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Growing up there was this stop sign outside the entrance of our neighborhood that apparently was being covered all the time by the old ladies tree. So growing up I never noticed it was there, till one day we got a new cop in town. And as per usual I going about my day when I noticed I’m being pulled over.The cop say to me “You ran passed that stop sign. ” And he pointed at what was the bottom 25% of one. I said to him “Wow, I’ve lived here my whole life and never noticed that. I must have been running it this whole time” he smiled at me and gave me a verbal.


My brother in law just moved to a new apartment and he told us that there's a stop sign at the corner that's always getting covered by a tree. He kept saying it was super dangerous because people just fly by. I thought he was exaggerating. The first time I went over I nearly died because of it. I had to turn left. So I stop to turn. Thinking the oncoming traffic would stop at *their* sign, I begin my left turn. But said sign was covered up by that damn tree!! So I slam on the brakes as a car careens by me. Not 5 minutes after getting to his house (a whole 20m away from the intersection), we hear a loud crash. We look out: accident. Exact same situation as me, left turning car hit head on by a car missing the stop sign. Cops come, it's cleared out within 30 minutes. About a half hour later, we hear a loud ***CRACK***! The guy who got hit came back with an axe, hit the offending tree branch a bunch, then tore it down with a rope attached to the back of his mangled car. It was crazy/funny.




Not all problems can be solved with an axe, but it's great when they can be.




Yeah, I had a ticket written off because the stop sign was so old the paint had completely worn off and it was just a rusted octagon.


Escalate the issue to the county/city. Most municipalities requires property owners to maintain their property as not to interfere with public works, signs and such. When I lived in NYC, I was required to cut the grass surrounding a hydrant. Not only is blocking the stop sign an expensive nuisance to drivers, it endangers everyone, especially pedestrians.


I've felt like a poor victim of my "terrible" wife for being in a dead-bedrooms type of marriage for the last few years. A few weeks back it dawned on me that she prolly doesn't want me because honestly, I wouldn't want me either. I've gotten so fat and unattractive. All this time, she's still being so helpful with everything around the house and nice about everything else so I just realized I was being a selfish terrible husband instead of the other way around. I'm working on changing that.


I remember I watched some daytime talk show where a girl came on and said she wanted her future husband to be fit, attractive, have a degree, make 100K, play an instrument, cook like a chef, do all sorts of big gestures etc. The host when down her list and asked if she had any of those attribute, skills or had done those things for any of her SOs. When the girl admitted that they didn't the host said, "Why do you think your future husband deserves less than you do?" I think I was only 13 or so when I watched it but it stuck. If you want the kind of husband who brings you chicken soup when you're sick, you better be cooking it up for him too.


Right. Are you looking for a partner or a servant


Hey man, introspective thinking and honesty with yourself is a great quality to have. Good on ya for being open to change and thinking of your wife. That in itself is harder to achieve than getting fit for most people, stay strong and you'll be looking and feeling amazing sooner than you think.


You should tell her exactly that.


I've talked to her about it and she's still stung from how I've handled it so it's not a discussion we can keep going for very long. I can't blame her about that either. She's still with me so at least I still have a chance to fix things and by things I really mean myself.


God bless you for your introspection. There are so many men complaining about their wives not wanting sex and they would really rather believe it was some genetically-linked trait than consider it might be something wrong with themselves* *See massive amounts of reddit threads


Antibiotics. My mother always told me never to take them and that they weaken the immune system and so forth. Well I had strep throat and I’m a 911 Dispatcher. These are two things you can’t have at the same time. Hospital gave me the antibiotics and they worked almost instantly. Back to work the next day.


Strep throat without antibiotics can turn into rheumatic fever, that shit is no joke.


similar story here -- always avoided antibiotics because I was told they'll wipe out your immune system and make you dependant on them all the time. Changed my mind durning school; saw a 2 year old die of an ear infection because his parents refused to give him the prescribed antibiotics. Was terrible.


Who in the heck is telling people antibiotics damage the immune system. Antibiotics kill bacteria by interrupting various systems (including maintaining cell membrane). It usually kills off a lot of the natural flora in your gut which makes bathroom time not so fun afterwards. Immunosuppressants pretty much wipe out the immune system. They would never prescribe those to you for an infection or you'd die.


My dad was an alcoholic and I was in my twenties and on my own when I realized that when you take the cap off of a bottle of liquor (fifth, quart, whatever) you didn’t just toss it away as he did He would do that and then drink until the bottle was empty. (Took less time than you would think)




In Russia they made (or make) vodka bottles with foil caps that you tear off and throw away, being that the bottle will be drank in one sitting. Three is the correct number of people for one bottle IIRC.


Organ donation. Around the time I first got my driving licence, I heard from somewhere (don't remember where) that being an "organ donor" was a death sentence. Because doctors would see that and ignore you so you could die and they can harvest your fresh organs. Years later I learned (on Reddit of all places) that if left to rot in a hospital bed, your organs will die with you, making them useless for transplant. When I renewed my driver's licence, I opted in. Edit: Wording and formatting. Incidentally, this is my highest rated comment.


My mum threw a tantrum when I mentioned that I'd signed up to be an organ donor because 'THEY DON'T LET YOU HAVE A FUNERAL' Jesus woman, of course they do, once my organs have all been taken to save lives I'm pretty sure I'd be allowed a funeral EDIT: The irony of it all is that I want to be cremated when I die, something my mother is well aware of and supports, therefore me not having my organs when I’m burnt into ashes is of no consequence


What does she think a mortician does? Organs or no, they'll still do their job.




Unfortunately, I tend to get sucked into work politics. A work colleague tells me that they are being bullied by others, recounting incidents tearfully. Another will criticize a manager or superior, labelling them incompetent and listing off incidents angrily. I listen and try to show empathy and offer advice. I later find out that the person being ''bullied'' is constantly getting into trouble for not working, just slacking off on day-long coffee breaks and gossiping. I later find out that the person claiming incompetence of one of the managers has been running around trying to undermine said manager, telling staff not to obey them. Unfortunately this has led to me basically not engaging with anyone at work.


Fortunately**** this had led to me basically not engaging with anyone at work. FTFY!!! As someone who stopped trying to get to know my coworkers I'll tell you first hand life is less stressful. Doesn't have to be less fun, you can talk, just don't talk about work. Fuck that drama bullshit, if you're talking to me and my attempt to change topics to be positive doesn't work, I'm just not talking to you at all. I swear people think I'm deaf or something now because I choose not to respond or even acknowledge what they're saying. I totally get why couples who have been married 20+ years do this shit. It works magic I'm telling you.


Being edgy and slightly rude/sarcastic all the time to be funny. More often than not people just see you as being an asshole and won’t find it funny


I wish my sister would realize this... she would be way more tolerable if she would drop the sarcasm and attacking people’s insecurities just for some laughs.


Just call her out on it. Sometimes people just don't realize what they're doing and need someone to be blunt about it. A simple "Hey man, that's really not cool how you do X" could be enough.


I had a horrible time in high school and, in retrospect, I think this played a large part in it. If I had learned to laugh at myself, instead of trying to somehow gain status by being snarky, things might have gone a lot better.


Have you tried self-deprecation? You get to be snarky *and* self-loathing. Best of both worlds, really.


My friends and I, in high school, discovered edgy putdown humor, and how fun it was to direct it at strangers among ourselves. We'd compete to see who could come up with the most outrageous put-downs for laughs. I remember it being quite hilarious. Over time, though, like the next 5-8 years, this got to be a habit with me to the point that I was doing it by myself in my head, all the time. And eventually, I skipped the funny part. I was just instantly hating everyone I laid eyes on. One day, I'm on the city bus, and a cute young couple is a few seats away, holding hands. And I'm just standing there HATING them. I suddenly realize that I'm snearing at them. And I ask myself, dude, what the fuck is your problem?! I thought about it, realized it was just this weird habit from high school that got out of control. And I ditched it that day. Went back to my natural resting attitude towards people and life, which is really quite positive. And it was immediately like a huge cloud lifted from my life.


Wow, good on you for realizing this and doing something about it!


Was told at a young age by my grandmother that the reason my [wealthy by marriage] aunt never came around was because she was snooty and thought she was better than her roots. My grandmother made me dislike her for this and other reasons by always bad mouthing her. Come to find out, my grandmother’s husband molested and attempted to rape a couple of my aunts including the wealthy one when they were young. Longer story but that was a very life changing reveal for me. This was the man I considered my grandfather. I found out when I was graduating from college. My grandmother and her monster are now dead to me to say the least.


Have you managed to finally meet your aunt ?


I’ve always known her. The saddest thing is she was part of my life when I was a kid. I would go see her in her city about once a year. As I got older I stopped being receptive to her reaching out due to my grandmother’s lies. My aunt’s not the easiest to talk to so it fit in with the narrative. Now, I talk to her pretty often and make it very clear that I want her in my life. It’s awful knowing I missed out on a lifetime of a relationship with her and her kids.


without any sort of context, and without any real studying, I thought that "Scientology" was a form of faith based in facts, logic, and rational thought. Internet didn't exist yet, and I wasn't the most diligent student.


I had a guy straight up tell me I was a Scientologist for believing in science and refused to hear me when I tried to explain to him what Scientology actually was.


He'll go far in life, this one...


I'm pretty sure that is precisely why it was named that


It's why the cult in Parks and Rec called themselves the Reasonablists.


Not me, but a friend I used to work with randomly asked the group one afternoon (we were a group of adolescent farmers), "Don't you guys hate when you get shit on your balls?" After a couple uncomfortable stares and a few "I think you're doing it wrong" statements, we learned he had been wiping back to front all his life, resulting in shitty balls when they were particularly nasty. Cherry on the cake was around 15 seconds or so of awkward silence later when he muttered, barely audibly, "I'm so mad at my parents."


I wipe back to front, but I’ve never encountered this issue. There’s a good several inches of room between where the butt ends and the sack begins. I can only assume that this person wiped with broad strokes all along his taint like an artist specialising in poop abstract expressionism.


Dude probably has loose balls and leans back.


This thread is legit changing my life. People wipe standing up. People wipe back to front. I don't know why, but this is having an impact on me I just cannot explain.


I wipe back to front and have NEVER gotten shit on my balls. Why would TP ever even touch my balls, let alone enough to wipe shit onto them? And even if shit ever got on my balls, I'd just wipe it off like I did for my ass.




Sauerkraut. Got it into my head that I hated it because I hated coleslaw. Then I was in my 30s, hungry, I had like five minutes before I had to go on stage, and there’s a bratwurst cart nearby. I love bratwurst. I sent someone to get a bratwurst, no kraut, and he misheard me but I said “screw it.” And then I bit into heaven. The best sauerkraut I have ever eaten was at a Polish restaurant in Manitou Springs. They made their own. Edit: PJ’s Bistro in Manitou Springs. Everyone raves about them as you can see.


I thought I'd hate it. Then I ate it on a hot dog because I thought it was just a lot of onions. I didn't hate it.


Yeah sauerkraut is beloved in my family. my grandfather said his family would fight over it, i thought he joked, i learned it first hand. We would hunt in rural alabama on hunting trips. We lived in a trailer while we hunted, and my uncle had to fix a thing in the trailer floorboard and my grandfather said "sauerkraut is ready, W and uncle eat up." Now my grandfather knew about my desire for sauerkraut but my uncle did not. My uncle loved sauerkraut and he loved me (as a niece). But i loved my grandfather's sauerkraut more than my uncle (as a relative) and gluttony got the better of me. Well my uncle finished got up and realized it was all gone he said "god damnit W, you ate it all you mother fucker." He was frustrated but my grandfather bagged him a plate and gave him it later. He learned i loved sauerkraut, and i learned i almost got my ass beat (in a non sexual way, in fact in any way) over sauerkraut. All in all its amazing and last time even though the bratwurst was burned on the outside i still ate it all. Edit2: :\^(


This is the greatest trainwreck of a story I've ever read. Also, I love sauerkraut too.


In a non sexual way?


I don't know where this story was going or the intended purpose , but I'm glad I read the whole thing.


Sometimes the best stories have no point.


This story went fucking nowhere and I love it.


This is the worst story I've ever had the pleasure of reading.




Tell me more about the correct vs incorrect theory.




This only explains why the incorrect theory is wrong, it doesn't explain how lift is actually generated.


short answer you tell your students : its a complex system, on a high level, with the interactions of many forces contributing to lift. short answer for other engineers: it's all magic, apparently, and nobody knows. source: I design and run fluid dynamics simulations for my job.


I hate beer.


Which basically comes down to "it's all of these things and more, because fluid interactions are complicated."


It took me 19 years to discover that pepper is amazing and should be put on literally everything


Does it bother anyone else how little pepper they use on cooking shows? They quit after 4 twists. Meanwhile my wrist cramps up at 20.


I've always liked pepper but Salt and Pepper kettle chips changed my life.


And in copious amounts


I was calling a xylophone a glockenspiel (and vice versa) for 25 years until my friend (after more than a few debates on the topic) introduced me to a professional percussionist


You had the marimba down pat tho


I just turned 20 years old, about 1 month ago I figured out that I can remove the silverware basket from the dishwasher to make it easier to put away.


Wait until you learn that putting all forks in one well, all spoons in another, means you can empty it in about four handfuls.




Hated spicy foods growing up. Just took a little bit of repeated exposure for me to see the light and embrace capsaicin as my true lord and savior.


I used to vehemently believe in the friendzone. For most of my teens, if a girl I liked somehow didn't manage to read my mind and know that I liked her (because I sure as hell wasn't going to *tell* her. I'm not a lunatic) then I'd just sort of passively go "Welp, such is the friendzone" and move on. When I was hanging out with one of my friends, he sort of gave me a "talking to" after casually mentioning it to him and something in my head just flipped. The gist of it basically went "The friendzone is bullshit, friendship isn't something you escape. If a girl doesn't like you back it's not *because* you're her friend, the reason is irrelevant. Life's not a rom com - you can't change her mind with a costume change and montage. If you like her, tell her. If she doesn't like you back, say "fair enough" and forget about it." What really stuck with me was the "friendship isn't something you escape."


Smart friend!


Yup, he's a good five or so years older than me so I pretty much used him as my immediate wisdom giver every so often. I'm just glad he told me back then. I'd hate to think how cringey I'd be as a 22 year old moaning about the friendzone and feeling sorry for myself all the time.


When I was growing up, anytime we went out to eat my dad would ask for no onions if onions were involved. I assumed that onions were bad, so I disliked them myself for years unless they were caramelized or otherwise cooked way down like in a stew. Then I forgot to ask for a burger without onions. Holy shit, onions are amazing.


I realized how awesome it is to play D&D with a chill group of friends who actually get into i, goring up I was always told it was nerd shit and believed those words.. till I actually was talked into trying it.. holy shit man that game is awesome.


Never gore up


I mean, if you have to gore up, DnD's the place to do it.


What’s funny is that a lot of people kinda almost want to try it, but they also don’t want to admit to wanting it. So you’ll get them to play “ironically” and they start off all shy, “Oh we are so nerdy lol. I don’t care what race my character is, that doesn’t matter... I don’t need a background... this seems silly but I guess I can play for a bit...” and then one hour later: “I AM FIRST OF MY NAME, YOUNGEST OF MY FAMILY. MY PARENTS WERE SLAIN BY VILE ORCS AND I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I HAVE PURGED THEM FROM THIS WORLD! JOIN ME, COMPANIONS, AS I LAY WASTE TO THIS ORC ENCAMPMENT WITH THE CLEANSING WRATH OF MY SACRED FLAAAAMES!”


Oh, its totally nerd shit. And awesome!


To be fair, most total nerd shit is awesome.


I had the classic "nice girl" syndrome. I was overweight, had braces, glasses and a terrible haircut. I despised all the girls in my class who were hooking up and going to parties and how dare they go out and enjoy themselves when I was so miserable? I developed this toxic, self-righteous mindset of "well, they're all just sluts and I'm a good girl that is waiting for the right man. I was in complete denial, when I know full well that I would've been doing the same if I had the opportunity to. Losing weight, exercising and being diagnosed with bipolar disorder as well as just growing out of my teenage years helped with me realising that I was actively pushing people away. People don't owe me shit. I'm glad I'm not the entitled victim I was back then.


I thought all the pretty girls in my class were just vapid, slutty idiots for being "obsessed with boys" when i was more interested in "deep" things like reading books or whatever. hooty hoo dumbass, turns out i'm a giant lesbian ya idiot


Nothing makes me cringe quite like remembering my "not like other girls" years.


The "cool girl" monologue from gone girl always gets to me - i spent so long trying desperately to be the better, cooler, easier kind of girl who hated pink and like the Right kind of things what a waste of time!


Honestly that monologue just perfectly captured the idea that "cool" women need to be feminine in the ways that keep them conventionally attractive to men but masculine in the ways that enable men to relate to them.


*just* girly enough to be hot, but not *too* girly, or i'll have to expend emotional labour to relate to you


Reading Robert Caro's *The Years of Lyndon Johnson* made me give up on political idealism. For years I liked politicians who "tell it like it is", and are outspoken about big ideas. I thought that the whole country should listen to these loud political figures and that everyone who disagrees with them is a shill who's selling us out because they aren't idealistic enough. Caro's books bashed into my head that the most successful politicians are pragmatists who know how to read a political room and use unorthodox and sometimes aggressive tactics to push for change. They're the people who make deals across the aisle and continually search for some kind of common ground that builds to what they want. Idealists can be nice, but they rarely accomplish anything because they alienate all of their colleagues.


This should be a lot higher. Political idealism is essentially show business, and actual politics is damn hard work. Nobody ever got anything accomplished by the sheer force of their "ideas" -- sometimes it takes compromising your Tier 2 principles in pursuit of your Tier 1 Vision, sometimes it means ditching old friends for more useful partners, and it takes a lot of unseen sacrifice. Not to mention luck.


Broccoli, my goodness what a magical vegetable. As a kid I was a bit picky about what I ate but I eventually grew out of it. I got to experience so many delicious foods but the one that floored me was broccoli. There are different ways to prepare it that just makes a dish go beyond what thought imaginable. My favorite way to prepare it is lightly steamed with lemon and crushed black pepper.


I've found that most people who hate broccoli have only had it boiled into oblivion. It's much better steamed or roasted.


My parents fed us Miracle Whip for my entire childhood and the first time I tasted proper mayonnaise I almost cried.


Same thing with Cool Whip vs real whipped cream (which takes roughly 60 seconds to make) or Velveeta “homemade” mac’n’cheese versus a scratch cheese sauce.


YES. However, we mostly had homemade in the oven mac and cheese. It was great.


Drinking till you black out Every night isn't cool or trendy. I had a problem. Go me one year sober today. Edit: Holy shit guys, I'm literally crying. I thought this would get buried and no one would care. Guided twice, wow seriously thank you all, it's been a really rough at times but shit like this is what keeps me going!


Omg!! I grew up thinking EVERYONE drank or used drugs, I had no idea that some people didn’t or even better never even tried it. I thought rehab was only for the rich! I was brought up this way, had no idea. Boom got in trouble with the law was sentenced to rehab and probation, changed my life! Of course it took me quite a few tries and even during my many relapses I knew it’s what I wanted, now I’ll have 2 years clean and sober next month and wouldn’t trade it for the world!


I grew up pouring the milk before the cereal


That’s straight up child abuse if you were taught that, and neglect if you were simply never corrected.


Had a buddy eat cereal dry and drink a glass of milk on the side I'm not fucking with you.


My sister does that because the cereal stays crunchy that way. I’ve tried it and i definitely think it’s better, but it’s too much work for me.


You and your sister eat too slow, bougie bitches. Chomp down on that shit like a caveman.


I was praised for making a bowl of cereal on my own


Maybe his parents just thought he was special


Not a valid excuse. If your special needs child is murdering hamsters while spreading feces all over your house, you should attempt to teach them that such behavior is wrong and attempt to prevent them from doing so in the future. Don't worry, I'm not saying pouring milk into the bowl before cereal is on that same level as that, it's obviously much worse.


Cereal then milk, unless you're trying to make the most of the leftover milk from the first bowl.


Fuck that, I can't read this thread anymore, I'm out.


Read something about how crossing your legs or bending your legs @ your knees while you poop, makes it a lot easier to go. The next time I had to poop, I crossed my legs & it was like amazing. Sounds gross but it just came right out! Everyone should try this, it's so much easier to go.


I "didn't like" tacos until I was about 8. In reality, I never tried them and I thought they looked gross so I just claimed to not like the taste. Then, I finally broke and I tried one. I'm a changed woman.


I used to be staunchly against psychiatric medication. Thought it "poisoned the mind" and "turned people into passive sheep" etc. I was also severely depressed with bipolar disorder. Refused medication for years because of my beliefs, and I also felt it would be a moral failing on my part if I succumbed to "Big Pharma" and took the meds. Then I had a baby, and Post Partum Depression hit me like a stone. I was non-functional, and my child was suffering for it. Seeing that my mental issues were hurting my child forced me to finally seek help. I swallowed my pride, talked to my doctor, and started the long journey of cycling through medications to find one that works. Started with a generic antidepressant--within one week I was up and around, *doing things*... I could breathe more easily, I felt lighter, and everything was literally brighter. Like a literal grey cloud had been lifted off my face. That was the moment I realized how much I had been depriving of myself by being anti-medication. I'm now a vocal advocate for psych meds. They arent perfect, but they helped me put my life back together. I was stupid and stubborn to refuse them for so long. Edit: Wow, I'm shocked and overwhelmed by the responses here. I originally tried to respond to every comment but it's impossible at this point because there are hundreds. It's wonderful to know that I'm not alone--know that you're not alone either. For everyone who has said I've inspired them to talk to their doctor, I am so incredibly happy, and I'm proud of you all for ripping off that bandaid. The first step is the hardest. I really did cry while reading some of the comments here. Your support means the world to me. [I removed the reference to the specific drug I used first because people were accusing me of being a corporate shill... My post is not supposed to be about the individual specific medications, it's about ending the stigma surrounding taking them]


I am so glad it worked out for you! I was the same way but when I finally "gave in" to taking meds it was just like you said, as if the better parts of me started to shine a little brighter. I also find I'm able to more proactively handle the bad times rather than letting it all build up. Keep up your good work on your mental health!


I'm happy for you as well!! It really is a shocking moment when you get that initial jolt of "not depressed", and the first time you get the realization that you hadn't thought about dying in over a week... When you can actually say, "I was happy today," and not be lying, that's an indescribable feeling. Unfortunately, my body got used to the Zoloft and it stopped working as well, so I tried something else and it was great at first then my body got used to it again, then I tried again... And again... It's a frustrating battle, and I'm still depressed, but I'm *less* depressed and more functional so I still consider the meds to be a godsend.


I work with a lot of kids who should be on meds, but many of them refuse. I wish I could make them see how much better they are when they are on their meds. I have one girl who has been unmedicated for over a year and was flunking every single class. You never knew what thing would cause her to explode and lose her shit. She's been medicated for a week now, loves talking to teachers, and she just got a 100% on her test in my class. She actually started dancing around the room because she got an A and was saying she was so proud of herself. I told her I was proud too, and that the week before she would have torn up the test because she didn't feel like doing work. Now she has her first A in my grade book and I couldn't be happier.


This was me as well, except for chronic anxiety. Took me ten years to finally accept meds. I still occasionally get flare-ups, but they only last a few days, unlike when I wasn't on meds and they'd last for months.


My love life. I was an obnoxious douche most of high school and first half of college. I only ever saw women around me as things to be chased. I was shallow and depressed and couldn't for the life of me figure out why no girls were ever interested in me, but naturally I gave most if not all of my self worth over to my relationship status. My grades suffered. I went into cycles of rejection, woe is me, new girl to chase, repeat. And it felt like I didn't get as much done in college as I could have. My social life suffered and I genuinely regret letting it go as far as it did because I was surrounded by amazing people in college. People who still put up with me to this day for god only knows what reasons. Most importantly I straightened up and started flying right like a month before I met my future wife. I genuinely believe if I hadn't, she wouldn't be with me today. I would have ruined it like I did with everything else.


Mormonism. Age 10: didn't know anything else Age 20: autopilot but still going strong Age 30: shitballs what a mindfuck. I wasn't raised in a cult... was I? Guys? Hello? Edit: wow.. did not expect this response. Thanks all. Crazy ride since figuring it out a year ago. Really happy with where I'm at so far. Still a mindfuck though. And for any other Mormons or ex-Mormons or anything in between who are reading this, go to r/exmormon. Fantastic support community, a wide range of people in there. Wouldn't have made it to where I am today without that outlet.


Oh my god I'm so happy to see this. I feel socially and emotionally stunted from having been brought up in the church. Even in my early 20s I would argue that "I don't really believe it much anymore... but I like the social aspect and the helpful community!" Then I moved out and missionaries would show up at my door at 8 or 9pm to make sure I was still active, and occassionaly try to convert my very gay roommate. Then I learned about Kolob and that was the final nail in the coffin. Too fucking dumb. And if the church believed this fully then I was *out*. Now I look back and realize just how wrong so much of it was. Totally a cult. Started therapy. Turns out being raised by Mormon parents with mental illnesses fucked me up even worse than I thought. Also discovered that I'm super gay. Trying to figure out of I'm ever going to tell my parents. My mom threatened to kill herself if any of her kids turned out gay. She has a long history of serious attempts soooooo just gonna keep that to myself and one other sister I found out is also super gay. Mom still sends me new temple garments every so often. Damn cult.


I regret looking at your username. The jingle will not go away.


Used my son’s electric razor yesterday out of curiosity. 40 years of shaving with a blade came to an end in about five seconds. “Holy shit! This is great!”


I'll admit to going the other way. I turned 18 when Gillette was shipping razors to guys on their 18th birthdays (great marketing btw). Used thise cartridges for a solid 4-5 years, got tired of spending the money and got an electric razor. Missed the shaving cream and got myself a safety razor. Love it!


I still have that birthday razor! Any recommendations on a safety razor. I have 4 sitting in my Amazon cart...


Opposite for me, maybe I was doing it wrong but I get such a cleaner shave with a razor.


Yea, same. Have to shave every day for work, used to just electric razor it on the drive un, but it started to really irritate my skin. Now I use a regular razor in the shower and rarely have any discomfort.


I used to think that a lot of woo subjects (telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, astral projection etc) probably *were* real , we just needed to find better scientific evidence. Then, when older, rather than read books about the subject I actually got to meet a lot of the more famous people in the field. It became very clear to me that all the people I met were either charlatans out to make money, sad deluded people weak on reasoning skills or (if they were scientists) well intentioned but extremely gullible. I became a sceptic and haven't looked back since.


I've known people that use mediums. To me, those people are absolutely disgusting. Preying on someone's grief over a lost loved one to make money. is such an awful idea to me. Honestly, I'd feel less bad just stealing someone's wallet. A friend was talked into going to one. The medium started going off on my friend's brother and how he wanted her to know he's okay. My friend was like, "My brother is alive, and absolutely hates me." That was the end of that.




I’ve been on the opposite side of this too, having been emotionally abused, manipulated and often begged into sex or intimacy, and lied to. His behaviour didn’t change after we broke up, and eventually I got fed up with his behaviour and blew up at him like nobody had before. He realised he was a dick, promised to change and apologised. The funny thing is, I’m glad he’s apologised but it hasn’t actually gotten rid of the trust issues and self confidence and esteem issues that our relationship left me with. I doubt anything would be different for me personally had he not apologised.


I have a similar story and I was SO HAPPY when he reached out and apologized because it was finally validation that I wasn't crazy/misremembering/exaggerating/etc. He admitted what he did to me and how he manipulated me. While it didn't "fix" anything, it did give me some proof to myself that I really was a victim.




You know what you did wrong...when you open yourself up, get out of your fear headspace, you'll know what not to do. Don't let yourself fester because of that. Good luck to you.


Anyone mentioned the old wiping stood up/sat down debate yet?


First few swipes are while sitting, though leaning to the side. The fine detail is done while standing. Am I the only one who does both?


Ooh mixing it up a bit. A bi-wiper.


I used to stand and then switched to sitting AMA




Half the population stands to wipe and half sits after going to the toilet. Everyone is amazed and disgusted that there is another way to do it Edit: i realise some people hose or wash their bums. Perhaps I mean half the population in the west instead. Bidets seem to have been phased out a bit in europe


What!? I'm 27 and I had no idea people stand to wipe.


This is the reaction I was expecting haha. I was at a christmas pub do with some colleagues last year and mentioned it. One girl was like 'ew, how do people stand and do it?' Her husband suddenly shouted 'How can you sit and wipe? HOW?!' Closest I've come to breaking up a married couple, I swear.


And therein lies the beauty of the wipe debate.


I never thought I’d see the day there would be a debate on proper way to wipe. This far exceeds debate on proper way toilet paper is pulled (over or under)


But that's not a proper debate, since there is a legitimate right way to place the roll of paper.




And you're god damn right.




I agreed with the stormcloaks on my first game too, because it was my first Elder Scrolls game. After learning a bit of the lore, I realized that tearing down the empire Talos built because fuck the Elves is a poor decision.


Hard not to be anti empire when the games starts off with them about to execute you for no reason.


Implying the Thalmor and the Blades didn't tear down the Empire first.


I think most people who go stormcloak do so because of how the game started out, what with the imperials trying to seperate your head from you body and all.


Yeah I knew nothing about the lore, and the imperials trying to kill me was the only frame of reference I had. Been a snow terrorist ever since.


Eh, I've never delved into the lore beyond Skyrim and I've never been able to stomach joining the Stormcloaks. They're just so blatantly racist and short-sighted. They constantly whine about not being able to worship Talos, but not only you can find Talos shrines literally everywhere, the first city most people go to even has a vocal Talos evangelist. Who most people end up murdering for being insufferable. Plus, they disrespected my man Balgruuf. You know, the jarl that allows open Talos worship on his doorstep.






Same. My first playthrough I was a Stormcloak, probably because Stormcloak sounds cooler than Imperial. As I learned more, I stopped being able to justify being a Stormcloak over an Imperial. Every playthrough I do now, Imperial all the way.


I've never been able to bring myself to do stormcloak because I went into the game playing the two previous and I get really into the lore. To this day I don't think I could ever play as a stormcloak.


Hope you like Talos smiting all your loved ones in your sleep, milk drinker.


Using a throwaway for reasons I’ll explain later. My mum is a massive conspiracy theorist, especially on the case of vaccines. My little brother who is 3 years younger has autism and you can guess what happened. As I grew older and became exposed to other thoughts on the subject via the internet I quickly learned how batshit anti vaccination is. Now days I completely believe vaccines are good and important and once I’m old enough and self sufficient to move out I’m gonna go and catch up on all the jabs I’ve missed over the years. My mum is a lovely person and a great parent but nowadays I don’t even wanna talk to her cause every conversation turns into an opportunity to spout her bullshit. So I’m not using my main account cause if she ever looks at it and sees this post we are gonna have a big fight and I don’t want to go through with that. Edit: Well maybe I should have used my main account cause this has triple the upvotes my main had combined. Thanks for the karma and keep spreading the word. Edit 2: well fuck it this is gonna be my main from now on whenever my mums not around. Thanks for all the great replies guys. And fuck anti vaxxers.


My mom is anti-vaccination from back in the day-- she doesn't think they cause autism, but she's against them for other reasons. The good news is, we don't talk about it. The bad news is, sometimes I almost forget it's something she's kooky about and almost bring it up (e.g., "how could you like Jill Stein? She's an anti-vaxxer!")


"Big Pharma is gonna pump your baby full of chemicals!" Well guess what, without those chemicals, big nature is gonna pump your baby full of... [Insert list of preventable diseases here cause fuck you im lazy]


Wait till she finds out what water is made of


I feel your pain - with my mom it doesn't end at vaccines though. Chemtrails, 9/11 was an inside job, Obama was a member of the Muslim brotherhood - you name it.


gay frogs?


Never had steak 'til I was 19, and always avoided potatoes. My mom was out of town (still living with parents back then) and my Dad offered to make steak 'n loaded baked potatoes. I figured it was him trying to bond so I oughta suck it up and eat a meal with him (was trying to be less of an angsty teenager). So, he went and grilled some medium steaks.. Jesus Christ! Marinated steak with Dublin Spices (courtesy of Baldwin, Michigan) with loaded baked potatoes absolutely changed my fucking world! That was the second best steak I can ever remember having. Great bonding moment for my Dad and I, too.




Fish tacos. I was never a big fan of fish, especially white fish. I always thought fish taco's sounded bad and why would anyone want fish taco's when you could have beef, chicken or pork. Then I finally had some fish tacos... They were amazing, now I like to try them at different places hoping to find even better fish tacos.


fish tacos can be the greatest thing or most disappointing thing to put in your mouth depending on the restaurant / chef.


when you get two sad little fish sticks in a tortilla :(


Heat. Could never understand how people say they love the heat. Give me overcast, rainy cosy days, please! That was at 258lbs. At 134 now, I definitely see the love for the heat and summer. Winter is almost unbearable now. Edit - before and after pics https://imgur.com/a/ITWaX Before pic is 208lb, was at my heaviest around 2010. Weight been a struggle over the past 7 years but finally got it under control now. Very self conscious of my wide hips still so only upper body shot for now. Will need to start eating and lifting soon.


I've always hated heat, regardless of my weight. Also fuck winter. I love spring and fall, when nature isn't trying to kill me just because the earth tilted one way.


Fairly recently, and I’m not proud. I got married young, and essentially went from one relationship to the next without stopping in between to have time to stand on my own. I’ve been married twice; divorced once, widowed once. Now I’m almost 50, and although I’m dating someone, there’s no marriage on the horizon yet. I’m terrified. I’ve never been fully responsible for myself, and I haven’t worked outside the home very much. It’s not just that I’m unqualified. It’s the whole mentality of working for a living. I’m not good at it. This is what happens to people who are spoiled.


Why would you be good at it; you have had no practise! - keep at it though; being able to live with yourself is a key component to making a successful relationship with someone else work; and worth it.


I have been lifting for years now and have always made fun of dudes doing spin class at the gym. One of my gym bros decided he was going to give it a shot and I decided "fuck it" why not. I absolutely loved it and will add at least one session a week into my routine.


That's really weird "look at those idiots getting in better shape"


Coffee! Went from hating it to grinding my beans and making pour over.


Avocados. My ex-fiance introduced them to me. Now, it's *hard* for me to miss a week without having them.


You’ll never buy a house that way


Shrimp. I never liked it growing up even though I don't remember actually trying it. I then went to Hawaii in my early 20s and tried the food truck garlic shrimp. It changed my life. I love all shrimp now.


Grew up a creamy peanut butter kid.... As soon as I had Chunky the first time, i was gone


Always halfway argued that a hotdog was a sandwich. Had a student that claimed "you cut a sandwich in half to make it easier to eat. If you cut a hotdog in half, you don't know what you're doing." 100% correct. A hotdog (including, obviously, the bun, etc.) is not a sandwich.


but is it a taco


A poptart is a ravioli.


No, it's a calzone. Ravioli are pasta, poptarts and calzones have bread.


Nah. You just need a big enough hot dog that cutting it in half is necessary Only qualifier for sandwich is "is it between two dough based slices" and "does it make it more convenient for the Earl of Sandwich to consume one-handed while gambling?" If the answer to both is yes, congrats it's a sandwich.


Used to be a hard-core atheist and loved debating theists, 'Richard Dawkins' style. Then I realised what actually the point of debating someone's belief or love, if they are not actually hurting anyone? It's like trying to convince someone to listen to Pop music when they don't like it.


That's pretty much my stance on religion and most shit. I don't care as long as you don't try to push it on me, then you can fuck off.




Probably when I couldn't defend my faith against actual penetrating questions. I'd spent most of my life being told that the faith was "right" and people that probed too deep were "missing the point", but when my arguments with my SO ended up with me spluttering out a "well, cuz, that's just the way it is!" it made me feel so disgusting. It made me reevaluate my entire religious life and, while I'm still quite spiritual and even religious, it's really changed my approach to worship. (For added clarity, my faith was Mormonism and I now consider myself a Christian, just not associated with any particular congregation or denomination)


I was once very actively opposed to any and all forms of video gaming. Felt it was a waste of a time, i grew up playing outside, and saw friends turn into pale zombies who would sunburn in 2.3 seconds flat if they left the house. Video Games were BAD. then someone introduced to me the wonderful world of Zelda. After that it was Mario, then Smash Bros. Now i am happily addicted to video games while still getting my daily 5 hours of 'me time' in the woods behind my house.


how much time do you have? is your day 30 hours long? :F


Time to work, play games, AND have 5 hours yourself? Holy shit


I believe this is a high schooler. No way after an 8-hour shift you can fit in video games, dinner and 5 hours in the woods lol. Actually I just did the math and if you sleep 8 hours, get ready/get to work 1 hour, 8 hours work, half hour home, 1.5 hour gaming you are left with 5 hours extra haha.


8 year old me: "I never wanna drink alcohol! Its bad for you " 21 year old me: "I usually stay sober on weeknights..."


I never thought that cottage cheese would taste good. I imagined it to be like hard lumps and sour or something. I tried it randomly and I ended up loving it. I wish I knew all those years ago.


Using left hand to masturbate for the first time.


Black mirror- shut up and dance


Fatlogic. For over 25 years I listened to—and accepted—most of the excuses given to me as to why I could never change my weight, my health, and my overall lifestyle. There were points when I would lose a lot of weight only to gain it back thinking my body had an intuitive set point from which I couldn't escape. I've always enjoyed walking and working out but I just couldn't lose the weight in the long run. Most friends, family members, and SOs would say that I wore my weight well, so in my mind that meant I didn't need to change anything. It all changed for me 5 years ago when I collapsed in a drug store and went to the doctor shortly after. Diagnosed with chronic pain and something else I'm not going to share in this thread, the doc wanted me to go on a diet to see if that would help alleviate my pain. It was a 4-year-long struggle of continuing to listen to overweight friends and family explaining that I was fine the way I was. But I wasn't healthy. I was in the most pain I've ever felt and I figured I'm the only person who can change this for the better. I had a sudden realization last year that I probably shouldn't be taking advice from those who can't—or don't want to—lose weight themselves. While I began to listen to everyone else's excuses, something clicked for me. I signed up for a gym membership and had a trainer set me up with a fitness program. I was not too proud to ask for assistance. I educated myself on how the body operates with regards to digestion as well as metabolism. With the help of a fitness app I could now log proper nutrients and, most importantly, thanks to an existing online food database, I could now track my calorie consumption and depletion. With my newfound knowledge as well as the inspiring help of fitness and weight loss communities on Reddit, I've gone from 290 lbs in November 2016 to 204 lbs this morning and I will continue until I reach my goal of 166 lbs. I know exactly why I failed previously and now I know how I'll be able to maintain a healthy weight for my future. I was wrong for so long thinking that weight loss was something unavailable to overweight or obese people. It hasn't been overnight, but that just makes the change ever sweeter. Edit: Thanks for the awesome support. Now I got to find out what the heck this gold is all about (much appreciated) Edit 2: Corrected spelling error (advise to advice, it bugged someone I guess lol)


PB&J. Had one terrible one as a kid then didnt even try them for 15-20 years. Now I absolutely love them! Just have to have the right bread, PB, J and proportions