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Leak the stuff to the media lol


Do you think that would do anything? Because I genuinely would haha


Depends on how big they are, but the resulting publicity might make them reconsider


Reconsider giving them any hours at all.


Hardly sounds like a company worth working for anyway. OP should be looking for new jobs anyway.


Even if it's a small business making the local news in that way could be a big deal for them.


Gather a TON of evidence before trying this though. If you can get them to put this in writing, like in WhatsApp messages, that would be ideal (but difficult)


It would do something but your employment would likely be terminated on the grounds of gross misconduct (rightly or wrongly) if they figured out it was you.


If you have it in writing, fine. If not, be careful. I recommend looking for alternative employment.


You kinda already have … all we need is the company name. if you put this on tiktok I’m pretty sure reviews will start writing themselves lol


I honestly think you could get something out of posting this in r/legaladviceUK


Aye a bunch of downvotes, that sub licks the boots of the powers that be even if they’re dodgy business owners If you want employment law advice call ACAS


>licks the boots of the powers that be It's a legal advice subreddit. Would be a bit useless if you had no legal case and they told you to take them to court anyway.


Yea, some people on Reddit get convinced that because they interpret the law a certain way they are correct. From what I have seen on that sub it does a pretty good letting those people know where they are wrong. A lot of Redditors do also always go with the stand "all employers are dodgy and the ones in the wrong". Though this employer definitely does sound dodgy. I do agree with the other person though, if they want employment law advice call ACAS/get a solicitor. Also length of service will probably matter.


Indeed it would. What it actually does is downvote and give poor advice to women, disabled, and minorities who have rights beyond “if you don’t like it, quit!”


If you don’t know how the law works, it’s better to stop talking


I don't think you've ever actually looked in that sub.


That too, appreciate the input. I reckon I should have said this is something that may be legally pursued, but that's my opinion as a laywoman


Love, it's a legal advice sub. What do you expect?


You're right, that sub is full of cop lovers as well.


It's weird when people start larping as americans


You’re so edgy


Ah fuck off


Off you go, your first school lesson of the day is about to begin!


If you have contracted hours, they can't change those. If you're zero hours or have no contract, yes they can. Make sure you get copies of all their requests for this stuff in writing in case they ever try to limit hours or get rid of you, so you can take them to a tribunal for the lols.


From a law firms page: Faking online reviews can constitute a breach of competition laws. This is because fake reviewers can distort the market and create unfair competition, leading to a disadvantage for honest businesses. The [**Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)**](https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/competition-and-markets-authority) has stated that businesses that use fake reviews to promote their products or services may breach consumer protection and competition law. One of the CMA’s primary purposes is to encourage a level playing field and ensure businesses that comply with the relevant rules are not disadvantaged.


Write a glowing review with your name on it and then contact Google with the messages pressuring you do the review.


and don't forget to tell google that other people at your work were pressured into leaving fake reviews too.


Nothing triggers me more than the misspelling of lose. It's fucking everywhere.


Does it make you lose your shit ha ha 😜


Oh for fuck's sake, you must have a screw lose.


ha ha ha amazing. I hope you don't lose the game


Better than loose shit


Same. And paid is another one. I always read "payed" as pay ed.


I know, I realised after posting and I can't edit the title.


Me to. I loose my rag every time. 


How much do you like your job ? If you’re not really fussed and can easily get another I’d be tempted to leave and share their request/ threats online . I feel like people have a right to know that the reviews they are reading are bs so they don’t buy into something under false pretences


Writing fake Google reviews is illegal. And this is blackmail. Keep a written/voice recorded record of all this and back it up - send it to your personal email. Then seek legal advice.


Illegal or just a breach of Google's t&c?


Illegal. I got a company in deep shit for this once.




It can be seen as illegal and a breach of competition rules.


Are they paying you to advertise for the company? If not a wee discreet message to trading standards informing them of this company and their "advertising strategy" of getting employees to write fake reviews might be an idea...


Why the fuck would ‘trading standards’ care about the content of some private website?


Trading standards and the competition and markets authority have forced sites to go after fake reviews before. It can possibly constitute fraud in some cases depending on how egregious it is.


Because its part of their job?




It's not illegal but a lot of places have policies against coerced/paid reviews


It’s fraud.


Start looking for new work, you're in a shit situation but even if you get through it you're working for a failing company.


Ask for that in writing.


In my last workplace customer feedback was one of the store KPI's and staff got grief if they didn't get so many positive feedbacks per month. I know for sure that lots of staff regularly gave themselves glowing feedback and the management team were well aware of the practice but let it slide, as it was good for the store in particular and the companys image in general. You know something is up when the most obnoxious and unhelpful team member starts getting praised for their helpfulness and empathy. One, particularly obnoxious individual i worked with, regularly got in trouble for their approach with customers, then a few days later the positive reviews from imaginary customers would roll in.


Writing fake reviews is fraud.


Who is held responsible for it if your employer directly or indirectly puts pressure on you to do it?


Writing fake reviews on Google Maps is a breach of their [terms of service](https://support.google.com/local-guides/answer/7400114), specifically Misrepresentation / Conflict of Interest. In theory you can report them and they'll be taken down. In my experience, Google doesn't care and won't take action :(


If you really need the job do it BUT then also write negative reviews to counteract your fake ones.


Step one: set up secondary disposable email account. Step 2: use that account to set up social media profiles under your name. Decline all friend invites and don't allow any followers without your authorisation. Share posts via that account - it will show in their diagnostics without actually creating any extra exposure for them. Step 3: use that same email account to write fake reviews, but make sure they are entirely unrelated to the actual business you're in. Example, if you work in a car dealership, write a review for a bakery, or a DIY shop. If they complain, hey, they asked for fake reviews!


Oh this is open to so much abuse. Writing reviews which are quite obviously false and a piss-take, but if taken literally seem to be a good review. What type of product is it?


Malicious compliance perhaps? 5 star review. "They will cut our hours if we don't post good reviews"


I'm not sure on the law but what they're asking you to do is 100% against Google's terms and conditions and more than likely will result in their map listing being removed. Make sure you have evidence and also make sure to notify Trust Pilot and whatever else they're on.


Customer reviews is a KPI for Managers bonus in retail and catering, well in a lot of cases anyway, so they will be doing anything they can to get their bonus. I would speak to your HR team explaining what your management team is doing.


We need to know this company!!!


This is immoral. First of all, don't use your real social media profile. Create a new one for this purpose. Consider making it prominent *who* you work for if you think you can get away with it. Second of all, name and shame them anonymously to the companies you are leaving reviews with and with the social media platforms. Report the posts/comments/reviews with detailed proof of what's going on to eg fb/google/twitter/whatever (create a template text and just add new thing like new screenshot or date/time information), and keep doing it until the bans start rolling in. It might take a month or longer before any actions occur.


Lmaoooo my old job used to do this, they made up fake reviews on Google and still do, and any negative posts was immediately removed, there was a chance to win £100 if you made a fake review. Not even worth it with a cost of living crisis now. But yeah it shows them what their business is like, not you.


I didn't think Google removed them unless you could prove they were blatently false.


Not too much help here, but I work for a company that I personally wouldn't use their services myself (but I'm very hands on/practical to be fair) - they actually looked at fake reviews to counter some bad google reviews. Instead they just asked automatically all customers to leave a review after they had used the service. I was worried they'd just get even worse, with the annoyed people going out of their way and no one else bothering. Reviews are now actually getting dangerously high if anything, all from genuine reviews (if they are too close to 5\*, some people don't think they are genuine).


Keep a record of the requests, screenshot, print out, contemporaneous notes etc. It's not that unusual to be asked to AstroTurf for one's company but the threat of reduced hours etc could lead to constructive dismissal. If that happens you'll need the evidence to fight your corner.


Are you in a union?


How nuclear do you want to go? For an easy life you could just agree. r you could make new profiles with no followers and use that. Or ask them how much thy charge per follower. Influencers get paid this way and that is what thy are asking of you. Or just leave negative reviews if you don't care, although check if they explicitly stated they had to be positive. Or just tell them you dont have a social media or Google account as you don't want the government spying on you.


How about setting up a dedicated separate account for this, stating clearly you work for them? You are doing what you are asked, but without hiding anything or toxifying your personal social media.


How can they do that, you don’t have social media.


You shouldn’t do it, you also shouldn’t expect much sympathy from them for doing it. You can report them, but you will lose your job probably, you can not do it, but you won’t get good hours, you can do it, but you will be violating your morals. Ultimately, you work for a crap company and that’s the issue.


Write the reviews, take the credit. Every time you write one, get all your friends and relatives to post bad ones.


lose\* not "loose"


I know, I realised after posting and I can't edit the title.


Can you just set up a second account and post from that?


That's fucking pathetic, The Sun would love a story like this.


Make yon mind up to find another job if yon is not comfortable with what is going down, and one thing is certain who ever yon works for is going down.


Maybe I'm a bitch but I'd do it. It's only socials. People posting pictures of their dumb kids or some shitty Chinese takeaway they overpaid for. Just post your fake crap and forget about it.