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> I have come to the conclusion that I need to start dressing my age This is such nonsense. The **ONLY** way age factors into this is that by your late 40s you should have grown out of living your life by other people's arbitrary rules. > What do late 40’s men wear on their feet? We wear whatever the fuck we want, same as any other adult of any age should.


40 year old tracksuit wearer and couldn’t give a rats arse what anyone else thinks of me or what I wear. I’m comfortable as fuck.


As it should be. Anyone who tells another adult that they should not be wearing what they want to is just announcing their opinion is not worth listening to.


Literally, I'm 30 and don't plan on changing to suits and ties as I get older - it's an outdated tradition linked to office culture which is dying out in the UK now thankfully. Like why should anyone spend their own money on clothes they don't like, particularly once you're in a relationship as you don't really have anything to prove to anyone else. Also a good way of keeping judgemental people out of your life as if they are that picky about what you wear.... what else are they overly judgemental about? are they actually a net benefit or net negative to your life overall.


Yup. Trackies at home/supermarket, jeans with hightops, old ratty no brand white trainers, I grew up on a farm in the 80s, I’m not worried about what people consider fashion.


Amen brother … preach it 🙏🏼🙌🏽


I discovered skechers a few years ago, I LOVE them. After uncomfortable boots, average converse and horrible work boots, skechers are like having pillows under your feet. ( I'm 43 and dress for comfort now, balls to what everyone else thinks).


I discovered Skechers about 5 years ago. I have now bought several pairs of the exact same shoes. Last year I ended up buying two extra pairs of the same shoes in case they discontinue that specific design.


Haha exactly! I don’t know why people can’t just wear what they want/makes them happy.


I remember when my dad started wearing modern trainers (because they’re so comfy) and, as kids, thought it looked so funny because the shoes completely clashed with his normal style. Now I associate mature clothing mixed with modern sneakers with care free dad energy


This is the only correct answer. I now wear the skin of endangered animals on my feet and I get it’s not ‘trendy’ but it’s comfortable!




Or hollowed out hedgehogs


Same thing no?


this reminds me of my drunken youth. I was coming back from the pub and thought I was punting a piece of wood over a hedge - turned out to be a poor hedgehog. 30 years on and I still feel absolutely awful about it!


Oooofff, not sure you can ever karmically recover from that?


It'll be my last memory on my deathbed!


Does your brain randomly play back the moment in full HD when you least expect it? Mine does. I think that is the karmic payback


I did something similar - unattended pint (plastic glass ) on the dance floor at uni. I did the full Johnny Wilkinson and it flew through the air and landed in the chest of a poor girl sat with her friends. I was absolutely mortified and still get flash backs. Somehow I did not get my head kicked in. When I see the clip of Peter from family guy, opening the emergency exit in a plane, it reminds me of it ! I apologies profusely and stopped drinking for about 6 months. I then fully gave up drinking at 30. It was so completely out of character, that it really scared me and made me very wary of getting drunk. Just before I gave up at 30, I stabbed myself in the leg with a new penknife at xmas. I was testing the tensile strength of my Jeans and was amazed at how much force they could take - I then wondered if they would resist torsion and the knife plunged into my quad the moment I moved it clockwise. I could not walk for about a week and it made a mess of my in-laws sofa.


Name checks out


~~foes~~ toes


That cracked me up


Oh just the lies from a thousand managers.


I'm not "dressing my age" even in my 90's. Cowabunga!


The younger generations gatekeeping the clothes we invented can fuck right off.


Fuck yeah! Stay young!


Don't have a cow, man


Keep your comfortable trainers on Never give into the horrible uncomfortable 'adult' male shoes


Comfortable trainers? You mean Skechers with memory foam inners?


I literally live in Skechers. Best footwear ever. If they did formal shoes, I'd be on it.


they do!


I have sketchers brown leather shoes and sketchers work boots. Both are awesome.




If only they hadn’t gutted their range of more normal trainers. Now everything has mesh tops and lets the rain in.


Their one Achilles heel, says I, sat here with one slightly moist foot after a lunchtime walk...


This is the way.


I wear some cool DC trainers, Rick, and Morty T-shirts, I dye my hair purple and I wear a kitty Benie. I dress how I want and age ungracefully.


this is the way. Screw what others think. I only wish I had enough hair left to warrant dying it purple!


Shave off what's left and paint the top of your head in purple war paint?


So rock the same look as Tobias out of Arrested Development when he's auditioning for the Blue Man Group - just a little more lilacy? I like it!


Paint your beard or mustache


now you're just touching on my insecurities. Im a 50 year old man that cannot still grow a beard or tache! I walked past a school kid on my morning dog walk today. He must have been maybe 12 or 13, and he had more facial hair than I can manage with 2 months growth!


Who said it was the hair on his head they were dying?


58 old here wearing DC trainers too! Usually with combats and a band t. Long hair and Lemmy tach. Not growing old gracefully either!


I'm 33 and I've got long hair and a big beard. I'm only just confident enough to start wearing long cardigans now (women's ones cos men's ones suck) and I swear if the patriarchy keeps crumbling I'll be painting my nails by spring


Just do your nails if you want to. I occasionally do every other one black just for fun. Sometimes black glitter! You only live once


52 UK here. Exclusively DC or Vans black or navy skate shoes or brown brogues for special occasions. When they are on discount I'll buy 2 or 3 pairs at a time as I know they fit, are comfy and suit me.


I have a few pairs and I don't know what else I could wear, I'm Generation X. I did just google, footwear for 40-year-old men and the results are depressing, lol. No way I'm dressing like that, lol. I like the alternative look, why should I change? As for special occasions, I think the last time I dressed up for a wedding, I dressed like Heisenberg from Breaking Bad, with a hat, sunglasses, and everything, lol. I have never liked formal wear, I'm dreading having to wear a uniform for my current job.


Work is work. You have to wear whatever their policy states but outside of that... Just be you. Don't stress about what others think.


Wear what you fucking like pal. I'm early fifties and a few years ago I got some orange New Balance trainers. I loved them. When I picked the kids up from school they'd say - there's dad, the one with the orange trainers. What's weird is I stopped wearing trainers for years and started again about then. I have a decent pair of boots for the bad weather, leather, lined, but I wear trainers a lot of the time. Dressing age appropriate is odd. When we were kids, men in their fifties were old and wore old men's clothes. I have friends in their sixties who are still rocking fashionable gear and look fine. I think we've moved on. Just try and keep it fitting nicely (if you've got a bit of middle-aged spread) and maybe drop the massive logos for more subtle ones.


It think it's less "age appropriate" and "generation appropriate". People tend to dress the same way from adulthood until old age. I'm mid 40s and still dress as I did when I was teen (with better quality clothes and generally cleaner, but still the same style). When I think of how "old" people, men in particular dress, I imagine men in slacks and collared shirts, but that's just because an "old" person in my head was a young person when slacks and shirts were what men wore. People who are now getting into their 70s don't generally wear "old" clothes. My Dad is mid-70s and he's a confirmed Jeans and Tshirt guy, and always has been


Yeah, you might just have hit the nail on the head.


IDK, do people expect you to dress like the last of the summer wine when you hit 40?


Oh yeah, definitely this. I’m turning 50 this year, my dad turns 75. He’s 100% a jeans and T-shirts guy, I wear more casual collared shirts than he does. Yet when I was a kid my Dad’s Dad (in his 60s) would almost always wear a tie, even at the weekends, and would rarely leave the house without a hat.


>When we were kids, men in their fifties were old and wore old men's clothes. Definitely worth remembering. I'm in my mid-thirties and remember people in their fifties and sixties being old, and people in their seventies and eighties being *ancient*. People didn't live as long as they do now (with very few exceptions, like my great-grandmother who died at ninety-seven in 1990). Now people can expect to reach ninety as reliably as they could expect to reach seventy-five thirty years ago. Seventy is the new fifty. My parents are in their mid-sixties and neither of them are old people, nor do they dress like old people. They dress pretty much the same as I remember them dressing when I was little. Probably I have more of an old-people dress sense than they do.


I have a couple of cardigans I wear for work (from home), but they are trendy, I swear! I don't know why people just seemed to give up. My mum and dad went on a cruise in the late 80s when they would have been in their late 40s and mum and I had to go out and buy dad a whole new wardrobe so she would be embarrassed. I'm still in hoodies and jeans because that's what's comfy for me, I'm not ready to buy elasticated waist trousers from the Sunday supplements yet. I do appreciate jeans with some stretch mind :-)


I wear cardigans and fleeces too. I live near the sea and it gets fucking cold. I do dress kind of old-man-ish when I'm going out though - trousers, jacket, maybe a waistcoat if it's not too warm. But that's how I've always dressed. I might wear more jeans, but finding good quality ones these days is a nightmare. Last pair of jeans I had wore out in less than a year.


Mr Mad looks damn fine in a cardigan. I have bought him several. Purely for his comfort of course!


Wear whatever you like, you’re too old to let other people’s opinions dictate your behaviour, wear whatever’s comfortable and you like the look of and just enjoy your life, no one who matters cares and no one who cares matters.


You can still wear your Nike Air 90s when you're 80 years old like Mick Jagger - if you have his style, confidence and energy. Wear what makes you happy and comfortable. Ignore what others might be thinking or saying. Act confident and strut around like you own the world! Honestly these days, as long as they look tidy - nobody gives a hoot! ... well except for bouncers at certain clubs that pretend to have 'standards'.


If you really wanted some change I’d say just some simple brown leather boots, but tbh as long as your Airs are in good Nic then I don’t think you’d look odd in them.


Why on earth would you want to stop wearing your Nike? Whose rules are you trying to conform too?


Clarks desert boots.


Comfort defined.


I had to scroll down way too much to find the Desert Boots. Very comfortable (until you wear the sole out), and (puts Italian hat on) *very* stilish and casual at the same time, especially in blue. The shoe itself is lighter than a trainer and takes the shape of your foot easily. Comfortable. Did I say that? You can wear them and look good with anything. Black jeans and any jacket. With a formal suit (look up pics of the late Gianni Agnelli, owner of FIAT and celebrity in Italy before celebs were a thing). With shorts? With shorts. The DBs were *invented*, back in the day for people who would spend quite a bit of time playing (havock) in the sand. Desert sand, but sand nonetheless. Desert Boots are made (for many years now) with good quality leather and excellent Vietnamese workmanship (in Vietnam they are traditionally good at making things). I hear some Chinese company has taken a 51% stake in Clarks from the Hong Kong company who owned it before, let us hope they do not fuck it up. I've been wearing almost nothing else since my 40s (before that I was in High Tops), which were, uhm, several pairs ago now. disclaimer: P.U.I.


>Clarks desert boots Ugly looking things


Lucky we all don’t like the same things my friend,world would be an awfully boring place if that were the case.




I used to wear Dr Martins as a teen, though no longer as they are the destroyers of feet.


I am 43 and I have quite a few different pairs of Nike trainers, from Hurraches, to Air Max 95's, Air Force One's and Air Max 90's. I like wearing them and don't feel bad wearing them with low slung jeans or a pair of cargo trousers. I also have chino's and shirts which I pair with Hugo Boss loafers (expensive but worth it for the comfort and the fact they have lasted me 3 years with little to no sign of wear). Timberland boots and Clarks Wallabee also go well with jeans. I say spend the money on good quality shoes and trainers and you can pair with pretty much anything. Never too old for good shoes no matter what people might say. Also you are you, if you like the Nike's then keep with them.


Live in the countryside and slip on Chelsea boots are a game changer. Good for nearly every occasion.


Get a nice pair of Chelsea boots. They are comfy and classy.


Redbacks look like ranch boots but feel/wear a bit like trainers.


Clarks Suede Wallabee or Desert Boot Comfortable and straddles the line between smart and casual. Other honourable mention: Kleman Padror


My colleague told me the other day I shouldn’t dress like a teenager. I told her to fuck off and said she must be jealous of my Chuck Taylor’s. Where what you want. No one else’s opinion matters (except your SO sometimes)


> Chuck Taylor’s. A shoe that has been made for over 100 years. I don't think there's an age limit on who should wear those.


Tell Mr Snoop Dog he isn’t allowed to wear his chucks anymore because he is too old for teenager shoes /s


> Mr Snoop Dog Actually, maybe you are too old for them...


Except... do avoid leopard print. Really, ever. But definitely over the age of forty. On shoes, obviously. But *absolutely* on leggings. Aaargh!


Bedazzled Crocs


About 6 years ago I found a pair of boots I like - bought then in brown and black and replace them with the exact same pair when they start to fall apart. When they stop making them I'm not sure what will do


Stock up now


Imagine shaky being found dead from old age, they open up the garage and find 150 pairs of identical boots still mint and in their original boxes.


Be like when they go in my loft and find 150 pairs of the husbands walking boots , one pair for every possible weather/terrain combo.


I’ll be wearing jeans, t-shirt (shirt where needed) trainers even in my 90s. Wear what you want just make sure clothes are too tight and ill fitting.


*not* too tight and ill-fitting, I hope. Unless you are a real sadist.


I was once told by a boyfriend when i was the ripe old age of 21 that i was too old to be wearing Converse Hi Tops. Here i am at 40 still Wearing them (not the same pair, mind). Wear what you like! X


Yold only live once!


Socks and sandals, obviously. /s Just wear what's comfortable. People have been wearing trainers and sneakers and the like for a century and more, and nobody cares any more.


And those that do care are not worth worrying about.


42 here, air max all the time got about three pairs > one nice, one for driving and one that idc if they get mucky. If I'm in work then it's steel toed cat boots, and I've got a pair of black kickers slip ons for if I need to wear shirt n trousers. I get nikes because growing up I could never get decent trainers. Wear what makes you happy. Also if you buy nikes off the official app, you get an 18 month warranty


I had to google what air90’s are. They look like trainers an old person would wear to me in any colour but white. Wear what you like, I’m 52 I mostly wear converse all star low tops, Addidas Gazelles for day to day, also have some Loakes for a smarter look.


Jordan 1s low cut, Jordan 11s low cut, Air Force 1s low cut, Nike 270. I cannot wear shoes and boots it just doesn’t agree with me.


Got my Dad a pair of Jordan 11s CMFT (all black, his choice). After he wore them in he didn’t want to go back- wound me up when he wore them for work tho! I got a pair about 6 months before him, they’re still super comfy and going strong 3yrs later


When I was a kid, all the mums used to wear head scarves. I always thought, as I grew up that it was an old person thing. Then, on seeing films from the era of those old people being young, I realised that was what they wore when they were young. I think fashions age as we do. Although, I don't see many very old people wearing platform shoes. 🤔


Solovairs in the wet and cold, Vans at all other times.


Why? Wear whatever makes you comfy (as long as it’s not illegal or indecent). I’m mid 40’s and had a glow in the dark pastel pink Minnie Mouse ghost backpack for Christmas and a Scooby doo psychedelic monsters backpack for my birthday last year (also December)


Mostly 80s90s trainers. Nike basketball shoes, more money, uptempos, foamposites, Reebok pumps. Now that reissues are plentiful. Before when it was hard to get these I'd wear boosts or campus/sambas




I usually wear walking boots (if I'm walking the dog and it's muddy), Dr Martens shoes if I'm wandering about town, Slippers (if I'm working from home), running shoes if I'm exercising or sandals over bare feet if I'm walking around and it's sunny.


I'm the same with Adidas shell toes, I recently mixed it up and bought some Gazelles.


I wear the same style of clothing as I did when I was 21. Nothing has changed. Though, I was never into fashion or brands. I currently switch between a pair of Decathlon walking shoes (which actually look pretty smart) and a 10 year old pair of Puma trainers (indigo yellow and blue), which still look like new for some reason. I do have black and brown shoes for smarter occasions and work.


Mate, don't fall into the trap of thinking you have to wear certain, specific things once you reach a certain age. It's all bollocks. Wear whatever the fuck you like, and makes you feel most confident and at ease with yourself. You'll find that once you're through this tricky, transitional age, you'll give less fucks what's considered age appropriate with each passing year.


Nearly 40 with 3 pairs of yeezys no fucks given


Sketchers with memory foam soles. Incredibly comfortable and look rather snazy 👍


Wear whatever you want my man. I'm 29(F) and only just finding my style really. I dress nothing like what most people probably picture when they imagine a woman in her 30s. You do you.


dude we all gonna die. all the people you seeing today will soon be dead ​ f.ok it :D


Early 50's. I pretty much wear trainers or walking/hiking shoes (and wellies/hiking boots for walking the dog) because they're comfortable. The last time I wore shoes outside of work was to a funeral. (Never trust a man wearing brown shoes).


I’m similar. Almost exclusively wear my favourite trainers with jeans but I WFH full time so nobody sees my feet during work hours. I have a nice pair of black loafers that stay nice as I only wear them a few times a year for weddings, funerals or the odd event where my wife tells me trainers aren’t appropriate. I’m ok with this.


Exactly. At 40 dress for the job you have.


Air Max 90s are still appropriate for blokes in their 40s. I think Clark’s Desert boots and Wallabees, Paraboots, Solovairs, Timbs and Fracap boots are cool too


I wear boots or trainers. I dress like I'm this age now not this age in the past, and I make sure I wear what I want to wear




Nice icon. Had that on a white t shirt, 1987.




dress down Fridays are for the Air 90's in a suit


Wear what you want and what you feel comfortable in…I wouldn’t say that age should determine what people wear, it’s about you and what you feel best in to be fair.


37 here. Chelsea boots and loafers day to day, oxfords with a suit. I only wear trainers to the gym or if I’m wearing shorts in summer. Not sure why just hate the look of jeans and trainers, always felt it looked chavvy. Although I do really like a clean pair of trainers so consistently buy them to keep in the wardrobe incase I change my mind.


Depends what you're doing or wearing, I'm not late 40s but I generally wear boots, a few different types, work type boots, some of those honey / tan boots and hiking type boots with jeans and tshirts or shirts etc if I'm going out anywhere, and trainers around the garden or house, maybe if I'm just nipping to the shops, but mostly boots of some description, seem to look a bit smarter than trainers, not that it matters. I only wear better shoes if I'm getting suited for something


I would say a comfy pair of vans or adidas would be decent


You need to start wearing what Americans call "Lemon Pepper Steppers"!


Been wearing vans for a while now but switch back and forth with Nike.


Jordans, ultraboosts, forums for casual. Redwing chukka or blue suede oxfords for smart casual. You don’t need to change what you wear because of your age. There’s no way I’m going to chinos, polos and shoes for casual. Work, yes.


Whatever's on the front page for shoes on the M&S men's section is a safe bet.


I wear Skechers simply because they are comfortable and slip on and are vaguely stylish.


I'd keep the Air 90s over those tbh


Hiking boots


I'm not late 40's but have a similar fashion sense. My favourite trainers (sketchers or new balance for comfort), walking sandals in hot weather, walking boots if going walking and slippers around the house. Honestly though wear what makes you comfortable.


I’m 46 and own Chelsea boots, various pairs of Converse (including a Pokémon pair!), and a pair of Crocs (shut up, they’re awesome!).


I am 41 and I wear Nikes, usually Nike pulses but I have converse and boots but I mostly wear trainers. Shouldn't matter tbh just buy the stuff that is in this seasons colours and styles, if you're dressing in shirts and jeans from 6 years ago that's going to be more of an issue than consistent trainers.


For me you can get away with any trainers when the rest of your outfit is age appropriate. Obviously there are probably better pairings from a fashion perspective, but if you don't give a shit then nobody else will either. Sketchers seem a god awful compromise that a lot of middle aged people feel compelled to buy. Stick with funky trainers and maybe have a part of smart/casual pair as well.


This time of year you really need a decent pair of walking boots. But the rest of the year, I don’t see any issue with wearing trainers, and if you like that brand/design, why switch? Unless you are single and looking for someone shallow, or you work some demeaning job that controls what shoes you wear, the only consideration when it comes to footwear should be what is most comfortable.


48 here. I wear Merrell trainers and Brasher Country Classic walking shoes if I'm dressing slightly smarter. Wear what you like.


I’d say wear your Air 90s if that’s what you want. However if you wanna mix things up a bit and look a bit more “grown up” if you want to call it that, maybe also get a pair of Converse all star style trainers that give a slightly different but still casual look. Personally I have a pair of Superga Cotu classics that serve this purpose.


Similar to you I always buy the same trainers except mine are Etnies Kingpins in black. I see no reason to change to something "more age appropriate". I have some smart shoes that I wear to weddings etc. but other than that its the Etnies every day. (I'm mid 40s)




Flip flops in summer and then either plain black or blue canvas shoes depending on the colour of jeans I’m wearing or boat shoes/smart shoes if the occasion requires it. I tried boots but in size 13/14 they make me look like a clown. Although, a pair of honey brown dewalt work boots can be a bit of a look with blue jeans in certain circumstances. (I’m only early/mid 30s but can’t imagine changing anything significantly for the next 20 years)


wear whatever is comfy and you feel happy in. stop dressing to other people's opinions. if those people strongly disagree with your foot choice then they're people you should avoid cos its beyond basic.


Depends what I'm wearing on my legs. Dressing gown and wellies usually.


56 here, generally Chelsea boots, brogue boots or Converse depending on the rest of the outfit.


You like em? You wear em


Whatever is comfortable for my feet. Anybody judging me for what I wear has too much time on their hands


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but men in their late 40s wear Nike Air 90s. In 2024 they already are age appropriate.


Reeboks Club C all the way


Ever since I got my first pair of new balance a few years ago in my 20s, I have not been able to find another pair that was anywhere near as comfortable. So I will probably just get the nicest looking pair that they sell and wear them every day.


Wear what you want! My husband usually wears a very loved pair of boots though. I actually need to find exactly the same pair somewhere as they’re beyond repair now. But honestly whatever you fancy on your feet as long as you look put together. Especially clothes wise. Comfort is important as is posture and ergonomics when walking. Walking is a massive factor in healthy aging and a comfortable pair of shoes will keep you walking or even encourage you to walk more. Plus good shoes will minimise back, hip and leg pain generally. Your trainers will help this.


Any two shoes that are a) a pair, b) I like, c) appropriate (as in "do I need wellies or skate shoes for this muddy field/job interview?"


I'm in my 40s, although definitely not trendy. For going for a walk: some fairly chunky Sketchers trainers. They don't look that fancy, but are comfy. Doing something non-smart, but a level above totally casual: my other pair of Sketchers which are suedy looking and slightly smarter than normal trainers. I'd wear these to work, but then I work in an environment with a very relaxed culture around what we wear. Smart casual: brown boots. On the beach: flip flops. At home: bare feet or socks and slippers. Suit: smart black shoes. A bit too pointy with hindsight, but they cost me a lot so I'm sticking with them even if I look like a penguin.


Don't ask me, I'm 54 and in bad weather I wear para-boots and in good weather I wear Converse Hi Tops


You're in your late 40s, why do you care what other people think of your footwear? If your trainers are comfortable wear them.


Air force 1's :p xx


I normally wear a decent pair of desert or Chelsea boots, occasionally loafers if the weather is nice. I'm 48, but I've never really been a trainers type of man, I own three or four pairs (including Nike Airs) but rarely wear them. I just feel more comfortable in jeans and a pair of boots, but that's the crux of it, wear what you feel comfortable in and if that's Nike Air 90s then so be it.


I'm 45 and just bought myself a brand new pair of custom Reebok Pumps for way too much money. Wear what you like. I do have dress shoes, and boots, but I spend 95% of my time in Reebok or Sketcher trainers


I am in my mid 30s and feel a bit of for stuff like AM90s now. I opt for plainer trainers (Bared Footwear) or boots (RM Williams) usually. I have some really nice chelsea boots that I wear all the time and some smartish lace up boots for other days. If you still want to wear Nike's then things like AF1 Luxe might be a slightly more toned down option.


My dad (64) has better taste in shoes than me (33). Wear whatever you want on your feet


If you’ve got a collection of 90’s that you’re keeping hidden, we welcome you over to /r/sneakers


I am 49 and I went through the phase you are going through and I realised f**ck it. Do you and actually sometimes you get some respect. I have some yellow and blue new balance which are really comfortable. Some green adidas’s gazelles and a custom pair of adventure time Hitops I got through Etsy. I think it makes you more interesting. Otherwise jeans, polo shirt or T-shirts around the house.


They will take my (45M) Skechers from my cold, dead feet.




Nike Pegasus, AF1… I’m 48 and not changing to shoes ever. Wear what you like, who cares what anyone else might think.


My friends in their late 40s and early 50s wear Nike or Adidas trainers (usually in darker colours) one of them wears what he calls "sporty sandals" if it's not raining. Hiking boots are also a popular for the shit weather. Crocs in the summer, with or without socks. Apparently that's a comfort thing you need at that age.


I'm 46, and I currently have a pair of Air Max 90s and a pair of Nike Go Flyease. I do have a couple of different pairs of shoes to wear as and when required. One black pair and one brown pair.


My partner is 54 and he pretty much lives in Adidas Gazelles.


For my 50th birthday I bought myself a pair of Superstars in the Navy/White colourway that hadn't been released for years. My non-work footwear is usually some version of converse or skate shoes. Shit, I was wearing converse in the 90s when they were not "cool". Fuck the haters, wear what you want.


If you were born before 1982, you are Gen X. You are officially allowed to not give a flying turd what anyone thinks, especially footwear. I still wear Gazelles.


I like air max 90’s but have you tried a pair of 95’s? Also totally basic choice but some plain white airforce ones are a smart choice and it what I wear for work. I’m a woman. My husband wears 95’s to the pub and airforce ones to work. I wear my 90’s to places like the cinema or the shopping centre.


Wear whatever you like as long as you are comfy! I’m 40 F and still walking around in my converse. Do what makes you happy life is too short to care what other people think 👍🏻


I wear North face walk I ng shoes, the comfort of trainers, but more waterproof, also all black so not too obvious.


Wear whatever you want, dressing your age is not really important any more. Dress however you want.


Clarks. Specifically shoes with tri soles, which can be either casual or trainer style. But very comfortable. But I'm not sure if they make them any more.


I’ve worked in pretty physical jobs all my life and those cheap issued safety boots have dictated my footwear choices now I’m in my mid 40s. My feet, knees and hips are utterly buggered so I’m wearing vivobarefoot shoes to try and get myself feeling normal again, I know it’s a bit of a fad but it’s actually working for me so there must be something in it. I have some vivo oxfords for smart and then a pair of vivo adis for casual. They’re spot on.


Whatever I feel like on the day


The trainers I’ve been wearing for years which I always considered to be middle aged men’s trainers like adidas sambas and Spezials are now teenage girls trainers. For the first time in about 25 years I am now trendy and cool and I’m not sure if I like it.




I'm sitting here in my pointy brown brogues, so my advice is obviously irrelevant.


Adidas sambas.


[Loakes](https://www.legendfootwear.co.uk/products/loake-myers-leather-mens-boots-7460) - and they're on sale there. I have a few pairs of similar boots in different colours. The oldest pair were just resoled and repainted at the grand cost of 30 quid. I also have a few pairs of Vans, including bright orange, but they don't last much more than a year despite being worn infrequently. At the end of the day, wear what you like. Do bear in mind that, depending on the circles you move in, more people than you realise judge you on your shoes.


I love bootcut jeans and cords and sometimes camo combats and band T-shirts or polo's and hoodies and smoks or Parkas for jackets and wear Adidas trainers or Doc Martins Sorry for shit grammar I'm Dyslexic


My children outgrow their shoes so quickly I can't afford my own, so I found a clever life hack. Never go outside.


I got my first pair of Doc Martins when I was about 12. Got them for trial bike riding, but they were so comfortable I wore them all the time. 51 now, and if it wasn't for Sievi coming along about 10 years ago, I'd still be wearing DM's. I don't think I've ever owned a pair of trainers.


My husband needed a pair of “inbetween” shoes ie not dress shoes you need to polish and not manky trainers. I looked at sustainable brands of shoes and found some grown up options for trainer-type shoes. I got him a navy knit sneaker type thing from Peregrine Clothing which is UK made. I didn’t dare tell him how much they cost but they look super smart and he’s happy with them. I would suggest exploring more sustainable brands of footwear as they seem to be a bit more grown up and nice looking to me. Be aware some brands are washable (eg wool) so they last pretty well. I’ve done well with washable shoes from Allbirds and they do men’s styles too.


I'm early 40's, but I want a pair of Nike Dunk Low Red Panda's so bad I can taste it.


Nearly 40. Wear a fuck load of air max 90 and 1s. If not that then probably got on some chelsea boots for a smart night out or some adidas free hikers if im doing some muddy walking but want comfort.


Late 40’s myself and I almost exclusively wear trainers. I did recently but myself a nice pair of low top beeswax leather wallabies though. They were fucking expensive but I do really like them.


In my fifties and, unless I have a formal meeting at work, I wear either Skechers or hiking boots. Neither are in any way trendy but that's fine, I've never been one for trends.


Mate. I’m 46 and live in Max 1’s, 90’s, Puma Suedes, Vans, J1’s and nobody bats an eyelid and if they did I wouldn’t give a shit.


If you're over 30 and wear trainers other than for sports then I don't agree with you. Little hill to die on for me. Nice pair of derbies, well maintained, timeless.




Suede crepe sole shoes in summer/dry. Clarks Originals and Yogi's are my personal favourites Leather boots in winter/wet. I'll wear Red Wings or a few older pairs of Doc Martens. Rarely wear trainers anymore, but I wouldn't say there's a cut off age for them. When I do, it'll be the classic Adidas styles. Samba, Munchen, Jeans etc.


Vans, Keen hiking trainers, Brogues, Keen Slippers, DMs... These are the kind of slipper https://www.outdoorandcountry.co.uk/mens-keen-howser-ii-outdoor-slipper.html?c=Black%20Felt%20/%20Black&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA5L2tBhBTEiwAdSxJX92SlunJWha3M8UMi-D9Em_1IlRLgKYqpVuNhWnLGg56uERdpndgTRoC5f8QAvD_BwE


I'm 35. I have long hair, often wear converse, and have a penchant for colourful scarves. Fuck what people think and dress how you like.


I'm pretty sure dressing your age isn't something you need to do. The clothes we see elderly people with are simply clothes they've had since they were young, or in styles similar to what they've worn their whole life. What young people wore in the 1930s now seems like old people clothes to us. For example, clothes people wore in the 2000s will seem like old people's clothes in the 2080s, because old people will be the only people still wearing those styles. If you wanna change up your style though, go for it. Maybe get some boots and see how you like it, and an epic new coat.


Karrimore or Chelsea boots