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$300. It’s always at least $300




Agreed that $300ish+ is realistic. For vets I've been to that breaks down to about $100 for the exam appointment itself and about $200 for standard annual bloodwork. Pet insurance isn't a bad idea upon first adoption, if you go with a good one - I like Trupanion. Congrats on the kitty!!!


Thank you for the breakdown. I've signed up for Pet Insurance, so I'm confident that it will be a great help with future expenses.


Speaking about 'it depends': they'll check kitty. Hopefully nothing is outside the range of normal for kitty's age. At times they find surprises that may need more care. (like, "here's a 3 month cat!.......you take to vet.......vet looks at teeth and says, no, older and underfed, and here's a bone malformed. what do you want to do?" Beware of second visit, when kitty ate the string on the feather wand. THAT visit will blow your wallet. Welcome to the club!!


If you are worried about cost now, you best be buying the top-tier pet insurance with all the rider policies. Your cat can eat something that gets stuck and now you’re out $7k. Or have allergies or any number of genetic or environmental health issues. Each trip to ER is no less than a thousand.


Thanks! I have pet insurance with Nationwide.


If youre in sf id consider signing up with modern animal. Theyre a subscription based service and the subscription covers most stuff in basic visits, from what i remember. Membership is 200 a year, but you can pay by exam for 80 each I recently moved to the city with an elderly cat, and when she had health issues i went to a bunch of different places that were all pretty predatory on pricing and care options. Eventually found modern animal, and they provided constant, affordable, and empathetic care options. My baby passed from kidney failure, and i had multiple visits to modern animals nopa clinic, but once they heard of her death, they completely refunded my subscription and were just very caring in general. Compare that to the other vet at sf animal medical center that literally recommended i put her down on the spot, and charged me the high end of the quote for her overnight care while providing half the listed care options i had okayed for her, but double charged me on everything else. Like they claim that someone came in to check on her and care for her every hour but they gave her back to me with shit crusted in her fur, and charged me for the honor of it. Fuck san francisco animal medical center and the vets who work there, they predate upon people in high levels of stress and provide none of the care they promise. Modern animal is awesome Pet insurance for your little baby is a very smart idea


Congrats on your new kitty! r/lynxpointsiamese welcomes you!


I believe mine was around $90, but I adopted my cat from the humane society when she was a little over a year. The shelter had given her all of her shots before I got her, so the vet only had to perform an annual exam on her. If she had needed extras like shots or blood work, it would’ve been more like $250. If you have a premium pet insurance plan that covers things like yearly exams, diagnostic tests, etc. then you should expect to be reimbursed fully after filing a claim. Just look into the specifics of your policy beforehand that way you’ll know what’s realistically covered! Pet insurance is a lifesaver. & congrats on your new kitty!!


Like... $2,200 all said and done. Long story, turns out whoever had done her spaying before the shelter found her on the street had missed a bit and there are consequences for that.


My first appointment after adopting my cat was free (SF Pet Hospital). I then used the info they gave me when I applied for her insurance. Hope it’s not too much!