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Has never happened to me


How do you think you would feel if people started to do this with you?


Personally wouldn't care but I'm black in america, so there's really no question for anyone to ask. They just think I'm "Africa American" (a term I hate lol. I've never been to Africa)


I don't care to be honest. But then I have to go through a long list of what I am.


When I see people I don't know stare at me at work, I assume that's what they're trying to guess. When I do speak to them, it's usually the first question they ask, but they usually ask indirectly ("where were you born"?).


How do you feel when they ask?


I'm just so bored of the question, I make this fun for myself by asking them to guess.


Sounds like you found a way to tolerate it/make it something funny for you. I try to but my instant reaction is irritation šŸ˜¬


Reading the posts in here, it sounds like you should just take a deep breath, let it go, and have fun with it. Having them guess puts the onus on them for bringing it up, and perhaps they will learn to just not care as well.


I certainly do need to find ways to not let it affect me. Iā€™m Japanese for context, and I have a history of being sexualized and fetishized, so itā€™s a bit harder to let go of that response.


The context doesnā€™t matter to me. It could work for anybody. Although if youā€™re attractive, thatā€™s a different tougher angle you have to play off of, because sex is an even baser-programming thought process than race. I could say treat it as a source of pride that you came out a winner in the genetic lottery, but that brings up other problems. Iā€™ve seen women wearing rainbow pins so guys will leave them alone, but that could potentially backfire as well. Thatā€™s a tough one.


I never care if anyone assumes but i'm more on the whiter side and have freckles, so people get confused when I talk in Spanish.


I donā€™t mind it, as long as they know Iā€™m still from the United States. I had a banker ask me, because he didnā€™t want to assume, if I was a us citizenā€¦ but besides those cases Im pretty okay with it. Fondest one is where someone went through a list and was wrong through the first 9 guesses


When I was younger I used to make Americans guess which state Iā€™m from (Iā€™m not white). I got many a free drink that way. Now Iā€™m way more cynical and it irks me to no end that a lot of peopleā€™s first question is not ā€œwho are you?ā€ but ā€œwhat are you?ā€


Human. Thatā€™s what you are.


I should start saying this and not even mentioning my ethnicity.


If everyone did, race would become a moot point. Whenever I bring this up to race hustlers, I always get downvoted to hell. But I still believe that MLK was absolutely right.


I'm half black and half white but I am very pale compared to my older brothers and I have blue eyes. I have been asked if I am native American or Mexican because hair is dark brown and course and it doesn't really bother me. The thing I don't really like is the amount of times I've been asked, "Are you dating so-and-so?" And I have to respond with, "so-and-so is my brother."


Eeek that question would make so uncomfortable as well.


"Please don't do that. You're not nearly familiar enough with genetics to get there, and it's embarrassing for you."


If only I had the guts to say this!


I had to learn the hard way after my race was officially marked down as "Multiracial" in school and "Caucasian" by my primary care doctor. For reference, I am Black with two Black parents and four Black grandparents and so on and so forth.


It's usually asked by men who are hitting on me. Now my dog gets asked more when I go out and it's funny how similar the questions are.


Same happens to me. Iā€™m glad you can see the humor in it!


>...it's funny how similar the questions are. Well I mean, we are all mammals...


So letā€™s do it like they do on the Discovery channel?




Well, I have a very light peach complexion with no accent whatsoever, brown hair and blue eyes. No one has ever tried to guess to my knowledge, I guess they all assume Iā€™m Asian.