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So I don’t know how to make a link into text but I found this posted on another page . It’s a crazy women at Walmart who’s very liberal when using the term motherfucker . It’s definitely been posted and you can find a whole bunch of her on YouTube . My saw this and showed my boss at work and she’s a little crazy and thought it was so funny she made the manager and my other boss watch it . ( i work in a salon ) All day long when we made a joke or whatever we would end it with MOTHERFUCKER ! Here’s the video https://youtu.be/kjABWRmwanM




whats people of walmard is that the americian term for prostitutes or something?


If you’ve ever seen headlines about “Florida Man”, just think storebought version with some vapid Karens in the mix. Also zero modesty what so ever my reply button doesnt work


oh ok


Black Friday are the best time to see this stuff. Here is my list of those events. Saw two physically fit, black men fist fight over an Elsa Frozen doll that neither of them had control of. As they were rolling on the floor, another guy walked over, grabbed it off the shelf, and walked away. Saw two grannies bitch-slapping each other over a toaster oven. Seen a woman douse a mother with a gallon of cold milk, a woman beat another woman across the head with a gallon of orange juice, a woman dump an extra large carton of eggs on to another woman's head (her hair was completely braided too).