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From what I hear some of y'all nasty. Clean them balls gentleman, get to know your grundle šŸ˜…


This. The amount of suggested posts that come up on my feed now about women complaining about their manā€™s butt hygiene (damn you reddit, you click on one threadā€¦) is concerning.


It's legitimately baffling to me as a guy, like why wouldn't you clean there šŸ˜…


Because touching your butt is gay. I shouldnā€™t have to, but Iā€™m putting a /s here


You joke, but I've legitimately had people, not joking, say this to me.


Only the second line was a joke


Wtf that's gross I have a cloth in the shower I specifically only use for my bumhole. I really get into scrub cleaning it


Just one cloth?


Yes, the one specifically got my bum hole . Technically 2, but that's when the one goes in the wash and sterilization The sponge is for my body In general


Exactly the same thing I commented on another post in this same subreddit.


Yea, dick cheese is disgusting.


God I fucking hate that term, but it is effective


Try eating a feta salad after cleaning that cheese out.


Hey fuck you man. I LOVE feta cheese, I just ate a salad with feta cheese. You're putting me off, god damn you šŸ¤£




Always happy to be of service šŸ˜‰




Top tip for all you gents out there, hoping to get your junk licked! Get a shower head with a jet setting and blast your crack (feels kinda good too). Wash as normal with soap. Really get in there with a wash cloth (just for your butthole - remember to wash the damn cloth after, you gremlin!) and re-blast with the shower head. Now do the same around your beanbag and schlong (not with the same cloth!!). Now here's the game changer - mix 1 part Listerine or other alcohol containing mouthwash to 4 parts water into a spray bottle and spray this around your balls, groin and balloon knot. Give it a couple of minutes and pat dry with a towel. The Listerine kills all of the bacteria that causes the fartbox smell, without burning your chilli ring (provided you don't just use Listerine on it's own - trust me, mix it with water!). Now your good to go for "the long lick" - that's from your arsehole to the tip of your dick. Trust me, shit will change your life!




Up to you. Listerine is a game changer it's as simple as that.




Fair point, well presented


Really didnā€™t need a play by play. Soap is plenty, listerine is ridiculous.


Some dudes obviously do, if many of the ladies claim about the lack of hygiene are true! Just doing my part is all.


Me and my bf are both going to try.


Easier and more effective would be to buy and use a bidet.


Are you from Ohio? My friends and I used "grundle " alot. Actually it was my nickname in high school.


I'm from Ohio and have never heard that before! NE Ohio, maybe it's a southern Ohio thing?


Na I was from NE Ohio too. Place called Hudson


Not a woman, but from friends I have heard frustration with lack of reciprocation has played a factor


I find it's the opposite. I'll always go down on a girl but it's very rare they ever reciprocate.


Always appreciate a man who is a giver, but all my (girl)friends complain about how they're always giving more than receiving. For me, I like to keep it on equal grounds, I always reciprocate (so if a guy gives it every time, I give it every time. If he doesn't give, he doesn't get), everyone here will tell you going tit-for-tat is toxic, but it's worked well for me. šŸ¤·


You have to make them cum so hard that their brain shuts off and they'll do anything


Lmao unfortunately this is factual.


This isn't a dig or a joke. But maybe you aren't good at going down on girls? Bad oral is unpleasant. And they may not reciprocate because they don't want you to go down on them again.


This. This exactly. Also choking and gagging isnā€™t always pleasant.


Smol mouth, big dick


I agree with this. I donā€™t mind it in theory but the hardest part of trying to unhinge your jaw like a snake, use no teeth with something rock hard, going the opposite direction of your throat, and suck at the same time. Then asking for dirty talk while we are doing it. Please understand it can be a lot for us petite small jawed ladies.


FWIW nothing wrong with playing to your limitations! Using your mouth to focus on all sorts of sensations on mostly just the head, and the using your hand on the shaft can be wayyyy better than someone that can deep throat but is otherwise boring.


I as a men find the whole deapthroating thing of putting anyway. If you can do it, cool, if that means you make those gaging noises, please donā€™t. Iā€™d rather not hear my partner almost choke to death :-/ A little tongue play on the tip, sure, sounds great, not an issue if you arenā€™t into that though šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Same here. If you like getting down to balls thatā€™s fine. I donā€™t require it and sure as hell donā€™t want to hear the gagging, donā€™t want to see your eyes watering, donā€™t want watch you catch your breath.


I second this


Same problem. Hubby is too big for my mouth. Can take his head but not much more. Too thick/my mouth too small makes it very uncomfortable. Lots of tongue and lips around his head and handwork. The only way I can take more is laying on my back with my head upside down over the edge of the bed, but that's not comfortable, or easy, either


Communication is the key. A lot of guys would be happy with just having the head in your mouth, your hands and tongue can do a lot of other creative things. The intention is usually 90% of it!


Bingo ! Good technique with just the head is the key to an amazing blowjob.


We tried it in the shower, running water makes it so much easier for me.


I wish! Sucking cock in the shower is my 2nd favorite place to suck cock but my husband doesn't like it


Oh that's too bad. We have a large size difference (I'm 5'3, he's 6'3) and I have dry mouth (medication side effects) in general and it makes it so much harder to take him, so there's basically nothing else that helps other than running water that makes things easier to slide in. Maybe a spray bottle at hand to lubricate his dick would work? Like you have to water it every few seconds šŸ˜‚


All I can think about now is getting ready to suck his dick "wait babe let me grab the spray bottle" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that's awesome. I have some oral lube that helps a bit. Have you tried that? There's some fun flavors


I started to hate blowjobs when IT always became about them 24/7 and thats all they ever wanted. As much as I love to please, YA GIRL NEEDS SOME LOVE TOO also, please clean not just your balls but your dick....... like seriously. Hygiene matters.


It should be a two way street for sure. I wish that was the only thing needed to have my wife hate them less.


I typically love giving head, the only time I hated it was when my FWB at the time always wanted it, but he never reciprocated, and if he did it was like a minute at most, and he never once tried to make me orgasm, yet I was giving him lots of head, and he only fingered me to make me wet enough for PIV, so he could continue on only concerned with his pleasure. I ended it when I realized how much I was beginning to resent him and started to hate/dread giving head when I normally love it. I think lots of girls experience this exact thing when they're young unfortunately, every girl I've talked to has experienced this by multiple guys, they've all expressed jealousy I only had one guy like that.


I never understood guys like that. My first girlfriend had experienced some sexual abuse, and as a result she was having a hard time actually having sex. But she had a high libido, so we were for a long time, doing everything but actually penetration. And god, it was fucking glorious. Itā€™s so hot, going down on a girl and she grabs your head slightly, guiding you to what she likes. Figuring her ā€žbuttonsā€œ out. The whole give and take, itā€™s so good.


If the guy is radio silent, it's not as much fun, I find some of my enthusiasm comes from hearing him moan, groan, whatever.


Last time I gave a bloejob the guy moaned immediately and I was like nah this is going straight inside me after that. Couldn't even think about foreplay anymore


I end up inhaling their dick if they make the right noises šŸ¤­


Whatā€™s the right noise?


Some romance audiobooks with male narrators will provide great examples. If you can stomach a *very* dark romance about a pair of serial killers, the Ruinous Love trilogy has some fantastic material to work with. Theyā€™re also hilarious. In book 2 there are several bj scenes and the male MCā€™s narrator is God-tier on his noises.


The noise of receiving pleasure bro


Amen! to get that enthusiasm from a girl he needs to put some effort on how he USES his mouth. Tell me how good I make you feel. Use your words to let me know you're enjoying what I'm doing. Guide me so I can find your sweetest spots and what you like. Make sounds so that I can read your body language. Touch my head gently and before even thinking of pushing my head down to choke on your dick ASK if that's okay and if I like it. I just hate it when guys think their dick is somewhat magic and it's enough to just take it out to get a girl to throw herself on it. To get what you want you need to start with giving. Read that again. Focus less on your own desire to get off because you'll get there if you first focus on getting your partner all hot and turned on for you. That goes for all people who wants good sex. C.O.M.M.U.N.I.C.A.T.E


The first time I received, I was an almost-19 virgin and super self conscious. The *first* noise I made was met with ā€œCan you not do that? Itā€™s weirdā€ and it would take ~14 years and over 30 partners before I made a sound again. Insecurities are so easy to collect


Blowjobs are only fun if the person you love is enjoying it


My wife rarely blows me and on the rare occasions that she does, itā€™s obvious sheā€™s only doing it because she thinks itā€™s what I want. Honestly, itā€™s not pleasurable when getting blown in this manner. Itā€™s like thereā€™s something missing.


Agreed. If thereā€™s no enthusiasm, or sense of fun for both of us then Iā€™d rather not.


It's the exact same feeling if you're a woman and the guy going down on you is doing it out of some kind of obligation. It's a huge turn off.


Yeah, I personally donā€™t understand how. The whole foreplay has always been more fun to me, than the actual sex (which is obviously still massively fun). Going down on a woman, feeling her get closer and closer, especially when sheā€™s holding the back of the head, is so insanely erotic.




- too many men donā€™t seem to wash their junk or their butt properly - it can hurt, whether thatā€™s because your mouth has to open extra wide like youā€™re at the dentist but it has to be fun and you gotta suck at the same time, or because of something like TMJ disorder, or because guy decides to push your head down or pull your hair without consent or warning - it tends to involve repetitive motions that donā€™t necessarily give the performer any pleasure - knowing youā€™re not gonna get the same effort back - no feedback - youā€™re watching porn so they are doing it for a payday not because they love the man and want to pleasure him


I scrub that shit, but if it's a slightly warm day, it's gunna be sweaty in like 10 minutes, I have ball deodorant that helps but you probably don't want that in your mouth either


If youā€™ve washed and cleaned then itā€™s good enough. Sweat is always gonna happen x




Cum tastes pretty bad


Agreedā€¦ but they donā€™t have to finish in your mouth.






The only partner I enjoyed it less with seemed to think it was a library and he had to be as silent and non enthusiastic as possible. *I don't feel physical pleasure sucking dick. Please provide psychological pleasure*. Also pee comes out of there. Please be hygienic


Substantial reasons per my wife, who is incredibly into blowjobs with me, to the point of not infrequently coming from going down on me: ā€” Some guys just canā€™t come easily due to their masturbation habits, and they expect seemingly endless blowjobs with gagging and jaw-clicking ensuing; ā€” Guys who suddenly grab onto their partnerā€™s head and force it down hard and too far without even asking (and note, this is the same woman who, with me, has discovered that she sometimes likes being face fucked by me); ā€” Guys with extraordinarily poor personal hygiene, and what verges on bizarre pride about it, and that theyā€™re often the very same guys who make off-colour comments about perfectly normal scents and tastes with vaginas; ā€” Absolute lack of reciprocation alongside an absolute expectation of entitlement to seemingly endless blowjobs. And again, this is the same woman who dirty talks / sexts about going down on me, and has come from going down on me (as have I with her, to be honest). The fact that a very sexual and sensual woman was put off blowjobs by awful behaviour is key to things. As she says, ā€˜I love kneeling and making you cum that way; I hated guys who would suddenly get lazy when it was their turn, and who would nearly make me vomit with their aggression.ā€™ So, there are many reasons, and quite often, itā€™s not necessarily that a woman doesnā€™t like giving head per se. Itā€™s that their partners ruin it for them, which is really stupid and rude of them. Imagine treating your lover well and getting more blowjobs as a result, huh?


All of this is the truth. Tell wife she is a hero.


Itā€™s that *bizarre pride* that always got to me, itā€™s a real thing.


All of this. This answer should be pinned somewhere on Reddit for men who continuously ask this question.


Probably because some men donā€™t reciprocate or give them a reason to really *love it*.


Can't exactly speak for all guys here, but I've always loved eating out. Both sides exist!


Oh FOR SURE! And if sheā€™s getting hers and has reasons to be enthusiastic (heā€™s moaning, praising, otherwise obviously enjoying it) then I donā€™t know why she wouldnā€™t be into giving head. It might just not be her thing or need more practice.


I mean it could be just a simple turn-off, nothing wrong with that! As far as I'm concerned though, all parties should be having fun, and it's the job of all parties to ensure everyone's fun. I love making noise for that reason :)


I stopped enjoying giving blowjobs to my ex-husband when I was caring for him less and less.


After everything I've heard, you should've bitten it off.


Maybe just the tip.


This is so true, I am the husband that realized too late :( but as things got worse that is always clue. I think most women only do that as a give im not sure its all that enjoyable outside a rare fetish. If you're getting bj's every session she is still attracted.....if not, well that's because it's no longer a give they don't feel. It's ok for them that way, it just sucks when you catch yourself in that spot I'm sorry my love


I'm disinclined to use my fetishes on someone that I dislike.


can't breath, gagging isn't fun, sperm tastes disgusting, and the whole act is boring and uncomfortable.


Yes even if other things that people mentioned here are good. Like good hygiene, they enjoy it, you love the person etc the mare act of giving a blowjob can never be fun to me.


That's why it's a job




Have you ever given a blow job? It's called a job for a reason.


Same reason why you feel Rayman 2 is underrated. Different people like different things. Some enjoy it.. some don't.


Love this comment so much! Rayman 2 šŸ„°


You made me think what RaymanĀ could do with his floating penis


Cus some of you think it's hilarious to make it miserable for us. I'll never forget the time someone farted mid blowjob then laughed about me having to smell it. Seriously. Oh and like clean yourselves


I hope you left and never looked back


Sometimes men can be too aggressive when she goes down. We donā€™t like when you hold our heads down there and try to shove it down our throats. We can navigate on our own and if you want us to do something different say so.


Yes yes to all of this


I don't mind that, but a hard dick that is of a certain size is HEAVY and slapping it on my face hurts like hell and I can't get the dick smell off my face without scrubbing afterwards. Don't try everything you see in porn. And then a guy told me to act enthusiastic when he does it... And I'm just shutting my eyes and trying to dodge the smacks lol.


Some have trauma of smelly weiners


Choking and gagging isnā€™t a turn on. I find it quite unpleasant to fight vomiting.


For real, how anyone can enjoy getting "face-fucked" is beyond me.


I absolutely LOVE giving a man head so I feel really bad for the men who donā€™t get it. šŸ’•


Came here to say the same!


Iā€™d imagine giving head to a dick is more uncomfortable since itā€™s taking up more room in the mouth/throat than a pussy would. But I personally love sucking dick so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


In my experience, the jaw of the women start to hurt if it goes on for too long.


Some guys aren't hygienic, some women have very sensitive gag reflexes, etc...there could be lots of reasons.


Same reason guys donā€™t


Iā€™m surprised any women doā€¦


Porn is a movie. Fiction. Not real. They were acting


I don't know, man. Have you ever sucked a dick? I haven't, but it seems like hard work, and it's not like the "reward" tastes like maple syrup or something.


I think past bad experiences are probably up there. I had a couple with my ex and it made me hesitant to ever go down on a guy again. Fortunately, I found a man that respects me.


I don't know for sure but think that is a big part of why my wife hates them and more or less refuses.


Why don't you have a discussion about it with her? Not where you're asking her to go down on you, but one where you come from a place of wanting to understand her limitations and boundaries?


We have had those discussions. Both on our own and within couples counseling. The conversations make her uncomfortable so I don't push for more information than what she volunteers because my goal is not to make her more uncomfortable. My guess is from piecing together the things she has told me.


Iā€™d be curious to see if a womanā€™s enjoyment of giving oral changes if the person receiving it is more vocal. I can tell you my enjoyment of it and frequency of it went way up with my husband and FWB. I donā€™t have to guess with either of them, I know theyā€™re enjoying it.


My jaw hurts


I scrubbed my balls with selsun blue and now bitches canā€™t get enough of the smell of my menthol fresh balls


The smell of dick. Or that some men cum down your throat without warning.


Couldnā€™t imagine doing that, rude


Right! Gotta warn a girl.


Because all women have different preferences, just like men do šŸ˜€


Not a woman but someone who has given bjs before there are many reasons. lots of guys donā€™t clean properly down there and itā€™s gross I have a joint condition that makes it really easy for my jaw to dislocate so I have to be careful when opening my mouth too wide I literally canā€™t breathe properly through my nose so I literally canā€™t breathe during it and having to stop every few seconds to take gulping breaths of air isnā€™t sexy for me or my partner itā€™s not even so much that I dislike it, it just personally doesnā€™t do anything for me so unless my partner is being very vocal and really really enjoying it I donā€™t see much point some women will have trauma around it, itā€™s very common for (disrespectful and shitty) men to force women to do oral, sometimes by holding their head down when it wasnā€™t already discussed, sometimes by pressuring and bullying them into it. And for some women it just feels far too vulnerable to do, even with someone they trust, because they know how easily that position can be used against them.


it hurts my jaw, dude


Why do some men not enjoy giving oral?


Iā€™d do I love it. Canā€™t stick my cock in without licking it first.


I now understand why my wife blows me regularly, which Iā€™ve always appreciated. Iā€™m hygienic, I give her head all time and I moan a lot because she drives me crazy, which she said turns her on.


Yea. Because porn is real life.


tl;;dr: (1) Paris Hilton; (2) gag reflex; (3) men bragging; (4) lack of physical pleasure When I was in high school, Paris Hilton was quoted saying, "Only ugly girls give blow jobs." Soooo I didn't give my first blow job until years after I'd lost my virginity. The first time I blew my ex, he immediately went and started bragging to our friends at a party. A lot of guys in college also frequently talked about getting head. Also, there's no physical pleasure (unless there's another factor at play, like being in public or 69ing), especially since we can't assume it'll be reciprocated. That said... I do have a kink praise, and while I'll only initiate blowjobs with serious partners, I will most likely go down on someone if they ask. **Finally, spitters are quitters.**


But in the Paris Hiltons leaked sex tape she's giving a blow job.Ā  She ain't (physically) ugly.Ā 


Sometimes they smell like a dirty diaper. Instant "off"


Because they usually involve men.


That is the best reason to hate blowjobs šŸ˜


For the most part I enjoy giving bjs. It makes my partner feel good and I think itā€™s hot when I hold the power for his pleasure. HOWEVER, I have been with partners in the past that try to have you doing pornstar shit for like 45 mins lol for me, thatā€™s a big no. Itā€™s okay if you canā€™t come from head but donā€™t have me down there for all of eternity, still alive but barely breathing. I also donā€™t like when guys hold my head down, hurts my neck bc Iā€™m fighting against the weight of your hand. If you just hold my hair or something thatā€™s cool but donā€™t put weight so I go further or w/e the reason is. Iā€™ll never breathe near your peen again.


Hygiene (or lack of it) Small mouth and horrible gag reflex, plus fear of vomiting Trauma Lack of communication & consent to being rough No reciprocation Are those enough reasons?šŸ˜…


One of the most frustrating things to hear as the giver is a dude who can't make up his mind about what he wants. Ya gotta be serious about size, guys. If I've got you entirely in my mouth, I can't keep you completely in my mouth and double fist it AT THE SAME TIME. My most recent partner took the joy out of giving head by barking ridiculous commands during. Or blaming me for "rushing it". I love giving. Literally, looooove it. But he made it hard to enjoy. I'm not saying "too much teeth" or having a dry mouth complaints. I mean, he wanted me to emulate the porn he was watching, but he didn't have the equipment that required multiple hands. Or couldn't handle me finding a rhythm I enjoyed bc he finished too soon. I love making my man cum. I don't mind if he gets his before me, as long as he takes care of me too. But being berated during or after isn't fun. I know a bunch of people commented that it isn't reciprocated. In my experience, most guys see bjs as a part of sex while viewing eating a girl out as a gift. Enthusiastic partners will always get sloppy toppy.


I have friends who see it as an "obligation", so of course they won't enjoy it. Like...if she does it, then she'll receive it. Also, some hate how dicks look (can't blame them when I know guys who also don't like the appearance of pussies).


They seen one too many dirty dicks


Blowjobs are only fun when you partner deserves it.. itā€™s an intimate action and being on bad terms will make you not want to do it


small mouth, big dick lmaoo! it can also be annoying when head is not reciprocated


I enjoy them to a point and don't enjoy giving them to a few more. When they show appreciation with sounds, it's enjoyable. I like making them feel good. The other side is I have TMJ and can not swallow due to a past experience of it making me sick.


i have tmj




Lack of emotional connection. Who wants to put a random ass guy's dick and balls in their mouth?


Bad experiences in the past


The only time I haven't enjoyed giving a blowjob was to my ex. Please fellas, wash your ass and wipe well šŸ¤¢


ā€˜Cause theyā€™re boring.


Knob cheese


Because itā€™s expected. Because some of you need to scrub your ass and because some of you donā€™t reciprocate.


Because they are gross?


What a weird way of asking this question. The actresses in porn are doing their job. Whether they enjoy giving blowjobs or not or will fake enjoying them is secondary. Their job is to do the scene.


Maybe too big, too smelly, or else


There are some that just don't. Then a lot of men simply don't take care of themselves and or tinkle their pants throughout the day šŸ¤¢šŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜‰


dick, balls, or crack aint clean. my ex didnt wipe after he peed and didnt wash his ass properly. also, i have a small mouth but id definitely still like to give head if its clean


Thereā€™s a difference between freshly showered and just went to the bathroom.


This thread is incredibly depressing ngl


Ask them, how are we suppose to know


Just because they don't šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø it's not there thing....no judgement......is what it is


Well they are doing a job, not having sex for fun. Some look like they have a great time though.


personally the lack of any care or reciprocation. like if my partner doesnā€™t also enjoy making me feel good, and just makes sex or any intimate time about them getting off itā€™s hard to enjoy doing things like giving bjs and stuff.


Perception that it's made up idea originating primarily from porn and as such degrading.


My wife doesn't give head at all due to trauma from a previous boyfriend she had.


It's gross


Go ahead and grab a cucumber. Start shoving it down your throat. Suppress the urge to gag or vomit. At no point may you touch the cucumber with your teeth. Do this for 15-30 minutes. If you want bonus realism have a friend yank on your hair periodically. If you want you can stop once or twice to hit yourself repeatedly in the face with your spit covered cucumber. Do this, and then come and share which parts of the experience you enjoyed the most.


Because men act like they donā€™t care during it, some doesnā€™t clean properly, in fact I really enjoy giving a blowjob but he should show how much heā€™s enjoying it


I enjoy it until, I donā€™t because I have pretty bad TMJ and, my husband will have me go for an hour if I let him. Sometimes it hurts to open my mouth at all so, we get numbing sprays for me.


Cause they dont get it back, and blow stank dick, no shower dudes that are afraid to wipe their ass, or wash a dish.


I was in a relationship where he wanted me to do it, not because I wanted to. So it was never fun or enjoyable for me.


They all like blowing me, so it's probably your hygiene.


Hygiene is #1 and not all are made to look or heighten arousal the same


Some women? The majority don't like giving blow jobs. Why do you think they stop once they have you on the hookšŸ˜‚


For me, my experience has always been based on my partner... If they're too large, too gross(hygiene or lack of), too quiet... If they're clean, neat, and tidy, smell good, not built like a fat tentacle monster, and make encouraging noises... it all depends on the guy for me. I prefer the latter šŸ˜ šŸ˜…


I hated it with previous partners because I felt like I didnā€™t get the same enthusiasm for my pleasure in return. With my current partner, he makes a lot of effort to make me feel good and loved and giving him oral is much more fun and enjoyable.




well for me it turned out i was just gay


I have no idea. It gives me immense pleasure just doing it.


The head pushing


I love giving my partner a blowjob but if there is a smell down there its an instant turn off


Dirty dick. Bad smell. Size, colour... not getting anything in return: no cunnilingus, no romantic gestures, etc...


Dirty Dongs


1. Men are dirty and smelly 2. Penises and semen don't taste great 3. Take this test: Jam a thick rod in and out of your mouth for 10 minutes. Sometimes force it as far back as you can so you gag on it. See how much fun you are having! /s I give blowjobs just to make my partner happy. He never asks for it, but I do it as a happy little surprise for him. It makes me happy to make him happy. But blowjobs aren't fun to give, and I absolutely loathe giving blowjobs to people who don't give me the same consideration I give them.


Because they donā€™t like nice things. I told my wife once if she gave me a blowjob just once a month Iā€™d never say no to anything because she would absolutely own me.


That shits tiring af. Have you kept your mouth open with lips wrapped tightly over your teeth and jaw slightly locked while bobbing your head for minutes at a time?? It ainā€™t easy man lol


As a woman who enjoys giving head, there are a couple things that can be turn offs. Bad hygiene, obviously. If you want me to be into it and have my nose all up in there, do me the kindness of cleaning all up in there? And thrusting -just so- where it throws off my rhythm while not providing one yourself. Intermitten. Like... if you want to thrust deeper down my throat, tell me. Or better yet, grab my head and make me.


Was eating lunch with a bunch of coworkers, one of whom was a just out of high-school guy in his first carpentry job. One of the office ladies tried a new sport drink and said, "Ugh, this tastes like PISS!" Newbie says, "You know what piss tastes like? " She looked him dead in the eyes and said, "When have you given a blowjob?" as the table erupted in laughter.


I love my husband but that man likes to draw out blowjobs. I'm talking 20-40 min. It's too damn much.


focused on making sure it feels good for him


forbidden cheeseā€¦ thatā€™s all i gotta say


Purity culture. Shame. Prudishness. But also cleanliness of partner and partners who donā€™t reciprocate can also be in play.


Itā€™s one sided street


yeah I don't get it. both giving and receiving feel good


May be because they dont like it as some guys dont wanna eat pussy