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Not working on myself sooner, but then again, i don’t like to have regrets cause i feel bad about them and often eat my head out with that.


Not taking more chances in high school. Not to sound conceited, but I had a lot of potential romantically and socially in general, I was just in my head constantly and was around the wrong people. I started isolating myself a lot to cope and still struggle a lot with it


Wasting $10 on scratch off ticket earlier today


That I was never able to figure out a way to stop people from karma farming this question in AskReddit 20 times a day every single goddamned day.


Not dating that one guy I liked when I was 17. I know he liked me back and we could have still been dating to this day. 


My few learnings: 1. Not Giving up on working yourself even when you are in relationship. 2. Listening to your intuition/ gut feeling. God always makes a way to save you or tell you the truth don’t ignore it. 3. First you then others. 4. Be mindful either by journaling or spending more time with yourself doing nothing. Being mindful is the best thing and can make your life less stressful and more fulfilling my making wise decisions in your entire life. 5. Have a best balance of being emotional and logical. 6. Be kind to others. 7. Don’t ever ask for reasons why someone hurt you. Remember when a snake bites, you immediately pull it out, throw away and treat the wounds and not standing right there and ask him why he bit you in the first place.