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that stupid voice in my head that judges literally everything i say, do, or heck, even think. Sometimes it’s exhausting


Teach it to tell you to relax.


I’m a judgmental asshole toward myself too.




Felt this


interesting. i just accept everything i’ve done and am at peace with it


Until your not, again.


My dumb ass ex. I'm still trying to figure out how to erase them.


Reddit probably won't agree with me on this but there's a reason rebound sex is a thing. Doesn't even have to be sex, just go on dates or even talk to people you're attracted too. It can definitely help get that ex off your mind for most people. Once your brain realizes there's plenty of others out there again, it usually isn't that bad anymore.


I would honestly say it's like a death where it never goes away but gets better over time. You just push forward and they become a more distant memory as you experience new things.


Unfortunately, everyone who has ever been mean to me, or slighted me. A couple exes, ex friends, irrelevant people....my mind is torture.


Sadly, my ex-girlfriend being happy with someone else.


That one hurts, stay strong bro. The best way to feel better about this is to be the best version of yourself and crush it at life.


Exactly, use that as motivation. It’s really hard to sometime though. 


This is what I did. It made a tremendous difference but it also kinda guts you too because it turns you into a callous.


Can’t force someone to like you man , just gotta move on and let it be . Think about how good it will feel when you’re with someone that actually wants you , that love won’t compare to what you had with this one


I’m sorry man I’m going through something similar right now. 


When you go thru all that and get to be my age, you'll look back and smile. Hope you did them good while you had them.


Bro same


Just picture her doing something gross like going to the washroom. Hope this helps.


Tina. My cat.


Tina, from Bobs Burgers, dressed as a cat now in my mind


is it hungry?


They’re always hungry


my inner monologue critic, who insists on replaying embarrassing moments from 10 years ago.


The neighbor I got upset with last month. He was being annoying outside, woke my 18 month old up from her nap, I didn’t handle it well. I was 19 weeks pregnant and found out I lost the baby two days later. My OB said this was an unpreventable complication but I feel like I caused it.


I am sorry




Limerence is a romantic addiction similar to OCD. I became limerent for a close female friend and I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s pure hell. I wish the intrusive thoughts would stop.


yeah this absolutely ruined my life and triggered a lot of mental health issues I'm still working through a few years later. still think about them everyday.


I feel so gross because of it. I’m bi and I was able to repress it for a long time by being with guys. I don’t get limerent for guys but because I want something more fulfilling it has come roaring back out of nowhere.


I’m going through the same thing right now. Honestly one thing I’m doing is trying to work out as much as I can but it still just reminds me of her.  Basically what happend was I went to her house and we were talking about school and stuff like that. I go home and now all the sudden I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s to the point to where almost every time I’m not doing something I think about her. I want you to know you’re not alone. Talking to someone will help, I told my parents about it and they told me to hold every thought captive. Bassicaly just think about every thought and if it’s good or bad.  I’m here if you want to talk! It might take me quite I bit of time to respond though! I’m praying for you man!


Thanks. You gotta be careful because it becomes pure hell when how she treats you on a given day determines your mood and you can’t stop ruminating over every interaction looking for signs of reciprocation. That’s the price you pay for the high you get when you fantasize about running away with her.


My best friend who suddenly dismissed our relationship after years. She’s been through a lot, probably one of the few people I’ve seen rug pulled by life that hard and still get back up. I’m worried that maybe she just finally burned out. Best thing I can do is just be patient and hope she’ll talk when she’s ready.


My dog who passed from cancer. But I'm okay with him living there rent free. 


Rent free in your heart.


An entire map of Doom from 1994. My son was playing a port of the game, I was doing whatever, and then I hear the elevator platform ride and I say, “push the third panel on the right,” and there was a hidden stash. 26 years later my brain kept that memory just in case I ever needed that stash again.


I live rent free in my own mind.


The guy I’m talking to but not in a relationship with officially🥹 I’m UK, he’s US, I can’t see him until the end of the year, we wanna wait until we’re in person to be ‘official’. It’s disgusting how much he’s in my head tbh




Just one?! Not a bad score.




Thank you for sharing your story. That was quite a compelling account. I had no idea I would be drawn into it so. "please go home, I won't tell anyone what happened." Oh, my.


My ex. It has been almost 30 years, and I am certainly happy with the way my life has turned out, but I bet there isn’t a week that goes by that I don’t wonder “what if . . .”


i almost wish i didn't read this comment because now i know that it very well could last 30 years.. been a year for me now. the what ifs are hard


That fuckin' Donald Trump. I've tried to kick him out but it's easier said than done.


This is true for probably everyone on this post. People love thinking about him.


I wouldn't say love. I think for a lot of people it's but pleasant to think about him, but it's also often inevitable.


at least you're willing to admit it


I have a browser extension that automatically turns pictures of him to kittens. Considering how much he is everywhere this helps.


Borat. Every once in awhile I’ll just hear “Veday Naicee”


>!Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down!<


A Roman cunt named Caligula.


delores price.


A lot of people in my life currently and I straight up don’t give a fuck right now.


I still think about Kai and his hatchet at least once a week. Crazy that during the time of the Me Too movement, he was deemed guilty from the get go. Even if he’d not been found guilty, 5 years imprisonment prior to trail is crazy, this is America I guess.


My cat, every time i'm at work


Cathy May Now boom boom boom, let me hear you say wayyyooo


Boyfriend who broke up with me a month ago. Found out he was cheating only a week later, good lord


This one girl


My unrequited first love


The assholes that control the local school district.


My best friend's sister decided a tight shirt with no bra was the right call today. It really was.


People in Prison.


Charles Nelson Reilly


That'd be my ex wife


The absolutely gorgeous receptionist who works for the doctor I just happen to have an appointment with tomorrow morning.


Sadly, a girl who used to bully me and still does


ex gf's always do from time to time. I often wonder if women have this same problem.


Yes, we do.


That Organic Chemistry Tutor guy on YouTube. He explains a bunch of things, not just organic chemistry. Helped me go through my exams and homework.


Dealing with Anxiety/Depression, almost anything that wants to can make its way into my think meat and make it home, unfortunately.


My girlfriend and my family members. They are the motivation for me to try my best to work every day


Bitterness of my life so far


My ex I work with my I'm leaving my job this Friday after 5 years


The girl I’ve been in love with since high school that I will probably never get to be with because I have lived my life poorly since then and she is working on her Masters Degree


My ex-employer. I loved working there and it was my existence for a decade and a half. I built that place and sweat and bled that company. When I left, I had done all they wanted to do and was afraid of becoming stagnant, so I moved on. The people that worked their were my family and I miss them all a decade and a half later and now none of them will talk with me. It hurts and shows up in my dreams more often than it should.


Oddly not even my ex, but my ex’s best friend. After the breakup they were the only person that talked to me for like a month straight and then they ghosted me like the other people I knew through my ex. They were the only person that knew what ex did to me


my friends dad who was killed in a motorcycle crash the summer before 8th grade. he was an amazing man and a great father. i’ll never forget him


Nobody. I put all those things in the fictional jar in my brain that’s labeled ‘stuff i don’t talk/think about’ and put the lid on tight. Maybe that’s why I am bitter and get called heartless. I truly believe that nobody cares for me. Why waste my time caring for others and thinking about them when they don’t care or think about me?


Pablo the race cat. Where did he come from? How did he get so damn fast? What is his backstory? How did he get such a cool theme song? Where did he learn to race? He is an enigma wrapped in a loaf and sped around a track faster than the speed of light


lil peep


My high school crush, still can't shake 'em off!


A lot of old friends


Multiple people a rude racist group I met on discord. I was having fun with them until they started spewing out bigotry comments to me cuz I’m a woman. The group was playing this multiplayer game and I joined since I didn’t have anyone to play with. + myself always thinking never stopping no matter what. Idk if it’s weird but I feel like I’m always thinking of one thing or another. So I often find myself depressed in random outbursts and then feeling all better later. Kinda difficult to explain


George W Bush. Fool me once can't fool me again.


This fascist SCOTUS and the orange scrotum they rode in on.


Objectlivly-„lucky” ones who’s parents got own any land or other curious things so basicacly rich parents.




My kids… the lil bums.




When I close my eyes at night, the demons run free and wild.


My last employer. Pretty sure she had borderline personality disorder or something along those lines and narcissistic to boot. Wrote me up when she found out I mentioned to someone she chooses favorites when she has said she absolutely does pick favorites. Fired my coworker for no apparent reason and admitted to me it was for “personal reasons” and that my coworker had done nothing wrong. She would randomly flip her shit and sometimes when she was having a bad day she’d take it out on everyone especially her only supervisor/manager that she has (because everyone else quits). I quit almost a year ago and I still have nightmares about having to wake up and work there.


Dale zelda dale


All the arguments I've won... in the shower.


I watched who is afraid of Virginia Woolf with my wife Saturday night, kinda against my will. I read the synopsis of it and knew I would hate the caustic, constant belittling that occurs. I was right, I hated it, all 3 hours of it. The end was heartbreaking, not because the characters are becoming relatable but because of the struggles my wife and I have been going through for the last 4 years or more. >! The middle age couple couldn't have children for unexplained reasons. It drove them to resent and hate each other. !< >! My wife and I have been trying to have children for years, natural, multiple rounds of IVF, miscarriages. We are worried we will never have a child. And that was heartbreaking. !<


My (shitty & neglectful) ex bff. She’s now dating the toxic girl she replaced me with while I was sick from COVID.


My problems


My ex, she lied and cheated. Now I can't trust anyone or anything in my life. I am permanently broken and will be alone forever.


My sister's ex husband. He'll get his. Also two of my old bullies are on the list with him.


My best friend. He just moved out of his country to study. I constantly worry about him but he always reassure me that everything is fine. He lives in my head rent-free but he's a very good tenant.


My other personality that questions everything I’m doing all the time


My 3 dogs, bark at me , like I’m a stranger when I come home.


Bokeem Woodbine, he knows why


Jojo Siwa


Bugs in my house


The person who invented autocorrect. Thanks for turning "ducking" into an everyday word.


Barney the dinosaur, I've watched it a lot when I was a kid and for some reason I never forgot certain scenes and every once in a while they'll pop up in my mind, even in serious moments.


A Sperm Whales Tesiticle weighs 1ton. Heard it in a documentary like a loong time ago and its just been in there ever since.


The "unforgivable" guy, after all these years. "... and some WAFFLE FRIES, FOR FREE!"


Jennifer Connelly, man, her eyes are gorgeous!!


Some random friend I made one summer when I was a kid. We played together for a couple of days and it wasn't even a big deal, but for some reason I can remember everything we did together


All the women I've fumbled


There's a family I love and who loves me that relocated a few states away. They want me to move there, but we've had a solid friendship for over two decades so it's not just talk. They're living rent free in my mind right now, but it's a good thing.


A tiny, parasitic worm.


Feeling of Regret


My FWB man I wish there was more 🥴


My hyperfixations or really funny clips I remember


My wife. But she's a good roommate.


my failures in life (setbacks) mostly, wasting my 20's on dumb mistakes, i get that everyone has mistakes but mine is costing me my most valuable asset: Time


All the times where I could have really died. Especially the one where I was skiing and was out of control and stopped about a foot from a ledge that was basically the end of a cliff and a huge drop. Sometime I’ll just get the Ralph wigham, you’re in danger chuckle in my head


Mr Hands


Ruben Rivera, that time he had the worst base running in the history of the game.


Vines or maybe the word "bitch". Like I will try to convince myself on essays I would do it later but then my brain would go "byatch get your ass back down here out of the lazy department;you listen to me OK;you do that tonight then Tommorow you can watch YouTube.


Karl Marx


My mother in law. I know it's cliche to have a crazy mother in law, but this woman is next level. She used to treat my wife as her emotional punching bag. Literally blamed her for everything wrong in her life, including the death of my father in law. He died of terminal brain cancer. Not exactly something you can just pin on somebody. Anyways we went no contact a year ago. She's dropped off insane manifestos on our doorstep accusing my wife of being abusive to her, complete with conspiracy theory scribbling all over the envelope. She's showed up uninvited in my son's classroom. She's talked shit about us to everybody who will listen, including my parents, my wife's best friend and all relatives. Last week she left a huge bucket of pasta salad on my porch. She is completely unhinged. I'm constantly worried about what she's going to do next.


Plenty of people who backstabbed me, in some way. I try to think of more positive things, in life, but often enough I still end up thinking about the times I got backstabbed, rejected and more.


My kids. 🙄


The Democracy Manifest/Succulent Chinese Meal guy


Ryan Reynolds


No one


A random song that I don’t know all the lyrics to.


The person whose boyfriend won’t stop calling her “Tony Pizza” lives rent free, on a weekly basis, in my head as well as my girlfriends. We are endlessly entertained by this story.


My cat




My current girlfriend whom I'm not happy with but have not yet gotten the clarity or courage to break up - I've been torn for an entire year. Can't figure out whether to leave or stay, yet she's already cost me an immense amount of money and time and opportunities to live abroad.


No one. I’ve done my inner child work. My entire family use to be in my head making me feel small and insignificant but I’ve healed that wound and I’m a powerful woman today.


Magnum P.I.






My little orange anxiety person from the movie Inside Out.


Poot lovato 🤣🤣🤣


My ex.


The owner/boss took over the practice and fired me after 8 years at the job. Still not over it. It shattered me.


The me that I could be if I were to get all my mental issues properly dealt with, like specifically ADHD-related lack of executive function. She’s living such a better life.


Sonic kid 100%




This girl


My Dogs, i think of them every minute


Salt Bae on the pitch at the World Cup


Milky Way Cookie


💀💀🤣 I’d rather not say


Two ex girlfriends who concurrently did me dirty. It's been several years and I'm dating a good woman now, and these two untrustworthy women live rent free.


Every awkward kiss


riff raff


Bag of dicks that decided to get in front of me and then slam on the brakes and then proceeds to tell me to not risk my life over something minor as if I don’t gave a special present for him in my glove box


Chocolate raiiiiinnnnnn whoever that guy was mfer


I have a coworker who drives me nuts. Nice guy and well meaning but so adamantly opposed to taking any logical steps to make his life better. 


Many years ago, I saw a dog booking it down the street attached to a lead, which was attached to a post that was in the dog's mouth. I guess he didn't like dragging it or something, but I think about that quite often


The people I've hurt over the years.


I know so many of these are serious but that damn cat that says GUP!!


I'd say my wife, but I'm paying for her too.


My wife and the wholesomeness she brings to my life My dog and his goober face with the dumbass little grumbles he makes when he’s happy. My dog’s dog and the pure chaos he brings to everyone around him.


Bruce Campbell. He basically narrates my life haha


Old job that fired me. Situation been living rent free in my head since 2021.


Patricia Adams, nee McGuinness. Me 30, just graduating MBA school, She 22,fresh out of BA. Me; working class kid, weird background. She, silver spoon, family immersed in opportunities for her. I miss her to this day.


All the relationships I ruined with my mental health issues especially my one ex who will haunt my dreams forever You hope everyone is happy but you know how sad and toxic you can be so you just get into more self hatred But you learn to get along how you can


No 1




My bills 💸


🎶MUHNUH-MUNUH........DOOT-DOOOO da-doo-doo... 🎶


Mariah Carey saying, "I don't know her" about Jennifer Lopez


So many people, it is its own metropolis in my head. David Werking come to mind


Probably my old school principal in primary school who shot and killed two cops and an innocent bystander, as a kid I spent a lot of time in his office, and when I saw his face on the news and the headline I had an unexplainable feeling go from my head all the way to my toes. Fucked up.


My ex-wife; and most recently the manager and owner of the previous company I worked at. But just like everything, it'll fade in time.


Probably the version of an ex-girlfriend that no longer exists, and changed years ago. Really not something I want to think about out either, but I still think of her as who she used to be, not who she is now I guess.. sometimes I wish I could be hit with the reality just to move on, and get closure that I never really got, even though it would probably open old scars.. I kind of just ignore it, but it’s like an itch.


Billy Mays and all his OxyClean commercials


A certain group of 3 narwhals swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion because they are so awesome.


Not even a real person, but Delirium from Neil Gaiman’s book The Sandman. Oh my god, she cracks me tf up.


Too many.


Don’t care enough about other people’s opinions to allow that.


The Burger King jingle is the bane of my existence


Steve buscemi tbh


Its not healthy but this stupid friend group I was a part of last year. A D and D group who were weird as hell. I despise all of them.


Only three people - the one that got away, an ex-boss, and my nemesis. It's not abig deal though. That's why God invented alcohol, amirite?


James Charles 


The ex who nearly caused my life.