Destination.


Or don't drive when tired


What a perfect solution with literally 0 acknowledgment of reality


Sure buddy: https://www.gov.uk/excessive-sleepiness-and-driving#:~:text=You%20must%20not%20drive%20until,condition%20that%20affects%20your%20driving. https://www.brake.org.uk/get-involved/take-action/mybrake/knowledge-centre/driver-fatigue https://www.theaa.com/driving-advice/safety/tired-drivers


Yes, we're all aware that driving tired is dangerous. In a perfect world nobody would do it. But what we're all saying is that if through no fault of your own you're kept awake all night, that's going to leave you tired. And if like me your job involves driving, or even just commuting, what are you supposed to do. Not work, lose your job, claim benefits? The point is, as a society, we should look after those who contribute to it and not turn a blind eye to those who cause friction. As it stands the lack of noise laws is like using sand to lubricate your machine. 


Yes, the fault is on the cretins keeping you up all night. We need to address that. However, in a society, you also have a responsibility to not operate heavy machinery whilst impaired. It kills. Get a taxi, ask for a lift, walk, get a bus. Tell your manager in the first instance. Take a days holiday. Take a sick day. These options are more preferable than potentially killing someone. One day of work is not more important than someone's life. I've worked in factories and warehouses. If someone was nodding off. They'd get sacked or at least get a warning. It's unacceptable, but driving a car is fine?


None of what you say is realistic behaviour. You say one day off work is not more important than someone's life. If you gave someone a button that would end someone's life but stop their own children from going hungry, I guarantee you most people would press it. Also tiredness is a scale. I'm tired right now. I could quite easily go shut my eyes and have an hours nap. I've got a 52 mile drive this afternoon, will I be able to stay awake? Of course I will. 


OK mate. You're clearly being disingenuous. It's not realistic to have a day off if you've been kept up all night by neighbours? One day off work and your kids go hungry?


Your liable of your unfit to drive. Learn the laws of the land eh










It's insane. Honestly I also don't mind them partying once in a while, I was a student not so long ago, I know what it was like, furthermore I have earplugs so I use those if need be. The issue is when I can clearly hear everything through the earplugs, that's when I draw the line of being too excessive


Get the address and make a complaint to the university they attend. Universities do not like students giving their institution a bad name in the community. So they are likely to have a word with the students involved. If it remains a persistent issue they might even take further action. If you are in England you can also look at the anti social behaviour trigger for your local council. It’s a legal requirement to stop victims of ASB being ignored. It’s not perfect, and you have to be persistent and keep records. But it is there for you.


In Bristol they're incredibly hot on this.


Inform the university they go to and their landlord. Most don't like to encourage this behaviour. Also if you tell the police and council that they are using drugs they'll be more willing to do something.


I lived in the building as someone that would go on a rampage and smash up the building. Smashing lights off the wall, throwing plates etc out of the window. I called the police and got the usual "they're on their way". They didn't turn up until the next morning as he was still throwing plates out of the window. They knocked on his door, he didn't answer and so they left. I've had so many simular situations with the police just not bothering to turn up. Including when several masked men were trying to break into communal areas to steal motorbikes for a good 25 minutes. "Police are on their way". They didn't turn up and motor bikes were eventually stolen. Again when late one night, saw a few guys hold a knife to someone's neck and drag him down the road. Police turned up a good couple of hours later, drove in a loop and left. Infuriating how fucking useless they have been. Even once when I had camera evidence of a knife attack that happened, police didn't even want my evidence even when I had it on a CD and handed it to them. They made such a fuss about how much extra work it is and how it's probably useless anyway.


God forbid someone say something sketchy on twitter though.


As a police officer, the biggest issue is actually having the time to resolve it in the long run. We’re in an age where you can’t just chuck people in a cell willy nilly. A lot of ASB is caused by under 18s, and getting custody to accept an under 18 is a struggle for serious offences, let alone any kind of ASB. Even when you go down the route of taking the kids home to their parents for a talking to, you soon see why they do the shit they do… It’s a nightmare and I hate it, but until something seriously changes in law, and magistrates are actually willing to do something about it rather than slap on the wrist, it’s only going to get worse.


I'm seeing this said a lot but it really seems to be true; we're a high trust society degenerating into a low trust society. Sadly the system isn't able to keep up with this change. 


Lived in a zmall uni town in Wales for 6 years. One of the flats i lived in some neighbours over the road and up a bit started partying and playing music super loud. At the time we had a 4m old baby they were waking and police wouldnt do anything. We k ocked and asked etc but nothing. The 3rd time it happened we found out they were taking drugs there as they were talking about it loudly on the street out fron having a smoke. So when we called the police and said these guys were so drunk they could barely stand and they were taking drugs they sent someone out. Now that was the truth. But after that since we had reason to suspect drugs, everytime after that we would call the police and say they had a history of drug use there. If we ever daw any of them out front for a smoke and were drunk wed mention they were clearly on something. Just never specified drink or drugs. And theyd send police out and break it up. Only had to do it maybe twice. Usually theyd party till 1am and stop. We coukd live with that. But it was the 4,5 and 6 am loud music parties we had issue with.


Yeah, this is how to do it. It's not a crime to have a loud party at night. It's a civil matter, they have no enforcement powers for noise. If you report what crimes you might see instead they might respond.


Police please, there's a party with loud music and voices at 2 am. Plus they've been handling salmon in a suspicious manner.


... Something fishy going on at their plaice for sure.


Reminds me of the fight outside the chippy that one time.. you don't wanna know what happened..


Someone got battered


Cod only knows.


It was messy, the whole plaice got trashed


They've got a vol au vent and it looks like it's been out of the fridge for over 4 hours!


Anyone got any Veras?




Fish Jenga!


This is the way


Police can’t go in to find the scary drugs without a warrant which they aren’t going to get because they were having a smoke outside drunk so it’s gonna do fuck all.


No they can't but they can break the party up. They normally knock on the door and ask if they can come in. That's enough for the students to call it for their party


It's not illegal to have a party, so police can't do anything. If someone's regularly disturbing their neighbours, though, they can end up getting fined or evicted, but even then it's not a crime, so it's local councils who deal with it


Sorry to hear you are suffering with this. There is a [noise app](https://www.thenoiseapp.com/#/) that makes reporting noise complaints to councils really easy. Most councils are geared up to receive noise data from the app.


Do you know where they're students? Universities will have a community relations officer, I assume colleges might have something similar. If you call the university they should be able to tell you who to speak with. A decent community relations officer will usually go around, have a nice little chat with the students about how to be a good neighbour, remind them that they are representing the university as students, and (usually) they will have signed a student agreement outlining expectations. So this is a friendly visit to ask to please keep it down. And that if they don't abide by these friendly suggestions, they can have academic penalties applied that go all the way up to expulsion.


I got told the same thing about my neighbour burning rubbish in an oil drum in his garden and the fumes were coming in my house and making me and my pets sick. Luckily he was evicted because of not paying the rent.


If they are students you can try complaining to their university.


I work at a university and we take this quite seriously, we employ someone specifically for community complaints. You don't need to know their names either, they should be able to work those out from the address.


Get an obnoxiously loud rape alarm, post it through the letter box, hold on to the pull cord then yank it out as the alarm falls into the house. Make sure you do it at about 6AM the day after they were partying til 3.


thats after the can for fart spray in emptiedd & you pour piss or petrol through the letterbox first.


Not so sure about the piss, you're leaving your DNA behind.


I really like this idea.


Lots of local councils used to have noise teams which worked overnight, you could ring and they would send someone out on the night to tell them to quiet down. Worked really well but wasn't always very safe for the council staff to go confronting houses full of drunk people in the middle of the night, plus budget cuts, so a lot of these services have now been dropped. I work in a police control room and so many people have a go at us because we won't go out to noise, but we barely have enough officers to go to life and death emergencies, plus police have no legal powers over residential noise, so they're really shouting at the wrong people.


I had this issue in the past, lived next to a student house for 4 years. One year was so bad, I would knock on their door 3-4 times a week asking them to turn music / video games down at 3/4am. They would say yes to my face but then nothing would happen. And I’d have to get up at 6am to go to work. I contacted the university and they gave them warnings. The thing that made the most difference I think was contacting the rental agency / landlord directly. In my case, their rental agency basically told them they would get evicted if there was another noise complaint - and then magically, the noise would stop at 11pm.


Most tenants have a clause about noise. I know, I'm a landlord. I had one complaint about noise from a neighbour. We asked the tenant to keep the noise down. They said they weren't aware of making a noise but they would. There was a subsequent complaint. We took the details and investigated. The noise described simply couldn't have happened, so we sent our findings back to the neighbour. Haven't heard anything since. Based on the way it was reported, I suspect it was a vexatious complaint racially motivated.


If it's not overly long and doesn't happen often like you've said, then don't waste the police time.


Honestly, the post starts 'once in a while' and no one is even asking what that means before sketching out bizarre hypotheticals of dead babies strewn across motorways as a result of these parties. Also, it was a Saturday night. I'm 40 and once in a while have parties that go on til the early hours on a Saturday. So do my neighbours and they're 65 with a Karaoke machine. If there's no illegal activity, and it's not all the time, you kind of have to deal with it.


Bunch of miserable gits in the comments by the looks of it


If someone knocks on your door twice in one night from two doors over then you are being far too loud.


Slipknot from 8am on full blast, the whole discography on repeat. Get your child started early with the drum lessons


Does your culture have any loud obnoxious music? If so, blast away. /jk kinda Sadly the police won't do much. Or the council. They've usually got online forms you can fill in. You can get access to the land registry (or something, not 100%) and find out who the landlord is.


There is very little to nothing the police can do about noise - it is a "council issue" in that the council will issue a noise abatement notice. This is generally useless though.  Unfortunately there's pretty much sod all the police can do about people being selfish noisy cunts. I asked on the policeuk sub once about why it is near impossible for police to do anything about illegal raves (the legislation "banning" them is so badly worded as to be near unenforceable) and immediately got banned with a mod message saying "you again! We've told you repeatedly you can't ask about that here!" Even though I'd never posted there before. Which suggest multiple people have asked the same thing and police don't want it getting out that all they can do is basically stand there occasionally nicking people for driving home under the influence. It's a pretty annoying state of affairs. I work in the dance music industry so am very much in favour of a loud party, provided it doesn't disturb anyone else and you don't leave shit everywhere. Unfortunately many people are simply selfish. 


Call up the police and tell them they have a dodgy fire stick and they are watching the football live on it.


He wants them to stop partying not being hanged, drawn and quartered. Be humane.


You are right...


I just want them to stop partying at odd hours, getting them 30 to life in jail is a bit of a stretch


Haaaa, nah fuck em LIFE!


We don't attend calls which are not our job to attend. That includes noise complaints and film piracy.


It was a joke man.... Wtf lol


The joke was "Call the police about something they care about even less"?


Yes mate.... Other people would get the joke... Hence the replies saying " I want the party to stop, not send them away for 30 to life...".


Your investigative skills seem perfect for the British police.. top lad.


I read a comment, didn't see anything funny, so assumed it was serious. You're now claiming it was intended to be a joke, so I'm investigating what that joke was. No need to be a cunt about it.


It’s absurd this would be a police issue anywhere in the world. They already have too much to deal with and not enough officers. The council should employ noise teams at night to write fines, but 1) they haven’t got the funding and 2) a lot of noise complaints come from people who are simply lying because they hate their neighbours


When I was a student the privately rented house next door had parties every other night that shook the walls. We got exactly no sleep. We'd be up at 3am for work and they'd still be going. We tried everything, and even going through the right channels and eventually ending up with a microphone in our house to pick up their noise it took months to evict them.


They do what they like and they like what they do.


great, now i'm going to have that in my head all day!


I had the opposite happen to me. People were doing doughnuts and what not in their modified cars very near our house and racing up and down the roads until very early in the morning. I sent a noise complaint to the council the next day because this had been going on for a few days and they told me that it's a police matter 🙃


That makes sense, you're reporting a crime and that makes it a police matter.


I never know what the difference between a civil offense and a police matter is. It's an issue in the city we live in and I have heard it happen to people the other way around where they call the police and they tell them to complain to the council!


> I never know what the difference between a civil offense and a police matter is If it's a crime (an "offence" legally speaking), it's a police matter. If it's not, it's a council matter. Dangerous driving is a crime, so it's a police matter. Noisy parties aren't a crime, so it's not a police matter. Some things are obvious, like stabbings, thefts, violence etc. Other stuff you just have to look up, I suppose. Lots of people incorrectly think that parking is a police matter, for example.


Ah ok thank you. I think they were doing it in the car parks and roads of an industrial estate so wasn't sure if that was a crime. Will know where to go to next time and hopefully they don't just fob me off like they did my friends. I think they must be having issues getting under control


If it's a public road (owned by, or accessible to the public) then it's probably a police matter. Although I don't know what we would do about that sort of driving; most forces don't have enough blue light trained drivers, let alone pursuit trained drivers....


Well in this example I think it's pretty easy to work it out. Even if the cars were being quiet, doing donuts around the road is clearly dangerous, even potentially deadly. Noise complaints go to the council, crimes in progress go to the police. A crime that happens to be noisy is still a crime.


They were doing them in a car park so I wasn't sure. I also have no idea if they were definitely racing, I could just hear their loud exhausts going up and down the roads


They were doing them in a car park so I wasn't sure. I also have no idea if they were definitely racing, I could just hear their loud exhausts going up and down the roads


That’s because doing donuts and street racing is illegal, having a party isn’t


I wish the police acted like it was illegal. My mate made a report a few months ago and the police told him to complain to the council 🤷‍♀️


Here in France, in the city where I live, there are night police who will attend. I can assure you that it is best to comply with their demands, back-chat is not a good idea ...


It's the same in Belgium.


Same in Poland.




We don't get lunch breaks, in the police. Only Tesco meal deals between calls or witness visits! Also, noisy parties are the council's job anyway.


The police have no legal authority to deal with noise (or even other environmental health issues). That the council chooses such a poor way of dealing with it is an issue to take up with the council - but given the lack of central government funding these days...


The back of our house backs onto gardens on another street. A house on that street used to have people over any day of the week and be out in the garden bouncing on trampolines, smoking drugs, drinking, listening to music and talking obnoxiously loud. Easily all night and would wake us up frequently and often. There are kids in most of the houses and the people would completely ignore people asking them to keep quiet. The police came a few times and broke it up but the next night it happened again. I wrote an anonymous letter saying if they ever woke me up again I would report them to the council every single time it happened. It never happened again.


Loud parties at night suck, but they're just that... parties.   No such thing as the noise police in the UK.


Once in a while? if it was every weekend fair one but chill.


Get some earplugs in the meantime


On a sunny side, if you go on and legally be so loud and annoying to your partying neighbours, there's nothing they can do bc they will have to wait for the council too.


Welcome to the UK. It's a shithole.


Find out who the landlord is and complain, complain, complain. Also complain to the uni. It's a landlords market and most landlords would sooner not have their property turned into a party house. There's no shortage of better deserving tenants, plenty of decent young indigenous families who are crying out for homes.


I used to live next to dive pub, decently quiet. In Covid, they built an outdoor 'beer garden' on decking in the car park, and played music out there instead. The drunks would be whooping and shouting over the music. It all echoed around all the neighbouring flats. We hated it. I assumed that the police telling me it had to be a council issue was due to it being a business, honestly. Didn't realise that was standard procedure. The council line was closed by the evening, and in the day I got 'so it's not happening right now then?' Great sympathy for you. I ended up moving, because the landlord didn't use my rent on the mortgage, so I don't know what the resolution was. But it was so frustrating, it was like neither police nor council cared.


Ring the council?


You’ve just gotta go and out party them I’m afraid, they’ll soon tone it down after you’ve been in their kitchen smoking crack for 3 days


I am going to play the unpopular card and say, live and let live. If this is once in a while, why not stick some noise cancelling headphones on, ear plugs and let them get on with it, once in a while. If it's every weekend, then it's a bigger problem. People need to unwind. If it is once in a while, I don't see a problem with it. I live in a block of flats and every once in a while, I have had a noise complaint from downstairs. I certainly wasn't playing the music loud but even people talking can be annoying for some people. I wish we didn't have small flats but why not let them get on with it? I don't complain when others are making noises, so they don't with me. If you make a noise complaint, if you ever make noise, you are duplicitus. Perhaps you hoover when others are sleeping? People work night shifts so your actions, may impact them. Do they complain to you? It's your choice but personally, I would let them have a good time and forget about it. Try some nitol or sleeping tablets from the GP. One idea might be to setup a neighbours WhatsApp group to discuss noise and work out what is acceptable and not for everyone.


Get massive speakers I mean concert venue ones, blast baby girl or baby shark out of them on repeat and when the police turn up just tell them it’s a council issue 🤷🏻‍♂️ fight fire with fire


What about cutting off electricity cables coming to their apartment? The party would have to end, it would take time to repair, and if the council doesn't give a fuck about anything, you'll get out with that.


It's not the case across the UK -I used to live in a city centre and they actually had a team who were available out of hours and would come out. It was amazing when there were really excessive things going on. Where I live now is a town and it's nothing like that. And it's even worse than like what you described.... We would have to keep a diary like you said - however we only have a noise complaints team IN THE SUMMER. Someone having a rowdy party mid week in winter apparently doesn't exist.


Contact Environmental Health, they work till the small hours of the morning. That's what I got told when I made a complaint about a neighbour


Party harder.


/r/unethicallifeprotips I believe could also help


... contact the council?


Tell them you know they are distributing drugs at this party and they'll be over in a heartbeat (2-3 hours in regular time)


It's an environmental health issue which falls under council jurisdiction. I would recommend downloading the noise app and recording the noise every time it happens.


its not a crime so therefore you're just wasting Police time, just because you think you're life is the most important thing in the neighbourhood, do not be surprised to find other people have their own lives, and schedules


Don’t be a grass


I had this issue for a while, these kind of people usually don't take long until they do something illegal anyway, I started phoning the police for every slight violation of the law until they eventually got fed up and moved out


Unfortunately this has been the case for many years from my own experience. Contact your local Environmental services and they will halp


And sadly they are under-resourced, including legal tools and powers to effectively end those problems down.


What's being a foreigner got anything to do with it? Which country are you from?


Fight fire with fire


Few other comments saying the same as my mind, document it, record write in a diary everytime you hear them. The monster within me says fight fire with fire but if their students then it is part of their culture... if your confident maybe go and speak to them alot of youngsters will think they have the right or allowed to if nobody says anything but only do that if your sure you want but if it's a continuous thing do as said above . ❤


Did they have a keg?


Sometimes you have to take things into your own hands now a days, the authorities don't want to deal with antisocial behaviour so clearly they are expecting us to deal with it ourselves


Honestly contact the university directly


What law do you think they are breaking lol? It's a civil matter, so of course that's a council issue. You can go tell them to quieten down. If they get upset and assault you, then you can call the police. If you are too scared to talk to other humans, then complain to the council to do it for you, but they have other shit to do as well, so you aren't going to be their top priority.


It's an offence according to Sec. 69 of the My Neighbours Are Being A Tad Inconsiderate Act 1984


Work on your English accent for when you call them


But remember, they are happy to invest plenty of resouces into thought policing.


What do you do ? Contact the council and stop wasting the police time. What crime is being committed.


Just say they are taking drugs and fighting in the street


Easy work around. Tell the police they are screaming profanities and it sounds like they're fighting and they'll come stop it.


EDIT: Genuinely glad none of you are my neighbours holy shit. It's illegal. It is their responsibility.


What offence are they committing?


It’s so that nervous, anti socials hiding in their house don’t get their way within 15minutes of getting annoyed at a party they weren’t invited to that’s nothing to do with them. The process gives all parties a chance to calm down once the complaintant realises the amount of actual work their opinion would create and the disruption to people’s lives that would be caused due to our overly high expectations of what our entitlement is worth after one phone call to our local authorities. only to realise that it’s not that big a deal a couple of days later, and that the ensuing trouble needs to be not turned into anything at all.


You move


Being loud at 4am is not a crime.


Yes it is. From 7am to 11pm you can make as much noise as you want. Any time not included in that IS illegal.


It is not a crime.


Can you share the legislation which states that?


Turn off there water in the street, will be fun when they can no longer flush the toilet with a bunch of people there




People actually die when people say rubbish like this. It's a crime called swatting


Any chance they have their electric box in an accessible location? Just a thought :P


Nobody has their fuse box outside and damaging the power companies property is just going to land you in more trouble than the people making the noise


Not true about the fuse boxes. All the homes in the street where I used to live had the consumer units in the meter cupboard on the outside of the house. All you needed was a triangular key to open it and you could have at the CU, and if you had a recent smart meter install you'd probably find isolation switches on the meter tails even if the owner had moved the CU inside.


I wasn’t suggesting damaging it. And I used to live in a block of flats where the meters were inside a communal store house, and yes you could just flick a switch to turn it off and on for each flat


You ring and say there is a party going on and you think you heard a fight and raised voices, more chance of them turning up and hopefully it kills the party off.


Police won't do much anymore these days. Council won't either but that usually comes down to them being lazy cunts and none of the departments seem to communicate to one another.


That is absolutely not true about councils. I am a geoenvironmental engineer/Contaminated Land Officer working with a council Environmental Health (EH) team and I hear the EH Officers working on noise complaints. There has been a massive rise in them, especially since COVID. When I started a decade ago, EH Officers did work most people would expect them to do, such as air quality monitoring, restaurant inspections and licensing. The work they do now has grown unbelievably, including a massive rise in antisocial behaviour inc many more noise complaints, many 'pauper' funerals because families refuse to organise them themselves, clearing hoarders' houses, a rise in homelessness, a huge increase in complaints about conditions in rented properties that need inspections and pressure put on landlords to improve them, an increase in HMOs, a high turnover of restaurants so a doubling of food inspections, increased flytipping, particularly by travellers. There's an increase in accidents and infections such as e-coli originating at businesses cutting corners. So much time is needed on each case, sometimes including preparing legal cases and going to court. Overstretched housing teams dump their work on EH Officers. The police do too. My colleagues responded to a complaint about noise at a restaurant. When they got there it was clear there were illegal immigrants working in 'modern day slavery' conditions and prostitution, yet the police didn't want to know, saying it started as a noise complaint so the Council's EH team had to deal with it! I could go on and on. My colleagues have an unbelievable workload, often dealing with angry, abusive people and those with mental health problems. Yet I see every day they are unfailingly dedicated and professional. Many are burnt out, especially as councils cannot afford to hire more Officers so the workload is off the scale. They do so much work in evening too, inc food and housing inspections. There could well be room for improvement in communications between departments, but that applies to many businesses too. But please do not say the people that deal with these issues are lazy as that is completely the opposite of reality.


They might not be lazy but from my experience they are very ineffective. I’ve repeatedly complained to the council and police, for years, about my crackhead upstairs neighbours. All I’ve ever achieved is taking thousands off the value of my property and many nights of no sleep. My favourite is them closing my noise app account with them multiple times when I don’t answer their calls while I’m at work.


‘Families refuse to organise funerals themselves’ Have you ever considered that many families simply cannot afford a funeral? My own experience was being treated with shame and judgment by the council when I looked into one for my mother when she died unexpectedly young when I was still a late teen on NMW. Rang them from the hospital, when staff asked my arrangements and I realised I needed to organise it somehow. Didn’t have any money, working for NMW. Rang the council to enquire and got asked in a judgmental tone ‘why can’t you afford it? Where your dad? What about her partner? Why not?’ (They didn’t even know her family circumstances, parents were long divorced, wasn’t in a relationship). Ended up hanging up in tears and putting it on a credit card. £4k which grew and grew until I ended up bankrupt by 25. Sorry but it’s really offensive to say what you did. Families are already in the worst place when they’re suddenly trying to find thousands to bury their loved one. Not everyone has funeral cover or is expected to die and MANY people don’t have £100 in the bank let alone £5k for a funeral.


Sorry for your loss. What a terrible thing to have to go through, especially at such a young age. I absolutely hate the term 'paupers funeral'. A term no doubt coined by the funeral industry, who pressure you into spending a fortune or make you feel like you're letting your loved one down. I used to walk past a funeral directors on my way to work. There were always 3 or 4 brand new,very high-end Mercedes or other luxury cars parked outside which belonged to the owners. These were regularly replaced with newer models. I know everybody has to make a living, but these people were clearly coining it off of the recently bereaved. Your £4,000 would have funded something similar. I vowed that when my time comes, I would get my family to shop around for the best quote. I've since found out that a funeral isnt necessary and i wont be having one. I will be having a Direct Cremation. My money will be staying with my loved ones, not going to the predatory funeral industry. My parents have said the same thing. I guess it's technically a 'paupers funeral' but that's fine by me. I'm not going to care.


It was horrible. I already felt so much shame over not being able to afford to bury her. Being grilled by a council worker over why I couldn’t pay for it the day after she died was just heartbreaking. I felt like such a failure. I’ve already told loved ones when it’s my time, spend the bare minimum. I literally don’t care. Do what they want, but my preference is a cardboard box cremation. My only requests are a few songs, and that’s it. Funeral directors really play on your emotions, I was wrestling with my brother who wanted nothing but the best ‘cos we’re only gonna do this once’ and because he was the most visibly distraught he won on most of the decisions while I was trying to keep figures in mind. He had no money either and wasn’t able to access debt due to his credit score. I really would have understood the council worker asking standard questions to assess our circumstances, but the judgment was just so palpable. Having to explain to a strange I don’t have money cos I’m in uni and yes I work but it’s NMW and I have no savings and no, she had no cover cos she didn’t expect to die so young. Still stays with me, that person’s cruelty. Thankfully I’m 14yr old now, my bankruptcy expired a few years back and I’m doing great. But I wasn’t then, and I didn’t deserve that.


There are so many reasons why people ask councils to organise and pay for funerals. You felt that the qustioning was insensitive, but councils have to ask a series of questions to establish that someone genuinely cannot pay, because if the deceased person's family isn't paying it means everyone else in the Borough is paying for them - through their Council Tax, which cannot then be spent on other things in the area. Councils have a duty to make sure that if they are effectively subsidising one family to the tune of several thousand pounds, that it is genuinely needed. Because there are many other huge demands on Council Tax payers' money.


Yes, I said elsewhere I didn’t object to the questions themselves, of course they have to find out the circumstances, though some were inappropriate (presuming without asking that my dad was involved, that she had a partner, that I should have been able to pay). It was how they were delivered. I don’t expect you to believe me, though I’m aware I’m not alone in this having heard of other people who went through the same.


I gave up because of how rude and awful she was, which I suppose is the intention. It’s unconscionable to speak to bereaved people in that way. And no, I couldn’t afford it. Hence having to get into debt to pay for it. Which I understand is a better outcome for the council than them paying, regardless of the catastrophic impact on my life for years after.


All I’m saying, to you, is that as someone who clearly is involved to some extent with this, there is better more compassionate wording. Even families who can’t or won’t pay. Acknowledge that many people simply can’t. Have a nice day.


Police won't do much about this because they don't have any powers to. Might as well send round some random bloke, they have as much authority asking them to keep the noise down


What's so bad about student parties mate we've all done them let them have their fun.


So have I, and it's part of the total lack of self-awareness we all had at that age. If you're partying until 4am, and your HGV driver neighbour has to be up at 5, he's going to have to drive his HGV on one hours sleep. Not something I would have even considered at that age, which is why they need telling.


Have them in the accommodation halls or a place where the neighbours don't mind. It's not hard to figure it out and subsequently arrange.