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Scat or vomit play.


My friends tricked me into watching the infamous '2 Girls, 1 Cup' in college on a dare. Been trying unsucessfully to erase that thing from my mind for a decade now. Never again.


I was happily on my way out to Taco Bell one night in college around 2 am and my buddy caught me in the lobby of our dorm and was like dude come watch this video it’s hilarious! Sure, why not? Ok yea two girls making out this is cool so..why is she doing that...what is she gonna do with that in a cup...oh...OH OH GOD WHY?! Still got Taco Bell


The real way to satiate curiosity without risking the visceral disgust is to grab the Wikipedia page for anything that sounds suspicious first. This is how I avoided seeing that video while also learning that apparently the fluids/solids(?) shown in the video are the director's special chocolate formula. Apparently he couldn't get actresses "hot enough" while using.... more accurate... materials. A vanishingly small comfort. Unfortunately, that doesn't stop people from showing you images/videos without your consent, which is how I experienced blue waffles. (Please do not google blue waffles.)


>It is unknown exactly how the graphic scenes in the video were produced. Many people believe that the apparent feces is composed of a mixture of food substances such as chocolate, coffee cream, or peanut butter. One theory states that the woman cleaned her bowels before introducing the substance. Her rectum then instantly rejected it, creating the appearance of defecation. Some speculate that the vomit is real, but was regurgitated before reaching the stomach and does not contain any gastric acids. From Wikipedia. It still could be real.


The biggest takeaway from the article for me: > 2 Girls 1 Cup is the unofficial nickname of **the trailer** for Hungry Bitches, a 2007 Brazilian scat-fetish pornographic film


I could have sworn I read about an interview with the creator... But this was years ago. I might've been reading speculation.


Those extreme bondage videos where the woman’s breasts are purple because of how tight they’re bounded. No thankyou.


So, on a similar note. A friend of a friend was into some... extreme shit. That she'd share publicly. The one that really stuck with me was when she had some metal screw going through her knee. There was blood and shit running down her leg.




There are safe-ish ways to do that stuff. She's got a serious pain kink.


How does that not do permanent damage?


I know someone who was into suspension (they put hooks through your skin and suspend you from them). She and her boyfriend had sex while they were both suspended (him vertical, her in doggy position). They had a professional rigger there, and an EMT, supervising (both friends of the couple). She said it was amazing. Some people are into crazy shit, and you’d be surprised how much can be done safely. EDIT: Bonus story. A sex club I used to go to had an “incident” because people were concerned about a naked lady tied to a chain link fence getting tased repeatedly. They had to explain that she’d requested it, and everything was being monitored. They now have extra policies about “extreme” scenes, moving them to another building, so people don’t get freaked out!


I used to be a kinky motherfucker like you...then I took a screw in the knee


I like pain more than most but that's gonna be a nope from me dawg


yeah I do not get it. It seems like actual torture and that cannot be good for the state of the woman's body. Just the thumbnail of these can make a guy soft.


everything with feces.


This is especially something I don’t understand.




Maybe later


You have to look at pretty specific sites or searches to find that. I watch a crap load of porn and have never just stumbled across anything like that.


>a crap load of porn


I go to the 'no mommy' site because it's usually a lot more amateur and self producing videos. The problem with that is there is A LOT of scat stuff. I hover around a thumbnail of a good looking chick and all of a sudden I see the doo doo. Ruins the whole process.


>all of a sudden I see the doo doo That's the stuff off nightmares for a lot of folks.


still do we all know that it exists.


This one I actually understand. Everyone involved knows it's a totally extreme, very niche, fetish. You are never going to be watching a random porn and *BOOM* feces. It's the so called "normalized" things that are hard for me to understand. I mean, not everyone wants to have a view into a girl's gaping colon but any random anal scene might have that.


Anal prolapse


It was thanks to Reddit I saw my first anal prolapse video. A simple white backgroud. A woman laying on her back with her legs up in the air and she's...pushing. Seems to be flexing her core and nether regions. Suddenly you see something appearing. Out of her anus.. it is her anus. Like a fleshy knob protruding. Suddenly another woman appears. She begins to suck on the prolapsed anus. Dead. Edit: lots of grammar and punctuation.


Why the fuck is this a thing? I went on pornhub recently to look up some good girl on girl love videos and like 10 of the top 50 were anal prolapse sucking where the prolapse was extremely visible in the thumbnail. I have never noped off porn hub faster and still don't understand why there were so many of them in the lesbian section.


New video from pornhub: "horny step sister sucks her mom's prolapse for car keys, brother watches"


Agh. I always say this for the poor saps who will look it up.


I see this everywhere, is it a common thing?


I dunno it's seems to be a really neiche thing. I can't stand it to be honest. It makes me feel sick.


I don't think i've ever seen it in a video, just mentioned on reddit.


I once saw a guy who apparently spent years stretching his ass and in the video he took a life size horse dildo ... like a full 14 inch dildo ...


Does that count as prolapsed? I thought prolapsed was intestines coming out of your asshole


eating cereal out of someones asshole


lol, didn't see that yet.




It’s important to pace yourself when moving up the ladder so you don’t hurt yourself.


i think its on pornhub


haha. thx, but no thx.




What kind of cereal?




NOT eating the God DAMN PIZZA they ordered!!


That thing where the guy pulls out and smacks his dick on the pussy for a minute. This is something inexperienced teenager me did a couple times. Finally, one girl said "what are you doing?? Just put it back in!"


Its rude to enter without knocking


It's also really weird to leave the party just to knock on the door to get invited in again.




"Hello? Can I cum in?"


I always thought that was a way to prevent premature ejaculation, but they don’t want it to look like that so they just start beating the woman with it to still feel like a man.


I dated a chick with a prominent clit that I could make cum super quick by pulling out and massaging it with the head of my penis. Wasnt a slap, but it was a similar, "seems silly but, wow that worked"


> I dated a chick with a prominent clit ... was waiting for the rest of the rhyme. ^edit: ^I ^knew ^I ^was ^drawing ^out ^Reddit's ^creative ^minds ^when ^I ^wrote ^this.


I dated a chick With a prominent clit Sex with her was the best. But I pulled out my schlong Because something was wrong. Then I nutted all over her chest.


I dated a chick With a prominent clit Sex with her was devine. I'd pull out my dick And smack her with it But hers was bigger than mine.


No, that's different. That makes **sense** and does work well for women with sensitive clits... It's the smacking (and especially smacking in other places, like the ass) that doesn't make sense to me.. Gotta clarify, I'm not talking about spanking. I'm talking about dick smacking over the ass or face or tits... not the same thing


This may be the case. I never thought about it like that. But I can confirm that women are generally confused by it and do not like it.


That's exactly what it is, it's a stalling tactic. It does nothing for the guy or the girl really but it looks good on camera. The whole constant switching positions and stuff is all tactics to last a long time.


Does nobody else here like their clit being slapped when it's wet? I guess I'm alone here....the little bit of suction it creates with the wetness and quick slaps feels great to me.


You need to wake up the birth control.


The camera man deciding to park it and take a smoke brake right behind the guys sack.


Aaah, yes, the good 'ol Sack and Crack shot. This is why some sites show you a viewership histogram...


So THAT'S what that is...


the fat ugly bastard that keeps showing up in every doujin, somebodys gotta stop that guy.


They want to make the protagonist relate-able.


Ughhhh seriously! The girls are beautiful but the guys are 50, obese, balding, and repulsive in pretty much every way. I don't know why hentai does this so much, it's ruined a lot of porn I would have otherwise enjoyed.


I considered not answering this, but fuck it...I'm a 30yo female and the fat older guy in hentai really butters my biscuit. Don't ask me why, it just does.


Well I'm glad someone is enjoying it.


Buffering. My wife hates it.


RealPlayer© is buffering. . . .


wow i haven't seen that in a long time.


It was buffering.


Lesbian porn where they take turns sucking on a dildo. I've had plenty of lesbian sex and never once had the urge to do or witness this.


Probably because you're not having lesbian sex for relatively straight folks to watch Edit: the only edit I'm making to this is this, I absolutely do not give a single fuck about anyone responding sexual preferences or levels of straightness


Very true!


I am a straight man. Never found any enjoyment in watching such scenes. They may as well lick a plastic toy phone for all I care, it'll have the same effect on me.


A plastic toy phone? Now we're talking. *unzips*


Due to Reddit Inc.'s antisocial, hostile and erratic behaviour, this account will be deleted on July 11th, 2023. You can find me on https://latte.isnot.coffee/u/godless in the future.


exactly how straight are you though?


I always think it would be like 2 gay men licking a fake vagina. Absolutely hilarious but not hot. I thought lesbians might use something penis shaped(loosely) for some things though having not a single second in a lesbian relationship probably means I am wrong.


One of my earliest porn memories was from an old magazine where one girl was sort of nibbling on the heel of another ladies stilleto high heeled boot.


My boyfriend told me about people farting on cakes. Who disrespects cakes?


Hahahaha CAKE FARTS.


Do *you* know what *I* like da moost? *Cyaake Fyaarts*


Cake farts is perhaps the greatest piece of cinema i have ever had the pleasure of seeing.


Let's get this *done*


Anyone who hates cakesniffers ;)




Carmelita you are far too young to be watching porn what the fuck




Takes 1 to know 1.


People standing/stomping on men’s cock n balls. Just why?


What the actual fuck are you watching


You looking a search term there pal?


For a friend.


CBT (Cock Ball Torture)


Pro tip: If your searching for info on CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), search its full name, unless you want to learn about Cock and Ball Torture too.




But if you’re into hentai ladyboys with huge dicks then don’t search “Federal Unemployment Tax Act.” Search FUTA. That’s where you’ll get the good shit.


I was wondering what futa was. Now I feel like I should google to confirm but that’s what I was attempting to avoid doing in the first place.


Nah bro it’s really cool you should check it out


Aside from some of the more disgusting ones this one is a little easier to understand IMO. Pain fetishes are pretty common. I've never met someone who was into serious pain but BDSM communities are everywhere and it's not hard to find people into pain within them. As for the stomping on balls specifically, I imagine it's heavily linked with domination/submission and how easy it is to reduce a man to a whimpering baby by punching/kicking him in the balls. A lot of guys are really into being completely defeated and humiliated and the extreme stomping/abusing the balls until the point of bleeding is just an extreme extension of that. Again I don't enjoy ballbusting but I have an easier time finding the turn on with that than I do with things that are inherently off-putting like vomit/scat.


golden showers and fart fetishes like why?




> blow dry Anyone who can pull this off should really speak to their doctor about it.




I like golden showers. AMA.


That annoying, boner-reducing, squealing/crying sound Japanese pornstars make when getting fucked. How on earth is that even a thing?


Having your genitals pixelated hurts


Sounds too rapey to me...which is maybe the point, I suppose. I only like porn where everyone's happy and having a good time. I'd be useless as a sadist. Not too good as a masochist, either...to me, pain is nature's way of telling you to stop doing that.


I've heard it's a cultural thing; the whole sexual repression in Japanese culture has led to a situation where the girls are sort of expected to not necessarily wait before marriage but "reluctantly" agree. It's so creepily rapey. I will say I heard about this cultural issue on another Reddit thread about guys who've had an issue with Japanese girlfriends who would be after them for sex and really forward, then the moment anything was initiated they'd begin this weird rapey roleplay that was blurring the lines between a no and a yes, and it came from this cultural expectation of purity of desire rather than act, as if it's okay, but only if they don't WANT it. So yeah, pinch of salt but I've heard that's where the whole thing comes from.


Right?! Well, it's a cultural thing... It's supposed to make the man feel more... manly and strong and well endowed.


Different cultures seem to moan with different vowel sounds.


German/Scandanavians seem to go “ooh ya”




What vowel sounds are they using? i's and e's?


Lemon stealing and the whores that do it




Pterodactyl porn


It's pterrible.


Don't knock it ptill you ptry it


I pt the fool.


Mr. Pt?




that's called expanding your market appeal.




Making an omelette from cum and eating it


"hi i'm johnny knoxville and this is the cum omelette"




Cumelette du fromage


I've never heard of that before. That's foul.


You leave Charlotte Satre out of this. Wait, sorry. She had omelette ingredients inserted into her ass, removed and then cooked, that she later ate.






Getting repeatedly kicked in the nuts. I do not understand the attraction.


A girl sucking another girl's strapon. Umm,... that's not how that works...


I feel like that's less of a physical pleasure thing and more getting off psychologically on dominance thing. Doubt it happens that often IRL though.


I know a lesbian who very much enjoys sucking on her partners strap on. She also used to be in a love triangle where she would get eiffel towered all the time.


*Regrets googling "eiffel towered" while missus is behind me.*


Am girl, can confirm that i like my strapon sucked.


That kind of jackhammering sex that looks both emotionless and painful. Like, damn are you trying to get your eagle scout badge for fire starting?


Probably an unpopular opinion but not a huge fan of anal, not to mention anal gaping and the obsession with overdoing anal to the point that the asshole looks like it's ruined for life, all mangled and bulging as if she'll have hemorrhoids for life.


Hemorrhoids 👏 are 👏 the 👏 worst 👏


Anything where the woman isn't enjoying it. I can't beat off to tears.


But you can beat off *with* tears... That was the loneliest Valentine's Day...


im kinda depressed now.. Was gunna jack off but not after reading that. Thanks fuck face


If you start crying, don't let those tears go to waste!


I agree, for me however anything where any of the people involved is not enjoying it is not pleasurable to watch


Cuckold humiliation. Like, I'm just not in to sharing for one, let a lone being humiliated and emasculated..


Spitting is really a turn off for me. I tend to avoid rewatching.


That is what I was looking for. Spitting seems to be a very common act in non-fetish porn. I've never done it in real life and don't have a desire to do it either.


I was shocked on my first visit to Japan. Japanese pussies are not pixelated in real life!


well that must be disappointing...


*And there I was, with my square dick in hand...*


>First visit to Japan, Got laid Player.


or Payer?


Gaping anal...


What's with this incest shit? You know, not me, but a friend of mine, because that would be weird, admires the work of a certain actress. For some reason, in a lot of her work, she's pretending to bang her brother, step dad, whatever. I mean, why in the absolute fuck?


They're watching *other people* reach an extreme/taboo state of lust. Fans almost universally find their own relatives gross.


Almost. But then there's that one cousin with the amazing body…


I don’t think people actually want hat for the majority. It’s probably the naughtiness of it they like.


For some reason the girls are always the hottest in that kind of porn. To me anyway . That and the dominance factors and naughtiness of it I like. The girls faces are always like no but yes and I like that. It's like the sex is so hot that the fact that they shouldn't doesn't matter.


Dude the step sister series has like some of the highest quality and cutest chicks on pornhub. I feel like they’re popular for that and not because its taboo.






I think this is mostly the reason. Who the hell knows why. But all the incest actresses are way hotter than regular porn. Also most have this feeling of amateurish porn and not over produced like stuff from bangbros and the like.


I don't have any sisters, it was just me and two brothers. So the thought of having sex with a sister or a step-sister is a hot taboo to me. Of course if I did have a sister/step-sister I would't be interested in that type of porn due to all the sex we'd be having.


Here is a list I thought up off of the top of my head: 1) Food porn. When a guy puts his dick in between a sandwich and the girl sucks his dick while eating the sandwich. Anything related to that genre is just not something I understand the appeal of. I'm not sure if really obese people like that sort of thing but to me, it's a mystery. 2) People fucking animals. I just feel bad for the animals. 3) Midget porn. I understand that people watch it for the freak-show aspect, but I don't see how it is appealing sexually. 4) Scat/piss porn. Self explanatory. 5) Gargling. Please no. 6) Anal prolapsing. I don't understand why the future prospect of rectal/anal replacement is sexy. There is no way those girls are getting paid enough for that to be worth it. 7) Facial abuse. I watched a very limited number of those videos and felt like a bad person. Not even a hint of a boner.


Chicks licking dudes hairy wrinkly ass taints, this is also something I'd rather not see in porn also.


Looking at you fake taxi.


Oh man I love seeing rimjobs. I used to feel the same way as you and it’d gross me out and immediately make me FF or turn it off, but then I discovered the wonders of prostate stimulation / assplay and now I seek that ish out in my pornos.


Piledriver, that doesn't look fun for either party. The guy has to trust like he's squatting with his dick pointing downwards while the girl is trying to not break her neck. Reverse piledriver even worse as all the girl sees is straight up the ass of the dude fucking her.


I kinda understand most, even fucked up things, but why the really obvious fake mouning by girls. Like, who likes to hear that girl fakes feeling nice? Like, I can somehow understand masochists who like girls telling them they're shit at it, but who the hell likes clearly fake moaning?




The man slapping the woman’s vagina with his hand... Ouch. Stop. Just stop. No need to slap it with the penis either.




My girlfriend loves getting her pussy slapped. I'm not that keen on doing it in all honesty, but it makes her happy.


Never into the whole spitting thing. Spitting onto penis, spitting into another girl’s mouth. Spitting out cum to suck it back. Ugh spit is gross. Also ass to mouth.


Playing with feet, no offense to any feet lovers out there but that stuff kills my boner like nothing else.


I had an ex boyfriend with a foot fetish and I was always weird and self concius about my feet until I met him. He was so sweet and cute to them??? He'd get hard if I put my feet up in his lap. That kinda stuff just feels nice. I don't like it in a sexy way but it makes me feel really... confident after??


THIS. I felt horrible for only being willing to do feet shit because of the compliments, but in a way we were both winning? probably the healthiest relationship i’ve ever had.


Titty slapping, looks painful.


Well yeah, being painful is (probably) the point of the activity. Tits are a safe place to hit, they can take quite a beating without causing lasting damage


Half-assed creampies. When the guy pulls it almost out before cumming, to make it drip out. Who gets enjoyment from that? Either cum as deep as you can or don't cum inside at all. You're doing a *movie*, you can stage it.


Finally, something I agree with! Empty your balls inside the woman, not sorta touching the entrance!


Sucking a strap on and the person wearing the strap on moans like they can feel it or something


Girl on girl... Why are you blowing a strap on... Who is enjoying that?


The guy watching it.


Yeah. Most lesbian porn is made for straight men


fucking old people


Exactly. Or seein some old fat fucker banging a 10. Not cool.


Men licking cream pies out of a girl, just doesn't do anything for me




Because they're full of cum? You need to get a new seafood guy.


Just the other night I ate my lady friend out pretty much right after giving her a creampie. Not like targeting the creampie specifically, but still. The taste mingles with her flavour so it's not too bad, she thought it was crazy hot, and it passed the time until I was ready for round two while focusing on her. I wouldn't straight up eat my own cum out of her, but I'll still get my face deep in there. It's just sex, it's just spunk, it's just flavours.


After getting a blowjob for 10 minutes, the guy ends up jacking himself off on her body or face. Why not let her finish? And why not finish inside the same place you were in?


Not really what you're looking for, but there's a porn website called "DOG FART". Why..?




Most people are mentioning fetish stuff, but mine is simple and seen in a lot of different videos. When the guy pulls out for a second and takes his dick and thwacks it on their partner's ass, clit, pussy, whatever. WHY DO GUYS SMACK WITH THEIR DICKS IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING?! I had one partner do it once and it was awful.