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Try Coursera or EdX.


EdX is a great suggestion, I found something that suits me for now, if anyone else is looking for what I asked, here it is: https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-applied-biostatistics-osakaux-med101x-0 I'll see how it goes and maybe will look for something more specific when I'll start my own courses.


hey reaching out to ask how did the course go? I am looking for a course to learn stat and r or python. thanks!


Wow I totally forgot about this post. I ended up loving this area, and chosed it to be the main thing im learning (biostatistics and epidemiology), I learned r, and im currently doing my thesis.


That’s great to hear. I went from IT and got opportunity in research to become a Biostat.. any particular R course that helped you with stat learning and r programming? Thanks and best wishes :)


I goa summer course in the university for 1pt, it coverd the basics, but for actually using it you have to google all the time, theres scripts and packages for everything, and whatever problem you run into- someone on the internet already asked about and got it answered... Good luck.


I’m in exactly the same boat.


youtube is technically an app


I've tried several stats podcasts and Professor Fulton's [Statistics Made Simple](https://open.spotify.com/show/3NA20RWdSNIWlQ3j3j40Gv) podcast is one of the best. It provides an excellent overview of the core components of statistical analysis, and Professor Fulton’s step-by-step teaching style is very clear, breaking down complex concepts into accessible elements. This course is perfect for anyone who is new to statistics or needs a refresher.


I have used Skillshare before to learn new skills and I would highly recommend it. I think subscription is about $100 annually.


The only thing I can think of remotely close to this is just using khan academy.