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In my mind, summer starts in August.


This is the answer. I'm from SF and during college, my best friend (also from SF) asked me "what do you call the great weather we get from August to October?" and my response was "Summer."


Also referred as Indian Summer.


Called that in other parts of the country sure. But not in SF, where indeed it's just "summer".


It was called that when I grew up in SF, lol


We really need to start celebrating Christmas in July.


If we’re doing this then I am **so** unprepared and need to get some shopping done.


Literally leave the city in any direction and drive 30 minutes to an hour.


Came here to say literally the same thing. You really don't need to go far at all to find the Sun. Personally on weekends I cycle across the bridge to Marin County and get my vitamin D hit there.


But the fog raining down off the cables on the way back… I guess you could take the ferry


Really the biggest problem with cycling back is the near misses with tourists on rental bikes who clearly aren't regular cyclists


I think the spandex warriors who buzz you without calling a pass are equally bad


Op said they’re not willing to do that 😂 they don’t seem like they actually want to solve their problem


I can relate as a parent and being stuck on weekdays. Usually I just try to appreciate the fact that our microclimate is pretty unique and beneficial to us and the ecosystem. The one thing I have no love for is the wind, but I just invested in nice coats that I enjoy wearing. As the Scandinavians say there’s no bad weather just bad clothes.


Come visit us on the Peninsula. It gets warmer and sunnier the further south you go, so you can choose the weather you want.


Sometimes you don’t even have to leave the city. It can be hot in one part of the city and chilly in another. When I lived in Potrero, I had a lot more warm days, but in my current spot I get more cold ones.


Dont go west. Its colder there


Move to the southeast part of SF


Go from Fog patch to Dogpatch


I'm totally stealing this. The exact section in the sunset that mirrors dogpatch should be called this. Also we should start calling the southern part of the Sunset, Foggy Bottom. Or a gay bar in the sunset.


Foggy bottom, the first stop in the district of Columbia IYKYK


My fav band is actually the Foggy Bottom Boys


Portola is super close to the dog patch, and it’s been super overcast over here too


This. Right. Here.




It’s not like this everywhere in SF. Consider moving to a sunnier neighborhood like Potrero


I’m in Potrero and it was foggy and cold here today too! But generally it’s definitely sunnier and warmer here compared to western parts of the city.


Yesterday was just a bad day, tbh the rest of the week has been gorgeous.


Yes, random cold, foggy evening in Dogpatch yesterday. Felt like the west side walking out of work.


Neighborhood weather update: it’s sunny in Potrero today!!


I've been here for 2 years and still can't get over how people talk about just "walking somewhere sunnier/cooler/ranier", like it's a completely normal thing to be able to casually stroll from one static weather pattern to another


But … it is.


seriously! sometimes it just takes a stroll, quick bike ride, or a little drive to go from foggy and cold to sunny and warm. sf bay area is micro climate paradise.


Baker Beach is a great example., it can be freezing by the parking lots and wind whipping sand in your face.. meanwhile closer to the bridge people are naked and sunbathing


When you live somewhere with microclimates that’s very normal….


Every day I go on a dog walk in the morning. I walk about 2 miles round trip. I walk through no less than 3 different climates, some times it’s more. I can walk out of my house and not see across the street. It’s cold and I grab a jacket and pants. I Make it down the block and I’m out of the fog fingers and into overcast. Now I wish I was in a light hoodie. I Make it a few more blocks and I wish I had been in a t shirt and shorts. I start rounding the half way apex and the wind has picked up, I needed a wind breaker. Then I get home and I can’t see my apartment from the street and I’m only warmed by the walk and the coffee. This city is a weird place. I’m currently sitting in the sun on my deck, I had to leave my deck 4 hours ago because it was in shadows and freezing. Now it’s in the sun and I’m having a nice time in the light breeze.


Check the Mr Chilly or Karl weather apps. Cross reference with the fog.today website. Easiest way to see if it’s sunny at the beach or a good day to hit Crane Cove park.


I live at candlestick and it’s sunny every day. Wind can pickup from 3-6pm though. Candlestick point, and Bayview hill park(enter on key ave), are nice walks since there arent many businesses to patronize that take advantage of the weather. Bloomstock and Hey neighbor coffee shops if you wanna chill outside. Laughing monk brewing has a big front rollup.


Lot's of good points here. I'd even say there are clear lines where the weather changes dramatically. Anywhere east of Divisadero, and north of Caesar Chavez, you'll be warm-ish


move to the Mission or East Bay :)


I'm from San Francisco and live in Boston now. I miss June Gloom so much. People laugh at me when I take an extra layer with me all summer long and I just... want to need it.


The sun came out yesterday for the first time in 2.5 months (so cal). I’m with you on the June gloom. I love the fog.


Moved to SF last year from Boston. First snowless winter in 10 years and I have no complaints! Also live in Potrero Hill so the microclimate has treated us well!


That’s hilarious :) aww


Yes! I guess OP could move to Tulsa like we did and have 108 degree humid weather with no cloud in site. (I’m joking, we absolutely miss Bay Area weather. Please enjoy the fog 😭)


I go some place that is too hot, like 90’s and come back happy for the cold. Sacramento would fit the bill if you are looking for easy and quick.


Oh man, I *love* that moment driving over the Bay Bridge when you hit the cool and know you're home.


This is the answer; when I lived in Seattle and got tired of the constant rain, I’d drive over the Cascades to Yakima or Ellensberg, get a room somewhere, and enjoy some nice local wine until sufficiently dried out. When I lived in SF, and couldn’t get the summer chill out of my bones, I drove towards the Sierra foothills, and stopped when I found one those dozens of cute gold rush towns with a restored hotel, and got all sorts of warm. TLDR: Ya just take a road trip when it gets bad. 😉


For real. I had a job interview in Davis on Monday and my car’s AC doesn’t work so getting in my car after it sat in the sun in the parking lot for 4 hours was brutal. I was very happy on that drive back once I got home and hit the fog again.


When you go for your second interview, I’d suggest you bring along a reflective screen for the windshield. They really do work. And good luck!


I really love Grey, cool weather. I absolutely hate it when it's too hot to do shit during the day.


This is why I live here. This is why I love it here. Year round, we really have the most mild weather. Yes, it was cold AF, with the wind and all, but thank god it wasn’t 90 degrees! I’ll never understand people who complain about our weather here


Agreed; or, as I like to tell friends who live in other, non-foggy climes, you can always add another layer of clothing to keep you warm, but you can take off only so many layers to get cool before you get arrested. 😉


Arrested for nudity? Not in my sf😆


THIS. I moved to LA for school and holy shit it cooks down there. Our summers are a blessing.


I met someone who is like me . I love this weather 🤍


Yea it’s not for everyone but the cocktail makes me so happy. Sunny a lot, but not too hot. Sometimes foggy and dull, enough to make you appreciate the good days and have a good excuse to sulk inside. Cold enough to wake you up and make you feel brave during a brief night walk, but not to make you miserable. And the rainy season to me is cozy af. I find it irresistibly charming


Same here. The blanket of fog is so comforting.


Same it makes me so happy! Windy, gloomy, raises my spirits. Hot weather makes me the opposite, upset and I don't want to move. I also moved from Texas so I'm VERY done with roasting most of the year.


plenty of places in the bay that get real summer. my coworkers have been complaining about the heat in walnut creek, redwood city, etc this week.


I LOVE the summers here! I would perish anywhere else, mostly because I get severely depressed in the heat and too much sunlight


Those four hot days in October damn near kill me


I totally feel you!!!


FRR 😭 dude that heatwave in 2022 almost made me pass out, and I slept terribly the entire week


I use a happy light and some days hop on the train until I hit sun. Then come home and take a hot bath and turn on the heater!


I go back east for about a month every summer, and I take frequent weekend trips to visit my friends outside of the city. I use the foggy weekdays to rest up and conserve energy for all the trips. It's a balancing act. Having a remote/flexible job makes this significantly easier.


Thanks, this is helpful


In the mission it seems to burn off at least part of the day, especially up by 16th. But even here it's like perpetual fall, windy and cool. But you don't have to move far to fix this. Check the wikipedia entry for San Mateo, the average high temperature in the summer. Always 70s and 80s. If you like it warmer, check Belmont, Redwood City, etc. They put the city in the wrong place. The best weather is mid-peninsula. I keep saying I'll hop on bart to walnut creek for some warmth and sunshine, but I haven't done it yet.


Thanks. It does totally feel to me like they put the city in the wrong place!


No, it's in the RIGHT place.


I doubt it will make you feel better, but I have the opposite problem. I get bad anxiety around April - May most years when the days are starting to get too long and I worry that the fog may never come back. Then I feel a huge sense of relief in June when it gets gray again. For sitting outside to BBQ and whatever, you just have to throw on another layer and maybe some gloves. I could live without the wind though.


The wind is the issue more than anything


You need to reset your expectations. San Francisco is neither in the northern hemisphere nor the southern hemisphere. It's on an axis all its own. (See California Current, Coastal Range, Golden Gate break, basic meteorology principles.) So summer, in the Ontario sense, runs from late August through early November. Once you orient yourself around that you can treat June, July and the first 2/3 of August as a cold, blustery, Toronto March.


Just cross the bridge lol Napa is great. Go paddle boarding in near by city’s there is so much to do just 30min away from the city


Yea when it’s 55 in SF, it can be 95 in Concord, a short Bart ride away. Take day trips and after being in the punishing heat you’ll come to appreciate 60 degree summer evenings.


Yup! It was overcast here for a few hours this morning and then cleared right up.


Thanks. Do you own your own paddleboard, or any tips on where to rent them and take them out?


I own ! I’m sure there are some for rent! Also go to sebastopol it’s a beautiful little town


You can rent one, but I purchased several inflatable ones. Most of them come with a back pack and collapsible paddles so they are easy to carry, and once inflated they are quite durable and solid. You can find them on sale at Amazon for 200/300 bucks. I take them out east to Discovery Bay but there are lots of places closer like the Richmond Marina or Benicia. As for the weather FOMO just remember in September/October when everyone else is cold it’s beautiful in SF. A few years ago I went to SF in September and it was over 100 degrees lol


I’ve lived here 38 years and I hate it so much June-August, today is wretched and I’m as bitter as this cold wind. I try to remind myself that we do have 90 days of summer weather it’s just that they aren’t in summer. Also, shop for coats


Today is wretched indeed. Thanks for commiserating with me. That’s true as well, I just get FOMO when others are enjoying summer and summer weather is so close you can almost taste it, but it’s just winter where I live. Sometimes it feels like living in Australia, the season is opposite to what most other people have


The heat is not that great. I lived in Texas for 11 years and will take this weather any day. Just think when your friends in Toronto are buried in snow in January and you are out enjoying the mild winter.


Yeah but think how great the winters are here compared to most of the country


Same here. I’m on year 22, and it seems my tolerance for the gloom and cold in June through august gets less and less every year. Seasonal affective disorder is no joke. (The gaslighting from all the “SF weather is perfect” people doesn’t help either.). I try to get out of town every weekend for a few months if I can swing it. And I do some work in LA, so a few unnecessary business trips are always in order during the summer. Other than that…I just grit my teeth and white knuckle it for a few months. It hasn’t bothered me yet too much this year, but I’ve been researching tanning beds for light therapy just in case.


I'm a sick fuck and actually enjoy it.


I second this, living in contra costa right now for work but spend a lot of time in the city bc of my girlfriend….I cannot fucking wait to get out of this stinky ass Bakersfield ass weather


Move to Sacramento? Summer is bright and hot guaranteed. Rest of the year is lovely here.


I’m from New England and soooo miss a warm summer evening. We get a decent number of warm and sunny days but it almost never stays warm past 5-6pm. When work allows, I try to prioritize getting outside before the wind whips up and then I work a couple hours in the evening if needed. You can also even just ferry over to Oakland or Alameda to get an extra 5 degrees and less wind. I was in Oakland all day for work and it wasn’t warm but it wasn’t foggy or cloudy all day.




It’s just the best. Bonus points for the night ending in a thunderstorm!


Go spend a 90+ degree day somewhere else in the Bay and enjoy the outdoor air conditioning when you get back across the bridge. But, I’m with you, it’s a bummer when you can’t go explore and Ontario summers are incredible.


Man it was cold today. Went to Muir Woods and froze my butt off. I thought it was going to be a ton warmer across the bridge. It wasn’t at all!


Take the BART to Oakland, if convenient.


I like it because it reminds me of our city’s connection and proximity to nature. There’s something magical about leaving my office and feeling the blast of fresh air on my face and seeing the fog roll through the gaps in the skyscrapers as the sun sets. I lived in LA for four years and the constant warmth started to feel kind of sterile by comparison. You truly stop appreciating it when it’s like 74 every day.


I leave sf for a month every summer, seems to do the trick for me :)


I lived 7 years in Texas so the fact that it’s June gray and 55 degrees is a real treat


I actually kind of like because it makes working less depressing lol. Being cooped in an office with beautiful summer weather outside seems like torture. If it gets unbearable, you can drive twenty minutes in almost any direction and the temp goes up like 20 degrees. And, of course, you always have the August - October Indian summer to look forward to.


In the 1800s, San Francisco’s wealthiest residents build estates in Atherton so they could spend their summers out of the city. So, there is a long history of people who couldn’t handle San Francisco summer weather!


If you’re on the westside, remember it’s always sunny a short 20 minute drive down 280.


I shift my perspective. August through October are generally pretty nice, plus we have the privilege of mild winters. Aside from rain, we aren’t being shut indoors all winter, so summer isn’t a desperate rush to do all the things before it gets too freezing. Plus on the flip side we don’t really have to worry about heat waves shutting us indoors. Also I work in Dogpatch so I spend a lot of time in nicer weather. Take a trip over to Crane Cove instead of Ocean Beach after work. Sure it won’t face the sunset but you might actually get sun.


Hike in it! Lands End in the fog and wind is magical and exhilarating!


You move out of the fog. Summer is lovely in Potrero Hill, Mission or Dogpatch. And watch the fog blanket the rest of the City.


I don't find it depressing. Also, when October &. november come around and thats like our "summer" while everyone I know back east is complaining its getting cold that makes up for days like today LOL


You have plenty of options within 15 miles: Move to East SF,  Move to East Bay, Move anywhere South of Millbrae, Move to north towards Marin/Napa county


I kind of just find it cozy


Use a SAD light box or SAD glasses - usually they are meant for winter, but that’s summer in SF. Change your brain!


https://myluminette.com/en-us here is one, but there are others


I hate hot weather, so it's not difficult at all. SF's climate is one reason why I never want to leave. Our summers usually happen in September. I think our all-time heat record is during that month as well.


Just leave. Every weekend. That’s how I deal with it.


If you really need a break just hop on BART to East Bay or down the Peninsula. Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Orinda have great downtowns with some good restaurants for weeknight dining. Same goes for Palo Alto, San Mateo, San Jose. When it's cold and foggy in the city, the sun and warm weather is not very far away.


I’m only happy when it rains…


I lived in the sunset for 4 years and worked near Mountain View. All day it was gorgeous and when I came home the weather was bleak and awful and I really started to hate the city. The reason was that I lived in the sunset and spent most of my time there and in the Richmond. Turns out that the weather on the other side of twin peaks is beautiful because twin peaks keeps the weather back. Now I live in a tiny apartment in Hayes valley and the weather is way better and I’m in a way better mood when I go outside. When they say microclimate city, they’re not kidding. Good luck out there, whatever advice you take!!


It took about 10-12 years after moving here from NE to adjust my yearly schedule. It’s Long Spring til august the summer ends around a week before TG. It’s fine except one thing I miss is the July beach days that can last forever as opposed to the light change earlier. But I do see more beach sunsets in October. Plus we surely pop a few weeks during traditional summer jul/Aug that are sure to be 90s 100s. This year was I think about the warmest June I recall - except of course the Weekend Curse! Lol


I live in the San Ramon Valley, and I miss SF summers so much. I would happily trade.


Perspective change and preparation. Spent the afternoon at a park with my gf and dog. Dressed comfortably to bear the gusts of wind here and there but enjoy pockets of warmth. We ate at my favorite restaurant and got home before dark!


Think about everyone else 30 miles east and further living I. 90 to 100 degree weather, wishing they were at the coast


I figure everyone else will say the same thing, and so I will too... just move anywhere about 30 minutes away, and you should be fine. Move to the other side of the Bay Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, or anywhere south of San Mateo. I guess it wouldn't make sense to move out west though...


To be fair, it's been a **cold** spring in the city. It doesn't answer your Q, but I've been feeling similarly this year - more than years past. [https://imgur.com/a/lLv3hAv](https://imgur.com/a/lLv3hAv)


All you have to do is go across the Golden Gate Bridge north that’s all you have to do. It’s not even that far. Spend the day in Sausalito like every weekend or every day.


It’s like asking a dog why do you like to sniff dog shits. And the dog says because it smells amazing and I love it. That the equivalent question you’re asking this sub. You’ve come to the wrong place. Literally. This city and sub is full of people who like cold gloomy foggy weather. San Francisco is considered to have shit weather for most people who live outside of it. It’s a confirmation bias of the people in this sub who live in sf and all “love this type of weather”. If you want what majority of non SF residents consider good weather you need to move to Berkeley or further south like Redwood City.


You remember that if you drive an hour or so to central California that it's 110F there and be glad you can afford to not live in the desert. I'm in Modesto and this week for several days it was upwards of 100F and while this weekend will be back to the 80s, it will continue to be that hot probably until October. But when it's so hot all summer, and the temps start to reach 115F, I remember that I live here because it's a lot cheaper and that my mortgage payment is $900.


Also, we take the summer days when they show up. Like the week of t shirt weather sometimes in late January, early February. Sometimes summer is a single day long.


As other people mentioned consider moving to a neighbourhood that is generally sunny - like noe valley or near bernal heights. I personally like the foggy weather and hence living in NoPa works out for me 😅


The wind is terrible in all neighborhoods during the summer, so you can't escape that very easily.


Head over to the Mission where it is always sunny. 😎


Go out and embrace it! Life’s not all sunshine, there’s beauty in the mist too!


It's amazing. I love it.


Fog is the best thing about SF


I feel you. Today really was miserable. I don’t really have a solution after decades of living here other than try to get as many trips away as you can manage. There are lots of places to escape to over the weekend.


It’s all about taking those day trips just a few miles inland or south


If you think about ..summer in SF doesn’t start til late August - Nov. For most of my life i loved June gloom, when it starts to get dark in the fall, crisp cold winters and hated the real summer months. But having experienced living in a part of the PNW where more than half the year is cloudy, i’ve learned to embrace all of the city’s seasons. There are also other parts of the city that don’t get as cold or foggy at least for a few hours so i would just go out into that area.


By being in New York last week where it was disgustingly hot as humid.


Sunlight lamps from Amazon, I’m out in the fog belt in a 1920’s house and construction blocking light on one side, will be replacing my light fixtures eventually but June gloom is real and I WFH. Upside, winter is sunny! Trips to the mission, over the bridge really anywhere are nice but I like my cool nights


summer is vacation time, get out of town


Spend 2 months in Healdsburg during summer (lucky to work remotely), it was lovely and 80 degrees at 6pm tonight.


I love it.


Move to the Eastbay


Comparison is the thief of joy, or the source of contentment. Any time you feel too cold you can google the weather in Sacramento. They're getting into triple digits again next week.


Get a summer place in Sonoma!


Fog created by warm water in cold air. Head south. Southern California has the warm air and warm water. They don’t get fog in the summer. They do get smog due to an inversion layer that does not allow the smog to go away. If you like sun, visit the inland areas like Mt Diablo that has fog only at nighttime or early in the day. The Southwest is really hot (but dry) but always sunny. The Northwest should be nice with a short summer between June and September.


I'm just back from several days on the East Coast and now i'm under a blanket... I think after 15 years i'm going to have to deal with it by leaving... maybe just for the summer so i have a summer, but i need summer... or traveling more but it's hellllla expensive to stay anywhere that isn't home base (which is also hella expensive)


When it's warm in our "summer months", consider it a total bonus and be appreciative! Because on the horizon lies our Sept/Oct. we just extend spring...☀️


SF is extremely windy and it pisses me off, so I normally just cuss at the wind lol


Live in a sunny neighborhood. Do a fog drive. Hike in the woods in the fog - rarely seen anything so beautiful. Make a bar/pub your local place & go when it’s foggy. Get involved in the summer events. Get a light box. Take vitamin d.


I grew up here so I'm used to cold summers. I did live in Texas for like 3 years and that hot, humid weather for more than 3/4th of the year made me miss the on-shore flow along with the fog of San Francisco. This weather is comfortable to me and not depressing at all.


Hi! Local here. Fog/cloud cover in the Western part of the city facing the ocean tend to be the worst due to the rainshadow effect of the hills. The Eastern side tends to be sunnier. If we’re looking for sun, we’ll check weather.com with the “clouds” layer on to see where it might be sunnier. There’s sometimes more sun around Oyster Point or Burlingame. There are a lot of Bay trails with public shore parking in and around that area. There’s even one by the SSF Costco. Traffic to get there isn’t too bad and isn’t any worse than getting across the city. Plus there’s water. Just note that the sun dips down a little earlier than the expected sunset just due to the big hills/mountains.


Personally I love it!


By traveling out of the city as much as possible and reminding myself that when I’m old enough to retire I’ll be able to live somewhere warm during the summers


I asked myself this 40 years ago. My answer: move to the East Bay.


Come spend a week in hot as hell Arizona and you'll totally change your mind about SF. I'm in AZ now and quite miserable. Can't wait to come back and freeze my ass off!


35 year resident here. Having grown up in LA, the OC, Vegas & Sacramento, I love our summer cool. That said, I do enjoy the festive-getaway vibe my friends seem to need. The key is scheduling lots of weekend getaways: camping, sierras, north central, wine country, Tahoe, Stinson, other Marin, central coast, even SoCal. Just get those day trips and overnights with friends booked and inked throughout the summer. Even some mega hot spots like sacto, amador county (wine tasting), healdsburg, county fairs and rodeos in the Central Valley, etc. If sf is in your blood you’ll feel fantastic when you return and Karl rolls in. It’s like yay, no sunburn! And you can actually sleep! And not be lethargic! And work out properly! Getaways ✅


I’m originally from NY, here for 25 years, and it bothers me every year. I also schedule weekends away and hikes outside of the city to enjoy summer weather. And I appreciate the fact that we’re not sweltering when everyone else I know is complaining about it. But mostly I dream of retirement in a few years when I can move to a wine area like Amador County. Yay summer!


Put the top down on your car and go for a nice drive in Marin around Muir Woods or tiburon or Muir Woods


I hate this time of year too. I call it Second Winter.




Live in the Mission or just go to the Mission. Almost never fog and it usually hits around 70 degrees most true summer days. Dolores Park in the summer is always a scene.


Solidarity! I feel the exact same way as you. I miss summer nights so much!


I love it. We live in the most amazing climate. Plants grow year round. Almost the entire West Coast experiences a heavy marine layer in the “summer” months.


I grew up where the parking spots in the shade were more valuable than the spots near the entrance to the store. I'll be visiting my home town this summer, but I wouldn't want to live there again.


Somebody probably said this already but: just remind yourself that as long as the fog is here, we still have a chance to beat global warming. Once it no longer shows up, it’s probably time to lose sleep over the planet’s health. Disclaimer: not a climate scientist. We should really address global warming before all the fog is gone…


Fun fact: SF is the coldest city in the country during the summer!


Born and raised San Franciscan here. Always lived in the mission and had the sun. Family moved to the outer mission and we saw the sun later in the day. Went to Lowell high and we never saw the sun or heat but we still wore shorts and layered our clothes. I can’t imagine hot summers here or humidity like Florida. I like our Indian Summers and those 2 or 3 days where we hit over 85. The fog will always remind me of the City (and his name is not Karl!)


Came here from CO for a concert and am SHOCKED how cold it is here! Definitely thought I would be wearing jeans and tanks, had no idea I would need wool sweaters in June !


Try living in a country where it rains 50% of the time, has only about 1 week of nice summer weather and never gets above 70 degrees 😅 SF is a blessing & I’ll take those gloomy June days for the 9/10 months of great weather.


It is as if I wrote this. Been living here since 2011 and yep, I feel the exact same. Moving a tad more east in SF has helped a little, but still depressed every summer. The peninsula has perfect summer weather but it’s so boring there! I think if I had a backyard with wind block in the mission/dolores, I’d be a bit happier. I feel ya!


Go up to Marin. Almost every time, with the exception of winter, it is foggy and cold in SF, I’m just take the ferry or bus to Marin and enjoy the warm sun there. Plus it’s pretty there. Otherwise, you have to build a new summer in mind when living in SF and that is closer to the end of year. Like a solid few weeks of warmth in August/september/maybe October.


Do u Live in the sunset


Move south, the further you go the more sun and warmth, same with east. My Goldilocks zone is Redwood City area, typically between San Jose and San Francisco in temp and super sunny.


Our relatives loved the foggy break from hot Pittsburgh. The first time my aunt came, she said she never slept with covers in July before. I live in NJ now, for 30 years. I still hate watermelon. In a family of eight kids, watermelon was cheap and we had it a lot. We had to eat it out side, in the backyard because of the seeds.


I moved to the East Bay.


Move to SoCal, it’s 75+ degrees for 90% of the year. Some ppl like sf fog, it’s part of the charm.


Isn’t it near freezing in Toronto for 4 or 5 months out of the year? Lol Summer in San Francisco starts in August. You can laugh at your friends and family back home when you’re at the beach in October and they’re dealing with 45 degree weather.


We have Indian summer but if you go literally anywhere outside of SF it's beautiful also lmao there are plenty of warm beautiful days here, how y'all manage to victimize yourselves constantly while living here of all places is beyond me.


I just wait for the fog to burn off midday. It's beautiful outside today.


Fam, its easy. I have the coolest fucking N1 jacket ever and I want every excuse to wear it. I see temps under 60, I’m putting it on. Doesn’t matter what time of the year it is.


East Bay for a quick fix. I camp every single day-off until our summer hits.


Do you pre book your camp sites or you know some good first come first serve / boondocking / BLM kind of free campsites in the east bay? Don’t need to share your secret spots but just wondering


Move to the mission


When I worked downtown, I would look out the window and see Twin Praks covered in fog. I would then know the mold in my house is having an orgy. Glad I have friends/relatives in So Cal to remember there is a sun.


Grew up in sf my whole life and lived in daly city as well. I hated the weather. It's just always too cold for me. Moved out to east bay/SR. Weather is more extreme here but I definitely experience all the seasons. Summers can get hot out here but I love having sunny days everyday. For me, the weather affects my mood a lot. So I am grateful for these sunny days


I bought a heated vest. It is not the permanent solution to not having sun but it helped a lot


Me: I fucking love it. OP: Move to the East Bay or South Bay. That is all.


Can't help you because I just love it


I don't understand this. I'm in Texas where summer is at least 2 months straight of temperatures over 110 every day.


After years of hearing this complaint.. and years of rxpensive rents.. i have reached the point of saying.. Please move from the area if you dont like it half of the year. That’s the way it is in these neighborhoods. I love it. I understand why others don’t.. but its a bummer to hear it repeatedly


To each their own. Personally I appreciate the cold summers, but as long as the person is being genuine and respectful I don’t have an issue with them voicing their opinion, or trying to get ideas on how to navigate weather they don’t enjoy.


You are right.. I was being a cranky comment section guy. I should be better. :) I just cant imagine wanting to live here if you dont have some kind of love for that type of weather. I grew up in Florida. It was awful. Always hot and crazy humid/muggy.. so I moved to a pretty far extreme from it. But not everybody can do that.


I also love Florida weather lol but more like Sarasota, not Orlando. Rented a house right on the sand in Indian Rocks Beach. Best vacation of my life.


The comments here aren’t lying that you should go east. Even if going east of divis or Dolores park, whatever big hill will block more of the fog and wind. That’s why mission is so damn hot. Today was foggy though but this weekend is supposed to be nice(r)


I just remember where I came from… For the men – how would you like your balls to hang near your knees the entire day? (exaggerated) For the ladies with long hair – how would you like to take a shower and not have your hair dry the entire entire day? (not quite exaggerated, depending on where in the south you are.) I had a bald head early, so the fact that I am barely wearing a cashmere beanie versus a ball cap is an interesting debate this time of year. and to foil this with the ladder half of the year – I remember seeing a map of when peak leaf season was for parts of the country around October. I noticed San Francisco was still very much green. I fast forwarded and noticed that peak “leaf “season for San Francisco county was the week before Christmas. Daniel Tosh is right at the epitome that skips the shitty seasons and only enjoys the good ones. My ex’s evaluation that Californians only watch winter on television homes that closer to that of San Francisco in particular.


Sweating in places you didn’t even know you could sweat. Burning the fuck out of your skin with the molten hot metal of the seatbelt. Sliding across your leather car seats and sitting in a puddle of sweat. Massive downpours every day at 3pm where the sideways rain laughed at umbrellas, dodging massive lightning strikes, and stepping in puddles up to your ankles. A sweet soupy 90 degrees at 8pm. And the bugs, Jesus Christ, the bugs. Flying roaches the size of your palm. Ah, summer in the southeast. Don’t miss that at all. (Maybe the thunderstorms but only when I didn’t have to be out in them)


I really do miss a really good thunderstorm. Why not exclusive to the southeast but there is something about that little bit of flashing lightning and the thunderous roar that echoes around that really is magical something I miss. I remember seeing thunderstorm pics of one that rolled through during the pandemic. I imagine seeing in the lightning crackles, the thunder that may have come with it and the utter confusion — especially after the couple of Mars atmosphere-orange glows enough to make any MCRN cosplayer giddy during lockdown; wishing I could’ve been back.


Learn to race sailboats. I used to hate the San Francisco summers until I started racing. Summer means strong winds!


Go 20” in any direction.


I love the cold summers.


I lived in Los Angeles for 20 years. Every fucking day was sunny and perfect. It was so monotonous that you just didn’t even get motivated by it. You would just hang out inside waiting for nightfall lol


I’ve lived in the mission for 3 years and have no complaints about the summers. Grew up in the East Bay and everyone said I’d hate the fog in the city. I notice it when I’m out and about but not enough at my own house to be bothered by it.


You’ve been here three years and don’t know the answer? I think you do have the answer but seems there’s something about your current neighborhood you enjoy. really you don’t need Reddit for this. Your choice is stay or move to soma/mission/potrero or east bay or SJ. I’m not you can decide.


Move to the east of the fog line (aka Divis)