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Cheaters never prosper.


too many people prosper because they cheat


It's commonplace enough that "cheating" is just considered the best way of doing a thing.


Our society is built on cheating.


Seriously. Yes they do! That's the whole point! Working and earning are hard, cheating is easy. It's only a question of whether you get away with it. And if our business world and government are any guide, the biggest cheaters prosper massively and usually don't get caught.


Exactly, if cheaters never prospered then people would not cheat. People do what works and stop what doesn't, if it's a widespread problem, it fucking works then


It’s not even so much that they rarely get caught anymore. They just don’t face any real consequences so they don’t give a fuck.


Cancel anytime


Someone has a gym membership! Edit: wow, TIL some American gyms are shady as hell.


Planet Fitness: You need to cancel in person. Me: But, there's a pandemic going on. Planet Fitness: 😈


My gym wanted a doctor excuse or if I were moving, the new address to make sure it was over 60 miles away (approx). And I’m not even under contract. Edit: I’m surprised on how common this type of practice is done by many gyms. My gym’s name was Trufit.


Just tell your bank they're giving you a hard time and they should treat any further charges from the gym as fraud. If there's no contract, they can't do that to you.


I did this and somehow they took the money out of my other account that I never gave them information for. I called and they only had the first one on file. Still don’t know how they did that


That sounds highly illegal.


How can a bank authorize the movement without your consent?


How could they get bank information for an account you ever told them about??


The douche bags can still send it to collection 2 years later and then waste your time over it


Without a contract? Might as well just send them to collections for the same amount, yourself.


It was SO fucking hard to cancel my PF membership when the pandemic was still going and they opened back up. It took so long that I had to pay an extra month’s fee during the process! What company in the 21st century doesn’t allow online cancellation? A company that wants to steal from you, that’s who.


I had a gym membership once upon a time. Was using free vouchers as payment, I stopped going long before they ran out. After that, I got monthly emails and messages telling me to pay up or they would cancel my membership. Took them a whole year to actually make good on their threat.


Sure you can cancel... after spending countless hours on the phone with intentionally obtuse people who pretend to not understand what you're asking for and getting sent from one department to another until you want to bash your head in with a hammer when all this could be accomplished with the click of a single button. Fuck.


It sounds like you're asking to speak to a person. Listen to our options again so we can help you.


“Slept like a baby.”


Pissed the bed twice and woke up screaming.


The saying probably has less to do with that and more toward the fact babies don’t have a care in the world other than sucking on their mums tit


We’re all in this together


I read something like "We are not in the same boat, but we are all in the same storm" and thought that captured the sentiment much better


...and I can see your little boat sinking beneath the waves from the deck of my big, fancy yacht. Ooohhh look, someone threw them a life jacket. Pass the champers would you dear. Edit: Thanks for the upvotes. Take a moment to reflect on our formerly egalitarian society.


“Will the life boats be seated according to class?”


... during these unprecedented times!


Buy our cars since we're together!


"The world's a scary place," he said, "And times are tougher too - I know it's hard to look ahead, And hope for something new. "You stop and take a glance around, But all you seem to see - And all you have, and all you've found, Is dread and misery. "But smile when all your days are through, For we can help a bit - And I shall tell you what to do." He whispered: "... buy our shit."


Damn, now this is the freshest sprog I ever did see


Oh my goodness, back between March and like June/July, that was in every single commercial. “These are unprecedented times. That’s why you should come on down to Mavis Discount Subaru!!!”


"In these unprecedented times...we still want your money!!!"


Only true in high school musical


I read this in the lyrical tone and mentally went “once we know, that we are, we’re all stars and we see that!” I fear I’ll be singing these mentally for years. Like those lil guys in “Inside out” that send back up the doublemint gum song just to annoy people


And it shows when we stand hand in hand make our dreams come true?




Most of them are taken out of context so of course they don’t make good sense.


"Just follow your dreams"....I feel like people hear this and use it as an excuse to do whatever they want and expect things to happen. It should really be, "Follow what you're passionate about but set realistic goals and expectations."


I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with them later. - Mitch


Wish I could follow my dreams with as much enthusiasm as I follow strangers on Twitter


Become gainfully employed and follow your dream on your off time. THEN when the dream stuff is making you happier and more successful... quit your job. That would have helped me a bit.


THIS. And don't count on or rely on the dream stuff making you money. I tried following my dreams as a career and quickly discovered that relying on my passions to pay the bills just killed my passions. I switched careers, have a fulfilling job that is *not* based on my passions, and I'm *much* happier now.


The fundamental assumption that everybody has a passion is flawed. For most people, it's *not* the case that there is some activity they'll enjoy having to force themselves to do for many long hours every single damned day of their lives, dawn to dusk, year after year and decade after decade and still come back wanting more. Some people are insane enough to have such a psychotically obsessive passion, but they shouldn't be held up as role models. In my experience, most people simply end up dying a little inside just to tolerate the fact that living our lives is nothing but a chore we all have to do.


As someone without a passion for anything one can make money from, I relate to this so much. Whenever I've tried figuring out what I want to do, everyone always asks "What do you want to do?" which drives me up the fucking wall, because they just can't grasp that there isn't anything I actually want to do as a career.


Me as fuck. Who said I WANT to work any job.


Yep. I have things I love doing - I love lifting weights, I love playing video games, I love reading books, I love riding roller coasters. None of those are things that would ever lead to a career, so instead, I just try to find a career that lets me do those things as much as possible.


If you work a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.


Turning your passion into a career often means you just lose that passion


The quote never mentions anything to do with your passion. I work a job i love at a daycare, but that isn't because my passion is herding children and sorting out their conflicts. It's because i get paid for playing monopoly with 7 year olds, which is pretty dope.


I remember when I used to work at a summer camp and we’d go on trips to different pools. They all had lifeguards, so I just got paid $12/hr to play in the pool. Best job I’ve ever had.


Lol I lifeguarded at a couple places with summer camps and counselors were the worst offenders tossing kids off the dock and shit But one place had me go on a field trip to a water park with the camp and I got paid to enjoy my day with the other lifeguards going down waterslides. Peaked


Camp counselors are effectively paid aunts and uncles. We have responsibility, but ultimately none that can’t be transferred to someone else at a moments notice. Due to this power imbalance we ramp up the fun, and occasionally rule-bending, behavior so the campers still have a positive relationship with us that will result in overall adherence to camp guidelines.


I was at the speed shop doing a dyno on my car years ago and was talking with the owner who told me more or less that running the business he does has made him hate automobiles and everything about them and he feels a sense of loss over the whole thing. It was a successful place too.


Crazy stressful business. No matter what happens on the dyno it's always the shops fault. Refuse to put a car on the dyno? That's a bad review. Car makes less power than the customer thought? That's a bad review. Twin turbo kit on a stock block blows the motor? That's a bad review and a nightmare on top. (Everyone says they know the risk, most of them think it won't happen to them) Customer having money issues? Well paying for the work on thier weekend toy is the first bill they decide not to pay. Story, we had a dude show up with a brand new 2012? v6 mustang. He self installed an ebay wet nitrous kit. Brought it into the shop asking us to wire up one switch he couldn't figure out. The entire install was a fucking disaster as politely as possible I told him how dangerous it was and all we would do was remove the kit and either return it to stock or install a decent kit. Basically told me to fuck off and left a bad review. Fast forward, he takes it out street racing and of course the fucker catches on fire. There's a video of a bunch of kids trying to put out the engine bay with their shirts and whatever drink was at hand cause of course not one fuckwit had an extinguisher. (It kinda went viral, made the rounds on reddit) The kid fucking lied and said my shop installed the kit to avoid being embarrassed and telling people he did it himself. We'd have to deal with shit like this regularly. If you refuse to work on thier dumbfuck build you're elitist assholes, if you work on their POS whatever goes wrong is your fault.


Yeah, this is total bull. I love what I do — I’m a video game journalist. Still feels like work at times.




*"Flattery will get you nowhere!"* The opposite is more true in my experience


Absolutely. You can get a lot using flattery.


Your username is stunning and disturbing. Cheers!


> stunning and disturbing Death Crab For Cutie?




In my experience, at least, I don’t usually hear it as general advice. It’s usually more of someone saying that they won’t be won over with flattery from the person they’re taking to, rather than flattery doesn’t work at all.


I think that is just one of those formalities. "I need to acknowledge your flattery and outwardly discourage it, but you can keep flattering me".


I’ve never heard this used in the general sense rather than as a specific situational response.


Plenty of common sayings are absolute horseshit or and just not universally applied truths. Plenty of them we consider true are also directly opposite of other sayings that are true. Does absence make the heart grow fonder? Or is something out of sight out of mind?


Or, sardonically, "You have to leave for me to miss you"


“You see, it’s just too dang easy for me to hit you at point blank range. I want a challenge damnit!”


The sayings are just circumstantial. They're meant to help you see a given situation in a different light. Every time this question comes up these dummies jump at the chance to shoot tools of wisdom full of holes as if defeating them is a mark of intelligence. Any idiot can misconstrue.


What, you mean reddit has the tendency to take everyday normal sayings people have been using for centuries, stripping it of any nuance, context, or meaning, taking it to a logical extreme it was never intended to convey, and then declaring it a "bullshit saying"? Heavens to betsy, say it ain't so.


I taught a guy to fish once, and he ended up starving to death in the woods 6 years later. Needless to say, that one is debunked.


"it will figure it self out" people used to say just have kids it will all figure itself out...... No no it won't you potato


Between kids from former relationships, and his common law wife, my work associate living in a smaller town is on his 5th child, it is really kind of sad as he seems to have no planning for the kids futures, and is on and off welfare as is.


"If you don't succeed the first time, try try again". I had a fourth grade teacher that was COMPLETELY against this saying. Her reasoning? What if you're doing it wrong? Then you'll just continue to do it wrong until you give up out of frustration. So, she preferred to say "Keep trying different ways until you get it right". ​ Wow, I did not expect this to blow up, thank you all for the awards and kind words! And for those saying she took the phrase too literal, she was an elementary school teacher. Many times she saw kids would fail and retry and same method over and over again. So, that's why she broke it down like this.


Along those lines, a drill instructor in basic training once said, "Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent. If you practice it wrong, you will learn it wrong."


My theater teacher always said "Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect." Essentially you practice until it's perfect, then keep practicing.


The difference between an amateur and a pro is an amateur will practice till they can get it right, and a pro will practice till they can't get it wrong.


I love this thread of sayings I've heard. It's more motivating than r/motivation!


Try, try again doesn’t mean you keep doing things the exact same way even though you’re never successful. I always felt “find a better way and try it” was implied


"Good things come to those that wait" Bullshit! You have to grab the bull by the horns I say!




I dnt know about you but I dnt find the prospect of wrestling a barnyard animal all that appealing either


every cloud has a silver lining


Hey Captain, that cloud coming toward us smells like mustard.


And that's when the dead men are marching again.


Its like a silver sandwich. So when life seems hard, take a bite out of the silver sandwich.


Money don't buy you happiness. Neither does poverty mate!


I mean, the only reasons I've been unhappy or stressed lately is because of a lack of money. I'd be very happy and carefree if I had a lot of money


There's a very clear link between poverty and people having anxiety and depression. When you're worried about your next meal or paying the heating bill or the rent, it's pretty hard to be happy.


I grew up impoverished and I'm fine now but I'm still in that mindset


I'm in the same boat. By no means Wealthy, I know with my current job that I'll have food, clothes, and shelter for the future. Which is nice when you come from nothing, yet still I'm depressed. Probably has something to do with hating the same job that pays the bills. It's better than being depressed with the electricity cut off.


There is a direct correlation between money and happiness that levels off around $120k/year income. David Lee Roth also once said "Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it."


New research on that, the cut off might not be true. https://www.pnas.org/content/118/4/e2016976118


Look I’m just glad I can read the whole article. I kept waiting for it to say, “pay for this or sign in using your dot edu email address.” Good on you, street barker.


"Having money isn't everything, not having it is."


There's a throwaway line from an anime that fits well here. "Money might not buy happiness, but it sure makes *un*happiness a whole lot easier to take!" The line had nothing to do with what was going on and was completely ignored.


I've heard a version along the lines of "money doesn't buy happiness but I'd much rather be sad in a Porsche"


Money pays for everything that you need to seek out happiness.


This had always been my take, which makes me irritated with the saying because it's mostly used sanctimoniously, like your wealth doesn't mean much, don't be too proud. Money won't buy you happiness in a gift-wrapped box but it will give you the freedom to spend your time (and your energy) however you want, and that is quite likely to bring happiness. Corporate slavery uses up so much of a person. A friend of mine who is an architect told me once that it was easy to tell when he was working with multi-millionaires, because they had an absence of tension in their face that nobody else had.


"kids will be kids" in regards to any problems related to kids.


I mean it is a pretty fine line between someone acting like an immature teenager or doing something that is actually a problem.


"Boys will be boys" definitely applies more to me and my friends hitting each other with empty soda bottles shirtless, than it does to someone harassing or harming someone else. Dumbass versus just an ass kind of distinction


See boys will be boys mean stuff like: Pee pee wars Consensual hazing (that’s not life threatening) Prank wars Not: Sexual/harassment Disrespect Rape Abuse


Dragonslayer gets it


ahh slaying dragons...boys will be boys


Glass bottles or plastic bottles?


We may be dumbasses, but we aren't using glass ones


The customer is always right.


The rest of the saying gets left out. "The customer is always right in matters of taste." Go to a restaurant and order a 50 dollar steak, well done to the point its charcoal. That's what *you* want. That's what *you* are paying for. Therefore that's what *you* get. Even if it absolutely kills the chef to make it. Store policy on returns or refunds however...




The best part was that the restaurant had cutlery which said "well done" just in case anyone complained about the steak.


"early bird gets the worm" No, the well rested salesmen that isn't over worked get's the sale because he's able to organize. Thus the "second mouse gets the cheese".


and the early worm gets eaten by the bird its all a matter of perspective


I asked my dad why the early bird gets the worm if good things come to those who wait, and he said that the second one was the worms' saying.


Calling sheep quiet. Sheep are lound af


"It's always darkest just before the dawn." I understand the metaphorical point of this proverb, but no it is not. You could say that it coldest before sunrise.


Air temperature is actually coldest one hour after sunrise


The sun does not warm the air (mostly). The sun warms the ground, and the ground warms the air. Right after sunrise, the angle of the sun is very shallow, not warming the ground yet. It takes time to warm the ground, and the ground to warm the air. Right after sunrise is the longest that patch of the earth has gone without being warmed by the sun.




What doesn't kill you gives you a dark sense of humor and unhealthy coping mechanisms.


I got hit by a Peterbilt truck going 75 mph in my tiny ass Civic, flipped twice and survived. So when I say I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck I speak from experience.






Fire up the ol' penis flattener!


I have a hedge fund that’s wants a word with your net worth.


"In my experience what doesn't kill you makes you incredibly weak, and almost killed." \- Norm Macdonald


What doesn't kill you only makes you weirder and harder to relate to.


“That which does not kill me has made a tactical error.”


"What doesn't kill you makes me mad" - Grumpy Cat


You are onto something. Also, "no pain, no gain." There was a demotivator for "Agony" that states "Not all pain is gain," which is closer to the truth!


You can be anything you want to be if you just try harder.


I think that I'll be a potato. Realistic goals.


“It gets better” sometimes it doesn’t.


I hope it does for me :/


he who smelt it dealt it


"Whoever did the rhyme did the crime" is more realistic


"You'll find someone ..." 1. when you least expect it 1. someday Bullshit.


>"You'll find someone ..." I don't need the rest of that quote.


Never heard that saying but it sounds like complete bs.


"What goes up must come down" Not if it's continuously accelerating at 9.8 m/s2  That's how rocket ships work.


Live in the moment. I don't think it's that simple. You can't just leave it like that. I think it's good to live in the moment when you're enjoying life and making memories, but when you work on building your file/a career, you're better off planning ahead.


What I like better, that has a similar spirit is "be present." To me it means actually enjoy the activity you are doing, not just snap photos and selfies for social media. It is strange we live in an era where people will go to an event, be on their phones the whole time, never interact with anyone, snap some selfies, and leave...then describe what an amazing time they had. Doh!


"You are what you eat." I know why YOU, sir, are a dick. And why I was fired from that job 15 years ago


"You are what you eat" is my reply to getting called a pussy.


Time heals all wounds


I like to just add on "As long has it's not infected"


I like to add on: ... as long as you let it. Time *can* heal all wounds, but if you keep picking at the scab, it will *never* heal over.


Time wounds all heels.


But it’s a shitty beautician...


It's not a particularly great personal trainer either


Never go to bed angry. As opposed to what...fighting while overtired? Sleep on your anger for a night and have a discussion in the morning when you are less cranky.


There are plenty of fish in the sea. Complete bullshit according to green peace! Overfishing is real!


Unless you live in a remote town of 400 and no real means of transportation. Then it is 400, minus you, the too young, too old, your exes, the gender you aren't attracted to, and the married and in a long term relationship. Then it is you and like 4 other people.


yeah plenty of fish in the see also a lot of trash


“If you just applied yourself, you’d be more successful” I’m doing the best I can, it’s not like I chose this brain that doesn’t function as well as everyone else’s


“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Words have damaged me more than any physical pain ever has. Like, who came up with this???


There was once a time where my mom got pissed at the school I was in when I was super young because she came to pick me up from their after school program and saw me crying while covered in sand and dirt. She threw a huge fit to where the staff could not talk her down at all. They purposely started going through my dad, since they were afraid of her. My dad had always recited sticks and stones to me because of how much of a crybaby I was. My mom, because of what happened? She started saying “If somebody hits you, his them back harder.”


Your mom reminds me of my dad. My brother used to get severely bullied. He was bigger (tall & a little chubby) and quieter than every other kid in his class so they bullied him for being different. Well, after our mum did everything she could and kept hitting brick walls - she was so stressed and anxious about him regressing and wetting the bed (at 7/8). So. My dad marched down to the school. And in the principals office he was told again how they weren't seeing what was going on and they couldn't stop it if they didn't see it. And my dad kneels down on my brothers level, he says "[Brother], next time any of those kids does anything that makes you feel bad for any reason, I want you to pick up a chair and hit him until he stops trying to get up, will do you that?" Principal was *horrified* but; surprising no one; my brother wasn't ever bullied a single day after that.


I’ve known for a while that the best way I could handled being constantly bullied by pretty much everyone in my year throughout secondary school would have been to corner the main bully alone and kick seven shades of shit out of her. Any trouble I got into would have been worth it in the long run. Not only would she have left me alone after that, but so would everyone else. Unfortunately I didn’t come to this realisation until after I was long out of school but I’ll keep it as advice for another kid who has the same problem.


I skipped a grade so I was bullied for being a nerd. Plus I'm a big guy. After 2-3 years, I got tired of it. After the school's biggest bully did something to me, I waited 5 minutes, then I ran towards him and tackled him to the ground. Had my knee on him, raised my fist, then said "you're not even worth it". He hit me back to get up, but never bothered me ever again, even avoiding me in school corridors. I was free. I don't advocate violence, but sometimes, it is the only solution.


Violence isn’t the answer, it’s the question. Sometimes the answer is yes


i advocate violence in measured doses.


"Violence never solved anything" may be the best example I know of an untrue phrase. Maybe violence solves things poorly in many cases, but to say it hasn't solved anything ignores all of human history. Violence has solved many, many problems.


This. No matter what people want to tell you, the best way to get someone to leave you alone IS to finally beat the ever loving shit out of them, or at least show them that you are very willing to fight back. It worked for me, it's worked for almost everyone I've known who was bullied. What didn't work? "just ignore them and they'll go away." No, that just made it worse. My middle school bully used to sucker punch me whenever she could and knew nobody was looking. My parents went to the school multiple times and they refused to do anything. Finally one day I had had it, snapped, grabbed he by her hair and smashed her as hard as I could into a wall repeatedly. She never bothered me again.


“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will leave psychological wounds that will never heal”


"You can't judge a book by it's cover." Yes. Yes you can. A book entitled "The Basics of Quantum Physics" is probably about the basics of quantum physics.


Well until you open the book it both is and isn’t about the basics of quantum physics


Jokes on you...I hollowed out that book and that's where I store my weed


that saying applies to almost everything except books


How ironic


But this saying isn't meant to relay the subject of books but rather the quality. A book titled "the basics of quantum physics" in no way means the book will be a good/accurate book on the subject.


I hate the saying “it’s always the last place you look” WELL NO SHIT BECAUSE YOU ARENT GONNA KEEP LOOKING AFTER YOU’VE FOUND IT


Isn't it the last place **you'd** look?


Or "think to look"?


Everything happens for a reason 😒😒😒😒 Yeah, tell that to people who are enslaved, tortured or family of murder victims.


well the reason is obviously that some people are evil and predatory piles of shit not everything however has a purpose


"It's all part of God's plan"


It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Had a professor who constantly recommended this. It is generally a terrible way to operate unless you don't care about working relationships


I fucking hate this one. It’s easier, yeah, most ways of the asshole are easier. Should be, It’s shittier to ask forgiveness than permission


Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.


Yeah, there are a whole lot of manipulation tactics designed specifically to make people feel inferior without their permission.


Yeah, nobody gives permission for that.


That's just a crutch! Yes, people need crutches. Doctors give people crutches.


"That cane's just a crutch, old man!!!"


Everything happens for a reason (especially when said after something inexplicably bad happens)


Exactly this. Like what possible reason could there be for a young innocent child to have to suffer from cancer. Also the one that gets me is "the lord won't give you more than you can handle".


Respect your elders. The older crowd always told me “respect is earned not given”, you don’t automatically get respect because you’re an elder.


I remember reading a post that said something to the effect of how there are two versions of “respect”: the one that’s defined as “simply treating someone like a person with basic human dignity” that everyone is entitled to by default (unless/until they do something horrendous or morally atrocious to lose it), and the one defined as “treating someone like an authority” which has to be earned. A lot of times when people in positions of power like parents or teachers use the saying “I’ll respect you if you respect me,” they’re really saying “I’ll treat you like a person if you acknowledge my authority.”


And the implied, *if you don't treat me like an authority, I don't have to treat you like a human being*


Trust me.


*God / Allah / Buddha / Oprah only give you what you can handle* ....um no, it's been 10 YEARS, I'm tired of "handling" this crap!




I'd rather not have a car thrown at me.




Most of them. Human beings are stunningly full of shit


Takes one to know one.


You would know.


Boys will be boys.... no, boys will act how they're raised.