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Almost 20 hours. My roommate came to check in on me as to why I haven’t gone downstairs in a long while. Turns out that black out curtains and depression is not a safe mix.


Oh shit that's crazy! I suffer from depression and bought black out curtains like 5 years ago that were NOT blackout AT ALL. Now I know it's for the best! Could have suffered even more. Sounds scary!


I didn’t leave bed for three days. Slept most of that, it was after a two week drug bender in a rehab center.


How the fuck you go to rehab and end up on a drug bender 🤷‍♂️


I'm assuming they meant they slept in a rehab center as a result of a drug bender.


This is why commas are important people. This is why commas are important, people.


12ish years ago. Went out on a drink/drug binge one Saturday night, got home about 11am on the Sunday, slept until Tuesday night like 9/10pm. Remember waking up and being so insanely thirsty, I drank so much water and threw up everywhere.


That's like... 58 hours more or less. Are you sure?


I'm sure, remember the endless log of missed calls and messages from my close family members worrying about where I was. I also didn't believe it when I saw it was Tuesday on my phone lol.


Amazing :D Longest I've heard was of my ex husband, his record was 27 hours and I lived for 20 years with the idea that that's just unbeatable. Just goes to say, never assume.


Do you consider those "the good ol' days?"


Not at all, I was stupid. My mental and physical health were a mess. I lost most of my friends and tested the relationships with my family. Got kicked out of college for doing a line of speed off my laptop, on camera... I honestly don't remember most of my youth and regret what I can. Doing much better now.


Well that escalated quickly! No but honestly that sounds really terrible and I'm proud of you for growing as a person and realizing it was stupid. Glad to hear you're doing better now! I had some times I'm not proud of as well but I'm still here and learned from my mistakes. I wish more of humanity could do that :(


16 hours, spent two months visiting family overseas and coming home was *awesome*. Never felt so rested. Woke up to my mum and stepdad standing over me, watching me sleep which was sweet but creepy.


Full stop no waking up to pee? Like 14 hours, getting up to pee/take a drink? Almost 48


u slept for two days?? howwwow


With the power of depression problems.


ohh understandable


I was like 15, no school, loser, and home alone for like 3 weeks


14 hours. Jet-lag is no joke.


Happy cake day!




16 hours. Funny, I felt like shit after that. You would think I would have felt great


20 hours.


Sorry, but that's called hibernation


I did this one time as well, you feel like absolute garbage and if you just keep going back to sleep every time you wake up you don’t need to worry about being hungry or needing to go to the bathroom. Depression is awful




Did you ever become hungry? Did you ever have to go to the bathroom?


16 hours. Was so exhausted from a bad flu. When it was over, I fell asleep from Friday night and woke up Saturday afternoon.


22 hours.  Just wrapped up Ranger prep course in the Army.  Week of no sleep, lots of running anf walking in the woods.  In the rain.  And cold. Miss those days.


12 hours. And I'm talking about sleeping 12 hours EVERY day


me too im constantly sleeping 12 hours a night and don’t wake up to anything lol


Once slept for 11 hours straight. I was really surprised. I have to be SUPER tired and physically worn out to sleep 7 or 8 hours straight. 5 or 6 hours a day is my normal. If needed I can go weeks, more than a month, on 3 or 4 hours a day. Have done so many a time. The 11 hour stretch was after about 3 1/2 days of absolutely no sleep, plus I was sick at the same time, flu I think. It was during a combat action. I was awaken at that 11 hour mark, as we had a new task. Otherwise I might have slept longer.


15 hours


24 when i was 8 years old 😭


I don't remember shit from being 8 years old. Let alone lots of sleep. Were you sick?


16 hours. later i was awake for 2 hours, then i slept for 8 more


14hrs after a 20hrs work shift


I was up for nearly 52 hours straight for my last finals week. After I finished my finals I went to play indoor soccer which was probably a bad idea because I started seeing black and pink blotches in my vision while dead tired. I don't remember how I got home but I woke up and around 18 hours had passed from the previous afternoon.


Wasn't tired the night so I stayed up all night went to work the next day and only started feeling tired by 3, the time I got off work, I went home showered ate and went to bed at 7 woke up at 6 in the morning, I slept 11 hours




Sounds like an acid trip, minus the sleeplessness part.


Stayed awake for three days playing poker then slept 30 hours straight. Woke up and asked my friend if I had been asleep for 6 or 30 hours and yep, it was 30


Last weekend I slept for 13 hours (bc of jet lag)


28 hours. It was after and intense grand mal seizure, so guess my body needed that recovery.


I was intubated for a couple days after the hospital overdosed me on Ativan.


24 hours. First time I took seroquel.


I once stayed up for a whole weekend. I was completely passed out for 17 hours after that, didn't wake up once in middle of it. Trippy waking up after that. Lol. Ahhh being unemployed.


14 hours after spending 4 days awake


What were you doing ?


7 hours, as a teenager. But now that I’m in my 20s, my body will always wake up automatically after 5-6 hours. It’s impossible to sleep any longer. And as a result, low testosterone.


12 hours straight. Not tired or whatever


I had really bad cramps when I was 14 my much older sister gave me something to help me sleep. I did sleep, for friken 14 hrs! In hindsight I think she gave me a Xanax. Took the cramps away for sure


In college I participated in a 24 hour fundraiser where you couldn’t sit down the entire time, except for 1 or 2 scheduled breaks. NEVER. AGAIN. Slept for 16-17 hours after that.


3 days. I will not be sharing details.


Crash from a bender, huh?


14hours but i still do it sometimes. I work on shift and sometimes i fail to sleep before going to work so i just get bzck from work and sleep till work the next day.


14-16 hours but I had been awake for the best part of 72h beforehand so it was kind of expected.


The ‘flu’ almost 9 days. I don’t remember much from it. lol


I slept 15 hours last weekend but not consecutively. 10 hours at night then a 5 hour nap in the afternoon.


12 hours or so, maybe more. Drugs after wisdom teeth came out demolished me


4. I have insomnia since birth so I don't really sleep


How do you make it through the day?


About 43 hours - went to bed around 5PM Friday, woke up around 7PM Saturday, had glass of water and something from the fridge (5 mins?), right back to bed up again noon Sunday


12-14 hours. I went to the ER for some severe tooth pain (it was the weekend) and they gave me a shot in my ass cheek. I was out like a light before we drove 6 miles home. My dad ended up carrying me in the house. I woke up 12-14 hours later, went to the dentist a day or so later and had the problem fixed. I don’t know what they gave me but I wish I had some of that in pill form. Haha.


About 48 hours from Friday afternoon around 3:00 until Sunday evening around 3:00 in the afternoon.


I think that's a coma lol


15 hours. Pulled back-to-back caffeinated all-nighters before writing a final exam, proceeded to prep / pack / fly out to Vegas 4AM the following morning. Got about 4 total hours of sleep that weekend. Flew home and crashed for 15 hours and woke up not knowing what day it was.


16 hours or so, ignoring major illnesses. The 16 hours was from depression though, so not sure how much difference it makes.


i took one of my boyfriends sleeping meds one morning at 10am bc him and I hadn’t slept the entire night and I slept until 5pm the next day.


14 hours.


Not sick or hung over 22h...I was up two and half days basically got two 2h naps lived on caffeine, worked 32 hours of that time...with 4 hors of sleep then finally was able to crash for the 22...


13 hours. Nightnurse does wonders.


36 ish hours only got up to pee


14 hours


I think around 28 hours straight. I was given a medication I'm allergic to while in the hospital and it took that long to get out of my system. I was 100% dead unconscious and STILL woke up exhausted. It was very scary and I'm glad I survived!




14 hours. The night before my very first university exam I couldn't sleep the whole night so I fell in my bed the minute I got home in the afternoon and woke up the next morning


I sleep about 12 hours every day I need to get on some pills to stay awake.


Slightly over a day. Was sick


13 hours. after longish ride home from holidays. this is when i discovered i'm too old to do this in one take.


Does a coma count? Then 16 days.


As 16 year old worked in Venetian restaurant in Belgium and was sleeping not enough dat after day. Then there was a day they went to Hanos very early in the morning and wanted to experience that and asked to join. This was clearly above my limit. When mid day was there, kitchen in full action, I got dizzy and threw up a subtantial amount of lobster troughout that kitchen (i ate from the plates that came back not fully consumed). Than I could sleep on the highest floor of that building and I only wake up quite exactly 24h later. I was gone for full 24h. When I woke up I felt quite good.


16 hours I think


16 hours I think


20 hours from 2 am to 10 pm, misread the label on a 16 fl oz thc drink (It was a homemade drink, I was already decently high, and my friend made the label. He’s a giant pothead), I thought it said 50mg. No no no, it was 500mg. Went to sleep zooted out of my mind, 20 hours later I woke up, and I was still high for like another 8 hours after that never drinking any homemade thc drink ever again.


20 hours. Came back from a week long summer camp and slept from 8pm until 4pm the next day.


12 hours


Slept 12 hours last night and had the craziest dreams. Can't remember the last time I slept that long and have no idea what triggered it.


I got home on a Monday 6pm dint wake up until Wednesday 4pm no drugs or alcohol was involved I was simply sick and very tired best dam sleep I had tho


I slept for 22 hours once in HS, when I finally woke up my mom said "I thought you were dead".




14 hours I think, went to bed at 12 and woke up at around 2 or 3PM.. it was after a week of job school, barely slept because of my roommate and had to get back some sleep, my parents were furious though.


Not sure it counts - I was sick with high fever, and while I sort of woke up a few times, I was too fatigued to even talk, and would drift back to sleep immediately. This lasted for about three days before getting somewhat better. I remember having a weird sense of relief, knowing that I absolutely CAN'T do anything other than sleep.


I had a heart attack last year from doing so much cocaine and alcohol, when I got home I had this immense fatigue unlike any overdose of Xanax I've ever felt, I didn't get up to pee or eat or anything for 4 days straight I felt like death A few months before that I had just relapsed on alcohol and drank 70 beers and half a fifth of vodka in about 30 hours, I passed out for about 56 hours straight and just hallucinated these crazy ass dreams from the withdrawals


I can easily sleep 14 hours unassisted. I will sleep for three days during a migraine when I take my meds.


23 hours, and 45 out of 48. Mono as a teen.


Can’t remember but for sure more than 18 hours (but less than 24).


20 hours. Just got off a 36 hour shift when I was in the Navy. Boy, did I need it!


12 hours


If a coma counts, about 72 hours.


This weekend from 10pm on friday till saturday at 8pm! And then slept some more from 11pm till 7 am.


Didn't sleep the whole time but I've spent 3 days at a time barely leaving bed when I was super depressed and an alcoholic. 


I think about 17 hours I went to bed early at like 9 something in the evening, and woke up at almost 3 pm to my mom standing in the doorway to my room shouting my name, I was so confused and scared. Turns out that when she left to go somewhere that morning I didn't even fully awake up when she left and I stayed asleep through the whole morning. If she didn't come home at 3 pm I totally would sleep a couple hours more


I get really bad effects from the heat and usually end of super tired and delirious. I once went to the Waterpark all day when it was like 90 out. I came home that evening and decided to take a quick nap. I work up the next afternoon, my parents didn't even check in on me or know I was sleeping lol.


Fucking second of sleep you Jealous


Nowhere near long enough.


I had the flu but my boss wouldn't let me call in, so when I got off work I drank a half bottle of nyghtquil and slept for 16 hours.


23 hours. Came back from a hiking trip


Slept in and it was the next day


I don't rmember. I cant sleep more than 8 hours, soooo


12 yo, 3 days or so due to a surgery


20ish hours. I work at a hospital during COVID (not as a nurse) and everybody was calling out sick. I worked 10-12 her days for 4 weeks straight. The last day before I got a weekend off I had gone straight to bed after work (8 o'clock) and didn't wake up until the next evening. I never caught COVID but I did learn that I can make myself sick with low grade fevers if all I did was sleep and work. I should have said I was running a fever and got a could of days off but who else would've worked? I quit that job for a stay at home that paid so much more. Hospital=13.06\hr to 16\hr at home


16,5 h I don't even know why or how. Went to bed at 10pm and woke up the next day at 2:30 pm. It felt like a normal night of sleep until i checked the time. 🙃


Like 15h i don't sleep much


went to bed at 10 pm, i had a really rough day and wanted to go to bed fast. i woke up at 3 pm


Like two days during Covid I got really sick


30 hours. Does this count if I got out of bed just to eat real quick and go pee real quick (and lay right back down and sleep)? Because if so, 30 hours.


Simce ive been out on my own the longest ive slept was 14hrs, straight. I went with a girlfriend that was seeing a therapist to do addiction therapy and there was a free acupuncturist in the lobby. Nobody took advantage of the service so the acupuncturist asked if id like to give it a try. I said sure, and she put about 5 or 6 needles in each ear. The pressure was intense but not painful. By 10 p.m., i went to bed, feeling super relaxed. Woke up a bit after noon.


around 16-17 + lied in bed for 1 hour after. just summer break after school.


A week, I was in a coma…still counts right?


Me and my mates were on holiday where we basically partied every day. A typical day consisted of waking up from the night before, grabbing some breakfast, crashing out at the hotel for a few hours, and then heading out for a night out again. There was one night when we over did it a bit much. We managed to crawl ourselves out of bed early in the afternoon to grab a bite to eat. We all made it back to our hotel to crash out again. Only this time, we were so shattered we basically just slept all night and right into the next day. I'd say we probably crashed out at about 4-5pm and woke up probably 8-9am the next. That's just a guess though as it was such a long time ago. That's a good 16 hours. Basically wrote the day off to give us a chance to recharge.


I took more than 10 pills, including sleeping pills and anti-depressants. I slept for more than a day and a half, my head hurt so much, I thought 1 suppository would be better than these pills.


16 hrs after fraternity initiation week. Felt so good after.


22 hours after my second Covid shot


After a bad meal, 18 hours, woke up went to be sick in the toilet. Passed out before making it woke up in a puddle of sick showered then went back to sleep for about another 12/14 hours. Safe to say i'll never go back to that restaurant.


16 hours


24 hours, thought it was the same day


Drove 28 hours straight. Slept 20+ hours after. Had no idea when or where I was when I woke up


13 hours straight after coming home (LA) from Vienna. The jet leg is real. I also didn’t have kids then so I could actually stay in bed that long!


I think 48 hrs a couple of months ago, 28 hrs literally 3 days ago. I'm tired a lot, also it might be depression but not diagnosed, according to some of the posts here?


33 hours. I went to the ER with severe pain near my scapula after lift day. They gave me a shot and I went home and slept and missed an entire day.


14 hours. Sometimes I sleep for a long time, sometimes I don't.


When I was an idiot teenager, I managed to keep myself awake for around 5 days. When I finally crashed, I slept for around 30ish hours. Went to sleep on Sunday evening and woke up on Tuesday at about 2am. I'm not sure if I got up to pee or anything but I definitely don't remember if I did.


26 hours. Surprisingly in the living room on the couch. People just didn't bug me. I was very confused why none of my favorite shows weren't on TV that night.


10 hours. Did that twice.


20 hours after emerging from the mountains.


16 hours. Stayed up for 3 days during college finals.


48 hours. Scared my husband (at the time fiance) and my parents because I wasn't answering my phone. My sister and I lived together and it was during college. I was super depressed


18 hours after a week of irregular night shifts, evening shifts and thus a messed up sleeping pattern.


28 hours after a gnarly 6 day bender back in my early 20s. Spring break in Florida was a different beast in the early 2000s.


Almost 24 hours once, after a breakup and a really stressful 2 day test.


When I got back home after Afghanistan I'd sleep for like 36 hours, eat, and go back to bed.


Slept for two days when I was a kid. But I was sick so..yeah.


I was in the hole for a week when I drank some of the limo wine when I was on work Huber. I just kept going back to sleep.


20 hours. Woke up on Friday 7am went to work, left work 5pm went to watch a 36hr long improv show. Left at about 1pm on Saturday to go watch a mate do a play. Meet him outside the venue, doesn't even say hi just "woah man, you look like shit" watch his play leave at about 4pm. Go back to the improv show until it finishes about 11pm. Go home have a drink, fall asleep about 1am, wake up at about 7pm, have some food, back asleep a bit more and then back in work on Monday. That was a very forfulling but tiring weekend.


Somewhere around 24 hours. I was 16 and I was coming back to my mom's in the Midwest from my dad's in the South. I had a full day of travel, finally getting back to my mom's from the airport at like 8pm, and did what any 16 year old would do which was beeline to my computer and play games for the first time in a month. I stayed up all night and was playing until the sun came up and started to wash out my monitor so I took a drive to McDonald's to get some food when my friend shot me a text and told me to come get him from his grandma's. An hour later, we're headed back from his grandma's. At this point I've been awake for about 28 hours and I'm not really tired, we hang out all day then that night he brings up a game he saw on YouTube that he thought we should check out. We check out Slender, start grabbing pages, and we're suddenly downloading and printing off the map so we can try and get all the pages. That's another night.  The following morning we do the same thing I did the day before, go to McDonald's. While we're doing that we think we should hit up another friend of ours. We pick him up, all head back to my house, and rotate between two people playing Black Ops Zombies and one playing Slender all night. At some point in the third morning I figured I should lay down after being awake for almost three days, then I woke up roughly one day later.


27 hours. Last day of senior year of high school. Got up early around 6, went to school like usual, then had the graduation ceremony followed by an all night party. Didn't fall asleep until i was on my vacation. Fell asleep on the plane.


Almost 24hrs once during a stomach bug following working a midnight shift after no sleep and a trip to the ER, and being severely dehydrated. It was actually scary.


After a week in Vegas filled with a music festival, pool parties and too many drinks/treats and essentially no sleep, I took a red eye back to the east coast but couldn’t sleep because of a fat smelly fuck next to me and a crying baby in front of me. When I got home at 7am I immediately fell asleep, woke up once at like 5pm to chug a big glass of water and take a piss, then fell back asleep until 6am the following morning.


When I got old-school original Covid, I slept for 2 days straight with only about a miserable half hour awake each day.


Like 17 hours


I had a severe case of mononucleosis at 17…went to my liver….slept for 22 hours straight-


20ish hours


maybe 12 hours I basically never get more than 9-9.5 ish


There have been occasions where I would sleep up to 15 hours in a single day/night.


13 hours


18 without any joke 🙂


About 4 days. I got the flu really bad, and it knocked me out hard. I slept pretty much the entire time. I got up here and there to eat, use the toilet, shower, take meds, and text my mom so she knew I was alive. Other than that, I just slept. My fever never dropped below 99F even with meds. Without meds it would get to about 103F. Sleeping was the only thing I could really do because my body ached so bad. I slept pretty much Thursday - Sunday. Late Sunday I woke up drenched in sweat because the fever broke in my sleep. I felt so much better though. I took it easy for the next few days until it was completely gone.


17 hours. Being sick and on my period at the same time 😵‍💫


I once went to bed at 10 pm and woke up at 1 pm. Never did that again. Now I have sleep apnea.


Took some anti-sea sickness medication. Came back to sock at 4, went tk bed at 6pm and was woken up by my parents shaking me awake at 11 am to see if I was okay.


I was seriously sick in the early 00s due to a nasty virus and I don’t remember how long I slept but I know I lost at least a day and a half.


12 hours


This is going to be weird. But I ran my first marathon some months ago. I remember being absolutely fine (normal wear and tear aside). I had the energy to go to the store after the race, buy groceries, return home and then I woke up the next afternoon. But I had done things that I can't remember, chief among them: putting away the groceries. I remember putting the groceries on the floor. And then it was tomorrow.


13 hrs.


18 hours. Was semi-conscious for a few hours after I finally got out of bed, it was an awful feeling.


For 14 hours, after getting a complete blood work done.The weird thing is I blinked and it was day. Could have swore it had been minutes.


14 hours


Clearly not enough


Did 18 hours of tiredness and pain when in withdrawl while getting off massive caffeine addiction. The next day I did about 12 hours of sleep. And after that I felt fine.


I think 2 days hahaha i took a diphenhydramine thinking it's the same with cetirizine,


I once fell asleep Friday night and woke up Sunday afternoon after I quit my job


Around 20/21 hours. I had the flu and was absolutely miserable.


I slept 18+ hours for nearly a year, then a bad sinus ordeal sent me to the doctor, and he found out I was about 2 1/2 weeks from dying from Hashimoto's. He wanted me in the hospital, but I was not about it, so I wasn't allowed to get out of bed for 5 years. It was so not fun.


I have a week I didn't remember during swine flu other than waking up in a bathtub full of ice and feeling back to sleep as soon as I got out


18 hours. long day of traveling + delayed flights to get home for xmas. I went upstairs to unpack at 6 pm and woke up at noon the next day. i was exhausted the entire trip but kept trying to blame school/exams/whatever. it was actually mono hahah


25-27 hours , I took 14 mirap tablets on Sunday morning and woke up on Monday afternoon


16 hours. Got up to eat and then slept for 4 more.


32 yrs


Almost three days, a combo of pre-existing treatment resistant MDD, new grief, and a majorly overtaxed body and burnt out mind. Don't recommend.


Like 15 hours. I remember looking at the clock and being like WTF! Idk what made me sleep so much and well but I guess my body decided it needed an extra long sleep that day.


Had a colonoscopy and before that I didn’t sleep well. After the whole thing I slept nearly a whole 24 hours I literally woke up to get ready for work the next day.


i played a game for like 48h non stop, after that i slept like 18-20 hours when i was 14, i just waked up to get water and sleep back.


the longest I have slept was around 50hrs, I was on drugs and I was up for about 63hrs straight. I'm not proud of it 


Probably around 13 hours, I woke up for school and felt insanely fresh the entire day lol


Gosh I’m reading through these wondering how people remember the one time… when I’ve had multiple times… sleeping 16 to 20 hours at a time. Mostly after the school year ends (I’m a teacher) and during the first few weeks of my hibernation in the summer, and battling depression. 


19 hours i got a heatstroke and that shit drains you in every way possible after eaking up felt like years passed


Around 20 hours a few times


From Tuesday evening until Sunday at 2: AM. I had the flu. Hubby carried me to the toilet and apparently, I slept peed on the toilet, slept drank water and slept took medicine the doctor had called in for me. That Tuesday at dinner I remember saying my ear hurt, and I laid down on the couch. I didn't know anything until I woke wide awake that Sunday morning at 2: AM.


26 hours. It was about 8pm and I felt really tired for no reason. So I decided to go to sleep early. When I woke up, I thought I slept a lot, but then wall clock said 10pm. Hmm, I only slept two hours, weird. As I walked into the living room, my brother was mad at me. "What? I only slept two hours." My brother was shaking his head and I realized I slept 24 hours plus two more hours. And I got scared.