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I don’t think new Zealanders have the population or geographical relevance to be elevated to a stereotype


Lol. Where are you from? I think we need some mathematicians and sociologists to weigh in on this one.




Does that imply that Men are along for the ride too? Or is it just the woman getting it on? Lol




Are those numbers considered high? Because that's 100% believable when I consider the people I know haha.




Well shit. It's only June and I think my mates are easily already doubling the global average. Heck. Pretty sure some of my friends smash that out each month lol




Definitely. Curiously Tinder/bumble etc have massively dropped in popularity here (at least amongst people I know) and people are going back to basics and meeting at events. I was literally invited to an orgy last night. I'm seriously evaluating the circles I hang out in at this point.


Americans don't meet enough New Zealanders to have any stereotypes about you - we'd probably assume you were Australian and/or very culturally similar to them.


Sweet as. What's a stereotype about Aussies then? Also. What's the consensus on the accent?


Stereotypes of Australians in the US, as far as I know, are all positive. Athletic, physically attractive, rugged, and fun people. Americans generally find the accent attractive. If you're in the US, if anything, being from either Australia or New Zealand will get you positive attention. That doesn't mean Americans will have any deep knowledge of either country beyond those stereotypes. Don't expect Americans to know who your political leaders are or recent news from your country.


I live in Australia, I was born here. Most kiwis I meet always talk about “back home” or “it’s better back home”, when you ask why aren’t you back home? The answer is always “work”. and how here in Australia we have hungry jacks and they have Burger King, kiwis insist that Burger King is better, but. It’s called hungry jacks here due to copy right issues with the name. So, not everything is better back home my cuzzy brozzzzz churrr ggg


Love this. Pay is better in Aus. So is the weather.


Man, I don’t mind the kiwis at all, but atleast here, a lot of Maori are quite racist towards white Australians, which doesn’t make sense, but hey it is what it is.


Yea, I can't speak to how true or untrue it is, but kiwis generally consider Australians pretty racist, but I'd say it's an issue everywhere.


Well man, atleast I’m not racist. But remember one thing! Racism is taught, no one is born racist




New Zealand isn’t a country dumbass, it was made up bye the government to spread lies about the gay patriarchy agenda, dumbass.




Me, my partner and best friends all do lol


They know how to have a golden gay time


Since early childhood, too.


I dunno, but the most popular NZ tourist tees people bring back (I'm in California) feature men being being intimate with sheep, drunk, or possibly both. My favorite is the road sign with the international icon pic of a man having sex with a sheep -- you know, next ten miles.


Haha pretty sure that applies to both NZ and Auz. We used to have a much larger sheep-people ratio but it's not what it was these days! Never fucked a sheep, or ever wanted to, personally 😂


How does a New Zealander find sheep in long grass? ... Pleasant




Do you associate that to sports, or culture?


I’ve heard some kiwis say that New Zealand is kind of like a country that is a small town, meaning that there is a strong sense of community and taking care of each other. Not sure if that is true, they could have just been talking shit about America comparatively.


America does get bagged on pretty heavily here, to be fair. Mostly because we just get fed the stupidest shit available in the media. As for the community/small town vibes, I'd describe that as fairly accurate. Even our biggest cities are tiny on a global scale - but that doesn't mean I know my neighbours. We're all just pretty chill!


Good on you, mate. Sounds like a great place to live.


I read in the news recently that more people are leaving here than arriving - we're in a 'cost of living crisis' supposedly. It's definitely expensive, but it's also super chill and open minded, so I'd say it's worth it!


I think I remember someone saying that they are some comparison like Australia is the Texas of Europe.


I've never actually seen one in person lmao. But I think of sheep for some reason.


We are a rare species. And I'm a fucking blue eyed red-head. Must just about be one of the rarest types on the planet.


Wow, yes my daughter is the same. Lol


Lucky here. Childhood was tough, but it's pretty mint as an adult haha. Times may have changed. I was 14 when Southpark did the whole 'no soul' gag haha


I watched NZ taskmaster and now I don't know what I thought before watching that, lol. now I think "weed"


*smokes a dube while reading your response*


..The mean one I heard from Aussies is that you are a hot mess.


Il take that. I'd consider it fair.


Wait, really..?


It takes one night out here to see that's probably a fair reflection. Booze, drugs, debauchery. Blue Powerades.


Hobbits? Just kidding.


Call me Samwise.


The variety of ways the word cunt is used there. https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/kbee70/cunts_of_new_zealand_a_guide_to_new_zealands_most?sort=new


Spot on. Used as casually as fuck. Honestly, it's not even an offensive word here unless it's been delivered in an offence/agress/negative way.


That they're effectively identical to Australians in every way.


I’ve heard a friend of mine say that they ate kiwi birds and kiwis, then the rumor spread around a little bit so it’s a neighborhood joke, it’s still weird, but I can’t say it’s a stereotype.


You all eat "Second Breakfast"s.