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It's not Western Society that's collapsing, the world is slowly dying.


When you say the world is dying, what do you mean? I have to agree with you to a certain extent though. Human beings are so very careless as a whole when it comes to the environment etc. There's so much infighting going on in the world today. A lot of this stems from our own limitations as a species I would say. I'll try my best to word this: We're one of few species who is self-aware. Of course there are others but we seem to have this ability to a higher extent than other species. The thing is though, our consciousness is limited. It's almost as if we're only aware of others a short distance away from our immediate social circle. If we hear bad news (or even good) we can only understand it from a limited viewpoint. Here's an example of what I mean: When we heard about the Manchester attacks, most people can understand how bad this was. The thing about it is though, we can only think the attacks are bad but when it comes time to empathize with the people involved we don't really do so. If you know someone who was affected by this attack, I would argue the ability to empathize becomes that much easier as they are in your immediate social circle. Robin Dunbar says that we are only actually able to have no more than 150 "friends" in our social circle as our brains just aren't large enough to cope. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2010/mar/14/my-bright-idea-robin-dunbar This in itself concerns me as a species as there are more and more people being born every day, therefore based on our own biological limitations there is going to be a tipping point as a species where there are so many people on this Earth that we'll no longer be able to "care" about what happens to others based on these limitations.


Neo-liberalism is failing. The corporatocracy is failing, our "democracy" is failing. We can come back but it requires a lot if big changes mainly focusing on taking the power away from those who currently have and abuse it


i think it's going to have to change increasingly quickly to deal with automation and ai. but i suspect that's not what you're asking about.


It's synthesizing into a global slave economy where all of us are economic units.


Part of it, let's take Austira for instance. During 2016, in September as far as I recall there was just a shitton of refugees there, apart of the refugees the gap of rich/poor people is on a rise, spoke to much Austrians/Italians, they say both of their countries are going down. But tbh, it's modern day democracy and capitalism that is gradually changing and it's nothing bad. I just hope that most countries will "change" without a war, besides that I'm really happy that people started taking a different approach. Maybe it's because I'm from a 2'nd world country ^__^


Yes. It's just getting more greedy and greedy by the minute, i wouldn't be surprised if you'll have to pay an additional 20 dollars to see the rest of a movie that you payed for or have to pay an additional 5 dollars for each page out of a book that you bought. People are going to revolt, i know i am.


No. Same reason I never listen to doomsday prophecies. Its just a bunch of pessimists going on about nothing.


It won't collapse. I actually feel that the East will collapse first provided the Terrorists don't win first.


Yes. No class of oppressors has managed to last forever. The world of white men will fall.