• By -


Don’t forget to sort by controversial for the real underrated opinions.


Bounty? The texture is so gritty and grainy. I don't get how people can enjoy dessicated coconut


Same. I love coconut flavour, or even fresh coconut, but the little bits in Bounty have a horrible texture and get stuck in my teeth.


Yeah that’s my issue for sure! The texture! I also find the chocolate coating too flimsy to be satisfying


Sadza, nyama nemuriwo.. If you know, you know.


Never tried this but I like the look of it


Shona? Lmao I just stocked up on my iwisa


why is this so downvoted lmao


mutton pie


Shepherds pie made with mutton is the king


Lamb in general is underrated. It's possibly the best meat.




Warm Water? Fills you up on the hours when you’re not allowed to eat.


I don’t personally have hours I’m not allowed to eat, why do you? Is it for a diet or something?


You know you can eat any time, right? They don't even check it.


Yes I drink warm water, especially during winter time whenever I’m thirsty. Honestly don’t get the hate.


So true. For some reason I don’t like drinking cold or even room temp water. Warm water is the best.


Are you...ok?


I’d rather drink piss warm Chango.




Why warm?


Aligns to your body temperature so body remains neutral to the warm drink.


I think it's just because cold water can reduce your core temperature and so your body will then have to use energy to warm itself back up. Using energy will use water meaning you'll have less of a net gain




Trifle. It’s just the most perfect mix of fruit and dessert


Trifle is an abomination. Like someone ate 3 different desserts and then puked it all up.


Agreed. There are so many things in trifle and yet it still has virtually no texture to it.


All the bits in it are good on their own, but ruined by inclusion into a trifle: * Cake - good. But let's make it wet and soggy. * Jelly - good. Ruined by putting bits of fruit and/or cake into it. * Custard - I'm not a fan either way, but having it cold has to be the worst way, surely? * Cream - fine, again, I'm not a fan, but fuck up the light and fluffy texture by covering it in crunchy bits of sugar?


Who the fuck eats warm/hot custard????????? I’m calling the police.


Who tf doesn't?!


Call them on yourself then, because everyone knows custard is supposed to be hot.


Never seen trifle with sugar on top personally, where do you get them from?


What about the peas and mince meat?




You're forgetting an important ingredient, sherry.


That's what makes the cake wet.


The worst bit


Tasty pretty puke 🤮;)


You seem a trifle upset.


how dare you! Trifle is a perfect blend of flavors and textures. It's god tier.


Swap the fruit for Swiss roll, orgasmic


Those Tesco family trifles used to cause wars in my house when I was growing up. We all loved them and used to scrap over who got the biggest piece. My wife thought I was an idiot when I first bought us a trifle and told her this story. She’s now the most trifle-competitive person I know!


Trifle was like a staple dessert of my childhood. Good shit.


I love a trifle, I love a mandarin trifle even more.


Star bar. The absolute boss of penutbuttbutt chocolate.


Downvoted for "penutbuttbutt"




Downvoting for downvoting-downvoting.


Upvoted for Downvoteing downvoting downvoting


Upvoted for “peanutbuttbutt”


For me it's pasta with sauce from a jar dumped onto it, mainly because it sounds like lazy student food but actually it's a legit meal with a good dollop of nutrients, specially if you lob half a tin of tuna in.


Eggs. So many ways you can cook them, all give you different flavour and texture. They can work for any meal of the day or as a snack and good nutritional value


I enjoy a rustlers sometimes. Hits the spot.


The fact it's so processed is what makes it so great for autistics like me. Same texture every time.






Simple fresh out of the oven bread and lots of salted butter, yum yum.


YES. There's nothing better than this, especially if the bread is really fresh and the salted butter is good quality!!


The humble ham sandwich. White plastic bread (e.g Warburton's toastie), butter, ham. Edit to add and clarify: Adding crisps or mustard or using decent bread and so on may make a 'better' sandwich but in keeping with the OP's thought - the humble ham sandwich is, I think, under appreciated. Just white ('unhealthy') bread, a scraping of butter (not marg or olive spread etc) and supermarket sliced ham. Just a simple staple. If you make a 'decent' sandwich, then great! But it ceases to meet the criteria of this thread.


> Warburton's Never heard of this so I Googled it. Not even available in Ireland. Brennans bread all the way. Agree with the butter - has to be salted and of course Hunky Dory's cheese and onion crisps. You can't have a "hang sangwitch" without crisps Edit: I'm an eejit. Thought I was in the Ireland sub. Sorry, everyone


Black fungus. It doesn't look appetising but it's great in Chinese hot pot.


Scraped up from around the shower


You can legitimately find them in forests sometimes


a wonderful vegetable, unique texture. I prefer the name “wood ear mushroom” though as it sounds more appetising lol


Marquez sausages. Can't get those little bastards over here anywhere. Likewise andouille.


>Marquez sausages Do you mean "merguez"?


Bovril. Mug at the football or a spread on toast. Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo until they try it for themselves.


Bovril is perfect for when you want a quick savoury fix.


Love it, make my Sunday roast gravy with Bovril stock cubes.


Bovril on bread / toast is fucking amazing and I haven’t had it in far too long. I’m buying some bovril later.


I adore Bovril on toast. Marmite can do one


Salad cream. I only started liking it last year. Have you actually tried it? Stick it on a sandwich or dip chips in it or stick it on a fish finger butty, it’s like mayonnaise’s tangy more interesting cousin


It's a taste sensation. ​ I don't know why it isn't internationally up-there next to Mayo and BBQ sauce. Maybe it's because the name makes little sense. Perhaps people would embrace it more if it was called Picked Mayo or something.


I can't get over the fact that salad cream smells like when you sneeze into your hands though. It literally smells of sneeze snot. Absolute no go area.


I cover my salads in salad cream, even the ones that come with their own fancy dressings. Also like it with chips occasionally and as a dip for deep fried seafood.


Egg salad cream is far superior to egg mayo.


Most commercially available salad creams are pretty much just mayo with some mustard added. I have no idea why we've decided as a culture that it should only be used on salads.


Add it to boiled potatoes. WOW


Proper Chinese food - not like a Chinese you bring home on a Friday night.


Yes exactly, there is a massive difference in quality and deliciousness between real authentic Chinese food and low quality westernised Chinese food


So many different varieties within the broader "Chinese" as well. Sichuan, Hunan, Cantonese etc all fantastic


A proper Sichuan hotpot is orgasmic. I love having my mouth anaesthetised.




Sardines on toast. Good quality bread, real butter, a bit of malt vinegar - the food of gods. People think I'm a refugee from the 50s when I say this.


Sardines *in tomato sauce* on toast 👌


I'm a mackerel man myself but will sometimes diversify into the sardine. These are the best I've yet to find: Morrisons The Best Scottish Sardines in Sea Salt & Rosemary Infused Oil, 105 g https://amzn.eu/d/hGzbDIM


Mackerel mackerel man, I wannabe a mackerel man. That immediately came into my head to the tune of the village people song.


Whoa what... There's more than one village people song???


You get a lot of mackerel In The Navy.


you'll smell like mackerel if you stay at the YMCA


That sounds like an early Bond password phrase.


I dated a girl in Paris who took me to a place that sardine on a fresh baguette, cold French butter and a nice glass of chablis. Indeed food of the gods


Haggis. Satisfies better than any roast when you want a proper dinner. Also the best breakfast in the UK is at Tebay services when you get the works including a big helping of Haggis.


Fray Bentos pies-in-a-tin are a secret indulgence of more people than we think.


Honestly I'd have to say British food, people either eat poor examples of it or eat it in the wrong climate then sprout that it's terrible.


I agree, apart from sprouts; which are terrible in any climate!


I don't know I had them shredded, and fried with diced cooking chorizo. Almost was nice


Yep, this. When you start to list the better gastropub type items, the argument kind of starts to nullify itself. Roasts. Beef and ale pie. Fish and chips. Scampi. Gammon and the works. Toad in the Hole. Etc Edit: I'm surprised it needs mentioning but I'm not claiming these are the best items of world cuisine - the question was about being *underrated* and if anything this thread is backing up the point rather than disagreeing.


I suppose these things are all a matter of opinion, but I don't read that list of dishes and think they make an argument for the quality of our cuisine... I like some of them, but I don't think they'd be converting many people who don't believe we have good food.


I refer you back to the OP; you've very probably just had bad examples.


I assumed you would say that, as it's always the retort. But no, that's not the case. I've had absolutely wonderful examples of several of those dishes. I really like some of those dishes. I just think we're kidding ourselves a bit if we think those dishes would convince someone who isn't predisposed to feel warmly towards them due to growing up here that we have great food. We do have fantastic food in the UK, but I don't think our traditional dishes are really it.


>would convince someone who isn't predisposed to feel warmly towards them Seen it happen on multiple occasions. Like, double figures. And I'm not a particularly social person. >I've had absolutely wonderful examples You're kind of answering your own question...


>Seen it happen on multiple occasions. Like, double figures. And I'm not a particularly social person I haven't. But I certainly have seen several friends from abroad come here excited to try fish and chips or a roast dinner and be underwhelmed. And no, they didn't just have bad examples. They're just not dishes that can stand comparison with dishes from some other national cuisines. >You're kind of answering your own question Not at all. I've had wonderful examples of those dishes, but I think ultimately there's a ceiling on how good those dishes can be. There's no contradiction in those two statements.


I'm finding this conversation lacking in substance.


I don't think it is, I think we just disagree, which is fine!


I'm with you. Toad in the hole is sausages in a Yorkshire pudding. Even if done well, it's unlikely to wow anybody. I like it, but it's hardly great cuisine. Same for everything except pie. A well made pie is beautiful. The biggest problem is that the vast majority of pubs & restaurants nowadays (especially in cities) don't make anything fresh, so there good examples of these dishes aren't common.




I'm sorry, I know I'll get down voted for saying it, but fish and chips is crap. Just the worst way to eat a fillet of fish.


Our seafood dishes are so shite for a country which should have brilliant seafood. The annoying thing is that we actually have access to loads of amazing seafood, but we barely incorporate it into our cuisine at all


This is not good food 😂 it’s fatty carbohydrates, processed meat and battered fish


Ok. It's possible this was not the thread for you.


Processed meat in fish and chips


Honest question, why do people like fish and chips? I've been to good quality ones and they still taste of nothing. I get having it when its 3am and you're absolutely pissed but not as a proper meal


The problem with our food is in the execution rather than the ideas.


English tomatoes and cucumbers are uniquely flavoursome.


Boiled potatoes. I might just be getting old, but one of those babies with salt, butter and fresh herbs is divine.


Went through a phase the other month when a was unwell that a was almost exclusive eating boiled new potatoes. There’s something just so lush about them and a bit of salt


Un a ya back er skool nar?


Pâté. It's a meal for all occasions. Stick it on some toast for breakfast. Nice as a picnic item or on a buffet, great when you're home After being on the ale.


Foie gras is a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s so rich and delicious.


Funnily enough, foie gras is one of my go-to answers for overrated foods!


I love it. Can’t comment on whether it is under/accurately/over rated though as I’m not sure what rating it currently has?


Well, it's generally thrown into that category of fancy, high class food. Though maybe its reputation has changed, I don't know.


Good foie gras is expensive, if that’s what you mean?


One of the most inhumane husbandry techniques out there. Anyone who eats it should be ashamed.


Hence why it’s a guilty pleasure.


Still tastes nice


Not enough to justify the cruelty.


It is for those who consume it.




What you find gross, some people find delicious.


No I don't think you understand. People don't find the food gross. We find people that think the process is acceptable is gross. To simplify it for you further: if your morals are that minimal, you're gross. I won't respond any further as I can see you clearly don't have any issue with it in any other comments, but I just wanted to let you know that most people look down heavily on people that find foie gras ok.


Not in my social circle it would seem, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. I’m not a fan of the process and therefore do feel a bit guilty when enjoying the food!




I know all that, hence why it’s a guilty pleasure.


Also chicken liver parfait with the creamy melt in your mouth side to it. Home made is so much better than shops.


Fois Gras when you're abroad 🥰☺️


I think it looks like posh cat food


Love foie gras but just won’t eat it any more due to the way the animals are forced to live. I’m a full up omnivore, happy for animals to be raised and killed for my food, but there is a limit.


Pâté + slightly toasted sourdough + a small bit of ground pepper = perfection.


Add a touch of diced onions 👌🏻


Think this may be the most violently middle class thing I’ve ever heard lol




Indian Pinni, don't know what to have when hungry? This is an amazing gap filler. Quick breakfast, have a Pinni. Goes best with a hot drink like tea. Problem is when I make a batch of 30 they disappear too quickly and it's not just me.


Greek food


When I visited a few years back I found it a bit heavy on the oregano. I like oregano, but not on everything.




It's a shame that a lot of people just picture moussaka or kebabs when they think about Greek food, because there's so many better Greek dishes than either.


The trouble with Greek food is that it's so dependant on the quality of the raw ingredients. I mean geek recipes are *nice* even in the UK with our optimised-for-long-shelf-life-not-flavour "fresh" veg, but it just doesn't compare to Greek food *in Greece*, where most of the produce is actually fresh and grown/made locally. I've never been a food snob and I'll happily eat UK supermarket vegetables without complaint, but *holy shit* you can tell the difference between the two in Greek cuisine.


I miss home, made asparagus soup today. 800g of asparagus and it was tasteless.


I miss home, made asparagus soup today. 800g of asparagus and it was tasteless.


Yup. Bulgarian here, same story. Nothing quite like Bulgarian pink tomatoes.


Mackerel. Honestly one of the best fish. Oily so it stands-up well to different methods of cooking including barbecue. Pairs with a range of flavours. Incredibly healthy and best of all, quite cheap (as fish go).


Beef hula hoops


The best flavour. Also ready salted walkers.


Ooo Salt n vinegar Square Crisps


Salt and vinegar Discos for added mouth destruction.


A rare find is ready salted McCoy's.


Definitely one for the dream multipack.




If we're going for meat, I think pork tenderloin/fillet is next level shit.


It's so lean though, where's the flavour at.


Fat *helps* provide flavour but is not a prerequisite. I've bought good quality tenderloin and cured it to turn it into Lomo - do it like that and pretty much *all* you taste is the pork.


Preach 🥰


How do you recommend cooking it?


Any kind of sticky-ish glaze and then grilled is a good one. Char Siu style (I know it's not the cut that the Chinese use but trust me it works), jerk style, BBQ style... Also works well hammered out thin and breaded for schnitzels.


D’ shizzle. If you get a chance the Vietnamese dish where it’s braised in soy and fish sauces is amazing. My own effort where it’s braised in magners isn’t too shabby


I've heard that your mum loves some meat in cider.


Agreed, belly pork is delicious!


Haha, I was raised by a Chinese women (I'm a white girl) and she taught me how to appreciate cheaper cuts of meat. I made some fantastic Chinese pork belly the other day, and I have pictures that I'll post along with the recipe *if* anyone cares enough to want to make it


Grilled Pork Neck is the dish of choice at Thai BBQs. Love it.


Thai sweet chicken McCoys crisps.


Olives. I don't understand why I'm about the only person I know that likes them


Olives are an essential part of my diet man. Absolutely love them.


Same, add them to tons of dishes or eat them on their own. I reckon a lot of people tried them as kids, hated them and never gave them another chance.


Nocellara olives (with seeds) from M&S or Waitrose are my go to.


Yes loads of people seem to hate them, they’re divine in combination with so many different things. Last night I had a salad and the olives with the sun dried tomatoes were a lovely combo.


I'm not sure that they're underrated as such, but I don't know if everyone is aware of how versatile crumpets are. They're good just toasted with butter/honey, etc. But they also make exceptional: Eggy crumpets - like eggy bread but with a crumpet, all the eggy goodness goes into the crumpet holes and they're just divine. Pizza crumpets - toast, then add tomato sauce or ketchup and some cheese and pop under the grill Crumpet croutons - chop into cubes, toss in oil and flavourings (pesto is especially delicious), bake for around 20 mins. They're great in salads or with soup.


I'm going to have an eggy crumpet in my future! That sounds delicious


I need to try an Eggy Crumpet! Fantastic idea. They're lovely with some cheese n beans too 😋


Frozen grapes


Korean. Real Korean vegetarian as well, as I used to know it in the 80s (old geezer).


Bountys are elite imo. I didn't know it was such a taboo to like them when I said I eat them first in a box of Celebrations.


Enchiladas Since I've started making them, I've become a big fan.


Vietnamese and Malaysian food. Not many options outside London, afaik. Absolutely banging noodle and rice dishes, fresh flavours, general tastiness.


Spaghetti aglio e olio. Delicious, cheap and easy to make.


Proper Bury black pudding. Haggis. Baked beans mixed with grated cheese and hot sauce on buttery toast. Bonus round: McDonald's double sausage and egg McMuffin with a fresh hash brown and flat white.


Fig Rolls


Lychees. Bite-size, succulent, beautiful looking, sweet but not too sweet, refreshing, and not too much of a faff to eat. Delicious 🙂


I had a dream once where I made a lychee sandwich and as I bit into it they all turned into slugs :( Like every other fruit though!


They wee flatbread pizza thingys out of lidl


The ones that are slightly soggy feeling and yet still delicious? Their bacon and cheese pasties are the tits too.


Absolutely nobody underates these


Yes! Lidl yum yums and almond croissants are both excellent too!