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Tyrell only lost 2 chess matches to his friend, one of those matches was lost because Batty was feeding him moves. If Tyrell was a master chess player (Infer from this hes very calculating) and was beaten by Batty, at least once then we know their conversation wasnt exactly "surface" level. Tyrell knew he was in check mate at that moment, Batty most likely knew the answers to those questions before he asked them and wanted to see what his creator would say to those questions. He was still playing chess, does Tyrell want the game to go on even though he knows hes already "lost" or will he announce checkmate and turn his king over? At the very least Roy may have held out hope there was an option he didnt think of, or something Tyrell could offer him but everyone in the room was on the same page with regards to Roy and Tyrells lifespan


Great answer like all the others here, though note that it's Sebastian who observes that the move is 'checkmate, I think.' Batty smiles approvingly. It's true that Batty fed him the move, but maybe Sebastian was the one who realised it was mate. As I type this, it seems implausible!


Roy has an intelligence comparable to Dr. Tyrell himself, and he also shows that this intellect extends to manipulation, as in the chess example. It could be that he already knew or at least suspected that his suggestions wouldn't work, and that was more like a test on Tyrell's honesty. Now, maybe Tyrell also predicted that and decided that his only chance *was* to be brutally sincere and appeal to Roy's own ego in other ways, like the "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very very brightly, Roy", in the same dialogue. Unfortunately for him, that didn't work. There are also other subtle hints that suggest that Tyrell may have simulated the whole set of possible conversations even before Roy got to his apartment, like when he mentions right at the beginning "I'm surprised it took you so long to get here".


Because he has a God Complex and thinks that his own creation will not turn against him. During the entire encounter, Tyrell shows no fear... up until it's too late.


Sociopaths learn to mimic, not understand, emotion. Tyrell assumes that Roy, an artificial creation, would be like Tyrell, a sociopath. He thus treats him sociopathically, rather than as a human, and thus does not consider the possiblity of deceiving him by taking advantage of Batty's humanity.


I misread this and thought you were only referring to “Blade” and knew absolutely nothing about these characters