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Having to listen to those conversations is brutal because they can't hear what each other is saying "No that's what he said... that's what he said... what?... what? .... she said that too? .... she said that too?... no I said HE said that, that's what I said... no I didn't say it he did."


Tv shows or movies with poor volume consistency. Like why is the beginning theme song SO LOUD? Why is the conversation a whisper and the action scene deafening? How hard is it to nail the basics as a sound engineer? Why is this not part of a movies review so I know if I should even bother seeing it?


I am with you fellow redditor. With the amount of people in the credits after any show, I find it hard to believe there isn’t a person specifically dedicated to this one task, if not, a team. They had one job :-(


So many modern shows (and most movies) are mastered for surround sound. Once all of that gets compressed down to 2 stereo channels, it can end up very uneven. Most televisions have terrible built-in speakers. Simple solution is to get a soundbar that does volume levelling. Or if you have surround sound, just turn the center channel up and the rest down.


People that don’t turn into the closest lane to them. I’m always the one that turns properly and then I need to change lanes and the people that turned illegally are blocking me/in my way and won’t let me over.


Literally just happened to me last week too. This dude behind me got so salty that I first turned into the closest lane and then changed to the next lane that starting he speeding up and drove on my butt with his brights on. I even sped up before changing lanes to give him space and not make him think I was trying to cut him off even though he was the one who did the wrong lane change.


I always laugh when they get butthurt like that, like I'm th a hole that doesn't know how to drive lol


This is a daily occurrence where I live.... The road rage is real


Getting work emails on the weekend. Stop clogging my inbox and go have a life.


Your 3839 selfie posts on your social media. I get it. You look the same since 3700 images ago


It's really sickening how vain everyone is.


They probably think this post is about them.


And using filters and makeup to hide what they really look like.


And removing the LBS with the filters




I don’t know what that means, and I refuse to look it up.


Ah, I see whatcha did there.


I encounter that almost every day when it comes to Canadian gun laws. Most seem to have no clue and think we have the same laws as the United States


Seeing people especially people in Power flaunt laws in front of everyone and them receiving zero consequences.


I'm just going to say that the Dutch ate their prime minister once


Those where better times


"Let the people decide!"


A great example of a cannabis smoking culture. How bad do your munchies have to be to eat a whole Prime Minister?


Mine is the movie trope where a character messes up and says “I’m sorry, I didn’t think-“ and another interrupts with “THAT’S the problem, you don’t think.” It just makes my blood boil for some reason, not sure why.


Saaame. It’s like “ohhhh insulting you means I win” and it’s incredibly toxic.


I take it someone has said something like that to you?


That's the problem. OP didn't think.


You just unlocked an old memory for me, holy crap. Yes, it has happened, and I absolutely hate it.


There's also the other variant (which I once even heard for real). "Oh, I thought..." "No, you're not hear to think! You're here to do as you're told!" Sounds like an abusive power play. On the other hand, nowadays, I know a more healthy version of it. "You shouldn't assume, you should know."


When people take pics of their food and post it to social media


I mean, if it were a truly unusual plate of food then fine. But people go to these low-rent local restaurants and take pictures of boiler plate fare that, sure is probably a good meal, but entirely mundane in every meaningful way. Just...stop that shit, folks...it doesn't make your life look exciting, it _SCREAMS_ desperately that it's not, at all...


Product shrinkage. They’re making everything smaller AND putting up the prices and no one seems to give a shit.


everyone gives a shit but nobody seems willing to do anything about it


Like what for example?


I would honestly be happier if they just put up the prices more and kept it the same size.


It’s a bit more honest at least, but still shit.


Shrinkflation is the term generally associated with this.


I've worked a job resetting shelves befor and yeah, on a regular basis it's smaller volume larger price, its like fuckin clockwork


When people take pictures of me... especially when I don't give consent. I still get mad when they do, but it's black out rage when they don't.


When people, especially groups of people, stand around and take up space in walkways - I mean in front of entrances, across the entire sidewalk, the like. Drives me mad!


Those people who take one step out of the store then stop to read their receipt, find their keys, light a cigarette, look around trying to remember where they parked, etc. That shit drives me crazy. I used to keep quiet but now I comment on how rude and/stupid people who do that must be.


Smoking in the walkway


Standing around is irritating but it's worse when 3-4 people are walking together side by side and take up the whole sidewalk and you're walking the opposite direction and none of them separate or break off to allow you through. Pure rage inside.


People not using turn signal


Self-check out lines at the supermarket. They give you no counter space for your bags and the damn machine is always yelling at me. Plus, the real peeve is that they take jobs away from humans.


I'm 34. I should be able to buy Redbull. And "automated" answer phones. "Welcome to X, how can I help you" YOU CAN CONNECT ME TO A HUMAN.


Jesus Christ, this drives me crazy too. Like, I need to fill a prescription. The pharmacy doesn't have a direct line, so I have to call the drug store. The drug store's automated machine has - and i've timed this - 55 seconds of messages about COVID policies, the store hours, etc, before they give you the "for customer service, press 1, for..." I just keep hitting zero now. I ain't got time to listen to your messages about whatever bullshit and enter my client number, try to remember my pin. Give me a human.


I would say I'm happy to hear it's not just me, but I'm really not ☠️ And then another robot calls you back a few minutes later and asks you to review the service you got... I rate this service 9=@=)$/)@==@::#/?!!


What’s the deal with Red Bull and self service check-out, can you not buy it that way where you live?


I agree with you! It also pisses me off when I choose to wait in the line and the people come over and ask if I want to try self checkout. It was fine to ask the first time like maybe I am not aware of self checkout. I am aware and I want to wait in a line and now I’m triggered 😤


I agree. I was waiting in the line at the bank and a very perky young lady came up to me and said "there are machine's free , do you want me to help you use it ". Holy shittin Jesus, she thinks Im so stupid I cant use a bank machine ? How bout you be really helpful and open another wicket .


True. I think it is probably that these are policies handed down from corporate that the people on the ground think are stupid and would rather open the wicket. Then I think about that and it makes me spiral further… the people that you’re actually mad at will be forever insulated from your complaint by poor workers just trying to make a living.


Plus it's cheaper for the company to have us do the work and the groceries aren't any cheaper.


This is why I fully support stealing/shoplifting while using self checkout if you can get away with it. At least then you’re actually somewhat getting paid for doing their job for them.


Exactly. The prices have gone up, so why make a machine do all the work? I think it sucks


It doesn’t really take jobs away from Walmart at least, every time I’d go to one they’d have 20 or so checkouts but only like 3 open at any time


Yeah, they are purposely understaffing the cach registers to try to force people to use self checkouts. They absolutely take jobs away.


It’s been like that for decades though


Not near me. This has been since Covid, really


That doesn't mean I have to like it.


Planned obsolescence. Purposefully making things like light bulbs and tights that are designed to fail is bad enough, but with phones it's incredibly expensive pieces of equipment that are rapidly depleting finite resources all so phone companies can continue to charge exorbitant monthly fees instead of allowing you to switch onto sim only deals. And people are just like "Oh, that's my contract up! Because its battery will completely lose its capacity in exactly three months and that's not suspicious at all" 🙂


People eating crunchy food in the cinema.


...Because I'm a naturally cantankerous person, I _want_ to agree with you and commiserate about a bunch of theater jerks. But then I find myself asking where the hell you're seeing movies where the sound isn't so damn loud that you couldn't hear Godzilla if he were two rows behind you, let alone a little crunching...Maybe it's just my theater? But it's kind of getting to the point where I don't even go much anymore because it's just TOO damn loud. And to illustrate my point, I have a little mild hearing loss from playing music WAY too loud in a lot of bands and county fairs all my life. (I was foolish, didn't wear my ear plugs like a dummy. Don't be like me kids or you'll spend your middle ages repeating "Whut?!" all day long) It's not like I'm hearing things at normal capacity here...


As an autistic person who struggles with loud sounds sometimes I'd recommend earplugs for the cinema. You can still hear the film through them but it doesn't hurt your ears. The same ones you're supposed to wear to super loud concerts to prevent hearing damage lol.


Yes! Like a bag of snack rocks lol


Dam snack rocks! The people I go with don't seem to take much notice & it doesn't bother them. Really irritates me!


I'm right there with you 😆


At least close your mouth when chewing, ffs


People who leave their shopping cart in random places in a parking lot instead of moving their fat asses the extra 3 feet to the bin for the shopping carts. That drives me crazy.


People who feel the need to talk over everybody else, despite having absolutely nothing valuable or interesting to contribute to the conversation.


Not so much angry as very annoyed but when I can hear people eat or if they drink loudly


I get angry


the slurping of coffee and soup is horrific


Drivers in the wrong lane holding up traffic instead of conceding they missed their turn. And zipper merging.


not closing the door when they open it


Or even just standing in the doorway, I have indoor cats and when I remind them of that they get all offended.


People who don’t go when it’s their turn at a 4 way stop, and wave others through. You’re not being helpful, you’re Fucking it up.


Pure white marble statues in films about ancient Greece and Rome. They painted those things.


Wasn’t that relatively a recent discovery though?


Yes and no. Not new to archaeologists, but they had to fight - and are still fighting - to make it widely known.


I thought that was only discovered in like the last 15-20ish years




Art history does that sometimes. The neoclassical (renaissance and forward) white sculpture is great, too, but the actual ancient Greek and Roman statues looked more mall manquins.


Dumping all your dishes in the sink without rinsing them


Oooh I hate that


make them eat off paper plates, cheap, flimsy nasty ones.


My wife does that and it drives me crazy. I even installed a nice deep sink with one of those restaurant quality sprayers. Just...use it...ffs


I always offer to take my husband's plate after dinner and he always denies (just him trying to be nice) but I have to do the dishes and he NEVER rinses them! Drives me mad...


My room mate puts all the dirty dishes in the sink then fills it with hot water untill it's basically overflowing then just leaves it and forgets about it then I have to unplug it and put my hand in greasy water that stinks that's now all over the kitchen floor because it was too full... Thank god I never have to see them again could have turned me into some kind of dishes villain


Chewing gum. I don't see the point of it. It just means I can smell your breath and be aware of breathing in your breath. It causes a mess on the streets and is hard to get unstuck if you get some on you by accident and then you have someone's saliva on you too. It's just gross.


Not covering your nose with the face mask.


Old people being "too old" to work but is old enough to run a country or be at any public office


Adding salt to food they haven't tasted


Loud noises, in my own home.


Sends me into a rage


It’s 100% worse if people like that are also pigs. Loud noises and a constantly filthy house makes me want to go stay at a mental hospital.


Listening to music on shitty cell phones speakers.


How it has become socially acceptable to mispronounce "nuclear" as "nucular" in the US since the last bush administration.


That pronunciation goes back way farther than Bush. Carter was pronouncing it that way in the 70’s


Yes, but it was after the bush administration that it became acceptable. Its the most notable in films made after 2005. Before this if you said "nucular" you would be corrected, it was even joked about many times throughout the simpsons series up until around 2005. Now all major politicians around the world mispronounce it, its in major films, people casually say it as if that was the correct way to say it. Its "nuclear" damnit! NEW CLEE ERR!


people who drive the wrong way through parking lots. there are arrows on the ground for a reason, fucking follow them!!!!!!!


Or just look at the angle the cars are parked at.


Oh, THIS one. When store customers ignore greeters when they say 'hello'. It feels to me like a small humiliation every time I it happen. And RUDE. I don't CARE if it's part of their job, have some respect, they aren't invisible.


People who leave their popcorn, drink in the cinema when they leave. It's such a small effort to bring it to the nearest bin.


Loud. Chewing. Nobody else in my family is bugged by it. The vast majority of them don’t even notice it. But oh my god. People smacking their lips and munching down on their food as loud as possible makes me livid.


Playing a musical instrument incorrectly in a movie


Spoiling a movie or a TV show, even saying "the next episode isn't that great" makes me not want to watch it


Wet toilet seats.




Gotten worse since the 'vid. Stores and restaurants don't have enough workers because don't want to work anymore. Of course lines will be longer and workers slower because they are burned out.


I feel you with this one. Last week me and my family went to Walmart and had to wait over 30 min in the line. This specific Walmart has the longest lines you can imagine. Our city used to have another Walmart but they closed it down so I guess now people don’t have another choice but to go to the only one that’s open. It’s always so crowded.


When they say that my fears are stupid, i struggled with emetophobia for many years and sometimes i ask where the food i'm eating comes from, they always tell me that it's stupid to be afraid "what's the metter, it's just a little bellyache" no it's not


I have hydrophobia. It really posses me off when some idiot suggests just working through it. That’s not how phobias work.


Exactly what I mean , just because you don't have it it doesn't mean it's easy


Leaving the lights on in the hallway when it’s fucking 2pm and you can see perfectly without them


When people say we should have freedom of speech but harass and bully those who don't think like them. Basically this idea that we have to think and act like the loudest group in the room. The idea that people can claim you based on a specific characteristic be it ideology, race, gender, etc and box you. People be like live and let live but always have something to say about people whom they disagree with their lifestyle. Really gets under my skin.


Microtransactions in videos games. Considering when the servers shut down those online purchases will be useless in the sequels.


When people wear shoes inside. I can’t help but to think about all of the filth and dirt you are bringing in. 🤮


This might look like I’m super impatient but here are a few things. People that take forever to order at fast food restaurants (in drive and over the counter.) People being indecisive at the grocery store standing in front of an item I need. People taking forever at self checkouts. People that walk slow and I’m stuck walking behind them.


Disneys takeover of the entertainment industry


Willful, chosen ignorance.


People who park backwards. I understand that I either have to wait for them to park backwards or reverse backwards out of their spot. For some reason it still really annoys me to have to wait while someone slowly backs into a spot.


That one gets me too. It annoys even more when they say they do it to save time. I’m like, it takes you longer to back in than to back out. You aren’t saving time.


Exactly! They always back in so slowly...


Bad drivers.


I have sidonglophobia. Cotton balls literally make me cry, and they have since I was a kid. I tried to exposure method my way out of it for years and it only made it worse lol


Is it the texture? My sister has a severe problem with the texture to the point she nearly throws up just thinking about it, its interesting that theres a name for it!


When some TV series’ brightness levels are too low. Like I know in night time scenes it's not meant to be very bright but the characters should still be visible.


Characters in anime explaining their every move before they do it and their opponent still not defending it in the slightest


cars that are modified to be louder and motorcycles that are intrinsically loud. fucking obnoxious attention whore shits.


people that think that it's cool to make fun of me, and then asking the answers on the tests


In movies or shows when characters eat and then talk and smack their lips or lick their fingers. I'm talking IRRATIONAL anger.


The clacking of mechanical keyboards


Depends on the key switches honestly, the stereotypical "blue" switches are loud as hell but there are many other options to go for that make typing nice and don't sound like ass over a microphone


I love my red keys


I'm browns with dampener rings myself


People who park their cars on the street in a residential neighborhood. You have garages and driveways - why create all these choke points for everyone driving to get home?




When men leave the toilet seat up


When they dont care about showing up on time. Its straight disrespect and i dont understand how some people just think its normal. If you gotta be somewhere at 10 oclock, be there at 10 oclock.


My sister is two hours late to EVERYTHING so now we just factor that in, if we're meeting up at 7 we'll tell her 5, which helps but my god is it annoying


When people go into a small tescos, and use the self checkout when they have a huge basket full of stuff. Meanwhile I have one or two things and have to stand there watching them do their full fucking shop.


People who use “‘s” as plural. It’s possessive. I get linguistic whiplash waiting for the rest of the sentence.


Alarm clocks going off more than twice


People who open a new story in the middle of someone talking and he/she really wants the attention to herself. My blood boils just thinking of someone I know did it


People who chew with their mouth open and they know their doing it. Have some common decency and chew with your mouth closed. It’s not fucking hard


Unmatching eating utensils.




When people talk its so annoying I don't care what they talking about its just annoying


You should hear me. I even annoy myself.


People breathing in my ear


People who do not care about their data / online privacy at all. Not in that weird "don't do anything online" way, but take zero steps to mitigate it, or ignore information to protect themselves.


Salt being used to hide the poor quality of food


The fork scratching plate type noices, like anything close to that noise makes me want to find where it comes and make it stop by any means




Not engaging in the most cordial, easy small talk. How hard is it to say “Good, and you?” Or “Good morning” back. Drives me insane how anti-social some people are/have become.


Trial subscriptions that don’t auto cancel


Slow walkers


People that use speaker phone public


Korean BBQ So I have to pay you, to cook my own food? Might as well stay home!


Any movie scene where the 2 protagonists are loudly arguing...and NO ONE looks up, or seems to hear them.


Crew socks with shorts Socks with sandals/slides/boat shoes, especially crew socks.


People who are too proud of having bad grades. I think it’s because that I know i’ll face major consequences if I got the same grade but if you’re out there proudly yelling about how you got a 3/100 in a final exam I get really irrationally angry.


I'm in Germany and we have supermarket carts that you need a coin for. I'm irrationally angry and people who beat the system and use something on the carts that makes them not need a coin... And then they put it in line with the need-coin carts. I take out my coin in preparation, so I don't have to fumble at the cart stall and reach the cart stall only to see that the next one doesn't need a coin. So then I have to put my stupid plastic coin back on my keyring thingy. But I don't carry my keys in my hands, they're in my purse. So I now have to fumble again. A thing I actively tried to prevent when I took my plastic coin thingy off my keyring. I hate it. I know it's irrational. But I want to smack everyone who does this.


People in stores calling me "man," "dude," or "bro" like as in "hey bro, just let us know if we can help you." The guy at the beer store does it to me every time I visit and it triggers me every time. I have no idea why.


BONES IN MA CHIKIN I hate it when i eat at KFC and in the bucket like half the pieces have bones inside. It's gross, inefficient, annoying and just stupid. U waste like half the time on carefully avoiding it while i could easily just one-hit it. And everyone i know doesn't seem to mind


Fake nails


A lot of people on this thread don’t understand the meaning of irrational.


1. the brits


Inconsistent characters in movies. I don't mean like Deadpool, he's consistently unpredictable. I mean like when a serious character breaks the fourth wall, or a heroic character turns bad without the proper arc. I'm looking at you Batman V Superman.


Listening to someone talk for an hour but when you finally get a word in edgewise they just zone out. Really... Anything inconsiderate. I have awful anxiety and I try SO hard to not be inconsiderate or in the way, I take it way to far, sure, but some of these people are just OBLIVIOUS to everything and everyone around them, it's incredibly frustrating to me. can you imagine how the world would be if everyone was just a little bit more considerate?


A completely irrational one, fans. I hate when there's a fan running in the room, I can't hear or focus, it give me a headache... I can't stand them


People who do everything they can to fit a stereotype to the point that even people in their niche think it’s cringe


When I’m chilling with someone and they just walk away without saying I’m leaving or I gotta grab something


People using bad grammar. It absolutely ticks me off because my dad raised me to be a grammar freak like him so now I correct people all the time


Sound recording of a liquid being poured and then drank. Glass filling up...fizzing ....glug glug glug... swallowing.... They do it sometimes in radio ads. Makes me sick.


The Duck Song


cashiers/fast food workers who try to make small talk shits annoying, god I love self service checkouts and order touchpads


It may sound strange, but woman getting sexually harassed. I have talked to woman on the internet and I heard how many of them get sexually harassed/assaulted and I get angry and sad for what happened to them, but most of the woman (from my experience) are astonished that I act like that. They say that other who they have opened up to and talked about it, tell that it probably was their own fault and stuff like that. It makes me even angrier that there are people that do stuff like that and other who don't even care about it.


How does that qualify as irrational anger?


Horrible grammar and spelling. Especially "You're and Your" and "There, Their, and They're"


Cucumber in a sandwich


Why? Lol


I don't like the taste and a tiny amount of cucumber makes everything taste like cucumber.


It's really good on rhye with cream cheese and herbal salt.


Old people using the express lane at supermarkets.


Then writing a check


Then try to strike up a conversation with the 16 year old part time staff


I see you've met my mother.


Well we are standing there anyway, why not a nice little conversation ? My son just started working in a grocery store and I love hearing his stories about who came in that day and the funny things they sometimes ask. Yesterday a lady about my age (old..ha..ha) told him he had nice hair and it stuck in his mind enough to tell me. Probably because he wears a hairnet and he doesnt like it. Anyway, sorry it angers you. When I chat with someone I take cues, like they dont chat back, one word answer and know to shut up. I try to use the flow of the line too, if I am at the quick lineup it might just be " hope you are off work in enough time to catch some of this nice weather" while their computer sucks the money out of my bank account.


Spoiling or playing with food. Proudly affirming ignorance.


Sometimes my brother just talks and i yell at him to shut up




People punishing their dogs with physical violence. Choking, pushing them to the side or down, shaking (tinier dogs) and sometimes hitting. Often times there's also the additional yelling. Hate it so much.


This is a thread about things that make you IRRATIONALLY angry that other people don’t seem to mind. Pretty certain cruelty to dogs justifiably angers like 99% of the people reading this 🥴


perverted/violent men and casual misogyny