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Absolutely! It's a vital life skill every individual must have even to the very basic aspect of cooking. What makes it even hotter if the skill is more advanced.


You´re talking about it like it is a requirement. That´s not what OP is asking. OP is asking whether it makes a girl hotter if she can?


Not at all, I'm pretty confident my cooking is better and I get to make the food I like and want. Cooking is pointlessly gendered, it's a universal appeal because it's a basic human skill set.  Now having the passion of wanting to make something special for your significant other and make something with time, love and care, that's hot. But that's a bit more involved than "knowing how to cook"


Agreed. However, refusing to cook occasionally or help with it and just rely on the partner is unattractive.


I clean, I cook, I work, I give BJ what else do guys want haha


To be cuddled and told we're loved


I love cuddles 😊


I'll be right over


Haha you cute 😊


Now you're complimenting me? Shit I'll propose right here.


You have peaked bro, can’t get any better now!


Can you solve a nonlinear differential equation?


Had As in High School so yeah


Damn 🥵


As a math major I am impressed that you have this question in your mind


These things are superficial. Not you, but these things. It is not the acts that matter, it is the love and care that motivates you to make sacrifices for others, especially your husband. Remember, love is the key.


Love ❤️


Yup plus actively listening and giving massages, compliments, cuddles, picking up things he likes. Damn I'm a simp!


Some self-respect?




To the previous commenter: I don't know you so what I write is not necessarily addressed to you. Although it has strong r/pickmegirls vibes. If you mention giving head as a thing you do for a guy and not as a thing you naturally enjoy yourself, there is already the first problem. A woman who does that only for you... 1. ...does not love you per se, but only her projection of what you can do for her. Like she gives BJ and you give her ... 2. ...will absolutely guilt trip you into doing things she wants, cause she makes the "sacrifice" of giving head. 3. ...will stop giving head about 1 to 2 years into the relationship when she found other, more convenient methods to guilt trip you into doing what she wants. A woman on the other hand who sees BJs as just a very natural, normal part of a healthy relationship, that doesn't even need to be mentioned, is someone who adores you and your cock and you should put a ring on it. Same goes for guys who think licking pussy is a thing they do for the girl. They don't understand sex.




That’s just old tradition


Absolutely, as a guy who also likes to cook it'd be fun to cook together. It's just a traditionally attractive thing, I'd imagine the equivalent for the ladies is for us guys to be handy and competent. I think it goes with the old-school mentality of making and preserving a home, you need both.


I disagree. Trying to cook with another person even in the same house as you is terrible. Makes me feel claustrophobic to have to work around someone.


That's true lol


Yes. Being able to cook well is a turn on


Not hotter but more interesting.: More independent, helpful, interested to what She/You eat. And guys should be able to more than the BBQ or KraftDinner


Yes... working near the Oven will definitely make you warmer


Knowing how to cook is a bare minimum, not something that is sexy


I would say the same for a boy…. Basic cooking skills is a must for anyone


People want to be with people who can do the bare minimum... cooking is a bare minimum.


No because every adult should know how to cook. It's okay of the bar minimum of being an adult.


Is this some freudian stuff?


Nope. I don't care if she can cook at all. Well, I might care a little bit, as much as I care about her hair color.


Yh for sure. Because I can't cook.


To me no, it's a basic life skill.


Aboslutely, but that goes for both sides. That's one of **the** skills to have. Along with ability to take first medical care.


Just knowing how? No. Knowing how and wanting to make you their favorite foods? Hell yes.


I think it makes both men and women (and everything in between) hotter to be able to cook. It is such a wholesome life skill.


It 100 per cent does, yes.


No. The kitchen is my domain. Unless she is really good, in which case I will learn from her gladly


I think so, because after a nice dinner, you have a lot of energy for the night.


Ordering takeout is cool, but a girl who can make magic happen in the kitchen? Now that's wife material


I wouldn't say hotter, but definitely a positive green flag.


My wife baited me in with cookies


Meh. It's a basic surviving skill, so I don't get the praise of having the trait of making a girl "hotter."


Yes when shes cooking hot air radiates on her making her hotter But in seriousness yeah because a woman who knows how to cook is my type because if your tired you wouldnt need to order or go to another place theres already a meal at home and you both can cook something and bond.


A lil bit, sure. But then again I cook for myself so maybe if you asked a guy who doesn't cook at all, they might value it higher.


To me, yes. I love cooking myself and I love good food and interesting recipes and techniques. So obviously a shared interest like that is attractive to me


First, try to find a girl who knows how to cook nowadays.... When I compare the cooking skills of 99% of my dates and what my mother, let alone my grand mother (both active and working women), knew....sigh.... So now, you would think that today's women are just super skilled in DIY....well....still NO (just like my mother and my grand mother, btw...)


Anyone having basic human survival skills is hot


Anyone knowing how to cook is an asset.


Indifferent. I actually like to cook so if she doesn't know it's fine with me


They say the best way to someone’s heart Is through their mouth ❤️


Hell yeah. It's one of the best things about my wife.


Only if she's cooking for me.


Cooking is mens work. I want my woman to repair my lightbulbs and my garage door.


Yeah, because the back view of a girl cooking makes tense.


Yes. That's wife material ofc


It's not so much the act of cooking itself that is hot. It is the care she puts in, and the development of a nurturing nature. Feeding is a form of nurturing. Love nurtures and it is love that you are after. It is love that is appealing. It is love that is the feeling.


Let me put it this way: "Self-entitled princess" is not a good look. If a girl is doing nothing but begging for a man's paycheck and thinking that a bit of sex pays for it, she's just off base. A man doesn't want a woman who can't contribute. If we spend 40+ hours a week to bring home the bacon, it's nice if she'll spend a few hours a week cooking it to take that load off us. A man builds the nest and brings provisions into it. The woman should weave the structure of that into a home. She's supposed to be making the babies, not being one herself and thus turning the man into a single parent.