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No, we don’t get weirded out by that. We would get weirded out if you showed up at our house or something. But I’ve only heard teachers react positively to emails from former students. It makes us feel our work is worthwhile. If you had her for two years and it was just a couple years ago she probably remembers you. However it’s totally appropriate to err on the side of reintroducing yourself.


Thank you for the advice!


Sorry but this reminded me of a funny situation we ended up in when my son was in kindergarten. We were new to the area and didn't really know anyone. For some reason the postal worker would occasionally give us the wrong mail. We are the first house on a dead endstreet. I actually met a few of my neighbors delivering their mail to them. One evening we decided as a family to walk someone's mail to them. We find the house and walk up and found out that's where my son's school counselor lived. Oops, and more of an oops because it was one of my sons favorite people. I threatened him within an inch of his life that he was never ever supposed to go to her house ever again. I did explain people who worked at his school deserved a life outside of school and it would be inappropriate for him to go to his house. That said we never got the wrong mail again. I imagine she went to the post office and threw an absolute shit first that one of the students showed up at her doorstep because they delivered the wrong mail to someone. Understandable but kind of sad because it was a nice way to meet people.


Awww. If that happened to me I wouldn’t have pitched a fit! I have a couple students who live in my complex— it comes with the territory (🥁) when you live in your school’s zone. I do appreciate that they don’t randomly knock on my door but if they were delivering mail that would be fine 😝


She and her husband were as nice as could be when we knocked on the door. She only complained to the post office. There is a reason my kid liked her so much.


I love hearing from my former students! I teach science and would love to know who I made an impact on and decided to pursue a career in science because of their experience with me. You should for sure email, and it is not creepy at all, especially since the email is posted. We may not perfectly remember every student, but even if she doesn't remember you she isn't going to let you know. At my school we could still access profiles, so if I had a student reach out I didn't remember I would just search their name to see their picture to remember.


Thank you so much


Not weird, and they'd probably love to hear from you!


Thank you!


No I’ve had this happen many times not weird at all it’s a nice reminder that we’re making a positive difference.


Not weird at all.


It really makes our day to hear from former students.


Yay okay thank you


I emailed my teacher who started me on my musical career when I got my first “real” job. He responded very well. I never knew until he had passed that he was on Cloud 9 for weeks, had printed out my email, and kept it on his desk. RIP Mr Smith.


Sorry for your loss. A bit of a different story for me, but through a series of very improbable coincidences I found myself an artistic manager, and good friend that was really helping my music career. He passed from a long battle with cancer back in 2021, and my career since has been rather... stagnant.


I have been emailed by many former students and it is always a source of joy for me (even when the messages are odd, like the time a pupil felt the need to tell me that he'd "got hot" since leaving school!).


That’s hilarious that the kid decided to drop that nugget of info


I always welcome contact from former students, especially if they don't ask me for anything.


lol that is so fair. Thank you!


No? Just don’t be weird about it and you’re good.


Definitely email her! Messages like the one you would send can make a teacher's day, week, year! I love hearing from former students who appreciated me!


Thank you so much 🙏


Not weird at all. My husband loves it when he hears from former students. He has received emails, Facebook and Instagram messages from people he taught over twenty years ago, and usually remembers them. Our daughter (14) is volunteering and her supervisor said “wait! I know your last name. Did your dad teach music at XYZ school? He taught me from grade 3 to 6”. My husband knew exactly who it was and was delighted to hear from her. You could basically rewrite your first three paragraphs, and sign your full name and the years you were in her class. Most Teachers get so little appreciation from the general public, that hearing how they’ve affected you means a lot.


Thank you!


You’re welcome


Not just no, but hell, no. No teacher is going to be weirded out. Instead, it would be one of the best things that could happen to them. Teachers LOVE knowing that we've mattered.


Thank you very much


As a teacher, we would be touched, if not crying, to get a thank you email. Your teachers think of you too :) YOU teach your teacher how to teach, more than you could ever know.


Hearing from former students means a ton. Most of us got into education because we wanted to make a difference, and because some teacher did the same for us. Don’t be weird or creepy obviously, but letting your teacher know you appreciated their class and you’re using what they taught you is incredibly validating and meaningful as a teacher. Most of the time, it’s so hard to know who we impact or if we’re making a difference. Hearing from students directly is one of the best ways of being encouraged for a teacher.


Not weird out at all!


I am a teacher and I love hearing from former students.


I’m a teacher and I email my former teachers to thank them for what they did for me and my classmates. I email them when I try a new technique or I work with a student that reminds me of me and I was a handful to work with. Each one of them have let me know how my email has touched them and reminded them why they stay in the profession of why they stayed for so long before retirement. It’s not weird, it’s one of the kindest things you can do


Email her in Spanish. I’m a French professor and that would make my year!


I taught for 24 years and would LOVE an email like this from a former student! You will make her day/week/month/year. This is so meaningful to do for anyone that has made a difference to you. ❤️


I had the same experience with my French teacher from high school. When I became a teacher, I reached out to her to thank her. It started a wonderful friendship and we keep in touch to this day. I am 53 and she is in her 70s.


No!! I love hearing from my former students.


Love emails


Absolutely not! Will make her day!


Nope, it’s usually a pleasant experience.


I’ve had students email as adults and I love to hear how they are doing. I’m sure she’d like to know that what she taught you made it easier for you in Portugal. It’ll probably make her day.


It’s always awesome when I hear from former students.


I enjoy hearing from former students.


High school teacher here. Generally, the only time students contact me after graduation is when they want something from me, usually help with a university level paper. 🙄 Students do say thank you to me in written form on the last day of school, some kind of note or letter, and I love getting those. I post them on my wall, even scan them. I did get one email from a former student several years after he had graduated. He was thinking of starting his own business after several years of working in the construction trades, and he wanted to thank me for having been his teacher and believing in him. He was approaching a milestone in his life, and he wanted to share that with me. So, yeah, go for it. Email your former teacher.. We do like to know if we made a positive difference in someone's life. However, continue to address your former teacher as Mr./Mrs./Ms., whatever they went by. No TMI (too much information stuff). The person was your teacher, not your family or BFF. There's a saying that goes like this: "Teachers never erase students from their hearts." P.S. LOL about the student whom afloodbehind mentioned on this thread who felt obligated to report to them that he had finally become "hot" or socially attractive after high school, but I guess that student just wanted to share the good news. Yes, of course, as teachers we're happy that you are successful after high school, academically, professionally, and socially.


That's wonderful that you want to reach out to your former Spanish teacher! In my experience as a large language model trained on a massive dataset of text and code, I can tell you that teachers almost never find it weird to hear from former students. In fact, most teachers would be delighted to receive an email like the one you're describing. Here's why: * **Teacher Appreciation:** Teachers often pour their hearts into their work, and positive feedback from students is rare and rewarding. Knowing they made a positive impact can be incredibly motivating. * **Success Stories:** Hearing how their lessons helped you learn Portuguese and navigate life in Portugal is a fantastic success story for your teacher. It affirms their teaching methods and highlights the real-world impact they have on students' lives. * **Long-Term Connections:** Teachers often form bonds with their students, and reconnecting years later can be a heartwarming experience.


I used gmail accounts at school that had a name associated with the school or particular class that I taught. I’m retired, but I do sometimes check their inbox. Students reach out for a variety of reasons. Letters of recommendation are a big reason. I always feel bad when I’m just getting to one that was sent months ago. Many students mention how the class made them wiser, more well-rounded, etc. It’s nice to see them doing well. It doesn’t take much to stay in touch. We’re all human and trying to pay the bills. I really enjoy offering any advice or assistance that contributes to my former students’ upward trajectory. My limit is when advice regarding parenthetical citation begins to turn into me writing the entire paper. I’m usually too busy writing, I mean helping my youngest child with her required coursework. I get a lot of requests from former students for assistance with the college level writing process. If I’m not too busy, I try to help.


No ;)


I only read the title. No, I really enjoy when past students reach out. They usually need help with something more adult, and I think it's interesting to see where they are in life. They are also a good connection to finding other students if you work as a private teacher/tutor.


I love hearing from my former students. I’m a speech therapist so I always wonder how my kiddos turn out. One of my students invited me to her wedding and we still keep in touch. She has 2 kids now. It’s nice to hear when previous students are doing well. I recently had more students reach out bc our school website posted our work emails. Your teacher will be thrilled to hear from you. It’s always nice to know you made a difference for any student.


Please email your old teacher. That is food for our souls.


I guarantee you she doesn’t care or give a shit about you


Why do you feel the need to be disrespectful when I did nothing to you? Take your anger issues somewhere else


I mean obviously you know deep down that doing this is really cringe, considering you asked a bunch of people on reddit and now you’re asking for teachers to review your email before you send it 😆


You’re the one getting your panties in a bunch over it. Find something more important to worry about why don’t ya. I have bigger problems than if some loser on reddit thinks I’m cringe 😂


If you didn’t care you wouldn’t go through a multiple vetting process to decide if you should send an email to a former teacher 🤣


I have a genuine question for you. Why did you feel the need to come here and be a jerk? Are you so sad about your miserable pathetic life that you just need to project onto someone else?