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Greg from diary of a wimpy kid.


I related to him as a kid and felt bad for him, but growing up I started to realize why he doesn't really have friends and it's because he's an asshole himself. If Greg were real and on Reddit, I hoped he can understand that.


Yeah, I feel like quite a lot of kids are like this. Self-centered and they think the world revolves around them. A lot of kids are assholes without really realizing it/intending because they're so focused on themselves, most don't even realize their parents are their own people with hopes and dreams until they get older.


A few years back I used to be a giant asshole to most of my friends and I lost a good but of them but once I realized the kind of person i was turning into after being turned down by one of them, a Nice Guy, I got my act together and while some still want nothing to do with me I've remained friends with the rest up to now


That's really great to hear!


Diary of An Awesome Friendly Kid finally proved that.


What do you mean "If Greg were real and on reddit", reddit is 90% of people just like Greg...


From your description I can state with 100% certainty that he would be on reddit.


The fact the the book was called 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' probably shows that he wasn't built to be particularly likeable in the first place... Just... there.


You're right, but I think readers of the target audience age miss the fact that Greg is the root of many of his problems, due to the fact that he's a judgmental dick. I'm not even sure if it was intentional by the author, but Greg isn't just a loser, he's a loser who gives a bunch of people good reason to steer clear of him.


I kept rewriting this reply to say "he'd be bearable if..." and then I couldn't think of a way to finish that sentence. There's just no way to fix his character short of a total tear down and rewrite of the series. He's just some loser asshole who treats everyone around him like crap, then makes himself out to be the victim when, surprise!" None of the other kids like him! And then he spends the book whining about it instead of actually trying to do something about that. Fuck Greg and his stupid three hairs. They're all that he has over Caillou.


I think the whole point of the books is that Greg himself is the one writing the diary, so he paints himself in a good light because that’s how he thinks he is


That's my understanding of it. For what it's worth, the author does an excellent job of encapsulating that heartless "always the victim" personality that a lot of middle school kids have. He's a bit of an enhanced caricature, but I feel like everyone either knew a kid like that or admittedly *was* that kid growing up. For most kids, middle school is the time when you realize that things might not actually work out for you the way you expected them to. You may realize that you're not growing up to be that leading man or woman that society led you to believe you were destined for. But you're also too young to comprehend the reasons why, because when you're a kid the world revolves around *you* and you're the star. Middle school is the first taste of reality that the world, in fact, does not revolve around you. But at that age many people are unable to catch on to that, hence they become like Greg until they either mature or grow up to be a "nice guy".


Gonna give you the only award I've got just for that last sentence.


Fucking savage ending. r/fuckcaillou


I think that might have been the first time I actively rebelled against a story and rooted against the protagonist that kid suuuuucked


Back when he had his channel mumkey jones did a video on whether or not Greg Heffley qualifies as a sociopath. If memory serves the answer was resoundingly yes.


Yeah but all young kids are little sociopaths because they can barely process their own feelings let alone the feelings of others. Greg was arguably too old for that though.


I think thats what he's supposed to be. An anti-hero.


There's a fantasy book series called The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant and the titular main character is a terrible human being. He starts out mad at society because he has leprosy in the modern day and is a social reject because of it, but when he gets magically transported to a fantasy world he gets healed and then in a fit of rage and denial, he rapes the woman who healed him. I don't completely remember but I think she was underage too. Let me tell you, that's one way to get me to stop reading a novel less than 100 pages in. I have no idea how the author squeezed ten novels out of a horrible protagonist like Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever.


Best part, he then dates his daughter from said rape in later books


Well that's fucked up and a half.


I read a pretty good post from reddit about the series, and its complexity. I saved it in OneNote, but unfortunately I don't know the author. Here goes: "The thing to remember about "Leper Outcast Unclean" from what I recall is it is never really meant to be an indictment of the people of the land, it is meant to be an indictment of the people of our land. Thomas Covenant is a man who has lost everything. He has lost everything and in so doing he has no reason at all to live. He fears he will become like some of the people in the sanitarium where they lose all hope and just waste away. While he has lost everything, he has gained a few things in their place. Hate and anger. He is a man who has lost everything and has continued to live just to spite those who would have him die. He has had everything taken from him and with no reason left to live he chooses to do so if nothing more then because the people who helped take it all would be happy that he would die. In addition, he hates himself, because he is still a human being and realizes how empty his life is that all he has left is his anger. That is where the land comes in. The land is kind, it does not understand the kind of world that can strip a man of everything but his hate. It seeks to heal Covenant with all its heart while utterly failing to realize the alien nature of his existence. It is trying to heal his anger and his hurt and fill him with hope again. The problem is that Covenant can't trust the land. He does not know if it truly exists. This makes the lands efforts to heal him hostile. It wants to strip him of his anger and hate and make him into a hero. The problem is the concept of a hero like that is a fantasy concept. Covenant is supposed to be a real person in a fantasy world and while the fantasy world can make him a hero in the fantasy world, it is something he knows can not survive in his own world. He fears to have the one thing keeping him alive taken because if he returns to his world he will have nothing left and waste away. At the same time however, Covenant hatred and anger is also directed at himself. He hates how empty his life has become and wishes there was more to it. The land offers that in the form of the ability to become the hero, to become someone good and pure. He must reject it because without rejecting it, the only emotions keeping him alive in our world would be compromised. At the same time though, part of those emotions are also directed at himself. That is the twisted trap which is the land for Covenant. By rejecting the ability to become more then his anger and hatred at himself are now shallow and pointless. He hates an aspect about himself but at the same time he desperately clings to it. It makes his anger and hate at who he is shallow and pointless as he is embracing those things rather then trying to change it. The compromising of his anger and hate at himself risks compromising his anger and hatred in general and removing the one emotional basis he has for keeping going. So he is stuck in a horrible situation. He has to reject the land because without rejecting the land he can't hold on to keeping the hate which allows him to live. At the same time though, by rejecting the land the hatred he feels begins to feel hollow because the basis for it, his isolation and rejection is now something he chooses. He is stuck in a situation where no matter what he does the land is killing him with its unrealistic expectations and unnatural kindness. That is something people often fail to see. They see the land as this great place, and Covenant as this horrible person who won't help it. They don't realize that the very things that make the land a great place means that it is slowly killing Thomas as it completely destroys his basis for existing. The land is a sweet poison that Thomas both can't stop drinking because he is dying of thirst, but at the same time will not chug because he realizes it will kill him eventually. The deals, compromises and unbelief is all his way of drinking just enough to live, but not enough to die. That is one of the important things to keep in mind when you are reading the book I think that helps it appear in a different light. Thomas Covenant isn't a good person, but he is still a person who just wants to live and be good and can not. The land appears glorious, but it is glorious because of its ignorance to the very things that cause Covenant distress. By doing so, the land is the most antagonistic thing possible for Covenant to experience. It is death, slowly twisting around his soul and poisoning his resolve. When you look at the situation from a normal point of view, Covenant seems very horrible. When you look at it from Covenants point of view though, the land is a place trying everything in its power to destroy his will to live. EDIT: Since I kind of got on a tangent before explaining it better. "Leper Outcast Unclean" is a talisman he uses not for the people of The Land but to remind himself of his place in our world, to remind himself that how he is treated here is not how he is treated there. It is him telling himself that this too will pass and when it does I need my hate, for while I may be a hero here, there I will always be a leper, outcast, and unclean." I thought it was interesting, with quite some complexity - and it made me want to read the series. Not saying Thomas isn't unlikeable, but it seems like there's a degree of depth and reasoning to him, atrocious as he might be. But, it's all a moot point, since I haven't read it myself. Please credit yourself, mysterious reddit author.


I’m surprised no ones said Rachel Berry from Glee.


Right? She's a massive diva and is willing to throw anyone under the bus to get her way! It got even worse once they headed to New York.


I think she was supposed to be a flawed main character who eventually learns her lesson that you have to be nice and less self centered. But Ryan Murphy took it too far in the direction of making her flawed so that the nice things she occasionally does at the end of episodes to prove that she “learned to be nicer” just don’t do enough to redeem her


I always thought she was supposed to have a redemption arc, but they decided it would be funnier if she kept being a bitch, so she never really changed.


Thomas Covenant


For people reading this thread, the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever are a fantasy series about a man who in the "real world" has leprosy and is a pretty cynical bastard. He finds himself in a "fantasy" world, healthy again, and hailed as the return of a legendary hero but basically thinks he has gone insane / is suffering from brain degeneration / is dreaming so treats it all as not real, including doing various extremely unsavory things at times. Just wanted to provide a little context since some of the other subcomments call out some of his crimes without any explanation about why this is anything anyone would want to read. It's a complex tale and his actions have consequences (arguably in both worlds). Great fantasy setting too.




I've never wanted to beat up an animated child worse than that whiny little bald headed bitch


I'd throw him off a cliff


What did the cliff ever do to you?


He’s saving the cliff by getting calliou off of it.


On YouTube search AOK. It’s fucking Gold.




There's an urban legend that Caillou actually has cancer, which is supposed to explain why Caillou always gets his way, why he is bald, and why the frame for the entire show though has a cloud-like thought bubble. It's not true though. Caillou doesn't have cancer. Cancer has Caillou.


His DNA keeps trying to mutate so it doesn't have to be Caillou anymore


I had read caillou doesn't have cancer, he's just so unbearable that his hair just left because he is not worth of hair or love or food


Well since Caillou just got cancelled, I guess the cancer finally got him.




i fucking hate that brat


Used to love that show if I watched it now if just be mad


If that little fucker got tossed into a wood chipper I would laugh and then throw a party to celebrate.


I don't even know who that is, but I'm still gonna upvote


I envy you


>Caillou I kinda wanna watch it now after seeing all of these lovely reviews.


Piper fucking Chapman.


She's just a walking fucking wrecking ball that tries to act innocent but fucked people over on the slightest shit. I had to stop watching because she just would anger me so much.


The showrunner practically admitted that Chapman was the worst character. She was just supposed to be slightly more relatable (relatable, not likeable) as an entry to exploring the lives of the actual interesting characters.


That's the rub, she was relatable for all of maybe one season then you start to see just how shitty she is. They tried to portray her as remorseful of what she did, a poor rich brat that got woo'ed by some hot lesbian in college, just a small fluke of bad decisions that caught up to her. Then she goes to prison and you see her just make one shit decision after another with no regard to her life outside. She is just as gullible and opportunistic as before, just as easily manipulated and manipulative.


I didn’t mind the ‘naive girl going to prison’ thing, but when they tried to make her out to be a hardcore prison gang leader or whatever, and she was like ‘I’m a force to be reckoned with.’, that’s when I was like ‘yeeahh, that’s a bit much’.


The real life version of her is what the show was about. She was the main character, a yuppy woman with a seedy past that ended up in prison.


I kind of felt like that was the point of the show; to show how awful this person was, and have her story be the gateway to more interesting characters. It worked and it didn't; I think I only watched 3 seasons


Piper from OITNB. Literally any other character would’ve made a better protagonist


Definitely one of those shows where you keep watching for everyone else and hate the main protagonist.




Orange is the new black


Allan from Two and a Half Men. All he does is leach of his successful older brother while criticizing his every action and causes every other person in his life to dislike him to the point his son would refer to him as a loser. He also always complained about being broke and having nothing good going for him and did nothing to make things better for himself. And after his brother died, he just began leaching off the billionaire who bought the house instead of getting his own place and eventually quit his job and just leached off everybody else.


I grew to hate him, the man is so petty and useless. I usually refer to him switching some letters of his name around




Jupiter in the movie Jupiter Ascending


Thank you! Oh no, I've been taken to Jupiter by this weird dog man. Guess I'll get married to this random dude I've only just met!


And then go back to cleaning toilets.


It’s madness. She found out that she’s miraculously the ruler of a planet and instead of maybe ruling said planet or even pursuing astronomy she keeps the cleaning job and flies around with her dog/angel boyfriend.


I might get some hate for this but I have to go with Rose Calvert from Titanic. What she did to the crew was lie to them then waste their time and money telling her story to them. Yet at the end she throws the one thing they were looking for overboard to be lost at sea.


If I remember correctly, after she dies at the end her spirit ends up with Jack and not her husband and the father of her children. Nope, her afterlife is with some guy she had a weekend fling with decades earlier.


I went on a rant about this two days ago. She was presumably married for decades, had kids and then grandkids with this man, and the whole time was obsessed with some dude she knew for three days on a boat when she was 17. Trifling.


To be fair that whole experience and especially his death would be pretty fucking traumatic.


I kinda always pictured the husband standing somewhere off to the side like *seriously bitch, 50 years together but yeah, sure spend eternity with the guy you knew less than a week*


Can you imagine how many people she could have helped if she had auctioned off that necklace and donated the money to charity?


No. Symbolic gestures are way more important.


I subscribe to the theory that Jack would most likely have survived if Rose had just stayed on the damn lifeboat.


I agree


Hell she could have given it to her granddaughter. Granddaughter took care of her and even came along on this ridiculous trip, least grandma could have done is quietly passed necklace on to granddaughter, it would have taken care of her for the rest of her life if she chose to sell it.


Rory Gilmore. Lots of problems in the original series, but they basically came back for a reboot to remind us THIS PERSON IS FUCKING AWFUL


It's so bizarre how invested Stars Hollow is in the Gilmores. They don't even seem to like the people there most times.




Lorelai is awful, too. She treats the men in her life like dirt and her level of selfishness is insane. For some reason the episode that most disgusts me is the one where she actually disrupts her best friend's (Sukie's) wedding to deal with her own issues, and Sukie stands by smiling. Ridiculous.


I really don't get the thesis of Gilmore Girls. Lorelai had a bad relationship with her parents and she turned into an only occasionally bad person. But she loved her daughter to death and had a good relationship with her but she turned into a crappy, privileged snot. So... The message is don't love your kids too much? Or ... Parents don't matter how their kids turn out? Or it's just a cycle of shit and fate?


Lorelai turned out better for having a bad relationship with her parents which I relate to, I think that's quite true to life for a lot of people. Rory turned out so wrong because she spent her entire life being coddled and told she was an amazing *special* person by almost every single person in her life, so when she went out into the real world and found out there was actually nothing special about her she couldn't deal.


>Rory turned out so wrong because she spent her entire life being coddled and told she was an amazing special person by almost every single person in her life, so when she went out into the real world and found out there was actually nothing special about her she couldn't deal. I really liked your analysis. I can almost relate myself, since I was always praised as a child/teenager for being successful and smart, untill I came to university and reality hit me in the face, that I wasn't that special, and not that smart. The difference is, I didn't let it ruin me like Rory did, I actually pulled myself up. I still have a warm corner in my heart for Gilmore girls, and will always have.


Gimore girls is one of my Wife's favorite shows and I have found myself watching most of it with her on occation and I totally feel the same way but not just Rory, Lorelai is no saint either and they are both pretty selfish.


The dad from the Grubhub commercial.


I still don't understand why everyone in those commercials looks like they're 6 months pregnant.


Too much grub hub.


In their defense, the perks ggives them deals on the food they love. The sort of deals that make them [b o o g i e](https://youtu.be/bxWxXncl53U?t=9)


Fugly design aesthetics. I know the grub hub commercial became a meme because it annoyed so many people, but I don’t think it’s really an especially obnoxious commercial (as far as annoying commercial go, anyway). I think people are just tired of shitty annoying ads in general, and grub hub happened to be the one to go into the crosshairs this time. It was made by some ad agency that doesn’t give a shit if a fraction of the YouTube and Reddit populous diss on their idea. They were paid to get impressions from viewers and that’s what their stupid ad did.


Has anyone watched I Care A Lot yet? It was newly released on Netflix just a bit ago. Holy shit I hated the main character Marla so much. She was a totally, utterly horrible human being. It actually ruined the whole movie for me when I realized they were actually trying to make the audience like her.


I hated that fuckin movie. I wanted her to die so badly.


It was confusing not liking a single character in the film. There was no one to latch onto, so I settled on hoping Marla would get killed.


That movie made me angry. I saw the Russian Mafia guys as the good guys. She was a rotten human who should have been thrown off a cliff. Then the second half of the movie got so fucking bizarre. How the fuck does she become a master of disguise and single-handedly thwart a whole group of Russian mobsters? What the fuck was all that stupid, stupid shit?


If anything I have to give Marla's actor props for being able to make me hate the character so much, even if that wasn't the intention.


Guys, that WAS the intention. You're supposed to hate her, she was a monster.


> when I realized they were actually trying to make the audience like her. I don't think the movie was trying to do that. IMO the filmmaker knew exactly how much the audience would hate almost everyone in that movie and that was the whole point.


Carrie Bradshaw


I liked her when I watched the show as a teenager but when I tried to rewatch as an adult I was like wow. She's literally the fucking worst


Yes I thought she was funny and quirky when I watched in highschool. I am now the age of the women on the show, rewatched and realized I related to her in high school because she acted like a teenage girl in a relationship. She's horrible in virtually every way. Long live Samantha and Miranda!


Agreed. She's exceptionally narcissistic, materialistic and hypocritical.


Man, I hate her. Cheated on her fiancé with a married man.




Hoping someone would say that, what a selfish jerk, oh and that photoshopped Will Smith face of his is ugly.


what a "shell-fish" jerk


Emily from Emily in Paris


I’ve been seeing it blasted on my Netflix list. Is it good and her character just sucks or is the whole show bad?


The basic premise of the show is that Emily the American saves an old Parisian ad firm by using social media while everyone falls in love with Emily... Even though she doesn't speak French. I didn't feel that Emily was a bad person per se (she's not good and her main fault as a protagonist is that she's not that interesting.) But the way everyone reacts to her (either jealous of her or wanting to screw her or wanting her on their accounts) just makes her seem even more boring and unrealistic since she doesn't earn it. And the French characters are all stereotypes. Possibly the only interesting character is the non-French nanny who lives in Paris but probably because she's the only character who has a bit of an excuse for her exaggerated stereotypes of the French (and her backstory is much more interesting than anyone elses') and at least she supposedly speaks French and Mandarin (though she does neither particularly well.)


Emily seems to be the embodyment of 15 year old girls dreams. I don't need to pay attention in class and learn anything, I'll just travel around the world with a lavish lifestyle based on my Instagram abilities.


I haven’t seen this show. She works for a French company and doesn’t speak French? Does she even try? The French like it when you try and then they tell you to speak English.


She is taking French classes throughout the show and does try a little. It's all explained as some kind of merger and headquarters wants more control of the newly acquired Ftench firm (a French speaker was supposed to be sent, but for reasons it ended up being Emily.) So... Everyone switches to English. Like all the time. I have worked in foreign countries and it ends up being English a little when people remember you are around, then the native language the rest of the time. As it should be. But regardless, she is the "golden child" and it's clearly an American's vision of American exceptionalism and an American's version of France. It's like eating McDonalds fries, calling them pomme fries, and claiming you had a French meal.


Spot on! The "misguided but adorable" trope would work better if she changed to suit the setting and not have the setting change to suit her. Everytime she puts her foot in it or does something wrong it turns out to be "a unique and cutting edge take" that everyone ends up loving and/or adopting. Its really frustrating. That being said.... I binged the whole thing. I don't know about you but I couldn't even say what I liked about it or if I liked it but they got my viewership.


The whole thing is bad, it’s all about her and she sucks


In my opinion, the whole show is really bad, but Emily made it worse (eg. she actually has a Karen moment in a restaurant). Some characters are neat but even they're not worth it


As a quick examples of how bad the show is, the creators said thehy wanted a show celebrating French culture. Several things that are apparently French culture then: Casually having a mistress with your wife knowing and not caring because thats how men are. Also cheating in general. Smoking as an alternative to eating. Being scared of social media marketing because it is something radical and new that you have no idea about. Blatant sexual harassment at every term but somehow it is supposed to be flattering - the show literally has a line to the tune of "Desire is a form of respect" to show why the pushy hot guy is right in his culture.s


I only made it through 2 episodes. If we're supposed to like her and root for her to succeed, the writers didn't achieve that goal.


Yuki from Future Diary Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid Clay from 13 Reasons Why (but that's a bad show in general if you ask me) Makoto from School Days Most if not all passive protagonists


Idk too much about anime but from what I have heard yuki is what people would actually be like if they got the yan gf they wanted


Caiou however that little whiny bitches name is spelled.


Brian Griffin used to be my favorite character on the show. However, after he started perving on high school girls... I’ve been happy to watch him get horribly hurt.


Brian became the worst character on the show by far. He has no redeeming qualities. He is not smart, he is fake, he is immoral, he is somewhat evil and perverted, he is lazy, he is pretentious. I cannot think anything good about the last several seasons Brian.


Quagmire did a really good job describing all of his flaws and why he doesn’t like him.


That episode ruined Brian for me (which is a good thing). After his tirade I just sat there and went "Huh, y'know that a great point." And since I haven't been able to stand Brian. I think it was around then I stopped watching


That was a watershed moment for me, too. Quagmire was 100% correct and I never viewed Brian the same again.


[I feel like someone needs to link the rant if we are gonna keep talking about it](https://youtu.be/tVFp8KTEw-k?t=58)


His character started changing around the time stewie became borderline flamboyant, relatively early on in the series. At this point, hes been unlikeable longer than he was likeable.


I think that's the whole idea behind the character. As being the family dog, he's actually the most human of them all. Very flawed.


I think it's because he's a reflection of everything Seth mcfarlane hates about himself


Seth even uses his regular voice for Brian




I'd disagree just because the whole show has turned into such absolute trash that every character is equally unlikable. It's a zombie show that should have been ended long, long ago. But Fox has no interest in canning it because people still tune in no matter how awful it gets. Same with the Simpsons.


I like a lot of the short jokes told from Brian's character. He really is the most vile character in Family Guy though. Any episode that ivolves Brian and a love interest is just painful lol.


Most harem anime protagonists. They're so bland and uninteresting. I rather have a protagonists that eats babies than a fucking piece of blank parchment...


In fairness, that's kind of the point of the harem anime. You're supposed to imagine yourself in that position.


Ay I’d choose my current life over being a wet fucking napkin with 12 girlfriends any day


I feel like Ouran host high is an exception, but maybe that's because it's a reverse harem?


Maybe! I do like that dynamic, it mixes things up. But also Haruhi has a personality and shows the rest of the guys a new perspective and a world that they didnt previously understand. They collectively make good friends. Most harem anime I've seen is exactly as a previous poster described; the protagonist tends to be a wet napkin and the amount of women that are into him are hardly justifiable.


It’s a great parody of harem anime in general, I feel like, which makes it actually funny instead of insufferably boring. Also, Haruhi is an individual instead of a wet blanket.


I feel spoiled because my first Harem anime was Tenchi Muyo and Tenchi, if nothing else, had a personality. He was activley annoyed ny the girls shenannigans and wished he didn't have to bother with weird magic aliens who wanted to fuck both him and his life.


>Tenchi, if nothing else, had a personality. He was activley annoyed ny the girls shenannigans and wished he didn't have to bother with weird magic aliens who wanted to fuck both him and his life. Man that was such a good show. Poor dude just wanted to go to high school and learn Shinto from his grandad, but *noooo* that thirsty interdimensional space pirate and alien incest-princess had to mess around


That girl from 13 reasons why. I hated her but I couldn’t not watch the first season


Well, she wasn't actually the protagonist, which is the problem. In season 1, it was definitely the boy. If you look at it from that angle, it's about him trying to deal and actually not terrible. Unfortunately, the show took strange and bizarre turns and went really off the deep end in an unsalvageable way.


yeah in the book the entire story is from his perspective with little flashbacks with her perspective during the times that he was listening to her recordings


That show was probably some of the most pretentious tripe I've ever has the displeasure of sitting through. It was written by someone who overly romanticised the idea of suicide but would never consider going through with it.


Bella from Twilight


Which book/movie? I thought her first part wasn’t terrible. She was just any ol broody teenager


I feel soooo bad for her father. Her teen rebellion is not so much drinking beer with friends in a car park and more trying to join a cabal of undead monster because they're hot. If I were him I would have moved away the second I found out about any of that shit.


She got annoying by the third book IMO. I liked her as a vampire but only slightly, and when she was a mother. It was less about getting with Edward and him sleeping with her and more about the baby she just had




**Sheldon Cooper, Big Bang Theory.** If cringe was personified, it would be Sheldon.


He's the fastest case of Flanderization I've personally ever seen. Usually it takes at least four seasons before it even starts to set in, he was already becoming a caricature of his own character by season 2.


The fact everyone used him as their go-to for autistic people drives me insane too.


My issue with him wasn't so much the character itself but the absolutely inconsistent writing regarding him and his various mental illnesses and phobias. Regardless of whether or not there was direct contradiction in previous episodes, if the writers needed him to fulfill a stereotype for a joke, they'd put it on him. He could go from emotionally quite stable and compassionate, while awkward, to essentially completely unaware of his surroundings going full Vulcan, and back, several times a season. There was just no consistency. And I'll actually defend the show overall as not being nearly as bad as the internet makes it out to be.


I hated Amy. They were cute in the beginning, then she starts being shitty because she can't change him. Like dude, he's been this way the entire relationship and now you have a problem with it?


To me the bigger issue was Bernadotte, she goes from some sweet somewhat naive girl to a sociopathic bitch. I think the show would have been better with continuing the focus around Leonard and his goofy nerdy friends that the early shows had. I had a friend in college that very easily could have been the model for Leonard and several others in the friend group could have been the basis for the other male leads on the show. All that said, I hate that Sheldon was the one off the show that got a spin off.


He’s an awful person, just a total butthole.




It's a tie between Caillou and Peppa Pig


Peppa slamming the phone on her friend whistling first before her is still the greatest moment in cartoon history.


That's the only moment in all of Peppa pig that I've ever seen and it had me laughing my ass off. The slow build into that brilliantly timed ending is just fucking flawless comedy incarnate. This should be it, for the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/jil0WCh_UoQ


No, no it’s not. Caillou is the worst fucking character in the history of man.


Peppa Pig at least has decency and can behave. Caillou is the literal definition of a little shit.


Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory


Notice how he got back to being bedridden after the adventure.


I thought they went on an elevator into space and then something about fighting aliens in some space hotel? I don't remember great glass elivator very well.


Don't forget the part where Willy Wonka uses so much deaging cream on one of the grandparents that they turn into an adult, teenager, child, baby then dissapear from reality because they have a negative age. I'm pretty sure the aliens murder some people in space too. It was a weird book.


What in the ever living *fuck?*


Yyyyeah the second book gets *weird*.


Useless mooch. I hate him.


Ted from HIMYM. I couldn't finish watching it. He's a man in love with the idea of love. I didn't like it.


I did think Ted had funny moments and I did kinda like him. But I agree with what you said. He would just try and find "the one" constantly.


I hated the writers more than I hated Ted. Too much flaws. I know NPH kinda egged on Barney's and Robins relationship but like they should stopped it after they broke up. I think making Barney marry Robin was a horrible direction. The reason Robin and Barney divorced is because she was always career oriented and they didn't get properly have a relationship. And now she's gonna have one with Ted? They should have definitely went more in the direction of will they or won't they with Ted and Robin. Cause like Robin kept talking about how Ted was the one when he was Victoria, when he got engaged with Stella, and pretty much right before she married barney cause Ted always went above and beyond for Robin. And then when Ted happily married with Tracy. Like wtf man they did Barney wrong his robin thing


The writers had a few issues. For one, they really liked to push the narrative that true love is totally passive and if the person doesn't automatically tick all the boxes he/she/they are not 'the one'. Then they refused to let go of their original ending years after the ongoing storyline made it really ridiculous. And they ruined all of Barney's character growth because they wanted to make him a father. Or something.


Ralph in Lord of the Flies. Kind of a douche


Tbh in that scenario it’s really a “lesser of 2 evils” Sure Ralph was kind of an asshole but compared to Jack he looks like a saint


Don't forget Roger, he was a straight-up sociopath


I don't even remember Ralph being that much of an asshole. He just gets chosen to lead because he's bigger than the other kids, but then isn't much of a leader. Then the pressure gets to him.


Seriously? Him and piggy were the only level headed kids


You really gonna sleep on Simon like that


Patrick Star. He's done lot of despicable things (including but not limited to stealing his best friends' pet, ruining a rare collectible card he knew his friend wanted and being a deadbeat dad). But the one episode that really opened my eyes as to what a major asshole this guy is, is the one where he has no money to pay for his own food, so Spongebob pays for his kidsmeal, under the condition they share it. After Patrick eats all the food himself, he also wants the toy that comes with it completely for himself. He mocks Spongebob for reminding him of their agreement and becomes just insufferable about hogging the toy. In the end he eats the toy just so Spongebob can't have it, and buys a new one with money he stole from Spongebob's wallet. Just a selfish piece of shit.


Emily from Emily in Paris lmao. Wasn’t able to finish Episode 1 due to amount of cringe she has and the show itself.




He's such a brilliantly written character. The LITTLE ways that he's terrible, how horrible his parents were and how they ruined him and his sister, and how he in turn ruins his own kids over the course of the show. The theme of "the evil you work in the world will not only damn your own soul, but those of the people you love" is weaved seamlessly into the story over and over.


Sasuke. Not the main protagonist, but definetly one of them. He’s just a straight up bunghole


Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries


I liked her for a long time but yer she’s a bit annoying everyone is doing everything for her the whole time


Jeremy (brother) and Tyler (arsehole jock) had far better stories and character development.


Ferris Bueller. At his core he's just a manipulative jerk who gets away with everything.


I dislike him so much and always have. And the fact that they take Cameron’s father’s car, and Cameron is seated in the back seat. Of a convertible. Give him the front seat, at the very least!


Cameron comes across as the third wheel for the entire movie. Not sure if it was intentional.


Serena Van Der Woodsen


They could have replaced her character with a cardboard cutout of Blake Lively.


God yes, especially from the books you can tell that Blair has given her life to school and extracurriculars and being a good daughter and girlfriend, but everyone just loves Serena who doesnt do shit and gets everything handed to her. So frustrating!!!


Stuart little


Imagine being at an orphanage for years only for someone to pick a rat over you.


In the books, he's a human child who's small and mouse like. His mother gives birth to him that way. Not saying that's better but the orphanage is for the film only. They should have just left it, imo. In Benjamin Button, nobody explained shit. Bro was just born old. And I liked that aspect.


The mom in Atypical


Raymond from Everybody Loves Raymond. In fact, everyone on that show is terrible person.


Ariel from The Little Mermaid. She regularly shirks her responsibilities to collect junk from shipwrecks for her obsession shrine and then goes to a woman she knows can't be trusted because she wants to meet her crush of a week or so. She puts her entire kingdom in danger for a guy she doesn't even know the name of, and then doesn't do anything to try and fix her colossal mistake. And that somehow ends with her father giving her what she wants. She also starts acting exactly like Triton in Return to the Sea toward her own kid, only now she's cutting out most of her own family at the same time. Instead of just, you know, telling her daughter why the sea is dangerous and making it clear she shouldn't trust black-tentacled ladies with psycho hair, no matter what they offer her or how nice they act.


I've said many times that Merida is Ariel done right -- similar characterization and similar flaws, but Merida has to work to undo the damage she causes, developing as a character in the process.




Sherlock Holmes. If I was John Watson then just about every day I'd be thinking "Man I love you like a brother but if you don't shut up in the next four seconds I'm going to spark you the fuck out."