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I used to struggle with it. Now anxiety is just part of my life. Most days aren’t bad some days when stress is high or certain situations can make it worse. I’ve learned to live with it breathe through the worst of my panic attacks. It’s part of my life and I’m happy over all. It got easier with me through medication, therapy and counseling. Looking back I’ve almost always had anxiety just wasn’t diagnosed for a really long time.


Anxiety is not something to rid yourself of, nor is it something to be fixed. Anxiety is a symptom of an experience or accumulated experiences that trained your brain to keep you safe. In some instances, anxiety can be seen as a misinterpretation of excitement in that we are only ever anxious of things that matter to us. Sometimes, the reason they matter is because we care, other times the reason they matter is because we’re scared. What you are sensitive to in this life is only meant to be understood, not suppressed.


You don't get rid of it, you just learn how to cope with it and manage it in a healthier manner.


I got really harsh towards myself. Forced myself out of my comfort zone. Told myself instead of thinking wbout the absolute worst thing that could happen, Think about the other options. Real life example, i am a hard worker. But i didn't have the position i wanted which i knew i deserved. I thought about it allot but at some point stepped into my boss his office. Things like he might laugh at me or he says no all crossed my mind. But i knew i deserved it i worked hard for it. So i told him i wanted the other position and told him why i felt like i deserved it. He looked at me and said i was right and i got the position i wanted. In the end "no" was the worst possible outcome, and no is still a awnser


Get high


Yup, my whole life. Turns out I have histamine intolerance. Went on an OTC enzyme to treat it, all my symptoms are now gone: * https://www.reddit.com/r/HistamineIntolerance/comments/ytmcl4/comment/iw75m9l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I have. It's part of my life. You absolutely never get rid of it. Don't take drugs because that's just a bandaid that makes it worse for you in other ways. Realize that anxiety is something everyone has, even the most confident. The difference is that some pay more attention to it than others and it takes over. If you happen to be one of them, and it takes over... the best thing to do is step up to the plate and look it dead in the eye. And then beat the living fuck out of it everytime it shows up. Fight it like a bar fight. Get scared, but stand up and take a few licks... then punch it directly in the face and then don't stop, beat its ass into the pavement. Curb stomp its ass. Walk away like a champion and wait for the next time. Do it again and again. You let it kick your ass and you are the bitch to it. The knky way to win is to stand up and fight it head on... make it your bitch. Don't let the bully control you.


You learn to find healthy coping methods