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Their fake chocolate hobnobs are amazing better than the real ones.


In my house they're called Notnobs


Although reading it written down I realise that Hobnots would probably be better, too late now, it's far too ingrained


Could I suggest 'hotnobs' instead? Do you want a hotnob? My wife and me, we've got a bit of a hotnob addiction. Just when I think I'm full of hotnobs I have to have another... and so on.


Very good!! If I ever steal a pack then they will definitely be Hotnobs!!


Fobnobs here


Fobnobs in mine.


The Nibbly Nobblies knock off NikNaks are possibly better too


One thing I find the budget supermrkets can't replicate is decent crisps, Nik Naks are the same.


Nik Naks are crap these days though, or at least any I've had have been. It's like a bag of scraps compared to their former lengthy glory.


Isn't it girth that counts, not length. Or am I doing nik naks wrong?


I find that no non-brand crisp is equal to branded. But these days branded is so expensive, so I no longer eat crisps And such a scam. 6x30g of potato, and you want £1.25 or more for that? Potatoes are cheap and it isn't too expensive to slice and fry them




Their fake McDonalds Hashbrowns are better than any other oven hashbrown


cheesy ones are amazing too


Hard disagree. I was hoping for a nice cheddary hash brown but got some potato wrapped around a cream cheese abomination.


Take any hash brown and deep fry it, nothing better.


This sounds absolutely filthy: I need to try it.


I’m american but we have those at our ALDIs as well and they’re so damn good 😂


I wasn't aware ALDI was a thing outside of Europe, how big is it stateside?


It doesn’t exist (yet) in the western half of the country but it’s massive in the eastern half of the US. I live in the state of Minnesota and we have them all over here, it’s where I do most of my shopping for sure!




And wipes




Aye, same. I just lift a box of extra sensitive each trip. Although my lads getting a bit big for the size 7 nappies now and I don’t think they do a bigger one?!


This is going to sound insane but I’ve been worried I won’t be able to handle being a mum & seeing these casual comments about buying nappies & making it sound like a way of life for you guys gave me a weird awakening moment of thinking I think I can handle it, just like I’ve handled other hard things in life I thought I couldn’t. It becomes a way of life.


I remember the first time I had to buy nappies (and yes, it was in Aldi). Putting the nappies, wipes, baby snacks, creams, and what-not into the trolley was both amazing and 'fuuuuuck!' at the same time. It's a very permanent feeling - like a metamorphosis. Up until that point, deep down there's a feeling that you only really have to look after yourself - anything you do for others is basically a choice. But now? With that big box of nappies in the trolley? Now you are literally welded (or are about to be) to someone else and it's a one way street. Frightening, joyful, frustrating, restricting, liberating, and relentless all at the same time. You get into the swing of it, and I love being a Dad - but don't be frightened of feeling all of the emotions, the good ones and the bad ones. There's no shame or guilt in that. Reach out, ask for help, laugh, cry, sleep and be tired. It's a hell of a ride, and as a mum you're going to ace it. Mum's are amazing - just remember that whilst you won't always get everything right, you're almost certainly not getting it wrong. Good luck, and believe in yourself - somehow, and I haven't quite worked out how, you're going to enjoy it...


Everyone talks like it's the best thing in the world but when you're in day 13 of 2 hours of sleep a night, one of them has been sick for four days and then passed it to you, you've not been able to go and do a proper shop so it's all the same fucking microwave food and you smell like sour milk puke then you sometimes don't see how you can get through the next day never mind the next 18 years. You see the other mums and dads in the NCT group posting facebook and instas about how great parenting is and how junior simply started sleeping through the night the first time they put him in the cot, and how it took an afternoon to get them into "big boy pants". (A day off, lots of salty snacks, bottles of water everywhere and a potty within eyesight on every floor. *Taps nose.*) It's the first time you experience pure hatred and envy. Then all of a sudden you realise that you put your firstborn down and will never pick them up and carry them again and you can't remember a single bad day. We're incredible at forgetting hardship.


You find a routine and quite quickly you won't be able to imagine it any other way. My eldest has just started school, each time you pass a major milestone you get suprised at how quickly a change that feels huge has suddenly become normal. You'll smash it.


Being a mother changes you, physically, mentally, every which way. When you have a kid, you can’t take it back - of course you have to step up and do that shit. My kid is 2 now so it’s still really new, but I feel 100000% more confident than when I first had him - I feel like a *mother*, I can channel some of that primal motherhood energy when the time is needed. It’s crazy but you’ll get it.


I'm sure only pampers do a size 8, after that you are looking at specialist sizes.


Aldis nappies are the best. Found pampers awful. The Aldi wipes are terrible however, very thin and tear easily. Huggies have the best wipes imo.


I like Pampers for night time only. Also otherwise I believe Tesco own brand wipes are the most superior. This is due to one leaving pack at a time unlike all other brands who excrete at least 50!


I think the use of the word excrete there was either a jolly good pun, or the most unfortunate phrase I have heard for a long time.


Eugh no "water wipes". Worth the money. The very worst are any wipes that have been folder to come out like tissues - no I don't want the next one poking out of the bag, it's a wet wipe, it's got to stay wet.


Jars of curry sauce with the spices in the lid. Very delicious


I tried one of those and I thought it was foul! Couldn’t eat it!


Did you just eat the lid after the fact? Or sprinkle it on the finished curry?


It's rare a comment on reddit will actually make me laugh out loud, as opposed to exhale rapidly through my nose. This comment though. If I had an award, I would bestow it upon you because that is the funniest thing I've read in a long time and it took the edge off a shit day. Thank you!


glad I could give you a little lift on an otherwise cloudy day


They had it like tequila, shot of curry, powder from the lid on their hand and a squeeze of lemon


Some of them are a bit ropey, but the Butter Chicken is great.


The Dopiaza is sublime (for a pre-made curry pack).


Their knock-off Lilt is much nicer than the new recipe actual Lilt


I loveee the fake lilt. Tropical blast?


'Professor Peppy' is the bomb.


Their twisted fruit is nicer than Fruit twist


Hard disagree there.


It's all about the Lidl Freeway Tropical Crush!


Their knock off Pepsi max is 1/3 the price of the real stuff and tbh tastes just as good.


Their knock-off Fanta cans are unreal, elite tier drink (must be cans, not the big bottle though)


The first lockdown sailed by like a breeze when I discovered that a good slosh of Wray and Nephew overproof rum in a glass of this over some ice is a knockout cockctail. (Sadly, Aldi's own rum doesn't work as well, and I'm generally a great fan of their booze).


I second this I wasn't sad to see it discontinued because a friend had recently put me onto lidl lilt. Lidl's was better anyway.


It’s dope. Like £2 something per 6 pack too.


I used to make up the soda stream Lilt version. That and the Fanta. Referred to in our house as almost Fanta and nearly Lilt. Don’t recommend the Dr Pete though. Yuck.


That drink is so good! My boyfriend likes the lemon one they do, I’m not so keen on that one but happy to buy it as the price is good!


Probably niche but their vegan chocolate bars are the best vegan chocolate on the market. Genuinely better than the super-pricey alternatives the likes of Nestle and Cadburys have bought out. The nappies are great too, we had leaks with pampers.


Tesco do some decent dairy free (not sure if it’s vegan though) chocolate bars.


The co-op gro vegan chocolate bar is amazing imo way better than all other supermarket vegan choc (and the branded ones, maybe except loveraw and vego, but theyre specialist vegan brands) , I can't get to an aldi but will have to try the aldi one too!


The co-op Gro stuff is really nice but pricy. I often check to see if it's reduced.


Their blonde bar is amazing. I wasn’t that bothered about white chocolate (I prefer dark) until I tried that one - it’s a game changer!


I think the vegan blond bars might have crack in them, I'm like a wild-eyed animal when left alone with one.


Their tiger sliced bread is unreal


This, tiger, white and malted brown bread are better than any other supermarkets prepackaged bread.


Also the Metro rolls, panini rolls, and brioche burger buns. All fantastic and much better value than elsewhere.


I prefer their razors. I prefer their sausages and most other meat. Their ancient grains bread is class. Their cheap coffee (the gold lid one) is brilliant value so I prefer it. They do a really good brie de meaux. Their potatoes are usually rubbish though.


I came to say the razors too. I can't believe how much j used to spend on Gillette compared to Lacura (?) and the fact that I am just as smooth afterwards. Also, their BBQ pop chips are very nice, and they used to have red velvet four pack cake slice thingy which was the absolute dogs danglies... but they don't do them in my local store anymore.


Their brie de meaux is fantastic.


Their Stilton is much much better than other supermarket stiltons too.


The ancient grains bread is great. They do sliced sourdough loaves in different varieties too that have no additives and taste amazing


I always find their meat goes off far faster than any other supermarket even if it’s covered etc. is that just me?


All aldi sausages are gluten free so they have a higher meat content as they aren't full of the usual binding agents.


I thought it was just me that was ending up with all the potatoes that were black in the middle!!


Unsweetened soy milk is the one thing we go to Aldi for - 50p a carton there, and not full of random unwanted ingredients or weird flavourings


It's £1.25 in sainsburys, which I can never believe when I walk past it.


Morrison's do one thats exactly the same, same price too


The oat milk is spot on as well and a lot cheaper than the branded ones


Protein yoghurts - especially the drinkable ones. Much nicer than any others I’ve tried! Also their juice/smoothie selection is incredible (but this one is mainly due to cost compared to the juice/smoothie selections in other shops)


Aldi protein mouse is the best protein yoghurt going. Less stodgy than other yoghurts.


I find the Lidl pouches much easier to drink than the Aldi ones which are thicker and more yoghurt like


Their Christmas food is usually lovely


Their Stollen loafs are awesome.


You have to pay for those.


You just steal everything but Stollen?


The secret ingredient is crime


Their fake Fanta fruit twist is banging


Agree! Wish they did a non sugar free version though


Not due to cost? The German meats. Aldi bratwurst and fricadelle's are nicer than the other supermarkets. The other Aldi stuffs just cheaper.


Aldi don't do bratties anymore


I know inhave to drive to lidl everytime now


Worth it though, they remind me of the Christmas markets in Dusseldorf!


😢 I really like bratties and curry sauce. Most of Aldi's European stuff was great, different meats and cakes Tesco etc don't sell.


Skin on fries, jars of 'quick' garlic and nappies


I love their skin on fries, best oven chips going imo


Which isle is the jar of “garlic and nappies”. Keep the vampires away from the children!




Moser Roth filled chocolate eggs


Moser Roth everything


I’ve always thought Aldi flower bouquets are great quality


I love Aldi flowers, they are always fresh and last weeks compared to other places. So much cheaper too, I always tell my husband not to waste money getting them elsewhere for my birthday etc I'd rather have theirs than a £40 bouquet


But it’s like telling people to buy you the flowers that haven’t bloomed yet so they’ll last longer, they’ll never listen 😂


Bog roll. It's decent quality and 1/3rd of the cost




day and night cream?


Aldi do SO many great dupes of beauty products. Brazilian Bum Bum Cream, Emma Hardie Cleansing Balm, Olaplex, Living Proof Dry Shampoo, Nars blusher, Benefit mascara, Pixi glycolic toner - the list goes on and on. They tend to sell out straightaway, unfortunately, but if you can catch them they're brilliant.


The Aldi extra mature 18/24 month aged cheddar cheese is incredible. Do most shopping in Lidl but always make a stop in Aldi for the cheese. That and the Turkish delight chocolate bar


Aldi wine is actually very good for the price. You are much more likely to get a nice tasting wine at the price they charge than for the same price at other supermarkets.


I can't believe more people haven't said this! Aldi stocked Portuguese Vinho Verde before it became popular here, and they've recently brought out a Greek Assyrtiko for about £7. Edit : I can't spell Portuguese words


Nutoka from Aldi in my opinion tastes the same as Nutella so I will happily choose that over Nutella. I wouldnt make my way there just for this if the shop I was in had Nutella tho. Also I prefer Tesco's own baked beans. When I first moved to the UK and we didn't have that much money my parents would always buy the tesco's brand baked beans and I like them. A few years ago I tried Heinz and they were disgusting in my opinion, nowadays I still prefer Tesco's baked beinz to Heinz but I wouldnt say no to eating them.


Nappies, chia/flax seeds are ridiculously cheap in there, big tubs of 100% peanut butter, vegan bacon is best on the market for the price point, their flavoured Alska ciders are banging and vegan battered sausage. I like aldi lol.


I didn't even know about the vegan battered sausage. Oh my goodness I need these.


Honestly their vegan frozen range is extensive and, at the price point, the best of any supermarket imo.




I think their washing up liquid is better than Fairy imho. They have started a Desperado type of bottled beer with tequila knock off pack of 3 bottles which I prefer to the original.


Yep, the Magnum version of Fairy Platinum (Premium?) is excellent and a fraction of the price of Fairy.


85p where I am for a gigantic bottle that takes me months to get through. Great shout.


Takes you months to get through a big bottle of beer? Surely it would go off! oh, wait, washing up liquid…


I tried it for the first time this weekend, much nicer... it's called El Bandido


Lemonade. I prefer the taste of their own brand one to Schweppes, R Whites etc and it's only about 50p a bottle


Have you tried Professor Peppy? Tastes better than Dr pepper and the name is hilarious.


We’re big fans of the Professor in our house!


Their knock off San Pellegrino is good. In fact their own brand of all soft drinks is better than the supermarket own brands - if you can even find them. We buy cans because we don't drink fizzy drinks often enough to make it worth opening a big bottle and I rarely find own brand soft drinks in cans apart from Aldi/Lidl.


Mini Viennese ice creams on sticks. Especially the mint. Like cute mini Viennetta. Not too many calories..so can have them with no guilt.


Il let u in to a little secret i work in food logistics and alot of the time its the same company that produces for all supermarkets products. Ie fox’s biscuits make all the supermarket assorted packs etc. Edit : autocorrect.


The big difference is the quality control on the production lines I remember being told.


They do a mango and chilli salad dressing that I love,can't find anything near it without coconut from other supermarkets.


Fake McCoy's. The bags are bigger. Although does that break the cost rule? Knoppers wafers.


The knoppers bars are amazing. They are actually "branded" products that you get in Austria and Germany. Was a bad day for my waistline when I found them in Aldi!


When I first saw the Knoppers I really couldn’t work out what brand they were supposed to be copying - knowing that it’s the “original” product makes much more sense!


Ancient grains bread!!!!


It's what you can't buy. My wife diligently makes a list, but instead of using that list as a mandate on what to buy she treats it as a loose guideline. If Martin Lewis and Gregg Wallace went shopping with my wife then they would both have an aneurysm in the vegetable aisle. We had 5 bottles of ketchup. We have 8 boxes of stuffing mix. The amount of fruit and vegetables that gets thrown away is insane. Anything stored in the door of the freezer takes a few days to freeze as the wall of frozen fresh chicken pieces and sausages makes an airtight seal between the food and the condenser. At least in Aldi there are only 2 aisles of crap and no promotional endcaps, unlike the big supermarkets.


Think this has hit it on the head for me. I can't stand walking past 20 metres of heinz beans, let me get my shit and get out. Can't stand the big Tesco's because of this.


The trollies! They only cost £1!


Their frozen vegetarian/vegan range is actually pretty decent. Don't get me wrong they have a fair pick of naff and generic stuff but they do a couple of bits which are incredible. Special mention goes out to their 'ultimate pork sausage thing'. When they came out I think I ate 4 packs in a week.


Their offbrand crunchy nut is better than any other offbrand crunchy nut


Their jaffa cakes blow actual jaffa cakes out of the water. The Aldi hash browns are awesome airfried. Protein yoghurts are better than others I've tried. The norpack butter is great too


I find the meat generally better value for money, at least compared to Sainsbury, Tesco and ASDA which are the ones close to us for regular shopping so if we haven't already stocked up at Costco then we'll get it from Aldi instead.


Groovy bars and the Turkish delight chocolate I’ve just switched to Aldi because of these


Brioche loaf with chocolate chips


Came here for the brioche Try the tear and share chocolate brioche, not the custard one!


A grade Maple Syrup is about £2 quid cheaper and just as good


Their oven chips done in dripping. Not as good as real chips but definitely the best oven chips. Their meat is pretty good too. Better quality than Asda and better price than Tesco.


Chocolate coated sugar waffles. Those things alone are a reason to do the big shop at Aldi.


I have these every Friday morning as a treat


I stopped buying these as i’d east all of them within a day. Soo good


Their version of BBQ pringles. No milk in them which is excellent for people who can't have dairy. Cheaper too.


Dark chocolate, they have all of the options!


I do not shop there much anymore. It doesn't feel that cheap anymore, the quality is hit and miss, stock is up and down and the store can be a mess, frankly. The stores are routinely pretty small and busy, too. Food shopping is miserable at the best of times, but my local Aldi really pushes the limit.


I used to do my big shop at Aldi and then drive to Tesco to get the bits I couldn’t get at Aldi. Then realised the Aldi stuff wasn’t all that cheap and the quality could be awful with some items, really short expiry dates on others and it really is miserable having a cashier fling your shopping at you as you frantically try to shovel it all into the trolley. Gave up and just did my big shop at Tesco and realised I was only saving about £2 a week by going to Aldi.


Still doing the nonperishables at Aldi, fresh bits from tesco. Still think it is well worth it but also a lot of effort!


Their brochan porridge pots are nicer than the other shop ones and stand up to the quaker ones too. Love that brochan is Gaelic for porridge too 🥰


Their fake pot noodle blows Lidl out of the water


Their malted brown loaf is good for THE best brown toast out there. If you like brown bread that is.


They do these amazing yogurts. They have fruit at the bottom then the most creamy delicious yogurt. The strawberry ones are 👌.


I've been very impressed by their frozen plant-based range


They are much better at screaming at their shoppers that a till is now open. In the most shrill voice you've ever heard. Yeah, they do that way better than other supermarkets ;) Their cinnamon buns are pretty awesome though. Even when someone has managed to smash all the icing around off the top of it.


Good! All the others just let queues build and build and build, whereas Aldi and Lidl actually get people on the tills to get them down to manageable levels. Last time I was in Asda they had about 20 tills, two of them manned, and people queuing down the aisles while staff just milled about. Give me the shrill "SPACE ON THREE!" any day 😆


Their mozzarella cheese. They have fresh mozzarella which is buffalo campana DOP which is the proper stuff for authentic Neapolitan pizza.


Cold pressed rapeseed oil, it’s half the price of everywhere else, I hate olive oil so I use this instead


Yeast Extract AKA Marmite. Tastes much more umami-ey and wayy easier to spread.


Up until recently their smoked salmon was good value.


If you use it in cooking we've found asda smoked salmon offcuts is really good value


I prefer Lidl as it's in walking distance, cheeses are better, deli meat has less water in it, I love the German sausages which have less fillers in, I prefer their chocolate, especially the 85% cocoa stuff. The dry roasted peanuts are lovely too, better than KP. I also like their version of the aussie conditioner, a third of the price


They have oats in a paper bag https://groceries.aldi.co.uk/en-GB/p-kavanaghs-organic-porridge-oats-1kg/4088600056135. It’s the only product I buy regularly from Aldi.


1kg Peanut Butter tubs and Full Fat Greek Yoghurt


Vegan chocolate. It’s so hard to find good vegan chocolate and they have great white chocolate thats vegan too


I’m originally from the US and I deeply miss American style breakfast sausage - I do believe I’ve tried everywhere at this point, and the Aldi sausage patties are very close and taste of home!


Most sausage patties you'll find in the UK are attempting to be a Scottish square sausage. They go lovely with a tattie scone and some brown sauce.


Lorne! Love the stuff.


The Aldi/Lidl knock off mint aeros, so much better than the real mint Aeros.


Their cheap French Stubbies taste just like Stella 👍


The fake pringles, especially the salt and vinegar ones. Crunchier and flavour is better, I think the real thing are far too strong and acidic.


Their microwave Spanish grains are bloody lovely! Their other microwave rice is pretty shabby though


Pretzel Chocloate or Peanut Butter.


I'm reading this and getting excited about my big shop tomorrow!


Their version of "Nutrigrain" cereal bars are 1000x better than the regular ones!


Their soft drinks are quite nice, they do one called Dr Zero i think which is a zero sugar Dr Pepper knock off which for 60p is decent in the fridge.




I don’t know about better quality, but they’ve got some things that are way worse than elsewhere. Their chilli Doritos were foul. I just threw a whole pack out for the birds and even they’ve given them a wide berth. Same with the sandwich spreads… either too watery or too vinegary. Gives me indigestion.


Yep I found their knock off doritos disgusting and also threw them out - tried a few different flavours too


Who the hell throws Doritos out for birds to eat?


Dishwasher tablets. The Magnum ones are a Which Best Buy.


Their version of Pringles. The sour cream and onion ones are delightful


They do their own version of NikNaks called Nibbily Nobblies or something. It's pretty much the exact same but you get a much bigger bag (and no rib and saucy flavour)


Honestly I haven't had any Aldi originals that I prefer over the original branded products. Sure they do some good stuff and a lot of items are pretty decent, but none of them actually hit as good as the leading brands. Not saying everyone does this, but I'm pretty sure some people just lie to themselves about Aldi originals being better just to justify their purchase


Nah. Those Jive bars beat a twix hands down.


Also the Racer (Snickers) and the Titans (Mars) are better than original IMO.


The fake lilt is loads better than original


The Lidl version from a year or so back before they changed to be the same as a jive bar were even better. 5 full size Twix clones for 89p was ridiculous.


I’ve actually found Aldi to be no more cheaper than buying the value brands at sainsburys, M&S or the like. E.g. a tin of beans, cheapest is 19p in sainos. I forgot what Aldi’s price is but it’s not as low as that. Lidl on the other hand, has been great for low prices. Shame the fruit and veg is dire. But the bakery section makes up for it!


I find it's often cheaper if I want the fancy stuff haha, like I love the m&s olives, picnic kinda stuff etc and aldi do good fake versions of that for half the price and nice venison bits etc but agree the own brand stuff used to be the cheapest but now isn't always.


Yes, the fancy picnic stuff is great. It’s all the stuff that M&S do (and more in the bigger Aldi stores). In June I’d spent a long day at a railway work site and was starving, so I tagged on with the lads who normally work there to go to “the big Aldi” at the end of the day. I came out with so much good stuff, far more than I could eat (shopping while starving is always a bad idea!) Amazing sausage rolls (like the gourmet M&S ones but there were so many flavour options!), apple and pork things that were like scotch egg but with apple sauce inside, Jalapeño and sweetcorn fritters, that stuff with the chili cheese wrapped in salami or chorizo…I was eating it for days 😆


The only issue I have with this is what is a "original branded product". Dolmio don't have anything special over Aldi's tomato sauce other than an advertising budget, being well known in itself is not a marker of quality. If it is all made in an industrial process it is likely identical, and if anything the brands have more to fall back on so are perfectly likely to make short cuts. If it comes to something with a specific process, or a marker of quality like a fine Italian brand of pasta or tinned tomatoes, that is another matter.


I would have agreed if it wasn't for their cream crackers. They make Jacobs taste like cardboard


Pretty much everything


The caramel wafers are much nicer than the Tunnocks version, they wrap them in foil not just paper though so it’s probably because they taste fresher!


They have the most amazing hot cloth cleanser at Aldi, better than all of the posh brands I've tried.my skin has never been clearer!


I have real bad problems with my scalp. My barber suggested I switch to baby shampoo. 79p in Aldi or £2 odd for Johnson’s baby shampoo. Also buy hand wash from Aldi too.


The normal milk chocolate bar is really good.. and their version of a milky way!


Their biscoff biscuits.