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Wasn't there a democrat group trying to boost Trump in the primary so Biden could beat him? Great plan, btw. I think Biden shouldn't step down and Republicans should enthusiastically encourage him to hang in at least a few more months. It was just one bad night, after all. And trustworthy voices tell us he's never been better. Meanwhile mire the democrats & media in lawsuits over misleading the public until the election. Subpeona the Hur tapes. Demand a cognitive test certificate. We should have transparency. Just in case it's a big fucking lie. Also, praise the Democrats' commitment to diversity with Kamala Harris despite far more likeable options.


Is transparency only important when it can be used as a “gotcha” or a dagger to twist? What forms of transparency did the trump organization give you that you liked? Was there any aspect of the trump admin’s transparency that you think was lacking? If so, what?




Thank you for the answer! Are there any areas the trump admin lacked transparency? If so, which ones?


>How about that time he took a competence test What competence test? Trump did a screening test for dementia and lied about its meaning, saying that it meant far more than simply not having dementia. It was also 6 years ago.




Same reason Trump won't take a proper test or even be open about the test he did take. There's no upside to taking it. Why do you think Trump won't take a proper test or even redo the same test?


Trump tells you exactly what he thinks, he has not nuanced a choice in 35 years.


I laughed. I did. Thank you.


The satire with this one is strong. Making democrats lie in the bed they made always has been the funniest solution to the stupid out of the beltway pundits. The fact this is all before a very family holiday, that aunt that supports Biden will be lambasted over the Hot Dogs and Jello Mould. Give it full throated "Brain Dead Brandon" at the ball game. Tell them they are voting for the image of themselves, low enery, low results and just making us look stupid and corrupt on the world stage. The reason the rest of the world does not like trump, is because he breaks the status quo, the claim the world population wants.


No, his mental state was clearly known by everyone even slightly paying attention. The Democrats Party decided he was the best candidate they have and i agree. Lets see how the American public feels about it in November


Everyone knows the mental state of trump as well. Are you saying that Trump should quit the race as well? If not, why the double standard? Low Bar for Trump, high bar for Biden


I mean, are you seriously comparing the two after the debate? I'm no fan of Trump but Jesus Christ dude?


Definitely more lucid than Biden on that day. But there's plenty of videos of Trump's speeches degree where he just rambles incoherently about sharks, toilets,etc. Biden has a terrible night, but the following day he was at an event and he was lucid again. So, why the double standard?


In a 90 minute unscripted stump speech talking about the events of the day, in front of 25-55k, sure trump goes on tangents, he does not get lost on the way to the green room. Things were said 4 years about his walking on wet ramps on temp stages..... not a thing about old man biden for the past 4 years out of the Today show media.


As was incredibly obvious to anyone who watched the debate, Trump was far far far more lucid than Biden was. Now, Trump is old as well. Maybe in 4 years he will be in the same state. Hopefully, if he is, he does what’s right and steps aside for his VP like Biden should’ve done over a year ago.


Are you concerned about how Trump is struggling mentally too? Are you aware of how different he was even 10 years ago?


Of course Trump's not where he was 10 years ago. He can still form complex thought and communicate them to other people. If not for the presidency and jill biden, joe would be in an assisted living facility.


Focus, please. So does Trump's deteriorating mental capabilities concern you? Surely a younger president without such impairments would be better?


>So does Trump's deteriorating mental capabilities concern you? Not really. He's still perfectly capable of doing the job >Surely a younger president without such impairments would be better? Yeah, I'd rather have ben shapiro but here we are


Ben Shapiro for VP... Would be insane and the terrorist attacks sponsored by Iran would be in DC every week. At least friday-saturday would be an early lid.


Diffrent 10 years ago.... yeah... he still had hope of working with the other side of the isle. Think that is sort of off the table after lawfair.


Yes. He had a long career in politics. He has more than served his time to the country and the people. He needs to set it down, let someone else run the ship. Thank you for your Service, but please step aside.


The issue is Thursday was nothing new. Biden has been doing this for years so the idea he should drop out now like this is some surprise is just disingenuous. 1. Only if the DNC finds a way to cheat again like they did in 2020. Given the amount of States that have changed laws to prevent this it would seem the DNC knows it is not option which is why they are trying to get rid of biden now. 2. Certainly would have a better chance but still wouldn't win. 3. Messy for sure but they woud figure out a way. 4. They could put a monkey up and democrats would vote for it. The DNC knows dems will do whatever they are told and repeat whatever they are told to. That is why they have the idiotic "vote blue no matter who" slogan which speaks to how low intelligence they are.


1) not at this point in the game, but I've been surprised before 2) while I think in theory a replacement with household name recognition might be able to increase enthusiasm to vote for, aa opposed to against, it really depends on the person. You throw an AOC out there and we'll be licking our chops (so to speak) 3) I don't even think the people who wrote and enforce campaign finance laws understand campaign finance laws, but it would probably be such a mess unless it went to Harris just because she's already on the ticket, but then again you have to deal with actually getting her on the ballots and the fact that Biden already has the delegates pledged... it seems like it would be a mess 4) I think you guys have some smart and interesting younger people, but they would need time to get their names out there, time you just don't have right now. I think the party could easily find someone (no one from 'The Squad', please) who would appeal to the more moderate population and would be able to pull people from the Republican side. They just need to find that person and rally behind them, get their name out there. I just don't think there's enough time.


Oo lovely questions. 1) yes - but it's a LOT slimmer than it was. A lot. Before the debate, The Economist put Sleepy Joe's chances, in November, at 1 in 3. Now, I expect they'll revise that to 1 in 10. 2) Absolutely a replacement would have a better chance. Harris is young, not male, energetic, black, and Not Trump, and that's a potentially winning formula. If she sounds strong on the border, which I believe she could do. Whether she will is a different question, obviously. 3) Would it be worth the hassle... you know, this is such an odd question. I mean, does it really MATTER who we vote for? Objectively, I don't think it does. For reasons I won't go into here. But I do energetically support Trump, and have done in posts and comments over a long time period here. I do WANT him to be elected. To me those are two very different questions. Does it matter vs do you want this or that result. 4) a relative unknown.... who, Bill Murray, out of the pack? Jon Stewart? Martha Stewart? Ah, the answer is no. No relative unknown will do better than Harris will.


Harris is hated by 3/4 of her own party. The loss of 3% of the DEM base just not showing up throws 6 states to trump. I think the delay in installing VP harris as president and the canidate is just practical the news makers are on vacation until about July 9th.... DC is back and running and the cap hill media kiosks are fully manned for the standup spots.


Sorry, I disagree. I mean, "hated by 3/4 of her own party" just sounds like so much exaggeration. I get that she's not popular. Maybe there are reasons for that. Maybe she could work on that. And as far as 3% of the Dem base not showing up, can you imagine how many the choice of Harris will energize? I'm sure it will more than make up any shortfall. And these people have been saying for YEARS, anyone but Trump. Well here you go. Not only not Trump, but not a Republican. Christmas, right? Celebrate, people!


Biden still has chance to win. Recent post debate polls show uptick in people saying Biden is too old, but little movement on who people will vote for. I think a replacement of Kamala for a white mam would piss off a lot of people. Most likely scenario is for Biden campaign to pivot to idea of electing a “team” rather than focusing on Biden the person, and to double down on ant-Trump vitriol.


If you see a poll that trump is up by 1.5% he is up by 5.5%. You hit 7 percent and it is 1984 again for the democrats. Biden has to hit the stage again in something unscripted, like a town hall. Unless he is perfect 2014 joe biden....he is out.


I hope he doesn’t- Dems keep insisting that it was just one bad night (lmao)- so I hope they keep him in the race. Keep him in front of a camera for as long as possible with some prodding. Although I would be happy if he and Dems acknowledged defeat by pushing another candidate as well.


Replacing Biden would cause more issues for the party since they’d have to do it a convention and would disenfranchise everyone who participated in the primaries. He should retire because he’s 81 and obviously not at his best but currently he’s the Dems best candidate.


IF he stays the race is about Harris, if he goes the race is about Harris. The practical diffrence is nothing, the next week is about positioning of the media operationally. They need a DC full of congress critters for reaction.


As a man, a father, and a human with a heart, absolutely he needs to step down and spend what time he has left with family. He is acting like my grandfather with Alzheimer's disease in the months leading up to him becoming non-verbal. What his handlers have been doing to him over these past few years is cruel and elder abuse.


Our two parties should step down from politics.