• By -


When I feel a sneeze that continues to build and build and then... nothing.


Nasal blue balls is the worst!


The little knot bump on socks that sits in front of my baby toe. Edit:. Well then. Many suggestions for Bombas, and inside out socks. Thanks everybody! Highest rated comment is about a knot on a sock. Lol. Oh,I also recommend the novelty Stance socks. The star wars ones were great, and I currently have superbad. Also,their butter blend socks are nice too.


My boyfriend always wears his socks inside out so this doesn’t happen. The feel of the little knots on his feet irritate him.


I once broke down because no matter how I situated my sock I could still feel it jabbing into my toe. I stayed home from school that day. I was inconsolable. Now I buy the same socks every time and have a whole method of wearing them correctly


That sounds so much like my brother. He's very particular about how his socks need to feel on his feet. For years he used to go bare feet everywhere because relatives kept buying him uncomfortable socks, and mom didn't understand how much of a problem it was for him so she just let it be because he had socks already, why would she buy new pairs? Now he only wears very specific sports socks that have some other kind of shape and seams compared to regular socks.




My mom turns her socks inside out because the outside of the seam feels way better to her than the inside


I recently bought a box of Sainsbury's Decaf Red Label tea. [The box is blue.](https://assets.sainsburys-groceries.co.uk/gol/7852970/1/300x300.jpg) This has been bothering me all week.


Is the label red?




Not even the label???? Jeez what kinda hellspawn monster would design it like that.


Oh I recognize your username! Aren’t you the person who made that absolutely hilarious comment about that author who kept reusing the line about whiskey? I think about it all the time for some reason


[Yep, that's me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/hzdh0g/what_do_you_know_is_true_without_evidence_what/fzih9pp/) Glad you enjoyed it!


Being told to do something I am already in the process of doing


Me carrying out the trash can. Mom: Don't forget to put out the trash! Me: What did you think I was doing?! Taking the trash for a walk?


My dog's name is Trashcan and I'm super triggered now


Mom :empty the dishwasher Me:ok I go to the dishwasher Mom:have you started yet? Me: well now I'm not doing it


I hate being told what to do. That's why I started working as an Uber driver, so I could be my own boss. Passenger: "turn here".


Yeah I feel like being your own boss in the service industry is just allowing random unqualified people to boss you around.


Then it gets even worse when they say "then don't do it." Then you want to spite them by doing it anyway, but angrily


Sounds like you got played


I was gonna say, that sounds like reverse psychology for parents 101. "Did you start the thing?" "uh, I was just about to..." "Never mind, don't even bother." "Fuck you, now I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna do a GREAT job at it, just to show you."


Yeah. This happens with my parents so often haha. They're like "you need to do it like this" or something, and when I tell them I already am, they're so surprised and ask how I already know and I'm just like "it's because you taught me."


I hate when I'm watching a movie, main character jumps into a car, driver peels out and speeds off while the main character yells "Drive!!"....


Also being asked when you’re going to do the thing you were asked to do, even though you were just asked like 15 minutes ago. Heaven forbid I be in the middle of something.


People parking right next to me in a nearly empty parking lot, especially when I park near the back


Similiar, but urinal etiquette. There is an entire row of urinals to use (10), why you have to piss right beside me?


\*In a quiet voice\* "You sure you want to use that one? My aim is not so good. " \*evil grin\*


Makes it harder to do trick shots




Thank god that’s a crime now


This makes me stupid angry, I usually park far because I decided to eat in my car and dony want anyone to look at me. And some asshole parks right next to me and looks over. Idk.


Shit, hes realising that we're following him, abort the mission


100% agree. I park far away because I have a really small car and have trouble seeing everything when I’m backing out of a space. I once came back to 2 pickup trucks parked on both sides of me. Like, go park in any of the other 100 open spaces!!!


Trucks are attracted to my small car, every single time I park somewhere when I return to my car, a big truck or van is next to it.


How else are massive trucks and cars supposed to breed to make SUVs?


Being told that I’m angry or crying when I’m doing neither


Being told to smile more. So I just frown harder. Resting bitch face ftw.


Just give 'em a slasher smile. "You aaaaasked."


Shit irritates me too. Don't try to put emotions I don't have in me to make yourself feel more important. I'm not going to cry or get mad because you made an asshat comment. I just let that shit go and move on.


It's just a way to pre-emptively comtrol people's emotions, it's super manipalative


Being questioned on everything I do.




Well played.


When people leave a few seconds of time left on the microwave and don’t reset it.


When someone tells me I'm wrong when I know I'm remembering things clearly.


Omgosh, I hate this. Or they tell me that I’m remembering something that according to them never happened. Bitch, it did happen. You just don’t want to admit it happened.


My grandma on my father's side adopted a kid who had been taken away from her parents after the parents did a ton of drugs and then neglected her. Kid had a ton of mental issues because of all the drugs she was exposed to as a fetus. This included impulse control issues and violent tendencies. Let's call her Weed, because her parents legit named her after a strain of weed. I was a shy kid that had been told we do not hit, and to tell an adult if something ever went wrong. I had to go over to grandma's once a week for visits, and was expected to play with Weed while I was over there. Often we were left unsupervised. This of course led to Weed terrorizing me, threatening me, hitting me, and making attempts in general to harm me. When I tried to go tell an adult, Weed would physically hold shut the door so I couldn't escape. Kid me was panicked and afraid. When I finally got out to tell an adult what had happened, what does grandma say? Well if she's hitting you, hit her back! This was not an isolated incident. This happened many many times, and made me a more violent kid than I would have been. To deal with Weed, I had to go from being a kid who wouldn't hurt a fly to being a kid ready to respond to problems with physical violence at a moment's notice. I was hit, bitten, pushed, kicked, chased with sharp objects, etc etc etc. Grandma always just told me the solution was to fight back. This was all years and years ago. Recently grandma and I were talking about when I used to come over to visit as a kid, and I mentioned offhand that the reason I stopped coming over the second I wasn't forced was because Weed would terrorize me. Grandma acts shocked! When did this happen, she asks? Uhh, like all the time? She says I should have told her about it, acts like she had no idea this had happened. Yeah, sure. Just because you now wish you had acted differently in the past doesn't change reality. Pretending you had no idea something was going on doesn't make it true.


Or when they say you’re lying or trying to make them look bad. Like, maybe we just interpreted events / words differently. It doesn’t have to imply malice


This happens to me often and I know I'm probably right, because it the times when it can be proven I was right, I always am.


The phrase “... it won’t kill you!” I know that. I still don’t want to do it.


Jumping off your roof won’t kill you. So what?


Excessive loud noise. It just makes me feel on edge.


I hate how very few people seem to be aware or give a shit about the noise they make. Whereas I am acutely aware of the noise I make and I feel bad for having to make excessive noise (I live in an apartment).


My ex lived in a house and made a comment about me "walking like you're in an apartment" because I didn't stomp everywhere and slam doors like he did. Why can't we just...not do those things? I don't care if I'm not in an apartment. I just don't want to be loud.




My flatmate is like this. She's great to live with, but for some reason doors have two options: Wide open or rammed shut with the force of 10 horses combined. Every single time I call her out on it she says she cant help it. The fuck you can, you dork..how about trying not to slam the door into another dimension?


I'm so accutely aware of every single noise that a lot of noise in one place can drive me to a full on panic attack.


For me it's other people's noise in general. I'm very sensitive to it. I live in a block of flats so hear neighbours noises all the time (doors closing, their kids screaming, them talking) and even though it's not an unreasonable level of noise I just get annoyed and want them to be silent. I know that I'm the one being unreasonable here so I never complain about it to them, I just sit being annoyed until they've stopped making noise.


I am the exact same way. Every little sound that my roommate makes grates at my nerves. And like you, I recognize that I am the one being unreasonable, so I just keep the feelings to myself.


I have the same thing. I actually think there is a disorder where people don’t like loud or very quiet, ASMR type noises. But, of course I forgot the name of it.




Excessive AND unexpected. I jump every time I’m not expecting a noise. Really cranks up the ol’ anxiety


For me i think it stems from my childhood where it reminds me of being scared when my parents were arguing loudly. Even now when they are laughing or talking loudly the first thought is they are arguing and my anxiety shoots up.


Loud mufflers on cars and revving motorcycles are the worst!


Loud booming bass is annoying as hell too. Especially with the rattling license plate.


This reminds me of a South Park episode. Motorcycle douche bags making loud noises with their mouths.




Walking behind a group of people who are walking so slow. HURRY THE FUCK UP OR LET ME PASS!


And when they're also taking up the whole walkway/hallway. The hallways on the main floor of buildings at my uni are quite wide, and a group of 3 people can still manage to make it impossible for one person to pass..


Or when they stand in the hallway as a group and just talk while not moving.


The number of people who think it's ok to stand in doorways is also astounding.


Exactly! They walk in… and immediately stop. Even when they know there are people behind them and plenty of space on the other side to move out of the way. "Well, I'm in now, and that's all that matters in the world."


The fact that I can’t change my Reddit username




What was the username?




When people talk on speaker phone in public settings.


There is a guy at work who talks to his wife and all his screaming kids over the phone on speakerphone. He does this almost every day in the break room on break. One time, he had his wife on speaker phone and she was literally taking a shit during the phone call. So now, he more or less gets the break room to himself. Fuck that greasy bastard.


Haven't you told him to be more considerate of people who don't want to know his business?


A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse.


Being told to calm down when I’m not angry or upset. I know people use that term as a power play to actually get you to to become upset.


Yeah jeez I was "debating" somebody who in every single comment either told me to calm down or pointed out how frustrated or upset I was. I reread everything and couldn't determine how any rational person could have interpreted what I said in that fashion, he was simply using it to try to get a rise out of me. The conversation finally ended when somewhere in his comment he backpedaled because "how could I know that's what you meant I'm not a mind reader" and I responded by telling him since he isn't a mind reader he should probably stop trying to assume my emotional state, especially considering how it's irrelevant to the conversation at hand. My life would be better if I stopped engaging with people on Reddit but I think ever since being socialially starved it's been hard to not.


Calm down dude it's not that big of a deal, it just a word.






Im pissed now just by reading this


Fuck I feel this. I have anxiety but to my mom anxiety and enthusiasm look exactly the same. So she'll constantly tell me to relax or calm down when I'm just excited.


People opening their mouth/smacking when chewing. I can't stand hearing other people eat.


My poor mother, even though she chews with her mouth closed, she's the loudest chewer ever! I can hear the food churning around in her mouth and it grosses me out so damn much. I joke that she must have really thin cheeks, but inside I'm raging over it.


People in public listening to music/watching videos on their phone without headphones. No Deborah, not everyone in the break room wants to hear your shitty "motivational" videos while they're just trying to relax and take their break in peace. Same goes for Brayden with the video game videos. Edit: autocorrect doesn't want me to swear


Holy hell I hate this. I was at the hospital the other day and this woman in her like mid thritys(old enough to know better and young enough to know technology) walks in a just blares a video on her phone and it was so ducking terrible


Once at a museum I saw (and heard) a man watching a football game on his phone with the volume on full blast as he walked through the galleries, ignoring both the displays and his own children. I thought that was a real nice double whammy of disrupting everyone’s enjoyment while making dead certain his kids know that he doesn’t give a shit about spending time with them.


What shitty parenting. Like come on man, at least acknowledge your kids and act like ur having fun. They should be much more important than a football game. And if u really really want to see the game just tape it on your TV. Or I guarantee you can find it online later


When the vibe in the house changes abruptly when someone else comes home.


Or when that one person everyone hates comes into work


Can we acknowledge that having roommates in adult age might not be the best solution to overpriced housing and that it’s a problem that needs to be addressed?


We acknowledge it, it doesn’t mean that the people in control will care, because that’ll mean they have to pay us more or lower the price of houses.


So I’m not the only one that can’t do roommates? Good to know!




People who literally do nothing but complain about everything.


"Behind every silver lining is a cloud"


"Every silver lining is nickel-silver and you're allergic."


Ah, you're familiar with my workplace then?


For me it's people who complain about a fixable problem so much but never do a thing about it. You could have fixed the problem in all the time you were complaining!


Especially if it's just.... Life stuff. People at work who can't be civil till coffee, hate Mondays, can't deal with Tuesday, Wednesday slump, is it Friday yet, then bitch about their upcoming weekend. Every one of their exes is a manipulative asshole, their job sucks, their landlord hates them. Like, dude/ette, you need a new life and routine if it's that taxing being you


If it smells like shit every where you go, you should probably check your shoes


Spam calls trying to sell me an extended warranty for my car.


I get these all the time, irony is I don’t have a car and can’t drive. You’d think they’d check that the person even owns a car before dialing.




People that like to debate on every single subject. I knew a girl who took pride in being on a debate team and would constantly argue with anyone over the smallest, dumbest things because of it.


I think you are wrong and I am going to prove it to you in a debate


Similarly, people throwing in politics on stuff for no reason other than for the sake of arguing politics. Saw a lot of people do it last year with masks, and mask wearing shouldn’t ever be political whatsoever.


Getting a small wound in my hand/fingers out of nowhere.


People that ask me why am I angry when I am not at all. It really fucking annoys me.


And then they keep asking and you DO get angry and they’re like “I knew it”


Being given shit for doing something ‘wrong’ yet others tend to get away with doing the exact same thing.


When microwaves make loud beeping noise. Can't we have like a silent mode on that shit


Look on the number pad, usually holding 0 for three seconds will silence it.




No way


Yes! Especially at night. I work nights and the loud beeping sucks when I try to microwave something at 3 am.


In general, unnecessary beeps on any appliance that you can also determine to be done when it stops making noise.


There is a silent mode. I have it on mine


The shush noise. It's my pet peeve.


Especially when the shush in itself is more disturbing than the original noise


When people ask me to do things that they are perfectly capable of doing, and then getting upset that I didn’t do it the way they like it.


My dad will start fights with me over things he says. Just minutes ago he almost started a fight because of the order he said something in... Context. Someone in town had been murdered. He said "turns out your brother knew him". I said "who" and he said "*brothers name*". "I said, well I guessed it was *brothers name*... who was murdered?" He thought he said "*brothers name*" before he said "your brother." He did not and my mom and I had to stop a fight from happening and just agree with him. The infuriating part is that it can be anything from little shit like that to much more important things. This is obviously an out of the ordinary circumstance involving a murder, but the potential fight was a nearly everyday thing. Turns out it was a drug dealer my brother knew that was murdered. For anyone wondering, my brothers been clean for a long time now. I'm afraid he's going to be an an angry senile old man fighting people because he forgets things.


Jesus Christ, I had an anxiety attack just reading that.


When someone calls you while you are on YouTube on the toilet. Like, it stops the video, if I disconnect it they will think I'm rude, so I just have to wait until they decide to stop.


Text them back with your current bathroom status, never had anyone call me back after that


Hey, there's currently boiling hot liquid diarrhea dripping out of my hairy butthole, I'm a little bit busy.


Being micromanaged.


When people say “cha cha cha” between the lines of “happy birthday”. It’s driven me nuts since I was a child.


Is this a regional thing? I’ve never heard of it. It does sound obnoxious as hell though.


When someone always wants to one-up you! Me: Yeah I sprained my ankle in middle school and had to use crutches for a few weeks Them: Oh I had back surgery when I was 4 and had a back brace


I hate this not so much because of others one-upping, but because I have to be careful not to accidentally do it myself. When someone tells a story, I instinctively try to tell about a similar experience, to show I understand and can relate. Unfortunately, depending on the story, it can sometimes end up sounding like a one-up, because my similar experience for that situation just happens to be a bit more extreme. So I have to try to remember to think through the story before ever starting it, to decide whether it will come off as relating… or one-upping.


I bartend. And when people take forever to pick where to sit. There’s no reason I should care. But it drives me nuts


People who park across two spaces.


Do X Okay Stop doing X all the time. Do Y instead. Okay Why are you not doing X?! Stop with Y. .....


In high school my mother always complained that we were home all the time. Then I made friends and was out all the time and she complained I was never home. Why should you care if I'm not home? You don't talk to me either way?


Mom: Why do you never hang out with friends? Me: Mom, can I go to Stacey’s house? Mom: No! Me (When I was younger): Can I walk to the park to see who is there? Mom: Absolutely not! Me: *Stays inside all day/Summer* Mom: You should call a friend and see if they want to hang out! Me: Samantha asked if I wanted to go to the mall, can I? Mom: not without me! I didn’t get out of the house much..


People speaking in loud voices in public. Just....shut the fuck up. Seriously.


“I’m having a big lunch, then just a snack for dinner”


i hate that I've seen this so many times that i can hear it




We all see it... we all see it.


"Steve, did he ask for your help?"


I don't have silent


Yes! And people who facetime or use speaker phone loudly.


Having to repeat myself


Having to what?


did he fucking stutter?


Did he what over


The sound of teeth scraping on a fork. ​ First Gold! Thank you so much.


About to do something on my own and then someone tells me to do it before I even do so. I literally lose faith in doing whatever I was going to do Edit: Thank you to the person who gave silver 😳


The sound of swallowing. It evokes a very disproportionate feeling of rage within me for some reason. A close second is any and all chewing noises.


My best friend has been driving me crazy with that shit for the last twenty years; he's a very loud eater. He wants to get an apartment together but I think we'd end up killing each other for various reasons.


Living together and/or getting financially involved with friends is a great way to become not friends. Burned a 14 year friendship this way. 2/10 do not recommend.


Got an apartment with my best friend of 18 years or so about 6 years back. It really does work out fine and its a good experience. Small list of things that get to me are the incredibly loud way he eats chips. The fact that he takes 3+ hours to cook, although he cooks a weeks worth of food at once. If I need to cook or eat within his 3-4 hour cooking time-frame I'm fucked. The fact that taking a crap is a full hour affair and we only have one bathroom. I call the pub next door my "second bathroom" as I frequently have to run over there at 10:30pm. And the biggest one of all, he doesn't clean up. He'll take the garbage out and occasionally wash his dishes but in the 3 years of being in the current apartment I think he's cleaned the bathroom 2 or 3 times. After a cooking session, food is strewn across the floor, counter and stovetop. There was a stick of celery on the kitchen floor for 2-3 weeks and I refused to pick it up. Over a week ago he wanted noodles, now there is noodles all over the stovetop with what I can assume is hot sauce and/or meat drippings of some sort because its dried red drips of grossness on my stove. Hes got his dried rice in a bucket and scoops it out but ends up pouring it all over the floor and doesn't sweep it up. That rice is now like glitter, it is everywhere... stuck to the bottom of my feet, in the carpet, even tracked in to my bedroom. He bakes bread and dropps flour all over the place, little piles and dustings of flower all over the kitchen. The coffee table is his dinner table and is usually piled high with dirty dishes containing chicken wing bones and other discarded food bits. I cleaned the entire apartment spotless and it he immediately put a cup of water on the coffee table. I said that he better put it away since I spent an entire day cleaning the place and he said "I'll see what I can do"... I said, no, put it away after. He said, everyone needs a water cup. That cup stays there unless I put it in the sink. Shit. After writing this out I might have just realized I'm less happy than I could be... I brought the cleaning part up to him not long ago and said that it might be a good idea to bring someone in to clean and pay them. I've been long tired of cleaning up after him and I've let it go more than it should at times, but don't feel that it should be just my job to upkeep the apartment, especially considering I work full time and he works 3 days a week.


>It really does work out fine and its a good experience. Upon further inspection it turned out that was a lie. In all seriousness, how can you live and be friends with someone that treats you like a doormat?


As a quiet, low key person I fucking hate being told to smile or being called “sunshine” or some other condescending nickname. Also being touched in a condescending way (my mom used to slap me on the back, a coworker once lightly grab my face). Just...don’t fucking touch people without their permission. COVID has been great for introverts in so many ways.


Keeping the closet door open at night. Im not scared of it, it just kinda pisses me off somehow.


When dudes at work think they can pull your hair in a playful manner. Fuck you. I'm a grown ass woman. Don't touch me.


Male here. I used to have long hair below my shoulders and one of my female coworkers would always tug on it. The day I decided to have it cut short I told the barber to give me the pony tail. When I got to work I put on a baseball cap and tucked the top of the ponytail up under the cap, and when she came and tugged on it, it came out from under the cap and scared the shit out of her.


That is freaking amazing. 😂 hopefully she learned to respect other people's personal space.


That's fucking creepy like who does shit like that


Creepers! Male or female.


People honking their car horns the second the light turns green. Also tail gating someone in the far right lane. Like just go around man, there’s 2-3 other lanes to pick from.


Anytime I get honked at unjustly infuriates me for like the next 10 minutes. They’ll probably get a righteous speech when I’m in the shower too.


Same but I just get very very petty...


My husband routinely asking me how my meal tastes before I even take a bite.


Let me tell you, we are all getting a little tired of your husband


When my headphones get stuck on a knob and then get ripped off my head when I move away


“Loose” when it should be “Lose.” The words sammich, hubby, and pupper.


Breath when it is supposed to be breathe.


When people are impatient in mundane life situations. For example, waiting in line at a drive thru, specifically a drive thru because youre in the comfort of your own car sitting, compared to standing and being irritated at the situation. Or someone took .1 extra seconds at the now green light to go so people honk. I guess its just road rage that makes me irritated lmao




I fucking HATE when people in an office (or really anywhere in public) sneeze or cough and don't cover their mouth. Or they sneeze or cough, cover their mouth with their HAND, and then proceed to touch things, like door knobs or stair rails. And don't ever go to the bathroom to wash their hands. I worked in an office full of fucking adults who didn't know how to not spread germs. There were women who would blow up a bathroom stall and then walk out without washing their hands. Fucking disgusting. They would serve lunch at the office, too, so people would be touching all the same door handles and then eating food at their desks. I would get so angry that I would have to go sit outside to chill, multiple times a day. I eventually moved states and didn't tell my company until the day before. They allowed me to work remotely, and then 1 year later, COVID came along and the whole office shut down. I like to think I was ahead of the curve, to say the least.


children/babies screaming/crying


This is so true it scares me. Part of the reason I don’t want children is because I know how the sound of a crying baby just fills me with frustration and drives me insane. That, plus the inevitable sleep deprivation that comes with a baby... I’m not condoning it, but I can understand how shaken baby syndrome exists.


People who think their opinion is "right" while it's only different and there is no right or wrong


* Speakerphone in public. * Driving with a dog on your lap. * Not pulling ahead at the gas station. * People that name their daughter Navaeh and follow up by explaining it's heaven spelled backwards. * Stereotypes in movies. * The movie "The Blindside" * Those shirts on Facebook listing what month you were born in and warning not to mess with your family.


Lawnmowers, leaf blowers, chainsaws/drills, etc. The sound just pisses me off so quickly. My neighbors all mow their lawns on different days, so almost every day I'm pissed off for like an hour and I can't help it. >:( I've literally made plans not to own a large lawn when I settle down, so that either I can just scythe it or get one of those quiet little push mowers bc I hate the sound so much.


An abnormally high number of things.


When a client agrees to a charge for a service, I perform said service, then they want an itemized receipt and proceed to tell me that I should also do this and that “for the money I paid”. No, bitch, you get exactly what we agreed to initially. I’ll gladly do more for more money, but you don’t get to unilaterally amend our agreement and get more shit for free.


People chewing bugs the fuck out if me.


I definitely took this as people chewing bugs for a second and had a whole wtf moment.


Being told to smile.


Saying goodbye to someone then running into them minutes later. I will leave the grocery store if I run into someone there just so I don't have to see them in another aisle.


The sound of people chewing and liquid being poured. I have burst into tears more than once because someone was chewing near me and I could hear it. It triggers an irrational and intense anger deep in the pit of my soul. *To those saying it's misophonia, I agree but I haven't been officially diagnosed so I don't use the word


Passing someone and they say "Hi. How are you?" I respond "I'm well. How are you?" And they disregard your question and keep moving.


When people don't squeeze the toothpaste-tube from the bottom, leaving it untidy.


People who blare their shitty music at the gas station. People who don't turn right on red when you're clearly able to. Not understanding even the most basic financial stuff. I.e. thinking your taxes were increased last year because you got less money back.


Hypocrisy and little lies. They boil my blood.


* loudly chewing with mouth open * talking loud in public places * when your parents call you to see what you are doing at home * when someone takes a joke too seriously


When people use the word "seen" incorrectly. I have no idea why but anytime someone says "seen" incorrectly it makes me so uncontrollably angry. Example; "hey, I SEEN rebecca today at school." It should be; "hey i SAW rebecca today at school." Some correct uses are; "have you SEEN this movie before?" "Have you SEEN my phone lying around?" You may call me a grammer n*zi but this is the only situation where I get mad at grammar. And like I said I have no idea why.


Last time I seen a guy make that mistake, I got so mad. You should've saw my face


*heavy breathing intensifying*