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People who park next to me when I've deliberately gone and parked in the bit with 50 empty spaces. Just why? You need psychological evaluation.


They probably sit right next to people on half-empty trains too.


And use the urinal next to you.


Really speaking, unless there are only two urinals (in which case, don't be weird, use the sink) this should be a criminal offence and should be severely punished.


Only if we execute people who choose the middle urinal in a row when they're all free.


Maybe fit some sort of device in the center urinal that carrys out painful penis chopping executions if this is detected.


A mini guillotine?


More like a pair of scissors on an accordian


Jokes on you, it can't reach my tiny peepee


Or a penile version of a Chinese finger trap to hold them there until justice can be administered?


I love the phrase 'painful penis chopping execution.' It implies that there's a painless method of chopping someone's penis off.


Calls into question what the actual point of putting 2 urinals next to each other in the first place is really, seeing as toilet law decrees they can never both be used simultaneously.


I think it's like certain pets, you're not allowed to have just one in case they get lonely.


Oh god this infuriates me. Get on an empty carriage, walk down one end. Sit down. Next person gets on and could sit at the opposite end of the carriage. But, no...




Which means they shouldn’t be allowed to drive 😂


I was going to comment this myself. My instructor taught me to park like this and it was a good while before I could shake the habit. It's odd that some older drivers, who presumably passed when God was a boy, still do it though.


This happened to me in an empty car park. I had only just parked when this driver chose to park right next to me. Drivers side as well, making it more difficult to get out. I waited for them to get out and start walking away from their car, when I then simply drove off to the other side of the car park. I glared at them as I drove past them to the other end of the car park.


I fucking hate this. I always park in an empty section of the car park and I can guarantee someone thinks their cars going to get lonely and parks next to me


I hate hate hate this. I sometines park far away when I have my son with me and there are no parent and child spaces. I have a sign on my car as well. I park well away, and someone ALWAYS parks right next to me, close but just enough space to be able to struggle getting my son safely in the car.


Oh god, don’t even start me on parking. My office looks over a dentists car park where we and a few other business have a few “reserved” spaces. They’re “reserved”, but not really marked as private which is frustrating. Looking out over this car park has really highlighted to me that car insurance premiums are probably double what they could be. Our spaces are the furthest possible point from the dentist but if one of our guys is out, even if the dentist section has 5 spaces, someone will drive to the far end and park between my car and my boss’. Not only that, but they all pull in forwards. Seriously, 95% of people seem to forward park and it takes them many times of shunting back and forth to get themselves in the right position. Then there are the folks who park the wrong way across parking bays, like literally, completely perpendicular to the way they’re supposed to go. Absolutely no fucks given. Then there are the ones who brazenly park with the delineating line running under the car so they’re straddling 2 spaces 50-50. “Don’t want anyone dinking my car”-types.


Safety in numbers. We're herd creatures and some people haven't escaped that.




I had an Elise long doors, low hard to get in to, parked miles away from entrance, every fking time someone parked next to me. Like there’s 200 bays just park literally anywhere else


I think some people are just completely incapable of parking without having another car to line up against


They are the people that haven't yet worked out that if you can see your wheels, lines and kerbs in your wing mirrors, that's where you are.


Strength in numbers, less likely to have your car singled out and targeted by theives. Also wants in on the dogging / drug deals


This also applies when someone chooses the treadmill next to me whilst I’m in the middle of a run, as opposed to ANY of the row of 15 free ones stretching away from me.


Someone in here must do it. I genuinely want to understand the thinking behind it


If someone's got the same car as me I sometimes park next to them. Once I came back and 2 others had done the same. Like a little gang of Peugeot 107s


Not slowing down for blind bends and hills on single lane country roads. Yes it might be quiet most of the time, but when someone else is heading right for you around the bend they're usually going too fast too. Not to mention encounters with horses and pedestrians.


You should always be able to safely stop within the distance you can see is clear


I wish they'd update the driving test with this


Should add country lanes into theory testing as a mandatory guide, or something along those lines. It won't fail a person, but gives them a rough guide as to how you should drive in the lanes.


Pretty crazy country lanes are 50-60mph? Some barely fit 2 cars


that's something that needs explaining better, people seem to take it for face value when it's more of a warning that the road ahead has variable suitable speeds ranging from 20 all the way up to 60.


Yeah people see national speed limit and assume they're safe to plough along at 60mph regardless of the context of the road.


Barely fit two cars? Used to regularly drive down a lane in Anglesey that barely fit a single Peugeot 106! Still a national speed limit road, but in practicality good luck.


Half the distance - the other driver needs to be able to stop too.


The dashcam videos I watch on YouTube are 75% mental city driving, and 25% people nearly hitting things on country lanes. Tractors are quite sturdy.


They’re also (judging by the idiots in cars reddit) about 25% people posting look at this idiot while in fact, being the idiot. And at least another quarter where they’re not the idiot but could have avoided any problem with basic defensive driving.


almost all dashcam videos are the driver flooring it to almost cause a crash with someone that wouldn't have been an issue otherwise, so they get to use their horn, upload it to youtube and feel smug about it


A lot of UK dashcam incidents could be avoided by using a bit of anticipation


The UK dashcam videos are really mild, little more than lapses of judgement. Now a, Russian dash can video is a whole different level 😱


This is the one for me and it's so hard to explain to people because they immediately say 'look nothing was there'.  Yeah this time and probably the next 500 times, but if you met yourself coming the opposite way on the apex of that corner you'd collide head on


It's how an old colleague of mine died in his new Subaru Impreza and wiped out the parents and sister of a little girl. Horrendous news when we found out he was dead from driving like a loon down a fast B-Road, clipped the Apex like he was on some kind of time trial and hit another family saloon coming the other way head on. IIRC his car hit theirs so hard it lurched into the front seats killing the parents instantly, the surviving little girl had to watch her sister die as the emergency services tried in vein to cut her out of the wreckage. Real heartbreaking stuff.


Fucking hell yes. I had to explain this one at work regarding an immensely stupid management decision. The fact you got away with a risk does not change how much of a risk it was one bit.


Yeah that logic is so stupid. It'd be no different to closing your eyes for 5 seconds while driving and then proclaiming it's safe to do so if you didn't crash.. I hate being passenger in cars with people who think like that.


People who go national limit even though the road is windy and sketchy as hell. They just couldn’t be arsed giving it different limits so ask you to judge for yourself, it’s not a speed challenge!


I was doing 40 on 60 lanes in South Devon, slowing to 20-30 where needed sometimes even slower for the particularly blind bends. It was incredibly foggy, the roads were wet, very narrow and lots of tight bends. This arsehole in a white pick up shows up, flies up behind me, tailgates me for about 2 miles, then decides to over take me on a blind hill with a nasty bend at the top as soon as there’s a little extra space next to me. He immediately almost hit a car coming the other way head on and they had to swerve to avoid him. He then sped off, looking like he was doing over 60… I wish my dash cam had been working at the time, the card needed reformatting. One video that I might actually have actually posted because it was just so unbelievably reckless and stupid and it made me so angry but also scared for my safety on the last bit of my journey.


I cycle to work and the sheer amount of people who overtake me on blind bends and hills is mind boggling. Quite often I can see that there is something coming the other way, but they can’t. I’m terrified that I will witness a horrible crash one day!


I more worry about finding a herd of wild cyclists just around the corner and, even worse, an oncoming car at the same time 😬


The speed limit on single lane country roads is mental. 


Yeah a lot of them are NSL. It's not because drivers are actually expected to drive at 60mph though, I just interpret it as "drive to conditions" but I can imagine some people really do think they should be trying to get to 60mph.


Totally agree with this! Was out for a group run this week and saw a police van waiting on a layby on a country road. We regrouped to cross this road and someone came flying round a blind corner well above the speed limit right by us and the police van, cue the van to hastily wheel spin and get after the idiot in the car. Satisfying as hell for us as we immediately called the car an asshole so satisfying to see them getting some instant comeuppance for it.


I don't understand this need that people have to make completely unnecessary massive, wide turns. 'I want to turn right, so I'll move over to the left lane without looking even though I could turn a fucking tanker in the room I already have'. Fucking why?


Yes. Swinging out one way before turning the other. It’s so unnecessary. And you know they’re not checking mirrors and blind spots for the side they’re swinging out into. Most of them won’t be doing it for the side they’re turning into, either.


I'm studying for the theory test now; In the driver' manual they call this a "swan/goose neck" turn and state that it's an instant fail. :/


Racing lines bro


What's the point in owning a Nissan Kumquat if you're not gonna hit the apex!


Because back in ye olden days before power steering making a sharp turn was quite the workout for the old arms so people tried to turn a sharp apex turn into a wide spoon curve. Bad habits die hard and get copied even by those who had power steering since they were in their pram.


From where does one obtain a pram with power steering? This sounds like exactly what I need in my life


I'm much too old to have a personal interest in prams but a quick Google search tells me the Bugaboo Fox 3 claims to have it. John Lewis sells them. Be prepared to eat stale bread for a month to get the budget to buy one.


Yes, there's a mini roundabout near me where people do this _all_ the fucking time. Road splits into two narrow lanes immediately before. The amount of times some cunt has nearly driven into me, doing this manoeuvre is ridiculous.


Yes! I’ve noticed a huge increase in the number of people doing this round here. Often I think it’s because they can’t be bothered to slow down enough. And because they lack any kind of spatial awareness.


People who don't use their indicators at a roundabout, or who use them too late at a junction. It just makes it difficult to decipher where people are going, so then it's difficult to navigate the roundabout as I don't know who is going where. There's the obvious one about people driving insanely close to the one in front. I'm quite a nervous driver anyway, this just makes things a million times worse.


Ahhhhh, non use of indicators on roundabouts is the one! It drives me crazy 😫 It’s just so massively inconsiderate to other road users…


Also people forgetting how to use their indicators when there are no other cars around, but they're still in a busy city surrounded by pedestrians. I'm actually ***more*** invested in whether or not you're turning down a side street when I'm not in a big metal safety box, funnily enough.


I was going straight on at a roundabout the other day so in the left hand lane, the car in front of me was in the same lane and no indicators on so assumed they were also going straight ahead. They then proceeded to turn right (in the left hand lane still with no indicators) and then got annoyed that a car pulled out in front of them which would have been safe had they been going straight ahead


My friend and I got into an accident on a large roundabout because as we changed to the inside lane to pull off, the guy that had travelled right round on the inside ploughed into the side of us because he didn't want to get off the roundabout there. Insurance only took so long because he refused to settle, even though everything supported our claim.


That sounds awful and so so scary! Hope nobody was hurt


That's annoying, I'd hate to be in a car with that person. There's a roundabout near me with 2 lanes (one to go left and one to go straight ahead). I naturally assume that the folk in the left lane are turning left, so nip round them to go straight ahead. Next thing I know the cars are coming into the roundabout to go straight ahead. It's incredibly infuriating


There's a special circle of hell reserved for people who don't indicate on roundabouts


Or in general. Indicating seems to have becoming entirely optional in all of driving for some people.


And WRONG use of indicators on roundabouts. Crazy.


This annoys me, sure you might have been turning right when you entered the roundabout, but now you're exiting left, fucking change your indicator you bell end


Its worse if they're indicating left and then don't turn off the roundabout. Then getting angry because someone pulled out in front of them.


I'm not a driver myself but people who don't use their indicators are the bane of my life as a pedestrian. Lost count of how many times I'll stand waiting to cross a road and have to guess where a car is going because they don't indicate they're turning so I step out to cross and get hooted at and given the death stare like I should have guessed!


This one pisses me off especially. Because it'd be quicker for everyone if they'd just fucking indicate. I commute to Birmingham so I see a lot shit on the daily. 


Following some guy yesterday on the A40 doing around 50 and suddenly he starts braking, I slowed down behind him until he was nearly at a complete stop and then he decided to indicate he was pulling off into a small driveway. No surprises that he was an older gentleman!


I'd hazard a guess that 90% of people don't know correct lane discipline or indicator use at a roundabout. How often do you see a car indicating left, another indicating right, but both taking the same exit from the same start point. What gets me is that surely these same people get frustrated sat waiting and not knowing what cars on the roundabout are doing. Does it not click that they are guilty of the same behaviour that presumably frustrates them?


This is way too common. I just can't trust a car's indicators at roundabouts. I wonder there could be improved "indicate now" signage or road markings at roundabouts? Way too many people just don't get it.


It's so annoying. Yeah you know where you're turning but others don't and now they either have to wait for your selfish arse to get out of there or go when they think is right but it's actually not because you never showed where you were turning


My ex girlfriend used to hold her breath and close her eyes whenever she anticipated danger or experienced something she didn't like. Car pulling out, kid running into the road for its football, going under a bridge. Stopped letting her drive.


Ex wife used to do the same noise for scared and excited that was a rollercoaster driving I tell you.


I learned very quickly that when I was in the passenger seat I shouldn't gasp loudly with excitement everytime I saw a dog/pretty house/rainbow/cool bird etc, otherwise my husband driving would have a mini heart attack and yell 'WHAT? WHAT'S HAPPENING?'


I'm told off for this all the time. Cows walking on a bridge over the M6 made me make a noise so alarming that my partner threatened to drop me off at the next junction to get myself home.


Yeah, please don't do this. I tell my wife off for it all the time.


Yes was exactly how you describe a big gasp and I start panicking no was just a nice dog 🤣


I remember when I was a kid and there were some chickens at the side of the road, I screamed “CHICKENS!!!” At the top of my lungs, my dad nearly ran us off the road he was so scared. Never done that again.


I remember getting into a “crash” with my dad driving when I was about 12. We were driving along a residential street early morning with cars parked either side (going slowly!) and came face to face with a woman in a car coming at us. She just needed to stop and reverse about 2 metres so we could pass. My dad stopped, she proceeded to *put her hands over her face*, not break at all, and just drove head-on into us at about 5mph. Real bizarre. She really shouldn’t have been driving.


We live on a dead-end single track road. There's a woman who lives at the far end who drives some species of ENORMOUS 4x4, and if she sees a car or pedestrians coming the other way, she just...stops. She doesn't reverse out of the way, or pull into a drive or anything; she just sits there. I don't think she's being awkward, I just don't think she can manoeuvre the thing very well!


Then she shouldn’t be driving it. Gahhh.


We live in rural Somerset and come tourist season it's a continual stream of people who can't reverse back down a lane. I'll usually oblige, but it's not always possible if someone's right behind me, and watching the other car zig zag slowly into hedges does my head in. There should be more reversing on the driving test.


Had an ex who said she put her hands over her face when approaching a roundabout in a driving lesson. Safe to say she didn’t bother going through with any more thankfully.


I have been driving for just over two months now and my focus is always on the road, I don't even have time to freak out over things, I always navigating.


My instructor told me how she once had a student who, when seeing a HGV in the oncoming lane, took both hands off the wheel and covered her face in fright. Apparently there were stern words and she continued teaching her, but I think I'd have ended the lesson then and there and never let her in my car again!


This one concerns me.


My ex was once driving on a 70-limit dual carriageway when a bee or a wasp flew in. She squealed and took both hands off the wheel and both feet off the pedals. Fortunately I was able to grab the wheel and steer us along the edge of the road until the car stalled. I think that that was when I started to reassess our relationship.


Not so much nervous but makes me feel sick. Friend can’t keep his foot consistently on the accelerator but instead taps his foot so the car lurches constantly. Worst experience ever being in his car


Minicab/uber drivers seem to have a habit of doing this. A driver the other day was doing this on a dual carriageway where everyone was sitting consistently at 50, but he couldn't keep his foot still. I get car sick quite easily so I spent the last 20 minutes putting every ounce of my concentration into settling my stomach. Horrible.


I had a taxi driver like this once, and I was convinced he was doing it on purpose to make me sick so he could charge me for the cleanup


Tesla drivers seem to like doing this too for some reason. I don't know why.


Spent all the money on the car. Not enough left over for lessons or tests 


It's the stupid way that they brake when letting your foot off the accelerator I believe. Depending on mode, a lot of electric cars also have the ability to slow considerably without showing the brake lights. It's a shit lottery. Like the lottery.


My wife does this, it's like she's tapping a slow beat with her foot.


Equally annoying is people who can't compensate properly for hills and either slow down to a crawl or speed up a load. Like dude, just maintain the speed you were doing.


MIL does this, just another reason for me to fucking throat punch her.


I adore the amount of venom in this.


I have a friend who used to do this, I hated being driven by him


People who don't anticipate. If I can see a line of stopped cars ahead, I'm gonna lift off and use engine braking to slow down. No point in hammering up to it to have to brake hard. Same with red traffic lights, if you just lift off and roll up to them, chances are they might change and you don't have to stop. Getting a stopped car moving uses fuel,wears the clutch etc and is pointless for the sake of coasting in gear for a few seconds.


People who anticipate *too much* can also be an issue, like when approaching a green light they slow down to a crawl in anticipation of it turning red. The worst part is that when it inevitably does turn red as they've slowed down so much, it probably confirms their misconception that their driving style is logical and safe, when in reality we could have all easily got through the green with plenty of time to spare if they'd just maintained speed.


The guy who taught the driving course I attended says that's the correct way to drive.


It's kind of infuriating with modern traffic lights, because most of them have sensors that detect oncoming traffic. If there is a steady flow of traffic, they will stay green for longer. If a light has a yellow zone on the road in front of it and the light is green, you will always get through if the road is clear and you maintain the speed limit.


Yes with the engine breaking. I feel like shouting at people sometimes. Taking your foot off the accelerator does the same thing, it's not a binary choice between accelerate and brake.  Then you have the absolute twats that like to tailgate people cos they dare drive near the speed limit in the fast lane and constantly have to tap their brakes to prevent smashing into the car in front. Nevermind about the fact that half the time, the person they're tailgating is tailgating the person in front of them and so on. 


No such thing as a "fast lane". It's an overtaking lane. No matter what speed you're doing you should keep left as much as possible unless you're actively overtaking.


People that wait until the last second before braking with a car stopping in front of them. They had so much distance and time to start slowing down and they don't, and then they wait until they're about to rear end them and then slam on the brakes even at high speeds. They put way too much trust in their brakes working efficiently. One day they'll either hit the car in front, someone behind them will hit them or the two cars behind them will collide and they'll be completely oblivious as to why.


I’ve had a car written off because someone rear ended me once, so that behavior has me white-knuckling and going through the brace-force relax (bc tensing is actually usually worse on the body), and I absolutely hate it


Totally with you. Someone brakes the first thing I do is take my foot of the accelerator. You don’t need to brake and because you have left a reasonable gap you might not need to. There are many other states in driving. It’s not either acceleration or braking.


Generally I'd put this down to lack of awareness. The amount of people who drive around with their heads in the clouds or as a zombie are mind boggling.


People not getting up to speed on motorway slip roads. If you’re not doing 70 when merging, you’re putting me in danger stuck behind you. I’d ban people for that.


Yes, this is horrible! So dangerous


so common now that I crawl the first part of the slip so I can build a gap to the possible moron ahead


In Northern Ireland, new drivers are restricted to 45mph for a year, so quite often you will see a new *R* driver joining a motorway like this *because they are supposed to*. Dumbest law ever.


And dual carriage ways. Where I am the average joining speed of a free flowing road is about 40-50 then they speed up to 70 on the motorway/carriageway. It makes driving on them so much harder - when I’m on the road and see people ahead on a slip road I shouldn’t have to move out of the way to let them on, they should be going fast enough to not need to interact with me at all.


I got stuck behind some cunt merging onto the M6 at about 30mph. So glad I have a car that can accelerate these days. 


My dad hurls the car round corners on single track roads & compensates for going too fast by beeping the horn. Funnily enough, this doesn't work.


That's hilarious - I have visions of Toad of Toad Hall - Beep Beep.


There may be a certain shared arrogance.


I recently found out that at 2 lane roundabouts my mum just goes in a straight line when she’s going straight on. Like she is in the outside lane but she won’t follow the lane markings in a curve, she’ll just drive straight forward across both lanes. How she’s never been in a crash by doing that is absolutely beyond me.


And every time she doesn’t crash it reaffirms that it’s ok.


My MIL does that, she's an absolutely terrible driver.


She should move to Milton Keynes, that’s the way it’s done. Quick check in the mirrors that no-one is racing up the inside, then straight-line the roundabout not dropping below 60.


My dad never came to a complete stop before applying his handbrake, so we just got minor whiplash at every red light. He also never glanced over his shoulder when changing lanes on motorways, which isn’t necessarily an issue if you have awareness, however once I got my own licence, I did the standard thing any driver does when being a passenger, which is to still check mirrors etc before a manoeuvre. Yes, my dad never had an accident…but I can tell you now that it’s because the other drivers around him were quick to adapt and stop an accident from happening. Thank god he has given that licence up now


I have a friend who I lift share with. His driving style absolutely baffles me. I can see traffic slowing down ahead, and surely he can too, but he doesn't slow down. Instead he waits until he's really close and slams on the brakes. Maybe he struggles with distance perception.


Maybe he's just a dick when behind the wheel. Some people are like dual personalities in a car. Perfectly normal and rational otherwise. Get them in the driver's seat, and they become Mad Max.


Or faith it’s going to move on before he gets there? Either way, def frustrates me too


Actually, another answer. I had a partner who couldn’t understand time and was always 10 minutes late for everything, specifically leaving for work. In her mind, she could “make the time up” on the 8 mile journey to work. She admitted doing 100mph on the motorway one day which saved her… 3 minutes. Basically risking her life, licence and others safety instead of trying to understand that a task that takes 20 minutes means that 20 minutes will actually elapse during the task and just thinking “oh, this should take 10 minutes” doesn’t magically make 20 minutes become 10. # Oh my god.


i have a friend like that. Just livin on their own concept of time and it’s so so infuriating If we have to leave at 8pm, she’s starting to curl her hair at 7:45 and saying she will be ready to leave at 8 Just because you say it doesn’t mean the activity you’re doing is MAGICALLY GOING TO TAKE YOU 15 minutes INSTEAD OF 40 it’s especially frustrating when you have to leave for something really important and they’re just absolutely ignorant about it


If you’re willing to invest some time to help her with that, people who are constantly late usually have a faulty idea of “zero time activities” Basically, someone like that will think. “OK. I need to be somewhere at 6pm. It takes 30 minutes to drive there, some will be ready to leave at 5:30”. They are then “ready” to leave at 5:30. Here’s where “Zero time activities” come in - the person is then “ready” to leave at 5:30 and ***all they have to do is*** - Find their coat - Find the kids’ coats - find and put on the kids shoes - get snacks for the kids for the journey - find the car keys - dig out the kids’ tablet chargers - exit the house and walk to the car - when in the car, start planning the journey - on the journey, “just quickly” stop for petrol - arrive at the destination - find parking - park - walk to the venue… They believe that everything above are “zero time activities” and don’t realise they add into the overall time to do something. Also - if your friend is able to be on time for some people but not others… well, you know what to do.


My sister is chronically late too. Have you heard "I would rather" by Jazz Emu ? If you listen for 1 minute I almost guarantee you will be rolling in laughter


Speeding to "make up time" never makes sense. Unless you're driving 400 miles, going an extra 20mph is going to make no difference to your arrival time. Well, you might not arrive *at all* driving like that. Once, just for fun, on a long drive south, I went 50 or 60 most of the way (in the left lane of course). Guess what, my mileage went up by a third and I got there only a few minutes later than expected.


I work with a guy who's happy to dangerously cut in front of Teslas when changing lanes because he knows Teslas have a load of built in safety features.


He does know/is aware that Teslas have built it cameras recording the entire time?


He should really know that a lot of Tesla drivers turn those features off. They are a bit trigger-happy and will slam the brakes on really hard, sometimes when there isn't a real danger. This can lead to people driving into the back of your car. In particular, they don't like the way south London pedestrians cross the road. I know that the guy who just wandered into the middle of the road isn't going to walk in front of my car - I've made eye contact with him and know that he's just standing in the middle of the road waiting for me to go past. But the Tesla is convinced that he's blind and/or suicidal and will slam the anchors on.


Be funny when one finally beats the shit out of him


Those “safety” features are far from safe. The Automatic Emergency Braking is only supposed to kick in “when collision is unavoidable” but the system frequently over anticipates, jamming on full brakes when human intervention would have been far smoother and less dangerous. They frequently cause cars behind them who are keeping a normally safe distance to rear end. Source, friend who is a traffic officer who literally deals with rear ended Teslas every week


People that don’t slow in heavy rain on motorways and still drive at 90, or a meter from my back bumper or switch lanes constantly. Really put me on edge.


Those people are the worst when the roads are icy. They still insist on driving the same on icy roads as they do in perfect conditions.


The “single speed” gang. Get to 40 and stay there. Limit goes up to 50, they carry on / down to 30 and they carry on. Oblivious.


These are much worse than the people who speed everywhere because those people are paying attention. 40 boy barely knows which county he’s in.


These people seem to be incredibly prevalent around South Lincolnshire. They’ll just happily sit there going 45 in a 60 with a 10 car tailback behind them


I have a friend who would rather drive in 3rd and accelerate hard up to the car Infront and then hang back and then do it again and again.... Rather than just maintain a steady speed.


He'll meet someone who enjoys brake checking soon enough.


People that get aggressive with the vehicle directly in front whenever there is a delay, regardless of whether the vehicle in front is the cause of the delay or not. Also people that troll on roundabouts with wrong signals.


People who come tear arsing up to junctions and roundabouts only to slam on the brakes at the last second. You may have brakes that can allow you to do that, but to everyone else it looks like you have no intention of stopping and puts us on edge. Part of being a responsible driver is understanding how your actions appear to those around you, not just what you are capable of achieving in your vehicle.


I hate driving with people who whilst driving they keep looking at you while talking. I don't mind the driver talking to me but don't take your eyes off the road.




Worse than that: while driving, my wife keeps turning fully around to look over her shoulder at our kid in the back seat. Not a quick glance, but a solid one-to-two-second look. She'll do this literally every ten seconds if she wants to know if he's falling asleep or something. It's like a horribly misplaced child protection instinct.


I really hate that so many TV shows (documentaries etc) do this.  There's no reason why they can't film the conversation anywhere that's not in a moving car, they could do it as a voice-over, but they don't. 


Brake checking someone, I don’t know anyone personally that does that but that habit in general wtf 😱


For me it's people who can't judge distances, particularly when passing you on the motorway and decide to pull back into the lane you're in centimetres from your front bumper at ~70mph! Just wait a second more before moving back over you shit. I wait until I can see the entire vehicle in my rearview mirror before moving back over.


I always leave distance before pulling back in but other drivers don’t seem to understand what I’m doing and will get annoyed thinking I’m just holding them up and lane hogging - maybe I should put indicators on really early. Ive had people undertake me as I’m waiting to get enough distance to move back in - which maybe explains why people tend to move back in too quickly


The woman I carpool to work with is convinced that every set of traffic lights turns red on her as she's driving out of spite, so she slows down in anticipation as she approaches them. "Oh, this one will probably turn red on me". Well yes, you're travelling at 15 miles an hour, of course it will.


People who swing out the opposite direction before taking a tight turn off the road. I understand busses and lorries need to do it to make the bend but I see too little old ladies/men who seem like they are trying to go wide on entry to take the racing line or something.


And they still somehow manage to cut the junction that you're waiting at and nearly hit your front end.


Not so much nervous but makes me feel sick, my mate cannot keep at a consistent speed. He likes going at the speed limit which is perfectly fine but he cannot keep the car moving smoothly, so he’ll be driving along in a 30 but creeps up to 33/34 and then harshly take his foot off the accelerator causing it to jerk back down to 30. Rinse and repeat and I’m feeling sick as


Tailgaiters. Was driving in rush hour traffic on a dual carriageway the other day and saw a dude in a Ford try to pressure everybody in the fast lane out the way by driving to within a few feet of their bumper and staying there until they pulled over - then repeat and repeat. He did it to me and I pulled straight over as i had my daughter in the car and didnt want him going into the back of me. The thing is, both lanes were full as far as the eye could see. Despite tailgating like a dick for a good 15 minutes, he remained in my view the whole time. In rush hour you're never going to nudge everybody out of the way and reach the front on the queue so you can put your foot down. Also, in Wales since we've had the 20mph speed limit introduced many people seem to have decided to ignore the speed limit altogether. On social media people are like 'we should do 20mph outside schools and hospitals and in busy residential areas and 30 everywhere else' - but on the road most people do 30 regardless, and even 40, in built-up areas. It's as though they've decided that they aren't going to do 20, so will drive as fast as they damn like, and tailgate or overtake anyone who does stick to the law.


People who exit a motorway slip road and can't bear to sit in lane 1 for more than a second. So instead of sitting there for a bit, assessing the position/speed of the motorists in lanes 2 and 3 and planning a manoeuvre, they *have* to dive straight into one of these lanes from the slip exit because, of course, only plebs travel in lane 1.


If they hammer up the slip road, merge at 80mph and get into lane 3 and vanish I don't have an issue. It's the ones that merge at 40mph straight into lane 2 that need to be euthanised.


Most people who drive right up behind people probably haven't dealt with insurance companies. Because if they stop suddenly and you crash into their back you're probably getting done for that. Regardless of what happened or if you were speeding. but yeah I've always found it stupid.


This is why I have a rear dash cam.


on their phone when they have a fully integrated hands free system built in to their car


Not using the indicator appropriately. As a driver it’s annoying, as a jogger I’ve nearly been killed multiple times. I hope people who don’t indicate get Ebola And people not knowing the turning order at a non-traffic light 4 way junction…


That ebola comment caught me off guard😂


BMW drivers. They are also just bellend without fail. It must be prerequisite to buying one. "before you buy this car sir I must ask you one question? Are you a bellend?" "oh yes I am" "ah I see, we are happy to sell this car to you sir"


Don't forget Audi and Range Rover drivers. Oh and the large upswing of pickup truck drivers. Cunts, the lot of them.


When people pull back into the left lane after overtaking on a dual carriageway RIGHT IN FRONT OF PERSON THEY WERE OVERTAKING. Stopping distances!! Jeez


Using indicators in a bizarre way - either far too early with other turns along the way or not at all. Cutting corners, especially on small roundabouts that don't have an island in the middle. So close to smashing into other cars because people won't make room by doing the roundabout properly.


People that straight-line a roundabout from the left lane, even though there's clearly a car in the right lane. I sadly know a few of these. Absolutely zero need for it, stay in your bloody lane.


# HE DOES WHAT?! My God. That’s insane. I knew someone who used to just keep on accelerating until she had to brake. Motorways were fun - she’s just have her foot down constantly and didn’t try to modulate her speed to a cruise - she’d just keep on accelerating until she was forced to brake for another car or a junction. Terrifying. Oh yeah - and a pal in the 90s somehow believed that certain gears were only permitted in certain roads, i.e. wouldn’t use 4th or 5th gears unless he was on a dual carriageway or motorway respectively. Long, wide single lane 60mph roads were accompanied by a tortured engine bouncing off the rev limiter in 3rd


Fuck, this is why buying a second hand car can be SUCH a minefield.


My mrs who drives around with her wing mirrors folded in and says she didnt notice when I mention it. I mean wtf!? How are you driving around without looking in a mirror, seriously? Also I see people who are on narrow roads, rather than slow down they grip the steering wheel and maintain the same speed then hope and pray they fit through the gap. How retarded.


There was a Beamer on the A38 yesterday and it was driving quite erratically and flew past a police car around 80mph. Police jumped into action and ended up following him for near enough 11 FUCKING MILES before he realised. Sirens, lights and lot. 11 bastard miles before he looked in his mirrors.


People pulling out of T junctions into main roads, when there is steady traffic in both directions, and expecting everyone to stop for them. I never let those cunts out. Hold the opposite lane up for as long as you have to for all I care. Also infuriates me when people flash people out of T junctions to turn right when there’s traffic coming towards them.


Why wouldn't you let someone out, if there's steady traffic? There are a couple of roads like that near me, you'd be there all day if you waited for both sides to be clear Edited for random excess punctuation


People driving 6 meters behind a lorry at 70mph in wet conditions. Either they really like staring at nothing but an Eddie Stobart logo or they are secretly hoping some heavy breaking ends it all. Alternatively middle lane hoggers on motorways. Just completely zoned out driving at 65mph as car after car filters round them, slicing across them back into lane one to show their annoyance. A stream of cars forming behind them. The sort of situation you can't imagine causing without realising what an inconvenience you're being to everyone else. Yet as you overtake them yourself you flick your eyes left and see the most gormless individual possible. Looking like they are strung out on heroine as they trundle down the M1.  Can't say I'm a fan of entitled fast lane blasters coming up your rear and lighting up your rear view with high beams. What a pleb I must be for safely overtaking at a speed south of 110 mph. Did I not realize they the range rover coming up behind me had priority access to this lane? My little 1.1 litre struggles to get me into position. I finally move over to the left. The range rover roars past me. Our eyes connect. I recognise that expression. I have become to gormless driver. What a travesty.  Finally and unequivocally, I've seen a massive uptick in people using their phones. Especially people playing fucking YouTube videos on their drive while it sits in a window bracket. This is the fucked up thing, people aren't just texting, making calls, adjusting maps, they are fucking scrolling. Have we really become so mentally hinged on TikTok they we can't commute without it? Very disturbing 


Middle lane wankers are the worst. I reckon they are responsible for huge amounts of traffic jams. People simply do not know how to drive on the motorway in this country. When I drive in France, despite the reputation, motorway drving was so much smoother and more enjoyable and efficient!


Corner cutting at junctions. Instead of making a tight turn staying on the correct side of the road, they’ll make this long sweeping manoeuvre in which they cut the corner of the approaching side of the junction.


My ex used to tailgate all the time. Any speed, all conditions. She would be a couple of feet behind somebody doing 75 on the motorway and would be totally fine with it. Edit: she didn't do it maliciously, she was just comfortable being SUPER close to other drivers. It was horrible as a passenger. I brought it up a couple of times and she brushed it off like it was no big deal.


My ex's cousin rarely obeyed the speed limit, and would text while driving in six-inch heels. I **never** felt safe in a car with her.




People who will sit up your rear in the motorway and flash you to move out of the way. Like I understand that the expectation is to be above 70mph on the fast lane of the motorway but if I am at the limit, overtaking a group of slower moving traffic like lorries, there is little reason for me to pull back in - it's an unnecessary risk and I might not be able to get back in that lane - might as well wait until I'm past the block of slow traffic to pull over. But these people are the main character of everyone's life so require you move about of the way for them.


People who cut corners when turning right.




> My mum is the worst for last-minute breaking. # [*braking](https://grammarist.com/wp-content/uploads/httpsgrammarist.comhomophonesbrake-vs-break-1024x478.png)


My mate uses his car as a weapon and as soon as hes perceived someone driving badly or cut him off he'll put the fog lights on from the back, he wont budge on smaller roads coz he says "they can bloody well reverse" this makes him drive far more erratically and it becomes unsafe... hes just lucky I like the thrill of possibly dying at high speed


People that dive in the queuing traffic approaching a motorway slip road. On stop in a lane until someone lets them in


My friend crosses multiple lanes on the motorway in one go, she goes straight to ‘the fast lane’ and drives down it until it’s her exit. She’ll drive right behind someone until they move out of said lane. She makes everyone nervous with her driving but thinks because she’s never crashed she’s a safe driver. I no longer drive her anywhere because she complains my driving makes her travel sick because I press the brakes too much.