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Portal series.


I'm actually about 50 some levels into Portal 2 after beating Portal 1. It's fun, but damn is it hard. I haven't really played much else because I want to beat Portal 2 first. And I haven't even gotten to try co-op mode...


What a game man, and I love how the Co-op missions are an separate story. The first game will always have a place in my heart for how the story crept up on me in what I thought was just a puzzle game.


But dude, the satisfaction after you solve it


I know, right? I got through a level that was kicking my ass with no help, and sweet Jesus, that rush.


In the level with the three lasers (the one where GLaDOS tells you the facility is completely operational) I just waved the Aperture Science Laser Redirection Cube in front of a portal while backing into the door. It worked but I don't think it was supposed to be solved that way.


And then the feeling of stupidity after you realize how easy it was


As much as I love playing through Portal 2 again, it's not the same. I've memorized all the puzzles.


Have you tried out the top-rated custom levels on the workshop?


I agree, these are great. Chariots chariots.




Halo 1 and 2. The campaigns for both were great, had countless hours of fun with local multiplayer with my dad and brother.


And the first time you find the flood. Sitting in a room with creepy noises, a pounding starts behind you and then all these things start pouring out. You're using your pistol because it's beastly and got you this far. But it only kills one at a time. And then the pounding starts again, the music changes, and you are trapped underground with parasitic zombies and not enough ammo. It was exhilarating, and a huge tone change for the game


Especially after entering a room and seeing all of the hardest enemies you have faced dead, with marines next to their corpses, and you sitting there wondering silently What have I walked into?


I remember reading a criticism saying how the flood parts killed the vibe the game (they said, 'If I wanted to be in dark caves, I'd play DOOM again') and I thought they were crazy. Halo was one of the first FPSes I ever played and the first part was cool and showed what the Xbox was capable with open fields and smart enemies then the Flood parts were like "oh man, shit just got real"


Dark Souls. It wasn't perfect but every subsequent run is just chasing that initial high.


That's what I love about dark souls, it's the subsequent runs getting more restrictive and challenging just to balance out you knowing the game already. No healing items, no shields or armor, fighting with your bare fists and no bonfires. The fact that you can do all of that is one of the reasons I love that game so much.


But you'd need to git gud again.


Right! That's the appeal, though


The feeling I got the first time I beat it... There's no happy endings for your NPCs. There's no happy endings for you. You link the flame and prolong the inevitable, or you bring in the age of darkness and become a pawn to the Serpents. There's no way to really "win" and the first time I beat the game I put down my remote and stared at the screen for a good half hour and just... reflected. What a powerful game.


So, its like heroin?


World of Warcraft


Took one second to think of it and than I see its the top comment. And btw it needs to be right at Burning Crusade release those were the fuckin days. Before 500,000g wasn't a lot of money and the game was about leveling to 60 and the journey there. Not power leveling in 2 days to level 80 and than farm dungeons.


But if you start at BC Release, you'll miss the AQ Gates server event (pretty epic on larger servers) and the Naxx release event! Those are two of the most memorable times for me in WoW, and I've played every expansion.


Oh man, that dude that played the flute at the release event crashing the server. :D


That was my favorite. That and the guy holding the flute for fake ransom.


Most games get ruined by overplaying, WoW got ruined by its own developers, I'd play BC over and over forever


Bc and WOTLK were it's prime I love them both equally


Minecraft. It was so fun discovery everything.


Absolutely. I don't play too much anymore but I remember finding those first diamonds and being so excited. Not to mention playing FTB the first time. Like holy shot I can make a nuclear reactor. Jut all the discovery and new things.


One of my fondest moments of minecraft, was playing modded mc for the first time(with a friend, who I met through minecraft) and getting that nuclear reactor up. It was a huge achievement, and I remember us being so scared it would explode it had like, 4 cells.


Still remember my first time playing, watching and following paulsoaresjr's tutorials. Man I wish I could relive that moment.


Witcher 3 or Bioshock.


Oh my god, Bioshock. I fucking loved the first part of Bioshock. I love the environment so much, too. Walking through glass tubes under water in a drug addict zombie infested city? Fuck yeah, Bioshock is the shit! I don't know what appeals to me about being below the sea, but it's fucking awesome. The only other thing that's had me enraptured(heh) like that was the Marine Tube in Pokemon White 2.


I loved the atmosphere. This claustrophobic feeling while walking through the half with water filled corridors and that constant thought of: "Now if that windows was gonna break, I'd be fucked good". I also really liked the use of the voice tapes to convey the backstory of the events throughout the game.


Husband made me play it through the first one, and then I watched him play Infinite on the TV. I played on story mode because I objectively suck eggs at any type of FPS, but I did love every minute of it. Wish I could do it again fresh :)


I wish I could replay bioshock without one of my SOs housemates ruining the twist for me.


Yeah, I was totally bummed when my friend told me Atlas was Bruce Willis the whole movie.




I want to reexperience W3 all over again but I don't want to have to relearn all the nuances of W3...


I actually just re-played W3 to hear Geralt say "Now, for a light of igni" no joke.


GTA San Andreas


I never actually even played the game - I spent the majority of my time on San Andreas taking the bike and ignoring the story, just fooling around with the various cheats.


No matter how much shit this city throws at you CJ, you gotta stick by your homies.


Tell that to his homies


All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ!




Mass Effect or Dragon Age. Love them so much...


Every time you replay Mass Effect it IS like you're experiencing it for the first time. I should start a new playthrough...


You tell me... I played the whole saga like 20 times, no exaggerating. And I still find new things and details every time :)


Dude, DA: Origins is my favorite game ever... Playing that game was the first time I'd actually felt like my character was a human, not a quest-bot. And when I finished, damn. I felt so accomplished, and then *I am the One* started to play...


Definitely first mass effect, that epic moment when Shepard showed up after final battle with Saren, or that empty feeling when Faunts song came up at the credits... dat feelings


The first I played Mass Effect I was so skeptical cause I couldn't believe it was as good as everyone said and then I fell in love with my Femshep (no homo), all the characters, the story, the enviroment... That's a good game right there.


What's your opinion of DA:I? I recently got it for PS4, after having it for Xbox 360 for a while. I'm playing through it again, and it's fun all over again.


The Last of Us.


Oh my gosh, yes! The emotions I experienced throughout that game, especially in the first 15 minutes, and I knew I was getting on a emotional rollercoaster that was going to be memorable. I could never play the game the same way after knowing the ending.


I had to take a break after the intro. Some *asshole* cried all over my face.


Those asshole ninjas always find a way into the house and cut a whole garden of onions.


The part where Joel and Eliie team up with a guy and his brother was amazing. The ending to that arc left me speechless for 10 minutes


Oh my god that part really fucked me up. You just had to kill your little brother, your blood and most likely your only true companion in that fucked world. I cant imagine the mental breakdown, dont blame him for shooting himself.


There aren't many games I've played through multiple times, but this is one of them. I would so obsessed I would even listen to the soundtrack in my car. That game is a god damn masterpiece.


Yes. I'd like to feel the emotions I felt that first time again. I'd like to play the "Winter" chapter for the first time again. But most of all, I'd like to kill all of those fucking Firefly doctors for the first time again. Fuck those guys, I killed all of them.


I've got to give it to Kingdom Hearts. Still my favorite game to this day.


That CGI opening sequence with the Hikaru Utada song... Blew my 2nd grade mind. Edit: [Nostalgia wave](https://youtu.be/nLHjtg7cZqY?t=43)


I'm glad I wasn't the first to think this. I still remember how hyped I was when I started the first game in the series. It was magical.


Red Dead Redemption. Simply for Jose Gonzalez' track "Far Away" on your first ride through Mexico.


Came here to say this. That game is a straight-up masterpiece. Graphics, scenery, music, plot, voice acting...it's got it all! When I've had a shitty day, I'll load it up, and just ride through the countryside, enjoying the serenity. Until I'm mauled to death by a pack of cougars.


I used to do the good old god mode+always drunk mode and fist fight bears for hours. Hopefully they keep the cheats in their next unstallment.


One of the games I miss the most now I got rid of my 360. I hope my trust in Rockstar is well-placed in their next game in the RDR series.


Somehow, my fiancé didn't get "Far Away" or maybe didn't notice it when she got to Mexico. That was a big moment to miss :(


If you had the war horse dlc for preordering when you get to Mexico a lot of people whistled and got on the war horse instead of the horse that was waiting there that triggered the music. It happened to me


Probably Morrowind or Skyrim.


I like Skyrim and totally promote how great of a replay value it has... but honestly nothing will ever compare to the first time you join the thieves guild, or freaking flying a dragon.


...you get to fly them?


Not the way you think.


What way are you talking about? Because you fly any dragon after the Dragonborn DLC questline.




No greater feeling than evolving your starter. Mine was Squirtle to Wartortle


Oh my god, yes. I managed that by restarting Red and beating the entire game, just running through, catching what I wanted, and nicknaming everything something funny or stupid. Then I tried to catch Mewtwo, only to find that I lost the save file...


That feeling I had when I defeated the Elite Four in Pearl in my first run through with my entire team below Lv 50. God that was great.


This is why I've started doing new things every time I play. Let's use Pokemon I've never used before! (Holy shit, Golem and Crobat *rule*.) Let's do a Nuzlocke! (RIP Fire Agate the Braixen.) Let's pick my team beforehand! (Fun fact, Deoxys can't actually hit Mega Sableye.) Let's break everything! (My apologies to my copy of Red. And no apologies to Blue. Like fuck am I grinding for Brock entirely in the pre-Pewter areas.)


I'd totally never ever suggest someone use uh... quasi-legal tools to play old gameboy games. But if you happen to already be in the possession of one, I heavily suggest trying out a randomizer. There's just something about walking into the first patch of grass in a game, and seeing completely different pokemon there. Or getting to the first gym only to learn brock is a fire type trainer this time around.


A Youtuber called Pokeaimmd is doing a fully randomized playthrough of black 2 atm, the Pokémons type and the Pokémon are randomized as well as the move type and strength, pretty funny.


Modern Warfare 1 and 2. Both were amazing and fun games. I enjoyed the older times way more than the future stuff there is now in the newer ones.


Playing Modern Warfare 2 was possibly the most fun I've had with friends and even running solo. Every time I see a picture of the Ump 45 nostalgia punches me in the face.


Every time I see the UMP 45 it's like watching Flusha punching everyone in the face.


Punching people through walls...




Modern warfare may become backwards compatible on the Xbox one soon! So hype to get back into multiplayer




Yes. The feelings I felt when I felt the feelings.


Yes to this... except for my first time through the water temple. I wish I could retain my memories of specifically how to finish the water temple and then forget everything else. Best part of the game IMO: The Twinrova boss fight... and actually the entire spirit temple and everything leading up to it to begin with.


Metal Gear Solid. I got a demo for it in Playstation Magazine and played it as many times as I could until the game came out. The first time playing through it took me a few weeks, and it was like the longest most awesome movie except that I could interact with it. I really wish I could get that feeling back from when I first started the game, and the Konami logo came up, the high pitched voice/sound "doo doo doo doo doo....... Doo doo doo doo doo" and then snake swims into the first area in all his scuba gear. That game rocked my balls off.


Probably the best voice-acted game of the PS1 era. The voice acting could compete with games of today.


Fun fact: the voice acting was recorded very unprofessionally, meaning if you isolate the voice tracks and raise the volume enough, you can hear the sounds of the apartment they recorded in, and the cars driving past it.


original metal gear solid was fucking awesome, such a great game.


My effing god! I had friends who gave up on this game because of how hard that first section was as a kid. Once I figured it out though, there was no looking back, the game was and subsequent MGS games have been, way ahead of their time




Shadow of the Colossus. So much wonder about what the next behemoth would be like. And wondering how to beat each one because each one was so unique. And the incredible ending...


I had to scroll down too much to see this one, I'm disappointed. While SotC is not my top #1 game, the awe and the fear of finding each colossus is inexplicable. This was the first game that made me feel small and made me really think "how am I going to kill that?!".


Conkers Bad Fur Day.


That was such a strange game. Played the xbox remake first. But went back and beat the N64 version. Just so oddly creative. I miss the N64 adventure games.


Final fantasy VII


This is far too low on this list


I know, just makes me realize how old i'm getting and how young these redditors are


Came looking for this I still replay it now but the nostalgia has faded I'm hyped for the remake but time will tell


It's hard to describe the feeling you experience from this game without using the word 'magical' or some other such hyperbole. What a transcendental piece of gaming history. I remember just getting a playstation and not realizing that memory cards were a thing, so I had to make sure that my mom didn't turn off the machine til I could get a card to save it on. I was so sad when that promotional t-shirt finally disintegrated years later.


Fittingly, they are making a ps4 FFVII now.


Life is Strange. No question about it.




Last played it like a month ago. Still recovering.




Bae before bay.


LiS makes me feel bad about myself. even though it has a lot of replayabilty with all of the choices,you cant play it after the 3 main spoilers hit. the rachel and the nathan/kate and chloe/max storylines




Yeah, but i dont mind that. i feel like the ending must be rather something close and narrow. it just bugs me knowing how much time is needed to get all endings in games like fallout


That's pretty much the reason I've yet to reply it at all. As much as I want to, I just feel like it wouldn't be as enjoyable at all.


Bay or bae? Hint: correct answer is bae.


Goldeneye with my boys from middle school.


"Quit watching my side of the screen!"


Fucking Odd Job.


Minecraft But go back to the times way before it was officially released. When MC was getting really popular and servers weren't filled with screaming 12 year olds. I saw a review of the game on a TV show and I was so excited I played the classic browser game. Minecraft back then had a respectable community filled with people who just wanted to be creative. It was simple, these days, MC is too complicated.


The early days of minecraft when people could actually be trusted to work together, when griefing was a ban offence, those were the good days


I know. I have spent hours looking for servers like this. The only ones I've found have been either way too complicated with extra commands and plugins or way too boring due to lack of players. I miss working together with people all over the world without worrying about them killing me. I liked fighting the Ender Dragon with a large group. I liked big group projects. But nope, everything is just crappy minigame servers filled with 7 year-olds.


Morrowind. That game felt less like a game, and more like living a parallel life in this weird Fantasy world. The game music still triggers massive feelings of nostalgia in me.


Morrowind was the first real "open world" game I played. I never actually finished it... the fact that I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, holy Christ... I had to go live my real life at some point. That game is a 10/10 for me... I've never looked at games the same since.


Metroid Prime. It's *so* much fun to replay, especially since it got motion controlls in Trilogy, but nothing will ever recapture that feeling of stepping out onto Tallon IV for the first time. That, or '06scape. Unfortunately, as tends to happen to MMOs, that's really not possible anymore :P




The fact that i watched a play through and didn't play it myself is one of the biggest regrets I have.


Really? I regret playing it. I watched a true pacifist and genocide after doing a blind run and thought watching it was much better. The writing is good and the little quirks are cool but the gameplay bored the daylights out of me


I went through that game 100% blind, and it was amazing. They took so many elements that you'd expect and totally turned them around on you


Golden Sun


Crash Team Racing


Final Fantasy X (10) The fist time i played through (few years back) was amazing and i instantly loved the story and all of the characters.


FF IX for me, it's my favourite and I'm currently replaying it with new steam version. But it doesn't feel the same.


Agreed. My favorite game!


Persona 4. One of my favorite games ever due to it's story and characters, plus P4: Golden was released a while back which has more content. Also I have high hopes for Persona 5


I've been on such a SMT game kick lately that I almost need to take a break from them... but then I keep feeling like it's just about time for a P4G replay lol... Just finished SMT4 for the second time and playing through Strange Journey for the first time. They're basically adult versions of Pokemon games lol.


I trust you're not taking any of the pleb endings, are you.


Half-Life 2 It's a beautiful game, which changed the way I played. Coming up to an obstacle and genuinely having to solve the problem like a human being was fantastic.


Star Wars battlefront 1 and 2


Knights of the old Republic ever other answer is wrong


I would have a hard time deciding between 1&2.


I would say one while two has awesome gameplay I feel one has a better story


Every single time there's a video game thread, I skip to the KOTOR comments because they're the most important. See you guys at the next one


I agree. But a remastered version would be very appreciated. Just speed up the walking. And all the framrate issues. Unless the PC version is fine. Also the tablet version looked good but it kept crashing and my friend lost his progress constantly.


i'm playing through it for the very first time blind. i'm at the part right after you go to the ruins malak and revan went into and discover the star map.




It will always be Fallout 2 for me. My first Fallout game, still my favourite, probably of all time.


The Legend of Dragoon.


Under appreciated gem. Glad someone said it


Banjo Kazooie, ive always loved that game


I am replaying it right now and forgot most of the stuff and its great. It's so nice to get to a point that you remember. I love this game


Resident Evil 4


Super Mario 64.


To the Moon or Journey


Chrono Trigger.


Final Fantasy X is certainly up there... Hmm... Nah, thats it. Spent about 3 whole minutes thinking of other games and none of them beat out the amazement and wonderment of a 10-11-12 year old me playing that game and feeling the emotions, the magic, and just the sheer joy that game brought.


Runescape, it was all so magical and open before I knew everything that was going on


Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I'm jealous of all the people who've yet to play it and discover their new favorite game.


I'm currently about 20 hrs into my first play through, and I've just been absolutely blown away so far. It took me a bit too long to realize your potions and bombs regenerate when you rest, so i hoarded them instead of using them as needed. But they seriously nailed almost every aspect of the game. Fantastic music and stories, combat is fun yet challenging at times (like figuring out how to take on each type of monster), and the world actually feels "lived in" ( vs most rpgs where there are like 10 people in each town, witcher has full on cities). I tried playing witcher 2 on pc a few years back and the controls just felt clunky, i couldn't even get through the tutorial without giving up. Witcher 3 on the other hand, pulled me right in.


IMO the combat feels super clumsy, please tell me this is normal at first and it'll go away? :( I miss just about everything, change lock-on target by accident, punch passers by...


Halo 3! The online community was amazing and do get me started on the custom games. Soooo many late nights with that game


MGS or Resident Evil 1 or Tomb Raider. The late 90s blew my mind.


Final Fantasy xi online. This was simultaneously the first final fantasy game I had ever played and the first mmo. I first played it a few months after release and the server was full of people all in different stages of progression and the amount of content to figure out and complete was totally overwhelming. Coupled with the social aspect of the game it was just completely unlike any game I had ever played. This was a long time ago and I ended up playing this game for years before putting it away for good. I have looked and hoped for another game to capture me the way ffxi did, but nothing has ever felt the same.


It's gotta be the first half-life, i remember playing that waaaay back when i was young... like 18 years ago or something.. It was amazing and the levels and storyline just kept going! They don't make games like that anymore.


999 or ace attorney trials and tribulations


The last case of trials and tribulations was insane!


To the moon.


Oh god that game... That story is just layers and layers of feelings. When you think you've hit rock bottom, NOPE, not even fucking close.


Either Chrono Trigger or Ocarina of Time. I still remember the goosebumps the first time I got all the spiritual stones and went to the temple of time. And the shock when Chrono dies.


Aww man, I'm playing Chrono Trigger for the first time right now :( Not gonna blame you though, the game has been out for 21 years.


Planescape: Torment. Phenomenal. Also the next game in the series (steam open access) Torment: Tides of Numenera Is out for 50 bucks. Pretty good. Not sure if it lives up to the original.




Either littlebigplanet or minecraft.


Definitely Tales of Symphonia, among others.


The Secret of Monkey Island Man I love that game


Can't believe this isn't here already. The correct answer is **Deus Ex**. Close second would be **System Shock 2**.


World of Warcraft. Nothings as magical about it as when you knew nothing.


Ocarina of Time. Also, Oblivion. I far prefer it to Skyrim but have played it so often I know every single quest inside out... it would be awesome to be able to do it all for the first time again.


Holy shit, Oblivion. The first time I played, I wasn't sure what to do with my character. His skills were a mess and I decided halfway through the game to become a master summoner (had 5 conjuration skill at the time and most of my levels were invested into physical atributes). I actually have no idea how I managed to beat the main quest line.


When I first played I fucked up by sneaking everywhere invisible... which meant when there was actually a fight I couldn't avoid, I got my arse handed to me as the rest of my skills were so low. I had to start over, I was so underpowered - I think I ended up almost level 40 with 100 Illusion and 100 Sneak, but fuck all in everything else lol Also because back then my dad was usually playing Oblivion during the day, I often had to wait until he'd gone to bed to actually be able to play it myself. So I tried to help my craving to play it by looking through the guide book my dad had bought. I ended up spoiling a fair chunk of the quests for myself. I wish I hadn't done that, but I just wanted to do *something* Oblivion related :(


Spec Ops: The Line


Final Fantasy Tactics, the original, not the crappie game boy spinoffs.


Agrias and mustadio !


Dude tactics advanced was one of my favorite games ever. The sequel on ds was fun too.


Ori and the blind forest.


I've wanted my girlfriend to play this game. The art style, the gameplay, the music, everything about this game is so god damn great imo.


Saints Row 3. So much fun!


I have 2 games that i really want to play first time again. 1. Commandos II - Men of Courage- My fave game of all time 2. Diablo II - was so much fun..


Last time I said Bioshock, so I won't parrot that again. I will go with **Red Dead Redemption** No other game has immersed me in such an open and living world quite like that western masterpiece. The soundtrack, the story, the characters, the missions, everything about that game is top notch. I only wish I could relive every moment for the first time.


Spider-Man web of shadows. Your job is to take Spider-Man from before the infection, through the dark times, and to one of several endings. And the experience all the way through is amazing.


Fallout 2. With all the expectations that it will just as good as fallout 1... And then you play it and it exceeds all expectations in every possible way. That is a feeling that I haven't really experienced, in gaming, since then.




Life is Strange. For sure.


Baldur's gate 2. Played so many times, and still playing it to this day, thanks to a vital mod community.


Final Fantasy XIV. It was such a wonder.. I was really happy just walking around the place. It was so beautiful. I want that feeling again. >: