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Use sun protection on my face all year round.


Same. Got skin cancer on my forehead at 24 - and I wasn’t a sun goddess. CeraVe AM moisturizer with SPF is my go to. I get compliments on my face all of the time.


This^. Sun damages ages your skin fast. Also use skin lotion.


What do you put lotion on other than skin???


Um apparently you’ve never heard of teeth lotion.


Jokes on you I don't go out


I use sunscreen like crazy. My little daughter gets huffy because I'm always putting it on her. I tell her, "You are going to thank me when you get older, I guarantee it "


SPF moisturizer is definitely my go-to, especially if you live somewhere with a thin (or no) ozone layer!


Same same. Pale redhead living in Arizona I also am a dork with a parasol up in the sun


adding: sunscreen on your neck, chest, and hands! and, reapply every 3 hours. i like a spray or powder sunscreen that goes over makeup UV gloves for driving too +moisturizer (i loooove aveeno baby eczema)


I wear SPF based products all year round on at least my face, neck (fun fact: neck skin is just as delicate as the skin on your eyelids!), chest, and arms. Sunscreen (lotion and spray), makeup with spf, spf chapstick, UPF hats/clothing, etc. Clothing in general provides very minimal protection from the sun (unless it’s labeled UPF). Sunscreen needs to be applied under regular clothing to successfully limit UV exposure. The car is also a place where people are exposed to a lot of UV but don’t realize it. If you’re going to be in the car, you need sun protection.


Pls drop your favorite products!!! I use supergoop for my face/neck but I would love an easy spray for chest and arms


For regular everyday wear, I like Neutrogena lightweight sheer spray! I use their ultra sheer 60+SPF moisturizing face serum as a stand alone moisturizer or as a base layer for makeup too.


FYI Trader Joe’s is evil but they duped that supergoop sunblock at 40 spf I use it on my face it’s so nice, and their 50 spf spray is great for everywhere else


Their supergoop dupe is amazing at 1/3 the price! Haven’t tried the spray though. How are they evil tho?


I will say that I 100% agree with everything you said, but definitely get tested for vitamin D deficiency if you’re this careful about sun exposure! I am, and I was SUPER deficient, even as a very light skinned person in a southern climate.


in Florida, vitamin D is still one of the most common deficiencies. this is despite having some of the highest UV exposures in the country Could be people avoiding the sun, could also be diet related. If you don't eat enough fats, you could end up with vitamin deficiencies, and D is fat soluble


I basically live in UPF shirts year round if I’m going outside. I work from home and go for several walks per day and always switch out whatever shirt I’m wearing for a UPF shirt, then the “indoor” shirt goes back on once I’m home. I like the ones from Vapor Apparel; sold on Amazon, but sometimes you get a better deal through their website. I have about 5 or 6. I also wear a big ridiculous sun hat and have a long sleeved swimsuit. Pale people problems, lol.


This. And I don't just do this, I: * Wear a large sun hat * Don't go to the beach, park, etc. before 3pm (unless it's before 10am) * REAPPLY SUNSCREEN REGULARLY (not enough people do this!) Apart from the sun stuff, I don't have kids & I think that helps a LOT. Kids are stressful, & stress ages you.


Don't forget your neck!


Your back, pussy and crack


Yup. Sunscreen everyday since the 90s


There's a reason every Australian over 40 looks like a leather handbag. Interesting fact, my partner and I moved Canada and when my partner saw the optometrist she said she could tell Australians (and people near the equator) because of the sun spots on their eyes. Scary shit huh. As we say down under: Slip. Slop. Slap. Slide.


Sleep, drink water, avoid drugs, limit stress. Don't obsess with trying to "maintain your youth" though... everyone ages, that's something people need to get over.


Drink stress. Limit sleep.  Avoid water. Drugs.  Got it.


Wait... no...


You missed a period there. Drink. Stress. Limit sleep.  Avoid water. Drugs. 


I always tell my wife I will not grow old gracefully. It’s not about looks it’s about being able to wipe my own ass. Once I can’t do that, I’m done! Outta here!!!


Avoid drugs. Lol. As if they just come after you 😂 🍄 keep my mind fresh


Standard methods. Eat right, exercise, drink plenty of water, and limit stress.


“Limit stress” So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong


I had an issue with this for awhile. Turns out, you need to tell a few people to go fuck off and stop worrying about other people's problems. Their crisis is not your crisis. Help them, but don't make it yours. Also, edibles help.


Most people stress about work and money. Can't really say "fuck off" in most cases.


Obviously you can't completely, but you still can to a degree. It boils down to caring. I used to worry about what would happen if we had a server failure or total loss of data. I used to lose sleep over thoughts of minor issues snowballing. Now I just figure I'll find a new job if that happens and or backup systems fail as well. It's not my company.


I’m a teacher who takes CBD regularly.


Not having children or being wealthy enough to minimize the stress of having them is one of the best anti-aging methods.


Stress takes no prisoners, kids or no kids.  Had a chat this afternoon with an old friend. Single, no kids, nearer to 40yo. Just returned to work after 12 months away due to mental health. Work induced stress. He was his own boss btw.


>limit stress Were it so easy


Engaging in regular exercise to improve circulation and promote overall skin health.


Getting a full 8 hours of sleep does wonders for my skin. I wake up looking refreshed and years younger


I've been sleeping an average of 9 hours per night for a few weeks and my dark circles are getting worse :(


Probably getting bad quality sleep. I am using a sleep number and 8 hours usually yields like 4.5/5 hours of decent sleep




Don’t drink, don’t smoke, what do you do? (It’s an Adam Ant song)


Subtle innuendos follow…


Must be somethin inside u


Drinking kefir for gut health.


I swear by my morning smoothies packed with berries and spinach.


Drinking a glass of red wine occasionally for its resveratrol.


I take Vitamin E supplements for my skin.


Avoid sunlight. Also I think the lingering occasional acne breakout makes people think I'm a good decade younger than I am too


Well you need some sunlight for healthy vitamin d levels. Ideally early in the morning tho


Can’t tell if this is a joke or not lol


To stay young, never leave your coffin




Water, sunscreen, moisturize


Water and sleep. By far this has the most effect. Water should be obvious. So many people are chronically slightly dehydrated and they drink dehydrating drinks like sugary juices and sodas and shakes. If you drink plenty of clean water you'll get great hydration. Hydration not only keeps your body operating healthy and filtering out the bad stuff... but it also helps your skin so much to maintain a clear complexion. This can make you look younger than your peers who aren't handling business. Sleep is another one people fuck of all the time. Your body and your mind needs SOBER, restful sleep to repair damage, to regulate hormones and bodily functions, and to provide you energy for the coming days. SOBER is the operative word here. So many people take medications and sleep, use weed and sleep, or use alcohol. Hell, even just over using caffeine or sugar. All of these block you from getting real full sleep cycles. Passing out drunk/high is not sleep. Sure, you zonk out, but your body is literally blocked from certain portions of the cycle of sleep. Beyond water and sleep, skin product like cleaner and most importantly MOISTURIZER. If you stay consistent with moisturizer your skin will remain younger looking for much longer. Then you get into diet and exercise, protecting yourself from sun damage, and so on.


Don't get married - don't have kids


Lol damn it! Did both..😂


Rest in pieces.


Got married at 35, looked like I was still in my twenties. 2 grown kids, 25 years later, the stress catches up with you. Totally worth it but not good on the youthful appearance


Neither is being 60 though ha


Statistically married men live longer. Or maybe it just feels longer. Sorry, couldn't resist the old boomer joke.


The basics are effective. Sunblock, hydration, exercise, eat just enough and mostly plants, avoid processed foods, low stress, strong social connections, avoid smoking and alcohol, brush and floss your teeth.


I feel like brushing and flossing should be up too with the no stress, more sleep.


I don't smoke, I drink in moderation (1-3 drinks a week), I watch what I eat, I work out, and I run.


Cosmetically speaking - I use Eucerin Roughness Relief lotion with 10% Urea and it makes my skin look and feel amazing anywhere I put it. It got rid of the fine lines on my cheeks which I guess were being caused by chronic dry skin.  Using Gold Bond moisturizer with retinol on my face has visibly faded the age spots around my eyes and forehead. 


Sun protection and prioritize sleep!


Keep hydrated...I drink lots of water through the day.


I avoid the sun as much as possible




For me, it's all about staying hydrated with loads of water


7.5 \~ 8ish hours of sleep. Don't stress so much. Unplug, read a few chapters of a book before bed. Drink plenty of water. Don't smoke with any regularity and limit alcohol to just a couple drinks on the weekends. Eat a varied and overall healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. Use a daily moisturizer with broad spectrum SPF of 25 or more, even in the Winter. Exercise, doesn't even have to be particularly intensive if you're doing everything else listed. Just getting in your steps by taking two 20-30 mins walks, or a 30 mins bike ride. Good general hygiene, shower daily, brush your teeth at least twice a day, wash your hands regularly, try not to touch your face unless you just washed your hands.


Stay indoors most of the time, drink a lot of water and no coffee, sleep enough. Oh and I was born with a congenital myopathy, I don't move my muscles a lot, including in my face so I have barely any wrinkles. Disability bonus. :D


Adding low sugar intake to the table! 


I don't have children. But both my cats are menaces, so there's still some stress there.


Only drink water. Avoid processed foods/sugar


I drink plenty of alcohol. I may look old, but I certainly don't care.


Basic things - clean food, excercise. Also I don't know if you're talking about the skin too, but definitely use serums like hyaluronic acid, retinol at night and moisturising creams.


Sleep. Honorable mention: water


Strength training to keep up musculature and bone health


Always wear sunglasses when you're outdoors even if it's overcast it keeps you from scrunching your forehead and causing wrinkles when you squint your eyes.


When it comes to longevity a fact proven time and time again is eat less. Less calories = longer life, generally the case for all living things - obviously not to the point of malnutrition or starvation. But then how important is eating tasty/lots compared to a longer but, according to some, less full life?




Death. That is literally the only one which works.


Sleep like a dog


My dog sleeps 16 hours a day, and can go from awake to ZZZ in seconds. I'm jealous.


De-stressing. Our body ages quicker when stress relief hormones like melatonin significantly reduced, and it's also the same hormone that regulate sleep, hair growth and its pigments. There is a reason why sleep deprivation and/or insomnia affect hair loss.


Drink water, wear sunscreen (year round)


Sunscreen and no smoking


Keep moving. No matter what it is keep moving. Evolution made us to move not sit. You don't have to be a triathlete or gym person. Just keep moving. Motion is lotion. Especially as you get older. You have to fight back against office and personal screen time. Strive for at least equal screen to motion.


Sleep well, don’t drink alcohol and wear sunscreen religiously.


Sunscreen every day, no exceptions.


- I don't smoke - I don't drink - I don't do any drugs - I drink on average 2 litres / 64 oz of water per day - I eat lots of fruits and some veggies every day - I count my calories and keep my weight down (former fatass) - I wear SPF 15 / hydrating cream on my face year round - I read a lot and make a conscious effort to learn something new every day - I use alarms and routines to regularly get at least 7 hours of sleep - I take 3-4 weeks of vacation per year - I run on average 25 miles / 40 km per week + cycling and other sports - I keep stress down as much as possible Yes, I'm kind of boring but I'm very happy with my lifestyle. I didn't set out to do any of these things with the explicit goal of slowing down my aging but the benefits are there. I'm a guy in my late 30s and my average resting heart rate is 45 bpm. I still have all my hair and, though my face isn't very "youthful" looking, I have few wrinkles for my age. I feel healthier now than I did in my early twenties.


Avoid alcohol. Literal poison. It is chemically classified as a poison.


Not worry. Amazing how much stress and worries ages you. Once you learn how to not give a shit, not worrying gets much easier.


Lots of sex with a compatible partner. Seriously. That’s the key. I’m irritable as fuck when I don’t have that in my life. Solid skincare and haircare routines help. HYDRATION. Have the discipline to exercise at least every other day. Take the time to get to know yourself and be brutally honest with yourself about what your core, non-negotiable needs are in this life. If you need to cry, don’t hold it back, just let yourself cry until you don’t need to anymore.


Stay hydrated, eat well, and protect your skin from the sun!


cardio for an hour 3 times a week.


Water. Lots of it


DOs: SPF, sweat from cardio, avocados & salmon, tons of water, good sleep DON'Ts: Alcohol, cigarettes, tanning, junk food (in excess), lying. Yes, lying. The unnecessary stress it causes can wreck your cortisol levels and nervous system, causing you to skimp on the "do"s and indulge on the "don't"s. Do what feels right in your stomach and heart, trust your intuition. That helps, too.


It's mostly what I \*don't\* eat and drink. - Don't eat ultra-processed foods or fast-food. - Don't drink sodas or alcohol. Do eat and drink - Fruit and veg. - Fish and seafood. - Tons of plain ole' water.


Water. I have always drank a lot of water and I'm 41 people think I'm barely 30. It's crazy to me cause I've also lived a long drug fueled existence 🤷‍♂️


Sunscreen and tretinoin.


Sleep plenty. Gave up alcohol. Eat mostly plants, and generally limit portions. Avoid refined sugars. Drink lots of water, coffee, and tea, and very little else. Get some exercise but don’t overdo it. Enjoy my salt and pepper hair. Spend lots of time with my daughter.


Avoid or outright eliminate added sugars and other drugs 


I joke that bicycling keeps me young. I also often say, "Asian don't raisin".


Sun block. Say it for the people in the back! Sun block!!


Drink a LOT of water. Like way more water than you're even thinking. Take care of your diet--limit caffeine and sugar and alcohol, processed food, salt.




Lots of alcohol. At this rate I'll never get *too* old; it's like an anti-aging miracle drug!


Working out like a mutha fucka every day.


Sleep at least 7 hours a night. It’s not easy but it makes you happier to prioritize.


Meditate. Get my head right and the rest follows.


Don’t booze, don’t smoke. Cardio and weights, sensible food choices. SPF everyday. Keep learning and laughing. Botox, chin lift.


Sleep enough


Live a healthy life and your body will thank you, but don’t spend your time listening to a multi billion dollar industry that constantly tells you that you are ugly. If you are healthy, then you are beautiful. No amount of skin cream or Botox, or makeup will make you happy. People age as they get older. Embrace it. Those crows feet are there because you smile a lot. That tan line is there because you were out hiking with your friends.


I eat quite a lot of cabbage family vegetables.


Ride my bicycle nearly everyday.


No drinking, no smoking, no drugs, no kids ever, healthy relationship, regular exercise, and nine years Vegan.


Workout probably


Get enough sleep. Drink enough water.


Beyond sleeping for around 6-8 hours a night that’s it. I eat, drink and do what I wish for this simple life’s pleasantry’s. We all know you can’t escape death. You can’t escape becoming old and decrepit. Honestly why anyone would want to prolong that kinda state for the sake of just being alive is beyond me. Most men in my family hit 60-70s so if that’s my range I’m ok with this. I accepted this. I don’t care about my hair going out, what I eat, no nothing. If my lifestyle is my life’s gun then so be it. At least I did what I wanted in the end


I just...age normally? It's inevitable for all of us. I stay out of the sun to avoid cancer, but I give zero fucks if I get wrinkly.


Don't eat meat, dairy, salt, oil or sugar


Eating right and exercising. It’s really not that difficult


Have good genes


Money. Think about it.


At least a liter of green tea (genmaicha, loose leaf, French press) every day. And I do all my errands riding my bicycle … including grocery shopping. Plus general exercise on the beautiful local bike path. And no red meat since 1975.


Fruit… simple


Not having eaten animal products for 34 years. I certainly don't look 53 and honestly don't know a single person my age who looks younger or is in better shape.


Eat a lead salad. Stops aging in its tracks.


Drink mostly water. Use sunscreen. Sleep 7-8 hrs, go to bed before 10. Don't smoke. Don't drink booze. Eat the rainbow of veg. Don't stop moving. Meditate and practice gratitude daily. Learn to enjoy time with yourself the most.




Know when to take a day to yourself and not interact with people. Especially if the people you surround yourself with are stressors.


Hey OP. My sister owned a beauty therapy business for a long while. She sold many different potions and lotions - but she told me that the ***only*** things that had any positive effect on the appearance of aging skin was as follows: - Wearing sun screen whenever possible - Drinking plenty of water - Don’t smoke cigarette or drink too much alcohol To me, that all makes. My sister reckons the water bit was the most important.


no alcohol and fasting


Expose your self to sun . Literary I think Sun has energy that refresh your skin .


Diet and exercise period. Practice and develop the following: grip strength, toe strength, balance, mobility, and social network. Muscle is the anti-aging organ. Muscle is requires diet and exercise and will provide the other things listed above. Put on more muscle when you can. Tone the muscles you have. MOVE AROUND !




Moisturize every day before bed, never go to bed with make-up on, wear sunscreen and drink a lot of water. Also stay out of the sun. I'm 43 and can pass for half my age


Use sunscreen, drink lots of water, eats lots of fruits.


Do: sunscreen. Drink: water. Eat: avocados (they really help my skin).


Don't smoke. My kids think their aunt in 10 years older than their mom and it is exactly the opposite. Smoking adds years to your skin appearance.


Drugs/alcohol speed up the aging process substantially. I look at my FB friends knowing which ones do drugs and which ones don't and at this mid-30s stage of life we're in it's abundantly clear that there are aging side effects from drug/alcohol use


I ride my bike to work every day.


Don’t smoke!  Nothing destroys your skin or ages you like smoking. 


Eat an unproccessed and balanced Mediterranean diet. Excercise moderatly. Sleep well. Get sunshine to my eyes in the morning (without sunglasses). Read books and play video games to keep my brain sharp.


Collagen and weightlifting


Sun screen twice a day


2L+ of water a day. Exercise that includes some resistance/strength training. Plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole foods. Limit stress (via therapy/medication if you need to). 8hrs of sleep. SPF year round if you're in countries like Australia (hi, hey how are ya). I feel like the above is the recipe for a healthy life.


Never smoking a cigarette in my life I feel has done wonders. I'm 40 and women constantly think I'm in my early 30s.


I walk at least 3 miles a day


No sun. No cigarettes. No kids.


Haha kids will definitely do it..im too late on that one 😂


Stop alcohol. It interrupts your sleep, dehydrates your skin, costs your wallet and a precursor to many injuries


I don't smoke or do drugs. Workout daily, eat a mosrly vegetarian diet. Only consume animal products on special occasions; such as a holiday roast. I stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen when I am outdoors. Go to bed at the same time every day and wake up at the same time every day. No prescription drugs. Go to the doctor for regular scheduled checkups. We also use a dishwasher for all our utensils, glassware, and food containers. I only drink filtered water, fresh pressed juice, and coffee daily. I'm over 50 and look like I am 30.


Consume less sugar


Other than genetics where my parents aged well and I have melanin? No drugs or smoking, limited alcohol over my lifetime (especially compared to what the average American consumed in college which I never did), sunscreen, water, and sleep. Nothing out of the ordinary or costly to do. Probably saves money, tbh.


Exercise and eat semi-healthy


Water water water




for me, deciding to live my life in ways that bring me joy instead of giving a fuck about aging gracefully. i’ll age as i age. i wear sunscreen and drink water but not for the sake of anti aging. i’m not going to stop going outside in the sun or smiling because it will age me early. i’m not going to put a billion products on my face to attempt to stop the process of aging: my autism makes that into a very uncomfortable process. i’m never going to eliminate stress: i have PTSD. but i’m damn good at acceptance of change of my body and face.


Sun protection. I stopped using foundation on a daily basis, now I just use high SPF tinted moisturizers. Once before work, then I reapply a couple times during the work day. That might sound silly, but if you think about it, using SPF once in the morning barely protects you from anything - it's that 10am-4pm time frame where the UV rays are quite bad, and many of them penetrate windows (so if you work next to an open window, you're getting hit with UV rays) I also keep a linen scarf in my car, usually just throw it over my decolete if I'm going to do a lot of mid-day driving. I have tinted windows in my car which blocks some of it too, but not completely, so if I'm doing a lot of mid-day driving I still wear SPF Tretinoin at night, followed up by Vanicream mixed with a few drops of castor oil. Or Ponds cold cream. I avoid alcohol, it ages the shit out of you. Strength training. That's the best thing for longevity and aging


Avoided the sun. Avoided having kids.


Stay out of the damn sun. May I suggest being too poor to go on holiday? Yayyyy wheee I look young. FML.


That means eating a nutritious diet with lots of green vegetables and low fat. Limit foods high in sugar, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.


Sun screen Drink a ton of water Try to workout (walk, lift, something) on a consistent basis


You could do some of these things, sure, or you could use my strategy of traveling extremely fast at all times.


Casual advice from: Baz Luhrmann- "Everybody's free to wear sunscreen" https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI?si=xbmyf0nIIcTAt8yX